Climaconeis koenigii A.K.S.K. Prasad in Prasad, A.K.S.K., Riddle, K.A. & J.A. Nienow 2000, p. 200; fig. 1-17, 43
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Prasad, A.K.S.K., Riddle, K.A. and Nienow, J.A. 2000 [ref. 010561]. Marine diatom genus Climaconeis (Berkeleyaceae, Bacillariophyta): two new species, Climaconeis koenigii and C. colemaniae, from Florida Bay, USA. Phycologia 39(3):199-211. |
Type | Holotype: Slide BM 100255, deposited at the Natural History Museum, London, UK, bears several specimens; the holotype specimen can be located with England Finder (Graticules Ltd., UK) coordinates M-44-4, and it measures 318 µm in length and 4.8 µmin width at the centre. Isotypes: Slides PC 98068, PC 98069, PC 98071, and PC 98073, available in the senior author's collections (PC, Prasad Collections). | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | 80º49'31”W, 24º58'41”N, near Rabbit Key, Florida Bay, USA, collected 1 October 1997 with a 64 µm-mesh plankton net. Salinity 35%. | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |