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Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023 |
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Species that contain: Notropis and atherinoides and atherinoides [ 9 ] records acutus, Alburnus Lapham [I. A.] 1854:101, Figs. 1-2 [Annals of Science (Cleveland, Ohio) v. 2; ref. 20824] Lower part of Milwaukee River (below first dam), Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Syntypes: MCZ 1741 (8, discarded in 1938), UMMZ 85896 [ex MCZ 1741] (2). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:23 [ref. 7042] as no types located; see Hubbs 1945:16 [ref. 10745]; Gilbert 1998:34 [ref. 23395]. Also appeared as new in Lapham 1854:96 [ref. 36678]. •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:23 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:34 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:440 [ref. 24570]). •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818, but a valid subspecies -- (Scharpf 2005:27 [ref. 28940]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: Lake Michigan [subspecies acutus, presumeably extinct]. Habitat: freshwater. atherinoides, Notropis Rafinesque [C. S.] 1818:204 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 2 (3) (Jan. 1818); ref. 3585] "Lake Erie," North America. Syntypes: ?USNM 42505 (2) Judsonia, Arkansas. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:27 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:44 [ref. 23395]. •Valid as Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:27 [ref. 7042], Lee et al. 1980:231 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:171 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:199 [ref. 23393], McAllister 1990:60 [ref. 14674], Burkhead & Jenkins 1991:353 [ref. 21804], Page & Burr 1991:132 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:54 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:210 [ref. 22809], Humphries & Cashner 1994:82 [ref. 21414], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:397 [ref. 21581], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Baxter & Stone 1995:90 [ref. 23374], Stauffer et al. 1995:121 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:84 [ref. 23394], Chereshnev 1996:600 [ref. 24659], Mettee et al. 1996:237 [ref. 25836], Simons & Mayden 1997:195 [ref. 24948], Sigler & Sigler 1996:98 [ref. 25943], Gilbert 1998:44 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:440 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:102 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:26 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:190 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:74 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:88 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:136 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:229 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2005:27 [ref. 28940] with subspecies, McPhail 2007:92 [ref. 31199], Page & Burr 2011:253 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:74 [ref. 32708], Conway & Kim 2016:334 [ref. 34355], Stout et al. 2022:7 [ref. 39738], Bagley et al. 2023:314 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:73 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: North America. Habitat: freshwater. caddonis, Notropis atherinoides Meek [S. E.] 1891:136 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 9 (art. 9) (for 1889); ref. 12399] Little Red River (tributary of White River) at Judsonia, White County, Arkansas, U.S.A. Syntypes: BMNH 1898.12.29.337-340 [ex FMNH] (4). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:24 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:54 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:33 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:54 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater. dilectus, Alburnus Girard [C. F.] 1856:193 [29] [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 8; ref. 1810] Arkansas River, near Fort Smith, Arkansas, U.S.A. Syntypes: MCZ 1785 (2); UMMZ 56281 (1); USNM 71 (2), 36927 (29). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:40 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:71 [ref. 23395]. On p. 29 of separate. •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:41 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:71 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:192 [ref. 25978]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater. dinemus, Minnilus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:236 [Western Review and Miscellaneous Magazine: a monthly publ., devoted to literature and science, Lexington, KY v. 2 (no. 4); ref. 7310] Ohio River, etc., U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:41 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:71 [ref. 23395]. Genus originally misspelled Minulus; corrected in Rafinesque 1820:158 [ref. 3592]. •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:41 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:71 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater. lepidulus, Alburnus Girard [C. F.] 1856:212 [48] [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 8; ref. 1810] Black Warrior River, near Eutaw, Green County, Alabama, U.S.A. Syntypes: whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:54 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:102 [ref. 23395] with note on locality. On p. 48 of separate. •Probably a synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:54 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:102 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Boschung & Mayden 2004:229 [ref. 27995]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater. louisianae, Notropis Evermann [B. W.] in Jordan & Evermann 1898:2801 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 47; ref. 2445] Atchafalaya River, Melville, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 48902. Paratypes: USNM 125607 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:56 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:106 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:56 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:106 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater. nitidus, Alburnus Kirtland [J. P.] 1854:44, Fig. [Annals of Science (Cleveland, Ohio) v. 2 (no. 2); ref. 18413] Rocky River, near Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:63 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:121 [ref. 23395]. Also appeared as new in Kirtland 1854:74 [ref. 36676]. •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:63 [ref. 7042], Smith 1986:172 [ref. 22186], Gilbert 1998:121 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:443 [ref. 24570]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater. oligaspis, Alburnus Cope [E. D.] 1865:282 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 16; ref. 13927] Platte River, near Fort Riley, U.S.A. [probably incorrect]. Lectotype: ANSP 2753. Paralectotypes: ANSP 2754 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:66-67 [ref. 7042], Böhlke 1984:85 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:125 [ref. 23395] with note on locality. Lectotype established by Fowler 1910:290, Pl. 20 (fig. 48) [ref. 19840]. •Possibly valid as Notropis oligaspis (Cope 1865) -- (Humphries & Cashner 1994:82 [ref. 21414]). •Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818 -- (Gilbert 1978:67 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:125 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque 1818. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater. |