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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Genera in the family or subfamily Aetobatidae: [ 6 ] records Aetobatis Müller [J.] & Henle [F. G. J.] 1837:118 Masc. Raja narinari Euphrasen 1790. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan & Evermann 1917:95. •Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816 -- (Kottelat 2013:26 [ref. 32989], White 2014:150 [ref. 33490]). Current status: Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816. Aetobatidae. Aetobatus (subgenus of Raia) Blainville [H. de] 1816:112 [= 120] Masc. Raja aquila Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Aetobatis and Aetobates of authors are incorrect subsequent spellings. Type usually given as narinari designated by Müller & Henle 1837 or 38 (e.g. Jordan 1917:95 [ref. 2407]), but Whitley 1935:137 [ref. 6396] found aquila Linnaeus, designated by Bory de Saint-Vincent, v. 1, 1822:129 [ref. 3853]. The type species aquila is now placed in Myliobatis so research is needed. But Kottelat found narinari designated by Euphrasen 1790, 217 by subsequent designation of Jordan & Evermann 1917:95. •Valid as Aetobatus Blainville 1816 -- (Nakaya in Masuda et al. 1984:16 [ref. 6441], Compagno 1986:132 [ref. 5648], Cappetta 1987:170 [ref. 6348], Paxton et al. 1989:49 [ref. 12442], Nishida 1990:98 [ref. 19783], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:76 [ref. 24550], Compagno & Last 1999:1511 [ref. 24637], Compagno 1999:497 [ref. 25589], McEachran & Carvalho 2003:579 [ref. 26985], Compagno et al. 2005:77[ref. 29145], Allen et al. 2006:206 [ref. 29002], Kimura 2009:15 [ref. 30426], White et al. 2010:145 [ref. 30856] with type as narinari, Kottelat 2013:29 [ref. 32989] with type as narinari, White & Moore 2013:199 [ref. 33040], White et al. 2013:1 [ref. 33115], White 2014:150 [ref. 33490], White & Naylor 2016:436 [ref. 34575] in Aetobatidae, Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:131 [ref. 34398], Berthe et al. 2016:181 [ref. 34826], White & Last 2016:727 [ref. 35016], White et al. 2017:280 [ref. 35860], Ehemann et al. 2018:26 [ref. 36194], Fricke et al. 2018:28 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:17 [ref. 36273], White & Ko'ou 2018:65 [ref. 35922], Fricke et al. 2019:46 [ref. 36673], Sales et al. 2019:[4] [ref. 36645], Ebert et al. 2021:97 [ref. 38234]). Current status: Valid as Aetobatus Blainville 1816. Aetobatidae. Goniobatus Agassiz [L.] 1858:385 Masc. Raja flagellum Bloch & Schneider 1801. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816 -- (Cappetta 1987:170 [ref. 6348], White et al. 2010:145 [ref. 30856], Kottelat 2013:29 [ref. 32989], White 2014:150 [ref. 33490]). Current status: Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816. Aetobatidae. Leiobatus Walbaum [J. J.] (ex Klein) 1792:581 Masc. Not available, published in a part of work rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 21 (1938). Based on Klein 1742:32 [ref. 30141] and Marcgravus. •In the synonymy of Aetobatus Blainville 1816 -- (White et al. 2010:145 [ref. 30856]). Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816. Aetobatidae. Leiobatus Klein [J. T.] 1775:316 Masc. Not available, published in a work that does not conform to the principle of binominal nomenclature. Not Leiobatis von Bonde & Swart 1923. •In the synonymy of Aetobatus Blainville 1816 -- (White et al. 2010:145 [ref. 30856]). Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816. Aetobatidae. Stoasodon Cantor [T. E.] 1849:1416 [434] Masc. Raja narinari Euphrasen 1790. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded replacement for Aetobatis Müller & Henle 1837. On page 434 of separate. •Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816 -- (Cappetta 1987:170 [ref. 6348], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:76 [ref. 24550], White et al. 2010:145 [ref. 30856], Kottelat 2013:29 [ref. 32989], White 2014:150 [ref. 33490], White & Naylor 2016:436 [ref. 34575]). Current status: Synonym of Aetobatus Blainville 1816. Aetobatidae. |