Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Ichthyology Collection Database

CAS-ICH 11620 Cichlasoma tetracanthus   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Cichlidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 4/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number IU 09746 Size      
Collector; Vessel Eigenmann, C. H.; Riddle, Oscar  Field Number CHE 1902G Date Collected  
Continent/Ocean North America / West Indies Country Cuba State Pinar del Rio County
Water Body Rio Cuyaguateje Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality near Sumidero, where the river tunnels twice through rocky walls several hundred feet high and thick
Latitude-Longitude 22.445041°, -83.932228°; uncertainty: 1237 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksCannot determine from satellite where the river cuts through rocks but there are rocky areas near the road from the town, polygon includes this area.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks