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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the family or subfamily Channichthyidae: [ 30 ] records aceratus, Chaenichthys Lönnberg [E.] 1906:(5) 97 [Kongliga Vetenskaps-Academiens Handlingar, Stockholm n. s., Series 4, v. 40 (no. 5); ref. 12988] South Georgia Island, South Atlantic. Holotype (unique): NRM SYD/1904508.3001. •Valid as Cryodraco aceratus Lönnberg 1906 -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153]). •Valid as Chaenocephalus aceratus (Lönnberg 1906) -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:381 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:426 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Pequeño 1997:84 [ref. 23536], Frolkina et al. 1998:130 [ref. 24763], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Prirodina 2002:733 [ref. 26573], Balushkin 2000:S99 [ref. 29555], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264], Uzunova et al. 2020:[4] [ref. 37628], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Chaenocephalus aceratus (Lönnberg 1906). Channichthyidae. Distribution: South Atlantic: South Georgia, South Orkney Islands. Habitat: marine. aelitae, Channichthys Shandikov [G. A.] 1995:16, Fig. [UNGNIRO Spetsial'nyi Vypusk No. 2; ref. 22659] Southwestern Indian Ocean, 49°54'S, 70°16'E, depth 161 meters. Holotype: NMNHU 4575a. Paratypes: NMNHU 4575b (2). Type catalog: Manilo 2021:30 [ref. 39358]. •Valid as Channichthys aelitae Shandikov 1995 -- (Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234]). •Synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844 -- (Nikolaeva 2020:488 [ref. 38111]). Current status: Synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. antarcticus, Cryodraco Dollo [L.] 1900:130 [5] [Bulletin de l'Academie Royal de Belgique (Cl. Sci.) 1900, No. 2; ref. 1132] Antarctic, 71°22'S, 88°38'W [or 71°18'S, 88°02'W], depth 450 meters. Holotype (unique): IRSNB 1. Type catalog: Walschaerts 1987:43 [ref. 20755]. On p. 5 of separate. •Valid as Cryodraco antarcticus Dollo 1900 -- (Pequeño 1989:65 [ref. 14125], Iwami & Kock 1990:392 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:433 [ref. 21297], Balushkin 1996:13 [ref. 23191], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S99 [ref. 29555], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264]). •Valid as Pagetodes antarcticus (Dollo 1900) -- (Sheiko 2019:66 [ref. 37173], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Pagetodes antarcticus (Dollo 1900). Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Antarctica; South Atlantic: South Orkney Islands. Habitat: marine. atkinsoni, Cryodraco Regan [C. T.] 1914:13 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 13 (no. 73); ref. 3661] Ross Sea, Antarctica, 74°25'S, 179°03'W, depth 158 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1913.12.4.188. •Synonym of Cryodraco antarcticus Dollo 1900 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:392 [ref. 21699]). •Valid as Cryodraco atkinsoni Regan 1914 -- (Regan 1916:377 [ref. 40111], Miller 1993:436 [ref. 21297], Balushkin 1996:13 [ref. 23191], Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S99 [ref. 29555], La Mesa et al. 2022:8 [ref. 39287]). •Valid as Pagetodes atkinsoni (Regan 1914) -- (Sheiko 2019:66 [ref. 37173], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Pagetodes atkinsoni (Regan 1914). Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. bospori, Channichthys Shandikov [G. A.] 1995:14, Fig. 6 [UNGNIRO Spetsial'nyi Vypusk No. 2; ref. 22659] Southwestern Indian Ocean, 48°22'05"N, 70°44'E, depth 126 meters. Holotype: NMNHU 5106. Paratypes: NMNHU 5107-08 (2, 2). Type catalog: Manilo 2021:30 [ref. 39358]. •Valid as Channichthys bospori Shandikov 1995 -- (Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234]). •Synonym of Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 2005 -- (Nikolaeva 2019:559 [ref. 37779]). Current status: Synonym of Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 1995. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. bouvetensis, Chaenocephalus Nybelin [O.] 1947:51, Pl. 6 (figs. 1-2) [Scientific Results of the Norwegian Antarctic Expeditions (1927-1931). v. 2 (no. 26); ref. 3234] Bouvet Island, South Atlantic, depth about 30 meters. Syntypes: (2) not saved. Based on photographs of 2 specimens. •Synonym of Chaenocephalus aceratus (Lönnberg 1906) -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:382 [ref. 21699]). Current status: Synonym of Chaenocephalus aceratus (Lönnberg 1906). Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. dewitti, Chionobathyscus Andriashev [A. P.] & Neelov [A. V.] 1978:8, Fig. 1 [Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publications, Leningrad.; ref. 123] Eastern Antarctic Ocean, 67°31'S, 33°05'W, depth 850 meters. Holotype: ZIN 43260. Paratypes: ZIN 43260A (1), 43262-63 (2, 1). •Valid as Cryodraco dewitti (Andriashev & Neelov 1978) -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153]). •Valid as Chionobathyscus dewitti Andriashev & Neelov 1978 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:388 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:430 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova & Aibulatov 2005:421 [ref. 28293], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307], Kim et al. 2021:204 [ref. 39117], Wang et al. 2024:4 [ref. 41309]). Current status: Valid as Chionobathyscus dewitti Andriashev & Neelov 1978. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. esox, Chaenichthys Günther [A.] 1861:89 [4] [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) v. 7 (no. 38) (art. 12); ref. 1966] Port Famine, Strait of Magellan. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1857.6.13.97 (stuffed). On p. 4 of separate. •Valid as Champsocephalus esox (Günther 1861) -- (Nakamura in Nakamura et al. 1986:260 [ref. 14235], Pequeño 1989:65 [ref. 14125], Iwami & Kock 1990:384 [ref. 21699], Lloris & Rucabado 1991:130 [ref. 22530], Miller 1993:393 [ref. 21297], López et al. 1996:54 [ref. 23681], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:328 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Nión et al. 2016:51 [ref. 35565], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307], Kim et al. 2021:202 [ref. 39117]). Current status: Valid as Champsocephalus esox (Günther 1861). Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean. Habitat: marine. fasciatus, Chaenodraco Regan [C. T.] 1914:14 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 13 (no. 73); ref. 3661] McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 77°13'S, 164°18'E, depth 207 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1913.12.4.190. •Synonym of Chaenodraco wilsoni Regan 1914 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:383 [ref. 21699]). Current status: Synonym of Chaenodraco wilsoni Regan 1914. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. georgianus, Pseudochaenichthys Norman [J. R.] 1937:476 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 10) v. 20 (no. 118); ref. 3226] South Georgia Island, South Atlantic, depth 88-273 meters. Syntypes: BMNH 1937.7.12.769 (1?). •Valid as Pseudochaenichthys georgianus Norman 1937 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:398 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:411 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Frolkina et al. 1998:131 [ref. 24763], Trunov 1999:467 [ref. 24579], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:330 [ref. 25153], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Pseudochaenichthys georgianus Norman 1937. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Scotia Sea (Antarctica); South Atlantic: South Orkney Islands, South Georgia. Habitat: marine. gunnari, Champsocephalus Lönnberg [E.] 1905:37 [Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903 v. 5 (no. 6); ref. 2839] South Georgia Island, station 22, depth 75 meters, and station 32, depth 195 meters. Syntypes: (7) and (2) NRM SYD/1902224.3158, SYD/1902809.9297; ZMUU 578 (1). Type catalog: Wallin 1996:60 [ref. 32133]. •Valid as Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg 1905 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:385 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:396 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Frolkina et al. 1998:129 [ref. 24763], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:328 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Duhamel et al. 2005:362 [ref. 32059], Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg 1905. Channichthyidae. Distribution: South Atlantic: South Orkney Islands, South Georgia. Habitat: marine. hamatus, Chaenichthys Lönnberg [E.] 1905:47 [Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903 v. 5 (no. 6); ref. 2839] Snow Hill Island, 64°36'S, 57°42'W, Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula. Holotype (unique): NRM 3160. Original genus should have been Channichthys. •Valid as Cryodraco hamatus (Lönnberg 1905) -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153]). •Valid as Chionodraco hamatus (Lönnberg 1905) -- (Pequeño 1989:66 [ref. 14125], Iwami & Kock 1990:389 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:442 [ref. 21297], Ozouf-Costaz et al. 1999:428 [ref. 23957], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307], La Mesa et al. 2022:8 [ref. 39287], Wang et al. 2024:4 [ref. 41309]). Current status: Valid as Chionodraco hamatus (Lönnberg 1905). Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. hunteri, Dacodraco Waite [E. R.] 1916:36, Pl. 2 (fig. 2); Fig. 7 [Scientific Report, Australasian Antarctic Expedition v. 3 (pt 1); ref. 4568] Mary Land, off Shackleton Ice Shelf, 65°06'S, 96°13'E, Antarctica, depth 325 fathoms. Holotype: SAMA F374. Paratypes: AMS IA.490 (1). Type catalog: Glover 1976:174 [ref. 19449]. •Valid as Dacodraco hunteri Waite 1916 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:394 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:415 [ref. 21297], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:321 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Dacodraco hunteri Waite 1916. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. ionah, Neopagetopsis Nybelin [O.] 1947:46, Pl. 5 (figs. 3-4) [Scientific Results of the Norwegian Antarctic Expeditions (1927-1931). v. 2 (no. 26); ref. 3234] Near Balleny Islands, Ross Dependency, Antarctica (stomach content). Holotype (unique): ZMUO 287. •Valid as Neopagetopsis ionah Nybelin 1947 -- (Abe & Suzuki 1981:127 [ref. 19447], Iwami & Kock 1990:395 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:408 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova & Skura 1996:407 [ref. 24648], Trunov 1999:467 [ref. 24579], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Voskoboinikova 2000:330 [ref. 25153], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Neopagetopsis ionah Nybelin 1947. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Antarctica; South Atlantic: South Orkney Islands. Habitat: marine. irinae, Channichthys Shandikov [G. A.] 1995:13, Fig. 5 [UNGNIRO Spetsial'nyi Vypusk No. 2; ref. 22659] Southwestern Indian Ocean [Northeast of Kerguelen Island], 47°44'04"S, 71°31'06"E, depth 270-310 meters. Holotype: NMNHU 5103. Paratypes: NMNHU 5104-05 (2, 9). Type catalog: Manilo 2021:30 [ref. 39358]. •Valid as Channichthys irinae Shandikov 1995 -- (Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234]). •Synonym of Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 2005 -- (Nikolaeva 2019:559 [ref. 37779]). Current status: Synonym of Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 1995. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. kathleenae, Chionodraco Regan [C. T.] 1914:13 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 13 (no. 73); ref. 3661] Antarctica, 74°25'S, 179°03'E, depth 100-200 fathoms. Lectotype: BMNH 1913.12.4.191. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1913.12.4.192-194 (3), BMNH 1914.2.18.33 (1), BMNH 2021.3.21.1 (1, skeleton). •Synonym of Chionodraco hamatus (Lönnberg 1905) -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:389 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:442 [ref. 21297]). •Valid as Cryodraco kathleenae (Regan 1914) -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153]). •Valid as Chionodraco kathleenae Regan 1914 -- (Rembiszewski & Zielinski 1980:101 [ref. 23212], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555]). Current status: Valid as Chionodraco kathleenae Regan 1914. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Antarctica. Habitat: marine. macropterus, Champsocephalus Boulenger [G. A.] 1907:3, Pl. 1 [not Pl. 2] [National Antarctic Expedition; ref. 15131] Near Cape Armitage, Ross Island, Victoria Land, 77°30'S, 168°00'E, Antarctica (stomach content). Syntypes: (11 + 1 head + 3) BMNH 1906.6.8.50-56 (7), ZMB 18956 (1). Type catalog: Fricke & Paepke 1992:96 [ref. 20293]. The species epithet is an indeclinable noun, Sheiko 2019:67 [ref. 37173]. •Valid as Pagetopsis macropterus (Boulenger 1907) -- (Pequeño 1989:66 [ref. 14125], Iwami & Kock 1990:396 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:400 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova & Skura 1996:409 [ref. 24648], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:330 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307], Kim et al. 2021:206 [ref. 39117], La Mesa et al. 2022:8 [ref. 39287]). Current status: Valid as Pagetopsis macropterus (Boulenger 1907). Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. maculatus, Pagetopsis Barsukov [V. V.] & Permitin [Yu. Ye.] 1958:1410, Fig. 2 [Zoologicheskii Zhurnal v. 37 (no. 9); ref. 7444] Mackenzie Bay [Prydz Bay], Antarctic Ocean, 67°09'S, 77°20'E, depth 280 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 37200. Combined with a feminine genus, the adjective should be maculata. Two specimens from literature questionably included. •Valid as Pagetopsis maculata Barsukov & Permitin 1958 (often seen as maculatus) -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:397 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:404 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova & Skura 1996:409 [ref. 24648], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:330 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Pagetopsis maculata Barsukov & Permitin 1958. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. markhami, Chionodraco Miller [R. G.] & Reseck [J., Jr.] 1961:50, Fig. 1 [Copeia 1961 (no. 1); ref. 9367] About 24 miles north of Franklin Island, Antarctica, 75°38'S, 168°32'E, depth 415-430 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.2963. Paratypes: USNM 179895 (1). Type catalog: Hardy 1990:11 [ref. 18942]. •Synonym of Chionodraco myersi DeWitt & Tyler 1960 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:390 [ref. 21699]). Current status: Synonym of Chionodraco myersi DeWitt & Tyler 1960. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. mithridatis, Channichthys Shandikov [G. A.] 2008:124, Figs. 2, 3 (left), 4 (upper) [Visnyk Charkivs'koho Universytetu Imeni V. N. Karazina, Ser. Biologija, Charkiv v. 8 (no. 814); ref. 30472] Kerguelen Island, 47°44.4'S, 71°31.6'E, depth 270-310 meters. Holotype: NMNHU 5111. Paratypes: NMNHU 5112 (11). Plus 16 additional non-type specimens. Type catalog: Manilo 2021:30 [ref. 39358]. •Valid as Channichthys mithridatis Shandikov 2008 -- (Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234]). •Synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844 -- (Nikolaeva 2020:488 [ref. 38111]). Current status: Synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. myersi, Chionodraco DeWitt [H. H.] & Tyler [J. C.] 1960:185, Figs. 5-6 [Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin v. 7 (no. 4); ref. 11906] Off Terra Nova Bay, southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica, depth 345 fathoms. Holotype (unique): CAS-SU 53515. •Valid as Cryodraco myersi (DeWitt & Tyler 1960) -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153]). •Valid as Chionodraco myersi DeWitt & Tyler 1960 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:390 [ref. 21699], Balushkin 1996:13 [ref. 23191], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Chionodraco myersi DeWitt & Tyler 1960. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. normani, Channichthys Balushkin [A. V.] 1996:10, Fig. [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 36 (no. 1); ref. 23191] Kerguelen Island, southwestern Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1937.9.21.92. •Valid as Channichthys normani Balushkin 1996 -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555]). •Probably a junior synonym of Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 1995 -- (Voskoboinikova 2002:407 [ref. 26793]). •Synonym of Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 1995 -- (Shandikov 2008:129 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:126 [ref. 32234]). Current status: Synonym of Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 1995. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. panticapaei, Channichthys Shandikov [G. A.] 1995:5, Fig. 1 [Trudy Yuzhnogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo Khozjaistva i Okeanografii (YuGNIRO), Spetsial'nyi Vypusk No. 1; ref. 22660] Kerguelen Island, southwestern Indian Ocean, 48°35'09"S, 70°48'09"E, depth 120 meters. Holotype: NMNHU 5109. Paratypes: NMNHU 5110 (15). Plus 8 additional non-type specimens. Type catalog: Manilo 2021:30 [ref. 39358]. •Valid as Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 1995 -- (Shandikov 1995:11 [ref. 22659], Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234], Nikolaeva 2019:561 [ref. 37779], Nikolaeva 2020:494 [ref. 38111]). Current status: Valid as Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov 1995. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands (France). Habitat: marine. pappenheimi, Cryodraco Regan [C. T.] 1913:289 [Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh v. 49 (pt 2, no. 2); ref. 3651] Wilhelm Land, Antarctica. Holotype (unique): ZMB (specimen lost). Based in part on Pagetodes antarcticus of Pappenheim 1912:175 [ref. 14856]. •Valid as Cryodraco pappenheimi Regan 1913 -- (Miller 1993:438 [ref. 21297]). •Valid as Pagetodes pappenheimi (Regan 1913) -- (Sheiko 2019:66 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Pagetodes pappenheimi (Regan 1913). Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern oceans. Habitat: marine. rastrospinosus, Chionodraco DeWitt [H. H.] & Hureau [J.-C.] 1980:805, Fig. 7 [Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Série 4: Section A: Zoologie, Biologie et Écologie Animales v. 1 (no. 3) (for 1979); ref. 1125] South Shetland Islands, 65°13'36"S, 64°11'00"W, depth 310-355 meters. Holotype: USNM 217422 [ex Univ. Maine 146-3]. Paratypes: BMNH 1939.6.20.35 (1), 1939.6.21.2-3 (2); MNHN 1977-0460 (1); USC (16); USNM 368456 [ex. UMOD 146-3] (3); plus 2 uncat. •Valid as Cryodraco rastrospinosus (DeWitt & Hureau 1980) -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153]). •Valid as Chionodraco rastrospinosus DeWitt & Hureau 1980 -- (Pequeño 1989:66 [ref. 14125], Iwami & Kock 1990:391 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:448 [ref. 21297], Balushkin 1996:13 [ref. 23191], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Chionodraco rastrospinosus DeWitt & Hureau 1980. Channichthyidae. Distribution: South Atlantic: South Orkney Islands, South Shetland Islands. Habitat: marine. rhinoceratus, Channichthys Richardson [J.] 1844:461 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (New Series) v. 13 (no. 86) (art. 52); ref. 3737] Kerguelen Island. Syntypes: (several) BMNH 1844.9.13.28 (1) (apparently lost). Also appeared in Richardson 1844:13, Pl. 5 (figs. 1-3) [ref. 3740] as Chaenicthys rhinoceratus. •Valid as Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:386 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:420 [ref. 21297], Shandikov 1995:6 [ref. 22659], Shandikov 1995:8, 9 [ref. 22660], Balushkin 1996:12 [ref. 23191], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153], Voskoboinikova 2002:408 [ref. 26793], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Duhamel et al. 2005:366 [ref. 32059], Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234], Nikolaeva 2020:488 [ref. 38111], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands, Heard Island. Habitat: marine. richardsoni, Channichthys Shandikov [G. A.] 2011:127, Fig. 2 [Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series: Biology. v. 14 (no. 971); ref. 32234] Kerguelan Islands, 48°22'5 S, 70°44'E, depth 126 meters. Holotype: NMNHU 5116. Paratypes: NMNHU 5116a, b (9). Plus non-type specimens (11). Type catalog: Manilo 2021:32 [ref. 39358]. •Valid as Channichthys richardsoni Shandikov 2011. •Synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844 -- (Nikolaeva 2020:488 [ref. 38111]). Current status: Synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844. Channichthyidae. Habitat: marine. rugosus, Chaenichthys Regan [C. T.] 1913:287 [Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh v. 49 (pt 2, no. 2); ref. 3651] Kerguelen Island, Antarctic Ocean. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1876.3.23.4. Original genus should have been Channichthys. •Synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:386 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:420 [ref. 21297], Muschik et al. 2022:[1] [ref. 39768] with question). •See Shandikov 1995:7 [ref. 22659]. •Valid as Channichthys rugosus Regan 1913 -- (Shandikov 1995:9 [ref. 22660], Balushkin 1996:12 [ref. 23191], Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153], Voskoboinikova 2002:409 [ref. 26793], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234], Nikolaeva 2020:494 [ref. 38111], Nikolaeva 2021:488 [ref. 40349]). Current status: Valid as Channichthys rugosus Regan 1913. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Island (France). Habitat: marine. velifer, Chaenichthys Meisner [E. E.] 1974:50, Fig. 1 [Vestnik Zoologii v. 1974 (no. 6); ref. 7517] Kerguelen Island, southern Indian Ocean, depth 140-150 meters. Holotype: NMNHU 2730 (ex P1. 1/1). Paratypes: Fisheries Institute Kerch (many). Type catalog: Manilo 2021:33 [ref. 39358]. Original genus should have been Channichthys. •Questionably a synonym of Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844 -- (Iwami & Kock 1990:386 [ref. 21699]). •Valid as Channichthys velifer Meisner 1974 -- (Miller 1993:423 [ref. 21297], Shandikov 1995:10 [ref. 22659], Shandikov 1995:8, 9 [ref. 22660], Balushkin 1996:11 [ref. 23191], Voskoboinikova 2002:411 [ref. 26793], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Duhamel et al. 2005:372 [ref. 32059], Shandikov 2008:123 [ref. 30472], Shandikov 2011:130 [ref. 32234], Nikolaeva 2020:494 [ref. 38111]). Current status: Valid as Channichthys velifer Meisner 1974. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Plateau (France). Habitat: marine. wilsoni, Chaenodraco Regan [C. T.] 1914:14 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 13 (no. 73); ref. 3661] McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, depth 100-200 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1913.12.4.189. •Valid as Cryodraco wilsoni (Regan 1914) -- (Voskoboinikova 2000:329 [ref. 25153]). •Valid as Chaenodraco wilsoni Regan 1914 -- (Rembiszewski & Zielinski 1980:101 [ref. 23212], Iwami & Kock 1990:383 [ref. 21699], Miller 1993:451 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova 1997:370 [ref. 23336], Pequeño 1997:84 [ref. 23536], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[5] [ref. 38307], Kim et al. 2021:200 [ref. 39117]). Current status: Valid as Chaenodraco wilsoni Regan 1914. Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circum-Antarctic. Habitat: marine. |