Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Ichthyology Collection Database

CAS-ICH 6466 Plecostomus emarginatus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Clark & Halstead / 1940 Loricariidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Ternetz, Carl  Field Number CT 25-I-24B Date Collected 25 Jan 1924 
Continent/Ocean South America Country Brazil State Goias County
Water Body Drainage R. Tocantins basin Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Rio Santa Teresa, western tributary to upper Rio Tocantins
Latitude-Longitude -12.880855°, -48.828909°; uncertainty: 124359 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksI couldn't establish the exact location of the collecting site, so I plotted the locality embracing the total length of the Rio Santa Teresa as an approximate.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks