CAS-ICH 57501 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
7/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc-55% isopropanol |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Brittan, M. R.; McDaniel, B. |
Field Number |
GVF 0893 |
Date Collected |
3 Sep 1956 : 1200-1600 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Micronesia |
State |
Yap State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Yap Is. |
Island |
Yap I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
2 qts. pronoxfish, hand, dipnet |
Locality |
E. side, on reef ca. 1200 yds. from e. edge of channel to Kolenia (Yaptown), and same distance n. of s. edge of reef. |
Latitude-Longitude |
9°29'53"N, 138°9'0"E |
Bottom Type |
staghorn coral, large coral heads and sand |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
6 whole specimens + skin of 1 side of specimen. |
Collecting Event Remarks |
see GVF 893 (sta. 107) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57526 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
3/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Sumang, Bapilung, Manggur |
Field Number |
GVF 1904 |
Date Collected |
9 Dec 1959 : 900-1400 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Micronesia |
State |
Yap State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Yap Is. |
Island |
Yap I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
3 pts. 5% rotenone emulsion |
Locality |
Tomil Harbor, west side of channel; sand, eelgrass, coral heads, Halimeda and caulerpa algae; water murky.. |
Latitude-Longitude |
9°30'50"N, 138°8'10"E |
Bottom Type |
sand & coral rubble |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
Coral Fish Project; see GVF 1904 (sta. 59-81) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57538 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
4/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Sumang, Manggur & Bapilung |
Field Number |
GVF 1937 |
Date Collected |
8 Jan 1960 : 900-1200 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Micronesia |
State |
Yap State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Yap Is. |
Island |
Yap I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
0.75 gal. noxfish, hand, dipnet |
Locality |
Bruggumang reef of Rumung Island, ca. 1/2 mi. NE of Mochol Village; shallow reef pool w/ dark sand bottom and corals. |
Latitude-Longitude |
9°36'35"N, 138°9'50"E |
Bottom Type |
sand & coral |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
Coral Fish Project; see GVF 1937 (sta. 59-114) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57483 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
16/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Bayer,Fehlmann,Pierce,Harry (Rofen) et al |
Field Number |
GVF 0526 |
Date Collected |
20 Jul 1955 : 1500-1715 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
liquid rotenone (4/5 gal.), dipnets, floats |
Locality |
In island group along N side of Urukthapel I., shallow pass; between S end of Butottoribo I. and next island to s. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°15'35"N, 134°23'12"E |
Bottom Type |
sand, live coral & rock |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
See GVF 526 (sta. 27) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57484 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
6/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
R.R. Harry (Rofen), Fehlmann, Bayer et al |
Field Number |
GVF 0529 |
Date Collected |
22 Jul 1955 : 1550-1755 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Iwayama Bay |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
rotenone |
Locality |
Eelgrass sand and coral flat in Geruheru-gairu Pass, between Kaibakku I. and Kogai-hento, Auluptagel I. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°19'12"N, 134°29'37"E |
Bottom Type |
sand, coral, artificial rock barrier |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
see GVF 529 (sta. 30) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57491 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
4/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Harry (Rofen), Fehlmann, Bayer et al |
Field Number |
GVF 0602 |
Date Collected |
16 Aug 1955 : 1300-1700 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Iwayama Bay |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Auluptagel I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
M |
Gear |
rotenone (4/5 gal.), dipnets, hand |
Locality |
"Bay of the Dragon Palace", w. side of Kogai Peninsula, between Usa and Tai Is.; 1-20 yds. off limestone shore |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°18'45"N, 134°29'30"E |
Bottom Type |
coral, sand in deeper areas |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
See GVF 602 (sta. 100) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57496 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
7/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Gaines; Scott; Ngrmekur; Fehlmann |
Field Number |
GVF 0802 |
Date Collected |
10 Jul 1956 : 1400-1645 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Rock Is. |
Island |
Urukthapel I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
1 gal. noxfish, hand, dipnet |
Locality |
Off SE end ca 0.5 mi N. of Ankosu Point; living coral and patches of sand in between coral heads; no vegetation. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°13'28"N, 134°22'10"E |
Bottom Type |
patches of living coral & sand |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
See GVF 802 (sta. 16) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57497 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
6/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
McDaniel, Brittan, Fehlmann, Sako et al |
Field Number |
GVF 0811 |
Date Collected |
22 Jul 1956 : 1600-1730 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Urukthapel I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
1 gal. rotenone, dipnet, hand |
Locality |
Vicinity of dock to "road" leading up to old lighthouse overlooking Ngaremediu; water turbid, 0-8' deep. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°15'57"N, 134°26'56"E |
Bottom Type |
sand w/ scattered coral |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
see GVF 811 (sta. 25) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57500 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
1/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Brittan, Fehlmann, Gaines et al |
Field Number |
GVF 0843 |
Date Collected |
16 Aug 1956 : 900-1030 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Garukoru I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
explosives, poison, hand, dipnet |
Locality |
Off n. tip of Babelthuap I., at edge of reef on w. side of Garukoru I.; off sandy beach; water clear, 3.5-50' deep. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°45'0"N, 134°37'15"E |
Bottom Type |
edge of inner reef; scattered sand |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
see GVF 843 (sta. 57) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57503 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
1/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Gaines, R. A.; Scott, A. W. |
Field Number |
GVF 0908 |
Date Collected |
25 Sep 1956 : 1030-1230 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
3 half-lb. charges of TNT, hand, dipnet |
Locality |
Ngadarak Reef. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7.288333°, 134.463889°; uncertainty: 2202 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) |
Bottom Type |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
see GVF 908 (sta. 122) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57514 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
29/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
Fehlmann, DeWitt, Sumang, Tewid, Sengich |
Field Number |
GVF 1415 |
Date Collected |
9 Oct 1957 : 1400-1700 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Auluptagel I. |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
2 gal. rotenone, hand, dipnet |
Locality |
In Ngarahelngael Pass ca. 50 yds. north of Ngarahelngael part of Auluptagel I.; no vegetation; rising tide. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°19'13"N, 134°29'28"E |
Bottom Type |
sand, living & dead coral |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
See GVF 1415 (sta. 57-37) for more data. |
CAS-ICH 57516 |
Pervagor nigrolineatus [Catalog of Fishes] |
ID by/date |
Hutchins, Barry / 1986 |
Monacanthidae |
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) |
2/0/0 |
Prep Type - Preservative |
alc |
Other/Previous Number |
Size |
Collector; Vessel |
H. DeWitt, Y. Sumang, Sengich |
Field Number |
GVF 1442 |
Date Collected |
19 Nov 1957 : 1200-1330 |
Continent/Ocean |
Pacific Ocean / Indo-West Pacific |
Country |
Palau |
State |
County |
Water Body |
Drainage |
Island Group |
Island |
Depth |
Width |
Salinity |
Gear |
Aqua-lungs, 1 gal. rotenone, spear gun, nets, hand |
Locality |
Off the south side of the reef which extends out from Arappu Pt. of Koror I. to Ho I. |
Latitude-Longitude |
7°19'28"N, 134°30'12"E |
Bottom Type |
rock, coral and sand |
Acc. Number |
Specimen Remarks |
Collecting Event Remarks |
See GVF 1442 (sta. 57-62) for more data. |