Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Ichthyology Collection Database

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CAS-ICH 13465 Brycon alburnus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Bryconidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 6/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number IU 13465 Size      
Collector; Vessel Henn, Arthur W.  Field Number AH 1913-VINCE-2 Date Collected 1913 
Continent/Ocean South America Country Ecuador State Los Rios Province County
Water Body R. Vinces Drainage R. Guayas Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Vinces.
Latitude-Longitude -1.553089°, -79.752902°; uncertainty: 5000 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks Landon Exped.

CAS-ICH 13466 Brycon alburnus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Bryconidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 8/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number IU 13466 Size      
Collector; Vessel Henn, Arthur W.  Field Number AH 1913-NARAN Date Collected 1913 
Continent/Ocean South America Country Ecuador State County
Water Body R. Barranca Alta & R. Chanchan Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Naranjito.
Latitude-Longitude -2.240210°, -79.378877°; uncertainty: 5395 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksThe names of the rios are Rio Barranco Alto and Rio Chanchin. The rivers don't meet, so I plotted the locality in the area where they are more close one to another, at about 11 Km SE of Naranjito town. I plotted the locality in the Rio Barranco Alto with
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks Landon Exped.

CAS-ICH 68859 Brycon alburnus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Bryconidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number duplicates IU 1 Size      
Collector; Vessel Henn, Arthur W.  Field Number Z68859 Date Collected  
Continent/Ocean South America Country Ecuador State County
Water Body Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Rio Barranca alta at Naranjito
Latitude-Longitude -2.238838°, -79.460029°; uncertainty: 5004 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksI believe the name of the river is Barranco Alto.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks duplicates (probably of CAS 13466)
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 68860 Brycon alburnus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Bryconidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 10/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number IU 13464 Size      
Collector; Vessel Henn, Arthur W.  Field Number Z68860 Date Collected  
Continent/Ocean South America Country Ecuador State Guayas Province County
Water Body Drainage RIO GUAYAS Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Rio Daule at Colimes
Latitude-Longitude -1.546139°, -80.007998°; uncertainty: 3036 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksI lotted the locality in the Rio Daule at Colimes.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 68861 Brycon alburnus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Bryconidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 33/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number duplicates IU 1 Size      
Collector; Vessel Henn, Arthur W.  Field Number Z68861 Date Collected  
Continent/Ocean South America Country Ecuador State Guayas Province County
Water Body Drainage R. Guayas basin Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Rio Daule at Colimes.
Latitude-Longitude -1.546139°, -80.007998°; uncertainty: 3036 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksI lotted the locality in the Rio Daule at Colimes.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks duplicates (probably of CAS 68860)
Collecting Event Remarks Landon Exped.

CAS-SU(ICH) 49259 Brycon alburnus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Weitzman, S. H. / 1957 Bryconidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 0/0/3 Prep Type - Preservative C&S-GLYCERINE Other/Previous Number Size 61-95 mm SL
Collector; Vessel Henn, Arthur W.  Field Number AH 1913-COLIM Date Collected 1913 - 1913 
Continent/Ocean South America Country Ecuador State Guayas Province County
Water Body R. Daule Drainage R. Guayas basin Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Colimes.
Latitude-Longitude -1.546139°, -80.007998°; uncertainty: 3036 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksI lotted the locality in the Rio Daule at Colimes.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks Ledger says 'IUM 'dupl.' series' regarding no. of specimens.
Collecting Event Remarks Landon Exped.
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