Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Sep 2024


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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tibicen, Aspredo Valenciennes [A.] (ex Temminck) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:438 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Suriname. Holotype (unique): RMNH 3111. Type information: Boeseman 1972:304 [ref. 19698]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:58 [ref. 29155]. For locality information see Boeseman 1972:304 [ref. 19698]. •Valid as Aspredinichthys tibicen (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Mees 1987:188 [ref. 11510], Cervigón 1992:261 [ref. 23827], Le Bail et al. 2000:156 [ref. 24549], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Ferraris 2003:862 [ref. 26999], Friel in Reis et al. 2003:262 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:58 [ref. 29155], Phillip et al. 2013:18 [ref. 32896], Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Koerber et al. 2022:54 [ref. 39235] unconfirmed, Taphorn et al. 2022:42 [ref. 41297], Carvalho-Filho 2023:74 [ref. 40480]). Current status: Valid as Aspredinichthys tibicen (Valenciennes 1840). Aspredinidae: Aspredininae. Distribution: South America: lower portions of coastal rivers and in coastal waters (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

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