Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Ichthyology Collection Database


Summary by Genus, with count of records

Gadella (26) Gerreomorpha (2) Gnatholepis (198) Grammatostomias (1)
Gadomus (35) Gerres (437) Gnathonemus (112) Grammicolepis (44)
Gadopsis (4) Gibberichthys (13) Gnathophis (11) Grammistes (131)
Gadus (52) Gibbonsia (514) Gnathopogon (15) Grammistidae (2)
Gagata (61) Gigantactis (11) Gnathypops (8) Grammistops (12)
Gaidropsarus (7) Giganthias (1) Gobiella (2) Grammonus (2)
Galaxias (64) Gigantura (3) Gobiesox (353) Grammoplites (21)
Galeagra (1) Gila (285) Gobiichthys (4) Grasseichthys (4)
Galeichthys (23) Gilbertidia (8) Gobio (46) Greeleya (13)
Galeocerdo (17) Gilbertina (1) Gobiobotia (2) Grundulus (10)
Galeocharax (4) Gilbertolus (2) Gobiocichla (3) Guavina (11)
Galeoides (15) Gillellus (27) Gobiodon (212) Gudusia (9)
Galeorhinus (52) Gillias (1) Gobioides (8) Guentheria (1)
Galeus (41) Gillichthys (88) Gobiomorphus (11) Guentheridia (1)
Gallichtys (1) Gilloblennius (2) Gobiomorus (53) Guentherus (10)
Gambusia (292) Ginglymostoma (22) Gobionellus (109) Guianacara (6)
Gangra (2) Girardinichthys (3) Gobionotothen (1) Gulaphallus (32)
Gargariscus (4) Girardinus (24) Gobiopsis (37) Gunnellichthys (26)
Garmanichthys (2) Girella (238) Gobiopterus (10) Gurgesiella (4)
Garmanina (1) Gladioglanis (2) Gobiosoma (125) Gymnachirus (9)
Garmannia (38) Gladiogobius (16) Gobitrichinotus (1) Gymnallabes (1)
Garra (139) Glanapteryx (2) Gobius (292) Gymnapistes (6)
Garrupa (3) Glandulocauda (3) Gobiusculus (1) Gymnapogon (117)
Gasteropelecus (48) Glanidium (1) Gobulus (3) Gymnarchus (2)
Gasterosteus (552) Glaniopsis (4) Goeldiella (11) Gymneleotris (11)
Gasterotokeus (4) Glaridichthys (4) Gogangra (1) Gymnelus (42)
Gasterotomus (1) Glaridoglanis (3) Gogolia (1) Gymnocaesio (3)
Gastrocyathus (3) Glaucosoma (3) Gomphosus (204) Gymnocanthus (91)
Gastromyzon (13) Glenoglossa (3) Gonialosa (4) Gymnocephalus (6)
Gastropsetta (1) Glossamia (20) Gonichthys (167) Gymnochanda (2)
Gastroscyphus (4) Glossanodon (11) Goniistius (17) Gymnocirrhites (4)
Gastrostomus (3) Glossogobius (349) Gonioplectrus (2) Gymnoclinus (2)
Gaterin (3) Glossolepis (12) Gonochaetodon (10) Gymnocorymbus (14)
Gazza (47) Glyphidodontops (260) Gonorhynchus (5) Gymnocranius (13)
Gempylus (75) Glyphis (3) Gonorynchus (11) Gymnodiptychus (11)
Genicanthus (35) Glyphisodon (8) Gonostoma (81) Gymnodraco (1)
Genidens (1) Glyptauchen (1) Goodea (16) Gymnogeophagus (9)
Gennadius (2) Glyptocephalus (92) Gordiichthys (6) Gymnomuraena (29)
Genyatremus (11) Glyptoparus (33) Gorgasia (11) Gymnorhamphichthys (7)
Genycharax (3) Glyptoperichthys (14) Goslinia (1) Gymnosarda (11)
Genyomyrus (1) Glyptophidium (4) Gouania (6) Gymnoscopelus (3)
Genyonemus (106) Glyptosternon (3) Gracila (4) Gymnothorax (1666)
Genypterus (7) Glyptothorax (102) Gracilopterygion (7) Gymnotus (77)
Geophagus (117) Gnathagnus (7) Grahamina (1) Gymnura (81)
Geotria (2) Gnathanacanthus (1) Grallenia (2) Gyrinocheilus (25)
Gephyroberyx (6) Gnathanodon (72) Gramma (7) Gyropleurodus (1)
Gephyrocharax (82) Gnathocharax (7) Grammatobothus (19)  
Gephyroglanis (4) Gnathodentex (53) Grammatonotus (6)  
Germo (2) Gnathodolus (2) Grammatorcynus (21)  
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