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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

    Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information.

Genera in the family or subfamily Bathydraconidae: [ 12 ] records

Acanthodraco Skóra [K. E.] 1995:283 Masc. Acanthodraco dewitti Skóra 1995. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Acanthodraco Skóra 1995 -- (Eastman & Eakin 2000:16 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:99 [ref. 33669], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in Gymnodraconinae). Current status: Valid as Acanthodraco Skóra 1995. Bathydraconidae: Gymnodraconinae.

Aconichthys Waite [E. R.] 1916:30 Masc. Aconichthys harrissoni Waite 1916. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Racovitzia Dollo 1900 -- (Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:148 [ref. 33669]). Current status: Synonym of Racovitzia Dollo 1900. Bathydraconidae: Bathydraconinae.

Akarotaxis DeWitt [H. H.] & Hureau [J.-C.] 1980:784 Fem. Bathydraco nudiceps Waite 1916. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Akarotaxis DeWitt & Hureau 1980 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:364 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:356 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:122 [ref. 33669], Sheiko 2019:50 [ref. 37173], Corso et al. 2024:273 [ref. 41485] in Bathydraconinae). Current status: Valid as Akarotaxis DeWitt & Hureau 1980. Bathydraconidae: Bathydraconinae.

Bathydraco Günther [A.] 1878:18 Masc. Bathydraco antarcticus Günther 1878. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Bathydraco Günther 1878 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], DeWitt 1985 [ref. 8165], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:364 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:344 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Voskoboinikova 1999:326 [ref. 24870], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:127 [ref. 33669], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in Bathydraconinae). Current status: Valid as Bathydraco Günther 1878. Bathydraconidae: Bathydraconinae.

Cygnodraco Waite [E. R.] 1916:32 Masc. Cygnodraco mawsoni Waite 1916. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Cygnodraco Waite 1916 -- (DeWitt & Hureau 1980:789 [ref. 1125], Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:370 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:370 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:163 [ref. 33669], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in "Cygnodraconinae"). Current status: Valid as Cygnodraco Waite 1916. Bathydraconidae: Cygnodraconinae.

Gerlachea Dollo [L.] 1900:195 Fem. Gerlachea australis Dollo 1900. Type by monotypy. Spelled Gerlachia by Boulenger 1904:706 [ref. 31880]. •Valid as Gerlachea Dollo 1900 -- (DeWitt & Hureau 1980:789 [ref. 1125], Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:371 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:359 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:158 [ref. 33669], Sheiko 2019:60 [ref. 37173], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in "Cygnodraconinae"). Current status: Valid as Gerlachea Dollo 1900. Bathydraconidae: Cygnodraconinae.

Gymnodraco Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:186 Masc. Gymnodraco acuticeps Boulenger 1902. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Gymnodraco Boulenger 1902 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:44 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:372 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:383 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Rey et al. 2011:111 [ref. 31630], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:108 [ref. 33669], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in Gymnodraconinae). Current status: Valid as Gymnodraco Boulenger 1902. Bathydraconidae: Gymnodraconinae.

Parachaenichthys Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:176 Masc. Chaenichthys georgianus Fischer 1885. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Parachaenichthys Boulenger 1902 -- (DeWitt and Hureau 1980:782, 789 [ref. 1125], Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:373 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:373 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:168 [ref. 33669], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in "Cygnodraconinae"). Current status: Valid as Parachaenichthys Boulenger 1902. Bathydraconidae: Cygnodraconinae.

Prionodraco Regan [C. T.] 1914:13 Masc. Prionodraco evansii Regan 1914. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Prinodraco by Jordan 1920:554 [ref. 4905]. •Valid as Prionodraco Regan 1914 -- (DeWitt & Hureau 1980:789 [ref. 1125], Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:376 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:367 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:116 [ref. 33669], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in Bathydraconinae). Current status: Valid as Prionodraco Regan 1914. Bathydraconidae: Bathydraconinae.

Psilodraco Norman [J. R.] 1937:475 Masc. Psilodraco breviceps Norman 1937. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Psilodraco Norman 1937 -- (DeWitt & Hureau 1980:789 [ref. 1125], Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:44 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:377 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:380 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:103 [ref. 33669], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in Gymnodraconinae). Current status: Valid as Psilodraco Norman 1937. Bathydraconidae: Gymnodraconinae.

Racovitzia Dollo [L.] 1900:317 Fem. Racovitzia glacialis Dollo 1900. Type by monotypy. Later incorrectly changed to Racovitzaia by Dollo 1904:31 [ref. 1135]. •Valid as Racovitzia Dollo 1900 -- (DeWitt & Hureau 1979:789 [ref. 1125], Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:378 [ref. 21680], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:108 [ref. 33669], Sheiko 2019:70 [ref. 37173], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in Bathydraconinae). Current status: Valid as Racovitzia Dollo 1900. Bathydraconidae: Bathydraconinae.

Vomeridens DeWitt [H. H.] & Hureau [J.-C.] 1980:787 Masc. Racovitzia infuscipinnis DeWitt 1964. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Vomeridens DeWitt & Hureau 1980 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Voskoboinikova 1988:45 [ref. 12756], Gon 1990:379 [ref. 21680], Miller 1993:365 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:17 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S98 [ref. 29555], Balushkin & Voskoboinikova 2011:153 [ref. 33669], Sheiko 2019:50 [ref. 37173], Corso et al. 2024:281 [ref. 41485] in Bathydraconinae). Current status: Valid as Vomeridens DeWitt & Hureau 1980. Bathydraconidae: Bathydraconinae.

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