milberti, Carcharias (Prionodon) Valenciennes [A.] in Müller & Henle 1839:38, [Pl. 19 (teeth)] [Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen; ref. 3069] Mediterranean Sea; Atlantic; New York, U.S.A., western North Atlantic. Syntypes: (3) MNHN 0000-1142 (1), RMNH uncat, (1, whereabouts unknown), ZMB 4467 (1). Type catalog: Bertin 1939:71 [ref. 20739], Paepke & Schmidt 1988:166 [ref. 21041]. •Synonym of Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo 1827) -- (Compagno 1973:25 [ref. 7163], Garrick 1982:132 [ref. 5454], Branstetter in Whitehead et al. 1984:109 [ref. 13675], Compagno 1984:493 [ref. 6846], Springer 1990:106 [ref. 19320], Randall 1995:33 [ref. 22896], Compagno & Niem 1998:1345 [ref. 23787], Aguilera 1998:45 [ref. 24221], Compagno 2003:487 [ref. 26984], Espinosa Pérez et al. 2004:58 [ref. 27705] with author as Valenciennes, Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:27 [ref. 27735] with author as Valenciennes, Randall 2005:13 [ref. 28239] with author as Valenciennes, Randall 2007:35 [ref. 30952] with author as Valenciennes, Lipej & Dulčić 2010:9 [ref. 36649], Voigt & Weber 2011:89 [ref. 31424] with author as Valenciennes, Castro 2011:453 [ref. 31457], Dyldin 2015:53 [ref. 34524] with authorship as Müller & Henle, Compagno 2016:1315 [ref. 34544], Golani 2021:8 [ref. 38303]). Current status: Synonym of Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo 1827). Carcharhinidae. Habitat: brackish, marine.