Channel Islands and Santa Barbara Bibliography


California Academy of Sciences Library

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CERES: Environmental Information for Central Coast Bioregion, Santa Barbara County

Through CERES search engines, find various publications on the Channel Islands.  Searching through California Bioregions, view regional projects and programs along with environmental data.


Channel Islands Harbor Visitor’s Guide

The Channel Islands Harbor, gateway to Channel Islands National Park, is a  Southern California beach and seaside recreation area.


Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

The Marine Sanctuary educates the public about the natural, cultural, and historical value of the oceanic and coastal waters. Offers sanctuary cruises and photo-dive workshops.  Web site contains education, recreation, marine life, research, and marine associated links along with multimedia resources. 


Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Information and News

The Sanctuary Advisory Council has worked to enhance sanctuary management by bringing valuable community advice, expertise, and concerns to the table for management consideration. Web site contains meeting announcements, minutes, news, and members.


Channel Islands National Park, National Park Service

A brief general guide with information on visitor centers, hiking trails, lighthouse exhibits, wildlife observation, activities, lodging, campgrounds, and more.


Channel Islands National Park Page

The site provides information on Channel Islands National Park with information on camping, hiking, lodging, maps, sites, travel, and visitor's guides.  Also contains activities calendar, chat room, and a search engine.


Channel Islands National Park Official Web Site

In-depth information on the Channel Islands.  Contains recommended activities, includes island overviews and  maps, directions, fees, contact info, special events, and transportation methods.


Geology Fieldnotes: Channel Islands National Park, California

General overview on the park's geology with a brief summary for each of the five islands that comprise the Channel Islands.  Also has park maps of the islands, visitor information, selected links, and a special feature for teachers.


L L Bean Park Search: Channel Islands National Park

Web site contains a general overview with maps and photos on the Channel Islands.  Includes a list of outdoor activities available.


National Marine Sanctuaries: Channel Islands

Overviews on the island sanctuary such as satellite images, scaled maps,  natural setting (physical and biological environment, archaeology and cultural resources), managing the sanctuary (resource protection, science, education), contacting and visiting the sanctuary, and public documents on the sanctuary.


Oxnard Convention & Visitors Bureau: Channel Islands Harbor

Contains general information and the Channel Island Harbor attractions.


Renewable Energy Applications and Projects at Channel Islands National Park

An operational goal of the park is to eliminate, when possible, reliance on nonrenewable energy.  Web site provides descriptions of the current renewable energy applications, proposed future projects, and more.


Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

Brief description of the botanic gardens which provide a panoramic view of the Channel Islands.


Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

In the What's New link, the web site has an overview of the islands, links, and a Channel Islands Bibliography Reference Guide.

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Banta, Benjamin H. A Preliminary Check List of Published Works Dealing With Aspects of the Natural Sciences of the California Channel Islands. [1972]  REF Wild CaliforniaQH105 .C2 B35 1972.


Clark, Ronilee A.  Endangered and Rare Plants of Santa Barbara Island, Channel Islands National Park.  Davis, CA: University of California at Davis, Institute of Ecology, 1990.  Main  QH76.5 .C2 C5 1990.


Davis, Gary E. Kelp Forest Monitoring Program: A Preliminary Report on Biological Sampling Design, Channel Islands National Park and Marine Sanctuary.  Davis, CA:  Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of California; San Francisco:  Western Region, National Park Service, Dept. of the Interior, 1985.  Main  QH541.5 .K4 D38 1985.


Gherini, John.  Santa Cruz Island: A History of Conflict and Diversity.  Spokane, WA:  Arthur H. Clark, 1997.  Main F868 .S23 G47 1997.


Glassow, Michael A.  Archaeological Overview of the Northern Channel Islands.   Tuscon, AZ:  National Park Service, Western Archaeological Center, 1977.  Main  F868 .S232 G56 1977.


Halvorson, William L.  and Gloria J. Maender, eds., Multidisciplinary Symposium on the California Islands (4th: 1994 ). The Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the  Status of Resources.  Santa Barbara, CA:  Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, c1994.  Main  QH105 .C2  M84 1994.


Hochberg, F.G., ed.,  Multidisciplinary Symposium on the California Islands (3rd: 1987 ). Third California Islands Symposium: Recent Advances in Research on the California Islands.  Santa Barbara, CA:  Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 1993.  Main  QH105. C2 M84 1987.


Holdman, Annette.  Window to the Channel:  A Guide to the Resources of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.  Santa Barbara, CA:  Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary; Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 1990.  Biodiv REF  QH91.75 .U6 H64 1990.


Junak, Steve, et al., illustrated by Linda Ann Vorobik.  A Flora of Santa Cruz Island.  Santa Barbara, CA:  Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in collaboration with the California Native Plant Society, c1995.  Bot  QK149.6 .S3 F56 1995.


Miller, Max.  . . . And Bring All Your Folks; Being a Lighthearted Examination of the Southern California Islands and Some Off Mexico, In Case We Get Crowded Off the Mainland!   Garden City, N.Y:  Doubleday, 1959.  Main  F868 .S232 M5 1956.


Philbrick, Ralph N., ed.,  Symposium on the Biology of the California Islands.  Proceedings. Santa Barbara, CA:  Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, 1967.  MAIN  QH105 .C2  S9 1965.


Richards, Daniel V.  Kelp Forest Monitoring, Channel Islands National Park: 1991 Annual Report.  Davis, CA:  Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of California, Institute of Ecology, 1993.   Main  QH105 .C2 R522 1993.


Sogge, Mark K.  Breeding Biology and Population Dynamics of the San Miguel Island Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia micronyx).  Davis, CA:  Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Western Region, Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of California, 1988.  M&O  QL696 .P2438 S63 1988.


Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel.  Santa Barbara, CA:  Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, c1993.   IZ&G  QL164  .T39 1993, v.1 – v.6, v.8 – v.14.

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