Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Arius and arius [ 265 ] records

aaldereni, Hemipimelodus Hardenberg [J. D. F.] 1936:367 [Treubia, Buitenzorg v. 15 (pt 4); ref. 13699] Middle course of Digul River, southern New Guinea. Holotype (unique): ZMA 110782. Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:53 [ref. 19236], Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Hemipimelodus macrorhynchus Weber 1913 -- (Desoutter 1977:13 [ref. 20628], Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860] with question). •Synonym of cf. Arius macrorhynchus (Weber 1913) -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Potamosilurus macrorhynchus (Weber 1913) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:102 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Hemipimelodus macrorhynchus Weber 1913 as incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Potamosilurus macrorhynchus (Weber 1913). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

acrocephalus, Arius Weber [M.] 1913:543, Figs. 20-21 [Süsswasserfische aus Niederländisch Süd- und Nord-Neu-Guinea v. 9 (livr. 4); ref. 4603] Bibis River, Regen Island, Alkmaar and Lorentz rivers, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Syntypes: AMNH 9514 [ex ZMA 111090] (1); ZMA 111087-90 (1, 2, 1, 1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:37 [ref. 19236], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius acrocephalus Weber 1913 -- (Roberts 1978:32 [ref. 8886], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius latirostris Macleay 1883 -- (Allen 1991:53 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Ariopsis latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Neoarius latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:39 [ref. 32988]). •Synonym of Potamosilurus latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:101 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Papuarius latirostris (Macleay 1883). Current status: Synonym of Papuarius latirostris (Macleay 1883). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

acutirostris, Arius Day [F.] 1877:459, Pl. 107 (fig. 1) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Salween River at Moulmein, Myanmar. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7733 (1, non-type) Irrawaddy; BMNH 1870.6.14.34 (1); NMW 44358 (1), 48327 (1); ZMB 2735 (1); ZSI F454 (1), F500 (1), A.569 (13). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:294 [ref. 25110], Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus acutirostris (Day 1877) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as incertae sedis cf. Arius acutirostris Day 1877 -- (Kailola 2004:145 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Arius acutirostris Day 1877 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:699 [ref. 20764], Jayaram 2006:336 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:14 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius acutirostris Day 1877. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Salween River drainage, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

acutivelis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:85 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Gorée, Senegal and Senegal. Syntypes: MNHN A-8968 (2) Gorée. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:28 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:158 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Risch 1986:22 [ref. 6190], Risch in Lévêque et al. 1992:417 [ref. 21590], Ferraris 2007:158 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacepède 1803). Claroteidae. Habitat: freshwater.

acutus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:41 [167] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: ?BMNH 1863.12.4.67 (1), RMNH 15975 (2), SMNS 10566 (4). Type catalog: Fricke 1991:7 [ref. 13474], Fricke 2005:13 [ref. 29864], Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:41 [ref. 313]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:72 [ref. 30423]. •Synonym of Arius argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

aeneus, Ariodes Sauvage [H.-E.] 1883:160 [17] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 7; ref. 3897] Singapore ["Ile Rafflès"]. Syntypes: MNHN A-5155 (2). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:6 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. On p. 17 of separate. •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:80 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

aequibarbis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:68 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Rangoon, Myanmar; Bengal. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-1200 (2) Bengal, B-0682 (1) Rangoon. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:5 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. See Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

africana, Arius falcarius var. Günther [A.] in Playfair & Günther 1867:114 [The fishes of Zanzibar; ref. 3490] Pangani River, Madagascar. Syntypes: BMNH 1865.9.21.16 (1), 1867.3.7.385-386 (2 skins), 1867.3.9.499 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Mention -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Arius africanus Günther 1867 -- (Taylor 1986:153 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Reinthal & Stiassny 1997:354 [ref. 22780], Ng & Sparks 2003:15 [ref. 27207] with author as Boulenger 1911, Seegers et al. 2003:38 [ref. 28087] dated 1866, Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:14 [ref. 29031], Kailola 2022:186 [ref. 39697] with question, Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius africanus Günther 1867. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

agassizii, Tachisurus Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:145 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Rio Grande do Sul [probably erroneous], Brazil. Holotype (unique): MCZ 7670. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. Original genus should have been spelled Trachysurus. •Valid as Arius agassizii (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860] as agassizi). •Valid as Cathorops agassizii (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:97 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:40 [ref. 29031] as agassizi, Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk 2007:368 [ref. 29509], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:42 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:247 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:91 [ref. 31865], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], Marceniuk et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35324], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:166 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:73 [ref. 40480] as agassizi, Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops agassizii (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: French Guiana and north and northeastern Brazil (Brazil and French Guiana). Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

aguadulce, Galeichthys Meek [S. E.] 1904:9, Pl. 4 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 5; ref. 2958] Río Tesechocán at Pérez, Veracruz, Río Papaloapam basin, Mexico. Holotype (unique): FMNH 4678. Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:36 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius aguadulce (Meek 1904) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as "Cathorops" aguadulce (Meek 1904) -- (Miller 2006:170 [ref. 28615]). •Valid as Cathorops aguadulce (Meek 1904) -- (Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:28 [ref. 22290], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:148 [ref. 24550], Acero P. 2003:837 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2005:54 [ref. 28341], McEachran & Fechhelm 2005:16 [ref. 28815], Scharpf 2006:19 [ref. 30386], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:42 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Betancur-R. & Willink 2007:826 [ref. 29439], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:26 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:246 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:93 [ref. 31865], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], Raz-Guzmán et al. 2018:344 [ref. 36407], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2020:202 [ref. 38085], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:192 [ref. 41622], Quintana 2024:5 [ref. 41186]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops aguadulce (Meek 1904). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern North America: Atlantic Slope (southern Mexico and Guatemala). Habitat: freshwater.

alatus, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1876:569 [19], Pl. 6 [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] Panama. Holotype (unique): MCZ 7725. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155]. On p. 19 of separate. •Synonym of Selenaspis dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:886 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Sciades hymenorrhinos (Bleeker 1862) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:144 [ref. 24550] as hymenorrhinus, Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Sciades dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:105 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Sciades dowii (Gill 1863). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

albicans, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:80 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Buenos Aires, Argentina. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9400 (dry). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:54 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:337 [ref. 29155] Based on one specimen and literature sources. As Arius albidus Valenciennes 1835: Pl. 3 (fig. 2). Unneeded new name for Arius albidus Valenciennes 1835, but following recent authors, Arius albidus Valenciennes 1835 is regarded as a forgotten name and Arius albicans is retained in use. •Valid as Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Gómez & Chebez 1996:58 [ref. 23791], Haro et al. 1996:6 [ref. 25004], Azpelicueta 1998:92 [ref. 24175], Sverlij et al. 1998:55 [ref. 27632], Vidal & Lucena 1999:122 [ref. 24269], Butí & Cancino 1999:71 [ref. 25277], Azpelicueta 2001:198 [ref. 25639], López et al. 2002:63 [ref. 26808], Lundberg & Littmann in Reis et al. 2003:438 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:58 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:83 [ref. 28131], Ribeiro & Lucena 2006:326 [ref. 28962], Ferraris 2007:337 [ref. 29155], Ribeiro et al. 2011:128 [ref. 31238], Litz & Koerber 2014:19 [ref. 33622], Sarmiento et al. 2014:170, 192 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:32 [ref. 35117], Nión et al. 2016:34 [ref. 35565], Koerber et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35267], Loureiro et al. 2023:135 [ref. 40506], Filho et al. 2024:4 [ref. 40919], Torrico-Destre et al. 2024:91 [ref. 41874]). Current status: Valid as Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840). Pimelodidae. Distribution: South America: Paraná River basin (Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater.

albicans, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:461, Pl. 420 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] Cayenne, French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9350 (mounted). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:11 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155] •Synonym of Arius parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998]). •Species inquirenda in Hexanematichthys Bleeker 1858 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Kailola 2004:144 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Sciades emphysetus (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:105 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Sciades proops (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Betancur-R. 2008:827 [ref. 29950]). Current status: Synonym of Sciades proops (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

albidus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] 1834:Pl. 3 (fig. 2) [Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale; ref. 20720] Buenos Aires, Argentina. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9400. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950 [ref. 19575]. Name available from plate, description in Valenciennes 1847:6 [ref. 5010], as Arius moroti. See also Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:80 [ref. 1008] as Arius albicans. The name albicans is retained for stability over albidus by Lundberg & Littmann in Reis et al. 2003:438 [ref. 27061]. Pl. 3 was published in 1834. •Synonym of Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Lundberg & Littmann in Reis et al. 2003:438 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:337 [ref. 29155], Litz & Koerber 2014:19 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:32 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35267]). Nomen Oblitum. Current status: Synonym of Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840). Pimelodidae. Habitat: freshwater.

albidus, Pimelodus Spix [J. B. von] & Agassiz [L.] 1829:19, Pl. 7 (fig. 1) [Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam; ref. 13] No locality stated. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. Name published in the synonymy of Pimelodus spixii but name apparently available from the plate caption according to Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. Preocccupied by Arius albidus Lesueur. •In the synonymy of Cathorops spixii (Spix & Agassiz 1829) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:97 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:45 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Cathorops spixii (Agassiz 1829). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

andamanensis, Arius Day [F.] 1871:699 [23] [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1870 (pt 3); ref. 1078] Andaman Islands. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7931 (1, syntype), ZSI F1307 [or 307] (1). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:294 [ref. 25110], Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. On p. 23 of separate. Kottelat (2013:249) indicates 2 species are represented; a neotype is needed. •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) (in part, 1307) and synonym of Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) (in part, B.7931) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1842 [ref. 24732], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym in part of Netuma bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym in part of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:80 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 18400) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

angulatus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:44 [170] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:44 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

arafurensis, Arius Hardenberg [J. D. F.] 1948:409 [Treubia, Buitenzorg v. 19 (pt 3); ref. 13056] Fish market, Dobo, Aru Islands, Indo-Australian Archipelago. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius proximus Ogilby 1898 -- (Kailola 1999:1861 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma proximus (Ogilby 1898) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Brustiarius proximus (Ogilby 1898) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:35 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma proxima (Ogilby 1898) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Pararius proximus (Ogilby 1898). Current status: Synonym of Pararius proximus (Ogilby 1898). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

arenarius, Bagrus (Ariodes) Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1849:9 [Horae Ichthyologicae No. 3; ref. 3073] China. Syntypes: ZMB 3001 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius arenarius (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Kailola 1999:1838 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Kottelat 2001:56 [ref. 25482], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155] as China only, Ng & Kottelat 2007:43 [ref. 29362], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Motomura et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35490], Grant 2020:31 [ref. 37638], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius arenarius (Müller & Troschel 1849). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: China, Vietnam and Philippines. Habitat: brackish, marine.

arenatus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:106 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Suriname. Holotype (unique): RMNH 3099 (stuffed). Type information: Boeseman 1972:299 [ref. 19698]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. For locality information see Boeseman 1972:299 [ref. 19698]. •Valid as Arius arenatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Cathorops arenatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Acero P. 2003:837 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2005:54 [ref. 28341], Marceniuk 2005:97 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:43 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk 2007:363 [ref. 29509], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:42 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:248 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:91 [ref. 31865], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], Marceniuk et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35324], Costa et al. 2017:45 [ref. 35684], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:167 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:73 [ref. 40480], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops arenatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southwestern Atlantic: Atlantic coastal rivers from Guyana to northeastern Brazil: Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname. Habitat: brackish, marine.

argenteus, Arius Lütken [C. F.] (ex Krøyer) 1874:211 [22] [Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn, Aaret 1874 (nos 12-16); ref. 17564] Canton, China. Holotype: ZMUC P 29624 [ex 485]. Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:49 [ref. 9588], Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. On p. 22 of separate. •Species inquirenda -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:245 [ref. 32989]). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

argyropleuron, Arius Valenciennes [A.] (ex Kuhl & van Hasselt) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:104 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): RMNH 3041. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:65 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius argyropleuron Valenciennes 1840 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:218 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:79 [ref. 23448], Kottelat & Lim 1996:243 [ref. 23210], Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732] as "Arius", Tan & Ng 1999:295 [ref. 24254], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122] as "Arius", Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208]). •Valid as Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:355 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:40 [ref. 32988], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989], Yoshida et al. 2013:45 [ref. 34464], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2015:24 [ref. 34319], Motomura et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35490], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Marceniuk et al. 2023:26 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific/South and southeast Asia; southern New Guinea and northern Australia: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand. Habitat: brackish, marine.

arius, Pimelodus Hamilton [F.] 1822:170, 376 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal estuaries, India. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:58 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Tachysurus arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:700 [ref. 20764], Kailola 1999:1840 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Bijukumar & Sushama 2000:185 [ref. 25703], Kottelat 2001:56 [ref. 25482], Ng 2003:11 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Khan 2003:8 [ref. 27710], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Jayaram 2006:338 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Psomadakis et al. 2015:163 [ref. 34104], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2018:50 [ref. 36460], Suresh et al. 2018:134 [ref. 36495], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 7 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:306 [ref. 37272], Kailola 2022:186 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan east to western Indonesia, north to Vietnam and southern China Habitat: brackish, marine.

armiger, Arius De Vis [C. W.] 1884:454 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 8 (pt 4); ref. 1089] New Britain [in error]. Syntypes: QM I.3088 (1), I.3039 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius armiger De Vis 1884 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:218 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Kailola 1999:1841 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2000:130 [ref. 25113], Allen et al. 2000:48 [ref. 27467], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847]). •Valid as Nemapteryx armiger (De Vis 1884) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:354 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:75 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35250], Marceniuk et al. 2023:45 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Nemapteryx armiger (De Vis 1884). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Australia and central-southern New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

ascita, Silurus Linnaeus [C.] 1758:306 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] India. Syntypes: NRM LP 72 (4). Type catalog: Fernholm & Wheeler 1983:222 [ref. 20707], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155] •Based on young, referable to Arius sp. -- (Fernholm & Wheeler 1983:222 [ref. 20707]). •Species inquirenda in Arius -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:245 [ref. 32989]). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: India. Habitat: marine.

assimilis, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:146 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Lake Izabal [Yzabal], Guatemala. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.1.26.98. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius assimilis Günther 1864 -- (Villa 1982:114 [ref. 36708], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Schmitter-Soto et al. 2000:151 [ref. 27754], Miller 2006:167 [ref. 28615], McEachran & Fechhelm 2005:16 [ref. 28815]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys assimilis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Sciades assimilis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:104 [ref. 29031], Matamoros et al. 2009:10 [ref. 31241], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Angulo et al. 2013:993 [ref. 33194]). •Valid as Ariopsis assimilis (Günther 1864) -- (Greenfield & Thomerson 1997:82 [ref. 22947], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:156 [ref. 24550], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:10 [ref. 26521], Acero P. 2003:838 [ref. 26998], Smith et al. 2003:11 [ref. 27621], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:348 [ref. 29268], Betancur-R. & Willink 2007:826 [ref. 29439], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Marceniuk et al. 2017:4 [ref. 35431], Raz-Guzmán et al. 2018:344 [ref. 36407], Angulo et al. 2023:28 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:189 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Ariopsis assimilis (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern North America, central America: western Caribbean Sea watersheds (Quintana Roo/Mexico south to northwestern Honduras). Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

ater, Galeichthys Castelnau [F. L.] 1861:62 [Mémoire sur les poissons de l'Afrique australe; ref. 767] Indian Ocean at Tsitsikamma Coastal Marine Park, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa [Table Bay, Cape Town, South Africa]. Neotype: RUSI 63803. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155]. Neotype selected by Kulongowski 2010:11-12 [ref. 30940]; two syntypes lost. •Valid as Arius ater (Castelnau 1861) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Galeichthys ater Castelnau 1861 -- (Taylor 1986:157 [ref. 6195], Taylor 1986:212 [ref. 6282], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:113 [ref. 28072], Kailola 2004:136 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:62 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155], Acero-P. and Betancur-R. 2007:139 [ref. 29200], Kulongowski 2010:11 [ref. 30940], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1749 [ref. 34564], Kailola 2022:192 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Galeichthys ater Castelnau 1861. Ariidae: Galeichthyinae. Distribution: Southeastern Atlantic, southwestern Indian Ocean: Walvis Bay (Namibia) south to Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), then north to southern KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). Habitat: marine.

atripinnis, Hemipimelodus Fowler [H. W.] 1937:145, Fig. 34 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 89; ref. 1425] Bangkok, Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 67906. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:22 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Hemipimelodus bicolor Fowler 1935 -- (Desoutter 1977:11 [ref. 20628]). •Probable synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Arius bicolor (Fowler 1935) -- (Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

atroplumbeus, Trachysurus Fowler [H. W.] 1931:394, Fig. 2 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 83; ref. 1410] Vessigny Beach, Brighton, Trinidad Island, West Indies. Holotype (unique): ANSP 53316. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:22 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius rugispinis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:448 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk 2005:96 [ref. 28718]). •Synonym of cf. Arius rugispinis Valenciennes 1840, genus uncertain -- (Kailola 2004:145 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius rugispinis Valenciennes 1840 as incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Notarius rugispinis (Valenciennes 1840). Current status: Synonym of Notarius rugispinis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

augustus, Arius Roberts [T. R.] 1978:36, Figs. 14, 20d [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 281; ref. 8886] Middle Fly River, Papua New Guinea, 6°32.5'S, 140°55.0'E. Holotype: AMS 27090-001 [ex USNM 217065]. Paratypes: AMS 22460-001 [ex USNM 277066] (1); KFRS F.4681.01 [ex USNM 217066] (1); USNM 217066 (orig. 2, now 1), 217067-68 (1, 2). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:6 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155]. If the name augustus is an adjective, then the correct spelling when in Nemapteryx is augusta. •Valid as Arius augustus Roberts 1978 -- (Roberts 1978:36 [ref. 8886], Allen 1991:51 [ref. 21090]). •Valid as Nemapteryx angusta (Roberts 1978) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108] as augustus, Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155] as augusta). •Valid as Neoarius augustus (Roberts 1978) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:76 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:52 [ref. 30265]). •Valid as Megalosciades augustus (Roberts 1978) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:43 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Megalosciades augustus (Roberts 1978). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Fly-Strickland river system, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

australis, Arius Günther [A.] 1867:103, Fig. [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1867 (pt 1) (art. 2) (for 24 Jan. 1867); ref. 1986] Hunter River near Ash Island, New South Wales, Australia. Syntypes: BMNH 1866.2.13.4 (1), 1866.6.19.7-8 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius graeffei Kner & Steindachner 1867 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Kailola 1999:1849 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Ariopsis graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:351 [ref. 28997]). •Synonym of Neoarius graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Neoarius graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

azureus, Galeichthys Jordan [D. S.] & Williams [T. M.] in Jordan 1895:398, Pl. 27 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 5; ref. 2394] Estuary at Mazatlán, Sinaloa, western Mexico. Holotype (unique): CAS-SU 11575 [mistakenly printed as 1575]. Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius guatemalensis Günther 1864 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:868 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:156 [ref. 24550] as seemani). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Sciades guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:107 [ref. 29031], Angulo et al. 2013:993 [ref. 33194]). •Synonym of Ariopsis guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:155 [ref. 24550], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:22 [ref. 35431], Fricke et al. 2024:190 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Ariopsis guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

belangerii, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:71 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Mumbai, India. Holotype: MNHN. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]. •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989] with question, Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

berneyi, Tachysurus (Pararius) Whitley [G. P.] 1941:9, Fig. 8 (no. 5) [Australian Zoologist v. 10 (pt 1); ref. 4701] Pools of Flinders River, near Hughenden and Richmond, Queensland, Australia. Holotype: AMS I.13076. Paratypes: AMS I.13075 (1), I.8077-88 (12). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius berneyi (Whitley 1941) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Larson & Martin 1990:6 [ref. 16606], Allen 1991:51 [ref. 21090], Kailola 2000:137 [ref. 25113], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847], Allen et al. 2002:70 [ref. 25930]). •Valid as Ariopsis berneyi (Whitley 1941) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:351 [ref. 28997]). •Valid as Neoarius berneyi (Whitley 1941) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:76 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Allen et al. 2008:53 [ref. 30265], Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:21 [ref. 35250], Marceniuk et al. 2023:45 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Neoarius berneyi (Whitley 1941). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

bernhardi, Hemipimelodus Nichols [J. T.] 1940:3 [American Museum Novitates No. 1093; ref. 17241] Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Holotype: AMNH 15039. Paratypes: AMNH 15040 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemipimelodus bernhardi Nichols 1940 -- (Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius solidus Herre 1935 -- (Kailola 1990:9 [ref. 19337], Allen 1991:55 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935) -- (Kailola 2004:131 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:36 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

bicolor, Hemipimelodus Fowler [H. W.] 1935:100, Fig. 23 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 87; ref. 13881] Bangkok, Thailand. Holotype (unique): ANSP 60777. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:22 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemipimelodus bicolor Fowler 1935 -- (Desoutter 1977:19 [ref. 20628], Rainboth 1996:167 [ref. 22772]). •Probable synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Questionably valid as Arius bicolor (Fowler 1935) -- (Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Lower courses of Mekong and Chao Phrya River basins [if valid]. Habitat: freshwater.

bilineatus, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:434 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] Puducherry, India; Rangoon, Myanmar. Syntypes: MNHN A-9344 (1, mounted) Puducherry; Myanmar syntype lost. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:3 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Taylor 1986:159 [ref. 6195]). •Valid as Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Kottelat et al. 1993:79 [ref. 23448], Randall 1995:75 [ref. 22896], Carpenter et al. 1997:121 [ref. 23922], Kailola 1999:1842 [ref. 24732], Tan & Ng 1999:295 [ref. 24254], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377]). •Valid as Netuma bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:354 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031], Coad 2010:224 [ref. 36620]). •Valid as Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Wang et al. 2005:423 [ref. 28263]). •Valid as Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Larson et al. 2013:40 [ref. 32988], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2015:23 [ref. 34319], Psomadakis et al. 2015:166 [ref. 34104], Ali et al. 2018:311 [ref. 36183], Jawad et al. 2018:99 [ref. 36262], Eagderi et al. 2019:130 [ref. 37020], Takahashi et al. 2019:268 [ref. 37057], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:309 [ref. 37272], Sonoyama et al. 2020:22 [ref. 37637], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:71 [ref. 41223], Kailola 2022:195 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:25 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman east to Philippines and Papua New Guinea, north to Japan, south to northern Australia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

bleekeri, Arius Popta [C. M. L.] 1900:71 [Notes from the Leyden Museum v. 22 (nos 1-2); ref. 14737] Malay Archipelago. Syntypes: RMNH 6825 (4). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius bleekeri Popta 1900 -- (Kailola 1999:1843 [ref. 24732], Ng 2003:2 [ref. 27208]). •Questionably valid as Nemapteryx bleekeri (Popta 1900) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Cephalocassis bleekeri (Popta 1900) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:49 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Nemapteryx bleekeri (Popta 1900) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Hemiarius bleekeri (Popta 1900) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:32 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Hemiarius bleekeri (Popta 1900). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indonesia and Malaysia. Habitat: brackish.

boakeii, Arius Turner [W.] 1867:82 [Journal of Anatomy and Physiology v. 1 (no. 1, Nov. 1866); ref. 14101] Sri Lanka. Syntypes: BMNH 1866.7.11.1 [from Turner] (1), ?NMSZ 1987.030 (1). Type catalog: Herman et al. 1990:1-2 [ref. 20727], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 1999:1840 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Kailola 2022:186 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

bonillai, Galeichthys Miles [C.] 1945:454, Figs. 4-4a [Caldasia v. 3 (no. 15); ref. 2998] Puerto Berrío (Antioquia) over the Río Magdalena, Colombia, 6°30'N, 74°24'W. Neotype: ICNMHN 9873 (missing). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Mojica & Agudelo-Zamora 2018:43 [ref. 36127]. The holotype is lost according to Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2006:215 [ref. 29186]. Neotype missing according to Mojica & Agudelo-Zamora 2018:43 [ref. 36127]. •Valid as Hexanematichthys bonillai (Miles 1945) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Arius bonillai (Miles 1945) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Ariopsis bonillai (Miles 1945) -- (Cervigón 1992:256 [ref. 23827], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:10 [ref. 26521], Acero P. 2003:839 [ref. 26998], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Sciades bonilai (Miles 1945) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:104 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Notarius bonillai (Miles 1945) -- (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2006:216 [ref. 29186], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2017:276 [ref. 35197], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:90 [ref. 35633], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius bonillai (Miles 1945). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: Caribbean draining rivers, Colombia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

bonneti, Arius Puyo [J.] 1936:107, Fig. 17B [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 71 (no. 4); ref. 15298] Cayenne River, French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1936-0162. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:9 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. Preoccupied by Arius bonneti in fossil fishes. •Synonym of Arius parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Aspistor luniscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:448 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Sciades emphysetus (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:105 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Kailola 2004:144 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. et al. 2008:828 [ref. 29950]). Current status: Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

borneensis, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1851:67 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 2 (no. 1); ref. 327] Bandjarmasin, Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Syntypes: (2) whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. Original as borneënsis. See Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

brandtii, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1876:571 [21], Pl. 3 [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] Altata, (Pacific) Panama. Syntypes: (several) ?MCZ 4964 (1); NMW 48107 (3), 48110 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]. On p. 21 of separate. •Synonym of Sciadeops troschelii (Gill 1863) -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:885 [ref. 22829], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:145 [ref. 24550] as troscheli). •Synonym of Sciades troschelii (Gill 1863) -- (Kailola 2004:144 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Notarius troschelii (Gill 1863) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:84 [ref. 29031]). Current status: Synonym of Notarius troschelii (Gill 1863). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

brevibarbis, Ancharius Boulenger [G. A.] 1911:380, Fig. 294 [Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa v. 2; ref. 579] Ambohimanga, Fianarantsao Province, Madagascar, 20°52'S, 47°36'E. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1896.10.9.40. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805]. Placed in own family Anchariidae. •Valid as Arius brevibarbis (Boulenger 1911) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Ancharius brevibarbis Boulenger 1911 -- (Taylor 1986:153 [ref. 6195], Burgess & Finley 1996:165 [ref. 22901], Reinthal & Stiassny 1997:354 [ref. 22780]). •Valid as Gogo brevibarbis (Boulenger 1911) -- (Ng & Sparks 2005:311 [ref. 28397], Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155], Ng et al. 2008:399 [ref. 29632], Fricke et al. 2018:60 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Gogo brevibarbis (Boulenger 1911). Anchariidae. Distribution: Mananjary River drainage, eastern Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

brevirostris, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1901:447 [Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft v. 25; ref. 14769] Baram River, Borneo. Holotype (unique): NMW, not found. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius brevirostris Steindachner 1901 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 14769]). •Probable synonym of Arius harmandi (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kailola 1999:1850 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of cf. Arius harmandi (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Hemiarius harmandi Sauvage 1880 -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:68 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae as synonym of harmondi Sauvage 1880. Current status: Synonym of Hemiarius harmandi Sauvage 1880. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

broadbenti, Tachysurus Ogilby [J. D.] 1908:8 [Annals of the Queensland Museum No. 9 (pt 1); ref. 3285] Cape York, Queensland, Australia. Syntypes: QM I.9745-46 (1, 1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius broadbenti (Ogilby 1908) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius macrocephalus Bleeker 1846 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442]). •Synonym of "Arius" argyropleuron Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:355 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

brunellii, Arius Zolezzi [G.] 1939:168, Fig. 1 [Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 17251] Juba River, Somalia. Syntypes: (4) whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius brunellii Zolezzi 1939 -- (Taylor 1986:154 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860] as brunelli, Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Valid as Arius brunellii Zolezzi 1939. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Africa: Somalia. Habitat: freshwater.

buchanani, Arius Day [F.] 1877:463, Pl. 105 (fig. 6) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Hooghly Channel, Calcutta, India; Irrawaddy River, Myanmar. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: ZSI 456 (1), 1302 (1, lost). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:700 [ref. 20764]). •See Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108] with question, Jayaram 2006:338 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989] with question). Current status: Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

burmanicus, Arius Day [F.] 1870:618 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1869 (pt 3) (art. 3) (for 9 Dec. 1869); ref. 14093] Irrawaddy River, Bassein District; Salween, Tenasserim provinces, Myanmar. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7520 (1, syntype); BMNH 1870.6.14.43-44 (2); RMNH 8787 (1); ZMB 2754 (1); ZSI 456 (1), A.568 (8), B292 (1, lost). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:295 [ref. 25110], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155]. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Valid as Tachysurus burmanicus (Day 1870) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Cochlefelis burmanicus (Day 1870) -- (Kailola 2004:134 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Arius burmanicus Day 1870 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:701 [ref. 20764], Jayaram 2006:339 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:16 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius burmanicus Day 1870. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Indian Ocean: Myanmar, India and Bangladesh. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

cacharioides, Arius Leybold [F.] 1859:1083 [Anales de la Universidad de Chile v. 16 (no. 12); ref. 20239] Río Seco, Colina, Chile. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]. Spelled cacharioides in main heading, as carcharioides in text; apparently the carcharioides was intended. Holotype or syntypes in question. •Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Arratia 1987:12 [ref. 5957] as carcharioides, Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:255 [ref. 27061], with 100 syntypes, Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782). Diplomystidae. Habitat: freshwater.

caelatoides, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:31 [159] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Appeared later in Bleeker 1846:159 [ref. 5872]. See Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius caelatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:16 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

caelatus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:66 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia; Mumbai, India. Syntypes: MNHN B-0589 (1) Java, B-0614 (2) Mumbai. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:5 [ref. 19575] as coelatus and with holotype and paratypes, Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155]. Spelled coelatus in Bleeker 1870:252 [ref. 429]. If the name caelatus is an adjective, then the correct spelling when in Nemapterx is caelata. See van Oijen et al. 2009:95 [ref. 30423] as caelatus. •Valid as Tachysurus caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800], Mishra et al. 1999:84 [ref. 25315]). •Valid as Arius caelatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:701 [ref. 20764], Kottelat et al. 1993:79 [ref. 23448], Krishnan & Mishra 1993:216 [ref. 24016], Kottelat & Lim 1996:243 [ref. 23210], Rainboth 1996:164 [ref. 22772], Tan & Ng 1999:295 [ref. 24254], Bijukumar & Sushama 2000:185 [ref. 25703] as cealatus, Khan 2003:8 [ref. 27710], Jayaram 2006:341 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:16 [ref. 29031]). •Probable synonym of Arius nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]). •Valid as Nemapteryx caelata (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155], Suresh et al. 2018:136 [ref. 36495], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

caerulescens, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:149, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Huamuchal, Guatemala. Syntypes: BMNH 1864.1.26.208-209 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius caerulescens Günther 1864 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius guatemalensis Günther 1864 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:868 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Sciades guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:107 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Ariopsis guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:154 [ref. 24550], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:22 [ref. 35431], Fricke et al. 2024:190 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Ariopsis guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

capellonis, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1867:64 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe v. 4 (no. 8); ref. 20462] Monrovia, Liberia. Holotype (unique): not found at NMW. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. Species also appeared on p. 441 of English version [ref. 20462]; later appeared in more detail in Steindachner 1867:523, Pl. 2 (figs. 1-3) [ref. 4215]; and on p. 7 of separate. •Synonym of Arius parkii Günther 1864 -- (Taylor 1986:156 [ref. 6195], Taylor 1990:232 [ref. 14194], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:568 [ref. 21590]). •Synonym of Arius parkii Günther 1864 as incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Carlarius parkii (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:38 [ref. 29031], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1748 [ref. 34564]). Current status: Synonym of Carlarius parkii (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

carchariorhynchos, Bagrus Bleeker [P.] 1846:291 [Natuur-en Geneeskundig Archief voor Neȇrlandsch Indië v. 3 (2); ref. 19349] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Holotype: RMNH 6885 (371 mm SL). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. Originally as carchariorhijnchos, the Dutch ij equivalent to y in Latin. Also in Bleeker 1846:30 [ref. 313]. •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:80 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

carinatus, Arius (Hemiarius) Weber [M.] 1913:537, Figs. 13-14 [Süsswasserfische aus Niederländisch Süd- und Nord-Neu-Guinea v. 9 (livr. 4); ref. 4603] Lorentz River, Van Weellskamp and Sande River, New Guinea. Syntypes: AMNH 9265 [ex ZMA 111109] (2); ZMA 109295 (1), 111109-12 (18, 1, 1, 1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:37 [ref. 19236], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius carinatus Weber 1913 -- (Roberts 1978:35 [ref. 8886], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Allen 1991:51 [ref. 21090]). •Valid as Cinetodus carinatus (Weber 1913) -- (Allen et al. 2000:49 [ref. 27467], Kailola 2004:133 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:51 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155], Allen et al. 2008:45 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225]). •Valid as Paracinetodus carinatus (Weber 1913) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:46 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Paracinetodus carinatus (Weber 1913). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Papua Province, Indonesia; Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. Habitat: freshwater.

chondropterygioides, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:44 [170] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:44 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1854, 1859 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

chondropterygius, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:35 [162] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Bleeker 1846) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

clavispinosus, Arius Puyo [J.] 1936:103, Fig. 16A [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 71 (no. 4); ref. 15298] Cayenne River, French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1936-0163. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:9 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Aspistor luniscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:448 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Sciades emphysetus (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:105 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. et al. 2008:828 [ref. 29950]). Current status: Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

cleptolepis, Arius Roberts [T. R.] 1978:37, Figs. 15, 20e [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 281; ref. 8886] Elevala River, Upper Fly River, Papua New Guinea, 6°05.7'S, 141°27.7'E. Holotype: AMS 27092-001 [ex USNM 217069]. Paratypes: BMNH 1983.6.30.6 [ex USNM 217071] (1); KFRS F.4618.01 (2); USNM 217070 (1), 217071 (6, now 3, 1 to BMNH, 2 to KFRS), 217072 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius berneyi (Whitley 1941) -- (Allen 1991:51 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Ariopsis berneyi (Whitley 1941). •Synonym of Neoarius berneyi (Whitley 1941) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:77 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Neoarius berneyi (Whitley 1941). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

clypeaster, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:34 [161] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Originally as clijpeaster, with Dutch ij equal to y in Latin. Also in Bleeker 1846:34 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

clypeastroides, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:34 [161] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:34 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

coatesi, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 1990:18, Fig. 5 [Records of the Western Australian Museum Suppl. No. 34; ref. 19337] Market at Angoram, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. Holotype: AMS I.25405-001. Paratypes: AMS I.25405-002 (1); KFRS F03995 (1, not found), FO4108 (1, missing 2/03); QM I.21673 (1); WAM P.28221-001 (3, not 4). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:8 [ref. 19335], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Moore et al. 2008:7 [ref. 30117]. Specimens not found in KFRS (Pogonoski, Appleyard & White, pers. comm. 9/18/2016). •Valid as Arius coatesi Kailola 1990 -- (Allen & Coates 1990:57 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:52 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:298 [ref. 21400], Burgess & Finley 1996:165 [ref. 22901], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113]). •Valid as Ariopsis coatesi (Kailola 1990) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Neoarius coatesi (Kailola 1990) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Potamosilurus coatesi (Kailola 1990) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:101 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2023:48 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Potamosilurus coatesi (Kailola 1990). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Sepik River basin, Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

cochinchinensis, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:170, Figs. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Cochinchina [southern Vietnam]. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1862.9.18.4 (skin). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155].. •Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 1999:1840 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Kailola 2022:186 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

cochlearis, Hemipimelodus Fowler [H. W.] 1935:101, Fig. 25 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 87; ref. 13881] Paknam, Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 60767. Paratypes: ANSP 60768-73 (6). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:22 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius truncatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1866 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Cryptarius truncatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:135 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:57 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Cryptarius truncatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish.

colcloughi, Hemipimelodus Ogilby [J. D.] 1910:7 [Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland v. 23; ref. 3288] Crocker Island, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype (unique): QM I.1538 [ex AFAQ 993]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemipimelodus colcloughi Ogilby 1910 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius argyropleuron Valenciennes 1840 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:218 [ref. 12442], Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732] as "Arius"). •Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:355 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:40 [ref. 32988], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

cookei, Arius Acero P. [A.] & Betancur-R. [R.] 2002:134, Figs. 1-2 [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 5 (no. 4); ref. 26190] 7 kilometers from the mouth of Río Santa María, París, Herrera, Panama, 8°09'N, 80°33'W. Holotype: INVEMAR-PEC 3752. Paratypes: ICNMHN 5721 (1); INVEMAR-PEC 3753 (1); UCR 314-3 (1), 1518-2 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Angulo et al. 2015:378 [ref. 35212], Mojica & Agudelo-Zamora 2018:41 [ref. 36127]. •Valid as Arius cookei Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:447 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as ?Aspistor cookei Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002 -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Notarius cookei (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002) -- (Bentancur-R. & Acero P. 2006:54 [ref. 28736], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:82 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2006:215 [ref. 29186], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Angulo et al. 2013:993 [ref. 33194], Marceniuk et al. 2017:276 [ref. 35197], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius cookei (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Pacific coastal rivers and estuaries from Costa Rica to Colombia: Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama. Habitat: brackish, marine.

couma, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:459 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] Cayenne, French Guiana. Syntypes: MNHN A-9338 (1, dry) Cayenne, A-9339 (1, dry) America. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:13 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius couma (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:133 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:256 [ref. 23827], Le Bail et al. 2000:12 [ref. 24549], Marín 2000:68 [ref. 26252], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639]). •Valid as Selenaspis couma (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Acero P. 2003:850 [ref. 26998]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys couma (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192]). •Valid as Sciades couma (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:98 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:104 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:347 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:170 [ref. 38945], Koerber et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40665], Marceniuk et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40422], Limeira-Filho et al. 2024:6 [ref. 41573], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Sciades couma (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Gulf of Paria to mouth of Amazon River (Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela) (predominately in brackish water). IUCN (2010): Least Concern. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

crassilabris, Hemipimelodus Ramsay [E. P.] & Ogilby [J. D.] 1886:18 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 1); ref. 14464] Strickland River, New Guinea. Holotype: AMS B.9961. Paratypes: QM I.857 (1). Type catalog: Desoutter 1977 [ref. 20628], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemipimelodus crassilabris Ramsay & Ogilby 1886 -- (Desoutter 1977:11 [ref. 20628], Roberts 1978:38 [ref. 8886]). •Valid as Arius crassilabris (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860], Allen 1991:52 [ref. 21090]). •Valid as Cinetodus crassilabris (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Allen et al. 2000:50 [ref. 27467], Kailola 2004:133 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Pachyula crassilabris (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:89 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:55 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2023:46 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Pachyula crassilabris (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea). Habitat: freshwater.

crinalis, Bagrus Richardson [J.] 1846:282 [Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 15th meeting [1845]; ref. 3742] Canton, China. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Appeared as ?Bagrus crinalis. Based solely on illustration by Reeves (see Whitehead 1970:210, Pl. 19c [ref. 11606]). See Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius falcarius Richardson 1845 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southeastern China (if valid). Habitat: brackish, marine.

crossocheilos, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:46 [172] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: RMNH 6894 (1 or more of 3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:46 [ref. 313]. See acount of Arius tonggol for first reviser information provided by Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus crossocheilos (Bleeker 1846) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius crossocheilos Bleeker 1846 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860] as crossocheilus, Kailola 1999:1844 [ref. 24732] as "Arius" crossocheilus, Tan & Ng 1999:296 [ref. 24254], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122] as "Arius" crossocheilus, Ng 2003:2 [ref. 27208] as crossocheilus, Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377]). •Valid as Plicofollis crossocheilos (Bleeker 1846) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2023:26 [ref. 40422]). •Synonym of Plicofollis tonggol (Bleeker 1846) -- (Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:251 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis tonggol (Bleeker 1846). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

cruciger, Arius Owen [R.] 1853:26 [Descriptive catalogue of the osteological series; ref. 4988] Ganges River. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:106 [ref. 29155]. Also seen as crucigera. •Species inquirenda in Rita -- (Ferraris 2007:106 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rita rita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:197 [ref. 24904], Jayaram 2006:19 [ref. 28762], Grant 2020:25 [ref. 38010]). Current status: Synonym of Rita rita (Hamilton 1822). Ritidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

curtisii, Arius Castelnau [F. L.] 1878:236 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 2 (pt 3); ref. 761] Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Syntypes: MNHN B-0693 (1, poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:8 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius graeffei Kner & Steindachner 1867 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Kailola 1999:1849 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Ariopsis graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:352 [ref. 28997]). •Synonym of Neoarius graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Neoarius graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

danielsi, Arius (Hemiarius) Regan [C. T.] 1908:154 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 1 (no. 2); ref. 14340] Fly River, New Guinea. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1905.8.15.21. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius danielsi Regan 1908 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Kailola 1999:1845 [ref. 24732], Allen et al. 2000:41 [ref. 27467]). •Valid as Cochlefelis danielsi (Regan 1908) -- (Roberts 1978:45 [ref. 8886], Roberts 1989:511 [ref. 6439], Allen 1991:58 [ref. 21090], Kailola 2004:134 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:53 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155], Allen et al. 2008:47 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2012:642 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2023:42 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cochlefelis danielsi (Regan 1908). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

dasycephalus, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:157, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Oahu Island, Hawaiian Islands [in error]. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1855.9.19.1100. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. See Mundy 2005:154 [ref. 28379] for comments on type locality. The original locality of Sandwich Islands is in error. •Valid as Arius dasycephalus Günther 1864 -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:67 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:60 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:867 [ref. 22829]). •Valid as Ariopsis dasycephalus (Günther 1864) -- (Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807]). •Valid as Cathorops dasycephalus (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:43 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk 2007:46 [ref. 29324], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:400 [ref. 34894]). •Valid as Cathorops (Precathorops) dasycephalus (Günther 1864) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:42 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:274 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:641 [ref. 32225], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], González-Murcia et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36544], Marceniuk et al. 2023:14 [ref. 40422] in subgenus Precathorops, Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:193 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops dasycephalus (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South and Central America in eastern Pacific drainages: Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico and Panama. Habitat: brackish, marine.

dayi, Arius Dmitrenko [E. M.] 1974:39, Figs. 1-2 [Vestnik Zoologii v. 1974 (no. 3); ref. 7499] Masir Strait, Gulf of Oman, 19°47.8'N, 58°28.3'E. Holotype: NMNHU Pi 2/1-2. Paratypes: YUGNIRO (several), ONUZM (1) Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Manilo 2021:28 [ref. 39358]. •Synonym of Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1842 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

despaxi, Arius Puyo [J.] 1936:110, Fig. 17D [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 71 (no. 4); ref. 15298] Cayenne River, French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1936-0161. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:9 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155] •Synonym of Arius parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Aspistor luniscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:448 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Sciades emphysetus (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:105 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2008:828 [ref. 29950]). Current status: Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

dieperinki, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1862:375 [5] [Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeling Natuurkunde. v. 14; ref. 390] Suriname. Holotype (unique): RMNH 3038. Type information: Van der Stigchel 1947:33 [ref. 13094]. On p. 5 of separate. The type of this species is also the type of Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes 1840 (see Boeseman 1972:309 [ref. 19698]). •Synonym of cf. Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes 1840 but genus uncertain -- (Kailola 2004:145 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Marceniuk 2005:95 [ref. 28718]). •Synonym of Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes 1840 as incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Notarius phrygiatus (Valenciennes 1840). Current status: Synonym of Notarius phrygiatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

digulensis, Arius Hardenberg [J. D. F.] 1936:369 [Treubia, Buitenzorg v. 15 (pt 4); ref. 13699] Middle course of Digul River, southern New Guinea. Holotype (unique): ZMA 110781. Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:37 [ref. 19236], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius digulensis Hardenberg 1936 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius latirostris Macleay 1883 -- (Allen 1991:53 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Ariopsis latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Neoarius latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Potamosilurus latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:101 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Papuarius latirostris (Macleay 1883). Current status: Synonym of Papuarius latirostris (Macleay 1883). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

dioctes, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 2000:128, Figs. 1-2 [The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory v. 16; ref. 25113] Norman River at Karumba, 17°29'S, 140°50'E, Queensland, Australia. Holotype: CSIRO C 3798. Paratypes: AMS I.15557-041 (2), I.29292-001 (1); CSIRO H 154-01 (1); KFRS F.04094 (1); NTM S.11190-001 (2), S.14828-005 (1); plus non-type material. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:44 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius dioctes Kailola 2000 -- (Ng 2003:11 [ref. 27208]). •Valid as Cochlefelis dioctes (Kailola 2000) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:53 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:48 [ref. 30265]). •Valid as Hemiarius dioctes (Kailola 2000) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:353 [ref. 28997], Ferraris 2007:44 [ref. 29155]. Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35250]). •Valid as Aceroichthys dioctes (Kailola 2000) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:38 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Aceroichthys dioctes (Kailola 2000). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Australia and New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea). Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

dispar, Arius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1926:405, Pl. 1 (fig. 6) [Philippine Journal of Science v. 31 (no. 3); ref. 10951] Paco market, Manila, Philippines. Holotype: BSMP (presumed destroyed). Paratypes: BSMP (4) presumed destroyed. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius dispar Herre 1926 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Kailola 1999:1846 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:11 [ref. 27208], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:16 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Motomura et al. 2017:47 [ref. 35490], Jamandre 2023:174 [ref. 40455], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius dispar Herre 1926. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Philippines, Taiwan and possibly northern Borneo. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

doriae, Arius Vinciguerra [D.] 1881:174, Figured [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova v. 16; ref. 14291] Sarawak, Malaysia, Borneo. Syntypes: (3) MSNG 8135 (2), RMNH 10889 (1). Type catalog: Tortonese 1963:306 [ref. 10351], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius doriae Vinciguerra 1881 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Kottelat & Lim 1996:243 [ref. 23210], Tan & Ng 1999:296 [ref. 24254], Kailola 1999:1837 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122]). •Possible synonym of Cephalocassis melanochir (Bleeker 1852) -- (Kailola 2004:133 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Cephalocassis melanochir (Bleeker 1852). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Borneo [if valid]. Habitat: freshwater.

dowii, Leptarius Gill [T. N.] 1863:171 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 15; ref. 1681] Western coast of Central America. Holotype (unique): USNM 4973 (lost). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155], Smith 2018:81 [ref. 36061]. Also seen as dovii. •Valid as Arius dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Sciadeichthys dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:69 [ref. 22193]). •Valid as Selanaspis [sic] dowi (Gill 1963) -- (Bussing & López S. 1994:60 [ref. 23101]). •Valid as Selenaspis dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:886 [ref. 22829]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Sciades hymenorrhinos (Bleeker 1862) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:144 [ref. 24550] as hymenorrhinus, Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Sciades dowii (Gill 1863) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:105 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:347 [ref. 29268], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:399 [ref. 34894], Marceniuk et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Sciades dowii (Gill 1863). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Colombia, Panama and Ecuador. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

dussumieri, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:84 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Malabar, India. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9401. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:6 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Ariodes dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Taylor 1986:212 [ref. 6282]). •Valid as Arius dussumieri Valenciennes 1840 -- (Taylor 1986:154 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Carpenter et al. 1997:121 [ref. 23922], Kailola 1999:1847 [ref. 24732] as "Arius", Mishra & Srinivasan 1999:239 [ref. 24754], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122] as "Arius", Ng 2003:2 [ref. 27208], Ng & Sparks 2003:4 [ref. 27207], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377]). •Valid as Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:250 [reg. 32989], Psomadakis et al. 2015:167 [ref. 34104], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Fricke et al. 2018:62 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:37 [ref. 36273], Eagderi et al. 2019:131 [ref. 37020], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:310 [ref. 37272], Kailola 2022:197 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:26 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: East Africa, Persian Gulf and Madagascar east to Indonesia and Thailand. Habitat: brackish, marine.

eigenmanni, Galeichthys Gilbert [C. H.] & Starks [E. C.] 1904:21, Pl. 4 (fig. 8 [not 7]) [Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences v. 4; ref. 1639] Panama. Holotype: CAS-SU 6986. Paratypes: (11) BMNH 1903.5.15.319-320; CAS-SU 12878-80 (1, 1, 1); USNM 50379 (1); ZMB 15858 [ex USNM] (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291], Ferraris & Vari 1992:8 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius seemanni Günther 1864 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:874 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Sciades seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:110 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35431]). Current status: Synonym of Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

elatturus, Arius Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.] 1883:45 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 2 (for 1882); ref. 2475] Panama. Syntypes: USNM 29408 (1, missing), 30995 (1 of 2). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771] dated 1882, Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. Aarius elatturus and Arius insculptus were described in the same paper; according to Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Bentancur-R. & Acero P. serve as first reviser. See Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155] for comments on lack of a holotype. •Synonym of Arius kessleri Steindachner 1876 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:869 [ref. 22829]). •Probable synonym of Arius kessleri Steindachner 1876 -- (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:136 [ref. 26190]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Aspistor kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Notarius kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Notarius insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:7 [ref. 28008], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Notarius insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

equestris, Arius Baird [S. F.] & Girard [C. F.] 1854:26 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 7; ref. 168] Matagorda Bay, at Indianola, Calhoun County, Texas, U.S.A., Gulf of Mexico. Holotype: USNM 836. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771]. •Synonym of Sciades felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:107 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:15 [ref. 35431]). Current status: Synonym of Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

falcarius, Arius Richardson [J.] 1845:134, Pl. 62 (figs. 7-9) [Ichthyology.--Part 3. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Sulphur.; ref. 20575] Canton, China. Possible syntypes: (2) BMNH 2005.9.12.2 (1), 2005.9.12.1 (1, half skin). Type information: Whitehead 1970:210 [ref. 11606]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius sinensis Valenciennes 1844 -- (Ni & Wu in Kuang et al. 1986:171 [ref. 26639] dated 1844, Lu in Pan et al. 1991:323 [ref. 23876], Cheng & Zhou 1997:204 [ref. 26385], Dai in Chu et al. 1999:184 [ref. 24534]). •Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 1999:1840 [ref. 24732], Kottelat 2001:56 [ref. 25482], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Kailola 2022:186 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

fangi, Arius Chaux [J.] in Chaux & Fang 1949:194, Fig. 1 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 2) v. 21 (no. 2); ref. 13004] Tonkin, Vietnam. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1966-0726. •Tentative synonym of Arius arenarius (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Kottelat 2001:56 [ref. 25482]). •Synonym of Arius arenarius (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arius arenarius (Müller & Troschel 1849). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

feliceps, Galeichthys Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:29, Pl. 424 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Vicinity of Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Syntypes: MNHN A-9361 to A-9365 (1 ea. = 5, mounted). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:9 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Arius feliceps (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Galeichthys feliceps Valenciennes 1840 -- (Taylor 1986:157 [ref. 6195], Taylor 1990:233 [ref. 14194], Bianchi & Carpenter in Bianchi et al. 1993:138 [ref. 25472], Santos et al. 1997:122 [ref. 23531], Arruda 1997:40 [ref. 24952], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:112 [ref. 28072], Kailola 2004:136 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:63 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155], Acero-P. and Betancur-R. 2007:139 [ref. 29200], Kulongowski 2010:13 [ref. 30940], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1750 [ref. 34564], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805], Carneiro et al. 2019:82 [ref. 37250], Russell & van Oijen 2021:435 [ref. 38177], Kailola 2022:192 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Galeichthys feliceps Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Galeichthyinae. Distribution: Southeastern Atlantic, southwestern Indian Ocean: Walvis Bay (Namibia) south to Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), then north to Transkei (South Africa); southern Madagascar. Habitat: brackish, marine.

felis, Silurus Linnaeus [C.] (ex Garden) 1766:503 [Systema naturae sive regna tria naturae v. 1 (pt 1); ref. 2786] Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, U.S.A. Neotype: BMNH 1985.11.11.1. Type information: Goode & Bean 1885:205 [ref. 1841], Wheeler 1985:33 [ref. 20705] but obviated by Opinion 1547 where a neotype was established. Original description based on manuscript by A. Garden [South Carolina]. •Valid as Arius felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Lee et al. 1980:476 [ref. 22416], Robins & Ray 1986:83 [ref. 23100], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Boschung 1992:67 [ref. 23239], Gamboa Pérez 1992:307 [ref. 38704], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:361 [ref. 23897]). •Valid as Sciades felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:107 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225]). •Valid as Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:153 [ref. 24550], Acero P. 2003:840 [ref. 26998], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:351 [ref. 27995], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Miller 2006:168 [ref. 28615], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:348 [ref. 29268], Betancur-R. & Willink 2007:826 [ref. 29439], García-Hernández et al. 2009:91 [ref. 37265], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Marceniuk et al. 2017:14 [ref. 35431], Raz-Guzmán et al. 2018:344 [ref. 36407], Robins et al. 2018:151 [ref. 35886], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2020:202 [ref. 38085], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Marceniuk et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:189 [ref. 41622], Salah et al. 2024:265 [ref. 41221]). Current status: Valid as Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Massachusetts south to Florida (U.S.A.), including Gulf of Mexico (U.S.A., Mexico). Invasive in eastern Mediterranean Sea. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

festae, Arius Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:5 [Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino v. 13 (no. 329); ref. 14677] Narrangal [Naranjal], western Ecuador. Holotype (unique): MZUT 1479. Type catalog: Tortonese 1940:136 [ref. 21559], Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius festae Boulenger 1898 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:33 [ref. 37559]). •Status uncertain -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:866 [ref. 22829]). •Species inquirenda in Ariridae -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:453 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). •In genus of Cathorops -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:13 [ref. 28008]). •Species inquirenda in Cathorops -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:46 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2009:274 [ref. 30406]). •Valid as Cathorops festae (Boulenger 1898) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2016:139 [ref. 34763], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops festae (Boulenger 1898). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: Ecuador and Peru. Habitat: brackish, marine.

festinus, Arius Ng [H. H.] & Sparks [J. S.] 2003:5, Fig. 4 [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 735; ref. 27207] Amboaboa River, near its confluence with the Mangarahara River (left bank tributary of the Sofia River), 15°50'01"S, 48°42'52"E, Madagascar. Holotype: UMMZ 239806. Paratypes: AMNH 211457 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805]. •Possibly valid as Ariopsis festinus (Ng & Sparks 2003) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Arius festinus Ng & Sparks 2003 -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:16 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805]). •Valid as Betancurichthys festinus (Ng & Sparks 2003) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:30 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Betancurichthys festinus (Ng & Sparks 2003). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southwestern Indian Ocean: Amboaboa River drainage, northeastern Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

fissus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:107 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Suriname. Holotype (unique): RMNH 3036. Type information: Boeseman 1972:295 [ref. 19698]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. For locality information see Boeseman 1972:295 [ref. 19698]. Marceniuk & Ferraris 2003:449 [ref. 27061] act as first reviser in giving precedence to Arius arenatus over A. fissus. •Status uncertain -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Cathorops fissus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Le Bail et al. 2000:34 [ref. 24549], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192]). •Synonym of Cathorops spixii (Agassiz 1829) -- (Acero P. 2003:849 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Cathorops arenatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk 2005:97 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:43 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk 2007:363 [ref. 29509], Marceniuk et al. 2012:91 [ref. 31865]). Current status: Synonym of Cathorops arenatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

froggatti, Arius Ramsay [E. P.] & Ogilby [J. D.] 1886:14 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 1); ref. 14464] Strickland River, New Guinea. Holotype (unique): AMS B.9936. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius froggatti Ramsay & Ogilby 1886 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Cinetodus froggatti (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Roberts 1978:41 [ref. 8886], Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442], Larson & Martin 1990:14 [ref. 16606], Allen 1991:57 [ref. 21090], Kailola 1999:1876 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2000:137 [ref. 25113], Allen et al. 2000:51 [ref. 27467], Allen et al. 2002:74 [ref. 25930], Kailola 2004:133 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:353 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:51 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155], Allen et al. 2008:46 [ref. 30265], Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:21 [ref. 35250], Marceniuk et al. 2023:41 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cinetodus froggatti (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Papua Province, Indonesia; Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

fuerthii, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1876:579 [29] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] (Pacific) Panama. Syntypes: (4) MCZ 4943 (2), 4973 (3), 7691 (1); NMW 50568 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. On p. 29 of separate. Species originally spelled fürthii; corrected to fuerthii as based on German name. •Valid as Arius fuerthii Steindachner 1876 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:33 [ref. 37559] as furthii, Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860] as furthi). •Valid as "Cathorops" fuerthii (Steindachner 1876) -- (Bussing & López S. 1994:58 [ref. 23101], Miller 2006:171 [ref. 28615]). •Valid as Cathorops fuerthii (Steindachner 1876) -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:68 [ref. 22193] as furthii, Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:880 [ref. 22829], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:59 [ref. 24545], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:161 [ref. 24555], Castro-Arguirre et al. 1999:146 [ref. 24550] as fuerthi, Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2005:54 [ref. 28341], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:44 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk 2007:46 [ref. 29324], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:42 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:249 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:399 [ref. 34894], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], González-Murcia et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36544], Angulo 2021:7 [ref. 38913], Angulo et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422], Siccha-Ramirez et al. 2023:136 [ref. 40816]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops fuerthii (Steindachner 1876). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Mexico south to Peru (Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru) [but no recent records from Colombia and south; Mexico to El Salvador also questioned]. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

fuscus, Ancharius Steindachner [F.] 1880:158 [Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 17 (no. 19) (for 18 July 1880); ref. 20481] Tohizona, Madagascar. Holotype (unique): NMW 48093. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:60 [ref. 35805]. Species illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner 1880:251 [p. 14 of separate], pls. 3 (fig. 3), 4, [ref. 4230]. •Valid as Arius fuscus (Steindachner 1880) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Ancharius fuscus Steindachner 1880 -- (Taylor 1986:153 [ref. 6195], Burgess & Finley 1996:165 [ref. 22901], Ng & Sparks 2005:304 [ref. 28397], Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:60 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Ancharius fuscus Steindachner 1880. Anchariidae. Distribution: Eastern Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

gagora, Pimelodus Hamilton [F.] 1822:167, 376, Pl. 10 (fig. 54) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal estuaries, India. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 93 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Tachysurus gagora (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800], Ataur Rahman 1989:232 [ref. 24860]). •Valid as Arius gagora (Hamilton 1822) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:702 [ref. 20764], Kailola 1999:1848 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ataur Rahman 2003:255 [ref. 31338] as arias, Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Jayaram 2006:342 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:17 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 7 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:306 [ref. 37272], Kailola 2022:187 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius gagora (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean, South Asia, Southeast Asia: India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

gagorides, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:441 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] Ganges River, India. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9330 (mounted). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:3 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius gagorides (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Hemiarius sona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

gagoroides, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:42 [168] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: SMNS 10567 (2). Type catalog: Fricke 1991:8 [ref. 13474], Fricke 2005:13 [ref. 29864], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:42 [ref. 313]. •Probable synonym of Arius sona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 1999:1863 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

gigas, Arius Boulenger [G. A.] 1911:386, Fig. 298 [Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa v. 2; ref. 579] Lokoja, Upper Niger River, Nigeria. Holotype: BMNH 1904.1.20.41. Paratypes or additional material: BMNH 2020.7.23.1 (1, skeleton), (1, skeleton) "types" of A. latiscutatus. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius gigas Boulenger 1911 -- (Taylor 1986:154 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Taylor 1990:230 [ref. 14194], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:566 [ref. 21590]). •Mention -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Carlarius gigas (Boulenger 1911) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:37 [ref. 29031], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1745 [ref. 34564], Marceniuk et al. 2023:25 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Carlarius gigas (Boulenger 1911). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Africa: Volta, Niger and other rivers. Habitat: freshwater.

gilberti, Galeichthys Jordan [D. S.] & Williams [T. M.] in Jordan 1895:395, Pl. 26 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 5; ref. 2394] Upper part of astillero at Mazatlán, Sinaloa, western Mexico. Holotype: USNM 29213. Paratypes: BMNH 1895.5.27.244-246 (3); CAS-SU 1667 (2), 11666-68 (1, 1, 1); USNM 28161 (1, missing), 28189 (1), 28210 (1, missing), 28213 (1, missing), 28221 (2, missing), 28232 (1), 28276 (1), 28304 (1); ZMB 14043 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291], Ferraris & Vari 1992:8 [ref. 19771], Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Galeichthys gilberti Jordan & Williams 1895 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius seemanni Günther 1864 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:874 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:156 [ref. 24550] as seemani, Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Sciades seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:110 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Ariopsis gilberti (Jordan & Williams 1895) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2017:19 [ref. 35431], Marceniuk et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:190 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Ariopsis gilberti (Jordan & Williams 1895). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Laguna de San Juan (Sonora) to Mar Muerto (Chiapas), Mexico endemic. Habitat: brackish, marine.

godfreyi, Tachysurus (Pararius) Whitley [G. P.] 1941:11, Fig. 8 (nos. 3-4) [Australian Zoologist v. 10 (pt 1); ref. 4701] Port Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype (unique): AMS I.5270. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius mastersi Ogilby 1898 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442], Kailola 1999:1856 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Sciades mastersi (Ogilby 1898) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:108 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys mastersi (Ogilby 1898) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:354 [ref. 28997], Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Pararius mastersi (Ogilby 1898). Current status: Synonym of Pararius mastersi (Ogilby 1898). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

goniaspis, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1857:44 [Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae v. 3 (art. 9); ref. 359] Priaman, western Sumatra, Indonesia. Syntypes: (2) BMNH 1863.12.4.159 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:78 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius goniaspis Bleeker 1857 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Tan & Ng 1999:296 [ref. 24254]). •Probable synonym of "Arius" dussumieri Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1847 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:250 [reg. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

graeffei, Arius Kner [R.] & Steindachner [F.] 1867:383 [28], Pl. 4 (fig. 12) [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 54 (pt 3); ref. 2640] Samoa [doubtful]. Holotype: NMW 67152. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. On p. 28 of separate. •Valid as Arius graeffei Kner & Steindachner 1867 -- (Allen & Swainston 1988:36 [ref. 25477], Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Larson & Martin 1990:7 [ref. 16606], Allen 1991:53 [ref. 21090], Pollard & Rimmer in McDowall 1996:107 [ref. 22909], Allen 1997:60 [ref. 23977] as graefei, Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Kailola 1999:1849 [ref. 24732], Johnson 1999:723 [ref. 25471], Kailola 2000:137 [ref. 25113], Allen et al. 2000:42 [ref. 27467], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847], Allen et al. 2002:71 [ref. 25930], Morgan et al. 2004:150 [ref. 27718]). •Valid as Ariopsis graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:351 [ref. 28997]). •Valid as Neoarius graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:77 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Morgan et al. 2011:10 [ref. 31262], Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988] dated 1876, Morgan et al. 2014:13 [ref. 36567], Pusey et al. 2017:22 [ref. 35250], Marceniuk et al. 2023:45 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Neoarius graeffei (Kner & Steindachner 1867). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern New Guinea and northern Australia, south to Pilbara (Western Australia) and New South Wales (Australia). Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

grandicassis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:54, Pl. 427 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Guyana. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4608. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:15 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius grandicassis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Shimizu in Uyeno et al. 1983:157 [ref. 14275], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:133 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:257 [ref. 23827], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221] as grandicasis, Le Bail et al. 2000:14 [ref. 24549], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:10 [ref. 26521], Acero P. 2003:841 [ref. 26998]). •Valid as Hemiarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Notarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:43 [ref. 27192], Marceniuk 2005:98 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:82 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Catelani et al. 2014:931 [ref. 37496], Marceniuk et al. 2017:278 [ref. 35197], Spier et al. 2018:7 [ref. 36103], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:169 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:73 [ref. 40480], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Notarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: Gulf of Venezuela to mouth of Amazon River (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

grandoculis, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1877:644 [86], Pl. 11 [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4224] Rio Doce, southeastern Brazil. Holotype (unique): NMW 48272. Additional material: MCZ 7680-81 (1, 2) Steindachner specimens. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155]. On p. 86 of separate. Misspelled as granducolis in figure index. •Status uncertain -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Potamarius grandoculis (Steindachner 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:43 [ref. 27192], Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:98 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:98 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Catelani et al. 2014:931 [ref. 37496]). •Valid as Paragenidens grandoculis (Steindachner 1877) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2019:430 [ref. 36658], Marceniuk et al. 2023:18 [ref. 40422], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:42 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Paragenidens grandoculis (Steindachner 1877). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: coastal lakes and estuaries of southeastern Brazil. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

granosus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:69 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Puducherry, India. Holotype (unique): MNHN B-0681. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:6 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155] See Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Arius nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

granulatus, Arius Peters [W. (C. H.)] 1868:454 [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1868; ref. 7935] Lagos, Nigeria. Holotype: ZMB 6780. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius parkii Günther 1864 -- (Taylor 1986:156 [ref. 6195], Taylor 1990:232 [ref. 14194], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:568 [ref. 21590]). •Synonym of Arius parkii Günther 1864 as incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Carlarius parkii (Günther 1864) -- (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1748 [ref. 34564]). Current status: Synonym of Carlarius parkii (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

guatemalensis, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:145 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Guatemala. Syntypes: BMNH 1853.1.11.6 (1), 1864.1.26.262 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius guatemalensis Günther 1864 -- (Villa 1982:115 [ref. 36708], Allen & Robertson 1994:67 [ref. 22193], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Bussing & López S. 1994:60 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:868 [ref. 22829], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:56 [ref. 24545] as guatermalensis, Bussing 1998:138 [ref. 24179], Miller 2006:168 [ref. 28615]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Sciades guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:107 [ref. 29031], Matamoros et al. 2009:10 [ref. 31241], Romero-Berny et al. 2018:89 [ref. 35859]). •Valid as Ariopsis guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:154 [ref. 24550], Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Love et al. 2005:27 [ref. 37547], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:348 [ref. 29268], McMahan et al. 2013:444 [ref. 32422], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Marceniuk et al. 2017:22 [ref. 35431], González-Murcia et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36544], Love et al. 2021:45 [ref. 39279], Angulo et al. 2023:28 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:190 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Ariopsis guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Costa Rica, including Gulf of California (Mexico). Habitat: brackish, marine.

guentheri, Galeichthys Regan [C. T.] 1907:124, Pl. 16 (fig. 1), 19 (fig. 3) [Biologia Centrali-Americana Part 215; ref. 3629] Gulf of Mexico. Syntypes: BMNH 1855.9.19.1105-1106 (2). Additional material: ?BMNH (1) New Orleans, Louisiana. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (authors). •Synonym of Sciades felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:107 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:153 [ref. 24550], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:15 [ref. 35431], Fricke et al. 2024:189 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

hainesi, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 2000:139, Figs. 9-11 [The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory v. 16; ref. 25113] Ludmilla Creek, 12°27'S, 130°46'E, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype: NTM S.11507-001. Paratypes: AMS I.25995-001 (1), I.25996-001 (1), I.27414-001 (1); CSIRO C 3799 (1), H 4545-01 (2), H 4937-03 (1), H 5252-01 (2); NTM S.10190-002 (2); QM I.22657 (1); USNM 288553 (1); plus non-type material. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Amissidens hainesi (Kailola 2000) -- (Kailola 2004:125 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:351 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:11 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:37 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35250]). •Valid as Neoarius hainesi (Kailola 2000) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:45 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Neoarius hainesi (Kailola 2000). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern New Guinea, northern Australia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

hamiltonis, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:291 [Natuur-en Geneeskundig Archief voor Neȇrlandsch Indië v. 3 (2); ref. 19349] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: RMNH 6895 (some of 12). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]. Also appeared in Bleeker 1846:47 [ref. 313]. •Synonym of "Arius" argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

hardenbergi, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 2000:137, Figs. 7-8 [The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory v. 16; ref. 25113] Manimeri River, 2°06'S, 133°45'E, Bintuni Bay, West Papua (Irian Jaya). Holotype: WAM P.29966-001. Paratypes: AMS I.29291-001 (2), NCIP 436 (1), QM I.26088 (1); plus non-type material. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155], Moore et al. 2008:7 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Aspisor hardenbergi (Kailola 2000) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Hemiarius hardenbergi (Kailola 2000) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:68 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2023:32 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Hemiarius hardenbergi (Kailola 2000). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: New Guinea. Habitat: brackish, marine.

harmandi, Hemiarius Sauvage [H.-E.] 1880:230 [20] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 4; ref. 3889] Isle de Phu-Quoc, Gulf of Thailand. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-2390. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:15 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155] On p. 20 of separate. •Valid as Arius harmandi (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kailola 1999:1850 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Ng 2003:11 [ref. 27208]). •Valid, but incertae sedis as cf. Arius harmandi (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kailola 2004:145 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Hemiarius harmandi Sauvage 1880 -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:68 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2023:32 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Hemiarius harmandi Sauvage 1880. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Borneo (?) and Thailand. Habitat: brackish.

hassleriana, Netuma Borodin [N. A.] 1934:33, Fig. B [Copeia 1934 (no. 1); ref. 16412] (Pacific) Panama. Holotype: MCZ 33213 [ex MCZ 4965]. Paratypes: MCZ 4965 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. •Status uncertain, in Arius -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:866 [ref. 22829]). •Species inquirenda in Arridae -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:453 [ref. 27061]). •Possible synonym of Notarius kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:13 [ref. 28008]). •Synonym of Notarius kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Notarius kessleri (Steindachner 1876). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

hastatus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:97 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] India. Holotype (unique): MNHN B-0591. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:29 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:105 [ref. 29155]. Type information: Daget 1984:514 [ref. 23265]. Figured on Pl. 18 (fig. 2) of Valenciennes in Jacquemont 1844 [ref. 17872]. •Valid as Rita hastata (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Daget 1984:514 [ref. 23265]). •Synonym of Rita kuturnee (Sykes 1839) -- (Menon 1999:196 [ref. 24904], Jayaram 2006:16 [ref. 28762], Ferraris 2007:105 [ref. 29155], Lal et al. 2017:68 [ref. 34862], Grant 2020:25 [ref. 38010]). Current status: Synonym of Rita kuturnee (Sykes 1839). Ritidae. Habitat: freshwater.

heckelii, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:42 [169] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:42 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Uncertain as Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

herzbergii, Silurus Bloch [M. E.] 1794:33, Pl. 367 [Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische v. 8; ref. 463] Suriname. Syntypes: ZMB 2962 (1), 8785 (1, right skin). Type catalog: Paepke 1999:46 [ref. 24282], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155] On p. 24 of Bloch's Ichthyologie, v. 11 [ref. 21381]. •Valid as Arius herzbergii (Bloch 1794) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:135 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:257 [ref. 23827], González Bencomo et al. 1997:158 [ref. 24960], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Le Bail et al. 2000:16 [ref. 24549], Marín 2000:67 [ref. 26252], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:41 [ref. 27192]). •Valid as Selanaspis herzbergii (Bloch 1794) -- (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:10 [ref. 26521], Acero P. 2003:851 [ref. 26998]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys herzbergii (Bloch 1794) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Sciades herzbergii (Bloch 1794) -- (Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:99 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:108 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:347 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Costa et al. 2017:45 [ref. 35684], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:171 [ref. 38945], Koerber et al. 2022:63 [ref. 39235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Sciades herzbergii (Bloch 1794). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Caribbean and Atlantic draining rivers and estuaries from Colombia to Brazil (Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

heudelotii, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:73, Pl. 428 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Senegal. Syntypes: MNHN B-0689 (2). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:8 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius heudelotii Valenciennes 1840 -- (Taylor 1986:154 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Taylor 1990:230 [ref. 14194], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:567 [ref. 21590]). •Mention -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Carlarius heudelotii (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:37 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1746 [ref. 34564], Fermon et al. 2022:153 [ref. 39448], Marceniuk et al. 2023:25 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Carlarius heudelotii (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Niger River basin, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria and Senegal, Gabon, Angola (?). Habitat: freshwater.

hypophthalmus, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1876:581 [31], Pl. 10 [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] Panama. Holotype (unique): not yet found at NMW or MCZ. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. On p. 31 of separate. See van Oijen et al. 2009:236 [ref. 30423] as hypophthalums in main heaading.. •Valid as Cathorops hypophthalmus (Steindachner 1876) -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:69 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:56, 58 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:879 [ref. 22829], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:44 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk 2007:46 [ref. 29324], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:42 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:274 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops hypophthalmus (Steindachner 1876). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Central America: Pacific River drainages, Panama. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

insculptus, Arius Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.] 1883:41 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 2 (for 1882); ref. 2475] Panama (Pacific). Syntypes: USNM 29415 (1), 30977 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:7 [ref. 28008], but that is not accepted (see Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Arius kessleri Steindachner 1877 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:869 [ref. 22829]). •Probable synonym of Arius kessleri Steindachner 1877 -- (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:136 [ref. 26190]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys kessleri (Steindachner 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Ariopsis insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Notarius insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:7 [ref. 28008], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2006:54 [ref. 28736], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], Marceniuk et al. 2017:276 [ref. 35197], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Panama to Ecuador. Habitat: brackish, marine.

insidiator, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 2000:131, Figs. 3-4 [The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory v. 16; ref. 25113] Mouth of Wildman River, 12°26'S, 132°09'E, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype: NTM S.11189-001. Paratypes: AMS I.28960-001 (1); KFRS F.03302 (1), F.5526-01 (1, missing 2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. Specimens not found in KFRS F.03302 (Pogonoski, Appleyard & White, pers. comm. 9/18/2016). •Valid as Hemiarius insidiator (Kailola 2000) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:353 [ref. 28997], Ferraris 2007:44 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988]). •Valid as Cochlefelis insidiator (Kailola 2000) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:54 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2023:42 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cochlefelis insidiator (Kailola 2000). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

insularum, Netuma Greene [F. H.] in Gilbert 1897:439 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 19 (no. 1115); ref. 1629] Gulf of Panama [not Galápagos Islands]. Holotype: USNM 47577. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:8 [ref. 19771] with remarks that published type-locality is erroneous; Snodgrass and Heller (1905) corrected locality to Gulf of Panama, Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius kessleri Steindachner 1877 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:869 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys kessleri (Steindachner 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Notarius insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:7 [ref. 28008]). •Synonym of Aspistor kessleri (Steindachner 1877) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Notarius kessleri (Steindachner 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Notarius insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155] dated 1882). Current status: Synonym of Notarius insculptus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

intermedius, Hemipimelodus Vinciguerra [D.] 1881:178, Figured [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova v. 16; ref. 14291] Sarawak, Malaysia, Borneo. Syntypes: MSNG 14529 (2) Sarawak. Type catalog: Tortonese 1963:308 [ref. 10351], Desoutter 1977 [ref. 20628], Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155].. •Valid as Hemipimelodus intermedius Vinciguerra 1881 -- (Desoutter 1977:11 [ref. 20628], Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860], Rainboth 1996:167 [ref. 22772]). •Valid as Arius intermedius (Vinciguerra 1881) -- (Kailola 1999:1837 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:2 [ref. 27208]). •Possible synonym of Cephalocassis borneensis (Bleeker 1851) -- (Kailola 2004:133 [ref. 28108]). •Questionably a synonym of Cephalocassis borneensis (Bleeker 1851) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:49 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Cephalocassis -- (Ferraris 2007:42 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Hemipimelodus borneensis (Bleeker 1851) Current status: Uncertain as Hemipimelodus borneensis (Bleeker 1851). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

jacksonensis, Netuma thalassina Whitley [G. P.] 1941:12, Fig. 8 (nos. 1-2) [Australian Zoologist v. 10 (pt 1); ref. 4701] Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Holotype: AMS I.10095. Paratypes: AMS I.4689 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:355 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:80 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

jatius, Pimelodus Hamilton [F.] 1822:171, 376 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal, India. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]. Name is a noun in apposition (Kottelat 2013). •Valid as Hemipimelodus jatius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:49 [ref. 6800], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:708 [ref. 20764], Jayaram 2006:332 [ref. 28762]). •Valid as Cephalocassis jatius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155] as jatia, Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321] as jatia). •Valid as Arius jatius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:17 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius jatius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Indian Ocean: India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

jella, Arius Day [F.] 1877:467, Pl. 106 (fig. 3) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Madras, Coromandel Coast, India. Syntypes: ZSI 1304 (1, figured specimen). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. •Probable synonym of Arius gagora (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 1999:1848 [ref. 24732]). •Species inquirenda in Arius -- (Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Arius gagoa (Hamilton 1922) -- (Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989] with question). •Valid as Arius jella Day 1877 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Khan 2003:8 [ref. 27710], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108] with question, Jayaram 2006:343 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:17 [ref. 29031], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Kailola 2022:187 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius jella Day 1877. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Indian Ocean: southwestern India and Sri Lanka to Bangladesh. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

jordani, Tachisurus Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:142 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] (Pacific) Panama. Syntypes: MCZ 4945 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. Original genus is correctly Trachysurus. •Valid as Hexanematichthys jordani (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:33 [ref. 37559]). •Valid as Arius jordani (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius seemanni Günther 1864 -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:68 [ref. 22193], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:874 [ref. 22829], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:160 [ref. 24555]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Sciades seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:110 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:156 [ref. 24550] as seemani, Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35431]). Current status: Synonym of Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

kanganamanensis, Arius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:387, Fig. 32 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 18 (no. 12); ref. 2109] Sepik River at Kanganaman (175 miles from sea), New Guinea. Holotype: FMNH 17194. Paratypes: CAS-SU 24450 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:40-41 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:11 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius kanganamanensis Herre 1935 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius solidus Herre 1935 -- (Kailola 1990:9 [ref. 19337] as kanganamensis, Allen & Coates 1990:59 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:55 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935) -- (Kailola 2004:131 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:36 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

kessleri, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1876:574 [24], Pl. 5 [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] Altata, (Pacific) Panama. Syntypes: (several) MCZ 4944 (6); NMW 48112 (1), 48247-49 (1, 1, 2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. On p. 24 of separate. •Valid as Arius kessleri Steindachner 1876 -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:67 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:62 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:869 [ref. 22829], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:151 [ref. 24550], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:133 [ref. 26190]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Ariopsis kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Nelson et al. 2004:82 [ref. 27807]). •Valid as Aspistor kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Notarius kessleri (Steindachner 1876) -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:18 [ref. 28008], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2006:55 [ref. 28736], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], McMahan et al. 2013:445 [ref. 32422], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:400 [ref. 34894], Marceniuk et al. 2017:276 [ref. 35197], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:194 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Notarius kessleri (Steindachner 1876). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Mexica south to Panama. Habitat: brackish, marine.

kirkii, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:163, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Shupanga, Zambezi River. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.1.9.54 (skin). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], •Synonym of Arius dussumieri Valenciennes 1840 -- (Taylor 1986:154 [ref. 6195], Kailola 1999:1847 [ref. 24732] as "Arius"). •Synonym of Ariodes dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Taylor 1986:212 [ref. 6282]). •Synonym of Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:250 [reg. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Kailola 2022:197 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

labiatus, Arius Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:6 [Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino v. 13 (no. 329); ref. 14677] Río Peripa, Ecuador. Holotype (unique): MZUT 1540. Type catalog: Tortonese 1940:136 [ref. 21559]. •Valid as Hexanematichthys labiatus (Boulenger 1898) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:34 [ref. 37559]). •Status uncertain -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:866 [ref. 22829]). •Species inquirenda in Arridae -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:453 [ref. 27061]). •Apparently a species of Potamarius Hubbs & Miller -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:13 [ref. 28008]). •Species inquirenda in Potamarius -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:98 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Chinchaysuyoa labiata (Boulenger 1898) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2019:365 [ref. 36489], Marceniuk et al. 2023:16 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Chinchaysuyoa labiata (Boulenger 1898). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: Guayas River basin (western Ecuador). Habitat: freshwater.

laeviceps, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:38 [165] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:38 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

laevigatus, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:439 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] Red Sea. Holotype: MNHN B-0710. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:3 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Taylor 1986:159 [ref. 6195]). •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:80 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kailola 2022:195 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

lagoensis, Arius Pfaff [J. R.] 1933:298, Figs. 9-10 [Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening, Kjøbenhavn v. 94; ref. 16517] Lagos, Nigeria. Holotype: ZMUC 1.8.1928.87. Paratypes: ZMUC 1.8.1928.88 (1). Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:50 [ref. 9588], Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius latiscutatus Günther 1864 -- (Taylor 1986:155 [ref. 6195], Taylor 1990:231 [ref. 14194], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:566 [ref. 21590]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae as synonym of latiscutatus Günther 1864 -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Carlarius latiscutatus (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:38 [ref. 29031], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1747 [ref. 34564]). Current status: Synonym of Carlarius latiscutatus (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

laticeps, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:171, Figs. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Trinidad Island, West Indies; Guyana. Syntypes: BMNH 1863.6.18.8 (1) Trinidad, 1976.2.25.1 (1) Guyana. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius laticeps Günther 1864 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Species inquirenda in Cathorops Jordan & Gilbert 1883 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:450 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:46 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Cathorops nuchalis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2012:78 [ref. 31865]). Current status: Synonym of Cathorops nuchalis (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Venezuela (Lake Maracaiibo) to Guyana. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

latirostris, Arius Macleay [W.] 1883:277, Fig. [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 8 (pt 2); ref. 17587] Goldie River, Papua New Guinea. Syntypes: AMS I.9072-74 (1, 1, 1), I.9127 (1), I.13398 [ex MAMU] (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius latirostris Macleay 1883 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kailola 1990:23 [ref. 19337], Allen 1991:53 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2000:43 [ref. 27467]). •Valid as Ariopsis latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108] dated 1884). •Valid as Potamosilurus latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:101 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:56 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225]). •Valid as Neoarius latrirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Papuarius latirostris (Macleay 1883) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:48 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Papuarius latirostris (Macleay 1883). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea). Habitat: freshwater.

latiscutatus, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:151, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Fernando Póo Island [Bioco Island], Equatorial Guinea, Gulf of Guinea. Lectotype: BMNH 1864.2.26.1 (skin). Paralectotypes: BMNH 2020.7.23.1 (1, skeleton), (1, skeleton). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Taylor 1990:231 [ref. 14194]. •Mention -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Arius latiscutatus Günther 1864 -- (Taylor 1986:155 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Taylor 1990:231 [ref. 14194], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:566 [ref. 21590], Vreven & De Vos 2007:578 [ref. 30015]. Kramer et al. 2016:unnumbered p. [ref. 34331], Skelton 2019:227 [ref. 36564]). •Valid as Carlarius latiscutatus (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:38 [ref. 29031], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1747 [ref. 34564], Fermon et al. 2022:153 [ref. 39448], Marceniuk et al. 2023:25 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Carlarius latiscutatus (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic: Senegal south to Angola. Habitat: brackish, marine.

layardi, Arius Günther [A.] 1866:474 [2], Pl. 15 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) v. 18 (no. 108); ref. 18186] Sri Lanka. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1866.7.12.12. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]. On p. 2 of separate. •Probable synonym of "Arius" argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]). •Questionably the same as Plicofollis tenuispinis (Day 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:96 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Plicofollis layardi (Günther 1866) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Coad 2010:224 [ref. 36620], Kottelat 2013:250 [reg. 32989], Psomadakis et al. 2015:167 [ref. 34104], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Ali et al. 2018:312 [ref. 36183], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Kailola 2022:197 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:26 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis layardi (Günther 1866). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indian Ocean: Persian Gulf, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka east to Myanmar. Habitat: brackish, marine.

leiotetocephalus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:292 [Natuur-en Geneeskundig Archief voor Neȇrlandsch Indië v. 3 (2); ref. 19349] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: RMNH 5277 (1), 16011 (5); SMNS 817et (2). Type catalog: Fricke 1991:8 [ref. 13474], Fricke 2005:13 [ref. 29864], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. Also appeared in Bleeker 1846:48 [ref. 313]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:74 [ref. 30423] as leiocephalus. •Valid as Arius leiotetocephalus Bleeker 1846 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Chen et al. 1997:23 [ref. 26476] dated 1865, Dai in Chu et al. 1999:186 [ref. 24534], Nakabo 2000:281 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:281 [ref. 26001]). •Synonym of "Arius" nella (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1999:1858 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis nella (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:93 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:251 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis nella (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

lentiginosus, Tachisurus Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:139 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Panama (Pacific). Syntypes: MCZ 4970 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:67 [ref. 22193], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:870 [ref. 22829]). •Likely a Notarius -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:12 [ref. 28008]). •Valid as Ariopsis lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Notarius lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:18 [ref. 28008], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2006:55 [ref. 28736], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Pacific coast of Panama. Habitat: brackish, marine.

leptaspis, Hexanematichthys Bleeker [P.] 1862:27, [Pl. 65] [Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises v. 2; ref. 393] Southwestern New Guinea. Holotype (unique): RMNH 3060. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. Text published in 1862, Pl. 65 published in 1863. Also appeared in Bleeker 1863:70 [ref. 17010]. •Valid as Arius leptaspis (Bleeker 1862) -- (Roberts 1978:32 [ref. 8886], Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Allen 1991:53 [ref. 21090], Kailola 1999:1851 [ref. 24732], Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Allen et al. 2000:44 [ref. 27467], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847], Allen et al. 2002:72 [ref. 25930]). •Valid as Ariopsis leptaspis (Bleeker 1862) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:352 [ref. 28997]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys sagor (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Sciades leptaspis (Bleeker 1862) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:108 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:59 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225]). •Valid as Neoarius leptaspis (Bleeker 1862) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Pusey et al. 2017:22 [ref. 35250]). •Valid as Bleekeriella leptaspis (Bleeker 1862) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:38 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Bleekeriella leptaspis (Bleeker 1862). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Australia and New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea). Habitat: brackish, marine.

leptonotacanthus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1849:11 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 22 [8]; ref. 320] Madura Straits near Surabaya and Kammal, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: BMNH 1863.12.4.144 (1) Madura. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155] with a holotype. See van Oijen et al. 2009:89 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius leptonotacanthus Bleeker 1849 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Kailola 1999:1852 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:17 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34-35 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422] erroneous). •Valid as Jayaramichthys leptonotacanthus (Bleeker 1849) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:34 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Jayaramichthys leptonotacanthus (Bleeker 1849). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indian Ocean: Indonesia and Thailand. Habitat: brackish, marine.

liropus, Tachysurus Bristol [S. B.] in Gilbert 1897:438 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 19 (no. 1115); ref. 1629] San Juan Lagoon, near mouth of Río Ahome, Sonora, Mexico. Syntypes: (6) CAS-SU 324 (3) [not 234 as given by Böhlke 1953]; USNM 47584 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291], Ferraris & Vari 1992:9 [ref. 19771] with USNM 47584 as syntypes (2), and 4 others unaccounted for, Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius liropus (Bristol 1897) -- (Branson et al. 1960:219 [ref. 41482], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Species inquirenda in Cathorops Jordan & Gilbert 1883 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:450 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Cathorops fuerthii (Steindachner 1877) -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:880 [ref. 22829], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:147 [ref. 24550] as fuerthi, Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:44 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Cathorops liropus (Bristol 1897) -- (Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:42 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:257 [ref. 30406], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Romero-Berny et al. 2018:89 [ref. 35859], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:193 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops liropus (Bristol 1897). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern North America: Pacific coast, Sonora south to Chiapas (Mexico) endemic. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

longibarbis, Arius Castelnau [F. L.] 1855:36, Pl. 15 (fig. 2) [Animaux nouveaux or rares v. 2; ref. 766] Amazon River, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-1189 (poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:55 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:334 [ref. 29155]. Placed originally in "Arius ?". •Species inquirenda in Leiarius, family Pimelodidae -- (Lundberg & Littmann in Reis et al. 2003:437 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:334 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Leiarius longibarbis (Castelnau 1855) -- (Barriga Salazar 2014:114 [ref. 35745], Grant 2021:71 [ref. 38702], Taphorn et al. 2022:55 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Leiarius longibarbis (Castelnau 1855). Pimelodidae. Distribution: South America: Amazon basin (Brazil, Ecuador and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater.

longicephalus, Tachisurus Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:143 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Gulf of Panama, (Pacific) Panama. Holotype (unique): MCZ 4972. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. Original genus should have been Tachysurus. Misspelled longicehpalus on p. 143; longicephalus on p. 118. •Synonym of Arius dasycephalus Günther 1864 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:867 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Cathorops dasycephalus (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:43 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2009:274 [ref. 30406]). Current status: Synonym of Cathorops dasycephalus (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

luniscutis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:109 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Brazil. Syntypes: MNHN A-8980 (2), B-0595 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:11 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998]). •Valid as Arius luniscutis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639]). •Likely a Notarius -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:11-12 [ref. 28008]). •Valid as Aspistor luniscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:448 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192], Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:96 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:21 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk & Birindelli 2010:61 [ref. 30960], Marceniuk et al. 2012:639 [ref. 32225], Catelani et al. 2014:931 [ref. 37496], Spier et al. 2018:7 [ref. 36103]). •Valid as Notarius luniscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius luniscutis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: French Guiana to southern Brazil. Habitat: brackish, marine.

macracanthus, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:167, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Thailand. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1862.11.1.222. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. See Kailola 1999:1848 [ref. 24732]. •Valid as Arius macracanthus Günther 1864 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108] with question). •Species inquirenda in Arius -- (Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Synonymy of Arius gagora (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989] with question). Current status: Synonym of Arius gagora (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

macrocephalus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:40 [167] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: BMNH 1863.12.4.78 (1), RMNH 6896 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:40 [ref. 313]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:70 [ref. 30423]. •Doubtful status -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •See Kailola 1999:1879 [ref. 24732]. •Valid as Arius macrocephalus Bleeker 1846 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Johnson 1999:723 [ref. 25471]). •Synonym of "Arius" argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:355 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:51 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:150 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

macronotacanthus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:32 [159] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): RMNH 6901. Bleeker specimens: BMNH 1863.12.4.59 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. Appeared later in Bleeker 1846:159 [ref. 5872]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:91 [ref. 30423] as macronothacanthus. •Valid as Tachysurus macronotacanthus (Bleeker 1846) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Questionably a synonym of Arius caelatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kottelat et al. 1993:79 [ref. 23448], Tan & Ng 1999:295 [ref. 24254]). •Valid as Nemapteryx macronotacanthus (Bleeker 1846) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Nemapteryx macronotacantha (Bleeker 1846) -- (Ferraris 2007:46-47 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321]). •Valid as Arius macronotacanthus Bleeker 1846 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kailola 1999:1853 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kailola 2022:188 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius macronotacanthus Bleeker 1846. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific, South Asia, Southeast Asia: India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

macrorhynchus, Hemipimelodus Weber [M.] 1913:549, Fig. 27 [Süsswasserfische aus Niederländisch Süd- und Nord-Neu-Guinea v. 9 (livr. 4); ref. 4603] Lorentz River, van Weelskamp, Bivak River and Alkmaar, New Guinea. Syntypes: ZMA 111085-86 (2, 1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:53 [ref. 19236], Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemipimelodus macrorhynchus Weber 1913 -- (Desoutter 1977:13 [ref. 20628], Roberts 1978:39 [ref. 8886], Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Arius macrorhynchus (Weber 1913) -- (Kailola 1990:23, 24 [ref. 19337], Allen 1991:54 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 2000:45 [ref. 27467]). •Valid as incertae sedis, cf. Arius macrorhynchus (Weber 1913) -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Potamosilurus macrorhynchus (Weber 1913) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:102 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:57 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2023:48 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Potamosilurus macrorhynchus (Weber 1913). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea). Habitat: freshwater.

macruropterygius, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:37 [164] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:37 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732]. •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

maculatus, Silurus Thunberg [C. P.] 1792:31, Pl. 1 (fig. 2, 2 views) [Kongliga Vetenskaps-Academiens Handlingar, Stockholm v. 13 (for 1792); ref. 17916] China; Japan. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kyushin et al. 1982:43 [ref. 19754], Sawada in Masuda et al. 1984:60 [ref. 6441], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Randall 1995:75 [ref. 22896], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:158 [ref. 27969], Rainboth 1996:164 [ref. 22772], Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732], Tan & Ng 1999:296 [ref. 24254], Mishra & Srinivasan 1999:239 [ref. 24754], Nakabo 2000:281 [ref. 25086], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Bijukumar & Sushama 2000:185 [ref. 25703], Nakabo 2002:281 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:187, 525 [ref. 26218], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Yoshida et al. 2013:43 [ref. 34464], Psomadakis et al. 2015:163 [ref. 34104], Sulaiman et al. 2018:44 [ref. 35802], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:306 [ref. 37272], Taki et al. 2021:280 [ref. 39830], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:71 [ref. 41223], Kailola 2022:188 [ref. 39697], Hasan et al. 2023:2209 [ref. 40412], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan east to Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, north to China. Habitat: brackish, marine.

madagascariensis, Arius Vaillant [L. L.] 1894:77 [10] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (8th Série) v. 6; ref. 14567] Murundava River, western Madagascar. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1894-0002. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:8 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805]. Page 10 of separate. •Valid as Arius madagascariensis Vaillant 1894 -- (Taylor 1986:156 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Ng & Sparks 2003:9 [ref. 27207], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805]). •Possibly valid as Ariopsis madagascariensis (Vaillant 1894) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Betancurichthys madagascariensis (Vaillant 1894) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:30 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Betancurichthys madagascariensis (Vaillant 1894). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southwestern Indian Ocean: western Madagascar [African records in error]. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

magatensis, Arius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1926:396, Pl. 1 (fig. 1) [Philippine Journal of Science v. 31 (no. 3); ref. 10951] Magat River, at Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, Luzon Island, Philippines. Syntypes: BSMP (6) presumed destroyed. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. •Species inquirenda in Plicofollis -- (Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Arius magatensis Herre 1926 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Plicofollis magatensis (Herre 1926) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:93 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Jamandre 2023:174 [ref. 40455], Marceniuk et al. 2023:26 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis magatensis (Herre 1926). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Philippines endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

malabaricus, Arius Day [F.] 1877:464, Pl. 107 (fig. 4) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Canara [Coastal Karnataka], India. Holotype (unique): ZSI 1305. Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Jayaram & Dhanze 1981:121 [ref. 34338], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus malabaricus (Day 1877) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800], Jayaram & Dhanze 1981:121 [ref. 34338]). •Possible synonym of Arius jella Day 1877 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Arius malabaricus Day 1877 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius malabaricus Day 1877. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indian Ocean: southern India. Habitat: brackish, marine.

manillensis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:93 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Manila, Philippines. Holotype (unique): MNHN. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. Not the same as Pimelodus manillensis Valenciennes 1840. •Uncertain status -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Arius manillensis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1855 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:174 [ref. 40455], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]), Current status: Valid as Arius manillensis Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Philippines endemic. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

manjong, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:36 [163] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:36 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

mastersi, Arius Ogilby [J. D.] 1898:34 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 23 (pt 1); ref. 5861] Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype (unique): AMS I.25690-001 [ex MAMU F.153]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius mastersi Ogilby 1898 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Kailola 1999:1856 [ref. 24732], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847]). •Valid as Sciades mastersi (Ogilby 1898) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:108 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys mastersi (Ogilby 1898) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:354 [ref. 28997], Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35250]). •Valid as Pararius mastersi (Ogilby 1898) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:47 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Pararius mastersi (Ogilby 1898). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern New Guinea and Australia: Australia, Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea. Habitat: brackish, marine.

mazatlana, Netuma Gilbert [C. H.] 1904:255, Pl. 25 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 3) v. 3 (no. 9); ref. 12422] Mazatlán, Sinaloa, western Mexico. Holotype: CAS-SU 7138. Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291] as mazatlani. •Synonym of Arius platypogon Günther 1864 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:873 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Aspistor platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Sciades platyopgon (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:109 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Occidentarius platypogon (Günther 1864) Current status: Synonym of Occidentarius platypogon (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

melanochir, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1852:590 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 3 (no. 4); ref. 334] Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): RMNH 6892. Bleeker specimens: BMNH 1863.12.4.68 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:87 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius melanochir Bleeker 1852 -- (Roberts 1989:110 [ref. 6439], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Tan & Ng 1999:297 [ref. 24254], Ng 2003:2 [ref. 27208]). •Valid as Cephalocassis melanochir (Bleeker 1852) -- (Kailola 2004:133 [ref. 28108], Kottelat & Widjanarti 2005:163 [ref. 28284], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:50 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2023:31 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cephalocassis melanochir (Bleeker 1852). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Indonesia and Malaysia. Habitat: freshwater.

melanopterygius, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1849:10 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 22 [8]; ref. 320] Madura Straits near Surabaya and Kammal, Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. See Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

melanopus, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:172 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río Motagua, Guatemala. Syntypes: (2?) BMNH 1865.4.29.51-53 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius melanopus Günther 1864 -- (Villa 1982:115 [ref. 36708], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Cathorops melanopus (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:147 [ref. 24550], Acero P. 2003:837 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2005:54 [ref. 28341], McEachran & Fechhelm 2005:16 [ref. 28815], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:45 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Betancur-R. & Willink 2007:826 [ref. 29439], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:39 [ref. 29576], Matamoros et al. 2009:9 [ref. 31241], Marceniuk et al. 2012:93 [ref. 31865], Raz-Guzmán et al. 2018:344 [ref. 36407], Angulo et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops melanopus (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Central America: Montagua River basin (Guatemala and Nicaragua). Habitat: freshwater.

mercatoris, Arius Poll [M.] 1949:201, Fig. 8 [Mémoires, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 2.Séries, No. 33; ref. 13028] Atlantic, 12°34'N, 17°09'W, depth 8-10 fathoms. Holotype (unique): IRSNB 89. Type catalog: Walschaerts 1987:14 [ref. 20755], Derijst 1991:25 [ref. 21528], Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius heudelotii Valenciennes 1840 -- (Taylor 1986:155 [ref. 6195], Taylor 1990:231 [ref. 14194], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:567 [ref. 21590]). •Incerate sedis in Arriidae as synonym of heudelotii Valencieines 1840 -- (Ferraris 2007:31 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Carlarius heudelotii (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:37 [ref. 29031], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1746 [ref. 34564]). Current status: Synonym of Carlarius heudelotii (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

meyenii, Bagrus (Ariodes) Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1849:9 [Horae Ichthyologicae No. 3; ref. 3073] Locality unknown. Holotype (unique): ZMB 3002 (stuffed). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of "Arius" nella (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1999:1858 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis nella (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:93 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:251 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis nella (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

microcephalus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1855:423 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 9 (no. 3); ref. 16849] Bandjarmasin, southern Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Syntypes: BMNH 1863.12.4.149 (1), RMNH 6902 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:63 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius microcephalus Bleeker 1855 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat & Lim 1996:243 [ref. 23210], Kailola 1999:1857 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius microcephalus Bleeker 1855. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South and southeast Asia: Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia (Borneo). Habitat: brackish, marine.

microgastropterygius, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:33 [160] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:33 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732]. •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx caelatus (Valenciennes 1840) = Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

micronotacanthus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:36 [162] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:36 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

micropterus, Arius Philippi [R. A.] 1866:713 [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866 (for 15 Nov. 1866); ref. 14056] Chile. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Arratia 1987:12 [ref. 5957]). •Questionably a synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:255 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782). Diplomystidae. Habitat: freshwater.

microstomus, Arius Nichols [J. T.] 1940:2 [American Museum Novitates No. 1093; ref. 17241] Bernhard Camp, Idenburg River, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Holotype: AMNH 15041. Paratypes: AMNH 20929 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius microstomus Nichols 1940 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius solidus Herre 1935 -- (Kailola 1990:9 [ref. 19337], Allen 1991:55 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935) -- (Kailola 2004:131 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:36 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

micruropterygius, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1847:165 [Natuur-en Geneeskundig Archief voor Neȇrlandsch Indië v. 4 (no. 2); ref. 314] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. Appeared in list in Bleeker 1846:286 [ref. 19349] as micruropterijius, with the Dutch ij equivalent to y in Latin. Also in Bleeker 1846:37 [ref. 313]. •Apparently a synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155] with question, Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

midgleyi, Arius Kailola [P. J.] & Pierce [B. E.] 1988:75, Figs. 1-2, 5-6 [Records of the Western Australian Museum v. 14 (pt 1); ref. 19338] Wickham Gorge, Victoria River, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype: AMS I.20858-006. Paratypes: AMNH 57082 (1), 57454 (4, 3 c&s); AMS 25315-001 (1); WAM P.21338-002 (4), P.25597-001 (1), P.25708-001 (1), P.28776-001 (1, c&s); other paratypes at: NTM (4 lots, 5), QM (8 lots, 10), ZMA (1). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:8 [ref. 19335], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Moore et al. 2008:7 [ref. 30117]. Many paratypes of this species are also paratypes of Arius paucus Kailola 2000. The species epithet was based on Hamar and Mary Midgley, the correct spelling would be midgleyorum according to ICZN Art. 31.1.2-3. •Valid as Arius midgleyi Kailola & Pierce 1988 -- (Pusey et al. 2000:72 [ref. 24466], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113], Unmack 2001:1060 [ref. 25797], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847], Allen et al. 2002:73 [ref. 25930]). •Valid as Ariopsis midgleyi (Kailola & Pierce 1988) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Neoarius midgleyi (Kailola & Pierce 1988) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:77 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Morgan 2011:11 [ref. 31262], Larson et al. 2013:39 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:23 [ref. 35250], Marceniuk et al. 2023:45 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Neoarius midgleyi (Kailola & Pierce 1988). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: New Guinea and northern Australia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

milberti, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:74 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] New York; Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A. Syntypes: MNHN B-0593 (3) New York. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:10 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:237 [ref. 29155]. Spelled milbertii in table of contents (p. xix). •Synonym of Sciades felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:107 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Acero P. 2003:840 [ref. 26998], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:15 [ref. 35431]). Current status: Synonym of Ariopsis felis (Linnaeus 1766). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

molliceps, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:108 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] No locality. Holotype (unique): MNHN. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. •Species inquirenda in Arridae -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:453 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:111 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

mong, Pimelodus Richardson [J.] 1846:286 [Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 15th meeting [1845]; ref. 3742] Canton, China. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Based solely on illustration by Reeves (see Whitehead 1970:210, Pl. 20b [ref. 11606]). See Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius falcarius Richardson 1845 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

moroti, Arius Valenciennes [A.] 1847:6 [Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale v. 5 (art. 2); ref. 5010] No locality (= South America). Proposed as a replacement name for Arius albidus Valenciennes; apparently unneeded, as albidus is apparently not preoccupied by either Pimelodus albidus Spix & Agassiz or Pimelodus albidus Lesueur. •Synonym of Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Litz & Koerber 2014:19 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:32 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35267]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840). Pimelodidae. Habitat: freshwater.

multiradiatus, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:173 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río Bayano, Panama. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. Based on Bagrus (?) arioides of Kner 1863:227 [ref. 5002]. •Valid as Arius multiradiatus Günther 1864 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as "Cathorops" multiradiatus (Günther 1864) -- (Bussing & López S. 1994:58 [ref. 23101]). •Valid as Cathorops multiradiatus (Günther 1864) -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:69 [ref. 22193], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:881 [ref. 22829], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:160 [ref. 24555], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:45 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk 2007:40 [ref. 29324], Marceniuk 2007:46 [ref. 29324], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:43 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:274 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:399 [ref. 34894], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40422], Siccha-Ramirez et al. 2023:137 [ref. 40816], Fricke et al. 2024:193 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops multiradiatus (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: southern Mexico south to Peru. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

muticus, Silurus Larrañaga [D. A.] 1923:386 [Escritos de Don Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga v. 2; ref. 22561] Uruguay. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:337 [ref. 29155]. Also appeared in Devincenzi 1925:322, 308 [ref. 2032]; Devincenzi treated as a synonym of Pimelodus albicans (C. V.) [= Arius albicans Valenciennes 1840]. •Synonym of Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Lundberg & Littmann in Reis et al. 2003:439 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:337 [ref. 29155], Litz & Koerber 2014:19 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:32 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:48 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Pimelodus albicans (Valenciennes 1840). Pimelodidae. Habitat: freshwater.

nasutus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:60 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Java, Indonesia; Malabar, India; Red Sea. Syntypes: MNHN A-9407 to 9408 (1, 1, dry) Malabar, A-9409 (1, dry) Red Sea; RMNH D2390 (1) Java. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:4 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155] See van Oijen et al. 2009:81 [ref. 30423]. •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Taylor 1986:159 [ref. 6195]). •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Dor 1984:51 [ref. 29757], Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:80 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kailola 2022:195 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

nella, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:162 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Vizagapatam, India. Holotype: not saved. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. Original as Pimelodus? nella. •Valid as Tachysurus nella (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius nella (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Kailola 1999:1858 [ref. 24732] as "Arius", Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122] as "Arius", Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208]). •Valid as Plicofollis nella (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:356 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:93 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Kimura 2009:35 [ref. 30426], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Larson et al. 2013:41 [ref. 32988], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2018:50 [ref. 36460], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Marceniuk et al. 2023:26 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis nella (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: east coast of India and Bangladesh east to New Guinea, north to Vietnam and Philippines, south to Queensland (Australia). Habitat: brackish, marine.

nelsoni, Conorhynchos Evermann [B. W.] & Goldsborough [E. L.] 1902:140, Fig. 1 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 21 [1901]; ref. 14875] Río Usumacinta, at Monte Cristo, Tabasco, Mexico. Holotype: USNM 50001. Paratypes: USNM 52963 [ex USFC 2382] (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:8 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius nelsoni (Evermann & Goldsborough 1902) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Potamarius nelsoni (Evermann & Goldsborough 1902) -- (Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:28 [ref. 22290], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:157 [ref. 24550], Acero P. 2003:837 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:453 [ref. 27061], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Miller 2006:171 [ref. 28615], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:98 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:53 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:348 [ref. 29268], Betancur-R. & Willink 2007:826 [ref. 29439], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Marceniuk et al. 2019:440 [ref. 36658], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:20 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:195 [ref. 41622], Quintana 2024:5 [ref. 41186]). Current status: Valid as Potamarius nelsoni (Evermann & Goldsborough 1902). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern North America and Central America: Usumacinta River basin, Chiapas and Tabasco (Mexico) and Guatemala. Habitat: freshwater.

nenga, Pimelodus Hamilton [F.] 1822:171, 376 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Estuaries of Bengal, India. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800], Ataur Rahman 1989:231 [ref. 24860]). •Valid as Nemapteryx nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Kimura 2009:34 [ref. 30426], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989], Psomadakis et al. 2015:165 [ref. 34104], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:309 [ref. 37272]). •Valid as Arius nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kailola 1999:1859 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Ataur Rahman 2003:254 [ref. 31338] as Arias, Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031], Taki et al. 2021:281 [ref. 39830], Kailola 2022:189 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422] erroneous). •Valid as Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:36 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Kyataphisa nenga (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan east to Bali and Borneo (Indonesia) and to Vietnam. Habitat: brackish, marine.

neogranatensis, Arius Acero P. [A.] & Betancur-R. [R.] 2002:7, Figs. 1-2, 3 [part] [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 6 (no. 1) (for Oct. 2002); ref. 26521] Mouth of Río Tinajonesmedio, San Antero, Córdoba, Colombia, 9°25'N, 75°48'W. Holotype: INVEMAR-PEC 3754. Paratypes: ICNMHN 5722 (1), INVEMAR-PEC 3755 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Mojica & Agudelo-Zamora 2018:41 [ref. 36127]. •Valid as Arius neogranatensis Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:447 [ref. 27061]). •Questionably valid as Aspistor neogranatensis (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Notarius neogranatensis (Acero P. and Betancur-R. 2002) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:84 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2017:276 [ref. 35197], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius neogranatensis (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: Caribbean coast of Colombia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

netuma, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:438, Pl. 417 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] Puducherry, India. Syntypes: MNHN A-9345 (1, dry mounted). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:3 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Taylor 1986:159 [ref. 6195]). •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kailola 2022:195 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

nigricans, Arius Valenciennes [A.] 1834:Pl. 3 (fig. 3) [Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale; ref. 20720] Río de la Plata, Montevideo, Uruguay. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-0176 (poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:54 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155] Name available from plate, also in Valenciennes 1847:6 [ref. 5010]. Pl. 3 was published in 1834. See also Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:83 [ref. 1008]. •Species inquirenda in Arridae -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:453 [ref. 27061]). •Species inquirenda in Genidens -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:67 [ref. 29031]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Cathorops spixii (Agassiz 1829) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2012:87 [ref. 31865]). Current status: Synonym of Cathorops spixii (Agassiz 1829). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

nox, Arius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:388 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 18 (no. 12); ref. 2109] Sepik River at Nyaurangai, New Guinea. Holotype: FMNH 17195. Paratypes: FMNH 17196-97 (2), 17918-200 (3); CAS-SU 24451 (now 2), 24452 (3), 69115 [ex 24451] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:11 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Arius nox Herre 1935 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kailola 1990:7 [ref. 19337], Allen & Coates 1990:58 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:54 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:298 [ref. 21400], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113]). •Valid as Brustiarius nox (Herre 1935) -- (Kailola 2004:131 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:35 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:38 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2023:40 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Brustiarius nox (Herre 1935). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Sepik River drainage, New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

nuchalis, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:171, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Guyana. Syntypes: (at least 6) BMNH 1975.1.17.3-5 (3), BMNH 2005.5.17.1-2 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius nuchalis Günther 1864 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Species inquirenda in Cathorops Jordan & Gilbert 1883 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:450 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:46 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Cathorops nuchalis (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2012:78, 93 [ref. 31865], Marceniuk et al. 2023:14 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops nuchalis (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: Caribbean coast of Venezuela to Guyana. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

nudidens, Arius (Hemiarius) Weber [M.] 1913:538, Fig. 15 [Süsswasserfische aus Niederländisch Süd- und Nord-Neu-Guinea v. 9 (livr. 4); ref. 4603] Lorentz River, New Guinea. Syntypes: ZMA 111507-09 (1, 1, 1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:38 [ref. 19236], Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius nudidens Weber 1913 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Cochlefelis spatula (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Kailola 2004:134 [ref. 28108]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Cochlefelis spatula (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

obesus, Arius Jardine [W.] in Schomburgk 1841:174 [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I; ref. 18707] Rio Branco, South America. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:81 [ref. 29155]. Provisionally placed in Arius. •Species inquirenda in family Auchenipteridae -- (Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:479 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:81 [ref. 29155]). Auchenipteridae. Distribution: Northern South America.

ocellatus, Silurus Bloch [M. E.] & Schneider [J. G.] 1801:379 [M. E. Blochii, Systema Ichthyologiae; ref. 471] Japan, China. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. This is an unnecessary replacement for maculatus. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

oncinus, Arius Jardine [W.] in Schomburgk 1841:173, Pl. 4 [The Natural history of fishes of Guiana Part I; ref. 18707] Padauiri River, Brazil. Syntypes: SMF 2669 [ex RMNH] (1, dry). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:75 [ref. 29155]. Name spelled oncina in figure caption, oncinus in text; provisionally placed in Arius. Apparently Mees 1978:270 [ref. 22765] serves as first reviser selecting oncinus. •Valid as Liosomadoras oncinus (Jardine 1841) -- (Mees 1978:270 [ref. 22765], Ortega & Vari 1986:13 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:241 [ref. 12860], de Pinna 1998:311 [ref. 23847], Royero 1999:269 [ref. 41762], Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:475 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:75 [ref. 29155], Akama & Ferraris 2011:59 [ref. 31467], Birindelli & Zuanon 2012:2 [ref. 31908], Birindelli 2014:535 [ref. 33501], DoNascimiento 2016:531 [ref. 34727], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:87 [ref. 35633], Calegari et al. 2019:[84] [ref. 36961]). Current status: Valid as Liosomadoras oncinus (Jardine 1841). Auchenipteridae: Auchenipterinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater.

osakae, Netuma Jordan [D. S.] & Kasawa [M.] in Jordan & Hubbs 1925:157, Pl. 9 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 10 (no. 2); ref. 2486] Fish market, Osaka, Japan. Holotype (unique): FMNH 59388 [ex CM 7808]. Type catalog: Henn 1928:73 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:60 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1842 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

osculus, Arius Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.] 1883:46 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 2 (for 1882); ref. 2475] Panama (Pacific). Holotype (unique): USNM 29476 (missing since 1980). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius osculus Jordan & Gilbert 1883 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860] as oscula, Allen & Robertson 1994:68 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:62 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:871 [ref. 22829], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:134 [ref. 26190]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys osculus (Jordan & Gilbert 1882) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061]). •Status uncertain -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:15 [ref. 28008]). •Questionably valid as Aspistor osculus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002). •Valid as Notarius osculus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:84 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius osculus (Jordan & Gilbert 1883). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Central America: Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panama. Habitat: brackish, marine.

papillifer, Hemipimelodus Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:390 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 18 (no. 12); ref. 2109] Sepik River at Timbunke, New Guinea. Holotype: FMNH 17211. Paratypes: FMNH 17212 (1), CAS-SU 24453 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:45 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemipimelodus papillifer Herre 1935 -- (Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Kailola 1990:23 [ref. 19337], Allen & Coates 1990:62 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:56 [ref. 21090]). •Synonym of Ariopsis velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Neoarius velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Potamosilurus velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:102 [ref. 29031]). Current status: Synonym of Potamosilurus velutinus (Weber 1907). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

papillosus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:118, Pl. 431 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Rivers of Valparaíso and San Jago, Chile. Syntypes: MNHN A-9028 (1), B-0584 (1), B-0585 (4), MNHN uncat. (1, skeleton, missing). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:60 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:165 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Diplomystes papillosus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:25 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Arratia 1987:12 [ref. 5957], Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:255 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:165 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782). Diplomystidae. Habitat: freshwater.

parkeri, Silurus Traill [T. S.] 1832:380, Pl. 6 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, Edinburgh v. 6 (art. 14); ref. 17927] Guiana [as British Guiana]. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:137 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:257 [ref. 23827], Le Bail et al. 2000:18 [ref. 24549], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:451 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192]). •Valid as Aspistor parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Marceniuk 2005:96 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:24 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:347 [ref. 29268], Betancur-R. et al. 2008:827 [ref. 29950], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225] with authors as Müller & Troschel 1849, Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:172 [ref. 38945], Gurgel-Lourenço et al. 2023:75 [ref. 41056], Marceniuk et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Atlantic draining Coastal rivers from Guyana to northern Brazil (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

parkii, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:154, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Lagos, Nigeria. Lectotype: BMNH 1865.7.4.4. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1847.4.4.26 (1) Niger, BMNH 1852.9.13.117 (1) Niger. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Taylor 1986 [ref. 6195]. •Valid as Arius parkii Günther 1864 -- (Taylor 1986:156 [ref. 6195], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Taylor 1990:231, 232 [ref. 14194] with BMNH 1952.9.13.47 as another species, Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:568 [ref. 21590], Golani & Sonin 1996:2 [ref. 22790], Golani 2005:20 [ref. 37112], Zenetos et al. 2010:411 [ref. 31201]). •Mention -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108], Golani 2021:21 [ref. 38303]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Carlarius parkii (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:38 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2016:1748 [ref. 34564], Kovačić et al. 2021:23 [ref. 39014], Fermon et al. 2022:153 [ref. 39448], Marceniuk et al. 2023:25 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Carlarius parkii (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Mediterranean Sea; eastern Atlantic: Mauritania south to Angola. Habitat: brackish, marine.

parmocassis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:57 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Bahia, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-8966. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:15 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155] •Synonym of Arius grandicassis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Acero P. 2003:841 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Notarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk 2005:98 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Notarius parmocassis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2017:283 [ref. 35197], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Notarius parmocassis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: east coast of Brazil. Habitat: brackish, marine.

parvipinnis, Arius Day [F.] 1877:460, Pl. 113 (fig. 1) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Coromandel coast of India. No types known. Syntypes: whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus parvipinnis (Day 1877) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius parvipinnis Day 1877 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Probable synonym of Arius macronotacanthus Bleeker 1846 -- (Kailola 1999:1853 [ref. 24732]). •Probably a synonym of Nemapteryx macronotacanthus (Bleeker 1846) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108]). •Questionably a synonym of Nemapteryx macronotacantha (Bleeker 1846) -- (Ferraris 2007:47 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Arius macronotacanthus Bleeker 1846 -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031]). Current status: Synonym of Arius macronotacanthus Bleeker 1846. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

passany, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:458 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9399. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:13 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Arius passany (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:138 [ref. 24472] as pasany, Cervigón 1992:258 [ref. 23827], Le Bail et al. 2000:20 [ref. 24549], Marín 2000:68 [ref. 26252], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639]). •Valid as Selanaspis passany (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Acero P. 2003:852 [ref. 26998]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys passany (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192]). •Valid as Sciades passany (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:99 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:109 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:347 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:173 [ref. 38945], Koerber et al. 2022:64 [ref. 39235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Sciades passany (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: northern South America from Guyana to mouth of the Amazon River (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela). Habitat: brackish, marine.

paucus, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 2000:141, Figs. 12-13 [The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory v. 16; ref. 25113] Flinders River near Maxwellton, 20°47'S, 142°43'E, Queensland, Australia. Holotype: QM I.12910. Paratypes: AMS I.25315-001 [ex IB.3159/2882] (1); CAM F.36 (1); NTM S.1775 (1), S.12070-001 (2), S.12083-001 (1); QM I.11364 (1), I.11990 (1), I.12757 (1), I.16730 (2), I.16735 (1), I.16737-78 (1, 2); plus non-type material. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ariopsis paucus (Kailola 2000) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:352 [ref. 28997]). •Valid as Sciades paucus (Kailola 2000) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:109 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Neoarius paucus (Kailola 2000) -- (Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155], Pusey et al. 2017:23 [ref. 35250]). Current status: Valid as Neoarius paucus (Kailola 2000). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Australia. Habitat: freshwater.

pavimentatus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:94 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Mumbai, India. Holotype (unique): MNHN B-0684. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:29 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:105 [ref. 29155]. Type information: Daget 1984:513 [ref. 23265]. See also Valenciennes in Jacquemont 1844: Pl. 17 (fig. 2) [ref. 17872]. •Incorrectly treated as valid as Rita pavimentatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:577 [ref. 20764] with wrong date, Menon 1999:197 [ref. 24904] with wrong date, Yadav 2003:19 [ref. 27711]). •Synonym of Rita gogra (Sykes 1839) -- (Jayaram 2006:15 [ref. 28762] wrongly dated to Valenciennes in Jacquemont 1832 [= 1844], Ferraris 2007:105 [ref. 29155], Grant 2020:24 [ref. 38010]). Current status: Synonym of Rita gogra (Sykes 1839). Ritidae. Habitat: freshwater.

pectoralis, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 2000:133, Figs. 5-6 [The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory v. 16; ref. 25113] Chapman River, Queensland, 14°56'S, 141°38'E, Australia. Holotype: AMS I.27415-001. Paratypes: CSIRO A 3608-10 (1, 1, 1), H 4937-02 (1), H 5174-07 (4); NTM S.10235-001 (1), S.10254-001 (2), S.10319-003 (1), S.13004-001 (1), S.11507-004 (1); QM I.14917 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Ariopsis pectoralis (Kailola 2000) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:352 [ref. 28997]). •Valid as Neoarius pectoralis (Kailola 2000) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:77 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:40 [ref. 32988], Pusey et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35250], Marceniuk et al. 2023:45 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Neoarius pectoralis (Kailola 2000). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southern New Guinea and Australia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

philippinus, Pseudarius Sauvage [H.-E.] 1880:226 [16] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 4; ref. 3888] Lake Laglaize, Luzon Island, Philippines. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-2615. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:8 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155] On p. 16 of separate. •Synonym of Arius manillensis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1855 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:49 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arius manillensis Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

phrygiatus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:79 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Suriname. Holotype (unique): RMNH 3308. Type catalog: Boeseman 1972:298 [ref. 19698], Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]. Holotype is also holotype of Arius dieperinki Bleeker 1862. •Valid as Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:138 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:258 [ref. 23827], Le Bail et al. 2000:22 [ref. 24549], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639] as cf. phrygiatus, Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:447 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:41 [ref. 27192], Marceniuk 2005:95 [ref. 28718]). •Likely a Notarius -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:11-12 [ref. 28008]). •Valid as cf. Arius phrygiatus Valenciennes 1840, but genus uncertain -- (Kailola 2004:145 [ref. 28108]). •Incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Amphiarius phrygiatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:12 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk & Birindelli 2010:61 [ref. 30960], Marceniuk et al. 2012:638 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:163 [ref. 38945]). •Valid as Notarius phrygiatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Notarius phrygiatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Atlantic coastal rivers and estuaries from Guyana to mouth of Amazon River (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

physacanthus, Arius Vaillant [L. L.] 1899:155 [2] [Bulletin du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (sér. 1) v. 5 (no. 4); ref. 14710] Mahury River, French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1899-0058. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:12 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. On p. 2 of separate. •Synonym of Aspistor luniscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:448 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Sciades emphysetus (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:105 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Arius parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2008:828 [ref. 29950]). Current status: Synonym of Sciades parkeri (Traill 1832). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

pidada, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:43 [169] [Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam; ref. 13] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes and/or Bleeker specimens: AMS B.7965 [ex Day] (1), BMNH 1863.12.4.57 (1), NMV 45948 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:43 [ref. 313]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:61 [ref. 30423]. •Synonym of Arius oetik Bleeker 1846 (in part) -- (Kailola 1999:1868 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031] (in part)). •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108] in part, Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

planiceps, Arius Steindachner [F.] 1876:576 [26], Pl. 4 [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] Altata, (Pacific) Panama. Syntypes: (several) NMW 48194-99 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2); ZMUC P 29627 [ex 839] (1). Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:50 [ref. 9588], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. On p. 26 of separate. •Valid as Arius planiceps Steindachner 1876 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Allen & Robertson 1994:68 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:62 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:872 [ref. 22829], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:56 [ref. 24545], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:134 [ref. 26190]). •Valid as Ariopsis planiceps (Steindachner 1877) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:152 [ref. 24550], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:27 [ref. 37547]). •Valid as Aspistor planiceps (Steindachner 1876) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Notarius planiceps (Steindachner 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:18 [ref. 28008], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2006:55 [ref. 28736], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:400 [ref. 34894], Marceniuk et al. 2017:276 [ref. 35197], Love et al. 2021:45 [ref. 39279], Angulo et al. 2023:30 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:194 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Notarius planiceps (Steindachner 1876). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Panama. Habitat: brackish, marine.

platypogon, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:147, Figs. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] San José, Guatemala. Syntypes: BMNH 1864.1.26.316-319 (4). •Valid as Galeichthys (Neutuma) platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Hiyama in Kumada 1937:25 [ref. 39147]). •Valid as Arius platypogon Günther 1864 -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:68 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:62 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:873 [ref. 22829], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:57 [ref. 24545], De La Cruz-Agüero & Cota-Gómez 1998:356 [ref. 23520]). •Valid as Ariopsis platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:152 [ref. 24550], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:28 [ref. 37547]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061]). •Valid as Aspistor platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Sciades platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:109 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Occidentarius platypogon (Günther 1864) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:400 [ref. 34894], González-Murcia et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36544], Love et al. 2021:45 [ref. 39279], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:11 [ref. 40422], Page et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:194 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Occidentarius platypogon (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of southern Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Ecuador, including Gulf of California (Mexico). Habitat: marine.

platystomus, Arius Day [F.] 1877:464, Pl. 107 (fig. 3) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Canara, India. Holotype (unique): ZSI 1306. Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:158 [ref. 23762], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Tachysurus platystomus (Day 1877) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius platystomus Day 1877 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:703 [ref. 20764], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Jayaram 2006:345 [ref. 28762], Kailola 2022:189 [ref. 39697]). •Valid as Plicofollis platystomus (Day 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:93 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Psomadakis et al. 2015:167 [ref. 34104], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:311 [ref. 37272], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis platystomus (Day 1877). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Indian Ocean: Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka east to Myanmar. Habitat: brackish, marine.

pleurops, Arius Boulenger [G. A.] 1897:296 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 20 (no. 117) (art. 28); ref. 14626] Magoarisinho, Cape Magoary [Maguarinho], Marajo Island, Brazil. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1897.7.17.7 (plus eggs and embryos in mouth). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius pleurops Boulenger 1897 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Cathorops pleurops (Boulenger 1897) -- (Acero P. 2003:837 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192]). •Synonym of Cathorops agassizii (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk 2005:97 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:40 [ref. 29031] as agassizi, Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk 2007:369 [ref. 29509], Marceniuk et al. 2012:91 [ref. 31865]). Current status: Synonym of Cathorops agassizii (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

polystaphylodon, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:46 [172] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1863.12.4.98 (poor condition). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:46 [ref. 313]. Identifiactions from east Africa probably in error (see Ng & Sparks 2003:16 [ref. 27207]). See van Oijen et al. 2009:76 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius polystaphylodon Bleeker 1846 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Tan & Ng 1999:296 [ref. 24254], Kailola 1999:1860 [ref. 24732] as "Arius", Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122] as "Arius", Ng 2003:2 [ref. 27208], Ng & Sparks 2003:16 [ref. 27207]). •Valid as Plicofollis polystaphylodon (Bleeker 1846) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:95 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:251 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Fricke et al. 2018:62 [ref. 35805], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis polystaphylodon (Bleeker 1846). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific/Africa, south and southeast Asia and southern New Guinea: Mozambique and Madagascar; Indonesia, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

proops, Bagrus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:457 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 14; ref. 4882] Guianas; Puerto Rico. Syntypes: MNHN A-9331 to 9333 (1, 1, 1, dry) Puerto Rico, B-0245 (1) Cayenne, B-0618 (2) Cayenne. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:11 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius proops (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:138 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:258 [ref. 23827], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Le Bail et al. 2000:24 [ref. 24549], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Acero P. & Betancur-R. 2002:10 [ref. 26521], Acero P. 2003:844 [ref. 26998]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys proops (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192]). •Valid as Sciades proops (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:143 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk 2005:99 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:109 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:54 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:347 [ref. 29268], Betancur-R. 2008:827 [ref. 29950], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:174 [ref. 38945], Marceniuk et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Sciades proops (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South America: Atlantic drainages from Colombia to Brazil (Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Puerto Rico, Suriname and Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

proximus, Arius Ogilby [J. D.] 1898:280 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 23 (pt 3); ref. 3276] Port Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype (unique): AMS I.25691-001 [ex MAMU F.1174]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius proximus Ogilby 1898 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Kailola 1999:1861 [ref. 24732], Johnson 1999:723 [ref. 25471], Kailola 2000:138 [ref. 25113], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847]). •Valid as Netuma proximus (Ogilby 1898) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:354 [ref. 28997]). •Valid as Brustiarius proximus (Ogilby 1898) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:35 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225]). •Valid as Netuma proxima (Ogilby 1898) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:40 [ref. 32988], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989], Pusey et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35250]). •Valid as Pararius proximus (Ogilby 1898) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:47 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Pararius proximus (Ogilby 1898). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Papua New Guinea and Australia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

pumilus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Jacquemont 1840:no p., Pl. 18 (fig. 1) [Voyage dans l'Inde pendant les années 1828 à 1832; ref. 17872] India. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-1208 (8). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:386 [ref. 29155]. The holotype is the figured specimen if it can be distinguished from other specimens. •Synonym of Rita kuturnee (Sykes 1839) -- (Menon 1999:196 [ref. 24904]). •Synonym of Gagata itchkeea (Sykes 1839) -- (Ferraris 2007:386 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Gagata itchkeea (Sykes 1839). Sisoridae: Sisorinae. Habitat: freshwater.

puncticulatus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:108 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Buenos Aires, Argentina. Holotype (unique): MNHN. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]. •Species inquirenda in Cathorops Jordan & Gilbert 1883 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:450 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:46 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:91 [ref. 31865]). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Argentina. Habitat: marine.

quadriscutis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:111 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Suriname. Syntypes: MNHN A-9402 (1), B-0596 (1), B-0613 (1); RMNH 3049 (1), 3050 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:11-12 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:37 [ref. 29155]. For information on types and locality see Boeseman 1972:295 [ref. 19698]. •Valid as Arius quadriscutis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Shimizu in Uyeno et al. 1983:158 [ref. 14275], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:139 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:259 [ref. 23827], Le Bail et al. 2000:26 [ref. 24549], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Acero P. 2003:845 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Aspistor parkeri (Traill 1832) -- (Marceniuk 2005:96 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:24 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Aspistor quadriscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:448 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192], Kailola 2004:128 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:37 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk & Birindelli 2010:61 [ref. 30960], Marceniuk et al. 2012:639 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35324], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:164 [ref. 38945], Vieira et al. 2023:20 [ref. 40759]). •Valid as Notarius quadriscutis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Notarius quadriscutis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southwestern Atlantic: Atlantic coastal rivers from Guyana to northeastern Brazil (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname). Habitat: brackish, marine.

rhodonotus, Bagrus Bleeker [P.] 1846:29 [157] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: RMNH 15865 (5), SMNS 10568 (1). Type catalog: Fricke 1991:8 [ref. 13474], Fricke 2005:13 [ref. 29864], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155] Appeared later in Bleeker 1846:157 [ref. 5872]. •Synonym of Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1842 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Netuma bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:249 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma bilineata (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

ritoides, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:92 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Bengal. Holotype (unique): MNHN B-0683. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:29 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:106 [ref. 29155]. •Mention under Rita rita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:578 [ref. 20764], Jayaram 2006:19 [ref. 28762]). •Synonym of Rita rita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:197 [ref. 24904], Ataur Rahman 2003:210 [ref. 31338], Ferraris 2007:106 [ref. 29155], Grant 2020:25 [ref. 38010]). Current status: Synonym of Rita rita (Hamilton 1822). Ritidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

robertsi, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 1990:24 [Records of the Western Australian Museum Suppl. No. 34; ref. 19337] Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155] -- for types see taylori Roberts. Replacement name for Hemipimelodus taylori Roberts 1978:40 [ref. 8886], secondarily preoccupied by Arius taylori Hildebrand 1925. See account of Hemipimelodus taylori Roberts 1978. But taylori resurected by Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155] on Art. 59.4. •Valid as Ariopsis robertsi (Kailola 1990) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Neoarius taylori (Roberts 1978) -- (Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Potamosilurus robertsi (Kailola 1990) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:102 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:59 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2023:48 [ref. 40422]). •Synonym of Potamosilurus taylori (Roberts 1978). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Potamosilurus taylori (Roberts 1978). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

rostratus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:63 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Alleppey [now Alappuzha], southeastern India. Types may be at MNHN. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Original description appeared in the same publication as Arius subrostratus Valenciennes 1840; Kailola 2022:190 [ref. 39697] synonymized the two names, and gave preference to Arius subrostratus Valenciennes 1840. •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •In the synonymy of Arius subrostratus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 2022:190 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Arius subrostratus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: marine.

rugispinis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:77 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Cayenne, French Guiana. Syntype: MNHN A-9403 (1, dry mounted). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:10 [ref. 19575]. •Valid as Arius rugispinis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Cervigón 1991:140 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:259 [ref. 23827], Le Bail et al. 2000:28 [ref. 24549], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 [ref. 27639], Acero P. 2003:842 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:447 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:41 [ref. 27192], Marceniuk 2005:96 [ref. 28718]). •Valid as cf. Arius rugispinis, genus uncertain -- (Kailola 2004:145 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as incertae sedis in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:32 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Amphiarius rugispinis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:12 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk & Birindelli 2010:61 [ref. 30960], Marceniuk et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35324], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:162 [ref. 38945], Vieira et al. 2023:20 [ref. 40759]). •Valid as Notarius rugispinis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40422], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Notarius rugispinis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southwestern Atlantic: Atlantic coastal rivers from Guyana to mouth of Amazon River (Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago; ?Venezuela). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

sagor, Pimelodus Hamilton [F.] 1822:169, 376 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal estuaries. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus sagor (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius sagor (Hamilton 1822) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:704 [ref. 20764], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Kottelat & Lim 1996:243 [ref. 23210], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:158 [ref. 27969], Rainboth 1996:165 [ref. 22772], Kailola 1999:1862 [ref. 24732], Tan & Ng 1999:296 [ref. 24254], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Jayaram 2006:346 [ref. 28762]). •Valid as Sciades sagor (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:110 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Taki et al. 2021:278 [ref. 39830]). •Valid as Hexanematichthys sagor (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989], Yoshida et al. 2013:44 [ref. 34464], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2015:23 [ref. 34319], Psomadakis et al. 2015:165 [ref. 34104], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:308 [ref. 37272], Kailola 2022:194 [ref. 39697], Hasan et al. 2023:2209 [ref. 40412]). Current status: Valid as Hexanematichthys sagor (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan, India and Bangladesh east to Indonesia and Vietnam. Habitat: brackish, marine.

sagoroides, Arius Hardenberg [J. D. F.] 1941:221, Fig. 2 [Treubia, Buitenzorg v. 18 (pt 2); ref. 2037] Merauke, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Syntypes: (3) whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius mastersi Ogilby 1898 -- (Kailola 1999:1856 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Sciades mastersi (Ogilby 1898) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:108 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys mastersi (Ogilby 1898) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Pararius mastersi (Ogilby 1898). Current status: Synonym of Pararius mastersi (Ogilby 1898). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

satparanus, Arius Chaudhuri [B. L.] 1916:430, Figs. 6-8 [Memoirs of the Indian Museum v. 5 (no. 4); ref. 15053] Channel between Satpara and Barnikuda, Chilka Lake, Orissa, India. Holotype: ZSI F8784/1. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:125 [ref. 20743], Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus satparanus Chaudhuri 1916 -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius satparanus Chaudhuri 1916 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:706 [ref. 20764]). •Probable synonym of "Arius" argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Arius tenuispinis Day 1877 -- (Jayaram 2006:349 [ref. 28762]). •Synonym of Plicofilis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031] with Kuhl & van Hasselt as authors in main heading). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Plicofollis layardi (Günther 1866) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis layardi (Günther 1866). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

schlegeli, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1863:146 [Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde v. 1; ref. 396] Amoy, China. Syntypes: (2) ?AMS B.8123 [from Day] (1) Amoy. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]. See Kailola 1999:1839 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:250 [reg. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:56 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southeastern China. Habitat: brackish, marine.

schlegelii, Bagrus Bleeker [P.] 1846:25 [153] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Possible types: AMS B.8123. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155], Ferraris 2007:95 [ref. 29155]. Appeared later in Bleeker 1846:153 [ref. 5872]. •Synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732] in part, Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Mystus gulio (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Sanyal 2003:57 [ref. 26894] as schlegelli, Ferraris 2007:95 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Mystus abbreviatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kottelat 2013:262 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Mystus abbreviatus (Valenciennes 1840). Bagridae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

sciurus, Arius Smith [H. M.] 1931:30 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 79 (no. 2873); ref. 4047] Tapii River near Surat Thani, Malay Peninsula, Thailand. Holotype: USNM 90310. Paratypes: (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Vilasri et al. 2018:60 [ref. 36451]. •Valid as Arius sciurus Smith 1931 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Probable synonym of Arius microcephalus Bleeker 1855 -- (Kailola 1999:1857 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Arius microcephalus Bleeker 1855 -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989], Vilasri et al. 2018:60 [ref. 36451]). Current status: Synonym of Arius microcephalus Bleeker 1855. Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

seemanni, Arius Günther [A.] 1864:147, Fig. [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Central America (Pacific). Holotype (unique): BMNH 1855.9.19.1107. •Valid as Hexanematichthys seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:34 [ref. 37559] as seemanii). •Valid as Arius seemanni Günther 1864 -- (Villa 1982:115 [ref. 36708] as seemani, Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Allen & Robertson 1994:68 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:60 [ref. 23101], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:874 [ref. 22829], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:58 [ref. 24545], Bussing 1998:139 [ref. 24179], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:160 [ref. 24555], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:000 [ref. 24550] as seemani, Miller 2006:169 [ref. 28615]). •Valid as Sciades seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:110 [ref. 29031], Matamoros et al. 2009:10 [ref. 31241], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Angulo et al. 2013:993 [ref. 33194], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:400 [ref. 34894], Romero-Berny et al. 2018:89 [ref. 35859]). •Valid as Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Bussing 1987:100 [ref. 22927], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:348 [ref. 29268], McMahan et al. 2013:445 [ref. 32422], Page et al. 2013:82 [ref. 32708], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745] as seemani, Marceniuk et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35431], González-Murcia et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36544], Angulo et al. 2023:28 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Marceniuk et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40422], Siccha-Ramirez et al. 2023:133 [ref. 40816], Valenzuela et al. 2023:95 [ref. 40815]). Current status: Valid as Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: El Salvador south to northern Peru. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

serratus, Arius Day [F.] 1877:462, Pl. 105 (fig. 3) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Sind, Pakistan. Holotype (unique): ZSI 467. Day specimens: AMS B.7971 (1). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:162 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:301-302 [ref. 25110], Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. Since there is a unique holotype, the status can not be of two species as treated by Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108]. •Questionably a synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) (in part) and synonym of Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) (in part, AMS B.7971) -- (Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312], Kailola 1999:1842 [ref. 24732], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym in part of Netuma bilineatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym in part of Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:80 [ref. 29031]). •Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155], Kailola 2022:195 [ref. 39697]). Current status: Synonym of Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

simonsi, Galeichthys Starks [E. C.] 1906:764, Figs. 1-2 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 30 (no. 1468); ref. 10101] Callao, Peru. Holotype (unique): USNM 53466. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:8 [ref. 19771]. •Synonym of Arius seemanni Günther 1864 -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:874 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Hexanematichthys seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Ariopsis seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Sciades seemanni (Günther 1864) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:110 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Ariopsis simonsi (Starks 1906) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2017:35 [ref. 35431], Marceniuk et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Ariopsis simonsi (Starks 1906). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Colombia to Peru. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

sinensis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:72 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Da Nang, Vietnam, South China Sea, western Pacific. Holotype (unique): ?MNHN B 2620. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155], Grant 2020:31 [ref. 37638]. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). •Possible synonym of Arius gagora (Hamilton 1822) -- (Grant 2020:31 [ref. 37638]). Current status: Uncertain as Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

sinensis, Tachysurus Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1803:150, 151[?305], Pl. 5 (fig. 2) [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 5; ref. 4930] Huairou Reservoir, about 2 kilometers northeast of observatory, 40°19'00"N, 116°37'31"E, Huairou County, Beiging, China. Neotype: USNM 336888. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:431 [ref. 29155] as type not found. Neotype designated by Ng & Kottelat 2007:37, 43 [ref. 29362]. Lacepède's description was based on a figure, reproduced in Ng & Kottelat 2007:35 [ref. 29362] as Fig. 2. Neotype designation confirmed by Ng & Kottelat 2008:154 [ref. 29873]. •Valid as Arius sinensis (Lacepède 1803) -- (Ni & Wu in Kuang et al. 1986:171 [ref. 26639], Zheng 1989:293 [ref. 21202], Lu in Pan et al. 1991:323 [ref. 23876], Chen et al. 1997:23 [ref. 26476], Cheng & Zhou 1997:204 [ref. 26385], Dai in Chu et al. 1999:184 [ref. 24534]). •Nomen dubium in Bagridae -- (Kailola 2004:144 [ref. 28108], but with problems on the type). •Species inquirenda in Siluriformes -- (Ferraris 2007:431 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Tachysurus sinensis Lacepède 1802 in Bagridae -- (Ng & Kottelat 2007:35 [ref. 29362], Bogutskaya et al. 2008:341 [ref. 30085], Ng 2009:24 [ref. 30544], Kottelat 2013:267 [ref. 32989], Parin et al. 2014:106 [ref. 33547], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:671 [ref. 34853], Dyldin et al. 2020:88 [ref. 37569], Grant 2020:32 [ref. 37638], Dyldin et al. 2021:26 [ref. 38804], Dyldin & Orlov 2021:68 [ref. 38158], Cheng et al. 2021:312 [ref. 38402], Shao & Zhang 2022:9 [ref. 39199], Chan et al. 2023:139 [ref. 40365], Dyldin et al. 2024:1068 [ref. 41701]). Current status: Valid as Tachysurus sinensis Lacepède 1803. Bagridae. Distribution: East Asia: northern and southern China; Amur River drainage and Sakhalin (Russia). Introduced in Hong Kong (China). Habitat: freshwater.

solidus, Arius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:385 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 18 (no. 12); ref. 2109] Sepik River at Timbunke, New Guinea. Holotype: FMNH 17201. Paratypes: (22) FMNH 17202 (1), 17203-06 (4), 17207-10 (4); CAS-SU 24444-45 (5, 4), 24447-49 (1, 1, 1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:11 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius solidus Herre 1935 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kailola 1990:9 [ref. 19337], Allen & Coates 1990:59 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:55 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:298 [ref. 21400], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113]). •Valid as Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935) -- (Kailola 2004:131 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:36 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:39 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2023:40 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Brustiarius solidus (Herre 1935). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

sona, Pimelodus Hamilton [F.] 1822:172, 376 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal estuaries. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. Hamilton's original, unpublished illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 94 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Tachysurus sona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800], Mishra et al. 1999:84 [ref. 25315]). •Valid as Arius sona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:705 [ref. 20764], Rainboth 1996:165 [ref. 22772], Kailola 1999:1863 [ref. 24732], Mishra & Srinivasan 1999:239 [ref. 24754], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:11 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Khan 2003:8 [ref. 27710], Jayaram 2006:347 [ref. 28762]). •Valid as Sciades sona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:110 [ref. 29031], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321]). •Valid as Hemiarius sona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989], Psomadakis et al. 2015:164 [ref. 34104], Psomadakis et al. 2020:308 [ref. 37272], Kailola 2022:193 [ref. 39697]). •Valid as Pseudosciades sona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:37 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Pseudosciades sona (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

spatula, Arius Ramsay [E. P.] & Ogilby [J. D.] 1886:15 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 1); ref. 14464] Strickland River, New Guinea. Holotype (unique): AMS B.9937. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius spatula Ramsay & Ogilby 1886 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Allen et al. 2000:46 [ref. 27467]). •Valid as Cochlefelis spatula (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886) -- (Roberts 1978:44 [ref. 8886], Allen 1991:58 [ref. 21090], Kailola 2004:134 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:54 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155], Allen et al. 2008:49 [ref. 30265], Marceniuk et al. 2012:642 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2023:42 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cochlefelis spatula (Ramsay & Ogilby 1886). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea). Habitat: freshwater.

spixii, Pimelodus Agassiz [L.] in Spix & Agassiz 1829:19 [Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam; ref. 13] Marajó Bay, Pará State, Brazil [Equatorial Brazil = lower Amazon basin]. Neotype: MZUSP 49345. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. Neotype selected by Marceniuk et al. 2012:86 [ref. 31865]. Original type locality see Koerber 2021:93 [ref. 38172]. •Valid as Arius spixii (Agassiz 1829) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Cathorops spixii (Agassiz 1829) -- (Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:160 [ref. 14275], Cervigón 1991:143 [ref. 24472], Cervigón 1992:260 [ref. 23827], González Bencomo et al. 1997:158 [ref. 24960], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:149 [ref. 24550] as spixi, Le Bail et al. 2000:32 [ref. 24549], Marín 2000:68 [ref. 26252], Acero P. 2003:849 [ref. 26998], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:449 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:42 [ref. 27192], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2005:54 [ref. 28341], Marceniuk 2005:97 [ref. 28718], McEachran & Fechhelm 2005:16 [ref. 28815], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:45 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155], Betancur-R. et al. 2007:349 [ref. 29268], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:43 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2012:78, 94 [ref. 31865], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Catelani et al. 2014:931 [ref. 37496], Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Raz-Guzmán et al. 2018:344 [ref. 36407], Spier et al. 2018:7 [ref. 36103], Ribeiro et al. 2019:8 [ref. 36717], Koerber 2021:90, 93 [ref. 38172], Marceniuk in Marceniuk et al. 2021:164 [ref. 38945], Koerber et al. 2022:63 [ref. 39235], Carvalho-Filho 2023:72 [ref. 40480], Marceniuk et al. 2023:14 [ref. 40422], Vieira et al. 2023:20 [ref. 40759], Lutz et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41548]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops spixii (Agassiz 1829). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Guyana south to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

squalus, Arius Philippi [R. A.] 1866:713 [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866 (for 15 Nov. 1866); ref. 14056] Peine, Santiago, Chile. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Arratia 1987:12 [ref. 5957], Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:255 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782). Diplomystidae. Habitat: freshwater.

stirlingi, Arius Ogilby [J. D.] 1898:281 [Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v. 23 (pt 3); ref. 3276] Estuary of Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia. Holotype (unique): SAMA F1095. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius stirlingi Ogilby 1898 -- (Roberts 1978:48 [ref. 8886] as cf. stirlingi, Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Arius armiger De Vis 1884 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:219 [ref. 12442], Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Kailola 1999:1841 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Nemapteryx armiger (De Vis 1884) -- (Kailola 2004:139 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:354 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:75 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:46 [ref. 29155], Larson et al. 2013:38 [ref. 32988]). Current status: Synonym of Nemapteryx armiger (De Vis 1884). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

stormii, Cephalocassis Bleeker [P.] 1858:246 [Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae v. 4 (art. 2); ref. 365] Mussi River, Palembang, southern Sumatra, Indonesia. Syntypes: (2) BMNH 1863.12.4.65 (1); ? RMNH 6893 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. Illustrated as Silur. Pl. 52 [cumulative Pl. 100], published in Bleeker 1863 [ref. 393]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:216 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius stormii (Bleeker 1858) [sometimes as stormi] -- (Roberts 1989:110 [ref. 6439], Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Rainboth 1996:165 [ref. 22772], Kailola 1999:1864 [ref. 24732], Tan & Ng 1999:297 [ref. 24254], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Kailola 2000:130 [ref. 25113], Kottelat 2001:141 [ref. 25780], Ng 2003:4 [ref. 27208]). •Valid as Hemiarius stormii (Bleeker 1858) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:68 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2023:32 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Hemiarius stormii (Bleeker 1858). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

stricticassis, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:58 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Cayenne, French Guiana; Suriname. Syntypes: MNHN A-9406 (1, dry), RMNH 3034 (1) Suriname. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:15 [ref. 19575] with A.9406 as holotype, Boeseman 1972:297 [ref. 19698], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius grandicassis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Acero P. 2003:841 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Hemiarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Notarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk 2005:98 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:278 [ref. 35197]). Current status: Synonym of Notarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

subrostratus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:62 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Malabar, India. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-1190 (poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:5 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus subrostratus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as incertae sedis, cf. Arius subrostratus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 2004:146 [ref. 28108], Kottelat 2013:245 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Arius subrostratus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Psomadakis et al. 2015:164 [ref. 34104], Psomadakis et al. 2020:307 [ref. 37272], Kailola 2022:190 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius subrostratus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan east to Philippines. Habitat: brackish, marine.

sumatranus, Bagrus Anonymous [Bennett [E. T.]] 1830:691 [Memoir of the life and public services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles; ref. 259] Sumatra, Indonesia. Syntypes: BMNH 1855.12.26.485 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. On Code recommendation 51D, the anonymous author is listed in square brackets. Contrary to Kottelat (2013), the article does not have an author; but it can be found on p. xi and 629. •Valid as Tachysurus sumatranus ([Bennett] 1830) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:49 [ref. 6800]). •Probable synonym of Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732]). •Valid as Arius sumatranus ([Bennett] 1830) -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:159 [ref. 27969], Tan & Ng 1999:296 [ref. 24254], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989], Kailola 2022:190 [ref. 39697]). •Valid as Hemiarius sumatranus (Anonymous [Bennett] 1830) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:69 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2012:643 [ref. 32225], Psomadakis et al. 2015:165 [ref. 34104], Psomadakis et al. 2020:308 [ref. 37272], Marceniuk et al. 2023:32 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Hemiarius sumatranus (Anonymous [Bennett] 1830). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

synodon, Arius Philippi [R. A.] 1866:714 [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866 (for 15 Nov. 1866); ref. 14056] Chile. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Arratia 1987:12 [ref. 5957]). •Questionably a synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:255 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782). Diplomystidae. Habitat: freshwater.

tachisurus, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:163 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] China. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:431 [ref. 29155]. Apparently an unneeded new name for Tachisurus chinensis [sic, for sinensis] Lacepède 1803. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108]). •Species inquirenda in Siluriformes -- (Ferraris 2007:431 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

taylori, Arius Hildebrand [S. F.] 1925:250, Fig. 10 [Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries v. 41 (no. 985); ref. 15590] Río Lempa, San Marcos, El Salvador. Holotype: USNM 87224. Paratypes: FMNH [ex USNM 87224] (1, missing), Gov't. of El Salvador [ex USNM 87224] (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius taylori Hildebrand 1925 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Cathorops taylori (Hildebrand 1925) -- (Allen & Robertson 1994:69 [ref. 22193], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:43 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763]). •Synonym of Cathorops steindachneri (Gilbert & Starks 1904) -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:882 [ref. 22829], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:450 [ref. 27061], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:45 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2009:269 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2023:14 [ref. 40422], Fricke et al. 2024:194 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops taylori (Hildebrand 1925). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador; ?Honduras; ?Panama. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

taylori, Hemipimelodus Roberts [T. R.] 1978:40, Figs. 19, 20h [Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology No. 281; ref. 8886] Upper Fly River, Papua New Guinea, 6°46'48"S, 141°36'36"E. Holotype: AMS 27087-001 [ex USNM 217076]. Paratypes: KFRS F.4682.01 [ex USNM 217077] (1), USNM 217077 (2, now 1, 1 exchanged to KFRS). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:8 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]. Subjectively invalid; secondarily preoccupied by Arius taylori Hildebrand 1925, replaced by Arius robertsi Kailola 1990:24 [ref. 19337]. Resurrected by Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155] on the basis of Art. 59.4. •Valid as Hemipimelodus taylori Roberts 1978 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Arius taylori (Roberts 1978) -- (Allen 1991:55 [ref. 21090], Kailola 1990:23, 24 [ref. 19337], Allen et al. 2000:47 [ref. 27467]). •Synonym of Ariopsis robertsi (Kailola 1990) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Potamosilurus robertsi (Kailola 1990) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:102 [ref. 29031], Allen et al. 2008:58 [ref. 30265]). •Valid as Neoarius taylori (Roberts 1978) -- (Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Potamosilurus taylori (Roberts 1978). Current status: Valid as Potamosilurus taylori (Roberts 1978). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Fly River system, New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

tenuispinis, Arius Day [F.] 1877:466, Pl. 107 (fig. 5) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Mumbai, India. Holotype (unique): ZSI F482. Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:162 [ref. 23762], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus tenuispinis (Day 1877) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:49 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius tenuispinis Day 1877 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:705 [ref. 20764], Randall 1995:75 [ref. 22896], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:160 [ref. 27969], Carpenter et al. 1997:122 [ref. 23922], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Jayaram 2006:349 [ref. 28762]). •Synonym of Plicofollis layardi (Günther 1866) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108]). •Synonym of Plicofollis layardi (Günther 1866) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Kottelat 2013:250 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Plicofollis tenuispinis (Day 1877) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:96 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Eagderi et al. 2019:131 [ref. 37020], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis tenuispinis (Day 1877). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Northern Indian Ocean: East Africa and Persian Gulf east to western Malaya (Malaysia). Habitat: brackish, marine.

thalassinus, Bagrus Rüppell [W. P. E. S.] 1837:75, Pl. 20 (fig. 2) [Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig. Fische des Rothen Meeres; ref. 3844] Massawa, Eritrea, Red Sea. Syntypes SMF 544 (1), 5414 (1, dry), 2627 (1, dry), 5740 (1, skeleton). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:49 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Tachysurus thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:49 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kyushin et al. 1982:44 [ref. 19754], Dor 1984:51 [ref. 29757], Allen & Swainston 1988:36 [ref. 25477], Kailola 1986:546 [ref. 6312] with a holotype, Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860], Paxton et al. 1989:220 [ref. 12442], Coad 1991:25 [ref. 15702], Goren & Dor 1994:13 [ref. 25356], Randall 1995:76 [ref. 22896], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:161 [ref. 27969], Rainboth 1996:165 [ref. 22772], Allen 1997:60 [ref. 23977], Chen et al. 1997:23 [ref. 26476] dated 1835, Larson & Williams 1997:348 [ref. 23967], Carpenter et al. 1997:122 [ref. 23922], Dai in Chu et al. 1999:188 [ref. 24534], Kailola 1999:1865 [ref. 24732], Mishra & Srinivasan 1999:239 [ref. 24754], Nakabo 2000:281 [ref. 25086], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113], Nakabo 2002:281 [ref. 26001], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Ng & Sparks 2003:16 [ref. 27207], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Khan 2003:8 [ref. 27710], Wang et al. 2005:423 [ref. 28263], Jayaram 2006:350 [ref. 28762]). •Valid as Netuma thalassinus (Rüppell 1837) -- (Kailola 2004:140 [ref. 28108], Hoese & Gates 2006:35 [ref. 28997], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:79 [ref. 29031], Kimura 2009:35 [ref. 30426], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2015:24 [ref. 34319]). •Valid as Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837) -- (Taylor 1986:158 [ref. 6195], Hutchins 2001:21 [ref. 25847], Marceniuk et al. 2012:667 [ref. 32225], Larson et al. 2013:40 [ref. 32988], Bogorodsky et al. 2014:412 [ref. 33460], Psomadakis et al. 2015:166 [ref. 34104], Ali et al. 2018:312 [ref. 36183], Golani & Fricke 2018:36 [ref. 36273], Eagderi et al. 2019:130 [ref. 37020], Takahashi et al. 2019:268 [ref. 37057], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:310 [ref. 37272], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:71 [ref. 41223], Kailola 2022:195 [ref. 39697], Zajonz et al. 2022:47 [ref. 40522], Marceniuk et al. 2023:25 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Netuma thalassina (Rüppell 1837). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: East Africa, Socotra (Yemen) and Persian Gulf east to Philippines, north to southern China, south to Queensland (Australia). Habitat: brackish, marine.

thunberg, Pimelodus Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1803:691, 692 [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 5; ref. 4930] China; Japan. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. Unneeded new name for Silurus maculatus Thunberg 1792. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

tonggol, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:292 [Natuur-en Geneeskundig Archief voor Neȇrlandsch Indië v. 3 (2); ref. 19349] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: BMNH 1863.12.4.56 (1), RMNH 6894 (1 or more of 3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155]. Also appeared in Bleeker 1846:48 [ref. 313]. See Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155] for discussion of first reviser action resulting in tonggol being accepted over crossocheilos. See van Oijen et al. 2009:68 [ref. 30423]. •Synonym of "Arius" crossocheilus Bleeker 1846 -- (Kailola 1999:1844 [ref. 24732]). •Synonym of Plicofollis crossocheilos (Bleeker 1846) -- (Kailola 2004:142 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:92 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Plicofollis tonggol (Bleeker 1846) -- (Ferraris 2007:52 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:251 [ref. 32989], Marceniuk et al. 2017:[4] [ref. 35522], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:71 [ref. 41223], Kailola 2022:198 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Plicofollis tonggol (Bleeker 1846). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, western Pacific: India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines. Habitat: brackish, marine.

truncatus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:64 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): MNHN B-0590. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:5 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:93 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius truncatus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Rainboth 1996:166 [ref. 22772], Martin-Smith & Tan 1998:592 [ref. 23647], Kailola 1999:1866 [ref. 24732], Tan & Ng 1999:297 [ref. 24254], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208]). •Valid as Cryptarius truncatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Kailola 2004:135 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:57 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:43 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:643 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989], Yoshida et al. 2013:44 [ref. 34464], Taki et al. 2021:277 [ref. 39830], Marceniuk et al. 2023:31 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cryptarius truncatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: South and southeast Asia: Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

tuyra, Arius Meek [S. E.] & Hildebrand [S. F.] 1923:128, Pl. 5 [Field Museum of Natural History, Publications, Zoölogical Series v. 15 (publ. 215); ref. 2963] Río Tuyra, mouth of Río Yape, Darien, Panama (Pacific). Holotype: USNM 79413. Paratypes: FMNH 26711-12 (2), 26713-15 (3); USNM 79411-12 (1, 2), 79414 (2); plus 7 other specimens. Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:11 [ref. 12367], Ferraris & Vari 1992:7 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Arius tuyra Meek & Hildebrand 1923 -- (Burgess 1989:169 [ref. 12860]). •Possibly a synonym of Cathorops festae Boulenger 1898 -- (Betancur-R. & Acero P. 2004:13 [ref. 28008]). •Valid as Cathorops tuyra (Meek & Hildebrand 1923) -- (Bussing & López S. 1994:58 [ref. 23101], Allen & Robertson 1994:69 [ref. 22193], Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:883 [ref. 22829], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:161 [ref. 24555], Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:450 [ref. 27061], Kailola 2004:132 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:46 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:40 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk 2007:46 [ref. 29324], Marceniuk & Betancur-R. 2008:43 [ref. 29576], Marceniuk et al. 2009:274 [ref. 30406], Marceniuk et al. 2012:666 [ref. 32225], Angulo et al. 2013:992 [ref. 33194], Barriga Salazar 2014:115 [ref. 35745], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:399 [ref. 34894], Marceniuk et al. 2016:138 [ref. 34763], Marceniuk et al. 2023:14 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Cathorops tuyra (Meek & Hildebrand 1923). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Panama south to Peru, including adjacent estuaries and freshwater habitats. Habitat: freshwater, brackish, marine.

uncinatus, Arius Ng [H. H.] & Sparks [J. S.] 2003:12, Fig. 7 [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 735; ref. 27207] Lake Andrapongy, near Antsohihy, Madagascar. Holotype: MHNG 2622.81. Paratypes: AMNH 211458 (1), MHNG 2537.66 (6), UMMZ 238058 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805]. •Possibly valid as Ariopsis uncinatus (Ng & Sparks 2003) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Arius uncinatus Ng & Sparks 2003 -- (Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2018:61 [ref. 35805]). •Valid as Betancurichthys uncinatus (Ng & Sparks 2003) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:30 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Betancurichthys uncinatus (Ng & Sparks 2003). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Lake Andrapongy, northwestern Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

utarus, Arius Kailola [P. J.] 1990:12, Figs. 4 [Records of the Western Australian Museum Suppl. No. 34; ref. 19337] Murik Lakes, New Guinea. Holotype: AMS I.25406-001. Paratypes: AMS I.25406-002 (2); WAM P.27846-001 (4), P.27847-010 (7), P.28224-001 (1); QM I.21674 (1). Other paratypes at: CAS (2 lots, 3), CSIRO C 3532 (1), KFRS 5517.01 (2, discarded), NTM (2), RMNH 28814 (1), RMNH (1), SAMA F6254 (1), CAS-SU (3 lots, 3), ZMA (2 lots, 2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:8 [ref. 19335], Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155], Moore et al. 2008:7 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Arius utarus Kailola 1990 -- (Allen & Coates 1990:61 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:56 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:298 [ref. 21400], Burgess & Finley 1996:165 [ref. 22901], Kailola 1999:1867 [ref. 24732], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113]). •Valid as Ariopsis utarus (Kailola 1990) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108]). •Valid as Sciades utarus (Kailola 1990) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:111 [ref. 29031]). •Valid as Neoarius utarus (Kailola 1990) -- (Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Brustiarius utarus (Kailola 1990) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2023:40 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Brustiarius utarus (Kailola 1990). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Papua New Guinea. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

utik, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:40 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Syntypes: BMNH 1863.12.4.111 (1). Bleeker specimens: NMV 45987 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155]. The spelling oetik is used by Bleeker 1846:166 [ref. 5872]. Correct spelling is utik, as used by Bleeker 1862:31 [ref. 393]. •Valid as Arius utik Bleeker 1846 (often as oetik) -- (Burgess 1989:170 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Kailola 1999:1868 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:19 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:35 [ref. 29155], Kimura 2009:33 [ref. 30426], Kottelat 2013:247 [ref. 32989], Yoshida et al. 2013:44 [ref. 34464], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2015:22 [ref. 34319], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422] as oetik). Current status: Valid as Arius utik Bleeker 1846. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific: Andaman Sea to Gulf of Thailand, Kalimantan and Java (Indonesia). Habitat: brackish, marine.

vandeli, Arius Puyo [J.] 1936:123, Figs. 21G, 22 [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 71 (no. 4); ref. 15298] Cayenne River, French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1936-0160. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:9 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Arius grandicassis Valenciennes 1840 -- (Acero P. 2003:841 [ref. 26998]). •Synonym of Notarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk 2005:98 [ref. 28718], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:50 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2017:278 [ref. 35197]). Current status: Synonym of Notarius grandicassis (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

variolosus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:107 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Cayenne, French Guiana. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-4169. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:8 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Arius variolosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:170 [ref. 12860]). •Species inquirenda in Cathorops Jordan & Gilbert 1883 -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:450 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:46 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:41 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Cathorops arenatus (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Marceniuk et al. 2012:77 [ref. 31865]). Current status: Synonym of Cathorops arenatus (Valenciennes 1840). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: freshwater.

velutinus, Hemipimelodus Weber [M.] 1907:225 [Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea v. 5 (Zool.) pt 2; ref. 4599] Lake Sentani and mouth of Tami and Tawarin rivers, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Syntypes: (31) AMNH 9478 (1), FMNH 52392 [ex CM 648] (1), NMW 8222-23 (1, 1), RMNH 8001 [ex ZMA] (1), ZMA 112654-56 (3, 6, 12). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:53 [ref. 19236], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:45 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemipimelodus velutinus Weber 1907 -- (Desoutter 1977:11 [ref. 20628], Burgess 1989:167 [ref. 12860]). •Valid as Arius velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Kailola 1990:23 [ref. 19337], Allen & Coates 1990:62 [ref. 25561], Allen 1991:56 [ref. 21090], Allen et al. 1992:298 [ref. 21400], Kailola 2000:127 [ref. 25113]). •Valid as Ariopsis velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108] dated 1908). •Valid as Neoarius velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Ferraris 2007:48 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Potamosilurus velutinus (Weber 1907) -- (Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:102 [ref. 29031], Marceniuk et al. 2012:668 [ref. 32225], Marceniuk et al. 2023:48 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Potamosilurus velutinus (Weber 1907). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: New Guinea: Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. Habitat: freshwater.

venosus, Arius Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:69 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Rangoon, Myanmar; Manila, Philippines. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-1205 (2) Rangoon. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:6 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:98 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:170 [ref. 12860], Kottelat et al. 1993:80 [ref. 23448], Rainboth 1996:166 [ref. 22772], Kailola 1999:1869 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Ng 2003:10 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:20 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:36 [ref. 29155], Kimura 2009:34 [ref. 30426], Kottelat 2013:247 [32989], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2015:23 [ref. 34319], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 8 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:307 [ref. 37272], Taki et al. 2021:280 [ref. 39830], Marceniuk et al. 2023:29 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius venosus Valenciennes 1840. Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, western Pacific: Bangladesh and Myanmar east to Philippines, north to Vietnam. Habitat: brackish, marine.

verrucosus, Arius Ng [H. H.] 2003:3, Fig. 1 [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 734; ref. 27208] Mekong River at Ban Hang Khone, just downstream from Khone Falls, Champasak, Laos. Holotype: UMMZ 235408. Paratypes: CAS 96570 (1); UMMZ 214609 (1), 214611 (1), 214619 (1), 232326 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Hemiarius verrucosus (Ng 2003) -- (Kailola 2004:137 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:69 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:45 [ref. 29155], Kottelat 2013:248 [ref. 32989], Taki et al. 2021:277 [ref. 39830], Marceniuk et al. 2023:32 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Hemiarius verrucosus (Ng 2003). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: middle and lower reaches of the Mekong River basin and possibly the lower Bang Pakong, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater.

villosus, Arius Philippi [R. A.] 1866:712 [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866 (for 15 Nov. 1866); ref. 14056] Chile. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Arratia 1987:12 [ref. 5957]). •Questionably a synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782) -- (Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:255 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:166 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Diplomystes chilensis (Molina 1782). Diplomystidae. Habitat: freshwater.

viviparus, Arius Bleeker [P.] 1846:45 [171] [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 21 (art. 5); ref. 313] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]. Also in Bleeker 1846:45 [ref. 313]. See Kailola 1999:1854 [ref. 24732]. •Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) -- (Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:18 [ref. 29031], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989]). •Species inquirenda in Ariidae -- (Ferraris 2007:55 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

xenauchen, Galeichthys Gilbert [C. H.] in Jordan & Evermann 1898:2777 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 47; ref. 2445] Panama (Pacific). Holotype (unique): CAS-SU 5821. Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:41 [ref. 12291]. Author is C. H. Gilbert. Holotype figured in Gilbert & Starks 1904, Pl. 4 (fig. 7) [ref. 1639]. •Synonym of Arius lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Kailola & Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995:870 [ref. 22829]). •Synonym of Ariopsis lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Kailola 2004:126 [ref. 28108], Ferraris 2007:33 [ref. 29155] as lentiginosa). •Synonym of Notarius lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888) -- (Marceniuk & Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:452 [ref. 27061], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:83 [ref. 29031]). Current status: Synonym of Notarius lentiginosus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888). Ariidae: Ariinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

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