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CAS 94257 Poropuntius bolovenensis glaridostoma Roberts [T. R.], 1998 Holotype  [Collection database record]
glaridostoma, Poropuntius bolovenensis morpha Roberts [T. R.] 1998:126, Figs. 5-6 [Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society v. 46 (no. 1); ref. 23549] Xe Nam Noi, 300 meters downstream from primary dam site of Xe Nam Noi-Xe-Pian, Bolovens Plateau, Sekong watershead, southern Laos. Holotype: CAS 94257. Paratypes: CAS 94258-60 (10, 1, 2) Described as an intraspecific trophic morph. Not available; see comments under Poropuntius bolovenensis Roberts 1998. Regarded as infrasubspecific and unavailable by Kottelat 2000:46 [ref. 25040]. •Infrasubspecific in the synonymy of Poropuntius lobocheiloides Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2013:144 [ref. 32989]). •In the synonymy of Poropuntius deauratus (Valenciennes 1842). Current status: Synonym of Poropuntius deauratus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Cyprininae.
  thumbnail image of photograph of CAS 94257 Poropuntius bolovenensis glaridostoma Holotype thumbnail image of radiograph of CAS 94257 Poropuntius bolovenensis glaridostoma Holotype
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