by Phillip A. Adams Department of Biological Science California State University Fullerton, California 92634
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Several important evetns which took place during the past year have pointed toward the importance of increasing the level of communication among neuropterists. The highly successful First International Symposia for Neuropterology brought together specialists in this order from all over the world, where many new friendships were struck up, and all had an opportunity to discuss not only the official topics, but current research. We also now have an international journal devoted to Neuropterology. And there has been published a comprehensive treatise on the European Neuroptera. It was the recommendation of the Congress that a Newsletter be established to facilitate contact among specialists - giving areas of current research projects, needs for material or literature, and events of a personal nature. The success of the Newsletter depends upon your cooperation in sending in items to be included. Please let us know if your address is correct, and what is the nature of the research projects you have under way. The Newsletter will be published in English. Material preferably should be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. It would be appreciated if items in French or German by accompanied by a rough English translation, otherwise the submitter may get some surprises when the item appears. It is our goal to issue the Newsletter twice annually - in summer, and winter, under the sponsorship of The Biology Department, California State University, Fullerton. Please note that the Newsletter does not constitute an official publication, and its contents are not to be cited in the literature! SYMPOSIUM IN GRAZ First International Symposium for Neuropterology in Graz, 22-26 September 1980. This first meeting of Neuroptera specialists took place with the sponsorship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Entomological Society. It was hosted by Horst and Ulrike Aspöck, Herbert Hölzel, Hubert Rausch, and Johann Gepp. Dr. Gepp was the principal organizer. Comfortable quarters for the symposium were furnished by The University of Graz. A very broad range of topics was covered. Some noteworthy review lectures were given. Mr. Meinander (Helsinki) spoke on the world distribution and classification of Coniopteryx, and origin of the coniopterygid fauna of the Southern Continents. Mrs. Aspöck (Vienna) on Zoogeography of Raphidioptera of the World; P. Adams (California) discussed Biogeography of Chrysopidae of the New World, and H. Hölzel (Graz) of the Palearctic Region; N. Penny (Manaus) discussed Progress in knoledge of Neuroptera in South America, J. Gepp (Graz) larvae of European Chrysopidae, and H. Aspöck (Vienna) The Neuropteroidea of Europe. Ecologically oriented topics included P. Duelli's (California) Migration of Chrysopa carnea, Canard's (Toulouse) Ecology of the egg-clusters of Nineta flava, T. New (Australia) Comparative Biology of Some Australian Hemerobiidae. Phylogenetically and taxonomically oriented talks were presented by T. New on Nymphidae, U. Aspöck on Berothidae, D. Simon (Israel) on Myrmeleontidae, D. Geijskes (Netherlands) Megaloptera from the Guyanas, V. Monserrat (Spain) on Hemerobiids and Sisyrids, T. Schlüter (West Germany) on Rachiberothinae, L. Greve (Norway) Wesmaelius. Anatomy and Physiology - J. Bongers and M. Koch (West Germany) on Digestive physiology of Euroleon, A. Kirby (England) Pretarsus of Chrysopa larvae. Applied aspects and population studies were treated by D. Devatak (Yugoslavia), W. Eglin (Switzerland), Y. Séméria (France), K. Alrouechdi (France), L. Santas (Greece), J. Zeleny (Czechoslovakia). Memorabilia = a pleasant reception for the "hochgeborene" participants, coutesy of the province of Steiermarck, with Dr. H. Aspöck elegant in a white suit. Willi Eglin's wit shattering any attempt at decorum. Evening at the Hölzels', and at the Gepp's zoo. Tour of collecting sites and sampling of the innocent-appearing and tasting "Sturm" on the final day left all in a fine state of conviviality. The hosts, and especially the indefatigable Dr. Gepp, are to be congratuated for the smooth operation of the meeting. For me, the opportunity of meeting so many of the colleagues with whom I had corresponded for many years was the most important experience of the meeting. We hope that the upcoming Congress in Hamburg, 1983, will be so successful!
NEUROPTERA INTERNATIONAL "Neuroptera International" is a new journal devoted to the Neuroptera, published by the "Association Mondiale des Nevropteristes." If you have not received information, please write its editor, Yves Séméria. I have consented to serve as corresponding editor for manuscripts for North America. In addition to technical manuscripts, the journal will contain an annual listing of all publications on Neuroptera, as obtained by searching files of Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, and Agricola (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture). A special issue with proceedings of the sympsium in Graz, will appear later this year, price about 290 French francs (350 FF after July 1981). We hope that all will support this journal and much appreciated effort by Dr. Séméria, both by subscribing and submitting manuscripts. PROGRESS IN WORLDS NEUROPTEROLOGY Proceedings of the first international symposium in Graz (September 1980) A special edition of "Neuroptera International" edited by: J. Gepp, Y. Séméria, H. & U. Aspöck, H. Hölzel 20 papers in 200 pages with about 150 figures subscription price: 290 FF later than July 1981: 350 FF Payment by cheque addressed to: Y. Séméria 13, avenue des Platanes, F-06100 NICE (FRANCE)
PERSONAL NOTES Michael J. Glorioso, a very promising and personable grauate student at Ohio State University, died suddenly last fall. He was embarked on a much-needed taxonomic revision of New World Corydalidae, and the study was progressing well.
The Editor is also Master of the sail training vessel Argus, which provides an experience in traditional square-rig to young people from Southern California. The vessel is now receiving a completely new engine-room, a project which has taken much of our energy for the last six months, and is the main reason why the Newsletter did not appear as early as expected. We expect to be ready for sea by late July. WORK IN PROGRESS R. Bruce Miller has been investigating life histories of Western U.S. Brachynemurinae, and is the first to obtain normal ovipositional activity in captivity. He is now off on a collecting trip to Mexico, with Lionel Stange. Kevin Lambkin has recently completed a Ph.D. thesis on Australian Mantispidae, which we hope will soon appear in print. David Faulkner, of the San Diego Natural History Museum, has at last succeeded in collecting numerous larvae of the sole New World ithonid, Oliarces and is investigating its biology. Surprisingly, the larvae are pale green. MAILING LIST- NEUROPTERISTS OF THE WORLD This list was developed by J. Gepp and M. Gepp for the Symposium. It has been edited and expanded to include the workers known to this editor, plus additional authors of articles published during the last 4 years. A few authors of papers dealing with applied entomology, with Neuroptera involved only peripherally, as well as some junior authors, have not been included. Addresses of some persons (marked with *) could not be found; it would be appreciated if readers could supply them. Please assist by verifying your entry.
* A.S. ABASHKIN, U.S.S.R. M.K. ABID, Plant protection Dept., College of Agriculture, Abu - Ghraib, IRAQ Dr. Michael ACHTELIG, Univ.-Doz, Naturwiss. Museum, Pentingerstrasse 11, D-8900 Augsburg, WEST GERMANY (BRD) Dr. Thomas S. ACKER, Dean of Arts and Sciences of St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, 19131, USA Dr. Phillip A. ADAMS, Department of Biological Science, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92634, USA Eyolf AISTLEITNER, PA. Prof. Mag., Kapellenweg 37/1, A-6806 Feldkirchen, AUSTRIA Khaled ALRoUECHDI, Lab. Biologie Insectes, 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse-Cedex, FRANCE Dr. T.K. ANDRESEN, Zoological Institute Agricultural University of Norway, Department of Zoology, N-1432 As-NLH, NORWAY Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst ASPÖCK and Dr. Ulrike ASPÖCK, Hygiene Institut Universität, Kinderspitalgasse 15, A-1095 Wien, AUSTRIA Dr. J. AUBER, Laboratoire de Cytologie, 12 Rue Cuvier, Paris Ve, FRANCE T.T. BABRIKOVA, VSI "V. Kolarov.", Plovdiv, BULGARIA Dr. M. BADGLEY, Div. of Biol. Control, University of California, Riverside, CA 92502 USA Dr. Roland BÄNSCH, CELA Landwirtschaftliche Chemik, Gesellschaft, D-6507 Ingelheim, WEST GERMANY (BRD) Dr. P.C. BARNARD, British Museum (N.H.), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, ENGLAND Dr. William E. BICKLEY, American Mosquito Control Assn., Box 75, Riverdale, MD 20840, USA F. BIGLER, Sta. de Zoologie et de Lutte Biologique, INRA, 06602 Antibes, FRANCE E.N. BOFFO, Dra. en Cs. Naturales, Investigadora del Cica Inta., Castelar, ARGENTINA Prof. Dr. J. BONGERS, Institut f. ang. Zoologie, Universität, An der Immenburg 1, D-53 Bonn 1, WEST GERMANY (BRD) J. BOWDEN, Rothamsted Expt. Station, Harpenden AL5 2JQ, Herts, ENGLAND Dr. R.A. BRAM, Vector Biology and Control, USDA AHIS VS., Frederal Center Bldg., Hyattsville, MD 20782 USA J.H. BRETELL, Dept. Res. Spec. Serv., Cotton Res. Inst., Ministr. Agric., P.O. Box 530, Gatooma, ZIMBABWE-RHODESIA A.V. BROWN, Dept. of Zoology, University of Arkkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA Dr. Ján BRTEK, Muzeum v. Bojniciach, 97201 Bojnice, Hrad, CZECHOSLOVAKIA J. BUENING, Zool. Inst., Univ. Muenster, Badestr. 9, D-4400 Muenster, WEST GERMANY (BRD) Prof. Dr. L. BULLINI, Istituto de Genetica, Citta Universitaria, I-00100 Roma, ITALY Dr. George D. BUTLER, Entomology Research Division, Agr. Res. Serv., USDA, Tucson, AZ 85719 USA Prof. Dr. George W. BYERS, Univ. of Kansas, Dept. of Entomology, Lawrence, KS 66045 USA Dr. Michel CANARD, Lab. Biologie Insectes, 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse-Cedex, FRANCE L.E. CANTERBURY, Dept. of Biology, Raymond Walters College, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45236 USA Dr. Felice CAPRA, Museo Civico de Storia Naturale, Giacomo Doria, Via Brigata Liguria N. 9, I-16121 Genova, ITALY Salvatore CARFI, Instituto de Zoologia, Via Romana, 17, I-50125 Firenze, ITALY Dr. R.C. CARLYSLE, Insect Attractants, Behavior & Basic Biol. Res. Lab., Agric. Res. Serv., USDA, Gainesville, FL 32601 USA Prof. F.M. CARPENTER, Harvard University, Biol. Lab., 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138 USA C.-C. CHAO, Lab. Pest Natl. Enemies, Dept. Biology, Wuhan Teachers College, Wuchang, Hopei, CHINA Dr. Rossella CIANCHI, Instituto de Genetica, Citta Universitaria, I-00100 Roma, ITALY Dr. B. CONDE, Fac. Scienc. Nancy, Zoologie Lab. Ecol. Museum, Nancy, FRANCE Dr. Kenneth COOPER, Dept. of Biology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92502 USA Dr. W. CZECHOWSKA, Polska Akademia Nauk, Institut Zoologiczny, Ul. Wilcze 64, Warszawa, POLAND I.S. DE CROUZEL, Dra. en Cs. Naturales, Investigadora del Cica Inta., Castelar, ARGENTINA * K.K. Demetraides, Moldavia SSR Dr. Paul DESSART, Institut royal des Science nat de Belgique, rue Vautier 31, 1040 Bruxelles, BELGIUM Dusan DEVETAK, Slave Klavore 6, 62000 Maribor, YUGOSLAVIA G. DOROKHOVA, All-Union Research Institute for Plant Protection (Group Diagnostic of Insects), Podbelskii Chaussee 3, Pushkin, USSR Dr. J.A. Downes, Ent. Rs. Institute Canada, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, CANADA Dr. Peter DUELLI, Universität Basel, Zoologisches Institut, Rheinspring 9, CH-4051 Basel, SWITZERLAND Dr. Willy EGLIN-DEDERDING, Naturhist. Museum, Ent. Abtlg., Augustinergasse 2, CH-4051 Basel, SWITZERLAND Dr. G. EICHELE, Laboratorium für Elektr. der Universität Basel, Pestalozzistrasse, CH-4000 Basel, SWITZERLAND Dr. Rolf ELDFSSON, Zoological Institute, University of Lind, Lund, SWEDEN Dr. Malcolm J. ELLIOTT, The Ferry House Freshwater Biological Assoc. for Sawrey, Ambleside, LA 22 OLP, ENGLAND Dr. Aly Aly EL-MOURSY, Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Sience, University of Cairo, Cairo, EGYPT Mr. David FAULKNER, Natural History Museum, P.O. Box 1390, San Diego, CA 92112 USA A. FERRAN, Station de Zoologie ed de Lutte Biologique, INRA, 06602 Antibes, FRANCE Dr. Oliver FLINT, Dept of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural Hist., Washington, D.C. 20560 USA G. GANEV, Bazata za Razvitie i Vnedryavane na Biologicheskata i Integriranata, Borba s Vreditelite, BULGARIA Mr. J. Allen GARLAND, General Delivery, Penticton, B.C. CANADA V2A 6J8 Dr. Dirk GEIJSKES, Rijksmuseum v. Naturlijke Historie, Raamsteeg 2, Postbur 9517, Leiden, 2300 RA, NETHERLANDS Dr. Johann GEPP, Institut für Umweltwissensch. u. Naturschutz, Osterr. Akademie d. Wissensch., Heinrichstr. S/111, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA Prof. Dr. M. GHILAROV, Institut für Tiermorphologie und Ökologie d. Akademie d. Wissensch., Leninallee 33, Ramm 300, SU-117071 Moscow B-71, USSR Dr. S.K. GHOSH, Zoological Survey of India, 34 Chittaranjan Avenue, Calcutta 12, INDIA Dr. Matija GOGALA, Institut für Biologie, Universität Ljubljana, Ljubljana, YUGOSLAVIA Dr. Gernot GRAEFE, Institut für vergleichende Verhaltensforschung d. Österr. Akademie d. Wissensch., A-7082 Donnerskirchen, AUSTRIA S. GRAVENA, Dept. Defesa Fitossanit., Fac. Cienc. Agraro e Vet., "Campus" de Jaboticabal-UNE, São Paulo, BRAZIL Lita GREVE JENSEN, First Curator, Zoological Museum, Dept. Ent., University of Bergen, Museplass 3, N-5014, Bergen, NORWAY D. GRIFFITHS, Zool. Dept., Univ. of Dar Es Salaam, P.O. Box 35064, Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA Dr. Mahmoud HAFEZ, Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo, Cairo, EGYPT Dr. K.S. HAGEN, Division of Biological Control, University of California, 1050 San Pablo Ave., Albany, CA 94706 USA Dr. S.A. HASSAN, Biologische Bundeanstalt f. Land. -u. Forstwirtschaft, Institut f. biologische Schadlingsbekämpfung, Darmstadt, WEST GERMANY Dr. Kiew Bong HEANG, School of Biological Sciences, University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 22-11, MALAYSIA Dr. Charles S. HENRY, Diological Science Group, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 USA Prof. Dr. Jos HOFFMANN, Ministére des Affaires Culturelles, Service d'Etude de la Faune, 116 Rue de Rollingergr., LUXEMBURG Herbert HÖLZEL, Annenheim 160, A-9520 Sattendorf, AUSTRIA Dr. A. HONEK, Vyzkumme ustavy rostl. vyrogy, Ustav ochrany rostlin, 160 00 Praha 6, Ruzyne, CZECHOSLOVAKIA Dr. Günther ICKERT, Rahnstrasse 26, 8/23 Dresden, EAST GERMANY (DDR) M. INJAC, Inst. Zastitn Bilja, Beograd-Zemun, YUGOSLAVIA L. JEDLICKA, Ustav Exp. Fytopatol. Entomol., Solvak Akad. Vied, Ivanka Pri Dunaji, CZECHOSLOVAKIA Dr. J.B. JOHNSON, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83853 USA Dr. E.W. KAISER, Naturhistorisk Msueum, Arhus Klokkedalsvej 27, DK-8700 Horsens, DENMARK A. KAITAZOV, 1 Z R, Kostinbrod, BULGARIA Dr. S.H. KERR, Dept. of Entomology & Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA B. KIAUTA, Dept. Anim. Cytogenet. Cytotaxon., Univ. Utrecht, Padualaan 8, Utracht, NETHERLANDS Dr. D.E. KIMMINS, Dept. of Entomology, British Museum (N.H.), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, ENGLAND Dr. Michael KIRBY, University of Manchester, Dept. of Zoology, Williamson Building, Manchester, M 139 PL, ENGLAND Dr. B. KIS, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Str. Clinicilor 5-7, Cluj, RUMANIA Dr. Erich KLEINSTEUBER, Museum fur Naturkunde, Theaterplatz 1, 904 Karl Marx-Stadt, EAST GERMANY (DDR) A.W. KNIGHT, Hydrobiol. Lab., Dept. Land Air Water Resources, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 USA * A.O. KOCAK, TURKEY M. KOCH, Institut f. Ang. Zool. Universität, An der Immenburg1, D-53 Bonn 1, WEST GERMANY (BRD) Dr. Dir. A. KOFLER, Bundeskonvikt, Maximilianstrasse 15, A-9900 Lienz, AUSTRIA A.M. KOVRIGINA, Dept. Zool., V.V. Kuibyshev Pedagog. Inst., Kuibyshev, USSR G.G. KURBANOV, Azerbaijan SSR P.K. LAGO, Biology Dept., Mississippi College, Clinton, MS 39058 USA Dr. Kevin LAMBKIN, Dept. of Plant Pathology & Agric. Entom., University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, N.S.W., AUSTRALIA A.J. LASTOVICA, Dept. Microbiol., Red Cross Hosp., Cape Town, S. AFRICA Dr. Pauline O. LAWRENCE, Zoology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA Mr. H. Randy LAWSON, Dept. of Biology, Chadron State College, Chadron, NB 69337 USA Dr. Jan LÖFQVIST, Dept., Animal Ecol., Lund Univ., Ecol. Building, S-223 62 Lund, SWEDEN Dr. E.P. LUPPOVA, Zoological Institut, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad B-164, USSR Prof. Dr. Ellis MACLEOD, Dept. of Entomology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 USA H. MALICKY, Biol. Stn. Lunz, A-3293 Lunz am See, AUSTRIA Dr. M.W. MANSELL, National Coll. of Insects, Plant Prot. Res. Institute, Private Bag X134, Pretoria 001, SOUTH AFRICA B.D. MARSHALL, Dept. of Entomology, Macdonald College, McGill Univ., Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 1C0, CANADA P.B. MARTIN, Dept. Entomology - Fish., GA Coastal Plain Extp. Station, Tifton, GA 31794 USA Prof. Dr. Olga MARTYNOVA, Archipova u.8. kw 16, Moscow Cent. 101000, USSR * B.B. MATPAEVA, USSR Dr. C.J. MAY, Entomology Research Division, Agr. Res. Serv., USDA, Tucson, AZ 85719 USA Prof. Dr. Martin MEINANDER, Zoological Museum, Division of Entomology, Univ. of Helsinki, P.-Rautatiekatu 13, SF-00100 Helsingfors 10, FINLAND Dr. Benjamin MESSNER, Dr. W. Külr-Strasse 68, 2200 Greifswald, EAST GERMANY (DDR) Dr. G. MICKOLEIT, Univ. Tü