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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the family or subfamily Ictaluridae: [ 142 ] records

aelurus, Amiurus Cope [E. D.] 1870:485 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Not available; name listed in a key only and considered an incorrect subsequent spelling of Pimelodus ailurus Girard 1858. •In the synonymy of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Misspelling. Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

aeneus, Pimelodus Lesueur [C. A.] 1819:150 [Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 5; ref. 12573] [not New Orleans] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:206 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:206 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

affinis, Pimelodus Baird [S. F.] & Girard [C. F.] 1854:26 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 7; ref. 168] Rio Grande del Norte [= Rio Grande], at Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 838. Paralectotypes: ANSP 8460 [ex USNM 838] (1); MCZ 35912 [ex USNM 837]; MNHN 0000-0339 (1) [ex USNM 838]; USNM 837 (10, now 9), 8863 (1), 343574 [ex USNM 838] (1), 343600 [ex USNM 823] (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:141 [ref. 13621], Ferraris & Vari 1992:22 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:206 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Gilbert 1998:206 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Gilbert 1998:206-207 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

ailurus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1858:210 [General report upon zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes, 1857; ref. 4911] Lake Amelia, near Fort Snelling [in Minneapolis], Minnesota, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 904 (now 2 instead of 1), 905 [? now in 904] (orig. 1, now 0). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:207 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. Accompanying Pl. 44 appeared in Suckley 1860 [ref. 18856]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:207 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

albater, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:144, Pls. 4 (fig. 4), 11 (fig. 2) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] White River at Forsyth, on state highway M80, Taney County, Missouri, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 151171. Paratypes: ANSP (1); BMNH [ex FMNH] 1898.12.29.178 (1); CUMV (109 in 20 lots); FMNH 1623 (4); INHS 26970 (3); KU (44 in 13 lots); CAS-SU 1170 (3); TU (203 in 9 lots); UMKC (4); UMMZ (98 in 27 lots), USNM (62 in 6 lots). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:45 [ref. 20906], Sabaj et al. 1997:269 [ref. 23225], Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus albater Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:448 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:298 [ref. 23393], Page & Burr 1991:204 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:207 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Egge & Simons 2006:582 [ref. 28856], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:359 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus albater Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Missouri and Arkansas (southern-central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

albidus, Pimelodus Lesueur [C. A.] 1819:148 [Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 5; ref. 12573] Delaware River, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Pimelodus albidus Spix 1829. •Valid as Ameiurus albidus (LeSueur 1819) -- (Herrera 1896:18 [ref. 39336] with genus as Amiurus and author as ordan). •Synonym of Ictalurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (La Rivers 1994:485 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Gilbert 1998:207 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

amblodon, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1818:354 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 3 (no. 5) (art. 3) (Sept.); ref. 3586] Not available, name only. Nomen Nudum. Ictaluridae.

analis, Amiurus natalis Jordan [D. S.] 1877:87, Pl. 18 (fig. 31 [not 31-32]) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum [v. 1] No. 10; ref. 14245] Little Red River, Judsonia, White County, Arkansas, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 31088 (missing), plus other missing syntypes. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:207 [ref. 23395]; both wrongly with a holotype, Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155] with a holotype. The mention on "type" in Pl 18 does not establish a holotype or a lectotype; Jordan was figuring a type rather than a non-type or the type (see also figure captions) [changed since printed version in 1998]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:207 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

anguilla, Ictalurus Evermann [B. W.] & Kendall [W. C.] 1898:125, Pl. 6 (fig. 1) [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 17 (art. 5) (for 1897); ref. 1281] Atchafalaya River, above Morgan City [= Morganza], Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 48788. Paratypes: CAS-SU 5772 (1, missing in 1995); USNM 48787 (1), 48789 (1), 61236 [ex USFC 1078] (1), 61240 [ex USFC 1079] (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:207-208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

antoniensis, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1858:209 [General report upon zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes, 1857; ref. 4911] Near San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): USNM 923. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

argentinus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:50 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Lower parts of Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:358 [ref. 3711] and 1820:64 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus argyrus. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

argyrus, Pimelodus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:358 [Western Review and Miscellaneous Magazine: a monthly publ., devoted to literature and science, Lexington, KY v. 2 (no. 6); ref. 7311] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. Apparently as a new name for Silurus argentinus Rafinesque 1820:49 [ref. 5592]. Also in Rafinesque 1820:64 [ref. 3592]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

atrarius, Pimelodus DeKay [J. E.] 1842:185, Pl. 36 (fig. 116) [Zoology of New-York; ref. 1098] Wappinger's Creek, tributary to Hudson River, Dutchess County, New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: New York State coll. (whereabouts unknown). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Smith 1986:83 [ref. 22186], La Rivers 1994:489 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

atrorus, Schilbeodes marginatus Hubbs [C. L.] & Raney [E. C.] 1944:7, 10, Pl. 1 [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 487; ref. 10907] Wolf Creek, [upper Kanawha River system], between Bastian and Novis, Bland County, Virginia, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 139452. Paratypes: UMMZ 138523 (5), 139453 (8), USNM 104091 (2). Additional material at CUMV, UMMZ and USNM. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:25 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836) -- (Taylor 1969:87 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

australis, Amiurus Meek [S. E.] 1904:13 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 5; ref. 2958] Río Forlón, Forlón, Rio Panuco drainage, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Holotype (unique): FMNH 4474. Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:7 [ref. 12367], Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus mexicanus (Meek 1904) -- (Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:12 [ref. 40420]). •Valid as Ictalurus australis (Meek 1904) -- (Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:26 [ref. 22290], Gilbert 1998:208 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:15 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus australis (Meek 1904). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: Blanco to Panuco rivers (eastern Mexico). IUCN (2019): Data Deficient. Habitat: freshwater.

baileyi, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:141, Pl. 4 (fig. 3), pl. 11 (fig. 1) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Lower portion of Abrams Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Blount County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 201602. Paratypes: UMMZ 187096 (1), USNM 201601 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:19 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:208-209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus baileyi Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:449 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:204 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:311 [ref. 22809], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:357 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus baileyi Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America, Little Tennessee River basin, eastern Tennessee (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

balsanus, Istlarius Jordan [D. S.] & Snyder [J. O.] 1899:118, Fig. 2 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 19 [1899]; ref. 2501] Río Ixtla, at Puente de Ixtla, Morelos, Mexico. Holotype: CAS 106149 (formerly CAS-SU 6149). Paratypes: BMNH 1900.9.29.81-83 (3), CAS-SU 6208 (9). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:42-43 [ref. 12291], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ictalurus balsanus (Jordan & Snyder 1899) -- (Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:26 [ref. 22290], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:160 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:15 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155], Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2010:67 [ref. 31022], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40420]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus balsanus (Jordan & Snyder 1899). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: Balsas River basin, Pacific slope (Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

beadlei, Synechoglanis Gill [T. N.] 1859:40 [2] [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 7 (nos 1-3, art. 8); ref. 1752] St. Catherines, between Hamilton and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Holotype (unique): USNM 5115. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:25 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. On p. 2 of separate. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:610 [ref. 24570], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

bolli, Amiurus Cope [E. D.] 1880:35 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 17; ref. 14285] Little Wichita River, northern Texas, U.S.A. Syntypes: ANSP 20512-13 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

borealis, Silurus (Pimelodus) Richardson [J.] 1836:135 [Fauna Boreali-Americana Part 3; ref. 3731] Pine Island Lake [= Cumberland Lake] (N. Lat. 54°), Saskatchewan, Canada [provenance questionable, since *Island punctatus* is not known to range this far north]. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:610 [ref. 24570], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

brachyacanthus, Amiurus Cope [E. D.] 1880:35 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 17; ref. 14285] Wallace Creek, headwaters of Medina River, Bandera County, Texas, U.S.A. Syntypes: ANSP 20527-28 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

brunneus, Amiurus Jordan [D. S.] 1877:366 [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 11 (nos 11-12) (art. 29); ref. 2373] South Fork of Ocmulgee River, at Flat Shoals, DeKalb County, Georgia, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 20148. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1880.1.21.42 (1), MNHN A-1271 (2), USNM 17861 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:24 [ref. 19575], Ferraris & Vari 1992:17 [ref. 19771] , Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. Original genus should have been Ameiurus. Lectotype selected by Jordan & Evermann (1896:142) not by Herger & Relyea (1968:370) [USNM 17861]. •Valid as Ictalurus brunneus (Jordan 1877) -- (Lee et al. 1980:437 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Ameiurus brunneus Jordan 1877 -- (Page & Burr 1991:195 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:64 [ref. 23239], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:543 [ref. 21581], Mettee et al. 1996:377 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:209 [ref. 23395], Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:194 [ref. 25838], Hardman & Page 2003:21 [ref. 26687], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:327 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:14 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:347 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:155 [ref. 35886], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ameiurus brunneus Jordan 1877. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: southeastern U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

catulus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1858:208, Pl. 41 (figs. 4-6) [General report upon zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes, 1857; ref. 4911] Arkansas River at Fort Smith, Arkansas, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 926 (1), 927 (orig. 5, now 0). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155].. •Synonym of Ictalurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque 1820), but a valid subspecies -- (La Rivers 1994:497 [ref. 23389], Scott & Crossman 1998:592 [ref. 24570]). •Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155], Minckley & Marsh 2009:221 [ref. 31114]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

catus, Silurus Linnaeus [C.] 1758:305 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] "Northern part of North America". No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ictalurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Lee et al. 1980:438 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:78 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:291 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], La Rivers 1994:485 [ref. 23389]). •Valid as Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Herrera 1896:18 [ref. 39336] with genus as Amiurus, Page & Burr 1991:193 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:64 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:299 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:538 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:204 [ref. 23376], Mettee et al. 1996:379 [ref. 25836], Murdy et al. 1997:91 [ref. 23144], Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:195 [ref. 25838], Ross et al. 2001:303 [ref. 25978], Moyle 2002:214 [ref. 26449], Hardman & Page 2003:21 [ref. 26687], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:328 [ref. 27995], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:344 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:157 [ref. 35886], Rodríguez-Barrera et al. 2020:45 [ref. 37800], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Jamandre 2023:175 [ref. 40455], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America. Widely introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

caudafurcatus, Pimelodus Lesueur [C. A.] 1819:152 [Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 5; ref. 12573] Wabash River and Mississippi River, U.S.A. Syntypes: MNHN A-8402 (1, dry) Mississippi, A-8834 (1, dry) Wabash R. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:23-24 [ref. 19575], Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155] Originally as cauda-furcatus. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:610 [ref. 24570] as caudifurcatus, Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). •See Pimelodus furcatus Valenciennes 1840. Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

cerulescens, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:49 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. Appeared earlier as name only in Rafinesque 1818:445 [ref. 3587]. See also Rafinesque 1820:357 [ref. 3711] and 1820:63 [ref. 3592] as Pivelodus [sic] cerulescens. •Possibly Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818), more likely Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395]). •Species inquirenda in Ictalurus -- (Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Uncertain as Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

coenosus, Silurus (Pimelodus) Richardson [J.] 1836:132 [Fauna Boreali-Americana Part 3; ref. 3731] Lake Huron [possibly Penetanguishene, Simcoe County Ontario, Canada]. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Questionably a synonym of Ictalurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Scott & Crossman 1998:598 [ref. 24570]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:210 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

confinis, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:159 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Root River, near Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Syntypes: MCZ 35993 [ex USNM 1514] (1); USNM 1514 (7), 1515 (orig. 6, now 3). One specimen sent to ZMUC in 1881 but no longer present. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:210-211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (La Rivers 1994:494 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395] as confinus, Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

cozzeni, Pimelodus DeKay [J. E.] 1840:11 [Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York 36th Session, v. 2 (no. 50); ref. 29723] Original not seen. Name only, not available; from New York, U.S.A. Nomen Nudum. Ictaluridae.

cragini, Amiurus Gilbert [C. H.] 1884:10 [Bulletin of the Washburn Laboratory of Natural History v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 14447] "The Lake" [a blind arm of the Arkansas River], at Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): USNM 36814. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:17 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. Also appeared as new (and synonymized in a footnote) in Gilbert 1885:512 [ref. 14446]. •Synonym of Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (La Rivers 1994:494 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

crypticus, Noturus Burr [B. M.], Eisenhour [D. J.] & Grady [J. M.] 2005:794, Fig. 2C [Copeia 2005 (no. 4); ref. 28478] Little Chucky Creek at mouth of Jackson Branch, 36°07'11"N, 83°02'04"W, Greene County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: SIUC 52379. Paratypes: SIUC 52379 (1), 52380 (3); UIAC 12430.01 (1); UT 48.724 (2). Plus non-type material. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus crypticus Burr, Eisenhour & Grady 2005 -- (Near & Hardman 2006:378 [ref. 28791], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:361 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus crypticus Burr, Eisenhour & Grady 2005. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Tennessee and Alabama (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

cupreoides, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:159 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Aux Plaines River [= Des Plaines River], Cook County, Illinois, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 1497 (4). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

cupreus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:51 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:359 [ref. 3711] and 1820:65 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus cupreus. •Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

dekayi, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:160 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Four-mile Creek, and Lake Ontario at Oswego, New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 1512 (1, missing), 1513 (orig. 7, now 4). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Smith 1986:83 [ref. 22186]). •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Smith [C. L.] 1985:84 [ref. 22186]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

dugesii, Amiurus Bean [T. H.] 1880:304 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 2 (no. 95); ref. 16034] Río Turbio, Province of Guanajuato, Mexico. Lectotype: USNM 23123. Paralectotypes: USNM 23122 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:17 [ref. 19771] as syntypes, Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:207 [ref. 29155]. Originally spelled dugèsii. Lectotype established in caption to Pl. 26, p. 3236 in Jordan & Evermann 1900 [ref. 2446]. •Valid as Ictalurus dugesii (Bean 1880) -- (Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:26 [ref. 22290] as dugesi, Gilbert 1998:211 [ref. 23395] as dugesi, Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:15 [ref. 30386], Miller 2006:161 [ref. 28615], Ferraris 2007:207 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40420]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus dugesii (Bean 1880). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: Lerma-Santiago, Ameca, Armeria basins and Lake Chapala (Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

elassochir, Noturus Swain [J.] & Kalb [G. B.] 1883:639 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 5 (no. 332); ref. 18866] Illinois River, Napierville [= Naperville], Illinois, U.S.A. [probably West Branch of Du Page River, Du Page County]. Holotype (unique): USNM 29677. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:19 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus exilis Nelson 1876 -- (Taylor 1969:59 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus exilis Nelson 1876. Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

elegans, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:150, Pls. 4 (figs. 5-6), 12. [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Fallen Timber Creek, 8 miles southeast of Glasgow, at state highway 90, Barren County, Kentucky, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 167597. Paratypes: CUMV 37616 (1), 45997 (1); KU 7078 (1); TU 19390 (12), 19460 (16); UL (77 in 6 lots); UMMZ (128 in 10 lots); USNM (49 in 10 lots). Type catalog: Suttkus 1970:122 [ref. 20861], Ferraris & Vari 1992:19 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:45 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus elegans Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:450 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:204 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:65 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:312 [ref. 22809], Mettee et al. 1996:393 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:337 [ref. 27995], Burr et al. 2005:792 [ref. 28478], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:360 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus elegans Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Kentucky and Tennessee (eastern-central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

eleutherus, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] 1877:371 [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 11 (nos 11-12) (art. 29); ref. 2373] Big Pigeon River, tributary of French Broad River, [probably near Newport, Cocke County], Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): USNM 29678. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:19 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. See also Jordan 1877:101 figs 62-63 [ref. 14245]. •Valid as Noturus eleutherus Jordan 1877 -- (Taylor 1969:160 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:451 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:300 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:208 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:313 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:565 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:215 [ref. 23376], Mettee et al. 1996:395 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller & Robison 2004:234 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:338 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:366 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus eleutherus Jordan 1877. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Ohio, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Ouachita and Red River systems (eastern-central and southern-central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

erebennus, Amiurus Jordan [D. S.] 1877:85, Pl. 13 (figs. 19-20) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum [v. 1] No. 10; ref. 14245] St. Johns River, Florida, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): USNM 19093. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Lee et al. 1980:442 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), but a valid subspecies erebennus Jordan 1877 -- (Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

erythroptera, Silurus maculatus var. Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:49 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

eurystomus, Satan Hubbs [C. L.] & Bailey [R. M.] 1947:8, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-3) [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 499; ref. 2254] An artesian well [depth 381 m], near San Antonio, about 29°30'N, 98°30'W, Bexar County, Texas, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): UMMZ 190922 [ex WMSA]. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:216 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Satan eurystomus Hubbs & Bailey 1947 -- (Lee et al. 1980:473 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:196 [ref. 18983], Walsh & Gilbert 1995:856 [ref. 21891], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Romero & Paulson 2001:24 [ref. 26040], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Proudlove 2006:112 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:19 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:216 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:348 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:85 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Satan eurystomus Hubbs & Bailey 1947. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: subterranean waters near San Antonio (Texas). Habitat: freshwater.

exilis, Noturus Nelson [E. W.] 1876:51 [Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 3154] Mackinaw Creek, Illinois River drainage, McLean County, Illinois, U.S.A. Lectotype: INHS 37651. Paralectotypes: (2) lost. Type catalog: Sabaj et al. 1997:270 [ref. 23225], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Sabaj et al. 1997:270 [ref. 23225]. •Valid as Noturus exilis Nelson 1876 -- (Taylor 1969:57 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:452 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:301 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:125 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:202 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:65 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:314 [ref. 22809], Cross & Collins 1995:152 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:397 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:212 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:203 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:36 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:315 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller & Robison 2004:236 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:339 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:356 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus exilis Nelson 1876. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Mississippi River system (eastern-central and southern-central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

fasciatus, Noturus Burr [B. M.], Eisenhour [D. J.] & Grady [J. M.] 2005:785, Fig. 2A [Copeia 2005 (no. 4); ref. 28478] Bruchy Fork Creek, off Brushy road, 1.6 kilometers west of junction with Tennessee highway 48, north of Aetna, 35°40'25"N, 87°31'03"W, Hickman County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: SIUC 52378. Paratypes: INHS 98366 (10); MOSU 2069 (10); SIUC 20514 (3), 52381 (1); TU 196774 (10); UAIC 13875 (10); UF 143185 (10); UMMZ 243663 (10); USNM 230594 (50); UT 48.1207 (10). Plus non-type material. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus fasciatus Burr, Eisenhour & Grady 2005 -- (Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:360 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus fasciatus Burr, Eisenhour & Grady 2005. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Tennessee River drainage, Tennessee (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

felinus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1858:209 [General report upon zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes, 1857; ref. 4911] Tributary of Gypsum Creek, Canadian River drainage, Oklahoma [not Arkansas], U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 924. Paralectotypes: USNM 925 (2, not found in 1980). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Jordan & Evermann 1896:140 [ref. 2443]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

felis, Pimelodus Agassiz [L.] 1850:281 [Lake Superior; ref. 66] Lake Superior [probably eastern part of lake], North America. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. Not preoccupied by Pimelodus felis Lacepède 1803 = Silurus felis Linnaeus 1758. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (La Rivers 1994:490 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155] with question). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

flavater, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:204, Pls. 4 (fig 15), 20 (fig. 2) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Flat Creek, at state highway M39, 12 miles northeast of Cassville, Barry County, Missouri, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 151322. Paratypes: CUMV (10 in 5 lots); FMNH 43154 (1); KU (24 in 5 lots); OAM (1); UMMZ (27 in 16 lots); USNM 36330 (1), 73592 (1), 163546-47 (2, 1). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367], Ferraris & Vari 1992:19 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus flavater Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:453 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:303 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:208 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus flavater Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America; upper White River and Current river systems in Missouri and Arkansas (southern-central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

flavipinnis, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:201, Pls. 4 (fig. 14), 20 (fig. 1) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Hines Creek, tributary to Clinch River, Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 163801. Paratypes: CAS-SU 48147 [CAS-SU 2326, 3575, 4073, 4605] (6); UMMZ 167862 (1); USNM 36820 (3), 40455 (1), 125417 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:19 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus flavipinnis Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:454 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Burkhead & Jenkins 1991:365 [ref. 21804], Page & Burr 1991:209 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:315 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:562 [ref. 21581], Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:368 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus flavipinnis Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia (southeastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

flavus, Noturus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1818:41 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 4 (no. 1) (art. 5); ref. 3589] Eagle Creek [tributary of lower Kentucky River], pool below bridge on State highway 36, 3.5 miles east of Jonesville, Grant County, Kentucky, U.S.A. Neotype: USNM 202494 [ex UL 12460]. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:19 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155].. Neotype designated by Taylor 1969:118 [ref. 6555]. •Valid as Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818 -- (Taylor 1969:117 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:455 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:84 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:304 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:124 [ref. 24089], Burkhead & Jenkins 1991:366 [ref. 21804], Page & Burr 1991:199 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:65 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:317 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:552 [ref. 21581], Baxter & Stone 1995:148 [ref. 23374], Stauffer et al. 1995:216 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:153 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:397 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:213 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:611 [ref. 24570], McCulloch & Stewart 1998:217 [ref. 24998], Fuller et al. 1999:203 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:37 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:316 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:131 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:238 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:340 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Faber et al. 2009:563 [ref. 30385], Page & Burr 2011:350 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: southern Canada, northern and central U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

funebris, Noturus Gilbert [C. H.] & Swain [J.] in Gilbert 1891:153 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 9 (art. 10) (for 1889); ref. 12400] Spring Run of North River near Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 36696. Paralectotypes: CAS-SU 3952 (1, intended 2), USNM 161732 [ex USNM 36696] (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:43 [ref. 12291], Ferraris & Vari 1992:20 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype established in Taylor 1969:98 [ref. 6555]. •Valid as Noturus funebris Gilbert & Swain 1891 -- (Taylor 1969:96 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:456 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:201 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:65 [ref. 23239], Mettee et al. 1996:401 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:213-214 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:485 [ref. 25838], Ross et al. 2001:318 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:342 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:355 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:166 [ref. 35886], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus funebris Gilbert & Swain 1891. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana (southeastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

furcatus, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Lesueur) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:136 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Wabash River, Illinois, U.S.A. Syntypes: MNHN A-8402 (1, dry) Mississippi, A-8834 (1, dry) Wabash R. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:23 [ref. 19575] and Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395] but not as a replacement name. We tentatively regard this as an unneeded substitute (or an unjustified emendation) for Pimelodus caudafurcatus Lesueur 1819 contrary to other authors, because Valenciennes indicates (p. 158) that Lesueur appears to have described this species under the name Pim. caudafurcatus. If not regarded as a new name for caudafurcatus, to agree with current usage, then the primary syntype is MNHN A.9458. Authorship should be Valenciennes, citation of Lesueur after the species name perhaps further indicating a name change. If regarded as a replacement name, then it is a synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). •Valid as Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Lee et al. 1980:439 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:292 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:122 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:192 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:65 [ref. 23239], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:26 [ref. 22290], Etnier & Starnes 1993:305 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:533 [ref. 21581], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Stauffer et al. 1995:211 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:147 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:389 [ref. 25836], Greenfield & Thomerson 1997:78 [ref. 22947], Murdy et al. 1997:93 [ref. 23144], Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:200 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:66 [ref. 26594], Moyle 2002:218 [ref. 26449], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller & Robison 2004:230 [ref. 27931] with author as Lesueur, Boschung & Mayden 2004:334 [ref. 27995] with author as Lesueur, Miller 2006:161 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:15 [ref. 30386] with author as Lesueur, Ferraris 2007:207 [ref. 29155], Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2010:67 [ref. 31022], Minckley & Marsh 2009:220 [ref. 31114] with author Lesueur, Ruiz-Campos et al. 2009:38 [ref. 40808], Page & Burr 2011:343 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:163 [ref. 35886], Lorenzoni et al. 2019:253 [ref. 37108], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40420], Quintana 2024:5 [ref. 41186]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: central U.S.A. and eastern Mexico. Widely introduced in U.S.A., Guatemala, Italy. Habitat: freshwater.

furcifer, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:139 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] North America [not Suriname]. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-1192 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:24 [ref. 19575], Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

furiosus, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] & Meek [S. E.] in Jordan 1889:351, Pl. 43 (figs. 1-1b) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 11 (no. 723); ref. 10478] Neuse River, at Millburnie, near Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 39932. Paralectotypes: ANSP 71335 (1); MNHN 1889-0313 [ex USFC] (1); CAS-SU 1380 (2), 18637 (2); UMMZ 167076 [ex USNM 20926] (1); UMMZ [ex IU 7246] (1); USNM 20926 (6), 39932 (now 0), 40398 (1), 40572 (1), 67937 (1), 164109 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:43 [ref. 12291], Ferraris & Vari 1992:20 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype established (as figured specimen) in caption to Pl. 29, p. 3237 in Jordan & Evermann 1900 [ref. 2446]; also selected by Taylor 1969:186 [ref. 6555]. •Valid as Noturus furiosus Jordan & Meek 1889 -- (Taylor 1969:184 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:457 [ref. 22416], Burr et al. 1989 [ref. 13768], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:207 [ref. 18983], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:365 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus furiosus Jordan & Meek 1889. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Neuse and Tar river systems, North Carolina (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

fuscatus, Silurus lividus var. Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:51 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

gallowayi, Schilbeodes Fowler [H. W.] 1945:122, Figs. 155-157 [Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia No. 7; ref. 1453] South Fork of Holston River, above Bluff City, Sullivan County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): ANSP 54723. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus eleutherus Jordan 1877 -- (Taylor 1969:162 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus eleutherus Jordan 1877. Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

gilberti, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] in Jordan 1889:352, Pl. 43 (figs. 2-2b) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 11 (no. 723); ref. 10478] Roanoke River ar Roanoke, Salem, and Allegany Springs, Virginia, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 39931. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1889.10.30.89 (1); CAS-SU 1335 (4); MCZ 31194 (1); USNM 40219 (8), 161733-34 (2, 1). Non-types: MNHN 1889-0312 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:43 [ref. 12291], Ferraris & Vari 1992:20 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:214-215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype established in caption to Pl. 28, p. 3236 in Jordan & Evermann 1900 [ref. 2446] also designated by Taylor (1969). •Valid as Noturus gilberti Jordan & Evermann 1889 -- (Taylor 1969:105 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:458 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Burkhead & Jenkins 1991:367 [ref. 21804], Page & Burr 1991:203 [ref. 18983], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:554 [ref. 21581], Gilbert 1998:214 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:204 [ref. 25838], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:357 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus gilberti Jordan & Evermann 1889. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Virginia and North Carolina (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

gladiator, Noturus Thomas [M. R.] & Burr [B. M.] 2004:353, Figs. 2-3, 8c [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 15 (no. 4); ref. 27997] Just upstream of Potters Creek, about 2.5 kilometers west of Bolivar, 35°15'14"N, 89°02'05"W, Pleasant Run, Hatchie River at Summerville-Bolivar Road, Mississippi River basin, Hardeman County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: SIUC 47997. Paratypes: AUM 34072 (2); CUMV 48614 (1); INHS 45557 (3); NLU 20772 (3); SIUC 27114 (2), 36502 (1), 38137 (1), 38572 (1), 42800 (1), 51788 (1); TU 131709 (2); UAIC 10298.11 (2), 12111.01 (1), 12299.05 (1); UMMZ 243667 (2?); USNM 190776 (4); UT 48.166 (1), 48.169-70 (2. 1), 48.736 (3). Plus non-type material. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus gladiator Thomas & Burr 2004 -- (Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:363 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus gladiator Thomas & Burr 2004. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Mississippi River tributaries of western Tennessee and Mississippi (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

gracilis, Pimelodus Hough [F. B.] 1852:26 [Catalogue of reptiles and fishes, from St. Lawrence County; ref. 18312] Oswegatchie River and Indian River, and other streams tributary to St. Lawrence River, New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 1532 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Pimelodus gracilis Valenciennes 1836, replaced by Pimelodus houghi Girard 1859. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Smith 1986:84 [ref. 22186] but as aracilis, La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

graciosus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:161 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Prairie Mer Rouge, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 1511 (3 orig., now 2). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

gyrinus, Silurus Mitchill [S. L.] 1817:289 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 1; ref. 17776] Wallkill Creek [= Walkill River], New York, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. Also in Mitchill 1818:322 [ref. 30214]. •Valid as Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill 1817) -- (Taylor 1969:35 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:459 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:87 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:305 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Page & Burr 1991:200 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:66 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:318 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:560 [ref. 21581], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Stauffer et al. 1995:218 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:154 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:403 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:615 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:204 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:37 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:319 [ref. 25978], Wydoski & Whitney 2003:160 [ref. 27816], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:132 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:240 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:343 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:350 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:167 [ref. 35886], Kubicek 2022:665 [ref. 39474], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill 1817). Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: southern Canada; eastern and central U.S.A; Atlantic draining rivers and rivers draining into the Gulf of Mexico. Introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

hammondii, Pimelodus Abbott [C. C.] 1861:568 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 12; ref. 15623] [Sent from] Fort Reily [= Fort Riley], Kansas, U.S.A. Syntypes: ANSP 22065-66 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:141 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

hildebrandi, Schilbeodes Bailey [R. M.] & Taylor [W. R.] 1950:32, Pls. 1, 2 (figs. E-F) [Copeia 1950 (no. 1); ref. 12934] Brushy Creek, about 1 mile above its mouth in Homochitto River, hamlet of Homochitto, Amite County, Mississippi, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 157620. Paratypes: UMMZ 155338 (21, 1 c&s), USNM 112066 (4). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:24 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Schilbeodes hildebrandi Bailey & Taylor 1950 -- (Taylor 1969:136 [ref. 6555]). •Valid as Noturus hildebrandi (Bailey & Taylor 1950) [sometimes as valid subspecies] -- (Lee et al. 1980:460 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:203 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:319 [ref. 22809], Gilbert 1998:215 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:321 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386] with subspecies, Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:358 [ref. 31215] with 2 subspecies, Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus hildebrandi (Bailey & Taylor 1950). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: streams tributary to eastern side of Mississippi River in Mississippi, Kentucky and Tennessee (southern U.S.A.). Mississippi [subspecies hildebrandi]. Habitat: freshwater.

houghi, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:159 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Oswegatchie River and Indian River, and other streams and lakes tributary to St. Lawrence River, New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 1532 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:215-216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. Replacement name for Pimelodus gracilis Hough 1852, preoccupied by Pimelodus gracilis Valenciennes 1836. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Smith 1986:84 [ref. 22186], La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

hoyi, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:159 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Near Racine [probably Root River], Wisconsin, U.S.A. Syntypes: MCZ 35945 [ex USNM 1539] (1); USNM 1539 (orig. 4, now 3). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (La Rivers 1994:490 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Amieurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

insignarius, Pimelodon Lesueur [C. A.] in Vaillant 1896:28 [14], Pl. 24 [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (8th Série) v. 8 (no. 1); ref. 13482] Vicinity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3053. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. On p. 14 of separate. •Objective synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836) -- (Taylor 1969:87 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155] with author as Vaillant). Current status: Synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

insigne, Pimelodus Richardson [J.] 1836:132 [Fauna Boreali-Americana Part 3; ref. 3731] Vicinity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3053. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. Available from reference to "Pimelodus ... insigne (livrée, Le Sueur)" [= Pimelodon livrée Lesueur 1819:155 [ref. 12573]; Lesueur specimen sent to Paris and described by Valenciennes as Pimelodus lemniscatus]. •Valid as Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836) -- (Taylor 1969:83 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:461 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:88 [ref. 22186], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Burkhead & Jenkins 1991:369 [ref. 21804], Page & Burr 1991:202 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:320 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:557 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:219 [ref. 23376], Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:viii [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:205 [ref. 25838], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:133 [ref. 27882], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386] with subspecies, Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:356 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Atlantic coastal rivers from New York to Georgia (eastern U.S.A.). Introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

kevinskii, Ichthaelurus Stauffer [J.] 1869:578 [History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; ref. 18742] Susquehanna River drainage, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (La Rivers 1994:485 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

lachneri, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:54, Pl. 3 (fig. 2), Pl. 5 (fig. 2) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Middle Fork of Saline River at state highway 7 crossing, 11.2 miles north of Mountain Valley, Garland County, Arkansas, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 201592. Paratypes: TU 7074 (1), 7077 (2); UMMZ 187095 (2); USNM 165901 (5, 1 c&s). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:20 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:45-46 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus lachneri Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:462 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:306 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:200 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:216 [ref. 23395], Gagen et al. 1998:874 [ref. 23615], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:351 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus lachneri Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Arkansas (central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

lateralis, Silurus pallidus var. Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:49 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:358 [ref. 3711] and 1820:63 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus pallidus var. lateralis. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

latifrons, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] 1885 [United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report of the Commissioner v. 13 (1885); ref. 2385] Name only, not available (see Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395]). Nomen Nudum. Ictaluridae.

lautus, Noturus hildebrandi Taylor [W. R.] 1969:138, Pl. 4 (fig. 2), pl. 10 (fig. 2) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] North Fork Obion River, on state highway 69, Henry County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 201665. Paratypes: KU 9751 (2), 10036 (3); UMMZ 187092-93 (2, 4); USNM 193470 (16, 1 c&s), 197395 (4), 197402 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:20 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus hildebrandi (Bailey & Taylor 1950), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Lee et al. 1980:460 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:358 [ref. 31215]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus hildebrandi (Bailey & Taylor 1950). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Kentucky and Tennessee [subspecies lautus]. Habitat: freshwater.

lemniscatus, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Lesueur) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:144 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Vicinity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3053. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:25 [ref. 19575], Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. On "Pimélode livrée" of Lesueur (not available, not Latinized). •Objective synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836) -- (Taylor 1969:85 [ref. 6555], Smith 1986:89 [ref. 22186], Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

leptacanthus, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] 1877:352 [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 11 (nos 11-12) (art. 29); ref. 2373] Silver Creek, 1 mile above its junction with Etowah River, near Rome, Floyd County, Georgia, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): apparently destroyed. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus leptacanthus Jordan 1877 -- (Taylor 1969:68 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:463 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:200 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:66 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:321 [ref. 22809], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Mettee et al. 1996:405 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:323 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:344 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:17 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:351 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:169 [ref. 35886], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus leptacanthus Jordan 1877. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: southeastern U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

leucoptera, Silurus pallidus var. Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:49 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:358 [ref. 3711] and 1820:63 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus pallidus var. leucoptera. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

limosus, Pylodictis Rafinesque [C. S.] 1819:422 [Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Naturelle v. 88; ref. 3590] Ohio River mouth, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:361 [ref. 3711] and 1820:67 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus limosus. •Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:217 [ref. 23395]). •Based on an Audubon drawing; mythical; see Markle 1997:446 [ref. 23370] -- (Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Pylodictis. Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

limosus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:51 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Appeared earlier as name only, as Glanis limosus, in Rafinesque 1818:447 [ref. 3586]. See also Rafinesque 1820:360 [ref. 3711] and 1820:66 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus limosus. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Ohio River, U.S.A.

lividus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:50 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:217-218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:359 [ref. 3711] and 1820:65 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus lividus. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

lophius, Amiurus Cope [E. D.] 1870:487 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Washington D. C. market, from lower Potomac River, U.S.A. Syntypes: (orig. 3, now 2) ANSP 8461-62 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

lundbergi, Prietella Walsh [S. J.] & Gilbert [C. R.] 1995:851, Figs. 1-2 [Copeia 1995 (no. 4); ref. 21891] Subsurface thermal spring, about 22°40'N, 99°00'W, Nacimiento de San Rafael de Los Castros, Rio Tamesí drainage, about 15 kilometers west-northwest of Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas state, Mexico. Holotype (unique): UNAM 7705. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Prietella lundbergi Walsh & Gilbert 1995 -- (Burgess & Finley 1996:163 [ref. 22901], Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Romero & Paulson 2001:24 [ref. 26040], Henrickson et al. 2001:331 [ref. 26399], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:164 [ref. 28615], Proudlove 2006:116 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:58 [ref. 40739]). Current status: Valid as Prietella lundbergi Walsh & Gilbert 1995. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: subsurface waters of Tamesí River drainage, Tamaulipas state (Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

lupus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1858:211 [General report upon zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes, 1857; ref. 4911] Headwaters of Rio Pecos, Texas, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 915 (1) "Indianola to Nueces", USNM 916 (3) Headwaters of the Rio. Pecos. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ictalurus lupus (Girard 1858) -- (Lee et al. 1980:440 [ref. 22416], Kelsch & Hendricks 1986:646 [ref. 22485], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:192 [ref. 18983], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:26 [ref. 22290], Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:162 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:15 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155], Minckley & Marsh 2009:223 [ref. 31114], Rodiles-Hernández 2010:67 [ref. 31022], Page & Burr 2011:342 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40420]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus lupus (Girard 1858). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: Rio Grande River basin, New Mexico and Texas (U.S.A.) and eastern Mexico. Habitat: freshwater.

lutescens, Pimelodus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1832:20 [Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge, Philadelphia v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 3593] Tennessee River, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

luteus, Noturus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1819:421 [Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Naturelle v. 88; ref. 3590] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818 -- (Taylor 1969:117 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818. Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

lynx, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:160 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Potomac River, near Washington, D.C.; Deep Run, tributary of Patapsco River, near Baltimore, Maryland; and tributary of Susquehanna River, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Syntypes: whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (La Rivers 1994:485 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Gilbert 1998:218 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

maculatus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:48 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and in Kentucky River, Ohio River basin, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:356 [ref. 3711] and 1820:62 [ref. 3592] under Pimelodus maculatus Thunberg 1792. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Silurus maculatus. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

marginatus, Noturus Baird [S. F.] in Cope 1868:237 [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Second series. v. 6 (pt 3) (art. 5); ref. 909] Sinking Creek of Kanawha River, and head of James River, Virginia, and Susquehanna River at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Syntypes: ANSP 8431-32 (2), ?ANSP 8435 (1); MCZ 8371 (1), 35955 (1); MNHN 0000-0340-0341 (2); UMMZ 138221 (1); USNM 1571 (20+ originally, now 9). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Ferraris & Vari 1992:21 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836) -- (Taylor 1969:86 [ref. 6555], Smith 1986:89 [ref. 22186], Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus insignis (Richardson 1836). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

marginatus, Silurus pallidus var. Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:49 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. Also as Pimelodus pallidus var marginata in Rafinesque 1820:358 [ref. 7311] and Rafinesque 1820:63 [ref. 3592]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

marmoratus, Pimelodus Holbrook [J. E.] 1855:54, Pl. 6 (fig. 4) [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Second series. v. 3 (art. 1); ref. 15935] Altamaha River, Georgia, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): USNM 9031. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. Called Pimelodus marginatus on table of plates (p. 58), apparently a lapsus. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Lee et al. 1980:443 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Scott & Crossman 1998:599 [ref. 24570]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), but a valid subspecies -- (Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ross et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25978], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

maydeni, Noturus Egge [J. J. D.] in Egge & Simons 2006:588, Fig. 7 [Zoologica Scripta v. 35 (no. 6); ref. 28856] Strawberry River at Simstown Public Access, 4 miles north of Evening Shade, 1.7 miles off highway 167 on Simstown Road, 36°05'52"N, 91°36'27"W, Sharp County, Arkansas. Holotype: JFBM 39463. Paratypes: JFMB 39170 (2, 1 c&s), 42647 (3 tissues); USNM 387047 (2). •Valid as Noturus maydeni Egge 2006 -- (Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:441 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:359 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus maydeni Egge 2006. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Black and St. Francis river basins of Ozark Uplands, Missouri and Arkansas (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

mccaskei, Ichthaelurus Stauffer [J.] 1869:578 [History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; ref. 18742] Shenk's Ferry, Susquehanna River (or tributary thereof), Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. Original spellng mccaskei probably should be retained, even though collected by McCaskey [early authors took much liberty with endings of patronyms]. •Synonym of Ictalurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (La Rivers 1994:485 [ref. 23389] as macaskeyi). •Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395] as mccaskeyi, Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

meeki, Amiurus Regan [C. T.] 1907:140, Pl. 23 (fig. 5) [Biologia Centrali-Americana Part 215; ref. 3629] Río Paphigochic, Miñaca, Chihuahua, Mexico. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1905.12.6.348. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. Plate appeared in 1908 in continued portion. •Synonym of Ictalurus pricei (Rutter 1896) -- (Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus pricei (Rutter 1896). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

megalops, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:161 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Black Warrior River and Sipsey River, Alabama, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 1535 (1, [3 cited in ledger, 2 unaccounted for]). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:23 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

melanurus, Silurus cerulescens var. Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:49 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:219-220 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

melas, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:51 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:219 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:360 [ref. 7311] and 1820:66 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus melas. •Valid as Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Branson et al. 1960:219 [ref. 41482], Lee et al. 1980:441 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:79 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:293 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Pequeño 1989:40 [ref. 14125], McAllister 1990:66 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:117 [ref. 24089], La Rivers 1994:494 [ref. 23389], Scott & Crossman 1998:591 [ref. 24570], Bianco & Ketmaier 2001:201 [ref. 26728]). •Valid as Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Page & Burr 1991:194 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:64 [ref. 23239], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:26 [ref. 22290], Etnier & Starnes 1993:300 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:550 [ref. 21581], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Baxter & Stone 1995:144 [ref. 23374], Stauffer et al. 1995:206 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:141 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:381 [ref. 25836], Sigler & Sigler 1996:151 [ref. 25943], Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:196 [ref. 25838], Dyer 2000:89 [ref. 26678], Lyons et al. 2000:35 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:304 [ref. 25978], Bianco & Ketmaier 2001:195 [ref. 26728], Moyle 2002:208 [ref. 26449], Hardman & Page 2003:21 [ref. 26687], Wydoski & Whitney 2003:154 [ref. 27816], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:127 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:224 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:329 [ref. 27995], Miller 2006:160 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:14 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:337 [ref. 29996], McPhail 2007:196 [ref. 31199], Minckley & Marsh 2009:220 [ref. 31114], Page & Burr 2011:345 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Ćaleta et al. 2019:173 [ref. 37026], Lorenzoni et al. 2019:253 [ref. 37108], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Nagy et al. 2023:357 [ref. 40348], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820). Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Canada south to Texas (U.S.A.) and into northern Mexico. Widely introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

meridionalis, Amiurus Günther [A.] 1864:102 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río Usumacinta, Guatemala. Syntypes: BMNH 1865.4.29.38 (1), BMNH 1865.4.29.41-42 (2). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:237 [ref. 29155]. Apparently not treated in Reis et al. 2003 [ref. 27061]. •Synonym of Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155]). •Tentatively valid as Ictalurus meridionalis (Günther 1864) -- (Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:11 [ref. 40420]). •Valid as Ictalurus meridionalis (Günther 1864) -- (Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2010:68 [ref. 31022], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], López-Segovia et al. 2020:110 [ref. 38151], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Quintana 2024:6 [ref. 41186]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus meridionalis (Günther 1864). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America, Central America: Belize, Guatemala and Mexico. Habitat: freshwater.

mexicanus, Amiurus Meek [S. E.] 1904:15 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 5; ref. 2958] Tributary to Río Valles, Rascón, San Luis Potosí, Río Panuco basin, Mexico. Holotype: FMNH 4507. Paratypes: FMNH 3879 (2), 4508 (1). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:7 [ref. 12367], Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ictalurus mexicanus (Meek 1904) -- (Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:27 [ref. 22290], Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:163 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:15 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40420]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus mexicanus (Meek 1904). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: Panuco River basin (Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

mispilliensis, Amiurus Cope [E. D.] 1870:486 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Mispillion Creek [=Mispillion River], Kent and Sussex counties, Delaware, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): ANSP 8536. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (La Rivers 1994:490 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

miurus, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] 1877:371 [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 11 (nos 11-12) (art. 29); ref. 2373] White River, near Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, U.S.A. Lectotype: MNHN A-1308. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1880.1.21.17 (1), 1884.7.7.7 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:25 [ref. 19575], Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]. Name available from key. Lectotype selected in Taylor 1969:197 [ref. 6555]. Mention of "type" in Jordan 1877:Pl. 39 [ref. 2374] not regarded as establishing a lectotype. •Valid as Noturus miurus Jordan 1877 -- (Taylor 1969:190 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:464 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:89 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:308 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Page & Burr 1991:209 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:66 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:322 [ref. 22809], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Stauffer et al. 1995:220 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:156 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:407 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:619 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:206 [ref. 25838], Ross et al. 2001:324 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:134 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:242 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:345 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:367 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus miurus Jordan 1877. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: tributaries of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, southern Ontario (Canada); Mississippi Valley to Mississippi and Louisiana, and west to eastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas (central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

mollis, Silurus Hermann [J.] 1804:309 [Observationes zoologicae; ref. 2146] America. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395]. •Possible senior synonym of Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill 1817) -- (Gilbert 1998:220 [ref. 23395]). •Species inquirenda in Noturus -- (Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Uncertain as Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill 1817). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

munitus, Noturus Suttkus [R. D.] & Taylor [W. R.] 1965:171, Figs. 1-2 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 78; ref. 9260] Pearl River, 2.6 miles east of Sandy Hook, Marion County, Mississippi, U.S.A. Holotype: TU 26250. Paratypes: ANSP (10); BMNH 1964.12.1-10 (10); CUMV 47676 (25); FMNH 72742 (10); MCZ 43090 (10); MNHN 1964-0584 (5); SMF 7580-84 (5); CAS-SU 62400 (5); TU (60 lots, 1849); UMMZ 181771 (25); USNM 197708 (23, 2 c&s), 198208 (25). Type catalog: Suttkus 1970:122-125 [ref. 20861], Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367], Ferraris & Vari 1992:21 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:46-48 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:220-221 [ref. 23395], plus Ferraris 2007. •Valid as Noturus munitus Suttkus & Taylor 1965 -- (Taylor 1969:180 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:465 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:207 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:66 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:324 [ref. 22809], Mettee et al. 1996:409 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:326 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:346 [ref. 27995], Thomas & Burr 2004:361 [ref. 27997], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:364 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus munitus Suttkus & Taylor 1965. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Pearl River drainage, Louisiana and Mississippi; and in scattered parts of Mobile Bay basin in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

natalis, Pimelodus Lesueur [C. A.] 1819:154 [Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 5; ref. 12573] Uncertain locality. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. Placed on Official List in Opinion 1584. •Valid as Ictalurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Lee et al. 1980:442 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:81 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:295 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:118 [ref. 24089], Scott & Crossman 1998:595 [ref. 24570]). •Valid as Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Page & Burr 1991:193 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:64 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:301 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:545 [ref. 21581], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Stauffer et al. 1995:208 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:143 [ref. 23394], Ruiz-Campos 1995:80 [ref. 24462], Mettee et al. 1996:383 [ref. 25836], Murdy et al. 1997:94 [ref. 23144], Sigler & Sigler 1996:153 [ref. 25943], Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:197 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:35 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:306 [ref. 25978], Moyle 2002:212 [ref. 26449], Hardman & Page 2003:21 [ref. 26687], Wydoski & Whitney 2003:155 [ref. 27816], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:128 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:226 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:330 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:14 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155], McPhail 2007:200 [ref. 31199], Minckley & Marsh 2009:221 [ref. 31114], Page & Burr 2011:345 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:158 [ref. 35886], Lorenzoni et al. 2019:253 [ref. 37108], Scharpf 2020:11 [ref. 37578], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: southern Canada, central and eastern U.S.A. Introduced into other areas of eastern and western North America; also Italy. Habitat: freshwater.

nebulosus, Pimelodus Lesueur [C. A.] 1819:149 [Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 5; ref. 12573] Delaware River, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) [often subspecies nebulosus] -- (Lee et al. 1980:443 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:82 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:296 [ref. 23393], Pequeño 1989:40 [ref. 14125], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Paulin et al. 1989:81 [ref. 24556], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:119 [ref. 24089], Coad 1991:18 [ref. 15702], La Rivers 1994:489 [ref. 23389], Mrakovcic et al. 1995:185 [ref. 23079], Coad 1996:85 [ref. 25304], Reshetnikov et al. 1997:745 [ref. 24702], Scott & Crossman 1998:598 [ref. 24570], Bianco & Ketmaier 2001:201 [ref. 26728], Vassilev & Pehlivanov 2005:173 [ref. 28369], Zhang et al. 2016:211 [ref. 34477], Semenchenko et al. 2016:186 [ref. 34974]). •Valid as Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) [often as subspecies nebulosus] -- (Page & Burr 1991:195 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:64 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:303 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:547 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:209 [ref. 23376], Coad 1995:23 [ref. 23608], Cross & Collins 1995:145 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:385 [ref. 25836], Murdy et al. 1997:95 [ref. 23144], Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Naseka 1998:106 [ref. 23590], Fuller et al. 1999:198 [ref. 25838], Dyer 2000:89 [ref. 26678], Lyons et al. 2000:36 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:308 [ref. 25978], Moyle 2002:210 [ref. 26449], Hardman & Page 2003:21 [ref. 26687], Wydoski & Whitney 2003:156 [ref. 27816], Hanel 2003:56 [ref. 27894], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:129 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:228 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:331 [ref. 27995], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:117 [ref. 28183], Hanel & Lusk 2005:292 [ref. 28804], Scharpf 2006:14 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:337 [ref. 29996], McPhail 2007:204 [ref. 31199], Minckley & Marsh 2009:222 [ref. 31114], Page & Burr 2011:346 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Roberts 2015:322 [ref. 34220], Barbieri et al. 2015:75 [ref. 35029] as cf. nebulosus, Robins et al. 2018:160 [ref. 35886], Ćaleta et al. 2019:174 [ref. 37026], Lorenzoni et al. 2019:253 [ref. 37108], Dyldin et al. 2020:99 [ref. 37569], Rodríguez-Barrera et al. 2020:45 [ref. 37800], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Nagy et al. 2023:357 [ref. 40348], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Shumka et al. 2023:36 [ref. 40747]). Current status: Valid as Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: southern Canada; eastern and central U.S.A. Widely introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

nebulosus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:50 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:358 [ref. 3711] and 1820:64 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus nebulosus. •Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

nigricans, Pimelodus Lesueur [C. A.] 1819:153, Fig. [Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 5; ref. 12573] Lake Erie; Lake Ontario, North America. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. Richardson 1836:134 introduced in error the name nigricans Lesueur for this species. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:610 [ref. 24570] with question, Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

nigrilabris, Gronias Cope [E. D.] 1864:231 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 16 (no. 4); ref. 906] Conestoga Creek, tributary of Susquehanna River, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Syntypes: ANSP 22082-83 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. Sometimes species epithet has been misspelled as nigrolabris. •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

niveiventris, Amiurus Cope [E. D.] 1870:488 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Neuse River, North Carolina, U.S.A. Syntypes: ANSP 8466-67 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (La Rivers 1994:485 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Gilbert 1998:221 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:204 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

nocturnus, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.] 1886:6 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 9 (no. 549) (for 14 Aug. 1886); ref. 10626] Saline River, near Benton railroad bridge, at Benton, Saline County, Arkansas, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 36461. Paralectotypes: CAS-SU 562 (4), 564 (2); USNM 36383 (28), 36426 (15), 161730-31 (1, 1), 201388 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:43 [ref. 12291], Taylor 1969:76 [ref. 6555], Ferraris & Vari 1992:21 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:221-222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype established by Evermann & Kendall 1894, Pl. 11 (top) [ref. 12392]; also established in caption to Pl. 27, p. 3236 in Jordan & Evermann 1900 [ref. 2446]. •Valid as Noturus nocturnus Jordan & Gilbert 1886 -- (Taylor 1969:74 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:466 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:309 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:202 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:66 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:325 [ref. 22809], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Cross & Collins 1995:157 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:411 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:327 [ref. 25978], Bowler 2003:41 [ref. 27453], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Miller & Robison 2004:244 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:347 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:355 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus nocturnus Jordan & Gilbert 1886. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: central Mississippi River basin and other rivers draining into the Gulf of Mexico (central and southern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

notatus, Pimelodus Abbott [C. C.] 1861:569 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 12; ref. 15623] [Sent from] Fort Reily [= Fort Riley], Kansas, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): ANSP 8449. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:142 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Pimelodus notatus Jardine & Schomburgk 1841. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

obesus, Amiurus Gill [T. N.] 1861:45 [Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History v. 8 (1861-1862); ref. 5571] Supposed to be from Nebraska, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 8968 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771] with remarks that "2 specimens were collected" as stated by Gill (1862:45), but 3 specimens originally listed in USNM ledgers, Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (La Rivers 1994:494 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

occidentalis, Istlarius balsanus de Buen [F.] 1946:119 [Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural v. 7 (nos 1-4); ref. 12981] Río Huámito, at La Huacana, Río Balsas drainage, Michoacan, Mexico. Syntypes: whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Ictalurus balsanus (Jordan & Snyder 1899) -- (Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:208 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus balsanus (Jordan & Snyder 1899). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

occidentalis, Noturus Gill [T. N.] 1861:45 [Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History v. 8 (1861-1862); ref. 5571] Platte River, Nebraska, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Taylor 1969:127 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818 -- (Taylor 1969:117 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818. Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

ochoterenai, Haustor de Buen [F.] 1946:271, Fig. 1 [Anales del Instituto de Biologia de la Universidad de Mexico v. 17 (nos 1-2); ref. 13138] Lago de Chapala, Isla Patos, Mexico. Holotype: Inst. Biol. Mexico. Paratypes: (4) UMMZ 169061 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus dugesii (Bean 1880) -- (Lundberg 1992:399 [ref. 23260], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40420]). •Valid as Ictalurus ochoterenai (de Buen 1946) -- (Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus ochoterenai (de Buen 1946). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: Isla Patos, Lake Chapala (Jalisco, Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

okeechobeensis, Ictalurus Heilprin [A.] 1887:129, Pl. 18 [Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia v. 1; ref. 18274] Lake Okeechobee, Florida, U.S.A. [not the Kissimmee River]. Holotype: ANSP 8443. Paratypes: ANSP 8442 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. For information on type locality see Nico 2005:8 [ref. 28324]. •Synonym of Ameiurus catus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (authors). •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Nico 2005:8 [ref. 28324], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

olivaceus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1858:211, Pl. 41 (figs. 1-3) [General report upon zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes, 1857; ref. 4911] Fort Pierre, Nebraska; Yellowstone, Nebraska; Milk River, ?Montana; near mouth of Poteau River, Oklahoma; and Arkansas River, Arkansas, U.S.A. Syntypes: MCZ 35911 [ex USNM 909]; USNM 906 (orig. 5, now 3, 2 missing), 907 [=USNM 8449] (orig. 2, now 1, 1 missing), 908 (1), 909 (orig. 6, now 5), 910 (1), 911 (1, missing). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:24 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. Accompanying Pl. 42 appeared in Suckley 1860 [ref. 18856]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:222 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

olivaris, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1818:355 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 3 (no. 5) (art. 3) (Sept.); ref. 3586] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:222-223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Lee et al. 1980:472 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:313 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:69 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:123 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:196 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:66 [ref. 23239], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:27 [ref. 22290], Etnier & Starnes 1993:330 [ref. 22809], Bart et al. 1994:6 [ref. 41394], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:567 [ref. 21581], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Warren et al. 1994:133 [ref. 25557], Stauffer et al. 1995:223 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:160 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:413 [ref. 25836], Murdy et al. 1997:94 [ref. 23144], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:206 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:37 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:331 [ref. 25978], Moyle 2002:219 [ref. 26449], Wydoski & Whitney 2003:161 [ref. 27816], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:136 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:248 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:349 [ref. 27995], Miller 2006:165 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:19 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155], Minckley & Marsh 2009:225 [ref. 31114], Page & Burr 2011:348 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:85 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:170 [ref. 35886], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins, Gulf Coast drainages from Georgia (U.S.A.) to Mexico. Introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

pallidus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:49 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. Appeared earlier as name only in Rafinesque 1818:354 [ref. 3586] and Rafinesque 1818:447 [ref. 3587] (as Silurus pallodus). See also Rafinesque 1820:357 [ref. 3711] and 1820:63 [ref. 3592] under Pimelodus pallidus. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

pannonicus, Ictalurus nebulosus Harka [A.] & Pinter [K.] 1990:69, Figs. 3-4 [Tiscia. v. 25; ref. 20246] Tisza River at Poroszló, Hungary [introduced population]. Holotype: MNSB 87.1.1. Paratypes: MNSB 87.2.1 (13), plus non-type material. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. Species misspelled nebulorus on p. 69 (correct elsewhere). •Synonym of introduced Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Kottelat 1997:94 [ref. 22952], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

pattersoni, Trogloglanis Eigenmann [C. H.] 1919:397, Figs. 1-2 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 58 (no. 6); ref. 1241] An artesian well in San Antonio, Edwards Aquifer, about 29°30'N, 98°30'W, Bexar County, Texas, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): CAS 58675 [ex IU 15240]. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:216 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann 1919 -- (Lee et al. 1980:474 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:197 [ref. 18983], Walsh & Gilbert 1995:856 [ref. 21891], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Proudlove 2006:109 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:19 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:216 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:349 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:85 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann 1919. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: Artesian wells near San Antonio, Texas (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

phaeus, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:100, Pls. 3 (fig. 8), 7 (fig. 2) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] North Fork of Obion River, at state highway 69, Henry County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 202143. Paratypes: KU (1); TU (15 in 6 lots); UL (1); UMMZ (75 in 4 lots); USNM 175389-91 (1, 2, 2), 190745 (2), 190777 (10), 193465-67 (3, 1, 13), 193468 (8, 1 c&s), 193469 (1), 193471 (10, 3 c&s), 193473 (4), 197401 (2); VU (4 in 2 lots). Type catalog: Suttkus 1970:125 [ref. 20861], Ferraris & Vari 1992:21 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:49 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus phaeus Taylor 1969 -- (Taylor 1969:100 [ref. 6555], Lee et al. 1980:467 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:310 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:201 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:326 [ref. 22809], Warren et al. 1994:133 [ref. 25557], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:328 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:354 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus phaeus Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: tributaries of lower Mississippi River, from western Kentucky and Tennessee south to Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi (southern-central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

phreatophila, Prietella Carranza [J.] 1954:132, Pl. 1 [Ciencia (Mexico City) v. 14 (nos 7-8); ref. 734] Well at base of Sierra de Santa Rosa, about 27°55'N, 101°07'W, Múzquiz, Coahuila state, Mexico. Holotype: Author's collection. Paratypes: BMNH not found; IPN; MNHN; CAS-SU 48047 (3); TU 10810 [ex Author's coll.] (3), TU osteo 178 (1, skeletonized); UANL 1014 (2); UMMZ 173788 (3, 1 c&s), 223109 (5); USNM 164169 (3, 1 c&s). Type catalog: Suttkus 1970:125 [ref. 20861], Ferraris & Vari 1992:24 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:49 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Prietella phreatophila Carranza 1954 -- (Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:27 [ref. 22290], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Walsh & Gilbert 1995:852 [ref. 21891], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Romero & Paulson 2001:24 [ref. 26040], Henrickson et al. 2001:331 [ref. 26399], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:165 [ref. 28615], Proudlove 2006:114 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:58 [ref. 40739]). Current status: Valid as Prietella phreatophila Carranza 1954. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: subterranean waters of Río Bravo basin, Coahuila state (Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

placidus, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:168, Pls. 4 (fig. 9), 15 (fig. 2), 17 (fig. 2) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Neosho River, just south of U.S. highway 50, near Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 167653. Paratypes: KU (273 in 11 lots); Univ. of Tulsa (3 in 2 lots); UMMZ 167654 (27, 1 c&s), 167655-57 (15, 4, 2) (plus 2 more lots); USNM 200677 (38), 200679 (8). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:22 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus placidus Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:468 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:206 [ref. 18983], Cross & Collins 1995:158 [ref. 23394], Gilbert 1998:223 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Miller & Robison 2004:246 [ref. 27931], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:362 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus placidus Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma (central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

platycephalus, Noturus Günther [A.] 1864:104 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] North America. Syntypes: BMNH 2005.9.21.1 (2). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818 -- (Taylor 1969:117 [ref. 6555], Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:212 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus flavus Rafinesque 1818. Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

platycephalus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:161 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Savannah River drainage, near Anderson, South Carolina, U.S.A. Lectotype: ANSP 8473 [ex USNM 1534]. Paralectotypes: MCZ 36001 [ex USNM 1534] (1), MNHN 0000-0484 [ex USNM 1534] (1), USNM 1534 (7, now 5). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Ferraris & Vari 1992:24 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Yerger & Relyea 1968:364 [ref. 17753]. •Valid as Ictalurus platycephalus (Girard 1859) -- (Lee et al. 1980:444 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Ameiurus platycephalus (Girard 1859) -- (Page & Burr 1991:196 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:304 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:541 [ref. 21581], Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:199 [ref. 25838], Hardman & Page 2003:21 [ref. 26687], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:154 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:347 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ameiurus platycephalus (Girard 1859). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Altamaha River drainage, Georgia, north to Roanoke River drainage, Virginia and North Carolina (southeastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

ponderosus, Amiurus Bean [T. H.] 1880:286 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 2 (no. 90); ref. 16042] Mississippi River, near St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 287439 [ex 25928] (skeleton). Other: USNM 23388 (1, cast). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. Holotype originally as USNM 23388, with skeleton only preserved; cast made of the body; skeleton apparently recataloged as USNM 25928, then to its current number; cast retains its original number (USNM 23388). •Synonym of Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]). •Possible a synonym of Ictalurus meridionalis (Günther 1864) based on status of that species. Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

pricei, Villarius Rutter [C. L.] 1896:257 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 6; ref. 3841] San Bernardino Creek, Rio Yaqui, Arizona, U.S.A. or northern border of Sonara, Mexico. Syntypes: CAS 104826 [ex CAS-SU 4826] (orig. 7, now 5); BMNH 1900.9.29.179 [ex CAS-SU 4826] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:43 [ref. 12291], Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ictalurus pricei (Rutter 1896) -- (Lee et al. 1980:445 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:192 [ref. 18983], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:27 [ref. 22290], Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:201 [ref. 25838], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:163 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155], Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2010:67 [ref. 31022], Minckley & Marsh 2009:219 [ref. 31114], Page & Burr 2011:343 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Ruiz-Campos et al. 2020:483 [ref. 38093], Gutiérrez-Barragán et al. 2021:[1] [ref. 38635], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40420]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus pricei (Rutter 1896). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southern North America: southwestern U.S.A. and northern Mexico. Hybridizes with Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Habitat: freshwater.

prosthistius, Amiurus Cope [E. D.] 1883:132 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 35; ref. 18037] Batsto River, Mullica River system, Burlington County, New Jersey, U.S.A. Syntypes: ANSP 20546-49 (4). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:115 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

pullus, Pimelodus DeKay [J. E.] 1842:184, Pl. 37 (fig. 117) [Zoology of New-York; ref. 1098] Lake Pleasant, Lake Janet and other lakes in northern districts, New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: New York State coll. (whereabouts unknown). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Smith 1986:83 [ref. 22186]). •Synonym of Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (La Rivers 1994:494 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

puma, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:160 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): USNM 1536. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:24 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819), subspecies natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:224 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:205 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

punctatus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1818:355 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 3 (no. 5) (art. 3) (Sept.); ref. 3586] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:225 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Lee et al. 1980:446 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:83 [ref. 22186], Kelsch & Hendricks 1986:646 [ref. 22485], Robison & Buchanan 1988:297 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:120 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:191 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:65 [ref. 23239], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:27 [ref. 22290], Etnier & Starnes 1993:306 [ref. 22809], La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:535 [ref. 21581], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Baxter & Stone 1995:146 [ref. 23374], Stauffer et al. 1995:213 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:149 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:391 [ref. 25836], Murdy et al. 1997:92 [ref. 23144], Kim 1997:513 [ref. 24032], Reshetnikov et al. 1997:745 [ref. 24702], Sigler & Sigler 1996:156 [ref. 25943], Gilbert 1998:225 [ref. 23395], Naseka 1998:106 [ref. 23590], Scott & Crossman 1998:604 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:201 [ref. 25838], Dyer 2000:89 [ref. 26678], Lyons et al. 2000:36 [ref. 26594], Gabrielyan 2001:28 [ref. 25867], Ross et al. 2001:312 [ref. 25978], Kim & Park 2002:251 [ref. 25913] as puntatus, Bianco & Ketmaier 2001:201 [ref. 26728], Choi et al. 2003:184, 522 [ref. 26218], Moyle 2002:216 [ref. 26449], Wydoski & Whitney 2003:158 [ref. 27816], Hanel 2003:56 [ref. 27894], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:130 [ref. 27882], Boschung & Mayden 2004:335 [ref. 27995], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:117 [ref. 28183], Vassilev & Pehlivanov 2005:173 [ref. 28369], Mundy 2005:153 [ref. 28379], Miller 2006:164 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:16 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:209 [ref. 29155], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:338 [ref. 29996], Minckley & Marsh 2009:224 [ref. 31114], Matamoros et al. 2009:10 [ref. 31241], Rodiles-Hernández et al. 2010:67 [ref. 31022], Page & Burr 2011:342 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Smith-Vaniz & Jelks 2014:27 [ref. 33341], Parin et al. 2014:104 [ref. 33547], Zhang et al. 2016:211 [ref. 34477], Bertaco et al. 2016:435 [ref. 34561], Semenchenko et al. 2016:186 [ref. 34974], Robins et al. 2018:165 [ref. 35886], Ćaleta et al. 2019:174 [ref. 37026], Lorenzoni et al. 2019:253 [ref. 37108], Zhang et al. 2019:496 [ref. 36699], Dyldin et al. 2020:99 [ref. 37569], Reis et al. 2020:466 [ref. 38364], Rodríguez-Barrera et al. 2020:45 [ref. 37800], Fu et al. 2021:9572 [ref. 39347], Gutiérrez-Barragán et al. 2021:[1] [ref. 38635], Çiçek et al. 2022:4 [ref. 38985], Kubicek 2022:665 [ref. 39474], Mamilov et al. 2022:101 [84] [ref. 40404], Bertaco & Azevedo 2023:3 [ref. 39997], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Bertaco et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40740], Jamandre 2023:175 [ref. 40455], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40420]). Current status: Valid as Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: southern Canada and northern U.S.A. south to eastern Mexico. Widely introduced elsewhere. Hybridizes with Ictalurus pricei (Rutter, 1896). Habitat: freshwater.

punctulatus, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:134 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Wabash River, New Harmony, Posy County, Indiana, U.S.A. Lectotype: MNHN A-9459. Paralectotypes: MNHN A-8965 (1) New Orleans. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:24 [ref. 19575] with A.9459 as holotype, Gilbert 1998:225 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:216 [ref. 29155]. MNHN A.9459 established as lectotype by Gilbert 1998:225 [ref. 23395] and designated by Eschmeyer 1998:1406 [ref. 23416]. •Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:225 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:216 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

robustus, Ichthaelurus Jordan [D. S.] 1877:76, Pls. 1 (fig. 3), 2 (fig. 4 & 4b) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum [v. 1] No. 10; ref. 14245] Exact locality unknown [Ohio or Mississippi rivers], U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 20056. Paratypes: USNM (1, not located). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:225 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:225 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

rubicundus, Bagras Dekay [J. E.] 1840:11 [Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York 36th Session, v. 2 (no. 50); ref. 29723] Original not seen. Not available, name only; from New York, U.S.A. Nomen Nudum. Ictaluridae.

serracanthus, Ictalurus Yerger [R. W.] & Relyea [K. G.] 1968:373, Fig. 4 [Copeia 1968 (no. 2); ref. 17753] Northern shore of Lake Talquin, 6.8 miles west-southwest of Ochlockonee River, Gadsden County, Florida, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 231711 [orig. 254550-F9 (ex. UF 55507)]. Paratypes: ANSP 103062 (5); CUMV 48489 (4); MCZ 43996 (2); TU 22592 (4), 22642 (1), 37226 (3); UF 6334 (45), 12507 (7); UF [ex FSU] (orig. 394 spec, 13 lots, now 16 lots); UMMZ 187495 (6); USNM 231710 (6, now 4). Type catalog: Suttkus 1970:121 [ref. 20861], Gilbert 1974:114 [ref. 21035], Böhlke 1984:116 [ref. 13621], Ferraris & Vari 1992:18 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:45 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:225-226 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ictalurus serracanthus Yerger & Relyea 1968 -- (Lee et al. 1980:447 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Ameiurus serracanthus (Yerger & Relyea 1968) -- (Page & Burr 1991:195 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:64 [ref. 23239], Mettee et al. 1996:387 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Hardman & Page 2003:21 [ref. 26687], Nelson et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:332 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:15 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:346 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:161 [ref. 35886], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:79 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ameiurus serracanthus (Yerger & Relyea 1968). Ictaluridae. Distribution: Southeastern North America: Gulf Cast drainages, Florida, Georgia, and Alabama (southeastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

sialis, Noturus Jordan [D. S.] 1877:102, Pls. 42 (fig. 68), 43 (fig. 69) [Bulletin of the United States National Museum [v. 1] No. 10; ref. 14245] White River, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, U.S.A. Holotype: whereabouts unknown. Paratypes: whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill 1817) -- (Taylor 1969:41 [ref. 6555], Smith 1986:88 [ref. 22186], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:618 [ref. 24570], Ferraris 2007:213 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill 1817). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

simpsonii, Ictalurus Gill [T. N.] 1861:43 [Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History v. 8 (1861-1862); ref. 5571] Big Sandy River, Kansas, U.S.A. Syntypes: (2) whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:2106 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:210 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

stanauli, Noturus Etnier [D. A.] & Jenkins [R. E.] 1980:19, Figs. 1-2 [Alabama Museum of Natural History Bulletin No. 5; ref. 8722] Clinch River at Frost Ford, Hancock County, Tennessee, U.S.A. Holotype: TU 110929. Paratypes: ANSP 139746 (1); E. Kentucky Univ. 992 (3); INHS 83899 (1); NLU 41863 (1); TU 110930 (5); UF 25974 (2); UT 48.199 (2), 48.218 (1), 48.244 (1), 48.318 (1, c&s), 48.329-330 (2, 3), 48.355 (?); UMMZ 203254 (5); USNM 219281-85 (1, 1, 2, 1, 2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:116 [ref. 13621], Ferraris & Vari 1992:22 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:49 [ref. 20906], Sabaj et al. 1997:270 [ref. 23225], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus stanauli Etnier & Jenkins 1980 -- (Page & Burr 1991:203 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:327 [ref. 22809], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Near & Hardman 2006:378 [ref. 28791], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:358 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus stanauli Etnier & Jenkins 1980. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Tennessee (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

stigmosus, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:173, Pls. 2, 4, 16, 18 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Huron River, at North Territorial Road, bridge north of Dexter, Washtenaw County, Michigan, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 165843. Paratypes: OSU (1); TU 19217 (4), 19246 (6); UMMZ (155 in 21 lots, now 28 lots); USNM 174906 (1, disarticulated dry skeleton). Type catalog: Suttkus 1970:125 [ref. 20861], Ferraris & Vari 1992:22 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:49 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus stigmosus Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:469 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:311 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:34 [ref. 12860], McAllister 1990:68 [ref. 14674], Page & Burr 1991:206 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:328 [ref. 22809], Stauffer et al. 1995:222 [ref. 23376], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Holm & Mandrak 2001:138 [ref. 25426], Ross et al. 2001:330 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:135 [ref. 27882], Thomas & Burr 2004:360 [ref. 27997], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:363 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus stigmosus Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Lake Erie drainage, Michigan, also in Ohio River drainage, Ohio and western Pennsylvania, south in Mississippi Valley to western Tennessee and northern Mississippi (central to southern-central U.S.A.) Habitat: freshwater.

taylori, Noturus Douglas [N. H.] 1972:785, Fig. 1 [Copeia 1972 (no. 4); ref. 7609] South Fork of Caddo River, 1.6 kilometers southeast of Hopper and 0.8 kilometers south of state highway 240, Montgomery County, Arkansas, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 206181. Paratypes: NLU (23 lots), TU 69700 (10, missing in 1993), UMMZ 190415 (11 not 12), USNM 206182 (15), 211571 (13). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:22 [ref. 19771], Bart & Taylor 1993:49 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Noturus taylori Douglas 1972 -- (Lee et al. 1980:470 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:312 [ref. 23393], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:205 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:226 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:214 [ref. 29155], Page & Burr 2011:362 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus taylori Douglas 1972. Ictaluridae. Distribution: North America: Arkansas (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

trautmani, Noturus Taylor [W. R.] 1969:156, Pls. 4 (fig. 7), 13 (fig. 1). [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 282; ref. 6555] Big Darby Creek, 1 mile south of Fox, Pickaway County, Ohio, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 187098. Paratypes: OSU 5914 (1), 5988 (1), 6621 (1), 9570-74 (1, 1, 2, 2, 1); USNM 202493 (6, 1 c&s). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:22 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:226-227 [ref. 23395]. Likely extinct, not seen since 1957. •Valid as Noturus trautmani Taylor 1969 -- (Lee et al. 1980:471 [ref. 22416], Burgess 1989:35 [ref. 12860], Page & Burr 1991:205 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:227 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:18 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:360 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2013:84 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:80 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Noturus trautmani Taylor 1969. Ictaluridae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Ohio (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

viscosus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:50 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Falls of Ohio River, near Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:227 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]. Also in Rafinesque 1820:358 (July) [ref. 7311] and 1820:64 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus viscosus. •Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:227 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:215 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

vulgaris, Pimelodus Thompson [Z.] 1842:138 [History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical; ref. 17908] Lake Champlain, Vermont, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Non-types: ?USNM 905 (2, not found in 1980) Lake Amelia. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Smith 1986:83 [ref. 22186]). •Synonym of Ameiurus ictalurus Lesueur 1819 -- (authors). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:227 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

vulpeculus, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1859:160 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11 (nos. 60-77); ref. 18087] Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): USNM 1530. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:24 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:227 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (La Rivers 1994:490 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819), subspecies nebulosus -- (Gilbert 1998:227 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819) -- (Ferraris 2007:206 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

vulpes, Pimelodus Girard [C. F.] 1858:170 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 10; ref. 1813] Live Oak Creek, Camanche [= Comanche] Spring, Rio Leona Piedra Painte, Devil's River, Rio Salado, Texas, U.S.A. Syntypes: MCZ 35937 [ex USNM 845] (1); USNM 843 (2), 844 (1, missing), 845 (6 orig., now 4), 846 (4), 847 (1, missing), 848 (1, missing), 849 (2, missing). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:24 [ref. 19771], Gilbert 1998:227 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155]. See also Girard 1859:33, Pl. 18 [ref. 13405]. •Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818) -- (La Rivers 1994:481 [ref. 23389], Gilbert 1998:227-228 [ref. 23395]). •Species inquirenda in Ictalurus -- (Ferraris 2007:211 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

xanthocephalus, Silurus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:51 [Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts v. 9; ref. 5592] Ohio, Kentucky and Licking rivers, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:228 [ref. 23395], Ferraris 2007:207 [ref. 29155]. See also Rafinesque 1820:360 [ref. 3711] and 1820:66 [ref. 3592] as Pimelodus xanthocephalus. •Synonym of Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (La Rivers 1994:494 [ref. 23389]). •Synonym of Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque 1820) -- (authors). •Status uncertain, most likely either Ameiurus nebulosus or Ameiurus natalis -- (Gilbert 1998:228 [ref. 23395]). •Species inquirenda in Ameiurus -- (Ferraris 2007:207 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819). Ictaluridae. Habitat: freshwater.

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