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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the family or subfamily Characidae: [ 302 ] records acutus, Acestrocephalus Menezes [N. A.] 2006:397, Fig. 13 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 4); ref. 28897] Caldeirão, igarapé do Cinzento, rio Itacaiúnas, Pará State, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 31650. Paratypes: many at MCP, MNRJ, and MZUSP. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Acestrocephalus acutus Menezes 2006. Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus acutus Menezes 2006. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Tocantins River and Tapajós River drainages, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. affinis, Anacyrtus Günther [A.] 1868:481 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 1 (no. 6) (art. 56); ref. 1992] Río Huallaga, Amazon system, Peru. Syntypes: BMNH 1867.6.13.61-62 (2). Also published in Günther (Sept.) 1868:246 [ref. 5756]. •Valid as Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Taphorn 1992:315 [ref. 23654], Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:119 [ref. 29256], Koerber 2011:2 [ref. 31122], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:51, 185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:414 [ref. 34561], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:87 [ref. 35773], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Koerber et al. 2022:40 [ref. 39235], Taphorn et al. 2022:19 [ref. 41297], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760], Loureiro et al. 2023:56 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Widespread in South America. Habitat: freshwater. affinis, Aphyocharax Ahl [E.] 1924:33 [Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin v. 11 (no. 1); ref. 19930] Unknown locality [possibly Villa Florida, 163 km southeastern from Assunção, Paraguay, next to Tebicuary river, circa 26.404162S, 57.129725W]. Lectotype: ZMB 31645. Paralectotype: ZMB 32429 (1); Städt. Mus. Natur- u. Heimatkunde, Magdeburg (2). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:91 [ref. 21847]. Two specimens were identified as type, therefore all are considered syntypes originally; lectotype selected by Zarske & Géry 1995:103 [ref. 22674]. •Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Zarske & Géry 1995:118 [ref. 22674], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:10 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267], Souza-Lima 2024:89 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. affinis, Pseudocheirodon Meek [S. E.] & Hildebrand [S. F.] 1916:275, Pl. 18 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 10 (no. 15); ref. 2962] Río Gatún, Monte Liria, Canal Zone, Panama. Holotype: FMNH 8944 (not 8941). Paratypes: CAS 59736 (2); Géry coll. [ex FMNH 12856] (1); FMNH 12857-97 (32), 12899-935 (37), 12937-957 (174); CAS-SU 17516 (10). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:26 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:70 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Cheirodon affinis (Meek & Hildebrand 1916) -- (Fink & Weitzman 1974:19 [ref. 7132], Fink & Miller 1985:1058 [ref. 22491]). •Synonym of Pseudocheirodon arnoldi (Boulenger 1909) -- (Zarske 2001:15 [ref. 25834], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Pseudocheirodon arnoldi (Boulenger 1909). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. agassizii, Chirodon Steindachner [F.] 1882:180 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 19 (no. 19); ref. 20487] Jatuarana [Jatuarana igarape, about 50 km downstream (east) of Manaus], Brazil. Syntypes: NMW 62686 (2). Original genus should have been Cheirodon. Species later described in more detail in Steindachner 1882:38 [ref. 14353]. •Valid as Aphyocharax agassizii (Steindachner 1882) -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061], Souza-Lima 2024:88 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax agassizii (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. akamai, Tetragonopterus Araujo [L. B. S.] & Lucinda [P. H. F.] 2014:310, Figs 1-2 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 33377] Tocantins, Peixe, rio Tocantins close to confluence with rio Santa Tereza, 11°47’27"S, 48°37'02"W, Brazil Holotype: MCP 48033. Paratypes: MCP, UNT. •Valid as Tetragonopterus akamai Araujo & Lucinda 2014. •Synonym of Tetragonopterus anostomus Silva & Benine 2011 -- (Silva et al. 2016:27 [ref. 34929]). Current status: Synonym of Tetragonopterus anostomus Silva & Benine 2011. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Habitat: freshwater. alburnus, Chirodon Günther [A.] 1869:424, Fig. 2 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1869 (pt 2); ref. 5780] Amazon River, Peru. Lectotype: BMNH 1869.5.21.10. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1869.5.21.11-13 (3). Original genus should have been Cheirodon. Lectotype selected by Brito et al. 2018:396 [ref. 36071]. •Valid as Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther 1869) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:7 [ref. 9708], Taphorn 1992:107 [ref. 23654], Gómez & Chebez 1996:49 [ref. 23791], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061], Willink et al. 2003:5 [ref. 26755], López et al. 2003:20 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:43, 183 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:86 [ref. 35773]). •Synonym of Aphyocharax pusillus Günther 1868 -- (Brito et al. 2018:394 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:515 [ref. 37042]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax pusillus Günther 1868. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. alburnus, Paragoniates Steindachner [F.] 1876:117 [69], Pl. 8 (fig. 3) [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4225] Amazon River at Tefé, Brazil. Holotype (unique): NMW 73544. On p. 69 of separate. •Valid as Paragoniates alburnus Steindachner 1876 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:29 [ref. 37559], Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Taphorn 1992:289 [ref. 23654], Reis in Reis et al. 2003:153 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:527 [ref. 31006], Barriga Salazar 2014:108 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:86 [ref. 35773], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Paragoniates alburnus Steindachner 1876. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. alleni, Prodontocharax Böhlke [J. E.] 1953:661 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 12) v. 6 (no. 69) (art. 64); ref. 10330] Río Ucayali, Cashiboya, about 7°31'S, 74°55'W, Peru. Holotype: CAS-SU 17472. Paratypes: CAS-SU 17473 (15; 1 c&s), 17474 (2), 19050 (9); USNM 157366 (1). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:35 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Prodontocharax alleni Böhlke 1953 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298]). •Synonym of Amblystilbe howesi Fowler 1940 -- (Bertaco et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40512]). Current status: Synonym of Amblystilbe howesi Fowler 1940. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. amazonae, Bleptonema Eigenmann [C. H.] 1914:44 [Indiana University Studies No. 20; ref. 1230] Santarém, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 56679 [ex CM 5497]. Paratypes: CAS 59691 [ex IU 13255] (1), FMNH 56680 (2). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:16 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:154 [ref. 27061], Moreira 2024:257 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. amazonum, Anacyrtus (Cynopotamus) Günther [A.] 1868:481 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 1 (no. 6) (art. 56); ref. 1992] Xeberos, tributary of Río Huallaga, Amazon system, Dept. Loreto, Peru. Syntypes: BMNH 1867.6.13.69-70 (2). Also published in Günther (Sept.) 1868:246 [ref. 5756]. The correct spelling of this species is amazonum, a noun that does not decline (see note under Curimatus amazonum). •Valid as Cynopotamus amazonus (Günther 1868) -- (Menezes 1976:28 [ref. 7073], Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708], Menezes 1987:6 [ref. 8072], Britski et al. 1999:52 [ref. 24147], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:18 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus amazonum (Günther 1868). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. analis, Aphyocharax Nichols [J. T.] 1915:127, Fig. 1 [Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 34 (art. 5); ref. 15003] Manaos [Manaus], Amazonas, Brazil [aquarium import]. Holotype (unique): AMNH 5073. •Synonym of Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:154 [ref. 27061], Moreira 2024:257 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. anisitsi, Aphyocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] & Kennedy [C. H.] 1903:517 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 55; ref. 1260] Asuncion, Paraguay. Holotype: CAS 59697 [ex IU 10028]. Paratypes: CAS 59718 [ex IU 10027] (1). Paratypes or additional material: AMNH 1007 (2), CAS 59716 [ex IU 10029] (3), 59717 [ex IU 10026] (orig. 6, now 4), 59719 [ex IU 10024] (orig. 9, now 5), 59720 [ex IU 10031] (1); FMNH 52670 (2); IU 10025 (orig. 1); NMW 62800 (2). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:9 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Gómez & Chebez 1996:49 [ref. 23791], Britski et al. 1999:45 [ref. 24147], Fuller et al. 1999:180 [ref. 25838], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061], Willink et al. 2003:3 [ref. 26755], López et al. 2003:20 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:89 [ref. 28130], Menni2004:76 [ref. 28131], Mirande 2010:526 [ref. 31006], Litz & Koerber 2014:xx [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:43, 183 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:412 [ref. 34561], Terán et al. 2016:2 [ref. 35096], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267], Brito et al. 2018:398 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:514 [ref. 37042], Reis et al. 2020:457 [ref. 38364], Giora & Wingert 2023:124 [ref. 41026], Loureiro et al. 2023:53 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Paraná and Uruguay River basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. annae, Cheirodon McAtee [W. L.] in Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903:515 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 55; ref. 1260] South America. Holotype: CAS 59758 [ex IU 4301] (43-mm spec.). Paratypes: (14) CAS 59758 (9 of 10), FMNH 52602 (2). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Cheirodon pisciculus Girard 1855 -- (Campos 1982:136 [ref. 8500], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cheirodon pisciculus Girard 1855. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. anomalus, Xiphorhamphus Steindachner [F.] 1880:84 [32] [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 42; ref. 14403] Río Cauca, Colombia. Holotype (unique): NMW 57983. On p. 32 of separate. •Valid as Acestrocephalus anomalus (Steindachner 1880) -- (Menezes 1976:37 [ref. 7073], Lasso & Taphorn 2000:443 [ref. 25255], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:200 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:46 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus anomalus (Steindachner 1880). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Magdalena River basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. anostomus, Tetragonopterus Silva [G. S. C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2011:512, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa No. 2911; ref. 31347] Nova Crixás, rio Preto, rio Araguaia basin, 14°22'18"S, 50°39'13"W, Goiás State, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 108957. Paratypes: LBP 7687 (17 + 2 c&s), MZUSP 89295 (5). •Valid as Tetragonopterus anostomus Silva & Benine 2011 -- (Silva et al. 2013:1629 [ref. 32576], Araujo & Lucinda 2014:314 [ref. 33377], Melo et al. 2015:711 [ref. 35424], Silva et al. 2016:27 [ref. 34929], Urbanski et al. 2018:[6] [ref. 35973]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus anostomus Silva & Benine 2011. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: Rio Tocantins basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. apletostigma, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Gama [C. S.] 2007:152, Figs. 1-2 [Revista Brasileira de Zoologia v. 24 (no. 1); ref. 29059] Canal principal do rio Santo Antônio, sistema do rio Araqguari, município de Porto Grande, 1°06'04.38"N, 51°53'36.74"W, Amapá, Brazil. Holotype: IEPA 2488. Paratypes: IEPA 2339 (4, 1 c&s), 2340 (1), 2341 (1), 2342 (2); MCP 40087 (5). •Valid as Phenacogaster apletostigma Lucena & Gama 2007 -- (Lucena & Malabarba 2010:265, 296 [ref. 30880]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster apletostigma Lucena & Gama 2007. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Araguari River basin, Amapá State, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. apurensis, Charax Lucena [C. A. S. de] 1987:30, Fig. 2 [Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRGS (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul) No. 40; ref. 17724] Río Canito, San Fernando a Cunaviche, Estado Apure, Venezuela. Holotype: MBUCV-V-15400. Paratypes: MCP 10119 (11); USNM 233691 (1), 260317 (17). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:13 [ref. 19022], Provenzano et al. 1998:5 [ref. 24196]. •Valid as Charax apurensis Lucena 1987 -- (Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:197 [ref. 33369], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760]). Current status: Valid as Charax apurensis Lucena 1987. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: tributaries of Río Orinoco (Colombia and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. aquilaepinnae, Prodontocharax Bertaco [V. A.], Chuctaya [J.], Jerep [F. C.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2023:5, Figs. 1-3 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 21 (no. 3): 230031; ref. 40512] Cubitiali stream, Río Tambo, Río Huallaga basin, upper Río Amazonas basin, Satipo, Junín, Peru, 11°20'19"S, 73°31'25"W. Holotype: MUSM 38647. Paratypes: ANSP, MUSM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Prodontocharax aquilaepinnae Bertaco, Chuctaya, Jerep & Malabarba 2023. Current status: Valid as Prodontocharax aquilaepinnae Bertaco, Chuctaya, Jerep & Malabarba 2023. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Huallaga, Ucayali and Urubamba River basins, upper Amazon basin, Peru. Habitat: freshwater. araguaiensis, Tetragonopterus Silva [G. S. C.], Melo [B. F.], Oliveira [C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2013:1621, Figs. 2a, 3b, 5 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 82 (no 5); ref. 32576] Rio Araguaia, Amazon basin, 14°54'27"S, 51°04'52"W, Aruanã, Goiás, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 4820. Paratypes: LBP 7756 (1 c&s); MZUSP 111003 (5, 1 c&s), 17032 (5), 54523 (3); NUP 12743 (1). Type catalog: Oliveira et al. 2022:10 [ref. 39255]. •Valid as Tetragonopterus araguaiensis Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2013 -- (Araujo & Lucinda 2014:314 [ref. 33377], Melo et al. 2015:711 [ref. 35424], Silva et al. 2016:30 [ref. 34929]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus araguaiensis Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2013. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Araguaia (Goiás, Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. araguaito, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2003:289, Figs. 4-6 [Iheringia, Série Zoologia (Porto Alegre) v. 93 (no. 3); ref. 27452] Ao norte do riacho Araguaito, about 8°40'42'N, 62°00'24"W, laguna na margem norte do rio, río Orinoco, Amacuro Delta, Venezuela. Holotype: MBUCV 29670. Paratypes: ANSP 131472 (8), 159986 (1), 159998 (2), 166616 -20 (1, 2, 1, 1, 1); MCP 26489-90 (1, 2); MZUSP 36490 (1); USNM 181353 (2) •Valid as Roeboides araguaito Lucena 2003 -- (DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides araguaito Lucena 2003. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Orinoco River basin: Colombia and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. argenteum, Hydrocyon Valenciennes [A.] 1837:Pl. 9 (fig. 1) [Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale; ref. 20720] Buenos Aires, Argentina. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9846. Type catalog: Bertin 1948:23 [ref. 19577]. Name available from plate, description in Valenciennes 1847:9 [ref. 5010] as Hydrocyon argenteus. Pl. 9 was published in 1837. •Valid as Cynopotamus argenteus (Valenciennes 1837) (often seen as 1836) -- (Menezes 1976:23 [ref. 7073], Menezes 1987:6 [ref. 8072], Braga 1994:12 [ref. 27878], Gómez & Chebez 1996:48 [ref. 23791], Sverlij et al. 1998:14 [ref. 27632], Britski et al. 1999:52 [ref. 24147], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:18 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], Mirande 2010:496 [ref. 31006], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565] dated 1836, Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267], Loureiro et al. 2023:56 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus argenteus (Valenciennes 1837). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay, lower Paraná and Uruguay River basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. argenteus, Tetragonopterus Cuvier [G.] (ex Seba) 1816:166 [Le Règne Animal; ref. 993] No locality. No types known. Cuvier specimens: MNHN A-9807 (1). Type catalog: Bertin 1948:16 [ref. 19577]. Based on Seba 1758:106, Pl. 34 (fig. 3). •Valid as Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier 1816 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:30 [ref. 37559], Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Taphorn 1992:343 [ref. 23654], Miquelarena et al. 1997:67 [ref. 23469], Gómez & Chebez 1996:51 [ref. 23791], Britski et al. 1999:30 [ref. 24147], Reis in Reis et al. 2003:212 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:28 [ref. 27366], Benine et al. 2004:339 [ref. 27973], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Zarske & Géry 2006:8 [ref. 29010], Mirande 2010:503 [ref. 31006], Melo et al. 2011:49 [ref. 31233], Silva et al. 2013:1629 [ref. 32576], Araujo & Lucinda 2014:314 [ref. 33377], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Litz & Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33622], Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Sarmiento et al. 2014:53, 185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:23 [ref. 35117], Melo et al. 2015:711 [ref. 35424], Teixeira et al. 2016:474 [ref. 34088], Silva et al. 2016:11 [ref. 34929], Melo et al. 2016:376 [ref. 35317], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565] dated 1817, Koerber et al. 2017:36 [ref. 35267], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:89 [ref. 35773], Careaga et al. 2020:75 [ref. 37774], Reis et al. 2020:461 [ref. 38364], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:20 [ref. 39298], Koerber et al. 2022:38 [ref. 39235], Taphorn et al. 2022:19 [ref. 41297], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760], Vieira et al. 2023:17 [ref. 40759], Limeira-Filho et al. 2024:5 [ref. 41573]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier 1816. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. arnoldi, Chirodon Boulenger [G. A.] 1909:497 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 4 (no. 24); ref. 14367] Not: Puerto Mexico [Coatzacoalcos], Veracruz State, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico [probably Panama]. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1909.10.5.1. Original genus should have been Cheirodon. •Valid as Cheirodon arnoldi Boulenger 1909 -- (Fink & Miller 1985:1058 [ref. 22491]). •Valid as Pseudocheirodon arnoldi (Boulenger 1909) -- (Zarske 2001:15 [ref. 25834], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Valid as Pseudocheirodon arnoldi (Boulenger 1909). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Atlantic and Pacific versant of Panama. Habitat: freshwater. artedii, Tetragonopterus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1850:128 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 22; ref. 1014] "Cabinet du Stathouder" [Suriname]. Syntypes: ?RMNH 1609 (1). •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:287 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. aster, Serrapinnus Malabarba [L. R.] & Jerep [F. C.] 2014:58, Figs. 1, 2a-b, 3, 4a [Zootaxa 3847 (no. 1); ref. 33440] Rio Tocantins State, Município de Arraias, periodic lake at confluence of rio Paraná and rio Bezerra, rio Tocantins drainage, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 115011. Paratypes: MCP 41862 (3), 42033 (3); MZUSP 115012 (10 + 2 c&s); UFRGS 12015 (22), 12023 (54 + 2 c&s), 12034 (5). •Valid as Serrapinnus aster Malabarba & Jerep 2014 -- (Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus aster Malabarba & Jerep 2014. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Rio Tocantins-Araguaia basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. astictus, Tetragonopterus Ulrey [A. B.] 1894:611 [American Naturalist v. 28 (no. 331); ref. 12356] Brazil. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Species was also described as new in Ulrey 1895:276 [ref. 12371]. •Species inquirenda -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:287 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. atratoensis, Charax Eigenmann [C. H.] in Eigenmann & Ogle 1907:33, Fig. 8 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1556); ref. 1266] Truando, Colombia. Holotype: USNM 1664. Paratypes: USNM 306567 [ex USNM 1664] (1). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:13 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Cynopotamus atratoensis (Eigenmann 1907) -- (Menezes 1976:36 [ref. 7073], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus atratoensis (Eigenmann 1907). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Atrato and Sinu River basins, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. australe, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1928:44, Pl. 9 (fig. 3) [Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences v. 22 (no. 2) (for 1927); ref. 1245] Puerto Varas, Chile. Holotype: CAS 59762 [ex IU 15509]. Paratypes: (187) CAS 59763 [ex IU 15509] (127 + 3 c&s), 69186 [ex IU 15509] (24); USNM 84317 [ex IU] (12), 221998 [ex USNM 84317] (2, c&s). Plus non-type material. Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:14 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Cheirodon australis Eigenmann 1928 [often seen as australe] -- (Campos 1982:146 [ref. 8500], Pequeño 1989:40 [ref. 14125], Campos et al. 1996:69 [ref. 23440], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Dyer 2000:84 [ref. 26678], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061] dated 1927, Mantinian et al. 2008:38 [ref. 34297]). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon australis Eigenmann 1928. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Pacific versant basins in middle Chile. Habitat: freshwater. avanhandava, Odontostilbe Chuctaya [J.], Bührnheim [C. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2018:[8], Figs. 7-9 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 16 (no. 1) e170047; ref. 35862] Ribeirão da Batalha, farm Batalha (Pedro Quaresma), rio Paranaíba, Paracatu, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, 17°25'25"S, 47°27'11"W. Holotype: LIRP 3239. Paratypes: FMNH, LIRP, MCP, MNRJ, MZUSP. •Valid as Odontostilbe avanhandava Chuctaya, Bührnheim & Malabarba 2018 -- (Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:239 [ref. 40817], Silva-Sene et al. 2024:3 [ref. 41784]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe avanhandava Chuctaya, Bührnheim & Malabarba 2018. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: upper Paraná River basin, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Minas Gerais and São Paulo States (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. avary, Aphyocharax Fowler [H. W.] 1913:532, Fig. 8 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 65; ref. 1389] Rio Madeira, Brazil, about 200 miles east of 62°20'W, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 39217. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:43 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther 1869) -- (Taphorn 1992:107 [ref. 23654], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Aphyocharax avary Fowler 1913 -- (Brito et al. 2018:397 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:514 [ref. 37042], Koerber et al. 2022:41 [ref. 39235], Taphorn et al. 2022:13 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax avary Fowler 1913. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Madeira River basin (Brazil, Guyana). Habitat: freshwater. awa, Charax Guimarães [E. C.], Brito [P. S. de], Ferreira [B. R. A.] & Ottoni [F. P.] 2018:84, Figs. 1, 2, 5 [Zoosystematics and Evolution v. 94 (no. 1); ref. 35775] Igarapé Mineirão, Alto Alegre do Pindaré municipality, Rio Mearim basin, Maranhão State, Brazil, 3°42'26"S, 45°56'05"W. Holotype: CICCAA 00752. Paratypes: CICCAA, CPUFMA, UFRJ. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Charax awa Guimarães, Brito, Ferreira & Ottoni 2018 -- (Koerber et al. 2022:39 [ref. 39235], Vieira et al. 2023:17 [ref. 40759], Limeira-Filho et al. 2024:5 [ref. 41573]). Current status: Valid as Charax awa Guimarães, Brito, Ferreira & Ottoni 2018. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Mearim, Rio Munim and Rio Turiaçu basins (Maranhão, Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. bairdii, Tetragonopterus Steindachner [F.] 1882:179 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 19 (no. 19); ref. 20487] Tabatinga, Amazonas, Brazil. Syntypes: NMW 57250 (3). Species later described in more detail in Steindachner 1882:35 [ref. 14353]. •Synonym of Phenacogaster pectinata (Cope 1870) -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061] as pectinatus, Lucena 2024:252 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Phenacogaster pectinata (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. beni, Phenacogaster Eigenmann [C. H.] 1911:174, Pl. 6 (fig. 4) [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 8 (no. 1) (art. 3); ref. 1226] Río Beni at Villa Bella, Bolivia. Holotype: FMNH 54597 [ex CM 3229]. Paratypes: (3, CM) CAS 62200 (1), FMNH 54598 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:67 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:64 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Phenacogaster beni Eigenmann 1911 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Lucena 2024:250 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster beni Eigenmann 1911. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Guaporé and Beni River basins, Bolivia and Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. bicornis, Roeboides Cope [E. D.] 1870:564, Fig. [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11; ref. 914] Pebas, Peru. Holotype (unique): ANSP 8151. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:43 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Roeboides bicornis Cope 1870 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708]). •Synonym of Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868) -- (Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:119 [ref. 29256], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. bipunctatus, Cynopotamus Pellegrin [J.] 1909:13 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 1) v. 15 (no. 1); ref. 14396] Mouth of Río Suripa, Venezuela. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1898-0021. •Valid as Cynopotamus bipunctatus Pellegrin 1909 -- (Menezes 1976:31 [ref. 7073], Menezes 1987:7 [ref. 8072], Taphorn 1992:179 [ref. 23654], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:88 [ref. 35773], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus bipunctatus Pellegrin 1909. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin (Venezuela and Colombia). Habitat: freshwater. biserialis, Cynopotamus Garman [S.] 1890:14 [Bulletin of the Essex Institute v. 22 (nos 1-3); ref. 17896] Lago de Máximo [Lago do Maximo; Obydos; and Villa Bella, Brazil]. Lectotype (?): MCZ 21335. Paralectotypes: MCZ 21327 (9), 21360 (24), 165930 [ex 21335] (38); USNM 120180 [ex MCZ 21335] (6). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:19 [ref. 19022]. Lectotype selected by Lucena 2007:127 [ref. 29256]. •Valid as Eucynopotamus biserialis (Garman 1890) -- (Lucena 1988:39 [ref. 22126], Chang & Ortega 1995:2 [ref. 24302]). •Valid as Roeboides biserialis (Garman 1890) -- (Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:125 [ref. 29256], Sarmiento et al. 2014:51, 185 [ref. 35004], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Lucena 2024:270 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides biserialis (Garman 1890). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: upper and middle Amazon River basin (Brazil, Bolivia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. boehlkei, Acestrocephalus Menezes [N. A.] 1977:186, Fig. 1 [Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) v. 30 (no. 13); ref. 7070] Río Punino, tributary of Río Payamino (Río Napo system), above Coca, Ecuador. Holotype: MCZ 51473. Paratypes: ANSP 134500-01 (5, 2); MCZ 51473-75 (1, 2, 1); MZUSP 12993-94 (2), 12995 (1), 12996-98 (3); USNM 216140-41 (1, 1). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:4 [ref. 19022], Böhlke 1984:43 [ref. 13621], Oyakawa 1996:446 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Acestrocephalus boehlkei Menezes 1977 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:6 [ref. 9708], Taphorn 1992:96 [ref. 23654] as cf. boehlkei, Lasso & Taphorn 2000:443 [ref. 25255], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:200 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2006:390 [ref. 28897], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus boehlkei Menezes 1977. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: upper Amazon River basin (Colombia, Ecuador and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. bolivianum, Aphyocharacidium Géry [J.] 1973:101, Figs. 12-14 [Studies on the Neotropical Fauna v. 8; ref. 1596] Brook between upper Río Chaparé and Río Chimoré, tributary of Río Mamoré, east of Todos Santos, Bolivia, about 16°47'S, 65°00'W. Holotype: ZFMK [Museum A. Koenig] uncat. Paratypes: ZSM 40738 [ex MHNG 2232.073] (1), 407389 [ex MHNG 2173.030](1). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:115 [ref. 31087], Neumann 2011:243 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Aphyocharacidium bolivianum Géry 1973 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:106 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:530 [ref. 31006], Sarmiento et al. 2014:183 [ref. 35004]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharacidium bolivianum Géry 1973. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Mamoré River drainage, western Amazon basin, Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater. bonariensis, Anacyrtus (Rhaeboides) Steindachner [F.] 1879:32, Pl. 8 (fig. 1) [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 16 (no. 4); ref. 20480] La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Holotype (unique): NMW 62498. Species originally described as above, later as Anacyrtus (Raeboides) bonariensis when illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner 1879:23, Pl. 8 (fig. 1) [ref. 4228]. Subgenus should have been Roeboides in 1879:23. •Valid as Roeboides bonariensis (Steindachner 1879) -- (Lucena 1988:32 [ref. 22126], Fernández & Butí 1996:252 [ref. 22775], Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Gómez & Chebez 1996:46 [ref. 23791], Britski et al. 1999:53 [ref. 24147], Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:17 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:85 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565]). •Synonym of Roeboides microlepis (Reinhardt 1851) -- (Lucena 2003:295 [ref. 27452], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267], Lucena 2024:272 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides microlepis (Reinhardt 1851). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. bondi, Xenagoniates Myers [G. S.] 1942:90, Fig. 1 [Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin v. 2 (no. 4); ref. 3121] Río Amana, 6 kilometers east of Santa Barbara, Monagas state, Venezuela. Holotype: CAS-SU 36486. Paratypes: CAS-SU 36487 (3, now 2), USNM 130641 [ex CAS-SU 36487] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:27 [ref. 12291], Vari & Howe 1991:41 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Xenagoniates bondi Myers 1942 -- (Taphorn 1992:355 [ref. 23654], Pavanelli in Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:527 [ref. 31006], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:87 [ref. 35773]). Current status: Valid as Xenagoniates bondi Myers 1942. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: Orinoco River basin and coastal drainages of Venezuela: Colombia and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. bouchellei, Roeboides Fowler [H. W.] 1923:25 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 75; ref. 15402] Pis Pis River, Great Falls, Nicaragua. Holotype: ANSP 51218. Paratypes: ANSP 51219 (1, c&s). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:43 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Roeboides bouchellei Fowler 1923 -- (Lucena 1998:39 [ref. 23597], Bussing 1998:116 [ref. 24179], Lucena 2000:34 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:158 [ref. 28615], Matamoros et al. 2009:9 [ref. 31241], Lucena 2011:1663 [ref. 31620], McMahan et al. 2013:444 [ref. 32422], Page et al. 2013:81 [ref. 32708], Matamoros et al. 2013:280 [ref. 32755], Angulo et al. 2013:992 [ref. 33194], González-Murcia et al. 2019:290 [ref. 36544], Angulo et al. 2023:25 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:271 [ref. 41235], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:186 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides bouchellei Fowler 1923. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Southern North America, central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, southern Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama. Habitat: freshwater. brevicaudatus, Aphyocharax Brito [P. S. de], Guimarães [E. C.], Carvalho-Costa [L. F.] & Ottoni [F. P.] 2019:510, Figs. 1-2 [Zoosystematics and Evolution v. 95 (no.2); ref. 37042] Maracaçumé River, Maracaçumé municipality, Maranhão state, Brazil, 2°3'14"S, 45°57'16"W. Holotype: CICCAA 02293. Paratypes: CICCAA, UFRJ. •Valid as Aphyocharax brevicaudatus Brito, Guimarães, Carvalho-Costa & Ottoni 2019 -- (Koerber et al. 2022:41 [ref. 39235]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax brevicaudatus Brito, Guimarães, Carvalho-Costa & Ottoni 2019. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Maracaçumé River drainage (Maranhão, Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. bussingi, Roeboides Matamoros [W. A.], Chakrabarty [P.], Angulo [A.], Garita-Alvarado [C. A.] & McMahan [C. D.] 2013:286, Figs. 2, 3a [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 11 (no. 2); ref. 32755] Puntarenas Province, Río Coloradito, about 6 km from the main Road, tributary of the Río Coto drainage, 8°34'12'N, 82°51'33"W. Costa Rica. Holotype: LSUMZ 14799. Paratypes: Many at UCR, LSUMZ. Type catalog: Angulo et al. 2015:383 [ref. 35212]. •Valid as Roeboides bussingi Matamoros, Chakrabarty, Angulo, Garita-Alvarado, McMahan 2013 -- (Angulo et al. 2013:992 [ref. 33194], Angulo et al. 2020:5 [ref. 37425]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides bussingi Matamoros, Chakrabarty, Angulo, Garita-Alvarado & McMahan 2013. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Central America: Costa Rica and Panama. Habitat: freshwater. caliurus, Charax Eigenmann [C. H.] & Kennedy [C. H.] in Eigenmann, McAtee & Ward 1907:142, Pl. 43 (fig. 1) [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 4 (no. 2) (art. 7); ref. 1261] Laguna Pasito, Paraguay. Holotype (unique): CAS 15682 [ex IU 9969]. •Valid as Cynopotamus caliurus (Eigenmann & Kennedy 1907) -- (Menezes 1976:25 [ref. 7073], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131]). •Synonym of Cynopotamus argenteus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Menezes 1987:7 [ref. 8072], Braga 1994:12 [ref. 27878] as calliurus, Britski et al. 1999:52 [ref. 24147], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Cynopotamus argenteus (Valenciennes 1837). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. calliurus, Chirodon Boulenger [G. A.] 1900:3 [Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino v. 15 (no. 370); ref. 14722] Corandasiñho [Carandasinho, Mato Grosso], Brazil; San Lorenzo, Jujuy Province, Argentina. Syntypes: BMNH 1900.4.14.78-82 (5); MSNG 37719 (2); MZUT 1368 (1); NMW 60345 (5), 77966 (2) Type catalog: Tortonese 1961:183 [ref. 10343]. Original genus should have been Cheirodon. •Valid as Odontostilbe calliura (Boulenger 1900) -- (Britski et al. 1999:48 [ref. 24147]). •Valid as Serrapinnus calliurus (Boulenger 1900) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Gelain et al. 1999:71 [ref. 24205], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:413 [ref. 24417], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:30 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:113 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131] as Serrapinus, Miquelarena et al. 2008:71 [ref. 29829], Mirande 2010:533 [ref. 31006], Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440], Litz & Koerber 2014:12 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362], Bertaco et al. 2016:414 [ref. 34561], Koerber et al. 2017:30 [ref. 35267], Jerep et al. 2018:186 [ref. 35830], Serra et al. 2018:3 [ref. 36023], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Giora & Wingert 2023:142 [ref. 41026], Loureiro et al. 2023:59 [ref. 40506], Jerep et al. 2024:275 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus calliurus (Boulenger 1900). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Laguna dos Patos, Paraná-Paraguay and Uruguay River basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. callops, Microschemobrycon Böhlke [J. E.] 1953:846, Pl. 20 (fig. 2) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 12) v. 6 (no. 71) (art. 85); ref. 12366] Camanaos Rapids, Rio Negro, Brazil, about 0°10'S, 66°55'W. Holotype: CAS-SU 17491. Paratypes: ANSP 131519 [ex CAS-SU 17492] (1, c&s); CAS 20691 (2); CAS-SU 17492 (orig. 2), 17493-96 (1, 5, 1, 2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:44 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Microschemobrycon callops Böhlke 1953 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:145 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Marinho 2024:219 [ref. 40817], Taphorn et al. 2022:17 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon callops Böhlke 1953. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco, Negro and Madeira River basins (Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. calverti, Grammabrycon Fowler [H. W.] 1941:190, Figs. 99-100 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 93; ref. 1437] Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 69606. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:44 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Phenacogaster calverti (Fowler 1941) -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Lucena & Malabarba 2010:266, 296 [ref. 30880], Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Melo et al. 2016:375 [ref. 35317], Antonetti et al. 2018:279 [ref. 36204], Koerber et al. 2022:39 [ref. 39235]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster calverti (Fowler 1941). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: coastal drainages (Ceará and Paraíba, Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. camelierae, Amazonichthys Esguícero [A. L. H.] & Mendonça [M. B.] 2023:433, Figs. 5-7 [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 111 (no. 3); ref. 40521] Vila de Mamãe Anã before KM 1, Rio Tapajós, Rio Amazonas, Jacareacanga Municipality, Pará State, Brazil, 5°45'52"S, 57°16'58"W. Holotype: MPEG 26653. Paratypes: LIRP, MPEG, MZUSP, UNT. •Valid as Amazonichthys camelierae Esguícero & Mendonça 2023. Current status: Valid as Amazonichthys camelierae Esguícero & Mendonça 2023. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: middle Tapajós River drainage, Amazon basin, Mato Grosso and Pará States, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. capitulatus, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2010:266, Fig. 2 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Rio Neshuya, Rio de Ucayali system, Coronel Portillom Ucayali, Peru. Holotype: MUSM 20424. Paratypes: MCP 43595 (3 + 1), MUSM 0886 (11, 1 c&s). The gender of Phenacogaster is feminine, therefore mandatory correction to capitulata (R. Fricke, 1 May 2016). •Valid as Phenacogaster capitulata Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Souza et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40222]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster capitulata Lucena & Malabarba 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Neshuya River drainage, Ucayali River basin, Peru. Habitat: freshwater. caquetae, Odontostilbe Fowler [H. W.] 1943:230, Fig. 13 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 95; ref. 1443] Río Porteguasa, Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia. Holotype (unique): ANSP 70495. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:44 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:170, 176 [ref. 28728], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. carteri, Vesicatrus Norman [J. R.] 1934:336, Figs. A-C [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 10) v. 14 (no. 81) (art. 30); ref. 16445] Forest stream tributary to the Cuyuni River, Guyana. Holotype: BMNH 1934.9.12.216 (larger). Paratypes: BMNH 1934.9.12.217 (1). •Valid as Phenacogaster carteri (Norman 1934) -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Lucena & Malabarba 2010:265, 298 [ref. 30880], Taphorn et al. 2022:18 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster carteri (Norman 1934). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Cuyuni River basin (Guyana) endemic. Habitat: freshwater. carti, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2000:47, Figs. 22 A-C [Comunicações do Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS, Sér. Zoologia. v. 13; ref. 24559] Río Cartí Grande, Comarca de San Blas, 7°26'N, 78°58'W, Panama. Holotype: USNM 359076. Paratypes: STRI 401-402 (2, 16); USNM 293123 (1), 293129 (18), 293156 (42), 293210 (1), 293224 (5), 293229 (1), 293235 (2). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Roeboides carti Lucena 2000 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2011:1663 [ref. 31620], Matamoros et al. 2013:280 [ref. 32755]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides carti Lucena 2000. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Coastal drainages of Comarca de San Blas, Panama. Habitat: freshwater. carvalhoi, Tetragonopterus Melo [B. F.], Benine [R. C.], Mariguela [T. C.] & Oliveira [C.] 2011:50, Figs. 1, 2a [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 31233] Laranjal do Jari, Igarapé Iratapuru, rio Jari, Amazon basin, 00°33'30"S, 52°34'45"W, Amapá, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 102268. Paratypes: LMP [= DZSJRP] 5306 (7), 5376 (34, 4 c&s); MZUSP 106813 (15). •Valid as Tetragonopterus carvalhoi Melo, Benine, Mariguela & Oliveira 2011 -- (Silva & Benine 2011:50 [ref. 31347], Silva et al. 2013:1629 [ref. 32576], Araujo & Lucinda 2014:314 [ref. 33377], Melo et al. 2015:711 [ref. 35424], Silva et al. 2016:26 [ref. 34929]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus carvalhoi Melo, Benine, Mariguela & Oliveira 2011. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: Rio Jari, Amapá, northern Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. casiquiare, Microschemobrycon Böhlke [J. E.] 1953:843, Pl. 20 (fig. 1) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 12) v. 6 (no. 71) (art. 85); ref. 12366] São Gabriel Rapids, at São Gabriel village, Rio Negro, Brazil, 0°08'03"S, 67°03'28"W. Holotype: CAS-SU 17497. Paratypes: ANSP 131517-18 (2, c&s), 131520 (1, skeleton); CAS 20689-90 (10, 5); CAS-SU 17498-512 (8, 3, 11, 2, 1, 1, 11, 2, 1, 8, 4, 6, 1, 27, 2), Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:44 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Microschemobrycon casiquiare Böhlke 1953 -- (Taphorn 1992:263 [ref. 23654], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:145 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:529 [ref. 31006], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:86 [ref. 35773], Ohara et al. 2019:333 [ref. 36615], Taphorn et al. 2022:17 [ref. 41297], Marinho 2024:219 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon casiquiare Böhlke 1953. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. caucae, Roeboides Eigenmann [C. H.] 1922:160, 162 [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 1243] Cartago, Colombia. Holotype: CAS 71099 [ex IU 12934]. Paratypes and additional material: CAS 71097 [ex IU 12934] (59); FMNH 56385 (27), 56372-74 (10, 35, 2), 69634 (96), 79755 (128). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:76 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878) -- (Lucena 2000:24 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2024:271 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. caudimaculatus, Charax Lucena [C. A. S. de] 1987:32, Fig. 3 [Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRGS (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul) No. 40; ref. 17724] Laguna Cocococha, Reserva National de Tambopata, Madre de Dios, Peru. Holotype: MUSM 5081 [now MHNJP] [ex USNM 280291]. Paratypes: MCP 10115 (11, 2 c&s), USNM 263877 (17). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:13 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Charax caudimaculatus Lucena 1987 -- (Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Chang & Ortega 1995:2 [ref. 24302], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Menezes & Lucena 2014:199 [ref. 33369], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Guimarães et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35775], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Charax caudimaculatus Lucena 1987. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Madeira River basin (Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. chalceus, Tetragonopterus Spix [J. B. von] & Agassiz [L.] 1829:70, Pl. 33 (fig. 1) [Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam; ref. 13] Rivers of equatorial Brazil [= lower Amazon basin]; mouth of Uruará canal to Amazon River, at Vira Sebo community, Canaã Village, Prainha City, 01°53’33''S, 53°29’17''W (Pará State, Brazil). Syntypes: MHNN 785 (1). Type catalog: Kottelat 1988:84 [ref. 13380] with potential holotype. Comments on type locality see Koerber 2021:93 [ref. 38172]. •Valid as Tetragonopterus chalceus Spix & Agassiz 1829 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:10 [ref. 9708], Géry et al. 1991:58 [ref. 21021], Taphorn 1992:343 [ref. 23654], Planquette et al. 1996:320 [ref. 22818], Reis in Reis et al. 2003:212 [ref. 27061], Benine et al. 2004:339 [ref. 27973], Zarske & Géry 2006:8 [ref. 29010] with author as Agassiz, Melo et al. 2011:49 [ref. 31233], Silva & Benine 2011:50 [ref. 31347], Silva et al. 2013:1629 [ref. 32576], Araujo & Lucinda 2014:314 [ref. 33377], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:53, 185 [ref. 35004], Melo et al. 2015:711 [ref. 35424], Silva et al. 2016:15 [ref. 34929], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Careaga et al. 2020:75 [ref. 37774], Koerber 2021:92, 93 [ref. 38172], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:20 [ref. 39298], Borstein et al. 2022:16 [ref. 39507], Koerber et al. 2022:39 [ref. 39235], Taphorn et al. 2022:19 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus chalceus Spix & Agassiz 1829. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. colifax, Aphyocharax Taphorn [D. C.] & Thomerson [J. E.] 1991:113, Fig. 1 [Revista Unellez de Ciencia y Tecnologia v. 4 (nos 1-2) [1986]; ref. 19015] Middle Río Oris, tributary of Río Paraguá, Campamento Turumbán, Bolivar State, Heres District, Venezuela, about 6°18'N, 63°54'W. Holotype: MCNG 17127. Paratypes: FMNH 97153 (4); MBUCV-V-17003 (4); MCNG 2629 (1), 17128 (3), 17129 (1), 17130 (4), 17234 (6), 17261 (1). Type catalog: Provenzano et al. 1998:3 [ref. 24196]. •Valid as Aphyocharax colifax Taphorn & Thomerson 1991 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Willink et al. 2003:3 [ref. 26755], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax colifax Taphorn & Thomerson 1991. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins: Venezuela and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. condei, Asiphonichthys Géry [J.] & Knöppel [H.-A.] 1976:48, Figs. 1-2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 3 (no. 2); ref. 7335] Rio Tarumazinho, tributary of the lower Rio Négro above Manaus, Brazil. Holotype: MHNG 2229.05 [ex Géry Coll. 728]. Paratypes: 252 (3 c&s) Inst. Limnologie, Plön, Germany; INPA, Brazil; Géry Coll.; R. Geisler Coll. (9); MNHN 1980-1423 (2). Type catalog: Weber 1998:6 [ref. 32707]. •Valid as Charax condei (Géry & Knöppel 1976) -- (Lucena 1987:34 [ref. 17724], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:200 [ref. 33369], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Charax condei (Géry & Knöppel 1976). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Amazon and Orinoco river basins: Brazil and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. copei, Hydrolycus Gill [T. N.] 1870:93 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 22; ref. 17630] Río Marañon or Río Napo, Amazon system, Peru or Ecuador. Syntypes: USNM 55664 (orig. 4, now 3). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:26 [ref. 19022]. •Synonym of Charax tectifer (Cope 1870)-- (Toledo-Piza et al. 1999:256 [ref. 24227], Menezes & Lucena 2014:223 [ref. 33369]). Current status: Synonym of Charax tectifer (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. cryptogrammus, Microschemobrycon Ohara [W. M.], Jerep [F. C.] & Cavallaro [M. R.] 2019:327, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa 4576 (no. 2); ref. 36615] Igarapé tributary of Rio Curuá, Rio Xingu basin, 15 km north from Castelo dos Sonhos, Altamira, Pará State, Brazil, 8°10'25"S, 55°7'43"W. Holotype: MZUSP 123748. Paratypes: MNRJ, MZUSP. •Valid as Microschemobrycon cryptogrammus Ohara, Jerep & Cavallaro 2019. Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon cryptogrammus Ohara, Jerep & Cavallaro 2019. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Upper Rio Curuá drainage, Rio Xingu basin, Pará State, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. curimata, Characinus Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1803:271, 279 [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 5; ref. 4930] Suriname. No types known. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:286 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. cyprinoides, Charax Meuschen [F. C.] 1778:38 [ ref. 17682] Not available, published in a rejected work (Opinion 260). •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Unavailable name -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:443 [ref. 40817]). Suppressed. Characidae. dayi, Anacyrtus (Rhaeboides) Steindachner [F.] 1878:91 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 15 (no. 12) (for 9 May 1878); ref. 20476] Cienaga, Río Magdalena, Colombia. Holotype (unique): NMW 67132. Species later described in more detail in Steindachner 1879:61 [p. 45 of separate] [ref. 4227]. •Valid as Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878) -- (Taphorn 1992:318 [ref. 23654], Galvis et al. 1997:52 [ref. 23651], Lucena 1998:39 [ref. 23597], Lucena 2000:24 [ref. 24559], Marín 2000:66 [ref. 26252], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2011:1663 [ref. 31620], Matamoros et al. 2013:280 [ref. 32755], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35633], Lucena 2024:271 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Central and South America: Colombia and Panama. Habitat: freshwater. delimai, Charax Menezes [N. A.] & Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2014:202, Fig. 10 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 33369] Amazonas, community of São Pedro, rio Tiquié, rio Negro drainage, 0°16’04"N, 69°58’21"W, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 81505. Paratypes: MZUSP 64359 (1), 81325 (1). 84988 (1), •Valid as Charax delimai Menezes & Lucena 2014 -- (Silvano et al. 2020:77 [ref. 38133]). Current status: Valid as Charax delimai Menezes & Lucena 2014. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Tiquié, Rio Negro basin (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. dentatus, Aphyocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] & Kennedy [C. H.] 1903:516 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 55; ref. 1260] Laguna del Río Paraguay, Asuncion, Paraguay. Holotype: CAS 59722 [ex IU 10032]. Paratypes: AMNH 1469 (2); CAS 59723 [ex IU 10036] (orig. 4, now 3), 59724 [ex IU 10037] (1), 59725 [ex IU 10038] (orig. 4, now 2), 59726 [ex IU 10034-35] (3), 76471 [ex IU 10033] (2 not 1); NMW 62798 (1). •Valid as Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Gómez & Chebez 1996:49 [ref. 23791], Britski et al. 1999:45 [ref. 24147], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:20 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131], Mirande 2010:526 [ref. 31006], Sarmiento et al. 2014:43, 183 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Terán et al. 2016:2 [ref. 35096], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267], Brito et al. 2018:398 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:515 [ref. 37042], Reis et al. 2020:457 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay and Paraná River basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. denticulatus, Tetragonopterus Silva [G. S. C.], Melo [B. F.], Oliveira [C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2013:1617, Figs. 1, 2b, 3e [Journal of Fish Biology v. 82 (no 5); ref. 32576] Aragarças, Rio Araguaia, Amazon basin, 15°53'31.5"S, 52°15'01.0"W, Goiás, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 111002. Paratypes: LBP 1518 (5, 1 c&s), 1629 (1), 5751 (4, 1 c&s); MZUSP 88119 (2). •Valid as Tetragonopterus denticulatus Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2013 -- (Araujo & Lucinda 2014:314 [ref. 33377], Melo et al. 2015:711 [ref. 35424], Silva et al. 2016:31 [ref. 34929], Urbanski et al. 2018:[6] [ref. 35973]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus denticulatus Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2013. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: Rio Tocantins basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. descalvadensis, Roeboides Fowler [H. W.] 1932:359, Fig. [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 84; ref. 16366] Descalvados, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: ANSP 53718. Paratypes: ANSP 53719 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:45 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Roeboides descalvadensis Fowler 1932 -- (Lucena 1988:33 [ref. 22126], Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Britski et al. 1999:53 [ref. 24147], Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:127 [ref. 29256], Mirande 2010:494 [ref. 31006], Koerber 2011:2 [ref. 31122], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Sarmiento et al. 2014:51, 185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides descalvadensis Fowler 1932. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Widespread in South America: Paraná, Paraguay and Amazonas basins. Habitat: freshwater. dialepturus, Cheirodon Fink [W. L.] & Weitzman [S. H.] 1974:5, Figs. 1-5 [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 172; ref. 7132] Creek at bridge 12 miles west of Santiago on road to Sona, River San Pedro basin, Veraguas Province, Panama. Holotype: USNM 208524. Paratypes: ANSP 121989 (2), BMNH 1973.2.16.3-4 (2), CAS 16060 (2), FMNH 71702 (2), MCZ 49067 (2), USNM 208523 (orig. 144, now 132, 3 c&s); ZMA 112473 (2). Other material in USNM. Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:16 [ref. 19236], Böhlke 1984:45 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:14 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Cheirodon dialepturus Fink & Weitzman 1974 -- (Bussing 1987:68 [ref. 22927]). •Valid as Compsura dialeptura (Fink & Weitzman 1974) -- (Bussing 1998:103 [ref. 24179]). •Valid as "Odontostilbe" dialeptura (Fink & Weitzman 1974) -- (Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:427 [ref. 24417]). •Not in Odontostilbe -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728]). •Valid as Odontostilbe dialeptura (Fink & Weitzman 1974) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], Angulo et al. 2013:992 [ref. 33194] with question, Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Angulo et al. 2020:5 [ref. 37425], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:239 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe dialeptura (Fink & Weitzman 1974). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Central America: Pacific versant rivers (Costa Rica and Panama). Habitat: freshwater. dientonito, Roeboides dayi Schultz [L. P.] 1944:304, Fig. 39 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 95 (no. 3181); ref. 3960] Río Palmar at the bridge, 70 kilometers southwest of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121370. Paratypes: USNM 121371 (orig. 91, now 90), 121372-73 (14, 2), 121374 (orig. 24, now 23), 121375 (now 106), 121376-77 (2, 26), 121378 (now 0), 121379 (orig. 155, now 149), 121380-82 (1, 21, 20), 121384 (71); Géry coll. [ex USNM 121379] (6);MCZ 37270 [ex USNM 121383]; UMMZ 145028 [ex USNM 121378] (6 or 5); ZMA 110437 [ex USNM 121375] (6), 113846 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:24 [ref. 19236], Vari & Howe 1991:37-38 [ref. 19022]. •Mention -- (Taphorn 1992:318 [ref. 23654]). •Valid as Roeboides dientonito Schultz 1944 -- (González Bencomo et al. 1997:158 [ref. 24960], Lucena 1998:39 [ref. 23597], Lucena 2000:18 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2011:1663 [ref. 31620], Phillip et al. 2013:17 [ref. 32896], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:87 [ref. 35773]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides dientonito Schultz 1944. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Lake Maracaibo and Orinoco River basin and rivers of northwestern Guyana: Colombia, Guyana and Venezuela; Trinidad and Tobago. Habitat: freshwater. dierythrura, Odontostilbe Fowler [H. W.] 1940:68, Figs. 23-24 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 92; ref. 1436] Todos Santos, Río Chapare, Bolivia. Holotype: ANSP 68915. Paratypes: ANSP 68916-48 (33) [non-types 67196-97 (2) and 67198 (1, c&s) mixed with paratypes and not separable]. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:45 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Odontostilbe dierythrura Fowler 1940 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:239 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe dierythrura Fowler 1940. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin, Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater. difficilis, Notropocharax Marini [T. L.], Nichols [J. T.] & LaMonte [F. R.] 1933:6, Fig. 3 [American Museum Novitates No. 618; ref. 2889] Rio Mogi-Guassú, São Paulo, Brazil. Holotype: AMNH 12247. Paratypes: AMNH 12248 (5). •Synonym of Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. dispar, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2001:63, Fig. 1 [Biotemas v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 25666] Fos do [rio] Arara, bacia do rio Juruá, Reserva Extrativista Alto Juruá, Acre, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 63600. Paratypes: MCP 26487 (2); MZUSP 26157 (8), 26397-98 (1, 1), 34721 (2), 35953 (4), 50455 (1), 63601 (7). •Valid as Roeboides dispar Lucena 2001 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:51, 185 [ref. 35004]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides dispar Lucena 2001. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. Habitat: freshwater. drepanon, Odontostilbe Fowler [H. W.] 1913:529, Fig. 7 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 65; ref. 1389] Rio Madeira tributary, near Porto Velho, Brazil. Holotype: ANSP 39210. Paratypes: ANSP 39211-16 (6). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:45 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Cheirodon drepanon (Fowler 1913) -- (Chang & Ortega 1995:2 [ref. 24302]). •Synonym of Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:170 [ref. 28728], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. ecuadorensis, Odontostilbe Bührnheim [C. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2006:179, Figs. 14-16 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 2); ref. 28728] Río Aguarico, 00°06'N, 76°51'W, Santa Cecilia, Napo, Ecuador. Holotype: ANSP 170608. Paratypes: Many lots at ANSP, FMNH, KU, MEPN. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Odontostilbe ecuadorensis Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006 -- (Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe ecuadorensis Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Ecuador and Ecuador-Peru border. Habitat: freshwater. elongatus, Microschemobrycon Géry [J.] 1973:97, Figs. 9-11 [Studies on the Neotropical Fauna v. 8; ref. 1596] Rio Suiazinho, Rio Xingu basin, Brazil, 12°49'S, 51°46'W. Holotype: BMNH 1972.11.15.1. Paratypes: BMNH 1972.11.15.2 (1), 1972.11.15.3-4 (2); Géry coll. 0680 (1). •Valid as Microschemobrycon elongatus Géry 1973 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:145 [ref. 27061], Ohara et al. 2019:333 [ref. 36615], Marinho 2024:219 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon elongatus Géry 1973. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Xingu, Tapajós and Tocantins River basins, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. erythrurus, Aphyocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:313, Pl. 44 (fig. 4) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Rockstone sand-bank, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 53579 [ex CM 1879]. Paratypes: (39) AMNH 7101 (3); BMNH 1911.10.31.421-422 (2); CAS 59721 [ex IU 12161] (4, now 2); FMNH 7327 (2), 53406-07 (4, 1), 53967 (1), 69539 (6); MCZ 29945 (2); CAS-SU 21912 (2); USNM 66095 [ex CM] (2); ZMA 102158 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:57 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:21 [ref. 12291], Nijssen et al. 1982:14 [ref. 19236], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:9 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:5 [ref. 19022]. •May be the same as Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther 1869) -- (Taphorn 1992:107 [ref. 23654], Willink et al. 2003:5 [ref. 26755]). •Valid as Aphyocharax erythrurus Eigenmann 1912 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Brito et al. 2018:398 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:515 [ref. 37042], Taphorn et al. 2022:13 [ref. 41297], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax erythrurus Eigenmann 1912. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Guyana and Colombia). Habitat: freshwater. essequibensis, Cynopotamus Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:403 [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Potaro Landing, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 53673 [ex CM 2146]. Paratypes: (8) BMNH 1911.10.31.437 (1), CAS 44219 [ex IU 12319] (2), FMNH 53674-75 (1, 3). Type catalog: Henn 1928:70 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:31 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Cynopotamus essequibensis Eigenmann 1912 -- (Menezes 1976:30 [ref. 7073], Menezes 1987:8 [ref. 8072], Planquette et al. 1996:218 [ref. 22818], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], Borstein et al. 2022:16 [ref. 39507] as cf. essequibensis, Taphorn et al. 2022:14 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus essequibensis Eigenmann 1912. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: coastal drainages (Amapá/Brazil, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana: Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname). Habitat: freshwater. eurytaenia, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de], Antonetti [D. A.] & Lucena [C. A. S. de] in Antonetti, Lucena & Lucena 2018:272, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 28 (no. 3) [no. IEF-1075]; ref. 36204] Downstream of Usina Hidrelétrica de Serra da Mesa, rio Tocantins, Campinaçu, Goiás State, Brazil, 13°50'55"S, 48°15'45"W. Holotype: MZUSP 119015. Paratypes: MCP, MZUSP, UNT. •Valid as Phenacogaster eurytaenia Lucena, Antonetti & Lucena 2018. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster eurytaenia Lucena, Antonetti & Lucena 2018. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Upper and middle rio Tocantins basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. euspilurus, Deuterodon Fowler [H. W.] 1945:102, Fig. 3 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 97; ref. 1454] Morelia, Río Caquetá drainage, Colombia [probably Bodoquero River, near the town of Morelia]. Holotype: ANSP 71679. Paratypes: ANSP 71680-84 (5), 71685 (1, missing). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:46 [ref. 13621]. Specific name (with well-spotted tail) treated as a declinable adjective. •Synonym of Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Odontostilbe euspilura (Fowler 1945) [often seen as euspilurus] -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817] as euspilurus). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe euspilura (Fowler 1945). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: western Amazon basin (Colombia, Peru and Ecuador). Habitat: freshwater. exodon, Epicyrtus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1850:46 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 22; ref. 1014] Amazon. No types known. •Synonym of Exodon paradoxus Müller & Troschel 1844 -- (Lucena in Reis et al. 2003:127-128 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Exodon paradoxus Müller & Troschel 1844. Characidae: Exodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. falcata, Saccoderma Dahl [G.] 1955:17 [Revista Linneana v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 19186] Tributaries of Río Sinú or from the Pechilí system, Colombia. Holotype: whereabouts unknown. Paratypes: (158). Not treated in Reis et al. 2003:116 [ref. 27061]. •Species inquirenda -- (Jerep et al. 2024:273 [ref. 40817]). Nomen Dubium. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. felipponei, Pedalibrycon Fowler [H. W.] 1943:314, Figs. 4-6 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 95; ref. 1444] Río Gi, Departamento del Iluranto, Uruguay. Holotype: ANSP 70332. Paratypes: ANSP 67820 (1), 67831 (1, missing). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:46 [ref. 13621]. •In part a synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Malabarba 1989:133 [ref. 14217], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844]). •Valid as Odontostilbe felipponei (Fowler 1943) -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:8 [ref. 21059]). •Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117]). Current status: Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. figueiredoi, Kolpotocheirodon Malabarba [L. R.], Lima [F. C. T.] & Weitzman [S. H.] 2004:322, Figs. 5-6 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 117 (no. 3); ref. 27971] Rio Pratinha, Fazenda Pratinha, 12°21'13"S, 41°32'57"W, Iraquara, Bahia, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 70037. Paratypes: MCP 22345 (5), MZUSP 55219 (26, 2 c&s, 2 histology prep.). •Valid as Kolpotocheirodon figueiredoi Malabarba, Lima & Weitzman 2004 -- (Malabarba & Jerep 2014:76 [ref. 33440], Vita et al. 2020:[5] [ref. 37506], Silva et al. 2020:6 [ref. 37809], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:36 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Kolpotocheirodon figueiredoi Malabarba, Lima & Weitzman 2004. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguaça River drainage, Bahia (Brasil). Habitat: freshwater. filigerus, Aphyocharax Cope [E. D.] 1870:564 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11; ref. 914] Pebas, Peru. Holotype (unique): ANSP 8073. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:46 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:29 [ref. 37559], Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:154 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:108 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Moreira 2024:257 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. francisci, Raeboides Steindachner [F.] 1908:192 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 45 (no. 13) (for 14 May 1908); ref. 18807] Lagoon at Barra (Lagoa Viana, Lagoa do Porto); Rio São Francisco, River Grande do Norte; River Preto at Santa Rita, Brazil. Syntypes: (several) NMW 56891-94 (7, 71, 19, 25), 56896 (13), ?56898-900 (56, ?, 4), 56920-22 (?, 16, 9), 56895 (7), 56897 (2). Original genus is correctly Roeboides. •Synonym of Roeboides xenodon (Reinhardt 1851) -- (Lucena 1988:38 [ref. 22126], Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:134 [ref. 29256], Lucena 2024:273 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides xenodon (Reinhardt 1851). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. franciscoensis, Phenacogaster Eigenmann [C. H.] 1911:173, Pl. 6 (fig. 3) [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 8 (no. 1) (art. 3); ref. 1226] Boqueirãs, near mouth of Rio Preto, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 54599 [ex CM 3231]. Paratypes: (19, CM) CAS 62201 [ex IU 13281, CM 3234] (2), FMNH 15141 (1), 54600-03 (3, 4, 5, 5). Type catalog: Henn 1928:67 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:65 [ref. 12367]. Original as franciscoënsis. •Valid as Phenacogaster franciscoensis Eigenmann 1911 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Lucena & Malabarba 2010:266, 298 [ref. 30880], Antonetti et al. 2018:279 [ref. 36204], Lucena & Lucena 2019:5 [ref. 36690], Silva et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37809], Lucena 2024:251 [ref. 40817], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:36 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster franciscoensis Eigenmann 1911. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: São Francisco River basin (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. franciscoensis, Tetragonopterus Silva [G. S. C.], Melo [B. F.], Oliveira [C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2016:32, Fig. 12 [Zootaxa 4200 (no. 1); ref. 34929] Minas Gerais, Três Marias, Rio São Francisco, Brazil, 18°30'S, 45°17'W. Holotype: MZUSP 120566. Paratypes: LBP, MZUSP. •Valid as Tetragonopterus franciscoensis Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016 -- (Silva et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37809], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:39 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus franciscoensis Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: South America: coastal drainages (eastern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. fugitiva, Odontostilbe Cope [E. D.] 1870:566, Fig. [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11; ref. 914] Affluent of lower río Napo basin, río Mazán, upper río Amazonas, Loreto, Peru. Neotype: MUSM 27501. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:46 [ref. 13621]. Holotype apparently lost or unidentifiable -- see Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:175 [ref. 28728]. Neotype designated by Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:175 [ref. 28728]. •Valid as Cheirodon fugitiva (Cope 1870) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708]). •Valid as Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:29 [ref. 37559], Malabarba 1998:219 [ref. 23844], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:429 [ref. 24417], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:169 [ref. 28728], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. fuscoauratus, Tetragonopterus Castelnau [F. L.] 1855:66, Pl. 33 (fig. 2) [Animaux nouveaux or rares v. 2; ref. 766] Near Bahia, Brazil. Syntypes: MNHN A-9821 (8). Type catalog: Bertin 1948:17 [ref. 19577]. Originally spelled fusco-auratus. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:287 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. galusdae, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1928:44, Pl. 9 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences v. 22 (no. 2) (for 1927); ref. 1245] Río Locomilla at San Xavier, Chile. Holotype: CAS 59760 [ex IU 15506]. Paratypes: (110) CAS 59761 [ex IU 15506] (27); ?FMNH 77551 (3); USNM 84319 [ex IU] (9), 221997 [ex USNM 221997] (1, c&s). Plus additional material. Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:14 [ref. 19022]. Named for Piedro Galusda, a man. The spelling galusdae is acceptable as early workers almost certainly Latinized the name first, and then added an "e" (Art. 31.1.1) [WNE, 12 Mar. 2012] -- suggest using galusadae. •Valid as Cheirodon galusdae [sic] Eigenmann 1928 -- (Campos 1982:141 [ref. 8500], Pequeño 1989:40 [ref. 14125], Casciotta et al. 1992:10 [ref. 21059], Ruiz & Berra 1994:14 [ref. 21384], Campos et al. 1996:69 [ref. 23440], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Dyer 2000:84 [ref. 26678], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061] dated 1927, López et al. 2003:30 [ref. 27366] as cf. galusdae, Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Mantinian et al. 2008:37 [ref. 34297] as galusdai). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon galusdae Eigenmann 1928. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Pacific versant basins in southern Chile; possibly Argentina. Habitat: freshwater. geayi, Cheirodontops Schultz [L. P.] 1944:319, Figs. 42-43 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 95 (no. 3181); ref. 3960] Río Guárico and tributaries between San Sebastián and San Casimiro, Aragua state, Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121507. Paratypes: CAS-SU 18144 [ex USNM 121508] (1), MCZ 37235 [ex USNM 121508] (1), UMMZ 145039 [ex USNM 121508] (1), USNM 121508 (now 3, orig. 6). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:23 [ref. 12291], Vari & Howe 1991:15 [ref. 19022]. •Mention -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728]). •Valid as Cheirodontops geayi Schultz 1944 -- (Taphorn 1992:158 [ref. 23654], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:429 [ref. 24417], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:88 [ref. 35773], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760]). Current status: Valid as Cheirodontops geayi Schultz 1944. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin (Venezuela and Colombia). Habitat: freshwater. geisleri, Hemigrammus Zarske [A.] & Géry [J.] 2007:6, Figs. 1-6 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 57 (no. 1); ref. 29231] 35 kilometers northwest of Obidos Igarapé, Para, Brazil. Holotype: MTD F 30612. Paratypes: MTD and Géry private collection [MHNG?]. •Valid as Hemigrammus geisleri Zarske & Géry 2007 -- (Ota et al. 2014:278 [ref. 33373], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:18 [ref. 39298], Lima & Marinho 2024:175 [ref. 40817], Taphorn et al. 2022:15 [ref. 41297]). •Valid as Cyanogaster geisleri (Zarske & Géry 2007) -- (Melo et al. 2024:12 [ref. 41541]). Current status: Valid as Cyanogaster geisleri (Zarske & Géry 2007). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. geisleri, Microschemobrycon Géry [J.] 1973:93, Figs. 7-8 [Studies on the Neotropical Fauna v. 8; ref. 1596] Igarapé, about 35 kilometers northwest from Obidos, Rio Curuçamba drainage, lower Amazon basin, Brazil. Holotype: MHNG 2229.09 [ex Géry coll. 0672]. Paratypes: (3). Type catalog: Weber 1998:8 [ref. 32707]. •Valid as Microschemobrycon geisleri Géry 1973 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:145 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:107 [ref. 35745] as cf. geisleri, Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Ohara et al. 2019:334 [ref. 36615], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Taphorn et al. 2022:17 [ref. 41297], Marinho 2024:219 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon geisleri Géry 1973. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Madeira, Negro, Tapajós and lower Amazon River basins (Bolivia, Brazil, ?Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. georgiae, Moenkhausia Géry [J.] 1965:104, Pl. 1 (fig. 3) [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 35; ref. 7962] Middle Mana River, between "Saut-Chien" and "Saut-Topi-Topi", French Guiana. Holotype: ZMA 104223. Paratypes: (56) ANSP 94708 (1), 112246 (1), 139714 (2); ZMA 104224 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:22 [ref. 19236], Böhlke 1984:47 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Moenkhausia georgiae Géry 1965 -- (Géry et al. 1991:55 [ref. 21021], Planquette et al. 1996:296 [ref. 22818], Benine in Reis et al. 2003:147 [ref. 27061], Géry & Zarske 2004:43 [ref. 28287], Melo et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34701], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[10] [ref. 35679]). •Valid as Tetragonopterus georgiae (Géry 1965) -- (Silva et al. 2016:19 [ref. 34929], Taphorn et al. 2022:19 [ref. 41297], Melo et al. 2024:280 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus georgiae (Géry 1965). Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: South America: several river basins (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. geryi, Roeboexodon Myers [G. S.] 1960:209 [Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin v. 7 (no. 4); ref. 3129] Maroni Basin, French Guiana. Holotype: MNHN 1958-0038. Paratypes: Géry priv. coll. (6). Based on Exodon guyanensis of Géry 1959 [ref. 1579] (not of Puyo). Géry 1959:347 [ref. 1579] named a neotype for Puyo's Exodon guyanensis, and that is the holotype of Roeboexodon geryi Myers 1960; guyanensis and Myer's geryi are automatically the same species; a species that might diiffer from Puyo's original species (see also Art. 75.6 of the Code). See comments in Lucena & Lucinda in Reis et al. 2003:155-156 [ref. 27061] and Moreira & Lima 2011:315 [ref. 31389]. •Valid as Roeboexodon geryi Myers 1960 -- (Lucena & Lucinda in Reis et al. 2003:155-156 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Lucinda 2004:73 [ref. 27957], Mirande 2010:491 [ref. 31006]). •Synonym of Roeboexodon guyanensis (Puyo 1948) -- (Moreira & Lima 2011:313 [ref. 31389], Mol et al. 2012:287 [ref. 32867], Lucena & Santos 2024:269 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboexodon guyanensis (Puyo 1948). Characidae: Exodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. gibbosus, Cynopotamus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1850:321, Pl. 645 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 22; ref. 1014] Mana River; Essequibo River; Amazon. Syntypes: MNHN A-9843 (2) Mana R., A-9844 (5) Essequibo. Type catalog: Bertin 1948:24 [ref. 19577]. •Synonym of Charax gibbosus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:204 [ref. 33369]). Current status: Synonym of Charax gibbosus (Linnaeus 1758). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. gibbosus, Salmo Linnaeus [C.] 1758:311 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] Suriname. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1853.11.12.35 (left halfskin). Type information: Wheeler 1989:208, Fig. 1A [ref. 21873]. •Valid as Charax gibbosus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708], Lucena 1987:36 [ref. 17724], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Taphorn 1992:152 [ref. 23654], Chang & Ortega 1995:6 [ref. 24302], Lasso et al. 2001:95 [ref. 25928], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Menezes & Lucena 2014:204 [ref. 33369], Sarmiento et al. 2014:45, 184 [ref. 35004], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[7] [ref. 35679], Careaga et al. 2020:75 [ref. 37774], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298], Taphorn et al. 2022:13 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Charax gibbosus (Linnaeus 1758). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Essequibo River basins and coastal rivers (Suriname, Guyana, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. gibbosus, Tetragonopterus Steindachner [F.] 1877:562 [4], Pl. 1 (fig. 1) [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4224] Rio Parahyba [Paranaiba], Brazil. Syntypes: (several) NMW 57518-19 (2, 1). On p. 4 of separate. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Tetragonopterus chalceus Spix & Agassiz 1829 -- (Zarske & Géry 2006:8 [ref. 29010] with author as Agassiz, Silva et al. 2016:15 [ref. 34929]). Current status: Synonym of Tetragonopterus chalceus Spix & Agassiz 1829. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Habitat: freshwater. ginesi, Acestrocephalus Lasso [C. A.] & Taphorn [D. C.] 2000:443, Fig. 1 [Revista de Biología Tropical v. 48 (no. 2/3); ref. 25255] Río Cinaruco, beach in front of Laguna Larga, Muñoz district, 6°33'45"N, 67°24'W, Apure State, Venezuela. Holotype: MCNG 34681. Paratypes: MCNG 12098 (5), 17956 (2), 18029 (4), 23305 (5), 26048 (3), 37820 (14), 37821 (1 c&s), 37822-25 (6, 5, 5, 5); MNHLS 12762 (1), 12807 (3). •Valid as Acestrocephalus ginesi Lasso & Taphorn 2000 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:200 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento 2016:537 [ref. 34727]). •Synonym of Acestrocephalus sardina (Fowler 1913) -- (Menezes 2006:387 [ref. 28897]). Current status: Synonym of Acestrocephalus sardina (Fowler 1913). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. goeldii, Charax Fowler [H. W.] 1913:568, Fig. 22 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 65; ref. 1389] Río Madeira tributary, near Porto Velho, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 39308. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:47 [ref. 13621]. •Possibly valid as Cynopotamus goeldii (Fowler 1913). •Synonym of Galeocharax gulo (Cope 1870) -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:203 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Galeocharax goeldii (Fowler 1913) -- (Menezes 2007:21 [ref. 29171], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Giovannetti et al. 2017:[6] [ref. 35215]). Current status: Valid as Galeocharax goeldii (Fowler 1913). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Madre de Dios, Beni, Mamoré and Guaporé River drainages, Madeira River basin, Brazil and Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater. gorgonae, Cheirodon Evermann [B. W.] & Goldsborough [E. L.] 1909:99, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 22; ref. 14372] Small pool below the spillway of the reservoir dam at Gorgona, Panama Canal Zone. Holotype: USNM 64094. Paratypes: (11) ? BMNH 1909.2.25.50 (1), FMNH (1, missing), IU (1, not at CAS), CAS-SU (1, missing), USNM 64095 (4), USNM 127086 [ex USBF 1706/5421] (3). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:14 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Cheirodon gorgonae Evermann & Goldsborough 1909 -- (Fink & Weitzman 1974:14 [ref. 7132]). •Valid as Compsura gorgonae (Evermann & Goldsborough 1909) -- (Bussing 1998:104 [ref. 24179], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:427 [ref. 24417], Malabarba & Weitzman 2000:280 [ref. 24413], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Jerep et al. 2024:132 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Compsura gorgonae (Evermann & Goldsborough 1909). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Central America: Pacific and Atlantic versant rivers of Panama. Habitat: freshwater. gouldingi, Cynopotamus Menezes [N. A.] 1987:2, Fig. 1 [Beaufortia v. 37 (no. 1); ref. 8072] Rio Madeira at Calama, Territory of Rondônia, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 35474. Paratypes: MZUSP 34316 (26), USNM 278962 (5), ZMA 119460 (3). Type catalog: Oyakawa 1996:461 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Cynopotamus gouldingi Menezes 1987 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus gouldingi Menezes 1987. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Tocantins and Araguaia river basins, Brazil and Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater. gracilis, Aphyocharax Fowler [H. W.] 1940:61, Figs. 16-17 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 92; ref. 1436] Río Pilcomayo, Villa Montes, Bolivia. Holotype: ANSP 68864. Paratypes: ANSP 68865 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:47 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Aphyocharax gracilis Fowler 1940 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:21 [ref. 27366], Sarmiento et al. 2014:43, 183 [ref. 35004]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax gracilis Fowler 1940. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: Paraguay River basin: Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. Habitat: freshwater. gracilis, Cheirodon Géry [J.] 1960:29, Pl. 2 (fig. 4); Figs. 12-13 [Senckenbergiana Biologica v. 41 (no. 1/2); ref. 1605] Sable Creek, Upper Mana, French Guiana. Holotype: SMF 4785. Paratypes: ANSP 139705 (1); Géry coll. 57 che 02-32-9 to 11 (3), 57 Che 02-19-2 to 8 (?); SMF 4791 (2); ZMA 113856. Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:16 [ref. 19236], Böhlke 1984:47 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Odontostilbe gracilis (Géry 1960) -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:8 [ref. 21059], Planquette et al. 1996:330 [ref. 22818], Keith et al. 2000:13 [ref. 24547], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Melo et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34701]). •Not in Odontostilbe -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728]). •Valid as Serrapinnus gracilis (Gáry 1960) -- (Zarske 2012:16 [ref. 31902], Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362], Taphorn et al. 2022:19 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus gracilis (Géry 1960). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: French Guiana and Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. guaporensis, Microschemobrycon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:56, Pl. 8 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Rio Guaporé at Maciél, Amazon system, Brazil. Holotype (unique): FMNH 57926 [ex CM 6910a]. Type catalog: Henn 1928:59 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:57 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Microschemobrycon guaporensis Eigenmann 1915 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:145 [ref. 27061], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Ohara et al. 2019:334 [ref. 36615], Marinho 2024:219 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon guaporensis Eigenmann 1915. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Guaporé River drainage, Madeira River basin, Brazil and Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater. guatemalensis, Anacyrtus Günther [A.] 1864:347 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río Chagres, Panama. Lectotype: BMNH 1864.1.26.310. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1864.1.26.311-312 (2), USNM 133137 [ex BMNH 1864.1.26.366] (1), ZMB 6833 (2). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:4 [ref. 19022]. Lectotype selected by Miller & Carr 1974:121 [ref. 24560]. •Valid as Roeboides guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Villa 1982:105 [ref. 36708], Bussing 1987:91 [ref. 22927], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:25 [ref. 22290], Bussing 1998:117 [ref. 24179], Lucena 2000:42 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2011:1663 [ref. 31620], Matamoros et al. 2013:280 [ref. 32755]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Central America: Atlantic slope drainages, Guatemala to Panama. Habitat: freshwater. guayupe, Phenacogaster Romero-Figueroa [A.] & Carvalho [T. P.] 2024:631, Figs. 10, 12D [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 4); ref. 41769] Abrote Stream, tributary to Ariari River, Meta, Colombia, 3°18'4.3"N, 73°27'9.2"W. Holotype: MPUJ 17572. Paratypes: (76) MPUJ. •Valid as Phenacogaster guayupe Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster guayupe Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: upper Guaviare River drainage, Orinoco River basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. gulo, Cynopotamus Cope [E. D.] 1870:565 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11; ref. 914] Pebas, Peru. Syntypes: ANSP 8053 (Böhlke holotype), ANSP 8054-55 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:47 [ref. 13621] as holotype and paratypes. •Valid as Galeocharax gulo (Cope 1870) -- (Menezes 1976:43 [ref. 7073], Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:203 [ref. 27061], see Taphorn 1992:185 [ref. 23654], Planquette et al. 1996:220 [ref. 22818], Menezes 2007:22 [ref. 29171], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Giovannetti et al. 2017:[13] [ref. 35215], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:88 [ref. 35773], Azevedo-Santos et al. 2020:5 [ref. 39606], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:18 [ref. 39298], Brandão et al. 2023:107 [ref. 40464], Koerber et al. 2022:39 [ref. 39235], Taphorn et al. 2022:14 [ref. 41297], Silva-Sene et al. 2024:3 [ref. 41784]). Current status: Valid as Galeocharax gulo (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador,French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. guyanensis, Exodon Puyo [J.] 1948:78 [1], Fig. 1 [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 83 (nos 1-2); ref. 13029] Confluent of Ouaqui and Tampoc, Upper Maroni River, French Guiana. Neotype: MNHN 1959-0038. On p. 1 of separate. Neotype designated by Géry 1959:347 [ref. 1579]; original 3 syntypes apparently lost. See nomenclatural comments in Lucena & Lucinda in Reis et al. 2003:155-156 [ref. 27061]; neotype not regarded as valid by them, but that is probably incorrect since the designation was in 1959 and does not come under the 1999 code. See also Moreira & Lima 2011:315 [ref. 31389] who correctly regard the neotype as valid.. •Species inquirenda -- (Lucena & Lucinda in Reis et al. 2003:155 [ref. 27061]). •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Roeboexodon guyanensis (Puyo 1948) -- (Géry et al. 1991:44 [ref. 21021], Planquette et al. 1996:318 [ref. 22818], Moreira & Lima 2011:313 [ref. 31389], Borstein et al. 2022:16 [ref. 39507], Lucena & Santos 2024:269 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Roeboexodon guyanensis (Puyo 1948). Characidae: Exodontinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon, Tocantins, Xingu and Tapajós River basins (Brazil) and Tapanahony River drainage (Suriname). Habitat: freshwater. hasemani, Charax Steindachner [F.] 1915:348 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 52 (no. 27); ref. 20500] Mouth of Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. Syntypes: (several) NMW. Species described in more detail in Steindachner 1915:589 [ref. 15070]. •Synonym of Roeboides myersii Gill 1870 -- (Lucena 1988:35 [ref. 22126], Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2003:300 [ref. 27452], Lucena 2024:272 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides myersii Gill 1870. Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. hasemani, Odontostilbe Fowler [H. W.] 1940:89, Figs. 49-51 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 92; ref. 1436] Boca Chapare, Río Chimore, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Holotype: ANSP 69100. Paratypes: ANSP 69101-22 (22), 69125 (1, c&s); Géry coll. (2) [ex ANSP 69123-24]. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:48 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Odontostilbe dierythrura Fowler 1940 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Odontostilbe dierythrura Fowler 1940. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. hastatus, Odontostilbe Eigenmann [C. H.] 1913:27 [Indiana University Studies No. 18; ref. 1229] Soplaviento, Colombia. Holotype: FMNH 56383 [ex CM 5103]. Paratypes: (25, CM and IU) FMNH 56300 (10, 1 c&s), 69555 (3); CAS 70919 [ex IU 12861] (9); USNM 79223 (2). Type catalog: Henn 1928:59 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:32 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Saccoderma hastata (Eigenmann 1913) -- (Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:427 [ref. 24417], Malabarba & Weitzman 2000:280 [ref. 24413], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061] as hastatus, López et al. 2003:31 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:54 [ref. 35633], Jerep et al. 2024:273 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Saccoderma hastata (Eigenmann 1913). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Magdalena River basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. hemigrammus, Aphyocheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:59, Fig. 18; Pl. 9 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Jacquara, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57819 [ex CM 6802]. Paratypes: (31) CAS 75171 [ex IU 14132] (3), FMNH 57820-22 (20, 4, 1), CAS-SU 17517 (2). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:21 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:10 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Aphyocheirodon hemigrammus Eigenmann 1915 -- (Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:429 [ref. 24417], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:215 [ref. 27061], Reis et al. 2016:13 [ref. 34496]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocheirodon hemigrammus Eigenmann 1915. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. hemigrammus, Asiphonichthys Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:403, Pl. 60 (fig. 4) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Gluck Island, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 53665 [ex CM 2137]. Additional original material: CAS 38954 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:69 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:11 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Charax hemigrammus (Eigenmann 1912) -- (Lucena 1987:39 [ref. 17724], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:206 [ref. 33369], Taphorn et al. 2022:14 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Charax hemigrammus (Eigenmann 1912). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Essequibo River basins (Brazil and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater. heterodon, Holesthes Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:87, Fig. 32; Pl. 15 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Jaguara, Rio Grande emptying into Rio Paraná, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57890 [ex CM 6875a]. Paratypes: (109) ANSP 134940 (1, c&s); CAS 98919 [ex IU 14115, CM 6876] (4); FMNH 57881-89 (15, 21, 7, 5, 1, 10, 4, 1, 1), 57891 (17), 57893 (1), 57896 (3); CAS-SU 17522 [ex FMNH 57891 & CM 6876] (5, 1 missing). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:24 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:47 [ref. 12367], Böhlke 1984:48 [ref. 13621]. Genus emended on p. 83 from Holoshesthes Eigenmann 1903. •Valid as Holesthes heterodon Eigenmann 1915 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708]). •Valid as Serrapinnus heterodon (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:429 [ref. 24417], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440], Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362], Ingenito et al. 2016:1 [ref. 34700] as maybe an introduction, Petry et al. 2016:303 [ref. 34966], Melo et al. 2016:376 [ref. 35317], Costa et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35684], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Silva et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37809], Vita et al. 2020:[5] [ref. 37506], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Brandão et al. 2023:111 [ref. 40464], Koerber et al. 2022:41 [ref. 39235], Quintela et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40727], Jerep et al. 2024:276 [ref. 40817], Silva-Sene et al. 2024:3 [ref. 41784], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:37 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus heterodon (Eigenmann 1915). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: São Francisco and upper Paraná River basins and coastal drainages (eastern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. heterura, Compsura Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:61, Fig. 19; Pl. 10 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Rio Itapicurú at Queimadas, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57825 [ex CM 6808]. Paratypes: (13) FMNH 57826 (10), UMMZ [ex FMNH 57826] (1), CAS-SU 17513 [ex FMNH 57826, ex CM 6809] (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:23 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:27 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Compsura heterura Eigenmann 1915 -- (Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:416 [ref. 24417], Malabarba & Weitzman 2000:280 [ref. 24413], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Costa et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35684], Silva et al. 2020:5 [ref. 37809], Koerber et al. 2022:41 [ref. 39235], Jerep et al. 2024:132 [ref. 40817], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:36 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Compsura heterura Eigenmann 1915. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: São Francisco and Parnaíba River basins and Atlantic versant rivers (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. hildebrandi, Roeboides Eigenmann [C. H.] 1922:160, 162, Pl. 25 (fig. 3) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 1243] Istmina, Colombia. Holotype: FMNH 56884 [ex CM 5186; IU 12933]. Paratypes: CAS 71109 [ex IU 12933] (17, now 9), FMNH 56841 [ex CM 5186] (8); Additional material: FMNH 56369 [ex CM 5185] (12), 56370 [ex CM 5187] (1), 56377-80 [ex CM 5195-98] (1, 5, 1, 2), 56559 [ex CM 5373] (5), 56560 [ex CM 5374] (4), 56561 [ex CM 5375] (5); IU 12932 (25), 12944-47, 12959-60 (25), 13063-62 (23, 1, 40, 30, 1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:70 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:76 [ref. 12367] as 44 paratypes from 6 localities, but most of these are not types. Type designated in caption to Pl. 25 (fig. 3). •Valid as Roeboides hildebrandi Eigenmann 1922 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:30 [ref. 37559]). •Synonym of Roeboides occidentalis Meek & Hildebrand 1916 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides occidentalis Meek & Hildebrand 1916. Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. howesi, Amblystilbe Fowler [H. W.] 1940:85, Figs. 46-48 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 92; ref. 1436] Boca Chapare, Río Chimore, Cochabamba, Amazon system, Bolivia. Holotype: ANSP 69070. Paratypes: ANSP 69071-91 (22), 69092 (1, missing). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:48 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Prodontocharax howesi (Fowler 1940) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004]). •Valid as Amblystilbe howesi Fowler 1940 -- (Bertaco et al. 2023:20 [ref. 40512]). Current status: Valid as Amblystilbe howesi Fowler 1940. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: western Amazon River basin, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Habitat: freshwater. huberi, Tetragonopterus Steindachner [F.] 1909:172 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 46 (no. 11) (for 6 May 1909); ref. 18813] Rio Purus, Amazon River basin, Brazil. Syntypes: NMW 57532 (1). •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier 1816 -- (Zarske & Géry 2006:8 [ref. 29010], Litz & Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:23 [ref. 35117], Silva et al. 2016:11 [ref. 34929], Koerber et al. 2017:36 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier 1816. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Habitat: freshwater. humeralis, Hydrocyon Valenciennes [A.] 1834:Pl. 11 (fig. 2) [Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale; ref. 20720] Buenos Aires, Argentina [market at Buenos Aires, probably from the río de La Plata basin]. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9848. Type catalog: Bertin 1948:24 [ref. 19577]. Name available from plate, description in Valenciennes 1847:9 [ref. 5010]. Pl. 11 was published in 1834. •Valid as Galeocharax humeralis (Valenciennes 1834) -- (Menezes 1976:30 [ref. 7073], Taphorn 1992:185 [ref. 23654], Braga 1994:7 [ref. 27878], Gómez & Chebez 1996:48 [ref. 23791], Sverlij et al. 1998:15 [ref. 27632] dated 1837, Britski et al. 1999:52 [ref. 24147], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:203 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:18 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Menezes 2007:21 [ref. 29171], Mirande 2010:495 [ref. 31006], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565] dated 1837, Giovannetti et al. 2017:[25] [ref. 35215], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Loureiro et al. 2023:56 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Galeocharax humeralis (Valenciennes 1834). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Paraguai, Rio Uruguai and lower rio Paraná basins (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. ibicuhiensis, Cheirodon interruptus var. Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:74 [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Cacequy [Cacequi], Rio Ibicuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Syntypes: CAS-SU 17515 [ex CM 6816] (1), FMNH 57833 [ex CM 6816] (7), 98573 [ex FMNH 57833] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:23 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367]. Lectotype listed as FMNH 57883 [ex 6861] by Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061] but does not meet the requirements of the 1999 Code unless the code is emended. •Valid as Cheirodon ibicuhiensis Eigenmann 1915 -- (Malabarba 1989:133 [ref. 14217], Casciotta et al. 1992:10 [ref. 21059], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Mantinian et al. 2008:38 [ref. 34297], Miquelarena et al. 2008:61 [ref. 29829], Koerber 2011:2 [ref. 31122], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Petry et al. 2016:301 [ref. 34966], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Giora & Wingert 2023:129 [ref. 41026], Loureiro et al. 2023:59 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon ibicuhiensis Eigenmann 1915. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Laguna dos Patos, Uruguay and Tramandaí River basins (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater, brackish. iheringi, Hyphessobrycon Fowler [H. W.] 1941:186, Fig. 96 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 93; ref. 1437] Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 69579. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:48 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Hyphessobrycon iheringi Fowler 1941 -- (Lima & Gerhard 2001:110 [ref. 25355], Lima & Costa 2001:233 [ref. 25700], Lima & Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:137 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Serrapinnus piaba (Lütken 1875) -- (Jerep 2024:277 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Serrapinnus piaba (Lütken 1875). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. iheringi, Odontostile Fowler [H. W.] 1941:183, Fig. 93 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 93; ref. 1437] Rio Jaguaribe, Russas, Ceará, Brazil. Holotype: ANSP 69539. Paratypes: ANSP 69540-74 (35), 69577 (1, c&s); Géry coll. [ex ANSP 69575-76] (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:48 [ref. 13621]. The original genus is correctly Odontostilbe. •Synonym of Serrapinnus heterodon (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], Jerep et al. 2024:276 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Serrapinnus heterodon (Eigenmann 1915). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. ilseae, Roeboides Bussing [W. A.] 1986:45, Fig. 1 [Revista de Biología Tropical v. 33 (no. 1) (for June 1985); ref. 8101] Quebrada Bonita, south of Damas and 9 kilometers northwest of Quepos, Costa Rica, elevation 10 meters. Holotype: LACM 43754-1. Paratypes: LACM (8 lots, 89); UCR (10 lots, was 462, 15 c&s); UMMZ 212761 (20); USNM 268667 (2). Type catalog: Angulo et al. 2015:383 [ref. 35212]. •Valid as Roeboides ilseae Bussing 1986 -- (Bussing 1987:92 [ref. 22927], Lucena 1998:39 [ref. 23597], Bussing 1998:120 [ref. 24179], Lucena 2000:41 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2011:1663 [ref. 31620] dated 1985, Matamoros et al. 2013:280 [ref. 32755], Angulo et al. 2013:992 [ref. 33194]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides ilseae Bussing 1986. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Pacific slope, Costa Rica. Habitat: freshwater. insignis, Chirodon Steindachner [F.] 1880:74 [22], Pl. 6 (fig. 3) [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 42; ref. 14403] Río Cauca, Colombia. Syntypes: (several) NMW 62543-44 (6, 8). On p. 22 of separate. Original genus should have been Cheirodon. •Valid as Chirodon insignis Steindachner 1880 -- (Galvis et al. 1997:44 [ref. 23651]). •Valid as Nanocheirodon insignis (Steindachner 1880) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Zarske 2001:15 [ref. 25834], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Jerep et al. 2024:238 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Nanocheirodon insignis (Steindachner 1880). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Lake Maracaibo and Magdalena River basins, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. interruptus, Tetragonopterus Jenyns [L.] 1842:127, Pl. 23 (fig. 4) [The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle; ref. 2344] Laguna del Diario, 34°54'S, 55°00'W, in Maldonado, Uruguay. Syntypes: BMNH 1917.7.14.16-17 (2). See Calviño 2007:40 [ref. 29380] for information on the type locality. •Valid as Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842), subspecies interruptus -- (Pequeño 1989:40 [ref. 14125], Malabarba 1989:133 [ref. 14217], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], López et al. 2002:63 [ref. 26808]). •Valid as Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Campos 1982:129 [ref. 8500], Casciotta et al. 1992:10 [ref. 21059], Haro et al. 1996:6 [ref. 25004], Dyer 2000:89 [ref. 26678], Zarske 2001:15 [ref. 25834], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:30 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:110 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Mantinian et al. 2008:37 [ref. 34297], Miquelarena et al. 2008:63 [ref. 29829], Azpelicueta et al. 2010:2 [ref. 41139], Mirande 2010:533 [ref. 31006], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Petry et al. 2016:301 [ref. 34966], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Giora & Wingert 2023:130 [ref. 41026], Loureiro et al. 2023:59 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Introduced in Chile. Habitat: freshwater. ipacarayensis, Aphyocharax Ahl [E.] 1924:32 [Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin v. 11 (no. 1); ref. 19930] Laguna Ipacaray, Paraguay. Holotype: ZMB 20605 [or 23605]. Paratypes: ZMB 20606 [or 23606] (1). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:91 [ref. 21847], Zarske & Géry 1995:105 [ref. 22674]. •Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Zarske & Géry 1995:118 [ref. 22674], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:10 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267], Souza-Lima 2024:89 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. jacuiensis, Heterocheirodon Malabarba [L. R.] & Bertaco [V. A.] 1999:95, Figs. 3-5 [Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRS, Série Zoologia v. 12; ref. 24149] Lagoon at left margin of Rio Jacui, near bridge of road BR 290, Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 23670. Paratypes: MCP 9027 (3), 11279 (1, c&s), 11280 (1, c&s), 11283-84 (11, 16), 11358 (1), 11427 (1), 12203 (1), 19417 (39), 19505 (2), 19513 (2); MNRJ 18631 (25); MZUSP 18985 (25), 18993 (10); UFRGS 3825-26 (10, 9 [c&s]); USNM 356386 (25). •Valid as Heterocheirodon jacuiensis Malabarba & Bertaco 1999 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:12 [ref. 33622], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Loureiro et al. 2023:60 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Heterocheirodon jacuiensis Malabarba & Bertaco 1999. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Laguna dos Patos drainage (Brazil and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. jaguaribensis, Cheirodon Fowler [H. W.] 1941:180, Fig. 91 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 93; ref. 1437] Rio Jaguaribe, Russas, Ceará, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 69530. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:49 [ref. 13621] as possible synonym of Cheirodon piaba Lütken 1875. •Valid as Cheirodon jaguaribensis Fowler 1941 -- (Costa et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35684]). •Species incertae sedis in Characidae, valid but not Cheirodon -- ([various authors] in Reis et al. 2003:104 [ref. 27061], Chuctaya et al. 2024:130 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Uncertain as Cheirodon jaguaribensis Fowler 1941. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Jaguaribe River basin, northeastern Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. jancupa, Phenacogaster Malabarba [L. R.] & Lucena [Z. M. S. de] 1995:339, Fig. 1 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 6 (no. 4); ref. 21946] Ribeirao Espinheiro, crossing road BR364, Rio Cuiabá drainage, 15°24'S, 56°23'W, Jangada, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 17279. Paratypes: MCP 16129 (34, 2 c&s); MZUSP 48009 (35); USNM 334016 (35). •Valid as Phenacogaster jancupa Malabarba & Lucena 1995 -- (Britski et al. 1999:40 [ref. 24147], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Lucena & Malabarba 2010:266, 300 [ref. 30880]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster jancupa Malabarba & Lucena 1995. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Espinheiro creek in upper Paraguay River drainage, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. julliae, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2019:1, Figs. 1-3 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 17 (no. 1): e180134; ref. 36690] Rio Salitre, on the road to Lage, circa 40 km east of Lage, Poços de Doce, rio São Francisco drainage, Campo Formoso, Bahia, Brazil, approximately 10°01'S, 40°42'W. Holotype: MZUSP 123642. Paratypes: MCP, MZUSP. •Valid as Phenacogaster julliae Lucena & Lucena 2019 -- (Silva et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37809]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster julliae Lucena & Lucena 2019. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Salitre drainage, Rio São Francisco basin (Bahia State, Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. juruena, Tetragonopterus Silva [G. S. C.], Melo [B. F.], Oliveira [C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2016:40, Fig. 15 [Zootaxa 4200 (no. 1); ref. 34929] Mato Grosso, Sapezal, Rio Juruena, upper Rio Tapajós, Brazil, 12°50'59"S, 58°55'36"W. Holotype: LIRP 14033. Paratypes: LIRP, MZUSP. •Valid as Tetragonopterus juruena Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016 -- (Urbanski et al. 2018:[6] [ref. 35973]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus juruena Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: Upper Rio Tapajós, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. juruenae, Bryconexodon Géry [J.] 1980:2, Figs. 1-2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1598] Upper Rio Juruena, tributary of Rio Tapajoz, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 14638 [ex USNM 194333]. Paratypes: Géry 0800.1-0800.4 (4); MNHN 1980-1428 [ex USNM 194289] (1); MZUSP 14639 (3), 14640 (2); USNM 194331 (1, missing), 194333 (4), 194350 (1), 194336 (1), 194289 (6), 194366 (1). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:11 [ref. 19022], Oyakawa 1996:453 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Bryconexodon juruenae Géry 1980 -- (Lucena in Reis et al. 2003:119 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:492 [ref. 31006]). Current status: Valid as Bryconexodon juruenae Géry 1980. Characidae: Exodontinae. Distribution: Upper Tapajós River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. juruenae, Cynopotamus Menezes [N. A.] 1987:3, Fig. 2 [Beaufortia v. 37 (no. 1); ref. 8072] Upper Rio Juruena, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 35475. Paratypes: MZUSP 35476 (1); USNM 194279 (1), 194296 (1); ZMA 119461 (1). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:19 [ref. 19022], Oyakawa 1996:461 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Cynopotamus juruenae Menezes 1987 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus juruenae Menezes 1987. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Juruena River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. kiliani, Cheirodon Campos [H.] 1982:154, Figs 10 [Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment v. 17 (nos 2-3); ref. 8500] Río Cau Cau, Chile. Holotype: IZUA 2340. Paratypes: IZUA 276 (50, c&s), 2341 (orig. 6); USNM 227309 [ex IZUA 2341] (1), 227310 [ex IZUA 2341] (1); plus additional material. Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:14 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Cheirodon kiliani Campos 1982 -- (Pequeño 1989:40 [ref. 14125], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Dyer 2000:84 [ref. 26678], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Mantinian et al. 2008:38 [ref. 34297] as killiani). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon kiliani Campos 1982. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Pacific versant rivers of Chile. Habitat: freshwater. kincaidi, Cyrtocharax Schultz [L. P.] 1950:60 [Review of thirteen genera of South American fishes; ref. 12973] Paraguay. Holotype (unique): USNM 1694. Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:20 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Cynopotamus kincaidi (Schultz 1950) -- (Menezes 1976:26 [ref. 7073], Menezes 1987:8 [ref. 8072], Braga 1994:10 [ref. 27878], Gómez & Chebez 1996:48 [ref. 23791], Britski et al. 1999:52 [ref. 24147], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:18 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267], Reis et al. 2020:457 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus kincaidi (Schultz 1950). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay and lower Paraná river basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. knerii, Anacyrtus (Cynopotamus) Steindachner [F.] 1879:65 [49] [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 39; ref. 4227] Cuiabá, Río Paraguay, Irisanga, Brazil. Syntypes: NMW 62660 (2). Species not included in earlier abstract [ref. 20476]. On p. 49 of separate. •Valid as Galeocharax knerii (Steindachner 1879) -- (Menezes 1976:45 [ref. 7073], Taphorn 1992:176 [ref. 23654] as kneri, Gómez & Chebez 1996:48 [ref. 23791] as kneri, Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:203 [ref. 27061] with a holotype, López et al. 2003:18 [ref. 27366] as kneri, Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131] as kneri, Menezes 2007:21 [ref. 29171], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Mirande & Koerber 2020:2 [ref. 37594]). •Synonym of Galeocharax gulo (Cope 1870) -- (Giovannetti et al. 2017:[13] [ref. 35215], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267]). •Possibly valid as Galeocharax knerii (Steindachner 1879) -- (Souza et al. 2022:9 [ref. 39145]). Current status: Synonym of Galeocharax gulo (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay River basin (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. kriegi, Cheirodon Schindler [O.] 1937:106 [Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 74 (no. 13) (for 10 June 1937); ref. 17169] Estancia Centurión [Estancia San Luis de la Serra], Rio Apa, Apa Mountains, northeastern Paraguay. Lectotype: ZSM 5859. Paralectotypes: (29) MHNG 5867-5892 (5, now 4); MSNM 2 [ex MSNM 4962] (1), NMW 62548 (5), ZMA 114445 (1); ZSM 5860 (1), 5862--63 (2), 5867-92 (26, now 15). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:17 [ref. 19236]. Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061] has syntypes only as as ZSM 5859-60 and 5867-92. Lectotype established by Schindler 1939:279 [ref. 31247] by use of "Typus" for one syntype. •Valid as Odontostilbe kriegi (Schindler 1937) -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:8 [ref. 21059], Britski et al. 1999:48 [ref. 24147]). •Valid as Serrapinnus kriegi (Schindler 1937) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:413 [ref. 24417], Zarske 2001:15 [ref. 25834], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:30 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:108 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Miquelarena et al. 2008:74 [ref. 29829], Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362], Bertaco et al. 2016:414 [ref. 34561], Koerber et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35267], Serra et al. 2018:4 [ref. 36023], Koerber et al. 2020:4 [ref. 37480], Koerber et al. 2021:4 [ref. 38894], Koerber et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40355], Loureiro et al. 2023:59 [ref. 40506], Jerep et al. 2024:276 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus kriegi (Schindler 1937). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay and Uruguay River basins (Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. kuluene, Tetragonopterus Silva [G. S. C.], Melo [B. F.], Oliveira [C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2016:35, Fig. 13 [Zootaxa 4200 (no. 1); ref. 34929] Mato Grosso, Paranatinga, Rio Culuene, Rio Xingu basin, Brazil, 13°49'00"S, 53°15'00"W. Holotype: MZUSP 120567. Paratypes: LBP, MZUSP. •Valid as Tetragonopterus kuluene Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016 -- (Urbanski et al. 2018:[6] [ref. 35973]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus kuluene Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: Rio Xingu basin, Amazon basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. latus, Chalceus Jardine [W.] in Schomburgk 1841:214 [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I; ref. 18707] Rio Padauiri [Rio Padauari], tributary of Rio Negro. No types known. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:286 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. latus, Hyphessobrycon Fowler [H. W.] 1941:185, Fig. 95 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 93; ref. 1437] Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 69578. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:49 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Hyphessobrycon latus Fowler 1941 -- (Lima & Gerhard 2001:110 [ref. 25355], Lima & Costa 2001:233 [ref. 25700]). •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Serrapinnus piaba (Lütken 1875) -- (Britski 2024:277 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Serrapinnus piaba (Lütken 1875). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. lemniscatus, Tetragonopterus Benine [R. C.], Pelição [G. Z.] & Vari [R. P.] 2004:340, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 117 (no. 3); ref. 27973] Tributary to Sisa Creek, north side of stream about 700 meters downstream of crossing of road from Amotopo to Camp Geologie, about 3°42'N, 57°42'W, Nickeri District, Suriname. Holotype: USNM 225366. Paratypes: LIRP 4928 (2 c&s), 4929 (1); NZCS F7062 [ex USNM 225320] (1); USNM 224367 (2), 225523 (2), 374750 (4). •Synonym of Tetragonopterus rarus (Zarske, Géry & Isbrücker 2004) -- (Melo et al. 2011:49 [ref. 31233], Silva et al. 2016:23 [ref. 34929], Melo et al. 2024:281 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Tetragonopterus rarus (Zarske, Géry & Isbrücker 2004). Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Habitat: freshwater. leticiae, Charax Lucena [C. A. S. de] 1987:40, Fig. 7 [Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRGS (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul) No. 40; ref. 17724] Near Posto de Trocará, igarapé Urubu, Rio Tocantins, Pará, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 28660. Paratypes: MCP [ex MZUSP 20633] (1); MZUSP 20331 (5), 20633 (orig. 14, now 13). Type catalog: Oyakawa 1996:454-455 [ref. 23140]. Original not seen. •Valid as Charax leticiae Lucena 1987 -- (Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Britski et al. 1999:55 [ref. 24147], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:17 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:84 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Menezes & Lucena 2014:207 [ref. 33369], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Koerber et al. 2017:27 [ref. 35267], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[7] [ref. 35679], Guimarães et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35775], Koerber et al. 2022:39 [ref. 39235], Loureiro et al. 2023:54 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Charax leticiae Lucena 1987. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Tocantins and upper Paraguay River basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. leuciscus, Cheirodon Ahl [E.] 1936:19 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 114 (nos 1/2); ref. 13683] Rosario de Sante Fé, Argentina. Lectotype: ZMB 20802. Paralectotypes: ZMB 32432 (3). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:92 [ref. 21847], Zarske & Géry 1995:108, Fig. 5 [ref. 22674]. Lectotype selected by Zarske & Géry 1995:108 [ref. 22674]. •Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Zarske & Géry 1995:118 [ref. 22674], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Zarske 2001:15 [ref. 25834], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117]). Current status: Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. limaesquamis, Anacrytus Cope [E. D.] 1878:686 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 17 (no. 101); ref. 945] Pebas, Peru. Lectotype: ANSP 21460. Paralectotypes: ANSP 21461 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:49 [ref. 13621] as holotype and paratypes. Genus should have been spelled Anacyrtus. •Synonym of Cynopotamus amazonus (Günther 1868) -- (Menezes 1976:28 [ref. 7073], Menezes 1987:6 [ref. 8072], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Cynopotamus amazonum (Günther 1868). Current status: Synonym of Cynopotamus amazonum (Günther 1868). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. lindeae, Axelrodia Géry [J.] 1973:111, Figs. 18-19 [Studies on the Neotropical Fauna v. 8; ref. 1596] Rio Curuçamba, about 9 kilometers north of Obidos, lower Amazon basin, Brazil. Holotype: MHNG 2229.08. Paratypes: (23) ANSP 139717 (2), MNHN 1980-1424 (2), MHNG 2172.074 (13, ex Géry coll. 0673), ZMA 101027 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:14 [ref. 19236], Böhlke 1984:49 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Axelrodia lindeae Géry 1973 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:113 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:530 [ref. 31006]). •Valid as Amazonichthys lindeae (Géry 1973) -- (Esguícero & Mendonça 2023:427 [ref. 40521]). Current status: Valid as Amazonichthys lindeae (Géry 1973). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: lower Amazon basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. littoris, Cheirodon gracilis Géry [J.] 1960:31 [Senckenbergiana Biologica v. 41 (no. 1/2); ref. 1605] "Dégrad Cacao" Comté River, French Guiana. Holotype: SMF 4783. Paratypes: ANSP 112229 (1); Géry coll. 57 Che 04-23-2 to 12 (orig. 11), 57 Che 04-5-13 to 16 (4); MNHN 1980-1431 (2); ZMA 100614 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:16 [ref. 19236], Böhlke 1984:49 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Odontostilbe littoris (Géry 1960) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061]). •Not an Odontostilbe -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728]). •Valid as Serrapinnus littoris (Géry 1860) -- (Zarske 2012:16 [ref. 31902]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus littoris (Géry 1960). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Comté River basin, French Guiana. Habitat: freshwater. loftini, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2011:1664, Fig. 1 [Revista de Biología Tropical v.59 (no. 4); ref. 31620] Río Turbe, tributary of Río San Juan, upper Río Coclé del Norte drainage, Panama, 8°47'05"N, 80°38'10"W. Holotype: STRI 7655. Paratypes: MCP 45775 (3); STRI 7656 (3), 7657 (14 + 1 c&s). Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Roeboides loftini Lucena 2011 -- (Matamoros et al. 2013:280 [ref. 32755]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides loftini Lucena 2011. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Río Coclé del Norte drainage, northwestern Panama. Habitat: freshwater. lu, Amazonichthys Esguícero [A. L. H.] & Mendonça [M. B.] 2023:437, Figs. 8-10 [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 111 (no. 3); ref. 40521] Igarapé Azul, a tributary of the Rio Candeias, Rio Madeira, Rio Amazonas, Candeias do Jamari Municipality, Rondônia State, Brazil, 8°54'56"S, 63°42'21"W. Holotype: UFRO-I 27663. Paratypes: INPA, MCP, MZUSP, UFRO. •Valid as Amazonichthys lu Esguícero & Mendonça 2023. Current status: Valid as Amazonichthys lu Esguícero & Mendonça 2023. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Madeira and Negro River drainages, western Amazon basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. lucenae, Phenacogaster Souza [C. S.], Mattox [G. M. T.], Vita [G.], Ochoa [L. E.], Melo [B. F.] & Oliveira [C.] 2023:5, Figs. 2-4 [ZooKeys No. 1164; ref. 40222] Stream affluent of Rio Curuá, Rio Xingu, Amazon basin, Novo Progresso, Pará, Brazil, 08°29'59"S, 54°58'06.1"W. Holotype: MZUSP 126754. Paratypes: LBP, MZUSP. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Phenacogaster lucenae Souza, Mattox, Vita, Ochoa, Melo & Oliveira 2023. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster lucenae Souza, Mattox, Vita, Ochoa, Melo & Oliveira 2023. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: upper Xingu, upper Araguaia and upper Tapajós River drainages, Amazon basin, Pará and Mato Grosso States, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. lucindai, Serrapinnus Jerep [F. C.] & Malabarba [L. R.] in Malabarba & Jerep 2014:64, Figs. 2c-d, 4b, 6-7 [Zootaxa 3847 (no. 1); ref. 33440] Município de Piranhas, tributary of rio Piranhas, between Piranhas and Bom Jardim de Goiás, 16°21’43.3"S 51°55’10.2972"W, Brazil. Holotype: UFRGS 19198. Paratypes: Many at MCP, UFRGS, UFRJ, UNT. •Valid as Serrapinnus lucindai Jerep & Malabarba 2014 -- (Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus lucindai Jerep & Malabarba 2014. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Rio Tocantins-Araguaia basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. luelingi, Cheirodon Géry [J.] 1964:19, Fig. 16 [Beiträge zur Neotropischen Fauna v. 4 (no. 1); ref. 1580] Small creek connecting "Zapote Cocha" and "Caño Yarina", on edge of Río Pacaya, tributary of lower Río Ucayali, Peru. Holotype: ZFMK 1417. Paratypes: MHNG 2150.16-17 (2), ZFMK 1418 (1). Type catalog: Busse 1984:219 [ref. 28342], Herder et al. 2010:116 [ref. 31087]. •Incertae sedis in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:104 [ref. 27061], Chuctaya et al. 2024:130 [ref. 40817]). •Valid as Cheirodon luelingi Géry 1964 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708], Barriga Salazar 2014:106 [ref. 35745], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Uncertain as Cheirodon luelingi Géry 1964. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: upper Amazon River basin (Peru and Ecuador). Habitat: freshwater. macrolepis, Epicyrtus Kner [R.] 1858:167 [7] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 32 (no. 22); ref. 18871] Guaporé River, Brazil [original localities: Guaporé River, Cuiaba, Caicara, Marabitanos, Suriname]. Lectotype: NMW 62668-6 (78 mm). Paralectotypes: NMW 62653 (1), 62655 (2), 62658 (1), 62666 (3), 62668-1 and 4 (2), 162669-70 (5, 1), 78525 (1). Also appeared in Kner 1860:47 [p. 39 of separate], pl. 6 (fig. 13) [ref. 7130]. Lectotype selected by Lucena 1987:42 [ref. 17724]. •Valid as Charax macrolepis (Kner 1858) -- (Lucena 1987:42 [ref. 17724], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:209 [ref. 33369], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004]). Current status: Valid as Charax macrolepis (Kner 1858). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Guaporé River basin and rio Madeira, Amazonas, Brazil and Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater. macrolepis, Roeboides Meek [S. E.] & Hildebrand [S. F.] 1913:84 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 10 (no. 8); ref. 12295] Río Cupe, Boca de Cupe, River Tuyra basin, Panama. Holotype: FMNH 7590. Paratypes: FMNH 12851-53 (3), 12854-55 (1, 1). •Valid as Phenagoniates macrolepis (Meek & Hildebrand 1913) -- (Fink & Weitzman 1974:30 [ref. 7132], Galvis et al. 1997:52 [ref. 23651], Pavanelli in Reis et al. 2003:153 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:528 [ref. 31006], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Phenagoniates macrolepis (Meek & Hildebrand 1913). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: Chucunaque and Atrato rivers and Lake Maracaibo basin: Colombia, Panama and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. macropterus, Cheirodon Fowler [H. W.] 1941:182, Fig. 92 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 93; ref. 1437] Rio Jaguaribe, Russas, Ceará, Brazil. Holotype: ANSP 69531. Paratypes: ANSP 69532-37 (7), 69538 (1, c&s). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:50 [ref. 13621]. •Incertae sedis in Characidae, valid species but not in Cheirodon -- ([various authors] in Reis et al. 2003:104 [ref. 27061], Chuctaya et al. 2024:130 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Uncertain as Cheirodon macropterus (Fowler 1941). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. maculoblongus, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2010:268, Fig. 4 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Caño Caballepe, 1 kilometer from Tumeremo, Rio Cuyuni system, 7°17'N, 61°30'W, Bolivar, Venezuela. Holotype: MBUCV-V-30230. Paratypes:(many) at ANSP, MBUCV-V, MCP, UF, USNM. The gender of Phenacogaster is feminine, therefore mandatory correction to maculoblonga (R. Fricke, 1 May 2016). •Valid as Phenacogaster maculoblongus Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (Taphorn et al. 2022:18 [ref. 41297]). •Valid as Phenacogaster maculoblonga Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:89 [ref. 35773], Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024:635 [ref. 41769]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster maculoblonga Lucena & Malabarba 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Essequibo and upper Orinoco River basins (Colombia, Guyana and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. maculosus, Acestrocephalus Menezes [N. A.] 2006:393, Fig. 10 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 4); ref. 28897] Minaçu, córrego Água Parada, tributary of rio de Peixe, Serra de Mesa, Goiás State, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 53974. Paratypes:MNRJ 12714 (1), MZUSP 90162 (1). •Valid as Acestrocephalus maculosus Menezes 2006. Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus maculosus Menezes 2006. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. madeirae, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:76, Pl. 13 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] San Joaquín, Bolivia. Holotype (unique): FMNH 57864 [ex CM 6847]. Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Odontostilbe madeirae (Eigenmann 1907) -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:8 [ref. 21059]). •Synonym of Serrapinnus micropterus (Eigenmann 1907) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Jerep et al. 2024:276 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Serrapinnus micropterus (Eigenmann 1907). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. madeirae, Odontostilbe Fowler [H. W.] 1913:527, Fig. 6 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 65; ref. 1389] Tributary of Rio Madeira near Porto Velho, Brazil. Holotype: ANSP 39193. Paratypes: ANSP 39194-205 (12), 39206 (1), 39207 (1, c&s, dissected), 39209 (1, missing), Géry coll. [ex ANSP 39208] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:50 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:170, 176 [ref. 28728], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope 1870. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. madeirae, Prionobrama Fowler [H. W.] 1913:535, Fig. 9 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 65; ref. 1389] Rio Madeira tributary, near Porto Velho, Brazil. Holotype: ANSP 39218. Paratypes: ANSP 39219 (1, c&s). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:50 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:154 [ref. 27061] with question, Moreira 2024:257 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Prionobrama filigera (Cope 1870). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. magdalenae, Anacyrtus (Cynopotamus) Steindachner [F.] 1879:78 [62], Pl. 12 (fig. 2) [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 39; ref. 4227] Cienaga, Colombia. Syntypes: NMW 62501-02 (2, 2), 62504-05 (1, 2), 77769 (1). On p. 62 of separate. Available from figure, no description. •Valid as Cyrtocharax magdalenae (Steindachner 1879) -- (Galvis et al. 1997:47 [ref. 23651]). •Valid as Cynopotamus magdalenae (Steindachner 1879) -- (Menezes 1976:28 [ref. 7073], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus magdalenae (Steindachner 1879). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Magdalena and Cauca River basins, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. magdalenae, Roeboides Eigenmann [C. H.] 1922:160, 161 [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 1243] Soplaviento, Colombia. Syntypes: FMNH [ex CM 5202] (?); CAS 71123 [ex IU 12950] (35). Additional material: CAS 71100 [ex IU 12949] (42), 71120-21 [ex IU 12952-53] (4, 12), CAS 71122 [ex IU 12957] (7); FMNH 56386-56395 [ex CM 5202-5210] (210) (but not 5202 which are types). Type catalog: Henn 1928:70 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:77 [ref. 12367] but footnote indicated only 2 lots are types; most FMNH lots are other material. •Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878) -- (Lucena 2000:24 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2024:271 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. malabarbai, Serrapinnus Jerep [F. C.], Dagosta [F. C. P.] & Ohara [W. M.] 2018:181, Figs. 1-4, 5A [Copeia v. 106 (no. 1); ref. 35830] Rio Suspiro, tributary to Rio das Mortes, Rio Araguaia basin, Primavera do Leste, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 14°52'30.92"S, 54°05'01.40"W. Holotype: MZUSP 117117. Paratypes: MZUEL, MZUSP. •Valid as Serrapinnus malabarbai Jerep, Dagosta & Ohara 2018. Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus malabarbai Jerep, Dagosta & Ohara 2018. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Upper Rio das Mortes, Araguaia-Tocantins basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. manaos, Tetragonopterus Urbanski [B. Q.], Melo [B. F.], Silva [G. S. C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2018:[2], Figs. 1-3 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 16 (no. 2) (e3170158); ref. 35973] Igapó of rio Negro, Anavilhanas National Park, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, approximately 02°42'S, 60°45'W. Holotype: MZUSP 117250. Paratypes: INPA, LBP, MZUSP. •Valid as Tetragonopterus manaos Urbanski, Melo, Silva & Benine 2018 -- (Silvano et al. 2020:82 [ref. 38133]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus manaos Urbanski, Melo, Silva & Benine 2018. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: South America: central Amazon basin (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. margareteae, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2003:292, Figs. 5-7 [Iheringia, Série Zoologia (Porto Alegre) v. 93 (no. 3); ref. 27452] Sistema do rio Pindaré-Mearim, lago do Viana, Maranhão, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 38722. Paratypes: ANSP 82289 (1), 95879 (2); UFPI 601 (1), 602 (1); MCZ 46787 (1); MZUSP 5102 (1): USNM 119942 (13), 119944 (3). •Valid as Roeboides margareteae Lucena 2003 -- (Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Melo et al. 2016:375 [ref. 35317], Brito et al. 2018:23 [ref. 36237] as margaretae, Koerber et al. 2022:40 [ref. 39235], Vieira et al. 2023:17 [ref. 40759], Limeira-Filho et al. 2024:5 [ref. 41573]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides margareteae Lucena 2003. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Mearim, Itapecuru, Munim and Parnaíba rivers (Maranhão and Piauí, northeastern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. meeki, Roeboides Eigenmann [C. H.] 1922:160, 163, Pl. 25 (fig. 4) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 1243] Quibdo, Colombia. Holotype: FMNH 55148 [ex CM 3849a]. Paratypes: (CM 3849b-x; IU 15032 ("several hundred")). CAS 71125 [ex IU 15032] (12); FMNH 55149 (23), 56375 (24), 56558 (12). Additional material: CM 5192a-g; CAS [ex IU 12938] (30, now 7), CM 5372a-g; IU 13061 (83). Type catalog: Henn 1928:70 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:77 [ref. 12367] as 59 paratypes from 3 localities, but many of these are not types. •Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878) -- (Lucena 2000:24 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2024:271 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. megalostictus, Phenacogaster Eigenmann [C. H.] 1909:28 [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 1); ref. 1222] Tumatumari, Lower Potaro River, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 53530 [ex CM 1056]. Paratypes: (103) BMNH 1911.10.31.341-343 (3), 1911.10.31.344-345 (2); CAS 48095 [ex IU 11749] (3), 62202 [ex IU 11747] (10, now 2); 62203 [ex IU 11747] (3), 62204 [ex IU 11748] (3), 62205 [ex IU 11750] (2); FMNH 7469 (1), 7568 (2), 52703-04 (5, 5), 53531-34 (1, 1, 1, 1), 69544 (2), 75168 (20); NMW 56564 (2); CAS-SU 21096 (2), 21907 (1); UMMZ 185302 (2); USNM 66276-77 (2, 1); ZMA 100972 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:67 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:26 [ref. 12291], Nijssen et al. 1982:23 [ref. 19236], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:65 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:33 [ref. 19022]. The gender of Phenacogaster is feminine, therefore mandatory correction to megalosticta •See Planquette et al. 1996:216 [ref. 22818]. •Valid as Phenacogaster megalosticta Eigenmann 1909 (often seen as megalostictus) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Taphorn 1992:295 [ref. 23654] as cf. megalostictus, Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Lucena & Malabarba 2010:265, 300 [ref. 30880], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[7] [ref. 35679], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Taphorn et al. 2022:18 [ref. 41297] as megalostictus, Lucena 2024:251 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster megalosticta Eigenmann 1909. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Essequibo River basin (Guyana) endemic. Habitat: freshwater. meinkeni, Cheirodon Ahl [E.] 1928:320 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 77 (nos 11/12) (art. 4); ref. 15831] East coast of South America, between Rio de Janeiro and Bahia [locality erroneous]. Lectotype: ZMB 20786. Paralectotype: ZMB 32433 (1). Lectotype selected by Zarske & Géry 1995:109 [ref. 22674] and illustrated in Fig. 6. •Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Zarske & Géry 1995:118 [ref. 22674], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Zarske 2001:15 [ref. 25834], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Chuctaya et al. 2024:129 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. melandetus, Odontostilbe Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:312, Pl. 44 (fig. 3) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Guyana. Holotype: CM 1878 (missing from FMNH). Paratypes: CAS 59789 [ex IU 12160] (3). Type catalog: Henn 1928:59 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Aphyocharacidium melandetum (Eigenmann 1912) -- (Planquette et al. 1996:328 [ref. 22818], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:107 [ref. 27061], Taphorn et al. 2022:13 [ref. 41297], Marinho 2024:88 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharacidium melandetum (Eigenmann 1912). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Essequibo River basin (Guyana and ?French Guiana). Habitat: freshwater. melanogramma, Acinocheirodon Malabarba [L. R.] & Weitzman [S. H.] 1999:413, Figs. 1-7 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington No. 112; ref. 24417] Município de Bocaiúva, córrego Cachoeira, tributary to Rio Jequitaí, kilometer 413 of highway BR 135, about 17°28'S, 44°02'W, Rio São Francisco drainage, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Holotype: MNRJ 16455. Paratypes: ANSP 16472 (6), 176238 (7); MNRJ 13435 (4); MCP 16472 (6), 18596 (1), 18598 (1); plus non-type material. •Valid as Acinocheirodon melanogramma Malabarba & Weitzman 1999 -- (Malabarba & Weitzman 2000:279 [ref. 24413], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:215 [ref. 27061], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:76 [ref. 33440], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:36 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Acinocheirodon melanogramma Malabarba & Weitzman 1999. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: São Francisco River basin and possibly Jequitinhonha River basin (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. melanostigma, Saccoderma Schultz [L. P.] 1944:315, Figs. 40-41 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 95 (no. 3181); ref. 3960] Río San Juan near bridge, southern of Mene Grande, Motatán system, Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121519. Paratypes: MCZ 37296 [ex USNM 121525] (4); MHNG [ex USNM 121528] (4), UMMZ 145025 [ex USNM 121530]; CAS-SU 18145 [ex USNM 121528] (6, missing); USNM 121520-24 (5, 44, 24, 3, 3), 121525 (orig. 23, now 19), 121526-27 (7, 4), 121528 (orig. 108, now 98), 121529 (9), 121530 (orig. 4, now 0); ZMA 114669 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:26 [ref. 12291], Nijssen et al. 1982:24 [ref. 19236], Vari & Howe 1991:38-39 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Saccoderma melanostigma Schultz 1944 -- (Galvis et al. 1997:53 [ref. 23651], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:54 [ref. 35633], Jerep et al. 2024:273 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Saccoderma melanostigma Schultz 1944. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Lake Maracaibo basin, Venezuela and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. melanotus, Aphyocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:312 [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Rockstone sand-bank, Guyana. Holotype (unique): FMNH 53578 [ex CM 1877]. Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:10 [ref. 12367]. •Valid, placement uncertain -- (Weitzman & Palmer 1997:238 [ref. 22743]). •Valid as Microschemobrycon melanotus (Eigenmann 1912) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:145 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Ohara et al. 2019:333 [ref. 36615], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Taphorn et al. 2022:17 [ref. 41297], Marinho 2024:220 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon melanotus (Eigenmann 1912). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco, Essequibo, Purus and Amazon River basins (Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. melanotus, Prodontocharax Pearson [N. E.] 1924:36, Fig. 4; Pl. 12 (figs. 1-2) [Indiana University Studies v. 11 (no. 64); ref. 3396] Tumupasa, 30 miles northwest of Rurrenabaque, Bolivia, elevation about 1000 feet. Lectotype: CAS 59793 [ex IU 17331]. Paralectotypes: (should be 55) CAS 59794 [ex IU 17332] (2), 208888 (28); CAS-SU 17471 (6, 1 c&s); UMMZ 66491 (12). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:26 [ref. 12291]. Lectotype selected by Böhlke 1953:660 [ref. 10330] as lecto-holotype. •Valid as Prodontocharax melanotus Pearson 1924 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:531 [ref. 31006], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Netto-Ferreira & Vari 2017:373 [ref. 35453], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Bertaco et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40512]). Current status: Valid as Prodontocharax melanotus Pearson 1924. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Beni, Itenez and upper Madre de Dios River basins, upper Madeira basin, Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. Habitat: freshwater. metae, Charax Eigenmann [C. H.] 1922:238, Pl. 25 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 1243] Barrigón, Río Meta, Orinoco System, Colombia. Holotype: CAS 41300 [ex IU 15027]. Paratypes: FMNH 55145 (10); CAS 69117 [ex IU 15027] (30 or 34, now 16); CAS-SU 60707 [ex IU 15028] (8); UMMZ 160226 (1); USNM 83631 [ex IU 15027] (4). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:22 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:13 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Charax metae Eigenmann 1922 -- (Lucena 1987:44 [ref. 17724], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:211 [ref. 33369], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Charax metae Eigenmann 1922. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Meta River basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. meyburgi, Microschemobrycon Meinken [H.] 1975:217, Figs. 1-2 [Senckenbergiana Biologica v. 56 (nos 4/6); ref. 21936] Rio Xeriuini, Brazil. Holotype: SMF 12271. Paratypes: MZUSP 48131 [ex SMF 12272] (4), SMF 12272 (orig. 19, now 14). Type catalog: Oyakawa 1996:480 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Microschemobrycon meyburgi Meinken 1975 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:145 [ref. 27061], Ohara et al. 2019:333 [ref. 36615], Marinho 2024:220 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Microschemobrycon meyburgi Meinken 1975. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Branco River drainage, Negro River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. michaeli, Charax Lucena [C. A. S. de] 1989:98, Fig. 2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 15 (no. 4) [for 1988]; ref. 12852] Rio Branco (in front of Ile de Maraca), Igarapé do Cujobim, Roraima, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 37276. Paratypes: MCP 11254 (4); MZUSP 33417 (20), 33420 (5), 33425 (6). Type catalog: Oyakawa 1996:455 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Charax michaeli Lucena 1989 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745] as cf. michaeli, Menezes & Lucena 2014:212 [ref. 33369], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Charax michaeli Lucena 1989. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Brazil, Colombia, ?Ecuador and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. microcephalus, Odontostilbe Eigenmann [C. H.] in Eigenmann & Ogle 1907:10 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1556); ref. 1266] Mission de San Francisco, Río Pilcomayo, La Plata system, Bolivia. Holotype: CAS 59790 [ex IU 11086]. Paratypes: CAS 59791 [ex IU 11086a] (1). Information on type locality see Koerber & Terán 2021:138 [ref. 38314]. •Valid as Odontostilbe microcephala Eigenmann 1907 -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:14 [ref. 21059] as microcephalus, Gómez & Chebez 1996:51 [ref. 23791], Butí & Cancino 1999:72 [ref. 25277] as microcephalus, Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:31 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728], Miquelarena et al. 2008:82 [ref. 29829], Mirande 2010:532 [ref. 31006], Litz & Koerber 2014:12 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Koerber et al. 2017:30 [ref. 35267], Chuctaya et al. 2018:[12] [ref. 35862], Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Koerber & Terán 2021:138, 140 [ref. 38314], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:240 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe microcephala Eigenmann 1907. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: La Plata River basin (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. microdon, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:80, Fig. 29; Pl. 14 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Cáceres, Upper Rio Paraguay, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57867 [ex CM 6850]. Paratypes: CAS 59783 [ex IU 14107, CM 6851] (1), FMNH 57868 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Odontostilbe microdon (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Britski et al. 1999:47 [ref. 24147]). •Valid as Cheirodon microdon Eigenmann 1915 -- (Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440], Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362]). •Valid as Serrapinnus microdon (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:429 [ref. 24417], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:30 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus microdon (Eigenmann 1915). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Paraguay River basin: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. Habitat: freshwater. microlepis, Acanthocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:405, Pl. 61 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Tumatumari, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 54475 [ex CM 2138]. Paratypes: (68) BMNH 1911.10.31.434-436 (3); CAS 38547-49 [ex IU 12315-17] (10, 1, 5); FMNH 7510 (2), 53666 (10, 1 c&s), 53667-68 (2, 5), 69706 (3), 75144 (9); CAS-SU 21935 (2); MCZ 30116 (2); NMW 67140 (2); USNM 66109 [ex CM] (1); ZMA 110658 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:69 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:21 [ref. 12291], Nijssen et al. 1982:13 [ref. 19236], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:4 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:4 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Acanthocharax microlepis Eigenmann 1912 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:200 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[7] [ref. 35679], Taphorn et al. 2022:13 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Acanthocharax microlepis Eigenmann 1912. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Essequibo River basin (Guyana) endemic. Habitat: freshwater. microlepis, Epicyrtus Kner [R.] 1858:167 [7] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 32 (no. 22); ref. 18871] Brazil. No types known. Also appeared in Kner 1860:47 [p. 9 in separate], Pl. 6 (fig. 13) [ref. 7130]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Epicyrtus microlepis Reinhardt 1851. •Unavailable name -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:443 [ref. 40817]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Charax. Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. microlepis, Epicyrtus Reinhardt [J. T.] 1851:46 [Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn, Aaret 1849 (nos 3-5); ref. 3692] River Paraguay, Brazil. Holotype: MNHN A-8657 (dry). See Britski et al. 1999:53 [ref. 24147]. •Valid as Roeboides microlepis (Reinhardt 1851) -- (Lucena 1988:33 [ref. 22126], Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2003:295 [ref. 27452], Mirande 2010:494 [ref. 31006], Koerber 2011:2 [ref. 31122], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:51, 185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:414 [ref. 34561], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Loureiro et al. 2023:56 [ref. 40506], Lucena 2024:272 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides microlepis (Reinhardt 1851). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: River Paraguay and River Paraná (Brazil, ?Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. micropterus, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] in Eigenmann & Ogle 1907:9 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1556); ref. 1266] Santarém, Pará, Brazil. Holotype (unique): CAS 59780 [ex IU 11092]. •Valid as Serrapinnus micropterus (Eigenmann 1907) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Jerep et al. 2016:291 [ref. 34362], Jerep et al. 2024:276 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus micropterus (Eigenmann 1907). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin, Bolivia and Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. microstictus, Phenacogaster Eigenmann [C. H.] 1909:30 [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 1); ref. 1222] Tumatumari, Lower Potaro River, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 52970 [ex CM 1063]. Paratypes: (12, CM and IU) BMNH 1911.10.31.340 (1); CAS 62270-71 (3, 1); FMNH 52971-73 (3, 1, 1); MCZ 29953 (1), 29955-56 (2, 1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:67 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:65 [ref. 12367]. The gender of Phenacogaster is feminine, therefore mandatory correction to microsticta •Valid as Phenacogaster microsticta Eigenmann 1909 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061] as microstictus, Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059] as microstictus, DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[7] [ref. 35679], Taphorn et al. 2022:18 [ref. 41297] as microstictus, Lucena 2024:251 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster microsticta Eigenmann 1909. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Essequibo and Demerara River basins (Guyana and Suriname). Habitat: freshwater. microstoma, Tetragonopterus Günther [A.] 1864:323 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Bahia, Brazil. Syntypes: (at least 15) BMNH, ZMB 4836 (?). •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:287 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. mitopterus, Cheirodon Fink [W. L.] & Weitzman [S. H.] 1974:12, Figs. 6-7 [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 172; ref. 7132] Río Tucue at junction of river and road between Tucue and Tambo, Río Cocle del Norte basin, Cocle Province, Panama. Holotype: USNM 208539. Paratypes: ANSP 121987 (1), BMNH 1973.2.16.1 (1), USNM 208513 (8 [orig. cites 7], 1 c&s). Plus non-type material at USNM. Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:14-15 [ref. 19022], Böhlke 1984:51 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Compsura mitoptera (Fink & Weitzman 1974) -- (Bussing 1998:104 [ref. 24179]). •Valid as "Odontostilbe" mitoptera (Fink & Weitzman 1974) -- (Malabarba & Weitzman 2000:280 [ref. 24413], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). •Not in Odontostilbe -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe mitoptera (Fink & Weitzman 1974). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Central America: Cocle de Norte River basin, Panama. Habitat: freshwater. monodon, Chirodon Cope [E. D.] 1894:91, Pl. 6 (fig. 9) [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 33; ref. 965] Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil [probably Sistema da laguna dos Patos]. Lectotype: ANSP 21561. Paralectotypes: (2) ANSP 21562 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:51 [ref. 13621] as holotype and paratype. Original genus should have been Cheirodon. Lectotype established by Fowler 1906:332 [ref. 1373]. •Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Malabarba 1989:133 [ref. 14217], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Chuctaya et al. 2024:129 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. muelleri, Paragoniates Steindachner [F.] 1876:120 [72] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4225] Amazon River at Obidos, Brazil. Holotype (unique): NMW 56535. On p. 72 of separate. Species originally spelled as mülleri. •Species inquirenda -- (Reis in Reis et al. 2003:153 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:287 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. multifasciatus, Ctenobrycon Steindachner [F.] in Eigenmann 1910:435 [Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of tropical and south temperate America v. 3 (pt 4); ref. 1224] Not available, name and locality but no description; a supposed Steindachner species, but no reference cited; from the Amazon. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Unavailable name -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:443 [ref. 40817]). Nomen Nudum. Characidae. myersii, Raeboides Gill [T. N.] 1870:92 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 22; ref. 17630] Río Marañon or Río Napo, Amazon system, Peru or Ecuador. Holotype (unique): USNM 21426. Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:37 [ref. 19022]. Original genus should have been Roeboides. •Valid as Roeboides myersii Gill 1870 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708], Lucena 1988:35 [ref. 22126] as myersi, Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597] as myersi, Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162] as myersi, Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2003:300 [ref. 27452], Barriga Salazar 2014109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:51, 185 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35633], Careaga et al. 2020:75 [ref. 37774], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Lucena 2024:272 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides myersii Gill 1870. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco River basins (Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. naevata, Phenacogaster Antonetti [D. A.], Lucena [C. A. S. de] & Lucena [Z. M. S. de] 2018:275, Figs. 4-6 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 28 (no. 3) [no. IEF-1075]; ref. 36204] Rio das Éguas, rio Tocantins drainage, Porto Nacional, Tocantins State, Brazil, approximately 10°43'S, 48°25'W. Holotype: MCP 49466. Paratypes: MCP, MZUSP, UNT. •Valid as Phenacogaster naevata Antonetti, Lucena & Lucena 2018. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster naevata Antonetti, Lucena & Lucena 2018. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Upper and middle rio Tocantins basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. napoatilis, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2010:272, Fig. 5 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Rio Napo and affluentes, near Coca, 0°28'S, 76°56'W, Napo, Ecuador. Holotype: MCZ 51485. Paratypes: ANSP, FMNH, MCP, MCZ, MEPN, MZUSP, USNM. •Valid as Phenacogaster napoatilis Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Souza et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40222], Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024:639 [ref. 41769]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster napoatilis Lucena & Malabarba 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Napo and Caquetá River drainages, upper Amazon River basin, Ecuador and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. nareuda, Odontostilbe Bührnheim [C. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2006:184, Figs. 19, 21-22 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 2); ref. 28728] Lake on right bank of río Nareuda, around 3-4 kilometers above mouth of río Tahuamanu, Pando, Bolivia. Holotype: CBF 09621. Paratypes: FMNH 106433 (17), 106428 (1), 106430 (1); MCP 38417 (20); MZUSP 87759 (1), 87760 (5, 1 c&s). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Odontostilbe nareuda Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006 -- (Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe nareuda Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: western Amazon basin, Bolivia and Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. nasutus, Aphyocharax Ahl [E.] 1936:20 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 114 (nos 1/2); ref. 13683] Rosario de Sante Fé, Argentina. Lectotype: ZMB 20795. Paralectotype: ZMB 32426 (1). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:91 [ref. 21847], Zarske & Géry 1995:105, fig. 2 [ref. 22674]. Lectotype selected by Zarske & Géry 1995:105 [ref. 22674]. •Synonym of Aphyocharax erythrurus Eigenmann 1912 -- (Zarske & Géry 1995:118 [ref. 22674]). •Valid as Aphyocharax nasutus Ahl 1936 -- (López et al. 2003:20 [ref. 27366]). •Synonym of Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267], Souza-Lima 2024:89 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. nattereri, Chirodon Steindachner [F.] 1882:180 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 19 (no. 19); ref. 20487] Villa Bella, Amazon River, Brazil. Syntypes: (several) whereabouts unknown. Original genus should have been Cheirodon. Species described in above abstract only, not included in main work (Steindachner 1882 [ref. 14353]); may be based on same specimens as Chirodon pulcher that is found in main work but not above abstract. •Valid as Prionobrama nattereri (Steindachner 1882) -- (Koerber 2011:2 [ref. 31122]). •Valid as Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:7 [ref. 9708], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:525 [ref. 31006], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Sarmiento et al. 2014:43, 183 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267], Brito et al. 2018:398 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:515 [ref. 37042], Careaga et al. 2020:75 [ref. 37774], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Paraguay River basins (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. niger, Charax Lucena [C. A. S. de] 1989:99, Fig. 3 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 15 (no. 4) [for 1988]; ref. 12852] Rio Amapá (canal do rio), Cachoeira Grande, Amapá, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 33422. Paratypes: MCP 11255 (5); MZUSP 33421 (1), 33424 (7), 33427 (6), 38303 (6), 33430 (3), 33431 (6?). Type catalog: Oyakawa 1996:455 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Charax niger Lucena 1989 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:215 [ref. 33369], Melo et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34701], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Charax niger Lucena 1989. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Brazil, Colombia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. nigrifasciatus, Acestrocephalus Menezes [N. A.] 2006:395, Fig. 12 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 4); ref. 28897] Porto dos Gaúchos, rio Arinos, rio Tapajós basin, 11°31'51"S, 57°25'08"W, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 30420. Paratypes: MCP 39930 (1), MZUSP 62845 (1), 62847 (1). •Valid as Acestrocephalus nigrifasciatus Menezes 2006. Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus nigrifasciatus Menezes 2006. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Mato Grosso, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. nigrifrons, Hyphessobrycon Ahl [E.] 1936:23 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 114 (nos 1/2); ref. 13683] Pará, Amazonas, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ZMB 20800. Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:92 [ref. 21847], Zarske & Géry 1995:113, Fig. 9 [ref. 22674]. •Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Zarske & Géry 1995:119 [ref. 22674], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117]). Current status: Synonym of Cheirodon interruptus (Jenyns 1842). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. noctivaga, Cyanogaster Mattox [G. M. T.], Britz [R.], Toledo-Piza [M.] & Marinho [M. M. F.] 2013:300, Figs. 1-8 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 23 (no. 4) (for 2012); ref. 32526] Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, rock plateau along Rio Negro, near morth of Rio Urubaxi, 0°35'05.3"S, 64°49'12.2"W, Amazonas, Brazil. Holotype: MZSUP 111126. Paratypes: BMHN 20113.1.1.1-5 (5); INPA 37904 (4); MZUSP 112114 (22), 112115 (10), 112116 (32, 4 c&s); USNM 408448 (3). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Cyanogaster noctivaga Mattox, Britz, Toledo-Piza & Marinho 2013 -- (Thomaz et al. 2015:Add. 5 [ref. 33893], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:59 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:86 [ref. 35773], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760]). Current status: Valid as Cyanogaster noctivaga Mattox, Britz, Toledo-Piza & Marinho 2013. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Brazil and Colombia). Habitat: freshwater. notatus, Charax Meuschen [F. C.] 1778:38 [ ref. 17682] Not available, published in a rejected work (Opinion 260). •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Unavailable name -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:443 [ref. 40817]). Suppressed. Characidae. notomelas, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:74, Fig. 26; Pl. 12 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Lake 4 miles from Miguel Calmone [Avanhandava], Rio Tietê basin, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57829 [ex CM 6812]. Paratypes: (19) CAS 59781 [ex IU 14095] (3), CAS-SU 17519 [ex FMNH 57830, ex CM 6813] (1), FMNH 57830 (10, now 9). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:23 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Odontostilbe notomelas (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:8 [ref. 21059], Gómez & Chebez 1996:51 [ref. 23791]). •Valid as Cheirodon notomelas (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440]). •Valid as Serrapinnus notomelas (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:31 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35267], Azevedo-Santos et al. 2020:5 [ref. 39606], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Brandão et al. 2023:109 [ref. 40464], Jerep et al. 2024:276 [ref. 40817], Silva-Sene et al. 2024:3 [ref. 41784]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus notomelas (Eigenmann 1915). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: upper Paraná River basin (Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. notulatus, Charax Lucena [C. A. S. de] 1987:46, Fig. 10 [Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRGS (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul) No. 40; ref. 17724] Small caño near mouth of Caño Soroco, Río Orinoco, Venezuela. Holotype: MBUCV-V-15000. Paratypes: MZUSP 28659 (1); USNM 233197 (1), 233624 (17), 260302 (1), 260305 (1), 270254 (3). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:13-14 [ref. 19022], Oyakawa 1996:456 [ref. 23140], Provenzano et al. 1998:5 [ref. 24196]. •Valid as Charax notulatus Lucena 1987 -- (Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:217 [ref. 33369], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Guimarães et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35775], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760]). Current status: Valid as Charax notulatus Lucena 1987. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin (Venezuela and Colombia). Habitat: freshwater. nukak, Phenacogaster Romero-Figueroa [A.] & Carvalho [T. P.] 2024:623, Figs. 4, 12B [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 4); ref. 41769] Tributary to Grande River, Inírida River basin, Guaviare, Colombia, 2°12'18.4"N, 72°38'14.7"W. Holotype: MPUJ 17570. Paratypes: (44) MPUJ. •Valid as Phenacogaster nukak Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster nukak Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: upper Inírida River drainage, Orinoco River basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. numerosus, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2000:154, Fig. 1 [Biociências, Porto Alegre v. 8 (no. 2); ref. 25162] Estrada San Fernando de Apure-Arichuma, rio Apure basin, about 16 kilometers southwest of San Fernando de Apure, Apure, Venezuela. Holotype: MZUSP 27886. Paratypes: MCP 25268 (6); MZUSP 58953-54 (4, 1); USNM 233723 (24), 260293 (6), 260299 (27). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Roeboides numerosus Lucena 2000 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:132 [ref. 29256]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides numerosus Lucena 2000. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Orinoco River basin, Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. occidentalis, Roeboides Meek [S. E.] & Hildebrand [S. F.] 1916:293, Pl. 23 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 10 (no. 15); ref. 2962] Río Cardenas, Corozal, Panama. Holotype: FMNH 8948 (missing). Paratypes: FMNH 13013-13082 (223 in 34 lots); UMMZ 162473 [ex FMNH] (6); USNM 78752 (orig. 22, now 21). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:77 [ref. 12367], Vari & Howe 1991:38 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Roeboides occidentalis Meek & Hildebrand 1916 -- (Lucena 1998:39 [ref. 23597], Bussing 1998:120 [ref. 24179], Lucena 2000:28 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2011:1663 [ref. 31620], Matamoros et al. 2013:280 [ref. 32755], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:159 [ref. 34894], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides occidentalis Meek & Hildebrand 1916. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Pacific versant rivers: Colombia, Panama and Ecuador. Habitat: freshwater. ojitatus, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2010:275, Fig. 6 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Rio Curuá, Serra do Cachimbo, Pará, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 30551. Paratypes: MCP 43785 (4), MZUSP 100922 (24, 2 c&s). Species epithet treated as a declinable adjective. •Valid as Phenacogaster ojitata Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (Souza et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40222]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster ojitata Lucena & Malabarba 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Curuá drainage, Xingu River basin, Pará State, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. oligistos, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2000:157, Fig. 2 [Biociências, Porto Alegre v. 8 (no. 2); ref. 25162] Braço morto do rio Tapajós, bairro de Piracuna, Itaituba, Pará, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 25254. Paratypes: MCP 15177 (6); MZUSP 20183 (25), 34711 (58), 34715 (2), 56556 (4), 58951 (4). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Roeboides oligistos Lucena 2000 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:132 [ref. 29256]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides oligistos Lucena 2000. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Amazon, Negro, Branco, Tapajós and Trombetas River basins, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. ommatus, Tetragonopterus Silva [G. S. C.], Melo [B. F.], Oliveira [C.] & Benine [R. C.] 2016:38, Fig. 14 [Zootaxa 4200 (no. 1); ref. 34929] Pará, Itaituba, Rio Tapajós, Brazil, 4°21'34"S, 56°10'03"W. Holotype: MZUSP 92667. Paratypes: LBP. •Valid as Tetragonopterus ommatus Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016. Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus ommatus Silva, Melo, Oliveira & Benine 2016. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: Rio Tapajós, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. ortegai, Cheirodon Vari [R. P.] & Géry [J.] 1980:75, Figs. 1-2 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 93 (no. 1); ref. 8646] Woodland pool along Río Ucayali at Cocha Lobo, 5 kilometers downriver from Masisea, Province Coronel Portillo, Dept. Loreto, Peru. Holotype: AMNH 35950. Paratypes: AMNH 35951 (3, 1 c&s); BMNH 1977.6.9.138 (1); Géry coll. (3). •Valid as Cheirodon ortegai Vari & Géry 1980 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708], Malabarba & Weitzman 2000:278 [ref. 24413], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). •Incertae sedis in Characidae, valid but not in Cheirodon -- ([various authors] in Reis et al. 2003:104 [ref. 27061], Chuctaya et al. 2024:130 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Uncertain as Cheirodon ortegai Vari & Géry 1980. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Ucayali River drainage, western Amazon basin, Peru. Habitat: freshwater. ortonii, Tetragonopterus Gill [T. N.] 1870:92 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 22; ref. 17630] Río Marañon or Río Napo, Amazon system, Peru or Ecuador [or possibly from the Pacific coast of Ecuador / Peru]. ? Syntype: ANSP 16834 (1, skeleton) from Pebas coast. Appeared as name only as Gill in Cope 1870:566 [ref. 914] -- unavailable. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:287 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. pacaasnovos, Odontostilbe Chuctaya [J.], Ohara [W. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2020:3, Figs. 1-4 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 97 (no. 6); ref. 37856] Parque Nacional Pacaás Novos, upper rio Jaciparaná, Madeira basin, Campo Novo de Rondônia, Rondônia, Brazil, 10°31'32.0"S, 63°58'22.0"W, elevation 156 meters. Holotype: UFRGS 28509. Paratypes: INPA, MNRJ, MZUSP, UFRGS. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Odontostilbe pacaasnovos Chuctaya, Ohara & Malabarba 2020 -- (Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe pacaasnovos Chuctaya, Ohara & Malabarba 2020. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Jaciparaná drainage, Madeira River basin, Rondônia, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. pachyodus, Atopomesus Myers [G. S.] 1927:112 [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 68 (no. 3); ref. 3096] Cacuhy, Rio Negro, on the Colombian border, Brazil. Holotype (unique): CAS 41736 [ex IU 17673]. •Valid as Atopomesus pachyodus Myers 1927 -- (Malabarba 1998:231 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:113 [ref. 27061], Esguícero & Castro 2016:242 [ref. 34949], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Atopomesus pachyodus Myers 1927. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: western Amazon River basin, Brazil and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. pallidus, Acestrocephalus Menezes [N. A.] 2006:398, Fig. 14 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 4); ref. 28897] Rio Madeira, ilha do Puruzinho, Amazonas State, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 35624. Paratypes: MZUSP 63311 (10), 76623 (2), 89586 (3), •Valid as Acestrocephalus pallidus Menezes 2006. Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus pallidus Menezes 2006. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Madeira River and Machado River, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. pao, Odontostilbe Bührnheim [C. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2007:16, Figs. 23-25 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 29170] Río Pao at el Caserio, El Pueblito, Cojedes, Venezuela. Holotype: MCNG 54497. Paratypes: MCNG 54107 (4), MCP 40976 (2). •Valid as Odontostilbe pao Bührnheim & Malabarba 2007 -- (DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:88 [ref. 35773], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe pao Bührnheim & Malabarba 2007. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin, Venezuela and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. pappenheimi, Aphyocharax Ahl [E.] 1924:33 [Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin v. 11 (no. 1); ref. 19930] Asuncion, Paraguay. Lectotype: ZMB 23607. Paralectotypes: ZMB 32431 [or 32931] (3). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:91 [ref. 21847], Zarske & Géry 1995:107, fig. 3 [ref. 22674]. Lectotype selected by Zarske & Géry 1995:107 [ref. 22674]. •Mention -- (López et al. 2003:21 [ref. 27366]). •Synonym of Aphyocharax erythrurus Eigenmann 1912 -- (Zarske & Géry 1995:118 [ref. 22674]). •Synonym of Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267], Souza-Lima 2024:89 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax dentatus Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. paradoxus, Exodon Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1844:91 [Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 10 (pt 1); ref. 3070] Essequibo River, Guyana. Syntypes: ZMB 3609 (2). Also appeared as new in Müller & Troschel 1845:31, Pl. 4 (fig. 1) [ref. 3071]. •Valid as Exodon paradoxus Müller & Troschel 1844 -- (Lucena in Reis et al. 2003:127-128 [ref. 27061], Mirande 2010:492 [ref. 31006], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:88 [ref. 35773], Taphorn et al. 2022:14 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Exodon paradoxus Müller & Troschel 1844. Characidae: Exodontinae. Distribution: South America: Brazil, Colombia and Guyana. Habitat: freshwater. paraguayensis, Aphyocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:33, Fig. 10; Pl. 2 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Cáceres, Rio Paraguay, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57922 [ex CM 6906]. Paratypes: FMNH 57923 [ex CM 6907] (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:10 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Aphyocharax paraguayensis Eigenmann 1915 -- (Britski et al. 1999:45 [ref. 24147], López et al. 2003:20 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:90 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131]). •Synonym of Prionobrama nattereri (Steindachner 1882) -- (Koerber 2011:2 [ref. 31122]). •Synonym of Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882) -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. paraguayensis, Bleptonema Eigenmann [C. H.] 1914:44 [Indiana University Studies No. 20; ref. 1230] Corumba, Río Paraguay, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 56681 [ex CM 5499a]. Paratypes: CAS 59710 [ex IU 13254] (2), FMNH 56682 (4). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:16 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Prionobrama paraguayensis (Eigenmann 1914) -- (Britski et al. 1999:44 [ref. 24147], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:154 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:20 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131], Mirande 2010:526 [ref. 31006], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:26 [ref. 35267], Moreira 2024:257 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Prionobrama paraguayensis (Eigenmann 1914). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay and lower Paraná River basins: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. Habitat: freshwater. paraguayensis, Odontostilbe Eigenmann [C. H.] & Kennedy [C. H.] 1903:512 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 55; ref. 1260] Asuncion, Paraguay. Holotype: CAS 59785 [ex IU 9988]. Paratypes: (3) AMNH 1062 (1), CAS 59786 [ex IU 10111] (orig. 3, now 1), FMNH 52613 (1). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Odontostilbe paraguayensis Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:14 [ref. 21059], Britski et al. 1999:47 [ref. 24147], Liotta et al. 2001:153 [ref. 39259], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:31 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728] Miquelarena et al. 2008:83 [ref. 29829], Mirande 2010:532 [ref. 31006], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:30 [ref. 35267], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe paraguayensis Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay and lower Paraná River basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. parahybae, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:70, Pl. 11 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Rio Parahyba, Campos, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57857 [ex CM 6841a]. Paratypes: (6) CAS 59728 [ex IU 14103] (1), CAS-SU 17518 [ex FMNH 57858, ex CM 6841a] (1), FMNH 57898 (5, now 4). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:23 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Cheirodon ibicuhiensis Eigenmann 1915 -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844]). •Valid as Cheirodon parahybae Eigenmann 1915 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon parahybae Eigenmann 1915. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Paraíba do Sul River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. paranensis, Roeboides Pignalberi [C. T.] 1975:152, Fig. 1 [Physis (Buenos Aires) v. 34 (no. 89); ref. 20911] Ñanganuí Island (Corrientes), Río Paraná, Argentina, 29°10'S, 59°20'W. Holotype: INALI 2. Paratypes: INALI [77 specimens in 8 lots] (10), (4), (1), (15), (13), (8), (23), (2). Original not seen. •Valid as Roeboides paranensis Pignalberi 1975 -- (Lucena 1988:36 [ref. 22126], Gómez & Chebez 1996:47 [ref. 23791], Britski et al. 1999:53 [ref. 24147], Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:17 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:86 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131]). •Synonym of Roeboides descalvadensis Fowler 1932 -- (Lucena 2007:127 [ref. 29256], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides descalvadensis Fowler 1932. Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. parecis, Odontostilbe Bührnheim [C. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2006:188, Figs. 24, 27-28 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 2); ref. 28728] Br. 174, Corredeira Papagaio, near Br. 364, rio Galera, upper rio Guaporé basin, Equipe Rose, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: INPA 24885. Paratypes: INPA 21424 (8), 21425 (23); MCP 37318 (129), 37319 (82). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Odontostilbe parecis Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006 -- (Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe parecis Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: upper Guaporé River drainage, western Amazon basin, Brazil and Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater. pauciradiatus, Anacyrtus Günther [A.] 1864:346 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Rio Capin [= Capim], Pará State, Brazil. Syntypes: BMNH 1849.11.8.47 (1), 1849.11.8.51 (1). •Valid as Charax pauciradiatus (Günther 1864) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708], Lucena 1987:48 [ref. 17724], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Géry et al. 1991:41 [ref. 21021], Chang & Ortega 1995:7 [ref. 24302], Planquette et al. 1996:214 [ref. 22818], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:218 [ref. 33369], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Guimarães et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35775], Koerber et al. 2022:39 [ref. 39235], Borstein et al. 2022:16 [ref. 39507] as aff. pauciradiatus). Current status: Valid as Charax pauciradiatus (Günther 1864). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: lower Amazon River basin (Brazil and Bolivia). Habitat: freshwater. pectinatus, Tetragonopterus Cope [E. D.] 1870:560 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11; ref. 914] Pebas, Peru. Holotype (unique): ANSP 8090 [poor condition]. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:52 [ref. 13621]. The gender of Phenacogaster is feminine, therefore mandatory correction to pectinata (R. Fricke, 1 May 2016). •Valid as Phenacogaster pectinata (Cope 1870) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708] as pectinatus, Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061] as pectinatus, Lucena & Malabarba 2010:265 [ref. 30880] as pectinatus, Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745] as pectinatus, Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004] as pectinatus, DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Koerber et al. 2022:40 [ref. 39235], Vieira et al. 2023:17 [ref. 40759] as cf. pectinata, Lucena 2024:252 [ref. 40817], Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024:639 [ref. 41769]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster pectinata (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: western Amazon River basin (Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. pequira, Chirodon Steindachner [F.] 1882:180 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 19 (no. 19); ref. 20487] Rio Guaporé [Cujabá], Amazon River, Brazil. Syntypes: (several) NMW 57160 (6), 62633 (4). Original genus should have been Cheirodon. Species later described in more detail in Steindachner 1882:38 [ref. 14353]. •Valid as Odontostilbe pequira (Steindachner 1882) -- (Malabarba 1998:219 [ref. 23844], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:32 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:111 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728], Miquelarena et al. 2008:85 [ref. 29829], Mirande 2010:532 [ref. 31006], Litz & Koerber 2014:12 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:414 [ref. 34561], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Koerber et al. 2017:30 [ref. 35267], Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364], Loureiro et al. 2023:60 [ref. 40506], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). •Valid as Holoshesthes pequira (Steindachner 1882) -- (Gómez & Chebez 1996:51 [ref. 23791], Sverlij et al. 1998:21 [ref. 27632], Britski et al. 1999:47 [ref. 24147], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:429 [ref. 24417], Mirande 2018:294 [ref. 35990]). Current status: Valid as Holoshesthes pequira (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay and lower Paraná River basins (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. pequira, Salmo Natterer [J.] in Steindachner 1882:39 [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 46 (1 Abth.) (in 1883); ref. 14353] Not available, Natterer identification name mentioned under Chirodon pequira Steindachner 1882. •In the synonymy of Holoshestes pequira (Steindachner 1882). •Unavailable name -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:445 [ref. 40817]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Holoshesthes pequira (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. pi, Leptagoniates Vari [R. P.] 1978:185, Figs. 1-2 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 91 (no. 1); ref. 7036] Lagoon along Río Mamoré, 10 kilometers west of San Pedro, Dept. Beni, Bolivia, 14°21'01.7"S, 64°59'40"W. Holotype: AMNH 35952. Paratypes: AMNH 35953 (3, 1 c&s); BMNH 1977.6.9.138 (1). •Valid as Leptagoniates pi Vari 1978 -- (Chang & Ortega 1995:3 [ref. 24302], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:144 [ref. 27061], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004]). •Valid as Protocheirodon pi (Vari 1978) -- (Vari et al. 2016:[2] [ref. 34499] in Protocheirodontini, DoNascimiento et al. 2017:54 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Protocheirodon pi (Vari 1978). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Bolivia, Peru and Colombia). Habitat: freshwater. piaba, Chirodon Lütken [C. F.] 1875:134 [8] [Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider (Kjøbenhavn) 1874 (no. 3); ref. 2856] Rio das Velhas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. No types known. On p. 8 of separate. Original genus should have been Cheirodon. Also described in Lütken 1875:219 (and p. XIV of summary) [ref. 19674]. •Valid as Cheirodon piaba Lütken 1875 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708]). •Valid as Odontostilbe piaba (Lütken 1875) -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:8 [ref. 21059]). •Valid as Serrapinnus piaba (Lütken 1875) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:413 [ref. 24417], Zarske 2001:16 [ref. 25834], Britski 2001:21 [ref. 26046], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:31 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440], Sarmiento et al. 2014:185 [ref. 35004], Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Jerep et al. 2016:296 [ref. 34362], Ingenito et al. 2016:6 [ref. 34700], Petry et al. 2016:303 [ref. 34966], Melo et al. 2016:376 [ref. 35317], Nión et al. 2016:29 [ref. 35565] dated 1874, Costa et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35684], Silva et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37809], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298], Koerber et al. 2022:41 [ref. 39235], Jerep et al. 2024:277 [ref. 40817], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:37 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus piaba (Lütken 1875). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: São Francisco River basin and northeastern coastal Atlantic drainages (Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and Bolivia). Habitat: freshwater. piabucu, Characinus Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1803:269, 272 [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 5; ref. 4930] Rivers of South America. No types known. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:287 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. pisciculus, Cheirodon Girard [C. F.] 1855:199 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 7; ref. 1819] Ponds in the vicinity of Santiago, Chile. No types known. •Valid as Cheirodon pisciculus Girard 1855 -- (Campos 1982:135 [ref. 8500], Pequeño 1989:40 [ref. 14125], Casciotta et al. 1992:10 [ref. 21059], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Dyer 2000:84 [ref. 26678], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:216 [ref. 27061], Mantinian et al. 2008:37 [ref. 34297]). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon pisciculus Girard 1855. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Pacific versant of the Maipo, Aconcagua and Huasco River basins, and Estero Quintero, Chile. Habitat: freshwater. potiguar, Serrapinnus Jerep [F. C.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2014:302, Figs. 1-5 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 33376] Rio Grande do Norte, Taipu, rio Ceará-Mirim, district of Umari, Brazil, 5°37’47"S, 35°37’09"W. Holotype: MCP 48054. Paratypes: MCP 34076 (5), 43320 (9); UFRGS 9216 (13), 9219 (27 + 10 c&s), 9226 (55). •Valid as Serrapinnus potiguar Jerep & Malabarba 2014 -- (Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58 [ref. 33440], Jerep et al. 2016:297 [ref. 34362], Costa et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35684]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus potiguar Jerep & Malabarba 2014. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. pristis, Ctenocheirodon Malabarba [L. R.] & Jerep [F. C.] 2012:245, Figs. 1-4 [Copeia 2012 (no. 2); ref. 32057] Rio Tocantins basin, affluent of Rio Paranã, 13°48'48.5"S, 46°52'13"W, Nova Roma, Goiás, Brazil. Holotype: UFRGS 15606. Paratypes: many at MCP, MZUSP, NEAMB-UFT, UFRGS, UNT, USNM. . •Valid as Ctenocheirodon pristis Malabarba & Jerep 2012 -- (Malabarba & Jerep 2014:76 [ref. 33440]). Current status: Valid as Ctenocheirodon pristis Malabarba & Jerep 2012. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Tocantins-Araguaia River basins, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. prognathus, Anacyrtus Boulenger [G. A.] 1895:529 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1895 (pt 3); ref. 14576] Paraguay. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1895.5.17.238. •Valid as Roeboides prognathus (Boulenger 1895) -- (Lucena 1988:37 [ref. 22126], Gómez & Chebez 1996:47 [ref. 23791], Britski et al. 1999:55 [ref. 24147], Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:17 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565]). •Synonym of Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868) -- (Lucena 2007:119 [ref. 29256], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Paraguay, middle and lower Paraná, and Uruguay River basins: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay [if valid]. Habitat: freshwater. prolatus, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2010:277, Figs. 7-8 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Pequeno afluente do Caño Urami, proximo a Santa Lucia, depto. Río Negro, 1°17'N, 66°51'W, Amazonas, Venezuela. Holotype: MBUCV-V 33242. Paratypes: (many) at ANSP, MBUCV-V, MCP, MZUSP, USNM. The gender of Phenacogaster is feminine, therefore mandatory correction to prolata (R. Fricke, 1 May 2016). •Valid as Phenacogaster prolata Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024:641 [ref. 41769]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster prolata Lucena & Malabarba 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin, Venezuela and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. pulcher, Chirodon Steindachner [F.] 1882:39 [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 46 (1 Abth.) (in 1883); ref. 14353] Villa Bella, Amazon River, Brazil. Syntypes: (several) NMW 62541-42 (6, 4), 77969 (3). Original genus should have been Cheirodon. Species not included in original abstract [ref. 20487]; is possibly based on the same specimens as Chirodon nattereri described in abstract but not covered in this main work. •Synonym of Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882) -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. pulcher, Poecilurichthys Gill [T. N.] 1858:419 [59] [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 6 (nos 10-13, art. 38); ref. 1750] Western Trinidad Island, West Indies. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-9593 (2). On p. 59 of separate. •Valid as Cheirodon pulcher (Gill 1858) -- (Taphorn 1992:155 [ref. 23654]). •Species inquirenda in family Characidae, subfamily Cheirodontinae -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061]). •Mention -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728]). •Valid as Odontostilbe pulchra (Gill 1858) -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2007:2 [ref. 29170], Phillip et al. 2013:17 [ref. 32896], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:89 [ref. 35773], Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:241 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe pulchra (Gill 1858). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Trinidad Island and lower Orinoco River basin, Venezuela and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. pusillus, Aphyocharax Günther [A.] 1868:480 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 1 (no. 6) (art. 56); ref. 1992] Xeberos or Río Huallaga, Amazon system, Peru. Syntypes: (1) BMNH 1867.6.13.46, (2) BMNH 1867.6.13.58-59. Also published in Günther (Sept.) 1868:245 [ref. 5756]. •Valid as Aphyocharax pusillus Günther 1868 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:7 [ref. 9708], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:43, 183 [ref. 35004], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35633], Brito et al. 2018:394 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:515 [ref. 37042], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax pusillus Günther 1868. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: western Amazon and Orinoco River basins (Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia). Habitat: freshwater. rara, Moenkhausia Zarske [A.], Géry [J.] & Isbrücker [I. J. H.] 2004:21, Figs. 1-2, 6 [Zoologische Abhandlungen; Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden v. 54; ref. 28038] At air strip, one day upstream of Oelemari (Ulemari), rapid in Oelemari (Ulemari) River, Marowijne, Suriname. Holotype: IRSNB 830. Paratypes: IRSNB 831-832 (7, 2); MNHN 2004-2472 (1); MTD F 28333 (1); ZMA 119715 (1), 120248 (3), 123729 (1). •Valid as Tetragonopterus rara (Zarske, Géry & Isbrücker 2004) -- (Melo et al. 2011:49 [ref. 31233]). •Valid as Tetragonopterus rarus (Zarske, Géry & Isbrücker 2004) -- (Silva & Benine 2011:50 [ref. 31347], Silva et al. 2013:1629 [ref. 32576], Araujo & Lucinda 2014:315 [ref. 33377], Melo et al. 2015:711 [ref. 35424], Silva et al. 2016:23 [ref. 34929], Borstein et al. 2022:16 [ref. 39507], Taphorn et al. 2022:19 [ref. 41297], Melo et al. 2024:281 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Tetragonopterus rarus (Zarske, Géry & Isbrücker 2004). Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Distribution: South America: various streams (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname). Habitat: freshwater. rathbuni, Aphyocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] in Eigenmann & Ogle 1907:10 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1556); ref. 1266] Arroyo Chagalalina, Paraguay basin. Holotype (unique): CAS 76467 [ex IU 10025]. •Valid as Aphyocharax rathbuni Eigenmann 1907 -- (Fernández & Butí 1996:252 [ref. 22775], Britski et al. 1999:45 [ref. 24147], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Willink et al. 2003:3 [ref. 26755], López et al. 2003:21 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131], Sarmiento et al. 2014:43, 183 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Koerber et al. 2017:26 [ref. 35267], Brito et al. 2018:398 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:515 [ref. 37042], Koerber et al. 2021:4 [ref. 38894], Koerber et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40355], Loureiro et al. 2023:53 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax rathbuni Eigenmann 1907. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay River basin (Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. retropinnus, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2010:280, Fig. 10 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Rio Aripuanã, 3 kilometers abaixo da cachoeira Dardaanelos, Rio Madeira system, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Holotype: INPA 31367. Paratypes: (many) at ANSP, INPA, MCP, MZUSP. Species epithet treated as a noun. •Valid as Phenacogaster retropinnus Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (Antonetti et al. 2018:279 [ref. 36204] as retropinna, Souza et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40222] as retropinna, Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024:641 [ref. 41769]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster retropinnus Lucena & Malabarba 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Negro, Madeira, Xingu and Tapajós-Araguaia River basins, Brazil, and lower Vaupés River drainage, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. rhomboidalis, Tetragonopterus Posada [A.] 1909:302 [Los peces del norte de Colombia; ref. 5005] Medellín, Colombia. No types known. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:288 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. riddlei, Hemigrammus Meek [S. E.] in Eigenmann & Ogle 1907:13 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1556); ref. 1266] Los Castillas, Orinoco River, Venezuela. Syntypes: FMNH missing. Appeared in key but not in text or in list of new taxa on p. 2; footnote says, "Based on specimens collected by Dr. O. Riddle at Los Castillas, on the Orinoco, and now in the collections of the Field Museum of Natural History." On p. 12 it is stated that Hemigrammus contains 19 species, but the key contains 20. Apparently left in proofing. Types missing -- (Ibarra & Stewart 1987:45 [ref. 12367]). •Valid as Hyphessobrycon riddlei (Meek 1907) -- (Eigenmann 1912:340 [ref. 1227], Eigenmann 1918:189 [ref. 1240]). •Possibly a species of Microschemobrycon -- (F. Lima pers. comm. 03/21). •Species inquirenda -- (Lima & Marinho 2024:181 [ref. 40817]). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. robusta, Saccoderma Dahl [G.] 1955:18 [Revista Linneana v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 19186] Nain, Colombia. Holotype: whereabouts unknown. Paratypes: (apparently 17, whereabouts unknown). No paratypes: MHNG 1066.39-42 (4). Type catalog: Mahnert 1976:475 [ref. 21535]. •Valid as Saccoderma robusta Dahl 1955 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:54 [ref. 35633]). •Species inquirenda -- (Jerep et al. 2024:274 [ref. 40817]). Nomen Dubium. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. roloffi, Odontostilbe Géry [J.] 1972:69, Pl. 5 (figs. 1-2) [Acta Humboldtiana (Series Geologica, Palaeontologica et Biologica Nr. 2) No. 2; ref. 1595] Creek near Puerto Napo, upper Río Napo, Ecuador. Holotype: ZMH H1482. Paratypes: ZMH H1482a (1). Type catalog: Wilkens 1977:156 [ref. 22013]. •Synonym of Odontostilbe euspilurus (Fowler 1945) -- (Bührnheim & Malabarba 2006:193 [ref. 28728] as euspilura). •Valid as Odontostilbe roloffi Géry 1972 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:242 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe roloffi Géry 1972. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Napo River basin, Ecuador. Habitat: freshwater. romeroi, Roeboides Fowler [H. W.] 1941:6, Fig. 9 [Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) No. 73; ref. 13236] Honda, Colombia. Holotype (unique): ANSP 69336. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:53 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878) -- (Lucena 2000:24 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2024:271 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides dayi (Steindachner 1878). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. rubrivertex, Roeboides Cope [E. D.] 1872:265 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 23; ref. 921] Above mouth of Río Negro, Peruvian Amazon. Holotype (unique): ANSP 8190. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:53 [ref. 13621]. Appeared first as name only in Cope 1871:55 [ref. 19538]. •Synonym of Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868) -- (Taphorn 1992:315 [ref. 23654]). •Synonym of Roeboides myersii Gill 1870 -- (Lucena 1988:35 [ref. 22126], Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2003:300 [ref. 27452], Lucena 2024:272 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides myersii Gill 1870. Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. rubropinnis, Aphyocharax Pappenheim [P.] 1921:36 [Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1921 (nos. 1-3); ref. 15360] Rosario, Argentina. Syntypes: ZMB 20497 (4). •Valid as Aphyocharax rubropinnis Pappenheim 1921 -- (López et al. 2003:21 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131]). •Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061], Casciotta et al. 2003:89 [ref. 28130], Litz & Koerber 2014:10 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. rufipes, Tetragonopterus Valenciennes [A.] 1834:Pl. 11 (fig. 1) [Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale; ref. 20720] Buenos Aires, Argentina. Syntypes [incorrect]: MNHN A-9808 (3, poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin 1948:16 [ref. 19577]. Name available from plate, description in Valenciennes 1847:10 [ref. 5010]. Pl. 11 was published in 1834. There is a unique holotype if it can be identified. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:288 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. rupununi, Charax Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:402 [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Rupununi River, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 53663 [ex CM 2135]. Paratypes: (4) CAS 41301 [ex IU 12314, not IU 12814] (1), FMNH 53664 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:70 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:22 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Charax rupununi Eigenmann 1912 -- (Lucena 1987:50 [ref. 17724], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], Menezes & de Lucena 2014 221 [ref. 33369], Taphorn et al. 2022:14 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Charax rupununi Eigenmann 1912. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Jacaré Lake, Essequibo and Trombetas River basins (Brazil and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater. sachicanga, Salmo Kner [R.] (ex Natterer) 1860:51 [43] [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 18; ref. 7130] On p. 43 of separate. Not available, name mentioned in passing under Cynopotamus humeralis Valenciennes; from Cuiabá, Rio Paraguay, and Irisanga, Brazil. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061]). •Unavailable name -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:446 [ref. 40817]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Galeocharax. Characidae: Characinae. salvadoris, Roeboides Hildebrand [S. F.] 1925:246, Fig. 9 [Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries v. 41 (no. 985); ref. 15590] Río Sucio, Sitio del Niño, El Salvador. Holotype: USNM 87215. Paratypes: FMNH 12033 [ex USNM 87212] (1), FMNH 12023-32 [ex USNM 87213] (10); USNM 87212 (6, now 4) [1 sent to El Salvador], 87213 (41, now 26) [5 sent to El Salvador], 87214 (3). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:77 [ref. 12367] as 21 paratypes from 3 localities now at FMNH, Vari & Howe 1991:38 [ref. 19022]). •Valid as Roeboides salvadoris Hildebrand 1925 -- (Bussing 1998:119 [ref. 24179]). •Synonym of Roeboides bouchellei Fowler 1923 -- (Lucena 2000:34 [ref. 24559], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:205 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides bouchellei Fowler 1923. Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. sanguineus, Anacyrtus Cope [E. D.] 1872:266, Pl. 9 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 23; ref. 921] Río Ambyiacu, Peru. Lectotype: ANSP 8176. Paralectotypes: ANSP 8177-86 (10). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:53 [ref. 13621] as holotype and paratypes. Lectotype selected by Fowler 1907:453 [ref. 1374]. •Synonym of Charax tectifer (Cope 1870) -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes & Lucena 2014:224 [ref. 33369]). Current status: Synonym of Charax tectifer (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. santaremensis, Tetragonopterus Ulrey [A. B.] 1894:611 [American Naturalist v. 28 (no. 331); ref. 12356] Santarém, Pará, Brazil. Syntypes: (10) CAS-SU 2167 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:27 [ref. 12291]. Species was also described as new in Ulrey 1895:283 [ref. 12371]. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:288 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. sardina, Charax Fowler [H. W.] 1913:566, Fig. 21 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 65; ref. 1389] Rio Madeira, about 200 miles east of 62°20'W, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 39307. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:53 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Cynopotamus sardina (Fowler 1913) -- (authors). •Valid as Acestrocephalus sardina (Fowler 1913) -- (Menezes 1976:39 [ref. 7073], Taphorn 1992:96 [ref. 23654], Lasso & Taphorn 2000:443 [ref. 25255], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:200 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2006:387 [ref. 28897], Mirande 2010:495 [ref. 31006], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:88 [ref. 35773], Taphorn et al. 2022:13 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus sardina (Fowler 1913). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon and Orinoco river basins (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater. sardina, Tetragonopterus Posada [A.] 1909:302 [Los peces del norte de Colombia; ref. 5005] Medellín, Colombia. No types known. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:160 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:288 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. saua, Salmo Natterer [J.] in Diesing 1836:24 [Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 18471] Not available, no distinguishing characters mentioned. •Unavailable name -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:446 [ref. 40817]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Tetragonopterus. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. saua, Salmo Natterer [J.] in Kner 1859:174 [38] [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 17; ref. 2631] Cuiabá und Gujana. No types known. On p. 38 of separate. Originally as sau-à. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:446 [ref. 40817]). Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Habitat: freshwater. sawa, Tetragonopterus Castelnau [F. L.] 1855:65, Pl. 33 (fig. 1) [Animaux nouveaux or rares v. 2; ref. 766] Rio Crixás, rio Araguaia basin, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9819. Type catalog: Bertin 1948:17 [ref. 19577]. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:160 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier 1816 -- (Silva & Benine 2011:50 [ref. 31347] with comments, Litz & Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:23 [ref. 35117], Silva et al. 2016:11 [ref. 34929], Koerber et al. 2017:36 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier 1816. Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Habitat: freshwater. sazimai, Roeboides Lucena [C. A. S. de] 2007:132, Fig. 18A [Iheringia, Série Zoologia (Porto Alegre) v. 97 (no. 2); ref. 29256] Rio Pindaré, Santa Inès, 3°39'36"S, 45°27'59"W, Maranhão, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 38542. Paratypes: many at MCP, MCZ, and MZUSP. •Valid as Roeboides sazimai Lucena 2007 -- (Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Petry et al. 2016:303 [ref. 34966], Melo et al. 2016:375 [ref. 35317], Koerber et al. 2022:40 [ref. 39235], Vieira et al. 2023:17 [ref. 40759], Limeira-Filho et al. 2024:5 [ref. 41573]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides sazimai Lucena 2007. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Parnaiba and Pindaré-Mearim rivers (northeastern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. schomburgkii, Tetragonopterus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1850:137 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 22; ref. 1014] Essequibo River, Guyana. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9812 (poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin 1948:16-17 [ref. 19577]. Apparently described independently from (and a junior homonym of) Tetragonopterus schomburgkii Jardine 1841. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:160 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:288 [ref. 40817]). 1°Homonym. Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. scierus, Astyanax Fowler [H. W.] 1911:509, Fig. 5 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 63; ref. 1384] Affluent of the Río Chimbo near Bucay, Guayas Province, western Ecuador. Holotype: ANSP 39065. Paratypes: (13 ?) ANSP 39066-75 (10), FMNH 55910 [ex CM, ex ANSP 39077] (1), Géry coll. [ex ANSP 39076] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:54 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:14 [ref. 12367]. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:286 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. signatus, Tetragonopterus Burmeister [H. K.] 1861:535 [Reise durch die La Plata-Staaten v. 2; ref. 23859] Río Paraná, near Rosario, Argentina. Holotype (unique): Whereabouts unknown. For English and Spanish translation see Koerber & Litz 2008:4 [ref. 29451]. •Valid as Tetragonopterus signatus Burmeister 1861 -- (Koerber 2011:4 [ref. 31122], Koerber 2014:4 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:23 [ref. 35117]). •Species inquirenda -- (Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:288 [ref. 40817]). Characidae: Tetragonopterinae. Habitat: freshwater. simulatus, Phenacogaster Lucena [Z. M. S. de] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2010:283, Fig. 11 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Tukett Falls, Rio Potaro, Mahdia, 5°12'18"N, 59°26'55"W, Potaro-Siparuni, Guiana. Holotype: ROM 72774. Paratypes: ANSP 170210 (4); MCP 29197 (2), 29198 (3), 33610 (1); ROM 61469 (34, 2 c&s). The gender of Phenacogaster is feminine, therefore mandatory correction to simulata (R. Fricke, 1 May 2016). •Valid as Phenacogaster simulata Lucena & Malabarba 2010 -- (Taphorn et al. 2022:18 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster simulata Lucena & Malabarba 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Potaro River, Essequibo River drainage (Guyana) endemic. Habitat: freshwater. splendida, Odontostilbe Bührnheim [C. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2007:11, Figs. 12, 19-20 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 29170] Río Negrito at bridge at La Balsa, Meta drainage, Meta, Colombia. Holotype: ANSP 181040. Paratypes: ANSP 181041 (30, 2 c&s), ICNMHN 14168 (13), INPA 25173 (13), MBUCV 32890 (13), MCNG 54519 (13), MCP 38862 (27). Plus non-type material. Type catalog: Mojica & Agudelo-Zamora 2018:22 [ref. 36127]. •Valid as Odontostilbe splendida Bührnheim & Malabarba 2007 -- (DoNascimiento et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35633], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:89 [ref. 35773], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:455 [ref. 40760], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:242 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe splendida Bührnheim & Malabarba 2007. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin, Colombia and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. squamosus, Characinus Eigenmann [C. H.] & Kennedy [C. H.] 1903:525 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 55; ref. 1260] Laguna Pasito, Paraguay. Holotype (unique): CAS 27615 [ex IU 9961]. •Synonym of Cynopotamus argenteus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Menezes 1976:24 [ref. 7073], Menezes 1987:7 [ref. 8072], Braga 1994:12 [ref. 27878], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Cynopotamus argenteus (Valenciennes 1837). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. steindachneri, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1891:54 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 14 (no. 842); ref. 12252] Replacement name for Cheirodon pulcher Steindachner, secondarily preoccupied by Tetragonopterus pulcher Gill 1883 when both are in Cheirodon. •Synonym of Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882) -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax nattereri (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. steindachneri, Leptagoniates Boulenger [G. A.] 1887:282, Pl. 23 (fig. 3) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1887 (pt 2) (art. 2) (for 1 Mar. 1887); ref. 532] Sarayacu, eastern Ecuador. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1880.12.5.252. •Valid as Leptagoniates steindachneri Boulenger 1887 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:29 [ref. 37559] as Leptogoniates steindachneri, Ortega & Vari 1986:8 [ref. 9708], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:144 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:107 [ref. 35745], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[11] [ref. 35679], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:19 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Leptagoniates steindachneri Boulenger 1887. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Ecuador and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. stenodon, Cheirodon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:82, Fig. 30; Pl. 14 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Bebedouro, near Rio Grande and Rio Paraná, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57865 [ex CM 6848a]. Paratypes: (over 30) CAS 59727 [ex IU 14106, CM 6849] (6), CAS-SU 17521 [ex FMNH 57866, ex CM 6849] (2), FMNH 57866 (28, now 26). Type catalog: Henn 1928:58 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:23 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:23 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Odontostilbe stenodon (Eigenmann 1915) -- (Casciotta et al. 1992:14 [ref. 21059], Gómez & Chebez 1996:51 [ref. 23791]). •Incertae sedis in Characidae, valid species in Reis et al.:2003:104 [ref. 27061]. •Valid as Cheirodon stenodon Eigenmann 1915 -- (Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267], Azevedo-Santos et al. 2020:5 [ref. 39606] as 'Cheirodon' stenodon, Reis et al. 2020:458 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Cheirodon stenodon Eigenmann 1915. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Paraná River basin (Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay). Habitat: freshwater. stenopterus, Asiphonichthys Cope [E. D.] 1894:67 [American Naturalist v. 28 (no. 325); ref. 966] Upper Rio Jacuhy, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Holotype (unique): ANSP 21559. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:54 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Charax stenopterus (Cope 1894) -- (Lucena 1987:26 [ref. 17724], Malabarba 1989:132 [ref. 14217], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:201 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:17 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:83 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:74 [ref. 28131], Mirande 2010:494 [ref. 31006], Menezes & Lucena 2014:222 [ref. 33369], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:184 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Petry et al. 2016:301 [ref. 34966], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Koerber et al. 2017:27 [ref. 35267], Reis et al. 2020:457 [ref. 38364], Giora & Wingert 2023:128 [ref. 41026], Loureiro et al. 2023:54 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Charax stenopterus (Cope 1894). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay and Uruguay River basins and eastern rivers of Rio do Sul State and Uruguay (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. sterbai, Serrapinnus Zarske [A.] 2012:4, Figs. 1-5 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 62 (no. 1); ref. 31902] Probably Araguaia River drainage, Brazil [imported to Germany]. Holotype: UFRJ 8516. Paratypes: MTD F 31657 (1), 32658-64 (7). Fig. 1 does not represent the holotype. •Valid as Serrapinnus sterbai Zarske 2012 -- (Jerep & Malabarba 2014:307 [ref. 33376], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:58, 67 [ref. 33440], Jerep et al. 2016:297 [ref. 34362], Jerep et al. 2024:277 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus sterbai Zarske 2012. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Tocantins River drainage, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. stigmatus, Acestrocephalus Menezes [N. A.] 2006:394, Fig. 11 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 4 (no. 4); ref. 28897] Nova Xavamtina, rio das Mortes, rio Araguaia basin, 14°40'09"S, 52°21'12"W, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Holotype: MNRJ 28718. Paratypes: MNRJ 24997 (1); MZUSP 10422, 62846 (1). Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Acestrocephalus stigmatus Menezes 2006. Current status: Valid as Acestrocephalus stigmatus Menezes 2006. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. stramineus, Aphyocharax Eigenmann [C. H.] in Eigenmann & Ogle 1907:11 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1556); ref. 1266] Arroyo Trementina, Paraguay. Holotype (unique): CAS 76472 [ex IU 10030]. •Synonym of Aphyocharax rathbuni Eigenmann 1907 -- (Lima in Reis et al. 2003:198 [ref. 27061], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:26 [ref. 35267], Souza-Lima 2024:90 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax rathbuni Eigenmann 1907. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. suborbitalis, Phenacogaster Ahl [E.] 1936:24 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 114 (nos 1/2); ref. 13683] East coast of Brazil [aquarium import, locality probably erroneous, possibly Rio Guamá near Belém, Pará State, Brazil]. Holotype (unique): ZMB 20806. Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:92 [ref. 21847], Zarske & Géry 1995:117, Fig. 12 [ref. 22674]. •Valid as Phenacogaster suborbitalis Ahl 1936 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Lucena 2024:252 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster suborbitalis Ahl 1936. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Guamá drainage, northern Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. tabatingae, Tetragonopterus Steindachner [F.] 1876:91 [43] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4225] Amazon River at Tabatinga, Brazil. Syntypes: (several) whereabouts unknown. On p. 43 of separate. •Synonym of Phenacogaster pectinata (Cope 1870) -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061] as pectinatus, Lucena 2024:252 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Synonym of Phenacogaster pectinata (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. taeniatus, Chalceus Jardine [W.] in Schomburgk 1841:210 [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I; ref. 18707] Essequibo River, Rio Negro, and Rio Branco, South America. No types known. •Species inquirenda in Characidae -- (Reis et al. 2003:159 [ref. 27061], Toledo-Piza et al. 2024:286 [ref. 40817]). Characidae. Habitat: freshwater. tectifer, Anacyrtus Cope [E. D.] 1870:565 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11; ref. 914] Pebas, Peru. Holotype (unique): ANSP 8175. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:55 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Moralesia tectifera (Cope 1870) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:29 [ref. 37559], Ortega & Vari 1986:9 [ref. 9708]). •Valid as Charax tectifer (Cope 1870) -- (Lucena 1987:60 [ref. 17724], Lucena 1989:104 [ref. 12852], Chang & Ortega 1995:5 [ref. 24302], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Barriga Salazar 2014:109 [ref. 35745], Menezes & Lucena 2014:223 [ref. 33369], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Charax tectifer (Cope 1870). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: upper Amazon River basin (Ecuador, Colombia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater. tegatus, Vesicatrus Eigenmann [C. H.] 1911:174, Pl. 7 (fig. 1) [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 8 (no. 1) (art. 3); ref. 1226] Rio Jauru, upper Rio Paraguay basin, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 54573 [ex CM 3201]. Paratypes: CAS 62257 [ex IU 13295, CM 3202] (2); FMNH 15184 (1), 148667 (4). Type catalog: Henn 1928:67 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:85 [ref. 12367]. Etymology not explained (maybe adjectival form of tegos = covering in reference to the black spot), the epithet to be treated as an indeclinable noun. •Valid as Phenacogaster tegatus (Eigenmann 1911) -- (Britski et al. 1999:40 [ref. 24147], Casciotta et al. 2001:1 [ref. 27703], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:204 [ref. 27061], Lucena & Gama 2007:152 [ref. 29059], Lucena & Malabarba 2010:265, 302 [ref. 30880], Mirande 2010:492 [ref. 31006], Koerber 2011:2 [ref. 31122], Koerber 2014:3 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Vera-Alcaraz et al. 2017:3 [ref. 35082], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267], Lucena 2024:253 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster tegatus (Eigenmann 1911). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Paraguay River basin, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Habitat: freshwater. terrabae, Pseudocheirodon Bussing [W. A.] 1967:212, Fig. 1 [Revista de Biología Tropical v. 14 (no. 2) (1966); ref. 7946] Río Ceibo at Interamerican highway, 6 kilometers west of Buenos Aires turnoff, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica, elevation 260 meters. Holotype: LACM 9238-1. Paratypes: LACM 2859 (3), 2893 (1), 2922 (44), 2939 (7), 2951 (11, 1 c&s), 4811 (47), 4837 (323), 4880 (1); UCR 43-1 (20); ?UF [ex Univ. Miami 5616] (12); USNM 213486 (6, 1 c&s). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:35 [ref. 19022], Angulo et al. 2015:382 [ref. 35212].. •Valid as Cheirodon terrabae (Bussing 1967) -- (Fink & Weitzman 1974:23 [ref. 7132], Fink & Miller 1985:1058 [ref. 22491], Bussing 1987:83 [ref. 22927], Bussing 1998:111 [ref. 24179]). •Valid as Pseudocheirodon terrabae Bussing 1967 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:219 [ref. 27061], Angulo et al. 2013:992 [ref. 33194], Angulo et al. 2020:5 [ref. 37425], Angulo 2021:11 [ref. 38913]). Current status: Valid as Pseudocheirodon terrabae Bussing 1967. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Central America: Grande de Terraba, Jicote and Pirris River basins (Costa Rica). Habitat: freshwater. theloura, Kolpotocheirodon Malabarba [L. R.] & Weitzman [S. H.] 2000:271, Figs. 1-3 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 113 (no. 1); ref. 24413] Small marsh at Curva da Morte, Goiás, Brasilia, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 55194. Paratypes: MCP 11160 (1), 11161 (1, c&s), 12204 (4, 3 c&s); MZUSP 35722 (12), 38839-40 (1, 2), 39014 (1), 42801-02 (2, 1). •Valid as Kolpotocheirodon theloura Malabarba & Weitzman 2000 -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], Malabarba et al. 2004:317 [ref. 27971], Malabarba & Jerep 2014:75 [ref. 33440]). Current status: Valid as Kolpotocheirodon theloura Malabarba & Weitzman 2000. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Upper tributaries of São Francisco and Paraná River basins, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. thurni, Roeboides Eigenmann [C. H.] 1912:399, Pl. 60 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 1227] Rockstone sand-bank, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 53676 [ex CM 2149]. Paratypes: (13) BMNH 1911.10.31.366 (1); CAS 62216 [ex IU 12320] (1), 62232 [ex IU 12321] (2); FMNH 53677-78 (2, 5); MCZ 29993 [ex CM] (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:70 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:77 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Roeboides thurni Eigenmann 1912 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Taphorn et al. 2022:19 [ref. 41297]). •Synonym of Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868) -- (Lucena 2007:119 [ref. 29256], Litz & Koerber 2014:11 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Roeboides affinis (Günther 1868). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. tocantinensis, Cynopotamus Menezes [N. A.] 1987:5, Fig. 3 [Beaufortia v. 37 (no. 1); ref. 8072] Igarapé Pojuca, Rio Itacaiunas, Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 35492. Paratypes: MZUSP 10416-19 (1 ea.), 26542 (1), 26525 (1), 33435 (8), 34319 (14); USNM 278984 (5); ZMA 119462 (3). Type catalog: Vari & Howe 1991:19 [ref. 19022], Oyakawa 1996:461-462 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Cynopotamus tocantinensis Menezes 1987 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], Koerber et al. 2022:39 [ref. 39235]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus tocantinensis Menezes 1987. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Tocantins and Araguaia River basins (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. tocantinensis, Serrapinnus Malabarba [L. R.] & Jerep [F. C.] 2014:71, Figs. 2g-h, 4d, 10-11 [Zootaxa 3847 (no. 1); ref. 33440] Mato Grosso, Município de Barra do Garças, córrego Fundo, tributary of rio das Garças, 16°52’40.5"S, 2°18’15.1"W, Brazil. Holotype: UFRGS 16422. Paratypes: many at INPA, MCP, MZUSP, UFRGS, UFRJ, UNT. •Valid as Serrapinnus tocantinensis Malabarba & Jerep 2014 -- (Jerep et al. 2016:297 [ref. 34362]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus tocantinensis Malabarba & Jerep 2014. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: Rio Tocantins-Araguaia basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. trementinae, Odontostilbe Eigenmann [C. H.] & Kennedy [C. H.] 1903:513 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 55; ref. 1260] Arroyo Trementina, Paraguay. Holotype: CAS 59787 [ex IU 9987a]. Paratypes: (9) CAS 59788 [ex IU 9987] (orig. 9, now 3), FMNH 52605 (2). Plus additional material: (3). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Odontostilbe pequira (Steindachner 1882) -- (Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:218 [ref. 27061], Litz & Koerber 2014:12 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:30 [ref. 35267]). •Synonym of Holoshesthes pequira (Steindachner 1882). Current status: Synonym of Holoshesthes pequira (Steindachner 1882). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Habitat: freshwater. trombetasi, Bryconexodon Jégu [M.], Santos [G. M. dos] & Ferreira [E.] 1991:774, Figs. 2-7 [Journal of Natural History v. 25 (no. 3); ref. 19491] Rio Trombetas, up-stream of junction with Igarapé Caxipacoré, Parà, Brazil. Holotype: INPA 3103. Paratypes: INPA 3104 (1), 3109 (1); MNHN 1990-0373 (1); MZUSP 41301 (1), 41303 (1); USNM 308829 (1). Other specimens: INPA 3217 (2). Type catalog: Oyakawa 1996:454 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Bryconexodon trombetasi Jégu, Santos & Ferreira 1991 -- (Lucena in Reis et al. 2003:119 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Valid as Bryconexodon trombetasi Jégu, Santos & Ferreira 1991. Characidae: Exodontinae. Distribution: Trombetas River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. tukano, Phenacogaster Romero-Figueroa [A.] & Carvalho [T. P.] 2024:626, Figs. 7, 12C [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 4); ref. 41769] Bálsamo stream, Unilla River drainage, upper Vaupés River basin, Guaviare, Colombia, 1°57'59.0"N, 72°37'16.5"W. Holotype: MPUJ 17571. Paratypes: (201) MPUJ. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Phenacogaster tukano Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster tukano Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Vaupés and Guainía River drainages, Negro River subbasin, western Amazon River basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. typicus, Phoxinopsis Regan [C. T.] 1907:262, Fig. [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 19 (no. 111) (art. 31); ref. 3630] Argentina [aquarium specimen]. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1907.6.28.51. •Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903 -- (Malabarba 1998:229 [ref. 23844], Lima in Reis et al. 2003:197 [ref. 27061], Menni 2004:76 [ref. 28131], Litz & Koerber 2014:10 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:17 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Aphyocharax anisitsi Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. unimaculatus, Charax Lucena [C. A. S. de] 1989:101, Fig. 4 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 15 (no. 4) [for 1988]; ref. 12852] Lago Manacapuru, Amazonia, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 6534. Paratypes: MCP 11253 (3); MZUSP 6459 (4), 6673 (12, now 11), 6878 (8), 19779 (5), 37277 (1). Type catalog: Oyakawa 1996:456 [ref. 23140]. •Valid as Charax unimaculatus Lucena 1989 -- (Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:202 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Charax michaeli Lucena 1989 -- (Menezes & Lucena 2014:212 [ref. 33369]). Current status: Synonym of Charax michaeli Lucena 1989. Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. uruguayanae, Macropsobrycon Eigenmann [C. H.] 1915:48, Fig. 13; Pl. 6 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 1231] Cacequi [Cacequy], Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 57910 [ex CM 6895a]. Paratypes: FMNH [ex CM 6896a-d] 57911 (4). Additional material: FMNH 57912 [ex CM 6897a] (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:59 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:54 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Macropsobrycon uruguayanae Eigenmann 1915 -- (Malabarba 1989:136 [ref. 14217], Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba & Weitzman 1999:416 [ref. 24417], Malabarba & Weitzman 2000:279 [ref. 24413], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:31 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Miquelarena et al. 2008:78 [ref. 29829], Jerep & Malabarba 2011:302 [ref. 31388], Litz & Koerber 2014:12 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:414 [ref. 34561], Petry et al. 2016:302 [ref. 34966], Nión et al. 2016:28 [ref. 35565], Loureiro et al. 2023:60 [ref. 40506], Jerep et al. 2024:216 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Macropsobrycon uruguayanae Eigenmann 1915. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Laguna dos Patos, Uruguay and Negro River basins (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. venezuelae, Cyrtocharax magdalenae Schultz [L. P.] 1944:298, Fig. 37 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 95 (no. 3181); ref. 3960] Río Negro below mouth of Río Yasa, Lake Maracaibo basin, Venezuela. Holotype: USNM 121390. Paratypes: USNM: 121391 (orig. 2, now 1), 121392-93 (1, 5), 121394 (orig. 4, now 3), 121395 (orig. 4, now 3), 121397-98 (2, 7); RMNH [ex USNM 121391] (1); ZMA 110436 (1) and 110438 (1) [ex USNM 121394]; MCZ 37303 [ex USNM 121395] (1); UMMZ 145027 [ex USNM 121396] (2). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:17 [ref. 19236], Vari & Howe 1991:20 [ref. 19022]. •Valid as Cynopotamus venezuelae (Schultz 1944) -- (Menezes 1976:34 [ref. 7073], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:203 [ref. 27061], Menezes 2007:60 [ref. 29297], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus venezuelae (Schultz 1944). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Lake Maracaibo basin, Venezuela and Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. wayampi, Phenacogaster Le Bail [P.-Y.] & Lucena [Z. M. S. de] in Lucena & Malabarba 2010:287, Figs. 14-15 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Rio Oiapoque system, French Guiana. Holotype: MNHN 1999-1457. Paratypes: MCP 34775 (1), MHNG 2682.003 (3), MNHN 2003-1457 (6), USNM 310892 (2). •Valid as Phenacogaster wayampi Le Bail & Lucena 2010. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster wayampi Le Bail & Lucena 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Oiapoque River, French Guiana. Habitat: freshwater. wayana, Phenacogaster Le Bail [P.-Y.] & Lucena [Z. M. S. de] in Lucena & Malabarba 2010:291, Figs. 19-21 [Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia) v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 30880] Crique Japigny, Rio Approuague system, French Guiana. Holotype: MNHN 2003-2565. Paratypes: (many) at MCP, MHNG, MNHN, USNM. •Valid as Phenacogaster wayana Le Bail & Lucena 2010 -- (Melo et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34701], Borstein et al. 2022:16 [ref. 39507] as wayana and cf. wayana). Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster wayana Le Bail & Lucena 2010. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: coastal rivers (Suriname, French Guiana and northern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. weitzmani, Odontostilbe Chuctaya [J.], Bührnheim [C. M.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2018:[3], Figs. 1-5 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 16 (no. 1) e170047; ref. 35862] Lapa stream near the mouth and along the seawall of rock and the bridge on the road, Itirapina, São Paulo State, Brazil, 22°22'35.5"S, 47°46'55.6"W. Holotype: MZUSP 121648. Paratypes: CAS, FMNH, MCP, MZUSP. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Odontostilbe weitzmani Chuctaya, Bührnheim & Malabarba 2018 -- (Chuctaya et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37856], Chuctaya & Malabarba 2024:242 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Odontostilbe weitzmani Chuctaya, Bührnheim & Malabarba 2018. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: upper Paraná River basin, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and São Paulo States, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. wilsoni, Phenagoniates Eigenmann [C. H.] in Eigenmann, Henn & Wilson 1914:2 [Indiana University Studies No. 19; ref. 1259] Manigru, Colombia. Holotype: FMNH 56540 [ex CM 5354]. Paratypes: FMNH 56541-42 (1, 1); CAS 70949 [ex IU 13030] (7, now 6). Type catalog: Henn 1928:59 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:65 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Phenagoniates macrolepis (Meek & Hildebrand 1913) -- (Fink & Weitzman 1974:30 [ref. 7132], Pavanelli in Reis et al. 2003:153 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Phenagoniates macrolepis (Meek & Hildebrand 1913). Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Habitat: freshwater. xenodon, Epicyrtus Reinhardt [J. T.] 1851:37 [Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn, Aaret 1849 (nos 3-5); ref. 3692] Rio das Velhas, mouth of Rio São Francisco, Brazil. Syntypes: (3) MNHN 0000-9585 [ex ZMUC] (1); ZMB 9193 (1); ?ZMUC 203 (1), 206 (1), 211-212 (2). Type catalog: Bertin 1948:24 [ref. 19577], Nielsen 1974:45 [ref. 9588]. •Valid as Roeboides xenodon (Reinhardt 1851) -- (Lucena 1988:38 [ref. 22126], Lucena 1998:36 [ref. 23597], Lucena 2000:155 [ref. 25162], Britski 2001:21 [ref. 26046], Lucena & Menezes in Reis et al. 2003:206 [ref. 27061], Lucena 2007:134 [ref. 29256], Silva et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37809], Lucena 2024:273 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Roeboides xenodon (Reinhardt 1851). Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: São Francisco River basin (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. xinguano, Cynopotamus Menezes [N. A.] 2007:56, Fig. 1 [Zootaxa No. 1635; ref. 29297] Rio Culuene, 13°49'S, 53°15'W, Paranatinga, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 94009. Paratypes: at ANSP and MZUSP. •Valid as Cynopotamus xinguano Menezes 2007. Current status: Valid as Cynopotamus xinguano Menezes 2007. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: Tributaries of Xingu River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. xinguensis, Macropsobrycon Géry [J.] 1973:106, Figs. 15-17 [Studies on the Neotropical Fauna v. 8; ref. 1596] Rio Suia Missu, Rio Xingu basin, about 12°40'S, 52°07'W, Brazil. Holotype: BMNH 1972.11.15.5. Paratypes: (6) ?BMNH 1972.11.15.6 (1), 1972.11.15.7-9 (3); Géry coll. 0679 (2). •Incertae sedis in Characidae, a valid species but not in Macropsobrycon -- ([various authors] in Reis et al. 2003:104 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Macropsobrycon xinguensis Géry 1973 -- (Jerep et al. 2024:217 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Macropsobrycon xinguensis Géry 1973. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Xingu River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. yari, Phenacogaster Romero-Figueroa [A.] & Carvalho [T. P.] 2024:621, Figs. 1, 12A [Ichthyology & Herpetology v. 112 (no. 4); ref. 41769] Palm swamp tributary to Yarí́ River, Caquetá, Colombia, 0°47'28.7"N, 74°04'26.2"W. Holotype: MPUJ 17569. Paratypes: MPUJ 12212 (9). •Valid as Phenacogaster yari Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Current status: Valid as Phenacogaster yari Romero-Figueroa & Carvalho 2024. Characidae: Characinae. Distribution: South America: Yarí́ River drainage, western Amazon basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater. yatai, Odontostilbe Casciotta [J. R.], Miquelarena [A. M.] & Protogino [L. C.] 1992:3, Fig. 1 [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History, The University of Kansas No. 149; ref. 21059] Arroyo El Palmar, Paraje La Glorieta, Parque Nacional El Palmar, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Holotype: MLP 8726. Paratypes: MCP uncat. (2), MLP 8727 (24, now 20); plus non-type material. Type catalog: Miquelarena & Nadalin 2014:9 [ref. 33466]. •Valid as Heterocheirodon yatai (Casciotta, Miquelarena & Protogino 1992) -- (Malabarba 1998:215 [ref. 23844], Malabarba & Bertaco 1999:100 [ref. 24149], Malabarba in Reis et al. 2003:217 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:30 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:115 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:78 [ref. 28131], Miquelarena et al. 2008:68 [ref. 29829], Litz & Koerber 2014:12 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:19 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:413 [ref. 34561], Petry et al. 2016:302 [ref. 34966], Nión et al. 2016:29 [ref. 35565], Loureiro et al. 2023:60 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Heterocheirodon yatai (Casciotta, Miquelarena & Protogino 1992). Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Uruguay River system (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. yekwanae, Aphyocharax Willink [P. W.], Chernoff [B.] & Machado-Allison [A.] in Willink et al. 2003:2, Fig. 1 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 14 (no. 1); ref. 26755] Río Erebato, 5 kilometers upstream from Entreríos, 5°53'59"N, 64°28'43"W, Bolívar, Venezuela. Holotype: MBUCV-V-30140. Paratypes: FMNH 109275 (2), 109277-79 (1, 1, 1), 109281-82 (2, 1); MBUCV-V 30141-45 (2, 2, 2, 2, 1). •Valid as Aphyocharax yekwanae Willink, Chernoff & Machado-Allison 2003 -- (Brito et al. 2018:398 [ref. 36071], Brito et al. 2019:515 [ref. 37042]). Current status: Valid as Aphyocharax yekwanae Willink, Chernoff & Machado-Allison 2003. Characidae: Aphyocharacinae. Distribution: Caura River basin, Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater. zanatae, Serrapinnus Jerep [F. C.], Camelier [P.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2016:290, Figs. 1-5 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 26 (no. 4); ref. 34362] Minas Gerais State, Salinas, rio Bananal, tributary of the rio Salinas in a dam nearby Salinas, rio Jequintinhonha basin, Brazil, 16°08'36.2"S, 42°16'59.7"W, altitude 478 meters. Holotype: MZUSP 116000. Paratypes: ANSP, MCNIP, MZUSP, UFBA, USNM. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Serrapinnus zanatae Jerep, Camelier & Malabarba 2016 -- (Jerep et al. 2018:186 [ref. 35830], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:37 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Serrapinnus zanatae Jerep, Camelier & Malabarba 2016. Characidae: Cheirodontinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Jequintinhonha basin, Minas Gerais State (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. zettii, Cynopotamus Iriart [N. R.] 1979:4, Fig. 2 [Investigación Pesquera Continental, Contribución No. 1; ref. 27418] Riacho "Carrizal", Bella Vista, Corrientes, Argentina. Holotype: CIPBV 120. Paratypes: CIPBV 14, 104, 112-119, 121, 194, 201, 278, 283-286, 292. Spelled zetii in title and zettii in main heading and elsewhere; zettii is correct. •Synonym of Cynopotamus kincaidi (Schultz 1950) -- (Braga 1994:10 [ref. 27878], López et al. 2003:18 [ref. 27366], Mirande & Koerber 2015:18 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:28 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Cynopotamus kincaidi (Schultz 1950). Characidae: Characinae. Habitat: freshwater. |