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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Genera in the family or subfamily Aracanidae: [ 14 ] records Acarana Gray [J. E.] 1833:Pl. 98 (v. 2) Fem. Ostracion auritus Shaw 1798. Type by monotypy. Spelled Acerana on legend, Acarana on Pl. 98, Acarana on Sawyer's legend page (1953:55 [ref. 6842]). Spelled Aracana by Gray 1838:110 [ref. 1884]. Acarana probably is the correct original spelling [possibly proposed for these sometimes called parrot fishes in allusion to the Scarlet Macaw, once known as Macrocercus aracanga], but Aracana is in prevailing usage and therefore here used as the valid name for the genus. Regarded as valid but with spelling Aracana; see account of Aracana. •Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Current status: Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Aracanidae. Acerana Kaup [J. J.] 1855:219 Fem. Ostracion auritus Shaw 1798. Misspelling, not an original description, not available. Acarana is the correct original spelling, but Aracana is in prevailing usage and therefore here used as the valid name for the genus. •In the synonymy of Aracana Gray 1833. Unjustified Emend.. Current status: Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Aracanidae. Anoplocapros (subgenus of Aracana) Kaup [J. J.] 1855:220 Masc. Ostracion lenticularis Richardson 1841. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Bleeker 1865:28 [ref. 416]. Kaup used Acerana for the now valid genus Aracana. •Valid as Anoplocapros Kaup 1855 -- (Tyler 1980:205 [ref. 4477], Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Gomon et al. 1994:892 [ref. 22532], Allen et al. 2006:1902 [ref. 29090], Matsuura 2008:842 [ref. 30661], Matsuura 2014:15 [ref. 33576], Matsuura & Middleton 2016:[1] [ref. 34882]). Current status: Valid as Anoplocapros Kaup 1855. Aracanidae. Aracana Gray [J. E.] 1833:Pl. 98 (v. 2) Fem. Ostracion auritus Shaw 1798. Type by monotypy. Spelled Acerana on legend, Acarana on Pl. 98, Acarana on Sawyer's legend page (1953:55 [ref. 6842]). Spelled Aracana by Gray 1838:110 [ref. 1884]. Acarana probably is the correct original spelling, but Aracana is in prevailing usage and therefore here used as the valid name for the genus. Kaup 1855:219 [ref. 2571] uses the spelling Acerana Gray. Possibly based on a misidentified type species. Regarded as valid but with spelling Aracana; see account of Aracana Gray 1838. •Different spelling of Acarana Gray 1833. •Treated as valid with this spelling -- (Tyler 1980:205 [ref. 4477], Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Arai 1983:202 [ref. 14249], Gomon et al. 1994:897 [ref. 22532], Lindberg et al. 1997:96 [ref. 23547], Allen et al. 2006:1903 [ref. 29090], Matsuura 2006:273 [ref. 29182], Matsuura 2008:846 [ref. 30661], Matsuura 2014:15 [ref. 33576], Matsuura & Middleton 2016:[1] [ref. 34882]). Current status: Valid as Aracana Gray 1833. Aracanidae. Aracana (subgenus of Ostracion) Gray [J. E.] 1838:110 Fem. Ostracion auritus Shaw 1798. Type by monotypy. "Valid" but dates to Gray 1833 [ref. 1878] as Acarana. In 1838 there were 5 included species; type designated by Bleeker 1866:15 [ref. 417] if needed. Above spelling is apparently an incorrect subsequent spelling of Acarana Gray 1833 and not a new genus name but it is in current usage. Tropigaster Billberg 1833 is a senior synonym (see Kullander 2016:109 [ref. 34147]), but Aracana Gray 1833 is in prevailing usage and therefore here used as the valid name for the genus. •Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Current status: Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Aracanidae. Aracanostracion Smith [J. L. B.] 1949:354 Neut. Aracanostracion rosapinto Smith 1949. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Kentrocapros Kaup 1855 -- (Matsuura & Yamakawa 1982:40 [ref. 5504], Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Lindberg et al. 1997:96 [ref. 23547]). Current status: Synonym of Kentrocapros Kaup 1855. Aracanidae. Caprichthys McCulloch [A. R.] & Waite [E. R.] 1915:482 Masc. Caprichthys gymnura McCulloch & Waite 1915. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Caprichthys McCulloch & Waite 1915 -- (Tyler 1980:205 [ref. 4477], Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Gomon et al. 1994:900 [ref. 22532], Allen et al. 2006:1904 [ref. 29090], Matsuura 2008:848 [ref. 30661], Matsuura 2014:15 [ref. 33576]). Current status: Valid as Caprichthys McCulloch & Waite 1915. Aracanidae. Capropygia (subgenus of Aracana) Kaup [J. J.] 1855:220 Fem. Acerana (Capropygia) unistriata Kaup 1855. Type by monotypy. Kaup used Acerana for the now valid genus Aracana. •Valid as Capropygia Kaup 1855 -- (Tyler 1980:205 [ref. 4477], Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Gomon et al. 1994:901 [ref. 22532], Allen et al. 2006:1905 [ref. 29090], Matsuura 2008:848 [ref. 30661]. Matsuura 2014:15 [ref. 33576] but misspelled Capropygua). Current status: Valid as Capropygia Kaup 1855. Aracanidae. Kentrocapros (subgenus of Aracana) Kaup [J. J.] 1855:220 Masc. Ostracion hexagonus Thunberg 1787. Type by monotypy. Kaup used Acerana for the now valid genus Aracana. •Valid as Kentrocapros Kaup 1855 -- (Tyler 1980:205 [ref. 4477], Matsuura & Yamakawa 1982 [ref. 5504], Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Arai 1983:202 [ref. 14249], Matsuura in Masuda et al. 1984:361 [ref. 6441], Smith 1986:891 [ref. 5712], Matsuura & Tyler 1997:195 [ref. 23219], Lindberg et al. 1997:96 [ref. 23547], Matsuura 2001:3952 [ref. 26317], Armesto et al. 2003:779 [ref. 27030], Allen et al. 2006:1905 [ref. 29090], Matsuura 2006:273 [ref. 29182], Shinohara et al. 2011:58 [ref. 31715], Matsuura 2014:15 [ref. 33576], Stewart & Roberts 2015:1726 [ref. 34322], Matsuura & Middleton 2016:[1] [ref. 34882], Matsuura 2023:191 [ref. 40752]). Current status: Valid as Kentrocapros Kaup 1855. Aracanidae. Molaracana Le Danois [Y.] 1961:304 Fem. Ostracion aculeata Houttuyn 1782. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Kentrocapros Kaup 1855. Current status: Synonym of Kentrocapros Kaup 1855. Aracanidae. Platycanthus (subgenus of Tetrosomus) Swainson [W.] 1839:194, 324 Masc. Ostracion auritus Shaw 1798. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Current status: Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Aracanidae. Polyplacapros Fujii [E.] & Uyeno [T.] 1979:2 Masc. Polyplacapros tyleri Fujii & Uyeno 1979. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Polyplacapros Gujii & Uyeno 1979 -- (Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Allen et al. 2006:1907 [ref. 29090], Matsuura 2014:15 [ref. 33576], Stewart & Roberts 2015:1729 [ref. 34322], Matsuura & Middleton 2016:[1] [ref. 34882]). Current status: Valid as Polyplacapros Fujii & Uyeno 1979. Aracanidae. Strophiurichthys Fraser-Brunner [A.] 1935:316, 318 Masc. Strophiurichthys inermis Fraser-Brunner 1935. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Strophiurichthys Fraser-Brunner 1935 -- (Tyler 1980:205 [ref. 4477], Winterbottom & Tyler 1983:902 [ref. 5320], Arai 1983:202 [ref. 14249], Smith 1986:893 [ref. 5712]). •Synonym of Anoplocapros Kaup 1855 based on placement of type species. Current status: Synonym of Anoplocapros Kaup 1855. Aracanidae. Tropigaster Billberg [G. J.] 1833:52, 53 Masc. Ostracion auritus Shaw 1798. Type by monotypy. Type species given as "D. auritus Schn." (sic, is Ostracion auritus of Bloch & Schneider 1801:561 [ref. 471], which is based on Ostracion auritus Shaw 1798); see Kullander 2016:109 [ref. 34147]. Not used as valid after 1899; therefore reversal of priority in favor of Aracana Gray 1833 is followed (ICZN Art. 23.9). •Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833 -- (Kullander 2016:109 [ref. 34147]) Current status: Synonym of Aracana Gray 1833. Aracanidae. |