California Academy of SciencesHerpetology

The online database is set to retrieve data for CAS specimens from the Philippines.  Most of the W.C. Brown and A.C. Alcala material have accompanying field notes.  Links to the field notes are displayed on the right side of the full record display (check full records in the Display Options section of the query form).  For much of the Brown and Alcala material, there are two field note pages for each individual specimen.  The Specimen Data Records (SDR) lists field number, locality (often abbreviated), date, taxon, collector(s), and remarks.  The Field Data Records (FDR) notes give date, a more detailed locality description, environmental conditions, vegetation type, collector(s), and additional remarks.  The SDR’s are linked to the database records by field number.  The SDR’s are linked to the FDR’s by site number (listed in the locality section of the SDR’s and on the top left of the FDR’s).

Searches for specific islands should include the island name and Id. (eg. Palawan Id.).

>>Philippine Specimen Database<<


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