Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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thysi, Tilapia Stiassny [M. L. J.], Schliewen [U. K.] & Dominey [W. J.] 1992:335, Figs. 16-17; Pl. 2c [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 3 (no. 4); ref. 20001] Lake Bermin, 5°09'30.00"N, 9°38'0.00"E, Sout West Province, Nguti subdivision, Cameroon. Holotype: ZSM 28390. Paratypes: AMNH 98272 (2); ZSM 27628 (10, 1 c&s), 27633 (2, 1 c&s). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:253 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Tilapia thysi Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey 1992 -- (Stiassny et al. 2007:373 [ref. 30045], Dunz & Schliewen 2010:279 [ref. 31064], Dunz & Schliewen 2012:18 [ref. 31983]). •Valid as Coptodon thysi (Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey 1992) -- (Dunz & Schliewen 2013:73 [ref. 32672]) Current status: Valid as Coptodon thysi (Stiassny, Schliewen & Dominey 1992). Cichlidae: Pseudocrenilabrinae. Distribution: West-central Africa: Lake Bermin, Cameroon. Habitat: freshwater.

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