truncata, Arbaciosa Heller [E.] & Snodgrass [R. E.] 1903:216, Pl. 14 [Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences v. 5; ref. 2089] Tagus Cove, Isabela Island [Albemarle Island], Galápagos Islands. Holotype: CAS-SU 6341. Paratypes: CAS-SU 7058 (1), 16456 (3), 21193 (25). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:145 [ref. 12291]. •Synonym of Tomicodon chilensis Brisout de Barneville 1846 -- (Briggs 1955:68 [ref. 637]). Current status: Synonym of Tomicodon chilensis Brisout de Barneville 1846. Gobiesocidae: Gobiesocinae. Habitat: marine.