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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Eunotogramma J.F. Weisse 1854, pg. 243
Generitype LT: E. laevis Grunow in Van Heurck 1883 ?
Designated by F.E. Round in Round, Crawford & Mann (003245), 288
Year Designated 1990
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type not designated ? or designated by F.E. Round in Round, Crawford & Mann (ref. 003245), p. 288 (1990) ? Comments: An illustration is provided (fig. 37 a-h). No binomials are formed with this genus name, however it is inferred from the text that the following species names: E. triloculatum, E. quinqueloculatum, E. septemloculatum and E. novemloculatum, are intended for specimens illustrated fig. 37 a/e, b/f, c/g and d/h respectively (note: these species names are probably not validly published here). Five species (E. producta, E. laevis, E. variabilis, E. frauenfeldii, E? debilis) are published and illustrated pl. 126 of Grunow in Van Heurck 1883 (ref. 001037). Boyer 1927 (ref. 000155), p. 143 designates Eunotogramma triloculatum Weisse as generitype, a species that probably was (and probably still is) not validly published. Round in Round, Crawford, Mann (1990), p. 288 (ref. 003245) designated Eunotogramma laevis Grunow as the generitype, an untenable choice unless it can be demonstrated that this species is conspecific with the material considered in the original publication. It seems that the type of this species might be "not designated" as indicated in Farr et al. 1979.
Published in

Weisse, J.F. 1854  (ref. 907)

Mikroskopischen Analyse eines organischen Polirschiefers aus dem Gouvernement Simbirsk.

Mélanges Biologiques tirés du Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, Vol:13, 237-250, 3 pls.

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