- Biography, pictures, newspaper articles, miscellaneous personal
- Photo-electric counter for C.A.S., article re: Hanna by R.C. Miller, unpublished Whitney survey
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Correspondence 1924-1970
- Manuscripts "Observation on Liostephania" and "Fossil Diatoms from the Pribilof Islands", map of Gulf of California from C.A.S. 1921 expedition, Microbiology Bulletin, Stanford 1926
- Manuscript "Index to Literature of West American Diatoms"
- Published articles on diatoms, drawings of micro. forms
- Published articles on diatoms, Golden Gate Pathfinder 1921 & 1922
- Publications, reprints
- Publications, reprints
- Publications, reprints, correspondence 1939-1966
- Publications, reprints
- Publications, reprints
- Publications, reprints
- Commission on toxic waste disposal
- Commission on toxic waste disposal
- Optical work
- Macrological studies, Pribilof Islands
- Alaska, miscellaneous articles and publications
- Alaska, Earthquake
- Alaska, Earthquake - biological reports, manuscripts, pictures
- Alaska etc., published articles, reprints
- Alaska, biological reports, 1964-1966
- Alaska, Earthquake, manuscripts, printed material, damage to fish
- Lists of wells, paleontological descriptions, lists
- Carbon copy of The Fur Seal Islands manuscript, photos accompanying manuscript
- 30 metal slide boxes and 2-drawer card index
- Newspaper articles, manila covering, Hanna articles
- Packet - Royal Microscopical Society
See also cataloged photographs:
Guadalupe Expedition of 1922 (Catalog #s N362-N690)
Revillagigedo Expedition of 1925 (Catalog #s N691-N1054, N2127-N2167)
Orca Expedition of 1953 (Catalog #s N2234-N2270)
Steller Sea Lions at Aņo Nuevo, 1924 (Catalog #s N2190-N2227)