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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the genus Ophioblennius: [ 15 ] records

atlanticus, Salarias Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1836:321 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 11; ref. 1005] Madeira. Lectotype: MNHN A-2024. Paralectotypes: MNHN A-2027 (1), B-2510 [ex A-2024] (1). Type catalog: Bauchot 1967:25 [ref. 20734]. Lectotype selected by Springer 1962:432 [ref. 6500]. •Valid as Rupiscartes atlanticus (Valenciennes 1836) -- (Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:250 [ref. 24555]). •Valid as Ophioblennius atlanticus (Valenciennes 1826), subspecies atlanticus -- (Smith-Vaniz et al. 1999:309 [ref. 25013], Afonso et al. 1999:78 [ref. 25466], Thomson et al. 2000:201 [ref. 25640], Smith et al. 2003:57 [ref. 27621], Wirtz et al. 2007:38 [ref. 30263]). •Valid as Ophioblennius atlanticus (Valenciennes 1836) -- (Robins & Ray 1986:229 [ref. 23100], Edwards & Glass 1987:657 [ref. 9166], Bath 1990:914 [ref. 19373], Cervigón 1994:129 [ref. 24488], Santos et al. 1997:100 [ref. 23531], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:535 [ref. 24023], Arruda 1997:106 [ref. 24952] as valid species and subspecies, Aguilera 1998:52 [ref. 24221], Rocha & Rosa 2001:991 [ref. 25909], Moura & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:96 [ref. 27192], Patzner et al. 2009:458 [ref. 30396], Hastings & Springer 2009:7 [ref. 31156], Wirtz et al. 2013:131 [ref. 32972], Williams & Springer in Carpenter & De Angelis 2016:2805 [ref. 34618], Carneiro et al. 2019:209 [ref. 37250], Reiner 2019:252 [ref. 38139], Carballo et al. 2021:56 [ref. 39250], Fermon et al. 2022:274 [ref. 39448], Hoff et al. 2023:5 [ref. 40463]). Current status: Valid as Ophioblennius atlanticus (Valenciennes 1836). Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic: Senegal south to Angola, including Azores (Portugal), Madeira (Portugal), Canary Islands (Spain), and São Tomé and Principe. May be restricted to Madeira [Williams & Springer in ref. 34618]. Habitat: marine.

clippertonensis, Ophioblennius steindachneri Springer [V. G.] 1962:431, Fig. 2 [Copeia 1962 (no. 2); ref. 6500] West end of Clipperton Island, eastern Pacific, 10°18'N, 109°13'W. Holotype: USNM 196130 [not 196030]. Paratypes: ANSP 90024 (3), 90042 (10); SIO 15-1131 (153) (ex UCLA W58-296), USNM 177795 (17). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:28 [ref. 13621], Springer et al. 1991:6 [ref. 18888]. •In genus Ophioblennius -- (Smith-Vaniz & Springer 1971:60 [ref. 4145]). •Valid as Ophioblennius clippertonensis Springer 1962 -- (Patzner et al. 2009:458 [ref. 30396], Hastings & Springer 2009:7 [ref. 31156]). Current status: Valid as Ophioblennius clippertonensis Springer 1962. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Clipperton Island endemic. Habitat: marine.

cubensis, Rupiscartes Mowbray [L. L.] in Breder 1927:85, Fig. 35 [Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University v. 1 (art. 1); ref. 635] Near Cayman Point, Cuba. Holotype (unique): YPM 376. Type catalog: Moore & Boardman 1991:8 [ref. 16741]. •Synonym of Ophioblennius macclurei (Silvester 1915) -- on advice of Vic Springer, 2 Feb. 2015. Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius macclurei (Silvester 1915). Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

erythraeus, Ophioblennius Fowler [H. W.] 1944:251, 308, Fig. 253 [Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia No. 6; ref. 1448] Santelmo Bay, Rey Island, Perlas Islands, (Pacific) Panama. Holotype: ANSP 69997. Paratypes: ANSP 69998-70023 (25). Additional material: (7). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:28 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

ferox, Ophioblennius Beebe [W.] & Tee-Van [J.] 1928:242, Fig. [Zoologica, Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society v. 10 (no. 1); ref. 15836] Near Bizoton, Port-au-Prince Bay, Haiti, West Indies. Holotype: USNM 170901 [ex NYZS 7152]. Paratypes: USNM 170902 [ex NYZS 7152a] (2). Type catalog: Mead 1958:132 [ref. 20648], Springer et al. 1991:9 [ref. 18888]. •In genus Ophioblennius -- (Smith-Vaniz & Springer 1971:56 [ref. 4145]). •Synonym of Ophioblenius macclurei (Silvester 1915) -- on advice of Victor Springer, 2 Feb. 2015. Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius macclurei (Silvester 1915). Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

lanieri, Ophioblennius Seale [A.] 1940:40, Pl. 4 [Allan Hancock Pacific Expedition 1932-40, Los Angeles v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 12332] Tagus Cove, Isabela Island [Albemarle Island], Galápagos Islands. Holotype (unique): CAS 5743. •In genus Ophioblennius -- (Smith-Vaniz & Springer 1971:57 [ref. 4145]). •Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898 -- (on advice of Vctor Springer, 5 Feb. 2015). Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

macclurei, Rupiscartes Silvester [C. F.] 1915:217 [Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 14; ref. 4027] Dead coral reef west of Guanica Harbor, Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea. Holotype: PU 3081. Paratypes: PU 3027 (1). Species originally described as Rupiscartes macclurei, but later published and figured in Silvester 1918:24. Pl. 3 (fig. 2) [ref. 15257] as Alticus macclurei. •Synonym of Ophioblennius atlanticus (Valenciennes 1836), but a valid subspecies -- (Greenfield & Johnson 1981:71 [ref. 5580], Cervigón 1994:129 [ref. 24488], Smith-Vaniz et al. 1999:309 [ref. 25013], Schmitter-Soto et al. 2000:166 [ref. 27754], Smith et al. 2003:57 [ref. 27621]). •Valid as Ophioblennius macclurei (Silvester 1915) -- (Collette et al. 2003:122 [ref. 26784], Williams 2003:1772 [ref. 27109], Nelson et al. 2004:167 [ref. 27807], McEachran & Fechhelm 2005:638 [ref. 28815], Rangel & Mendes 2009:58 [ref. 30055] once as mccclurei, as species or subspecies, Patzner et al. 2009:458 [ref. 30396], Hastings & Springer 2009:7 [ref. 31156], Page et al. 2013:168 [ref. 32708], Smith-Vaniz & Jelks 2014:72 [ref. 33341], Robertson et al. 2016:147 [ref. 34961], Robertson et al. 2020:151 [ref. 38098], Escobar-Sierra et al. 2021:77 [ref. 38844], Bennema & van Moorsel 2022:72 [ref. 39585], Page et al. 2023:158 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ophioblennius macclurei (Silvester 1915). Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

nicholsi, Labroblennius Borodin [N. A.] 1928:31, Pl. 4 (fig. 1) [Bulletin Vanderbilt Oceanographic Museum v. 1 (art. 1); ref. 526] Costa Rica (Pacific). Syntypes: VMM 408 (2) (now at AMNH). •Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri subspecies steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898 -- (Springer 1962:428 [ref. 6500]). •In genus Ophioblennius -- (Smith-Vaniz & Springer 1971:58 [ref. 4145]). Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

pinchoti, Ophioblennius Fowler [H. W.] 1932:13, Fig. 3 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 80 (no. 2906); ref. 1412] Black Beach Anchorage, Santa María Island [Charles Island], Galápagos Islands. Holotype: USNM 91819. Paratypes: (49, sic. 59) USNM 91820 (16 + 12), USNM 119822 [from 91820] (31). Type catalog: Springer et al. 1991:18 [ref. 18888]. Fowler listed paratypes as "49" and this probably should have been 59, the number of specimens originally in 91820; 31 recataloged USNM 119822 and 12 isolated in a vial in 91820 are thought not to be pinchoti. •In genus Ophioblennius -- (Smith-Vaniz & Springer 1971:58 [ref. 4145]). •Synonym of Ophioblennis steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898 -- (on advice of Victor Sprinter, 2 Feb. 2015). Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

steindachneri, Ophioblennius Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] 1898:2401 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 47; ref. 2445] Near Mazatlán and Tres Marias Islands, west coast of Mexico. Lectotype: 51.4 mm specimen below. Paralectotypes: [one of the following] NMW 72675 (1), 77892 (1), 78550 (3). Lectotype selected by Springer 1962:148 [ref. 6500] as the only Steindachner type seen by him, NMV [NMW] without number, 51.4 mm SL. Appeared as name only in Jordan & Evermann 1896:472 [ref. 2442]. Based on Blennophis (Ophioblennius) webbi of Steindachner 1879:41 [ref. 4229]. •Valid as Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898 -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:254 [ref. 22193], Hastings in Fischer et al. 1995:928 [ref. 22829], Allen & Robertson 1997:831 [ref. 41086], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:73 [ref. 24545], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:534 [ref. 24023], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:245 [ref. 24555], Thomson et al. 2000:201 [ref. 25640], Nelson et al. 2004:167 [ref. 27807], Puerta MarquisBéarez & Séret 2009:150 [ref. 36646], Patzner et al. 2009:458 [ref. 30396], Hastings & Springer 2009:7 [ref. 31156], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:194 [ref. 30957], Page et al. 2013:168 [ref. 32708], Galván-Villa et al. 2016:149 [ref. 34871], Fourriére et al. 2016:449 [ref. 34668], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:610 [ref. 34923], González-Murcia et al. 2019:295 [ref. 36544], Walker et al. 2020:4 [ref. 37499], Love et al. 2021:196 [ref. 39279], Grove et al. 2022:20 [ref. 41326], Page et al. 2023:158 [ref. 40505], Vela-Espinosa et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40981]). Current status: Valid as Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of central Baja California (Mexico) south to Peru, including Gulf of California (Mexico), Clipperton Island (France) and Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). Habitat: marine.

trinitatis, Ophioblennius Miranda Ribeiro [A. de] 1919:177, Unnum. pl. (fig. 1) [Arquivos do Museu Nacional de Rio de Janeiro v. 22; ref. 15243] Trindade Island, Martin Vaz Islands, off southeastern Brazil, South Atlantic, 20°31'S, 29°19'W. Holotype (unique): MNRJ 5423. Type catalog: Miranda Ribeiro 1955:395 [ref. 12732]. •Synonym of Ophioblennius atlanticus (Valenciennes 1836) -- (Bath 1990:915 [ref. 19373]). •Valid as Ophioblennius trinitatis Miranda Ribeiro 1919 -- (Feitoza et al. 2003:69 [ref. 26943], Vaske et al. 2005:77 [ref. 36155], Figueiredo Mendes 2007:63 [ref. 30523], Rangel & Mendes 2009:52 [ref. 30055], Patzner et al. 2009:458 [ref. 30396], Hastings & Springer 2009:7 [ref. 31156], Pinheiro et al. 2015:28 [ref. 34324], Spier et al. 2018:15 [ref. 36103], Carvalho-Filho et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:284 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:229 [ref. 40480]). Current status: Valid as Ophioblennius trinitatis Miranda Ribeiro 1919. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Southwestern Atlantic: Maranhão south to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) endemic, including offshore islands. Habitat: marine.

truncatus, Blennius Poey [F.] 1860:424 [Memorias sobre la historia natural de la Isla de Cuba v. 2; ref. 3499] Cuba. No types known. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Blennius truncatus Forster in Bloch & Schneider 1801. •In genus Ophioblennius -- (Smith-Vaniz & Springer 1971:60 [ref. 4145]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

umbrifasciatus, Hepatoscartes Fowler [H. W.] 1944:230, 292, Fig. 251 [Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia No. 6; ref. 1448] Playa Muerto, Panama. Holotype: ANSP 70211. Paratypes: ANSP 70212-41 (30), 70300-06 (7). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:30 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius steindachneri Jordan & Evermann 1898. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

watsoni, Ophioblennius Reid [E. D.] 1943:376, Fig. 1 [Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences v. 33 (no. 12); ref. 3686] Anse à Galets, La Gonave Island, Haiti, West Indies. Holotype: USNM 89614. Paratypes: USNM 120097 (1, not found in 1980). Type catalog: Springer et al. 1991:25 [ref. 18888]. •In genus Ophioblennius -- (Smith-Vaniz & Springer 1971:61 [ref. 4145]). •Synonym of Ophioblennius macclurei (Silvester 1915) -- (on advice of Victor Sringer, Feb. 3, 2015). Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius macclurei (Silvester 1915). Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

webbii, Blennophis Valenciennes [A.] 1843:61 [Ichthyologie des îles Canaries v. 2 (pt 2); ref. 4502] Fortaventura, Canary Islands. Syntypes: MNHN A-2181 (4). •Synonym of Ophioblennius atlanticus (Valenciennes 1836) -- (Bath 1990:914 [ref. 19373] as webbi). Current status: Synonym of Ophioblennius atlanticus (Valenciennes 1836). Blenniidae: Salariinae. Habitat: marine.

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