Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species related to Hypsoblennius maculipinna: [ 1 ] record

maculipinna, Chasmodes Regan [C. T.] 1903:630 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 12 (no. 72) (art. 64); ref. 13401] Río Durango, northwestern Ecuador. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1902.5.27.30. •Probably a Hypseblennius -- (Springer 1959:321 [ref. 22248]). •Valid as Chasmodes maculipinna Regan 1903 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:43 [ref. 37559]). •Valid as Hypsoblennius maculipinna (Regan 1903) -- (Bath 1996:90 [ref. 22687], Bath 2000:176 [ref. 25102], Patzner et al. 2009:455 [ref. 30396], Angulo et al. 2013:1006 [ref. 33194], Barriga Salazar 2014:119 [ref. 35745], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:342 [ref. 34894]). Current status: Valid as Hypsoblennius maculipinna (Regan 1903). Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Costa Rica south to Ecuador. Habitat: brackish, marine.

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