Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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gomesi, Heliotrygon Carvalho [M. R. de] & Lovejoy [N. R.] 2011:19, Figs. 1-9, 19-23 [Zootaxa No. 2776; ref. 31182] Rio Javari, 4°18'15"S, 70°04'19"W, Benjamin Constant, Amazonas, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 104988. Paratypes: AMNH 251884 (1), ANSP 178014 (1), 17815 (1), 17816 (1), 17817 (1); MZUSP 108203 (1). Plus additional non-type material. Type catalog: Lima et al. 2023:327 [ref. 40221]. •Valid as Heliotrygon gomesi Carvalho & Lovejoy 2011 -- (Weigmann 2016:153 [ref. 34211], Carvalho 2016:622 [ref. 34997], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:33 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Heliotrygon gomesi Carvalho & Lovejoy 2011. Potamotrygonidae: Potamotrygoninae. Distribution: South America: upper Amazon River and probably lower resaches of most major tributaries (Brazil, Colombia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater.

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