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SU 7723 Leuciscus phalacrocorax Jordan [D. S.] & Fowler [H. W.], 1903 Holotype  [Collection database record]
phalacrocorax, Leuciscus Jordan [D. S.] & Fowler [H. W.] 1903:845, Fig. 7 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 26 (no. 1334); ref. 2463] Tana River at Tachikawa, Japan. Holotype: CAS-SU 7723. Paratypes: USNM 50784 (6, not found in 1980). Additional material: BMNH 1905.2.4.84 (1); CAS-SU 7149 (32), 8096 (3). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:33 [ref. 12291]. Correct spelling of species is hakonensis, see that account. •Synonym of Tribolodon hakonensis (Günther 1877), but a valid subspecies phalacrocorax (Jordan & Fowler 1903) -- (Okada 1961:478 [ref. 6363] with species as hokuensis). •Synonym of Tribolodon hakonensis (Günther 1877) -- (Dyldin & Orlov 2016:666 [ref. 34853]). •Synonym of Pseudaspius hakonensis (Günther 1877). Current status: Synonym of Pseudaspius hakonensis (Günther 1877). Cyprinidae: Pseudaspininae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.
  thumbnail image of photograph of SU 7723 Leuciscus phalacrocorax Holotype thumbnail image of radiograph of SU 7723 Leuciscus phalacrocorax Holotype
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© 2001 California Academy of Sciences


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