World Checklist of Extant Mecoptera Species


BOREIDAE (Winter Scorpion-flies)

Winter Scorpion-flies are very small (3 to 5 mm length) mecopterans which are adapted to boreal and high altitude environments. Larvae are scarabiform, forming cells amongst moss rhizoids, on which they feed. Most adult boreids feed on moss leaves, which the highly modified Caurinus dectes feeds on liverworts. Adults are active during the winter months in the more southern part of their distribution, mating and laying eggs amongst the mosses. Adults of Alaskan species are active during the Spring and Summer months. The greatest species diversity is to be found along the Pacific Coast of North America. Adults have adapted to the colder environment by becoming dark in color, presumably to better absorb the winter sunshine. They also have wings reduced to narrow straps in males and short, rounded stubs in females, presumably to reduce body surface area. Females also have an elongate, tubular ovipositor. They have the ability to hop, and some specialists think that they may share a direct ancestral link with fleas.

Boreusbeybienkoi 1962Kyrghyzstan
BoreusborealisBanks1923U.S.A. (AK)
Boreus brumalis Fitch1847U.S.A. (DC, IL, MA, MI, MN, NY, OH, TN, VA, WS), Canada (PQ)
BoreuscalifornicusPackard1870U.S.A. (AZ, CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, WA, WY), Canada (AB, BC)
= BoreusunicolorHine1901
= BoreusisolatusCarpenter1935
= Boreuscalifornicus fuscusCarpenter1935
BoreuschadzhigirejiPliginsky1914Ukraine (Crimea)
Boreus coloradensis Byers1955U.S.A. (CO, MT, UT, WY)
BoreuselegansCarpenter1935U.S.A. (WA), Canada (BC)
Boreushyemalis(Linnaeus)1767 Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland
= PanorpahyemalisLinnaeus1767
= GryllusproboscideusPanzer1796
= BoreusgigasBrauer1876
BoreusintermediusLloyd 1934 U.S.A. (AK)
BoreusjezoensisHori and Morimoto1996Japan
BoreusnavasiPliginsky1914Ukraine (Crimea)
= BoreusaktijariPliginsky1914Ukraine (Crimea)
Boreus nivoriundus Fitch1847U.S.A. (MA, ME, NH, NY, OH, TN, VT)
BoreusnixCarpenter1935U.S.A. (AK, MT), Canada (BC)
= BoreusgracilisCarpenter1935
BoreusorientalisMartynova1954Far Eastern Russia
BoreuspilosusCarpenter1935U.S.A. (MT), Canada (AB, BC)
BoreusreductusCarpenter1933U.S.A. (ID, MT, NV, WA), Canada (BC)
BoreussemenoviPliginsky1930Far Eastern Russia
BoreussjoestedtiNavás1925Far Eastern Russia (Kamtchatka Peninsula)
BoreusvlasoviMartynova1954Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan
BoreuswestwoodiHagen1866Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, European Russia
= BoreusboldyreviNavás1911
= BoreustarnaniiNavás 1911
CaurinusdectesRussell1979U.S.A. (OR)
Hesperoboreusbrevicaudus(Byers)1961U.S.A. (OR, WA)
= BoreusbrevicaudusByers1961
Hesperoboreusnotoperates(Cooper)1972U.S.A. (CA)
= BoreusnotoperatesCooper1972

Last Update: 31 October 1997

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