CAS-ICH 94732 |
Garra theunensis [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Thoni, Ryan / 14 Jul 2015 |
Cyprinidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
3/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc-75% EtOH |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
T.R. Roberts, P. Vongsay, villagers |
Field Number |
TRR 12-VII-95 |
Date Collected |
12 Jul 1995 - 22 Aug 1995 |
Continent/Ocean |
Asia |
Country |
Laos |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Mekong Basin |
Island Group |
Island |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
Locality |
Nam Theun watershed; Nam Gnouang at Ban Sop Chat, Ban Sensi and Ban Sapong. |
Latitude-Longitude |
Bottom Type |
Acc. Number |
1996-XII:18 |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |