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SU 6351 Antennarius tagus Heller [E.] & Snodgrass [R. E.], 1903 Holotype  [Collection database record]
tagus, Antennarius Heller [E.] & Snodgrass [R. E.] 1903:226, Pl. 20 [Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences v. 5; ref. 2089] Tagus Cove, Isabela Island [Albemarle Island], Galápagos Islands. Holotype (unique): CAS-SU 6351. Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:148 [ref. 12291], Pietsch & Arnold 2020:235 [ref. 38284]. •Synonym of Antennarius sanguineus Gill 1863 -- (Pietsch & Grobecker 1987:157 [ref. 20669], Dyer & Westneat 2010:599 [ref. 31446]). •Synonym of Abantennarius sanguineus (Gill 1863) -- (Pietsch & Arnold 2020:234 [ref. 38284]). Current status: Synonym of Abantennarius sanguineus (Gill 1863). Antennariidae. Habitat: marine.
thumbnail image of illustration of SU 6351 Antennarius tagus Holotype thumbnail image of photograph of SU 6351 Antennarius tagus Holotype thumbnail image of radiograph of SU 6351 Antennarius tagus Holotype
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