Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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arquatus, Suezichthys Russell [B. C.] 1985:15, Pl. 3 (figs A-B); Figs. 1, 6c, 7b [Indo-Pacific Fishes No. 2; ref. 5235] Nursery Cove (35°28'S, 174°44'E), Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand, depth 13 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.6158. Paratypes: AMS I.17273-001 (1), I.17400-003 (1), I.18406-001 (2), I.18407-001 (1), I.18408-001 (1), I.18773-002 (1), I.19731-006 (1); BMNH 1975.7.1.1-2 (2); BPBM 19588 (3); NMNZ P.6158-61 (1, 1, 1, 2). Type catalog: Hardy 1990:11 [ref. 18942]. •Valid as Suezichthys arquatus Russell 1985 -- (Paulin et al. 1989:208 [ref. 24556], Kuiter 1993:278 [ref. 23929], Francis 1993:165 [ref. 25479], Kuiter 1997:286 [ref. 25488], Parenti & Randall 2000:40 [ref. 24943], Nakabo 2000:983 [ref. 25182], Westneat 2001:3403 [ref. 26277], Nakabo 2002:983 [ref. 26193], Randall 2005:437 [ref. 28239], Allen et al. 2006:1412 [ref. 29095], Kuiter 2010:248 [ref. 35285], Russell & Westneat 2013:91 [ref. 32655], Duffy & Ahyong 2015:116 [ref. 36167]). Current status: Valid as Suezichthys arquatus Russell 1985. Labridae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

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