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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the family or subfamily Melanotaeniidae: [ 139 ] records affinis, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1907:234, Pl. 11 (fig. 5) [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Timena rivulet, Sentani Lake, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Lectotype: ZMA 103157. Paralectotypes: (101) CSIRO B 1200 [ex ZMA 103157] (4); FMNH 52394 [ex CM 650] (2); RMNH 7892 (2), 23218 (7); SMF 10035 [ex ZMA] (1); CAS-SU (8, missing in 1995); WAM P.26784-001 [ex ZMA 103158] (1); ZMA 110154 (13), 103158 (now 5), 103159 (now 39). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:214 [ref. 19258] including exchanges from ZMA, Nijssen et al. 1982:76 [ref. 19236], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:75 [ref. 12367], Hutchins & Smith 1991:13 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:14 [ref. 30117]. Lectotype established by Hoedeman 1960:214 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Melanotaenia affinis (Weber 1907) -- (Allen & Coates 1990:76 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:85 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:300 [ref. 21400], Allen & Renyaan 1998:79 [ref. 23585], Fricke et al. 2014:38 [ref. 33932]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia affinis (Weber 1907). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Northern Papua, Indonesia and northern Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. ajamaruensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Cross [N. J.] 1980:384, Fig. 2 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 8 (pt 3); ref. 8761] Ajamaru Lakes, Vogelkop Peninsula, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, about 1°21'S, 132°16'E. Holotype: RMNH 28068. Paratypes: LBN 2488 (4); RMNH 28069-71 (46, 6, 1); USNM 220905 (3); WAM P.26792-001 (5, not 6). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia ajamaruensis Allen & Cross 1980 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:65 [ref. 6251], Allen 1990:102 [ref. 15707], Allen 1991:86 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:209 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:223 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia ajamaruensis Allen & Cross 1980. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. albimarginata, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Hadiaty [R. K.], Unmack [P. J.] & Erdmann [M. V.] 2015:73, Figs. 3-5 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 21 (no. 2); ref. 33750] Alur Warnafa, tributary to Sungai Unmar, near Algadang village, 6°11.200'S, 134°28.845'E, Kobroor Island, Aru Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22251. Paratypes: MZB, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia albimarginata Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia albimarginata Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Aru Islands, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. alleni, Chilatherina Price [D. S.] 1997:79, Figs. 1-2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 24 (no. 3/4); ref. 23466] Tributary of the Aiborei River of the Siriwo drainage, Irian Jaya, 3°38'S, 136°05'E. Holotype: MZB 6234. Paratypes: MZB 6235 (7), WAM P.31029-001 (5). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Chilatherina alleni Price 1997 -- (Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261], Allen et al. 2015:858 [ref. 33735]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina alleni Price 1997. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya. Habitat: freshwater. ammeri, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2008:212, Figs. 2-3 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 14 (no. 4); ref. 29963] Small creek near Gusimawa Village, 3°02.438'S, 133°52.844'E, Arguni Bay, southwestern Birds Head region, Papua Barat Provice, Indonesia (western New Guinea), depth 0-0.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 16455. Paratypes: AMS I.44640-001 (4), MZB 16456 (4), USNM 391630 (5), WAM P.33011-001 (5). •Valid as Melanotaenia ammeri Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2008 -- (Kadarusman et al. 2010:210 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:223 [ref. 31665], Kadarusman et al. 2012:371[ref. 32099], Allen & Hadiaty 2013:143 [ref. 32792], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia ammeri Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2008. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. angfa, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1990:103, Fig. 3 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 16 (no. 4) [for 1989]; ref. 15707] Kurumoi Creek, about 12 kilometers north of Yakati Village, about 2°12'S, 134°04'E, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 5808 [not 5805]. Paratypes: MZB 5805 (87); WAM P.29969-001 (31), P.29971-001 (2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia angfa Allen 1990 -- (Allen 1991:86 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2008:211 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:213 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Kadarusman et al. 2012:371 [ref. 32099], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia angfa Allen 1990. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. archboldi, Rhombatractus Nichols [J. T.] & Raven [H. C.] 1934:1, Figs. 1-2 [American Museum Novitates No. 755; ref. 16442] Wuroi, Oriomo River, Papua New Guinea. Holotype: AMNH 12475. Paratypes: (23) AMNH 12476 (1), 12522-23 (15, 7). •Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. arfakensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1990:105, Fig. 4 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 16 (no. 4) [for 1989]; ref. 15707] Sub River, about 0°52'S, 133°53'E, Irian Jaya, New Guinea. Holotype: MZB 5807. Paratypes: MZB 5804 (86), WAM P.29950-001 (62). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia arfakensis Allen 1990 -- (Allen 1991:87 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:212 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia arfakensis Allen 1990. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. arguni, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Hadiaty [R. K.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Kadarusman, Hadiaty, Segura, Setiawibawa, Caruso & Pouyaud 2012:372, Figs. 2-3 [Cybium v. 36 (no. 2); ref. 32099] 3°5.292'S, 133°37.879'E, Egerwara village, Jasu Creek, 61 km north of Kaimana, District Aguni Bawat, Papua Barat, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 17712. Paratypes: MNHN 2010-0029 (4), MZB 17713 (6), RMNH PISC.35876 (4). •Valid as Melanotaenia arguni Kadarusman, Hadiaty & Pouyaud 2012 -- (Nugraha et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia arguni Kadarusman, Hadiaty & Pouyaud 2012. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Arguni region, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. aruensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Hadiaty [R. K.], Unmack [P. J.] & Erdmann [M. V.] 2015:77, Figs. 7-9 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 21 (no. 2); ref. 33750] Sungai Sin, 6°30.125'S, 134°20.227'E, Trangan Island, Aru Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22250. Paratypes: MZB, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia aruensis Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia aruensis Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Aru Islands, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. australis, Neoatherina Castelnau [F. L.] 1875:32 [Official Record, containing Introduction, Catalogues, Official Awards of the Commissioners, Report and Recommendations of the Experts, and Essays and Statistics on the Social and Economic Resources of the Colony of Victoria.; ref. 768] Coast of Swan River Colony, Western Australia. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-4566 (2). Type catalog: Blanc & Hureau 1971:715 [ref. 21541]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), but a valid subspecies -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Allen & Leggett 1990:535 [ref. 20887], Larson & Martin 1990:23 [ref. 16606]). •Valid as Melanotaenia australis (Castelnau 1875) -- (Hutchins 2001:25 [ref. 25847], Allen et al. 2002:145 [ref. 25930], Morgan et al. 2004:150 [ref. 27718], Allen et al. 2006:690 [ref. 29066], Morgan et al. 2011:13 [ref. 31262], Larson et al. 2013:59 [ref. 32988], Morgan et al. 2014:16 [ref. 36567], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Pusey et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35250]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia australis (Castelnau 1875). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Northern Australia, south to Pilbara (Western Australia) and Queensland (Australia). Habitat: freshwater. axelrodi, Chilatherina Allen [G. R.] 1979:49, Fig. [Tropical Fish Hobbyist v. 28 (no. 5); ref. 8763] Yungkiri stream (Pual or Nemayer River system), about 6 kilometers north of Bewani on Vanimo Rd, Papua New Guinea, 2°58'S, 141°8'E. Holotype: WAM P.26739-001. Paratypes: AMNH 51590 (3), AMS I.21301-001 (7), MNHN 1979-0671 (3), KFRS F.4466.01 (5), RMNH 28152 (5), USNM 220909 (3), WAM P.26739-002 (22), ZMA 115400 (orig. as 5, now evidently 6). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:72 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:10 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Chilatherina axelrodi Allen 1979 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:88 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:76 [ref. 21090], Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina axelrodi Allen 1979. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Yungkiri Stream, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. batanta, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Renyaan [S. J.] 1998:75, Fig. 6 [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 3 (no. 2); ref. 23585] Warmon Stream, Batanta Island, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 9367. Paratypes: MZB 9368 (5), USNM 349659 (1), WAM P.31461-001 (5). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia batanta Allen & Renyaan 1998 -- (Allen & Unmack 2008:119 [ref. 29477], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:210 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:104 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia batanta Allen & Renyaan 1998. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. bitaeniatus, Cairnsichthys Allen [G. R.], Hammer [M. P.] & Raadik [T. A.] in Hammer Allen, Martin, Adams, Ebner, Raadik & Unmack 2018:279, Figs. 4-5, 6A-D, 7A-D [Zootaxa 4413 (no. 2); ref. 35906] Little Cooper Creek, north Queensland, Australia, 16°10.20'S, 145°24.84'E. Holotype: QM I.39335. Paratypes: AMS, NTM, QM, WAM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Cairnsichthys bitaeniatus Allen, Hammer & Raadik 2018. Current status: Valid as Cairnsichthys bitaeniatus Allen, Hammer & Raadik 2018. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Cooper Creek and Hutchinson Creek systems, north-eastern Queensland, Australia. Habitat: freshwater. bleheri, Chilatherina Allen [G. R.] 1985:54, Figs. 1-2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 6245] Small creek next to landing strip on southern shore of Lake Holmes [Danau Biru], Irian Jaya, Indonesia, about 2°29'S, 138°00'E. Holotype: LBN 5240. Paratypes: LBN 5241 (7); RMNH 29397 (2); USNM 266380 (2); WAM P.27869-001 (30), P.27870-001 (4), P.27871-001 (10); ZMA 119212 (2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:10 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Chilatherina bleheri Allen 1985 -- (Allen 1991:76 [ref. 21090], Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina bleheri Allen 1985. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya. Habitat: freshwater. boesemani, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Cross [N. J.] 1980:379, Fig. 1 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 8 (pt 3); ref. 8761] Ajamaru Lakes, Vogelkop Peninsula, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, about 1°21'S, 132°16'E. Holotype: RMNH 28061. Paratypes: LBN 2487 (3); RMNH 28062-67 (27, 9, 7, 3, 3, 6); USNM 220904 (3); WAM P.26791-001 (3). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia boesemani Allen & Cross 1980 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251], Allen 1990:107 [ref. 15707], Allen 1991:87 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:209 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:104 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia boesemani Allen & Cross 1980. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Ajamaru Lakes, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. bowmani, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2016:6, Figs. 3-4 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 34164] Small creek at junction with Siriwo River, Papua Province, Indonesia, 3°30.705'S, 135°52.271'E. Holotype: MZB 22775. Paratypes: MZB, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia bowmani Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia bowmani Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Siriwo River, Papua Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. bulolo, Centratherina Whitley [G. P.] 1938:227 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 20 (no. 3); ref. 4693] Bulolo Valley, Papua New Guinea. Holotype (unique): AMS IA.6357. •Valid as Chilatherina bulolo (Whitley 1938) -- (Allen 1991:77 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:299 [ref. 21400], Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina bulolo (Whitley 1938). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. caerulea, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1996:10, Figs. 1-2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 23 (no. 1/2); ref. 22218] Tributary of Mubi River near Wasi Falls Lodge, Kikori River system, Papua New Guinea. Holotype: WAM P.30986-001. Paratypes: WAM P.30966-001 (23), P.30980-001 (26), P.30981-005 (6), P.30984-002 (47), P.30985-002 (4), P.30986-002 (6). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia caerulea Allen 1996 -- (Allen & Hadiaty 2011:602 [ref. 31351], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Graf et al. 2015:870 [ref. 33836], Hammer et al. 2019:212 [ref. 37131]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia caerulea Allen 1996. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lower Kikori River system, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. campsi, Anisocentrus Whitley [G. P.] 1957:26, Fig. 1 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 12124] Creek flowing to middle Jimmi River, east-northeast of Mt. Hagen airstrip, New Guinea. Holotype: AMS IB.3337. Paratypes: AMS IB.3342 (1). •Valid as Chilatherina campsi (Whitley 1957) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:88 [ref. 6251], Allen & Coates 1990:70 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:77 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:299 [ref. 21400], Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina campsi (Whitley 1957). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Upper Purari River system, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. carteri, Aidaprora Whitley [G. P.] 1935:224 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 19 (no. 4); ref. 4683] Flinders River, near Hughenden and Richmond, central Queensland, Australia. Holotype: AMS I.13091. Paratypes: AMS I.13092-97 (6). •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) subspecies inornata (Castelnau 1875) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:57 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: marine. catherinae, Rhombatractus de Beaufort [L. F.] 1910:250 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 36 (nos 12/13); ref. 14428] Rivulet entering Rabiai River, Waigeu. Lectotype: ZMA 103143. Paralectotypes: AMNH 9579 [not 8579] (1); BMNH 1913.12.15.19-20 (2), Bogar coll (3); CSIRO B 1202-03 [ex ZMA] (54, 4); RMNH 23215 (4), 23216 [ex ZMA] (30); CAS-SU (4) and (40); ZMA 103144 (now 10), 103145 (orig. 226, now. 146), 110153 (1), 110155 (7). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:214 [ref. 19258], Nijssen et al. 1982:76 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype selected by Hoedeman 1960:214 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Melanotaenia catherinae (de Beaufort 1910) -- (Allen 1991:88 [ref. 21090], Allen & Unmack 2008:119 [ref. 29477], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:213 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:104 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia catherinae (de Beaufort 1910). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. cavifrons, Aristeus Macleay [W.] 1882:70 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 7 (pt 1); ref. 14344] Palmer River, Queensland, Australia. Syntypes: (3) MAMU (probably lost). •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies inornata (Castelnau 1875) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:57 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: marine. corona, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1982:174, Fig. 1 [Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam v. 8 (no. 21); ref. 8522] Sermowai River, near Walckenaer Bay, northern New Guinea, about 2°47'S, 140°00'E. Holotype: ZMA 116451. Paratypes: WAM P.27386-001 (1). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia corona Allen 1982 -- (Allen 1991:88 [ref. 21090]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia corona Allen 1982. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. crassispinosus, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1913:567 [Süsswasserfische aus Niederländisch Süd- und Nord-Neu-Guinea v. 9 (livr. 4); ref. 4603] Kaiserin Augusta River, upstream in mountains, New Guinea. Lectotype: ZMA 103104. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1913.12.15.25 (1); Bogar coll. (1); CSIRO B 1194 [ex ZMA 103106] (2); RMNH 10876 [ex ZMA] (1), 23223 (2); CAS-SU (2, missing); ZMA 103105-08 (5, now 12, 4, 2), 110156 (1), 110161 (8). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:215 [ref. 19258] including exchanges from ZMA, Nijssen et al. 1982:76 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype selected by Hoedeman 1960:215 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Chilatherina crassispinosa (Weber 1913) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:92 [ref. 6251], Allen & Coates 1990:71 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:77 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:300 [ref. 21400], Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina crassispinosa (Weber 1913). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. dobreensis, Jerrina Blandowski [W.] 1857:132, Pl. 2 (fig. 10) [Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria v. 2 (art. 15); ref. 34539] Lower Murray River, South Australia, Australia. No types known. Name not available, as p. 132 and Pl. 2 were omitted from distributed journal copies and reprints by order of the Council, of 7 Apr. 1858, therefore not meeting criteria of publication according to ICZN Art. 8.1.1.; publication disclaimed according to ICZN Art. 8.2. See remarks under ref. 34539; see also Iredale & Whitley 1932 [ref. 2299]. •In the synonymy of Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878). Melanotaeniidae. dorityi, Glossolepis Allen [G. R.] 2001:767, Figs. 1-2 [Journal of the Australia New Guinea Fishes Association v. 15 (no. 3); ref. 25760] Lake Nenggwambu or Kali Biru Lake, 2°30.153'S, 140°09.009'E, Grime River system, Irian Jaya Province, Indonesia, depth 0-1 meters. Holotype: MZB 10933. Paratypes: MZB 10934 (8), WAM P.31761-001 (6). Type catalog: Not treated by Moore et al. 2008 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Glossolepis dorityi Allen 2001. Current status: Valid as Glossolepis dorityi Allen 2001. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya. Habitat: freshwater. duboulayi, Atherinichthys Castelnau [F. L.] 1878:143 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 3 (pt 2); ref. 763] Lagoon connected with the Richmond River, New South Wales, Australia. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251]). •Valid as Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau 1878) -- (Crowley et al. 1986 [ref. 12480], Paxton et al. 1989:349 [ref. 12442], Allen in McDowall 1996:137 [ref. 22909], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], McGuigan 2001:649 [ref. 25582], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:147 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:691 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau 1878). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia. Habitat: freshwater. dumasi, Melanotaenia Weber [M.] 1907:240, Pl. 11 (fig. 1) [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Wagani River and Wa Udu River near Urama, west Papua, New Guinea. Lectotype: ZMA 103.112. Paralectotypes: (3) CSIRO B 1190 [ex. ZMA 103113] (1); ? USNM 143719 (1); ZMA 103113 (now 2). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258] with a holotype, Nijssen et al. 1982:73 [ref. 19236]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251]). •Valid as Melanotaenia dumasi Weber 1907 -- (Allen et al. 2016:10 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia dumasi Weber 1907. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Omba (Urama) river system, west Papua Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. eachamensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Cross [N. J.] 1982:45, Figs. [Rainbowfishes of Australia and Papua New Guinea.; ref. 6251] Lake Eacham, Atherton Tableland, northern Queensland, Australia, about 17°17'S, 145°38'E. Holotype: QM 18442. Paratypes: AMNH 51596 [ex WAM P.26386-001] (4), AMS I.22016-001 (12), QM I.18443 (12), WAM P.26386-001 (80, now 76). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117] •Tentatively a synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Crowley & Ivantsoff 1991:129 [ref. 19166]). •Valid as Melanotaenia eachamensis Allen & Cross 1982 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], McGuigan 2001:649 [ref. 25582], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:148 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:691 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia eachamensis Allen & Cross 1982. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Queensland, Australia. Habitat: freshwater. ericrobertsi, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2014:142, Figs. 2-4 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 20 (no. 3); ref. 33452] Auk River, near Suswa Village, 0°56.472’S, 132°17.729’E, about 120 km east of Sorong, Birds Head Peninsula, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia, depth 0-1.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 22114. Paratypes: MZB 22115 (10), WAM P.27868-001 (30). •Valid as Melanotaenia ericrobertsi Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2014. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia ericrobertsi Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2014. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Birds Head Peninsula, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. etnaensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2016:12, Figs. 9-10 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 34164] Ambalanga River, West Papua Province, Indonesia, 3°59.686'S, 134°34.464'E. Holotype: MZB 21763. Paratypes: MZB, USNM, WAM. Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Melanotaenia etnaensis Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia etnaensis Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Streams mainly flowing into Etna Bay, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. exquisita, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1978:97, Fig. [Tropical Fish Hobbyist v. 26 (no. 10); ref. 8855] Edith River, about 1 kilometer upstream from Lake Malkyullumbo, Northern Territory, Australia, 14°10'S, 132°10'E. Holotype: WAM P.25897-001. Paratypes: AMNH 51595 [ex WAM P.25897] (5), AMS I.19989-001 (5), RMNH 27660 (9), USNM 217955 (5), WAM P.25897-002 (105, now 96, 5 c&s), ZMA 115745 (7). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:73 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia exquisita Allen 1978 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], Allen & Leggett 1990:534 [ref. 20887], Larson & Martin 1990:19 [ref. 16606], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:149 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:691 [ref. 29066], Morgan et al. 2011:14 [ref. 31262], Larson et al. 2013:59 [ref. 32988], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Pusey et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35250], Graf et al. 2023:2066 [ref. 40721]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia exquisita Allen 1978. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: eastern Kimberley (Western Australia) east to Roper River (Northern Territory). Habitat: freshwater. fasciatus, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1913:565 [Süsswasserfische aus Niederländisch Süd- und Nord-Neu-Guinea v. 9 (livr. 4); ref. 4603] Mouth of Sermowai River, northern New Guinea. Lectotype: ZMA 103103. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1913.12.15.22 [ex ZMA 103.097] (1); CSIRO B 1206 [ex ZMA 103.097] (1); ZMA 103097 (now 1), 103100-01 (2, 1). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:215 [ref. 19258], Nijssen et al. 1982:76 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype selected by Hoedeman 1960:215 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Chilatherina fasciata (Weber 1913) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:92 [ref. 6251], Allen & Coates 1990:72 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:78 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:300 [ref. 21400], Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina fasciata (Weber 1913). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. fasinensis, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Sudarto [no initials], Paradis [E.] & Pouyaud [L.] 2010:208, Figs. 2-3 [Cybium v. 34 (no. 2); ref. 30904] Fasin Creek, vicinity of Ween village, 1°13.856'S, 131°58.186'E, 25 kilometers west of Lake Ayamaru, Bird's Head Peninsula, West Papua, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 17700. Paratypes: MZB 17701 (4); MNHN 2009-1627 (4); RMNH 35680 (4). •Valid as Melanotaenia fasinensis Kadarusman, Sudarto, Paradis & Pouyaud 2010 -- (Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:104 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia fasinensis Kadarusman, Sudarto, Paradis & Pouyaud 2010. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. fitzroyensis, Aristeus Castelnau [F. L.] 1878:141 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 3 (pt 2); ref. 763] Fitzroy River, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4825. Type catalog: Blanc & Hureau 1971:701 [ref. 21541]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) subspecies splendida -- (Allen & Cross 1982:60 [ref. 6251], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: marine. flavipinnis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Hadiaty [R. K.] & Unmack [P. J.] 2014:38, Figs. 2-5, and Appendix 1 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 20 (no. 1); ref. 33145] Ifaupan Creek, 2°00.653'S, 130°14.124'E, Misool, Raja Ampat Islands, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia, depth 0-1.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 21470. Paratypes: MZB 21471 (4); USNM 427072 (4); WAM P.31552-001 (6), P.33830-001 (5). •Valid as Melanotaenia flavipinnis Allen, Hadiaty & Unmack 2014 -- (Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia flavipinnis Allen, Hadiaty & Unmack 2014. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Raja Ampat Islands, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. fluviatilis, Aristeus Castelnau [F. L.] 1878:141 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 3 (pt 2); ref. 763] Ropes Creek, near Sydney, and Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales, Australia. Syntypes: MNHN A-4826 (2) Murrumbidgee R. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), but a valid subspecies -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251], Cadwallader & Backhouse 1983:87 [ref. 25473]). •Valid as Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878) -- (Crowley et al. 1986 [ref. 12480], Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], Allen in McDowall 1996:138 [ref. 22909], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:150 [ref. 25930], Hammer & Walker 2004:88 [ref. 28129], Allen et al. 2006:691 [ref. 29066], Hammer et al. 2012:64 [ref. 32389], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Kuiter 2018:28 [ref. 36369]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Southern Australia: Murray Darling River system of South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. Habitat: freshwater. fredericki, Charisella Fowler [H. W.] 1939:91, Fig. [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 91; ref. 1429] Sainkedoek, Irian Jaya. Holotype: ANSP 68521. Paratypes: ANSP 68522-25 (4), 68526 (1, missing). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:23 [ref. 13621]. •Questionably a synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251]). •Valid as Melanotaenia fredericki (Fowler 1939) -- (Allen 1990:107 [ref. 15707], Allen & Renyaan 1998:77 [ref. 23585], Allen & Unmack 2008:119 [ref. 29477], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:210 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:104 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia fredericki (Fowler 1939). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. garylangei, Melanotaenia Graf [J. A.], Herder [F.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2015:873, Figs. 2-5 [Fishes of Sahul, Journal of the Australia New Guinea Fishes Association. v. 29 (no. 2) (for June 2015); ref. 33836] Vicinity of Dekai, tributary of Brazza River, Eilanden River system, West Papua Province, Indonesia, 4°47.790'S, 139°30.515'E. Holotype: MZB 22255. Paratypes: MZB, WAM-P, ZFMK. •Valid as Melanotaenia garylangei Graf, Herder & Hadiaty 2015 -- (Hammer et al. 2019:211 [ref. 37131], Graf et al. 2023:2067 [ref. 40721]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia garylangei Graf, Herder & Hadiaty 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: New Guinea: West Papua Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. goldiei, Aristeus Macleay [W.] 1883:269 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 8 (pt 2); ref. 17587] Goldie River, Papua New Guinea. Syntypes: AMS I.9234 (10). •Valid as Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:89 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2000:75 [ref. 27467], Allen et al. 2008:90 [ref. 30265] as may be the same as trifascitatus, Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: South-central New Guinea: Papua New Guinea and Papua, Indonesia and Aru Islands. Habitat: freshwater. gracilis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1978:98, Fig. [Tropical Fish Hobbyist v. 26 (no. 10); ref. 8855] Drysdale River, Kimberley region, 15°00'S, 126°54'E, Western Australia. Holotype: WAM P.25410-011. Paratypes: AMNH 51619 [ex WAM P.25873-002] (5); AMS I.19991-001 (2); RMNH 27661 (2); USNM 217957 (2); WAM P.25402-007 (4), P.25404-005 (19, 4 c&s), P.25405-002 (6), P.25406-005 (3), P.25410-006 (13), P.25426-004 (7), P.25427-006 (35), P.25457-004 (9), P.25873-002 (orig. 80, now 74); ZMA 115.747 (2). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:73 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia gracilis Allen 1978 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], Allen & Leggett 1990:535 [ref. 20887], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Hutchins 2001:25 [ref. 25847], Allen et al. 2002:151 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:692 [ref. 29066], Morgan et al. 2011:14 [ref. 31262], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Graf et al. 2023:2066 [ref. 40721]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia gracilis Allen 1978. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: Drysdale and King Edward River drainages, Kimberley region, northern Australia. Habitat: freshwater. grunwaldi, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2016:16, Figs. 12-13 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 34164] Topo River, Papua Province, Indonesia, 3°26.914'S, 135°32.974'E. Holotype: MZB 22777. Paratypes: MZB, WAM. Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Melanotaenia grunwaldi Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia grunwaldi Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Upper Wami River system, Papua Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. herbertaxelrodi, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1981:31, 2 figs. [Tropical Fish Hobbyist v. 29 (no. 5); ref. 8634] Small creek about 4 kilometers east of Lake Tebera, Purari River system, Papua New Guinea, about 6°45'S, 144°39'E. Holotype: WAM P.26972-001. Paratypes: AMNH 51593 [ex WAM P.26972-002] (5), AMS I.21985-001 (6), KFRS F.5485.01 (18), RMNH 28297 (6), USNM 224784 (7), WAM P.26972-002 (41, now 36), ZMA 116440 (6). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:74 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:12 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi Allen 1981 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:89 [ref. 21090], Allen & Jebb 1993:234 [ref. 21102], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi Allen 1981. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lake Tebera basin, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. incisus, Glossolepis Weber [M.] 1907:241, Pl. 11 (figs. 7a-c) [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Lake Sentani, West Papua, Indonesia, elevation 75 meters. Lectotype: ZMA 103163. Paralectotypes: (7) CSIRO B 1189 [ex ZMA 103163] (1); RMNH [ex ZMA 103163] (1); ZMA 103165 (? now 6). Non-types: BMNH 1913.12.15.26 (1). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258], Nijssen et al. 1982:73 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype selected by Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Glossolepis incisus Weber 1907 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:97 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:79 [ref. 21090]). •Valid as Glossolepis incisa Weber 1907. Current status: Valid as Glossolepis incisa Weber 1907. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lake Sentani, West Papua (Indonesia). Habitat: freshwater. inornata, Aida Castelnau [F. L.] 1875:11 [Official Record, containing Introduction, Catalogues, Official Awards of the Commissioners, Report and Recommendations of the Experts, and Essays and Statistics on the Social and Economic Resources of the Colony of Victoria.; ref. 768] Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9031. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), but a valid subspecies inornata Castelnau 1875 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:57 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Allen 1991:96 [ref. 21090], Larson & Martin 1990:26 [ref. 16606], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Allen et al. 2000:77 [ref. 27467], Allen et al. 2002:157 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066], Larson et al. 2013:60 [ref. 32988], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Northern Australia [this subspecies]. Habitat: marine. irianjaya, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1985:58, Figs. 7-8 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 6245] Stream at Fruata Village, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, about 2°59'S, 133°32'E. Holotype: LBN 4952. Paratypes: LBN 4953 (50), LBN 4954 (9), RMNH 29398 (5), WAM P.27863-001 (12), WAM P.27864-001 (32), WAM P.27867-001 [not P.27868-001] (41), WAM P.27868-001 [not P.27869-001] (17), ZMA 119213 (4). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 and errata sheet [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. Some paratypes are now types of Melaotaenia ericrobertsi Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2014. •Valid as Melanotaenia irianjaya Allen 1985 -- (Allen 1990:108 [ref. 15707], Allen 1991:89 [ref. 21090], Allen & Renyaan 1998:77 [ref. 23585], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:209 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Kadarusman et al. 2012:371 [ref. 32099], Allen & Hadiaty 2013:143 [ref. 32792], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:104 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia irianjaya Allen 1985. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. iris, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1987:15, Figs. 1-2 [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 34 (no. 1); ref. 9178] Logatyu River, near Wankipe, Papua New Guinea, about 5°11'S, 142°23'E. Holotype: WAM P.28480-001. Paratypes: KFRS F.5743.01 (2), WAM P.28480-002 (2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia iris Allen 1987 -- (Allen 1991:90 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2008:91 [ref. 30265]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia iris Allen 1987. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Strickland River system, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. jakora, Melanotaenia Graf [J. A.], Ohee [H. L.], Herder [F.] & Haryono [H.] 2023:2064, Figs. 2-5 [Fishes of Sahul v. 37 (no. 2); ref. 40721] Unnamed rainforest creek in the vicinity of Meyado, Sebjar River system, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia, -2.02663639, 133.05784961, depth 0.2 meters. Holotype: MZB 26058. Paratypes: MZB 26059 (5), NTM S.18674-001 (5), ZFMK ICH-128000-128004 (5). Second Fig. 2 is Fig. 3. •Valid as Melanotaenia jakora Graf, Ohee, Herder & Haryono 2023. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia jakora Graf, Ohee, Herder & Haryono 2023. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: New Guinea: Sebjar River drainage, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. japenensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Cross [N. J.] 1980:387, Fig. 3 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 8 (pt 3); ref. 8761] Near Serui, Japen Island, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, about 1°54'S, 136°14'E. Holotype: RMNH 28140. Paratypes: RMNH 28141 (2). •Valid as Melanotaenia japenensis Allen & Cross 1980 -- (Allen 1991:90 [ref. 21090], Allen & Renyaan 1998:79 [ref. 23585]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia japenensis Allen & Cross 1980. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. jardinensis, Iriatherina Mayland [H. J.] 1979:325, Fig. [Tropische Aquarienfische; ref. 40282] Jardine River, Cape York, northeast Australia. Never described by Allen. •Nomen nudum, in the synonymy of Iriatherina werneri Meinken 1974. Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Iriatherina werneri Meinken 1974. Melanotaeniidae. kabia, Melanotaenia Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:397 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 18 (no. 12); ref. 2109] Sepik River at Nyaurangai, New Guinea. Holotype: FMNH 17230. Paratypes: (32) FMNH 17231-32 (2), 17233-44 (12); CAS-SU 24455 (15), 24458 (4). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:67 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:56 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Glossolepis multisquamata (Weber & de Beaufort 1922) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:97 [ref. 6251], Allen & Coates 1990:74 [ref. 25561]). •Valid as Glossolepis kabia (Herre 1935) -- (Graf & Ohee 2009:508 [ref. 30719]). Current status: Valid as Glossolepis kabia (Herre 1935). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Sepik and Ramu River basins, northern New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. kamaka, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Renyaan [S. J.] 1996:15, Figs. 2-3, 14-15 [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 2 (no. 2); ref. 22190] Southeastern side of Lake Kamakawair, 3°47'S, 134°14'E, Irian Jaya, New Guinea, depth 0.5-1.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 6203. Paratypes: MZB 6204 (18), WAM P.30519-001 (10). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117] •Valid as Melanotaenia kamaka Allen & Renyaan 1996 -- (Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia kamaka Allen & Renyaan 1996. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. klasioensis, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Hadiaty [R. K.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:110, Figs. 9-10 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Bridge on Klasio Creek near Malabolo village and on the road from Sorong to Ajamaru (km 110), at the frontier post between Sorong and Sorong Selatan Regencies, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 20034. Paratypes: MZB 22151 (4). Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia klasioensis Kadarusman, Hadiaty & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia klasioensis Kadarusman, Hadiaty & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. kochii, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1907:237, Pl. 11 (fig. 6) [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Merauke River mouth, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Lectotype: ZMA 103151. Paralectotypes: CSIRO B 1205 [ex ZMA 103151] (2); NMW 78028 (1); RMNH 23214 [ex ZMA] (2); CAS-SU (2, missing); ZMA 103128 (now 6), 110162 (3). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:215 [ref. 19258] including exchanges from ZMA, Nijssen et al. 1982:76 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype established by Hoedeman 1960:215 [ref. 19258] by use of holotype. •Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia [if valid]. Habitat: freshwater. kokasensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2008:219, Figs. 7-8 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 14 (no. 4); ref. 29963] Small creek above waterfall (at edge of sea), near Kokas Village, 2°.185'S, 132°25.697'E, northern Fakfak Peninsula, southwestern Birds Head region, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia (western New Guinea). Holotype: MZB 16453. Paratypes: MZB 16454 (1), USNM 391629 (7), WAM P.33010-001 (7). •Valid as Melanotaenia kokasensis Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2008 -- (Kadarusman et al. 2010:210 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2010:210 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Kadarusman et al. 2012:371 [ref. 32099], Allen & Hadiaty 2013:143 [ref. 32792], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]) Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia kokasensis Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2008. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. kolaensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Hadiaty [R. K.], Unmack [P. J.] & Erdmann [M. V.] 2015:84, Figs. 14-16 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 21 (no. 2); ref. 33750] Sungai Marjina, 5°30.745'S, 134°37.250'E, tributary of Sundai Tasinwalas, Kola Island, Aru Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22252. Paratypes: MZB, USNM, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia kolaensis Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015 -- (Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia kolaensis Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Aru Islands, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. lacunosa, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2016:20, Figs. 15-16 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 34164] Lake Mbuta Basin, about 12 km northwest of Etna Bay, West Papua, Indonesia, 3°53.077'S, 134°32.403'E, to depth of 1.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 20891. Paratypes: MZB, RMNH, USNM, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia lacunosa Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia lacunosa Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lake Mbuta Basin, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. lacustris, Melanotaenia Munro [I. S. R.] 1964:159, Fig. 6 [Papua New Guinea Agricultural Journal v. 16 (no. 4); ref. 3058] Lake Kutubu, Kikori River drainage, Papua New Guinea. Holotype: CSIRO A 2132. Paratypes: CSIRO A 2131 (1), A 2133 (1). •Valid as Melanotaenia lacustris Munro 1964 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:69 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:90 [ref. 21090], Allen 1996:14 [ref. 22218], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia lacustris Munro 1964. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lake Kutubu, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. lakamora, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Renyaan [S. J.] 1996:17, Figs. 6-8, 16-17 [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 2 (no. 2); ref. 22190] Northern side of Lake Lakamora, 3°41'S, 134°17'E, Irian Jaya, New Guinea, elevation 210 meters. Holotype: MZB 6205. Paratypes: MZB 6206 (46); WAM P.31042-004 (6), P.31043-001 (22). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia lakamora Allen & Renyaan 1996 -- (Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia lakamora Allen & Renyaan 1996. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. laticlavia, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2014:147, Figs. 7-8, 9D, 1A. [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 20 (no. 3); ref. 33452] Aifuf Creek, 1°19.613’S, 132°35.415’E, about 43 km east of Lake Ayamaru, Birds Head Peninsula, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia, depth 0-1.0 meters. Holotype: ZMB 22116. Paratypes: MZB 22117 (3), WAM P.34025-001 (2). •Valid as Melanotaenia laticlavia Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2014. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia laticlavia Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2014. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Birds Head Peninsula, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia Habitat: freshwater. leggetti, Glossolepis Allen [G. R.] & Renyaan [S. J.] 1998:72, Figs. 2-3 [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 3 (no. 2); ref. 23585] Tiawiwa River, northern Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 9365. Paratypes: MZB 9366 (?43); USNM 349658 (10); WAM P.31455-002 (24), P.31459-004 (1). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Glossolepis leggetti Allen & Renyaan 1998 -- (Allen 2001:772 [ref. 25760], Graf & Ohee 2009:507 [ref. 30719]). Current status: Valid as Glossolepis leggetti Allen & Renyaan 1998. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya. Habitat: freshwater. lineatus, Aristeus Macleay [W.] 1881:626 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 5 (pt 4); ref. 2869] Richmond River, New South Wales, Australia. Holotype (unique): AMS I.16292-001 [ex MAMU F294b]. Type catalog: Stanbury 1969:206 [ref. 19518]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau 1878) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:349 [ref. 12442], Allen et al. 2006:691 [ref. 29066]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau 1878). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. longispina, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Avarre [J. C.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:111, Figs. 12-13 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Bridge on Klahfot River, near Saluk village, km 92 on road from Sorong to Teminabuan, Sorong Regency, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22152. Paratypes: MZB 22153 (3), 22154 (5). Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia longispina Kadarusman, Avarre & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia longispina Kadarusman, Avarre & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. lorentzii, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1907:236, Pl. 11 (fig. 2) [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Tawarin River, Irian Jaya. Lectotype: ZMA 103146. Paralectotypes: (61) AMNH 9588 (1); CSIRO B 1195 [ex ZMA] (12); NMW 77258 (2); RMNH 7983 [ex ZMA] (1); SMF 10036 [ex ZMA] (1); CAS-SU (5, missing); ZMA 103157 (now 24). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258] including exchanges from ZMA, Nijssen et al. 1982:77 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype established by Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Chilatherina lorentzii (Weber 1907) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:93 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:78 [ref. 21090] as lorentzi, Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466] as lorentzi, Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261] as lorentzi). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina lorentzii (Weber 1907). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. loriae, Aristeus Perugia [A.] 1894:549 [4] [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 2) v. 14; ref. 3435] Inawi River, southern New Guinea. Syntypes: BMNH 1914.1.1.33-34 [ex MSNG] (2); CSIRO B 1208 [ex MSNG 12695] (1); MSNG 12695 (9). Type catalog: Tortonese 1963:333-334 [ref. 10350]. On p. 4 of separate. Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. maccullochi, Melanotaenia Ogilby [J. D.] 1915:118, Pl. 29 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Queensland Museum v. 3; ref. 3293] Barron River, northern Queensland, Australia. Holotype: QM I.731. Paratypes: QM I.40883 (1). Type catalog: Hammer et al. 2019:212 [ref. 37131]. •Valid as Melanotaenia maccullochi Ogilby 1915 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:52 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], Allen 1991:91 [ref. 21090], Allen 1996:11 [ref. 22218], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:152 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:692 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2008:92 [ref. 30265], Allen & Hadiaty 2011:602 [ref. 31351], Larson et al. 2013:60 [ref. 32988], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Graf et al. 2015:870 [ref. 33836], Pusey et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35250], Hammer et al. 2019:212 [ref. 37131], Hammer 2020:1496 [ref. 37295]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia maccullochi Ogilby 1915. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: coastal streams from Cape Flattery south to Cardwell region (northeastern Queensland). Habitat: freshwater. maculata, Melanotaenia Weber [M.] 1907:239, Pl. 11 (fig. 4) [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Merauke River mouth, Irian Jaya [West Papua], Indonesia. Lectotype: ZMA 103067. Paralectotypes: (should be 12) AMNH 9586 (1); CSIRO B 1197 [ex ZMA 103067] (2); NMW 59599 (1); RMNH 23221 (1), ?CAS-SU (3, missing); WAM P.26783-001 [ex ZMA 110168] (1); ZMA 103067 (1), 110168 (now 6). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258], Nijssen et al. 1982:74 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258] regarded ZMA 103067 as holotype which does not establish a lectotype; lectotype established in Nijssen et al. 1993:227 [ref. 22808]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies rubrostriata -- (Allen et al. 1980:488 [ref. 99]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia rubrostriata (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia rubrostriata (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. maculosus, Glossolepis Allen [G. R.] 1981:302, Fig. 1 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 9 (pt 3); ref. 5514] Small tributary of Omsis River, about 22 kilometers west of Lae, Markham River system, Papua New Guinea, about 6°42'S, 146°47'30"E. Holotype: WAM P.26977-001 [not P.26976-001]. Paratypes: KFRS 486.01 (3, not found); WAM P.26976-003 (1), P.26977-004 [not P.26976-004] (3). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:10 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. Specimens not found in KFRS (Pogonoski, Appleyard & White, pers. comm. 9/18/2016). •Valid as Glossolepis maculosus Allen 1981 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:97 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:80 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:300 [ref. 21400]). •Valid as Glossolepis maculosa Allen 1981. Current status: Valid as Glossolepis maculosa Allen 1981. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Omsis River basin, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. mairasi, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2011:604, cover + 2-3 [Fishes of Sahul v. 25 (no. 1); ref. 31351] Southeastern corner of Lake Furnusu, 3°33.988'S, 133°51.933'E, 15 km northeast of Kaimana, West Papua Province, Indonesia, depth 2-3 meters, lake elevation 15 meters. Holotype: MZB 19657. Paratypes: MZB 19772 (11), WAM P. 33337-001 (10). •Valid as Melanotaenia mairasi Allen & Hadiaty 2011 -- (Graf et al. 2015:870 [ref. 33836], Hammer et al. 2019:211 [ref. 37131]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia mairasi Allen & Hadiaty 2011. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lake Furnusu, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. mamahensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2016:24, Figs. 19-20 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 34164] Sungai Mamah, West Papua Province, Indonesia, 3°20.489'S, 134°59.971'E. Holotype: MZB 22779. Paratypes: MZB, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia mamahensis Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia mamahensis Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2016. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Sungai Mamah, West Papua Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. manibuii, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Slembrouck [J.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:118, Fig. 20 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Tisbo River near Bintuni, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22166. Paratypes: MZB 22167 (14). Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia manibuii Kadarusman, Slembrouck & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia manibuii Kadarusman, Slembrouck & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. maylandi, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1983:84, Figs. 1-2. [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 10 (no. 3); ref. 8382] Danau Biru [Lake Holmes], Irian Jaya, Indonesia, about 2°29'S, 138°00'E. Holotype: LBN 4950. Paratypes: LBN 4951 (20), MNHN 1983-0556 (3), RMNH 29310 (2), WAM P.27869-002 (8), ZMA 119120 (2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia maylandi Allen 1983 -- (Allen 1991:91 [ref. 21090], Allen & Renyaan 1998:79 [ref. 23585]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia maylandi Allen 1983. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. mbutaensis, Pelangia Allen [G. R.] 1998:13, Figs. 4-5 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 25 (no. 1/2); ref. 23408] Lake Mbuta Basin (3°58.1'S, 134°57.4'E), about 8 kilometers northwest of Etna Bay, Irian Jaya, depth to 1.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 9298. Paratypes: MZB 9299 (34), WAM P.31300-001 (13). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:14 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Pelangia mbutaensis Allen 1998. Current status: Valid as Pelangia mbutaensis Allen 1998. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. misoolensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1982:107, Fig. 1 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 10 (pt 2); ref. 8521] Tributary of Wai Tama at Fakal, Misool [Misol] Island, Indonesia, about 2°00'S, 130°00'E. Holotype: ZMA 116456. Paratypes: USNM 227492 (3), WAM P.27379-001 [not P.27279-001] (2), ZMA 116457 (17). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia misoolensis Allen 1982 -- (Allen 1991:91 [ref. 21090], Allen & Unmack 2008:119 [ref. 29477], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:213 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia misoolensis Allen 1982. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. monticola, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1980:45, Fig. 5 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 7 (no. 2); ref. 8762] Omei Creek, about 200 meters on Mendi side of Ka River bridge on Mendi-Nipa road, Ka or Lai River drainage, Papua New Guinea, about 6°14'S, 143°38'E, elevation about 1600 meters. Holotype: WAM P.26747-001 [not P.26741-001]. Paratypes: AMNH 51594 (4), AMS I.21300-001 (10), MNHN 1979-0672 (3), KFRS F.4464.01 (5), RMNH 28150 (5), USNM 220908 (6), WAM P.26747-002 [not P.26741-002] (20), ZMA 115402 (7). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:74 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia monticola Allen 1980 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:72 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:92 [ref. 21090], Allen 1996:14 [ref. 22218], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia monticola Allen 1980. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Omei Creek and Kagua River, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. mubiensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1996:13, Fig. 5 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 23 (no. 1/2); ref. 22218] Side channel of Mubi River, Kikori River system, Papua New Guinea. Holotype: WAM P.30984-001. Paratypes: WAM P.30981-002 (5), P.30983-001 (8), P.30984-006 (20), P.30985-001 (2). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia mubiensis Allen 1996 -- (Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia mubiensis Allen 1996. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. multiradiata, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2014:151, Figs. 9E, 12-14 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 20 (no. 3); ref. 33452] Sisiah Creek, 1°27.784’S, 132°14.546’E, about 25 km east of Teminabuan, Birds Head Peninsula, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia, depth 0-1.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 22118. Paratypes: MZB 22119 (7), USNM 427109 (5), WAM P.31569-001 (10). •Valid as Melanotaenia multiradiata Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2014 -- (Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia multiradiata Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2014. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Birds Head Peninsula, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. multisquamata, Melanotaenia Weber [M.] & de Beaufort [L. F.] 1922:290 [Fishes Indo-Australian Archipelago v. 4; ref. 4598] Pool at Doorman River, Idenburg River basin, northern New Guinea. Lectotype: ZMA 103166 [?]. Paralectotypes: CSIRO B 1198 [ex Mar. Lab. Sydney and ZMA 103048] (now 3); RMNH 23212 (4); CAS-SU (5, missing); ZMA 103048 (now 24), 114469 (1). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258], Nijssen et al. 1982:74 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype established by Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258] by use of holotype. The ending lepis is feminine, so the name should be Glossolepis multisquamata. •Valid as Glossolepis multisquamata (Weber & de Beaufort 1922) [often seen as multisquamatus] -- (Allen & Cross 1982:97 [ref. 6251], Allen & Coates 1990:74 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:80 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:300 [ref. 21400], Allen & Renyaan 1998:74 [ref. 23585], Allen 2001:772 [ref. 25760], Graf & Ohee 2009:502 [ref. 30719]). Current status: Valid as Glossolepis multisquamata (Weber & de Beaufort 1922). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lower Sepik River basin, northern New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. naramasae, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Nugraha [M. F. I.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:120, Figs. 21-22 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Naramasa River, Birds Neck Isthmus, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22160. Paratypes: MZB 22161 (7). Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia naramasae Kadarusman, Carman & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia naramasae Kadarusman, Nugraha & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. neglecta, Melanotaenia Rendahl [H.] 1922:179 [Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne v. 60; ref. 3701] Cudgegong River at Ryleston, New South Wales, Australia. Holotype: NRM 20270. Paratypes: (29) NRM 10270 (29), ?ZMA 115168 (1); non-types: NRM 10271 (17). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:74 [ref. 19236]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], Allen et al. 2006:691 [ref. 29066]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. nigra, Nematocentris Günther [A.] 1867:65 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) v. 20 (no. 115); ref. 1988] Kings River, Port Essington, Northern Territory, Australia. •Synonym of Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:53 [ref. 6251]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843). Melanotaeniidae. nigrans, Atherina Richardson [J.] 1843:180 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (New Series) v. 11 (nos 67-8, 71-2); ref. 13395] Port Essington, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype (unique) (?): BMNH 2006.5.18.1 (dry skin). As Nematocentris nigra in Günther 1867:65 [ref. 1988]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Cadwallader & Backhouse 1983:215 [ref. 25473]). •Valid as Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843) -- (Roberts 1978:48 [ref. 8886], Allen & Cross 1982:53 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], Allen & Leggett 1990:535 [ref. 20887], Larson & Martin 1990:22 [ref. 16606], Fuller et al. 1999:279 [ref. 25838], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:154 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:692 [ref. 29066], Morgan et al. 2011:14 [ref. 31262], Larson et al. 2013:60 [ref. 32988], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Pusey et al. 2017:40 [ref. 35250], Jamandre 2023:160 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia and ?New Guinea. Introduced in the Philippines. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. nigricans, Nematocentris Steindachner [F.] 1867:316 [10] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 56 (1. Abth.); ref. 14188] Cape York, Queensland, Australia. On p. 10 of separate. Richardson's nigrans is cited in synonymy and nigricans is credited to Richardson; above regarded as an unjustified emendation. •Synonym of Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843). Unjustified Emend.. Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. nigrofasciatus, Strabo Kner [R.] & Steindachner [F.] 1867:373 [18], Pl. 3 (fig. 10) [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 54 (pt 3); ref. 2640] Fitzroy River, Queensland, Australia. Syntypes: MGH 2241 (1?), NMW 22145-46 (1, 1). On p. 18 of separate. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) subspecies splendida -- (Allen & Cross 1982:60 [ref. 6251], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: marine. novaeguineae, Nematocentris Ramsay [E. P.] & Ogilby [J. D.] 1886:13 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 1); ref. 14464] Strickland River, New Guinea. Holotype: AMS B.9947. Paratypes: QM I.860 (4). Original epithet as novae-guineae. •Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. ogilbyi, Melanotaenia Weber [M.] 1910:230 [Notes from the Leyden Museum v. 32 (pt. 4) (art. 28); ref. 14597] Pool at Lorentz River, southern New Guinea. Lectotype: ZMA 103110. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1913.12.15.29 (1); CSIRO B 1191 [ex ZMA and Mar. Lab. Sydney] (2); CAS-SU (2, not found or not received) [ex ZMA]; ZMA 103111 (now 2). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:213 [ref. 19258], Nijssen et al. 1982:74 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype established by Hoedeman 1960:213-214 [ref. 19258] by use of holotype. •Valid as Melanotaenia ogilbyi Weber 1910 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:72 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:92 [ref. 21090], Allen 1996:11 [ref. 22218], Allen et al. 2000:76 [ref. 27467], Allen et al. 2008:95 [ref. 30265], Allen & Hadiaty 2011:602 [ref. 31351], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Graf et al. 2015:870 [ref. 33836], Hammer et al. 2019:212 [ref. 37131], Graf et al. 2023:2067 [ref. 40721]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia ogilbyi Weber 1910. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: New Guinea: lower Lorentz River basin, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. oktediensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Cross [N. J.] 1980:389, Fig. 4 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 8 (pt 3); ref. 8761] Karamonge Creek, tributary of Ok Tedi, Fly River system, 32 kilometers north-northeast of Ningerum, Papua New Guinea, about 5°26.6'S, 141°17.4'E. Holotype: USNM 217127. Paratypes: KFRS F.4214-02 (2). •Valid as Melanotaenia oktediensis Allen & Cross 1980 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:72 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:92 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2008:93 [ref. 30265], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia oktediensis Allen & Cross 1980. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Upper Fly River system, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. ornatus, Rhadinocentrus Regan [C. T.] 1914:280, Pl. 31 (fig. 1) [Transactions of the Zoological Society of London v. 20 (pt 6, no. 1) (art. 6); ref. 3660] Pond on Moreton Island, near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Syntypes: (6) BMNH 1861.1.6.21-26 (? now 5); ZMA 115168 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:75 [ref. 19236]. •Valid as Rhadinocentrus ornatus Regan 1914 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:353 [ref. 12442], Aarn & Ivantsoff 1996 [ref. 22302], Allen in McDowall 1996:135 [ref. 22909], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:162 [ref. 25930], Page et al. 2004:165 [ref. 27702], Allen et al. 2006:695 [ref. 29066], Tappin & O'Reilly 2019:1362 [ref. 36751]). Current status: Valid as Rhadinocentrus ornatus Regan 1914. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: Fraser Island (southern Queensland) south to Evans Head (northern New South Wales). Habitat: freshwater. pagwiensis, Chilatherina Allen [G. R.] & Unmack [P. J.] 2012:230, Figs. 1-2 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 18 (no. 4); ref. 32261] Upper Kuins Creek, 03.87436°S, 143.02377°E, on Maprik-Pagwi road, East Sepik Province, Papua Province, Papua New Guinea. Holotype: AUM 58007. Paratypes: AUM 47649 (4), WAM P.27836-006 (26). •Valid as Chilatherina pagwiensis Allen & Unmack 2012. Current status: Valid as Chilatherina pagwiensis Allen & Unmack 2012. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Sepik River System, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. papuae, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1981:50, Figs. 1, 3 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 8 (no. 2); ref. 8635] Small rainforest stream at Mt. Diamond, about 23 kilometers east of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, about 9°27'S, 147°17'E. Holotype: WAM P.26393-002. Paratypes: AMNH 51592 (5), AMS I.21387-001 (94); KFRS F.5742.01 (22); WAM P.26393-001 (34), P.26394-001 (8), P.26395-001 (116), P.26396-001 (43), P.26399-001 (20), P.26400-001 (21), P.26403-001 thru P.26406-001 (13, 1, 21, 2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia papuae Allen 1981 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:73 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:93 [ref. 21090], Allen 1996:11 [ref. 22218], Allen & Hadiaty 2011:602 [ref. 31351], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Graf et al. 2015:870 [ref. 33836], Hammer et al. 2019:212 [ref. 37131]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia papuae Allen 1981. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Port Moresby area, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. parkinsoni, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1980:43, Figs. 1-2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 7 (no. 2); ref. 8762] Small tributary of Kemp Welsh River near Matairuka, Central Province, Papua New Guinea, about 9°53'S, 147°48'E. Holotype: WAM P.26401-003. Paratypes: AMS I.21299-001 (1); KFRS F.4465.01 (2); RMNH 28151 (2); USNM 220906 (2); WAM P.26401-001 (7), P.26402-001 (9), P.26786-001 (9); ZMA 115401 (2). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:74 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia parkinsoni Allen 1980 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:73 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:93 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia parkinsoni Allen 1980. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Kemp Welsh River basin, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. parva, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1990:109, Figs. 9-10 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 16 (no. 4) [for 1989]; ref. 15707] Danau Kurumoi, about 2°10'S, 134°05'E, Irian Jaya, New Guinea. Holotype: MZB 5809. Paratypes: MZB 5806 (125); WAM P.29970-001 (125, 4 c&s). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:12 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia parva Allen 1990 -- (Allen 1991:94 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2008:210 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:213 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen & Hadiaty 2013:143 [ref. 32792], Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia parva Allen 1990. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. patoti, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1907:403 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 32 (no. 14); ref. 15181] Rivlet at Nigri Lama, west coast Terangan [now spelled Trangan] Island, Aru Islands, Indonesia. Lectotype: ZMA 103199. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1913.12.15.40 (1), CSIRO B 1192 (1), RMNH 23220 (1), CAS-SU (1, missing or not received), ZMA 103156 (now. 3). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258] including exchanges from ZMA, Nijssen et al. 1982:77 [ref. 19236]. Lectotype selected by Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Melanotaenia patoti (Weber 1907) -- (Allen et al. 2015:81 [ref. 33750]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia patoti (Weber 1907). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Aru Islands, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. perporosus, Aristeus De Vis [C. W.] 1884:694 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 9 (pt 3); ref. 17383] Maryborough, Queensland, Australia. Holotype: not found at QM. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies fluviatilis (Castelnau 1878) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau 1878) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:349 [ref. 12442]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau 1878). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. picta, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Hadiaty [R. K.], Unmack [P. J.] & Erdmann [M. V.] 2015:90, Figs. 18-22 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 21 (no. 2); ref. 33750] Sungai Gora, 6°03.058'S, 134°24.032'E, tributary of Sungai Mareremar, Kobroor Island, Aru Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesia., Holotype: MZB 22253. Paratypes: MZB, USNM, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia picta Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015 -- (Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia picta Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Aru Islands, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. pierucciae, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Renyaan [S. J.] 1996:19, Figs. 11-12, 18-19 [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 2 (no. 2); ref. 22190] Tributary of Werfyang Creek, 1 kilometer northeast of Lake Kamakawaiar, 3°42.6'S, 134°11.7'E, Irian Jaya, New Guinea, elevation 110 meters. Holotype: MZB 6207. Paratypes: MZB 6208 (7), WAM P.31044-002 (5). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia pierucciae Allen & Renyaan 1996 -- (Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia pierucciae Allen & Renyaan 1996. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. pimaensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1981:74, 2 figs. [Tropical Fish Hobbyist v. 29 (no. 5); ref. 8634] Small side channel of Pima [Oima] River at junction with Tua River, Papua New Guinea, about 6°25'S, 144°49'30"E. Holotype: WAM P.26971-001. Paratypes: AMNH 51591[ex WAM P.26971-002] (5), AMS 21984-001 (5), KFRS (15, discarded), RMNH 28296 (5), USNM 224783 (6), WAM P.26971-002 (43, now 38), ZMA 116439 (5). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:75 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:13 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:13 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia pimaensis Allen 1981 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:73 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:94 [ref. 21090], Allen & Jebb 1993:234 [ref. 21102]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia pimaensis Allen 1981. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Pima River, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. praecox, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] & de Beaufort [L. F.] 1922:298 [Fishes Indo-Australian Archipelago v. 4; ref. 4598] Pionierbivak, Mamberamo River, northern New Guinea. Lectotype: ZMA 103142. Paralectotypes: CSIRO B 1196 [ex ZMA 103142] (12); NMBA 3102 [ex ZMA] (1); RMNH 23222 (3); CAS-SU (4, missing or not received); ZMA 103051 (35), 110165 (20). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258] including exchanges from ZMA, Nijssen et al. 1982:77 [ref. 19236], Kottelat & Sutter 1988:55 [ref. 13796]. Lectotype selected by Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Melanotaenia praecox (Weber & de Beaufort 1922) -- (Allen 1991:95 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2015:854 [ref. 33735]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia praecox (Weber & de Beaufort 1922). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Mamberamo River system, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. pricei, Chilatherina Allen [G. R.] & Renyaan [S. J.] 1996:5, Figs. 1-3 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 23 (no. 1/2); ref. 22217] Reifafeif River, about 4 kilometers upstream from Warironi Village, Yapen Island, Irian Jaya, 1°51'S, 136°33'E, depth 0.5-1.5 meters. Holotype: MZB 6232. Paratypes: MZB 6233 (10); WAM P.31033-011 (4), P.31034-008 (7), P.31041-002 (1). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Chilatherina pricei Allen & Renyaan 1996 -- (Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina pricei Allen & Renyaan 1996. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya. Habitat: freshwater. pseudoincisus, Glossolepis Allen [G. R.] & Cross [N. J.] 1980:392, Fig. 5 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 8 (pt 3); ref. 8761] Ox-bow Lake next to Tami River, 23 kilometers southeast of Jayapura, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, about 2°42'S, 140°55'E. Holotype: RMNH 28072. Paratypes: LBN 2489 (4), RMNH 28073 (41), USNM 220907 (4), WAM P.26793-001 (5). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Glossolepis pseudoincisus Allen & Cross 1980 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:100 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:81 [ref. 21090], Allen 2001:772 [ref. 25760]). •Valid as Glossolepis pseudoincisa Allen & Cross 1980. Current status: Valid as Glossolepis pseudoincisa Allen & Cross 1980. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Ox-bow lake off Tami River, Irian Jaya. Habitat: freshwater. pusilla, Zantecla Castelnau [F. L.] 1873:88 [Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, Melbourne v. 2; ref. 758] Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. No types known. •Synonym of Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:53 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:350 [ref. 12442], Allen et al. 2006:692 [ref. 29066], Larson et al. 2013:60 [ref. 32988]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson 1843). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. pygmaea, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1978:99, Fig. [Tropical Fish Hobbyist v. 26 (no. 10); ref. 8855] Cascade Creek, West Kimberley, 15°38'S, 125°18'E, Western Australia. Holotype: WAM P.25034-003. Paratypes: AMNH 51618 [ex WAM P.25040-001] (3); AMS I.19990-001 (2); RMNH 27662 (2); USNM 217956 (2); WAM P.25034-001 (30, 3 c&s), P.25040-001 (17, now 10); ZMA 115746 (2). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:75 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:13 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:14 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia pygmaea Allen 1978 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Hutchins 2001:25 [ref. 25847], Allen et al. 2002:155 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:692 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Tappin et al. 2019:1484 [ref. 37001], Graf et al. 2023:2066 [ref. 40721]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia pygmaea Allen 1978. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: Prince Regent River drainage, West Kimberley endemic. Habitat: freshwater. ramuensis, Glossolepis Allen [G. R.] 1985:56, Fig. 4 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 6245] Tributary of Ramu River about 3 kilometers south of Walium Village, Papua New Guinea, about 5°37'S, 145°28'E. Holotype (unique): WAM P.28187-004. Non-types: KFRS F.5461.02 (8). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Glossolepis ramuensis Allen 1985 -- (Allen 1991:81 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:300 [ref. 21400]). Current status: Valid as Glossolepis ramuensis Allen 1985. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. rhombosomoides, Rhadinocentrus Nichols [J. T.] & Raven [H. C.] 1928:1, Fig. 1 [American Museum Novitates No. 296; ref. 15864] Babinda Creek drainage, northeastern Queensland, Australia. Holotype: AMNH 9246. Paratypes: AMNH 9241 (1), AMS IA.4774 (1), QM I.5002 (1), USNM 143609 [ex AMNH 9241] (1). •Valid as Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides (Nichols & Raven 1928) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:105 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:349 [ref. 12442], Aarn & Ivantsoff 1997:112 [ref. 23322], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:143 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:689 [ref. 29066], Martin & Barclay 2013:155 [ref. 32819], Hammer et al. 2018:287 [ref. 35906], Martin 2018:1350 [ref. 36376]). Current status: Valid as Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides (Nichols & Raven 1928). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: Cairns region south to Hull River near Tully, northern Queensland, Australia. Habitat: freshwater. rosacea, Melanotaenia Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:398 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 18 (no. 12); ref. 2109] Sepik River at Koragu, New Guinea. Holotype: FMNH 17245. Paratypes: (41) CSIRO B 1207 [ex CAS-SU 24456] (1); FMNH 17246-60 (15), 17261-64 (4); CAS-SU 24456 (5), 24459 (16). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:67 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:56 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Glossolepis multisquamata (Weber & de Beaufort 1922) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:97 [ref. 6251], Allen & Coates 1990:74 [ref. 25561]). •Synonym of Glossolepis kabia (Herre 1935) -- (Graf & Ohee 2009:510 [ref. 30719]). Current status: Synonym of Glossolepis kabia (Herre 1935). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. rubripinnis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Renyaan [S. J.] 1998:77, Figs. 10-11 + cover [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 3 (no. 2); ref. 23585] Tributary of Tiawiwa River, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 9369. Paratypes: MZB 9370-71 (13, 2); USNM 349660 (3); WAM P.31448-001 (7), P.31450-002 (24), WAM P.31451-006 (1). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:14 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia rubripinnis Allen & Renyaan 1998. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia rubripinnis Allen & Renyaan 1998. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. rubrivittata, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Unmack [P. J.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2015:851, Figs. 1-4 [Fishes of Sahul, Journal of the Australia New Guinea Fishes Association. v. 29 (no. 1); ref. 33735] Small pond, beside Tirawiwa River, 3°01.970'S, 136°22.231'E, Wapoga River system, Papua Province, Indonesia, depth 0.3 meters. Holotype: MZB 22261. Paratypes: MZB, WAM, USNM. •Valid as Melanotaenia rubrivittata Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia rubrivittata Allen, Unmack & Hadiaty 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Papua Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. rubrostriatus, Nematocentris Ramsay [E. P.] & Ogilby [J. D.] 1886:14 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 1); ref. 14464] Strickland River, New Guinea. Holotype (unique): AMS B.9949. •Valid as Nematocentris rubrostriatus Ramsay & Ogilby 1886 -- (Roberts 1978:49 [ref. 8886]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), but a valid subspecies rubrostriata (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Allen 1991:95 [ref. 21090], Allen & Jebb 1993:235 [ref. 21102], Allen et al. 2000:77 [ref. 27467]). •Valid as Melanotaenia rubrostriata (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Allen et al. 2008:94 [ref. 30265], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750] as robrostriatus, Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750] as rubrostriatus). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia rubrostriata (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: South-central New Guinea and Arafura Sea and Torres Strait. Habitat: freshwater. rufescens, Aristeus Macleay [W.] 1881:625 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 5 (pt 4); ref. 2869] Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Syntypes: AMS I.16291-001 [ex MAMU F294a] (2). Type catalog: Stanbury 1969:206 [ref. 19518]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:60 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: marine. rumberponensis, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Ogistira [R.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:121, Fig. 24 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Rumberpon Island, Cendrawasih Bay, Birds Neck Isthmus, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22162. Paratypes: MZB 22163 (11). Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia rumberponensis Kadarusman, Ogistira & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia rumberponensis Kadarusman, Ogistira & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. sahulensis, Melanotaenia Hammer [M. P.], Allen [G. R.], Martin [K. C.], Adams [M.] & Unmack [P. J.] 2019:218, Figs. 5C-D, 7, 9B [Zootaxa 4701 (no. 3); ref. 37131] Pahoturi River, Sigabadu, Papua New Guinea, 09°14.75ʹS, 142°44.05ʹE, depth less than 1 meter. Holotype: WAM P.26757-001. Paratypes: AMS I.21008-005 (105);QM I.21792 (1), I.27642 (13), I.38845 (5), I.39247 (7), I.39613 (1), I.39862 (2), I.39872 (1), I.39886 (2); WAM P.26555-001 (11), P.27818-001 (43), P.28149-002 (9), P.31342-008 (2). Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Melanotaenia sahulensis Hammer, Allen, Martin, Adams & Unmack 2019 -- (Hammer 2020:1497 [ref. 37295]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia sahulensis Hammer, Allen, Martin, Adams & Unmack 2019. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: northeastern Cape York Peninsula (Queensland); southern central New Guinea (West Papua, Indonesia; Papua New Guinea). Habitat: freshwater. salawati, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Sudarto [no initials], Slembrouck [J.] & Pouyaud [L.] 2011:226, Figs. 2-3 [Cybium v. 35 (no. 3); ref. 31665] Near Waipule village, 1°1.128'S, 130°41.407'E, Doktor Creek, Salawati Island, Raja Ampat Group, just west of Bird's Head Peninsula, West Papua, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 17710. Paratypes: MZB 17711 (5), MNHN 2010-0030 (5), RMNH.PISC 35875 (5). •Valid as Melanotaenia salawati Kadarusman, Sudarto, Slembrouck & Pouyaud 2011 -- (Allen et al. 2014:44 [ref. 33145], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia salawati Kadarusman, Sudarto, Slembrouck & Pouyaud 2011. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Salawati Island, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. sembrae, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Carman [O.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:116, Figs. 18-19 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Sembra River near Teminabuan, Sorong Selatan Regency, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22158. Paratypes: MZB 22159 (9). Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia sembrae Kadarusman, Carman & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia sembrae Kadarusman, Carman & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. senckenbergianus, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1911:25, Pl. 1 (fig. 2) [Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Frankfurt-a.-M. v. 34 (no. 1); ref. 14827] Sago forest near Popdjetur, Terangan, Aru Island, Indonesia [Terangan [Trangan] and Kobroor, Aru Island, Aru Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesia]. Lectotype: ZMA 103168. Paralectotypes: (49) BMNH 1914.2.13.28 (1); CSIRO B 1193 [ex ZMA 103136] (1); NMBA 2752 (1); SMF 10022 (1), 10031-34 (7, 4, 15, 12), 10049 (1), 111756 (8); ZMA 103136 (8, now 1), 103168 (1 ?). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258] with a holotype, Nijssen et al. 1982:77 [ref. 19236], Kottelat & Sutter 1988:55 [ref. 13796]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251]). •Valid as Melanotaenia senckenbergianus (Weber 1911) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251], Allen et al. 2015:95 [ref. 33750], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). •Valid as Melanotaenia senckenbergiana (Weber 1911). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia senckenbergiana (Weber 1911). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Aru Islands, Maluku, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. sentaniensis, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] 1907:235, Pl. 11 (fig. 3) [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Lake Sentani, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, elevation 75 meters. Lectotype: ZMA 103093. Paralectotypes: AMNH 9580 (3, now 2); BMNH 1913.12.15.23-24 (2); CSIRO B 1199 [ex ZMA 103093] (15); FMNH 52393 [ex CM 649] (4); MSNG 408-410 [ex ZMA] (3, not 2); NMW (1); RMNH 23217 [ex ZMA] (2), 23217 [ex ZMA] (10); SMF 10037 [ex ZMA] (2); CAS-SU (15, missing or not received); ZMA 110164 (now 65). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:216 [ref. 19258], Tortonese 1963:334 [ref. 10350], Nijssen et al. 1982:77 [ref. 19236], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:75 [ref. 12367]. Lectotype selected by Hoedeman 1960:216-217 [ref. 19258]. •Valid as Chilatherina sentaniensis (Weber 1907) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:92 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:78 [ref. 21090], Price 1997:79 [ref. 23466], Allen & Unmack 2012:228 [ref. 32261]). Current status: Valid as Chilatherina sentaniensis (Weber 1907). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lake Sentani, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. sepikensis, Rhombosoma Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:400 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 18 (no. 12); ref. 2109] Sepik River at Marienberg, New Guinea. Holotype: FMNH 17265. Paratypes: (13) FMNH 17266-71 (6), CAS-SU 24454 (8). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:67 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:75 [ref. 12367]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia affinis (Weber 1907) -- (Allen & Coates 1990:76 [ref. 25561]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia affinis (Weber 1907). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. sexlineatus, Nematocentris Munro [I. S. R.] 1964:162, Fig. 7 [Papua New Guinea Agricultural Journal v. 16 (no. 4); ref. 3058] Upper Fly River, Papua New Guinea. Holotype: AMS I.20726-001 [ex IA.7248 in part]. Paratypes: AMS IA.5876 (6), IA.7246 (1), IA.7247 (1), IA.7248 (1), IA.7249 (6); CSIRO B 340 (1). •Valid as Nematocentris sexlineata Munro 1964 -- (Roberts 1978:49 [ref. 8886]). •Valid as Melanotaenia sexlineata (Munro 1964) -- (Allen 1991:95 [ref. 21090], Allen 1996:11 [ref. 22218], Allen et al. 2008:95 [ref. 30265], Allen & Hadiaty 2011:602 [ref. 31351], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Graf et al. 2015:870 [ref. 33836], Hammer et al. 2019:212 [ref. 37131], Graf et al. 2023:2067 [ref. 40721]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia sexlineata (Munro 1964). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: New Guinea: upper Fly River system, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. sikuensis, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Sudarto [no initials] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:123, Figs. 25-26 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Siku Creek, Birds Neck Isthmus, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): MZB 22164. Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia sikuensis Kadarusman, Sudarto & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia sikuensis Kadarusman, Sudarto & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. sneideri, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Hadiaty [R. K.] 2013:139, Figs. 2-4 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 19 (no. 3); ref. 32792] Small creek in Kumawa Mountains, 3°55.14’S, 133°02.873’E, Bomberai Peninsula, West Papua, Indonesia, depth 1050 meters. Holotype: MZB 21375. Paratypes: MZB 21376 (11), USNM 400975 (4); WAM P.33872-001 (5), P.33872-002 (4). •Valid as Melanotaenia sneideri Allen & Hadiaty 2013 -- (Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia sneideri Allen & Hadiaty 2013. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Bomberai Peninsula, West Papua Province, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. solata, Melanotaenia Taylor [W. R.] 1964:129, Pl. 21 [Fishes of Arnhem Land v. 4; ref. 3498] Emerald River, station M48-14, about 3.5 miles above river mouth, Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype: AMS IB.5236. Paratypes: (95) AMS IB.7307 (1); USNM 173758 (2, c&s), 173759 (16). Additional material: ?UMMZ 203850 (82, 3 c&s), USNM 173760 (1032). •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies australis (Castelnau 1875) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:56 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442]). •Valid as Melanotaenia solata Taylor 1964 -- (Allen et al. 2002:156 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia australis (Castelnau 1875) -- (Larson et al. 2013:59 [ref. 32988]). •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Pusey et al. 2017:41 [ ref. 35250]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Northern Australia (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. splendida, Nematocentris Peters [W. (C. H.)] 1866:516 [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866; ref. 3439] Fitzroy River, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Holotype (unique): ZMB 6223. Type catalog: Paepke & Seegers 1986:178 [ref. 19981]. •Valid as Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Pusey et al. 2017:41 [ref. 35250]). •Valid as Melanotaenia splendida, subspecies splendida (Peters 1866) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:60 [ref. 6251], McGuigan 2001:649 [ref. 25582], Allen et al. 2002:157 [ref. 25930], Humphrey et al. 2003:17 [ref. 26803], Allen et al. 2006:693 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia. Habitat: freshwater. susii, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Hubert [N.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Nugraha et al. 2015:114, Figs. 15-16 [Cybium v. 39 (no. 2) (for 30 June); ref. 33872] Bridge on Susi Creek, on the road from Sorong to Ajamaru, 12 km after the frontier post between Sorong and Sorong Selatan Regencies, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22155. Paratypes: MZB 22156 (4), 22157 (11). Not available from electronic version, which appeared without ZooBank registration number; available from printed version that appeared 10 Sept. 2015. •Valid as Melanotaenia susii Kadarusman, Hubert & Pouyaud 2015. Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia susii Kadarusman, Hubert & Pouyaud 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. sylvatica, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] 1997:38, Fig. 1 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 24 (no. 1/2); ref. 22929] Sapoi River, small side channel, about 4.5 kilometers south of Ivimka Camp, 7°45.9'S, 146°29.0'E, Papua New Guinea, elevation 40 meters. Holotype: WAM P.31224-001. Paratypes: WAM P.31224-002 (25). Type catalog: Moore et al. 2008:14 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Melanotaenia sylvatica Allen 1997 -- (Allen & Hadiaty 2011:602 [ref. 31351], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Graf et al. 2015:870 [ref. 33836], Hammer et al. 2019:212 [ref. 37131]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia sylvatica Allen 1997. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lakekamu River system, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. synergos, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.] & Unmack [P. J.] 2008:112, Figs. 2-7 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 13 (nos 3-4); ref. 29477] Wei Bin Stream, 0°49.774'S, 130°45.874'E, northeastern end of Palau Batanta, Raja Ampat Islands, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia, depth 0-2 meters. Holotype: MZB 16451 [ex NCIP 6330]. Paratypes: MZB 16452 [ex NCIP 6331] (10); RMNH 3558 (8), USNM 391010 (8), WAM P.31462-001 (15), P.31555-007 (3). •Valid as Melanotaenia synergos Allen & Unmack 2008 -- (Allen et al. 2008:211 [ref. 29963], Kadarusman et al. 2010:213 [ref. 30904], Kadarusman et al. 2011:224 [ref. 31665], Allen et al. 2014:145 [ref. 33452], Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia synergos Allen & Unmack 2008. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Batanta Island, Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. tatei, Nematocentris Zietz [A. H. C.] 1896:178, Pl. 16 (fig. 2) [Report on the work of the Horn Expedition to Central Australia. Part 2; ref. 14621] Horseshoe Bend and Idracowar, Finke River; Ellerys Creek; Red Bank Creek, Australia. Syntypes: (several) BMNH 1897.1.20.54-57 (4) Finke R.; SAMA F1166 (3) Idracowra; ZMB 14504 (2). Type catalog: Glover 1976:170 [ref. 19449], Paepke & Seegers 1986:178 [ref. 19981]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), but a valid subspecies tatei -- (Allen & Cross 1982:60 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Larson & Martin 1990:26 [ref. 16606], Allen et al. 2002:150 [ref. 25930], Hammer & Walker 2004:88 [ref. 28129], Allen et al. 2006:694 [ref. 29066], Hammer et al. 2012:64 [ref. 32389], Larson et al. 2013:61 [ref. 32988], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750]). •Valid as Melanotaenia tatei (Zietz 1896) -- (authors). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia. Habitat: freshwater. tenuis, Centratherina Nichols [J. T.] 1956:1, Fig. 1 [American Museum Novitates No. 1802; ref. 12216] Kondigu, Wahgi Valley, Papua New Guinea. Holotype (unique): AMNH 20211. •Synonym of Chilatherina campsi (Whitley 1957). Current status: Synonym of Chilatherina campsi (Whitley 1957). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. trifasciata, Rhombosoma Rendahl [H.] 1922:182 [Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne v. 60; ref. 3701] Mary River, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype (unique): ZMUO J995. Type catalog: Pethon 1969:6 [ref. 19268]. •Valid as Melanotaenia trifasciata (Rendahl 1922) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:61 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:352 [ref. 12442], Larson & Martin 1990:27 [ref. 16606], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:159 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:694 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2008:90 [ref. 30265], Larson et al. 2013:61 [ref. 32988], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750], Martin & Barclay 2015:54 [ref. 33775], Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164], Pusey et al. 2017:42 [ ref. 35250], Chan et al. 2023:148 [ref. 40365]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia trifasciata (Rendahl 1922). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia. Introduced in Hong Kong (China). Habitat: freshwater. urisa, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Setiawibawa [G.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Kadarusman, Hadiaty, Segura, Setiawibawa, Caruso & Pouyaud 2012:373, Figs. 5-6 [Cybium v. 36 (no. 2); ref. 32099] 3°15.061'S, 133°47.735"E, a karst spring emerging from Berari Anticline at the altitudinal level of Sewiki Lake, 6 km SE from Urisa village, 44 km north of Kaimana, District Arguni Bawah, Papua Barat, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 17715. Paratypes:MNHN 2010-0031 (5), MZB 20025 (6), RMNH PISC.35877 (5). •Valid as Melanotaenia urisa Kadarusman, Setiawibawa & Pouyaud 2012 -- (Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia urisa Kadarusman, Setiawibawa & Pouyaud 2012. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Arguni region, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. utcheensis, Melanotaenia McGuigan [K. L.] 2001:648, Fig. 3 [Memoirs of the Queensland Museum v. 46 (pt 2); ref. 25582] Utchee Creek, North Johnstone River, Australia, 17°38'30"S, 145°56'20"E. Holotype: QM I.32159. Paratypes: QM I.32160-64 (5), I.32165-66 (2), I.32167-71 (5), I.32172-73 (10, 5). •Valid as Melanotaenia utcheensis McGuigan 2001 -- (Allen et al. 2006:694 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2015:103 [ref. 33750]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia utcheensis McGuigan 2001. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Queensland, Australia. Habitat: freshwater. vanheurni, Rhombatractus Weber [M.] & de Beaufort [L. F.] 1922:299 [Fishes Indo-Australian Archipelago v. 4; ref. 4598] Prauwenbivak, Idenburg [now Taritatu] River, Papua New Guinea. Lectotype: ZMA 103137. Paralectotypes: CSIRO B 1201 (5), B 1204 [ex ZMA 103167] (6); NMBA 3101 [ex ZMA] (1); RMNH 23212-13 [ex ZMA] (4, 2); CAS-SU (5, missing or not received); WAM P.26785-001 [ex ZMA 103138] (4); ZMA 103046 (27), 103138 (20, now 16), 103162 (7), 103166 (11), 103167 (now 0). Type catalog: Hoedeman 1960:217 [ref. 19258] but wrongly with a holotype, Nijssen et al. 1982:78 [ref. 19236], Kottelat & Sutter 1988:56 [ref. 13796], Hutchins & Smith 1991:13 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:14 [ref. 30117] with paralectotypes. •Valid as Melanotaenia vanheurni (Weber & de Beaufort 1922) -- (Roberts 1978:48 [ref. 8886] as cf. vanheurni, Allen 1991:96 [ref. 21090], Allen & Renyaan 1998:79 [ref. 23585]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia vanheurni (Weber & de Beaufort 1922). Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. veoliae, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Caruso [D.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Kadarusman, Hadiaty, Segura, Setiawibawa, Caruso & Pouyaud 2012:377, Figs. 8-9 [Cybium v. 36 (no. 2); ref. 32099] 3°27.607'S, 133°41.071'E, Gebiasi Creek, 22 km north of Kaimana and 14 km south of Wanoma village, District Arguni Bawah, Papua Barat, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 20026. Paratypes: MNHN 2010-0032 (5), MZB 20027 (5), RMNH PISC.35878 (5). •Valid as Melanotaenia veoliae Kadarusman, Caruso & Pouyaud 2012 -- (Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia veoliae Kadarusman, Caruso & Pouyaud 2012. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Arguni region, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. wanamensis, Glossolepis Allen [G. R.] & Kailola [P. J.] 1979:40, Figs. 1-2 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 6 (no. 2); ref. 8854] Lake Wanam, Papua New Guinea, about 6°39'S, 146°46'E, depth 10 meters. Holotype: WAM P.26420-001. Paratypes: AMNH 51589 [ex WAM P.26420-002] (4); AMS I.20718-001 (4), KFRS F.4432.01 (3, missing 2/03), RMNH 27819 (2), USNM 219380 (2), WAM P.26420-002 (35, now 31), ZMA 116050 [ex WAM P.26420-002] (2). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:73 [ref. 19236], Hutchins & Smith 1991:11 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:11 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Glossolepis wanamensis Allen & Kailola 1979 -- (Allen & Cross 1982:97 [ref. 6251], Allen 1991:81 [ref. 21090], Graf & Ohee 2009:507 [ref. 30719]). Current status: Valid as Glossolepis wanamensis Allen & Kailola 1979. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Lake Wanam, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. wanoma, Melanotaenia Kadarusman [no initials], Segura [G.] & Pouyaud [L.] in Kadarusman, Hadiaty, Segura, Setiawibawa, Caruso & Pouyaud 2012:379, Figs. 11-12 [Cybium v. 36 (no. 2); ref. 32099] 3°28.261'S, 133°42.770'E, Wermura Creek, 20 km north of Kaimana and 16 km south of Wanoma village, District Arguni Bawah, Papua Barat, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 20028. Paratypes: MNHN 2012-0033 (6), MZB 20029 (5), RMNH PISC.35879 (6). •Valid as Melanotaenia wanoma Kadarusman, Segura & Pouyaud 2012 -- (Nugraha et al. 2015:105 [ref. 33872]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia wanoma Kadarusman, Segura & Pouyaud 2012. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Arguni region, West Papua, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. weberi, Rhombatractus Regan [C. T.] 1908:155 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 1 (no. 2); ref. 14340] Sogeri, New Guinea. Syntypes: BMNH 1905.8.15.11-16 (6). •Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:68 [ref. 6251]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia goldiei (Macleay 1883). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: freshwater. werneri, Iriatherina Meinken [H.] 1974:9, Figs. [Aquarium Aqua Terra v. 8 (no. 55); ref. 2973] Merauke, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Holotype: SMF (spec. still with author). Paratypes: SMF (5) still with author. •Valid as Iriatherina werneri Meinken 1974 -- (Roberts 1978:50 [ref. 8886], Paxton et al. 1989:349 [ref. 12442], Aarn & Ivantsoff 1997:124 [ref. 23322], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Allen et al. 2000:74 [ref. 27467], Unmack 2001:1061 [ref. 25797], Allen et al. 2002:144 [ref. 25930], Allen et al. 2006:690 [ref. 29066], Allen et al. 2008:89 [ref. 30265], Larson et al. 2013:59 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:36 [ref. 35250]). Current status: Valid as Iriatherina werneri Meinken 1974. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Central-southern New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea) and northern Australia. Habitat: freshwater. wilsoni, Melanotaenia Hammer [M. P.], Allen [G. R.], Martin [K. C.], Adams [M.] & Unmack [P. J.] 2019:224, Figs. 5E-F, 8, 9C [Zootaxa 4701 (no. 3); ref. 37131] Sandy Creek, Reynolds River system, Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory, Australia, 13°15.21ʹS, 130°44.42ʹE, depth 0.5 meter. Holotype: NTM S.17776-001. Paratypes: AMS I.49002-001 (5); NTM S.12595-001 (1), S.13836-001 (10), S.17402-007 (17), S.17776-002 (3); QM I.40977 (5); WAM P.34930-001 (4), P.34931-001 (3). •Valid as Melanotaenia wilsoni Hammer, Allen, Martin, Adams & Unmack 2019 -- (Hammer 2020:1498 [ref. 37295]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia wilsoni Hammer, Allen, Martin, Adams & Unmack 2019. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Australia: south of Darwin (Northern Territory endemic). Habitat: freshwater. winneckei, Nematocentris Zietz [A. H. C.] 1896:179, Pl. 16 (fig. 3) [Report on the work of the Horn Expedition to Central Australia. Part 2; ref. 14621] Near Horseshoe Bend, Finke River, South Australia. Syntypes: (several) BMNH 1897.1.20.47-53 (7); SAMA F1075 (1); ZMB 14502-03 (2, 3). Type catalog: Glover 1976:170 [ref. 19449], Paepke & Seegers 1986:178 [ref. 19981]. •Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866), subspecies tatei (Zietz 1896) -- (Allen & Cross 1982:60 [ref. 6251], Paxton et al. 1989:351 [ref. 12442], Allen et al. 2006:694 [ref. 29066], Larson et al. 2013:60 [ref. 32988]). Current status: Synonym of Melanotaenia splendida (Peters 1866). Melanotaeniidae. Habitat: marine. wokamensis, Melanotaenia Allen [G. R.], Hadiaty [R. K.], Unmack [P. J.] & Erdmann [M. V.] 2015:99, Figs. 29-30 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 21 (no. 2); ref. 33750] Sungai Torbol, 5°47.945'S, 134°30.365'E, tributary of Sungai Tunguwatu, Wokam Island, Aru Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 22254. Paratypes: MZB, USNM, WAM. •Valid as Melanotaenia wokamensis Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015 -- (Allen et al. 2016:4 [ref. 34164]). Current status: Valid as Melanotaenia wokamensis Allen, Hadiaty, Unmack & Erdmann 2015. Melanotaeniidae. Distribution: Aru Islands, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. |