CAS-SU(ICH) 51083 |
Rupiscartes atlanticus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Ford, R. |
Blenniidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
1/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc-75% EtOH |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Allen, Ford, Savage, Scofield |
Field Number |
F-2-55 |
Date Collected |
4 Apr 1955 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific |
Country |
Mexico |
State |
Sonora |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
Locality |
Puerto San Carlos, Ensenada San Francisco; narrow reef east side of Punta de las Cuevas, 100 yds. from tip of point; 2 tide pools. |
Latitude-Longitude |
27.939574°, -111.046241°; uncertainty: 355 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) |
Bottom Type |
Georef. Remarks | Coordinates at Ensenada San Francisco. |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |