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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Genera in the family or subfamily Callionymidae: [ 43 ] records

Acommissura (subgenus of Synchiropus) Fricke [R.] 2016:9 Neut. Synchiropus sechellensis Regan 1908. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus as described. Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Anaora Gray [J. E.] 1835:Pl. 90 (v. 2) Fem. Anaora tentaculata Gray 1835. Type by monotypy. As Amora on plate examined, as Anaora in list of figures; Jordan 1919:179 [ref. 2410] regarded Amora as a misspelling; Sawyer 1953:54 [ref. 6842] lists only Amora. In footnote to list of plates (1835) it is stated, "In some copies a few of the names on the Plates are incorrectly printed but these are corrected in this list,..." That list uses Anaora, and in the case of Plate 90, the plate was apparently issued as the same time as the list of plates [technically, "Directions for arranging the plates, of the numbers XI. to XX."]. •Valid as Anaora Gray 1835 -- (Fricke 1982:57 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:48 [ref. 8349], Nakabo 1982:108 [ref. 3139], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:345 [ref. 6441], Fricke 2001:3550 [ref. 26292], Fricke 2002:9 [ref. 26547], Hoese & Bray 2006:1579 [ref. 29000], Fricke et al. 2019:263 [ref. 36673]). Current status: Valid as Anaora Gray 1835. Callionymidae.

Anaoroides (subgenus of Synchiropus) Fricke [R.] 1981:149 Masc. Synchiropus zamboangana Seale 1910. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Anaoroides as described -- (Fricke 1982:78 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:563, 681 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:52, 103 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Bathycallionymus Nakabo [T.] 1982:86 Masc. Callionymus kaianus Günther 1880. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Bathycallionymus -- (Fricke 2002:10, 99 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Bathycallionymus Nakabo 1982 -- (Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:343 [ref. 6441], Hoese & Bray 2006:1579 [ref. 29000], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:67 [ref. 31555]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Fricke 1982:58 [ref. 5432], Nakabo 1982:106 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1983:56 [ref. 8349]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Bicuspidatus de Buen [F.] 1926:87 As a "grupo" for 1 species of Callionymus. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. •Mention, as unavailable -- (Fricke 2002:10 [ref. 26547]). Callionymidae.

Brachycallionymus Herre [A. W. C. T.] & Myers [G. S.] in Herre 1936:12 Masc. Brachycallionymus mirus Herre 1936. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879 -- (Nakabo 1982:109 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1982:73 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:545 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:50 [ref. 26547], Kottelat 2013:385 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879. Callionymidae.

Callimucenus Whitley [G. P.] 1934:unpaginated Masc. Callionymus macdonaldi Ogilby 1911. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Fricke 1982:58 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:56 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Callimucenus -- (Fricke 2002:10, 100 [ref. 26547]). •Synonym of Repomucenus Whitley 1931 -- (Nakabo 1982:105 [ref. 3139], Kottelat 2013:385 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Callionymus Linnaeus [C.] 1758:249 Masc. Callionymus lyra Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Bleeker 1879:80 [ref. 458]. On Official List (Opinion 77); Callionimus Goüan 1770 and Calliongmus Linck 1790 on Official Index as incorrect subsequent spellings (Direction 56). •Valid as Callionymus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Davis 1966:842 [ref. 12452], Wheeler 1973:516 [ref. 7190], Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:208 [ref. 7348], Fricke 1983:55 [ref. 8349], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Fricke in Whitehead et al. 1986:1086 [ref. 13677], Fricke 1986:770 [ref. 5653], Fricke 1989 [ref. 15489], Wu in Pan et al. 1991:417 [ref. 23876], Fricke & Lee 1993:275 [ref. 19339], Fricke 1993:364 [ref. 22077], Fricke 2001:3550 [ref. 26292], Fricke 2002:10 [ref. 26547], Parin 2003:S24 [ref. 28536], Fricke 2006:2 [ref. 28872], Fricke 2009:169 [ref. 30212], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:61 [ref. 36649], Ng 2012:27 [ref. 31795], Fricke et al. 2014:1 [ref. 33442], Fricke 2014:1 [ref. 33556], Parin et al. 2015:472 [ref. 33547], Fricke 2016:55 [ref. 34390], Fricke 2016:38 [ref. 34468], Fricke & Ordines 2017:163 [ref. 35468], Fricke 2017:180 [ref. 35548], Motomura et al. 2017:193 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:315 [ref. 35805], Fricke & Vo 2018:433 [ref. 35976], Golani & Fricke 2018:144 [ref. 36273], Brown et al. 2019:171 [ref. 36444], Fricke et al. 2019:264 [ref. 36673]). Current status: Valid as Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Calliurichthys Jordan [D. S.] & Fowler [H. W.] 1903:941 Masc. Callionymus japonicus Houttuyn 1782. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Calliurichthys -- (Fricke 1982:67 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:56, 306 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2001:3551 [ref. 26292], Fricke 2002:10, 101 [ref. 26547], Fricke & Quang 2018:440 [ref. 35976]). •Valid as Calliurichthys Jordan & Fowler 1903 -- (Nakabo 1982:102 [ref. 3139], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Hoese & Bray 2006:1580 [ref. 29000], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:68 [ref. 31555], Struthers 2015:1557 [ref. 34302]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Calymmichthys Jordan [D. S.] & Thompson [W. F.] 1914:296 Masc. Calymmichthys xenicus Jordan & Thompson 1914. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Calymmichthys Jordan & Thompson 1914 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:208 [ref. 7348]). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865 -- (Nakabo 1982:97 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1982:71 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:491 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:46 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865. Callionymidae.

Chalinops Smith [J. L. B.] 1963:552 Masc. Callionymus floridae Fowler 1941. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865 -- (Nakabo 1982:97 [ref. 3139]). •Valid as Chalinops Smith 1963 -- (Davis 1966:842 [ref. 12452], Fricke 1982:70 [ref. 5432], Fricke 2002:45 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Valid as Chalinops Smith 1963. Callionymidae.

Charibarbitus Smith [J. L. B.] 1963:562 Masc. Charibarbitus celetus Smith 1963. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879 -- (Nakabo 1982:109 [ref. 3139]). •Synonym of Draculo Snyder 1911 -- (Fricke 1983:529 [ref. 8349], Fricke 1986:772 [ref. 5653], Fricke 2002:48 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Draculo Snyder 1911. Callionymidae.

Clathropus Smith [J. L. B.] 1966:321 Masc. Clathropus maugei Smith 1966. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879 -- (Nakabo 1982 [ref. 3139]). •Synonym of Draculo Snyder 1911 -- (Fricke 1982:72 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:529 [ref. 8349], Fricke 1986:772 [ref. 5653], Fricke 2002:48 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Draculo Snyder 1911. Callionymidae.

Climacogrammus (subgenus of Diplogrammus) Smith [J. L. B.] 1963:550 Masc. Diplogrammus (Climacogrammus) infulatus Smith 1963. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865 -- (Nakabo 1982:97 [ref. 3139]). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865, doubtfully as a valid subgenus Climacogrammus as described -- (Fricke 1982:72 [ref. 5432]). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865, as a valid subgenus as described -- (Fricke 1983:509 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:46, 101 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865. Callionymidae.

Dactylopus Gill [T. N.] 1859:130 Masc. Callionymus dactylopus Valenciennes 1837. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Dactylopus Gill 1859 -- (Nakabo 1982:101 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1982:71 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:481 [ref. 8349], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Fricke 2001:3550 [ref. 26292], Fricke 2002:46 [ref. 26547] with date as 1860, Hoese & Bray 2006:1581 [ref. 29000], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:68 [ref. 31555], Ng & Rainboth 2011:67 [ref. 31577], Ng 2012:35 [ref. 31795], Motomura et al. 2017:195 [ref. 35490]). Current status: Valid as Dactylopus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Dermosteira Schultz [L. P.] 1943:267 Fem. Dermosteira dorotheae Schultz 1943. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865 -- (Nakabo 1982:97 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1982:71 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:492 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:46 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865. Callionymidae.

Dicallionymus Fowler [H. W.] 1941:29 Masc. Callionymus goramensis Bleeker 1858. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Objective synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865 -- (Nakabo 1982:97 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1982:71 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:491 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:46 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865. Callionymidae.

Diplogrammoides (subgenus of Diplogrammus) Smith [J. L. B.] 1963:551 Masc. Diplogrammus (Diplogrammoides) gruveli Smith 1963. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865 -- (Nakabo 1982:97 [ref. 3139]). •Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865, but a valid subgenus Diplogrammoides as described -- (Fricke 1982:72 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:524 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:46, 102 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Diplogrammus Gill 1865. Callionymidae.

Diplogrammus Gill [T. N.] 1865:143 Masc. Callionymus goramensis Bleeker 1858. Technically type is by monotypy, use of "may be regarded as a distinct type" not sufficient for original designation. •Valid as Diplogrammus Gill 1865 -- (Nakabo 1982:97 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1982:71 [ref. 5432], Fricke & Zaiser 1982:253 [ref. 5452], Fricke 1983:491 [ref. 8349], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Fricke 1986:772 [ref. 5653], Fricke 1993:371 [ref. 22077], Fricke 2001:3550 [ref. 26292], Fricke 2002:46 [ref. 26547], Hartel & Nakabo 2003:1776 [ref. 27110], Hoese & Bray 2006:1582 [ref. 29000], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:69 [ref. 31555], Fricke et al. 2014:4 [ref. 33363], Fricke et al. 2016:407 [ref. 34134], Fricke et al. 2018:316 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:145 [ref. 36273]). Current status: Valid as Diplogrammus Gill 1865. Callionymidae.

Draculo Snyder [J. O.] 1911:545 Masc. Draculo mirabilis Snyder 1911. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Misspelled Draculus by Jordan, Tanaka & Snyder 1913:377 [ref. 6448]. •Synonym of Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879 -- (Nakabo 1982:109 [ref. 3139], Parin 2003:S25 [ref. 28536]). •Valid as Draculo Snyder 1911 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:207 [ref. 7348], Fricke 1982:72 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:529 [ref. 8349], Fricke 1986:772 [ref. 5653], Fricke 2002:48 [ref. 26547], Fricke et al. 2018:316 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Draculo Snyder 1911. Callionymidae.

Eleutherochir Bleeker [P.] 1879:102 Fem. Callionymus opercularioides Bleeker 1850. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879 -- (Fricke 1982:73 [ref. 5432], Nakabo 1982:109 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1983:545 [ref. 8349], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:345 [ref. 6441], Fricke 2001:3550 [ref. 26292], Fricke 2002:50 [ref. 26547], Parin 2003:S24 [ref. 28536], Kottelat 2013:385 [ref. 32989], Parin et al. 2015:473 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Valid as Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879. Callionymidae.

Eocallionymus Nakabo [T.] 1982:89 Masc. Callionymus papilio Günther 1864. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859 -- (Fricke 1982:74 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:563 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Eocallionymus -- (Fricke 2002:52, 103 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Eocallionymus 1982 -- (Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Gomon et al. 1994:775 [ref. 22532], Hoese & Bray 2006:1582 [ref. 29000], Gomon & Yearsley 2008:742 [ref. 30631]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Foetorepus Whitley [G. P.] 1931:323 Masc. Callionymus calauropomus Richardson 1844. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859 -- (Fricke 1981:18 [ref. 1499], Fricke 1982:74 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:563 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Foetorepus -- (Fricke 2002:51, 102 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Foetorepus Whitley 1931 -- (Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:343 [ref. 6441], Nakabo 1987 [ref. 6375], Nakabo & McKay 1989 [ref. 16169], Gomon et al. 1994:777 [ref. 22532], Nakabo & Hartel 1999:114 [ref. 23704], Hartel & Nakabo 2003:1776 [ref. 27110], Hoese & Bray 2006:1583 [ref. 29000], Gomon & Yearsley 2008:743 [ref. 30631], Kottelat 2013:385 [ref. 32989], Struthers 2015:1558 [ref. 34302]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Margaretichthys (subgenus of Callionymus) Fricke [R.] 2017:183 Masc. Callionymus margaretae Regan 1905. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Margaretichthys Fricke 2017. Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Minysynchiropus Nakabo [T.] 1982:94 Masc. Synchiropus laddi Schultz 1960. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859 -- (Fricke 1982:74 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:564 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Minysynchiropus -- (Fricke 2002:52, 103 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Minysynchiropus Nakabo 1982 -- (Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Hoese & Bray 2006:1584 [ref. 29000]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Neosynchiropus Nakabo [T.] 1982:92 Masc. Callionymus ocellatus Pallas 1770. Type by original designation. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Neosynchiropus Nalbant 1979 in fishes (same family), apparently not replaced. •Wrongly treated as valid with Nakabo as author -- (Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:343 [ref. 6441], Hoese & Bray 2006:1584 [ref. 29000], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:65 [ref. 31555]). •In the synonymy of Synchiropus Gill 1859 -- (Fricke 1982:74 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:563 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:52 [ref. 26547]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Neosynchiropus Nalbant [T. T.] 1979:349 Masc. Neosynchiropus bacescui Nalbant 1979. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Fricke says date is 1980 rather than 1979 [not investigated]. •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859 -- (Fricke 2002:51 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Neosynchiropus Nalbant 1979 -- (Fricke 1982:73 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:554 [ref. 8349], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:65 [ref. 31555]). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Neosynchiropus Nalbant 1979 -- (Fricke 2016:7 [ref. 34659]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Orbonymus Whitley [G. P.] 1947:150 Masc. Callionymus (Calliurichthys) rameus McCulloch 1926. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Orbonymus -- (Fricke 1981:20 [ref. 1499], Fricke 1982:78 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:563, 684 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:51, 103 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Orbonymus Whitley 1947 -- (Nakabo 1982:100 [ref. 3139], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Hoese & Bray 2006:1586 [ref. 29000]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Paracallionymus Barnard [K. H.] 1927:68 Masc. Callionymus costatus Boulenger 1898. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Also published in Barnard 1927 (Oct.):448 [ref. 194]. •Valid as Paracallionymus Barnard 1927 -- (Nakabo 1982:90 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1982:73 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:557 [ref. 8349], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Fricke 1986:773 [ref. 5653], Fricke 2002:51 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Valid as Paracallionymus Barnard 1927. Callionymidae.

Paradiplogrammus Nakabo [T.] 1982:95 Masc. Callionymus enneactis Bleeker 1879. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Paradiplogrammus -- (Fricke 2002:10, 100 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Paradiplogrammus Nakabo 1982 -- (Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Nakabo 1984 [ref. 5343], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo 1991 [ref. 20069], Hartel & Nakabo 2003:1776 [ref. 27110], Hoese & Bray 2006:1586 [ref. 29000]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Fricke 1982:58 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:56 [ref. 8349]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Pogonymus Gosline [W. A.] 1959:71 Masc. Pogonymus pogognathus Gosline 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Eleutherochir Bleeker 1879 -- (Nakabo 1982:109 [ref. 3139]). •Synonym of Draculo Snyder 1911 -- (Fricke 1982:72 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:529 [ref. 8349], Fricke 1986:772 [ref. 5653], Fricke 2002:48 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Draculo Snyder 1911. Callionymidae.

Protogrammus Fricke [R.] 1985:294 Masc. Callionymus sousai Maul 1972. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Protogrammus Fricke 1985 -- (Fricke in Whitehead et al. 1986:1092 [ref. 13677], Fricke 2002:51 [ref. 26547], Fricke 2006:10 [ref. 28872], Farias et al. 2016:1 [ref. 34167]). Current status: Valid as Protogrammus Fricke 1985. Callionymidae.

Pseudocalliurichthys Nakabo [T.] 1982:104 Masc. Callionymus variegatus Temminck & Schlegel 1845. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Fricke 1982:58 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:57 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Pseudocalliurichthys -- (Fricke 2002:10, 101 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Pseudocalliurichthys Nakabo 1982 -- (Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Nakabo & Hayashi 1991 [ref. 20443], Gomon et al. 1994:779 [ref. 22532], Nakabo et al. 1998:455 [ref. 23313], Hoese & Bray 2006:1587 [ref. 29000], Hoese & Bray 2006:1587 [ref. 29000], Gomon & Yearsley 2008:745 [ref. 30631], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:70 [ref. 31555]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Pterosynchiropus Nakabo [T.] 1982:93 Masc. Callionymus splendidus Herre 1927. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859 -- (Fricke 1982:74 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:564 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Pterosynchiropus -- (Fricke 2002:52, 103 [ref. 26547]). •Valid as Pterosynchiropus Nakabo 1982 -- (Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Hoese & Bray 2006:1588 [ref. 29000]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Repomucenus (subgenus of Callionymus) Whitley [G. P.] 1931:323 Masc. Callionymus calcaratus Macleay 1881. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Repomucenus Whitley 1931 -- (Nakabo 1982:105 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1983:56 [ref. 8349], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:344 [ref. 6441], Nakabo et al. 1987 [ref. 6374], Nakabo et al. 1991 [ref. 20070], Gomon et al. 1994:780 [ref. 22532], Hoese & Bray 2006:1588 [ref. 29000], Gomon & Yearsley 2008:746 [ref. 30631], Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010:70 [ref. 31555], Kottelat 2013:385 [ref. 32989], Kim et al. 2021:[4] 527 [ref. 38837]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Fricke 1982:58 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:56 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Repomucenus -- (Fricke 2002:10, 99 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Spinicapitichthys (subgenus of Callionymus) Fricke [R.] 1980:60 Masc. Callionymus spiniceps Regan 1908. Type by original designation. •Valid as Spinicapitichthys Fricke 1980 -- (Nakabo 1982:106 [ref. 3139], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:345 [ref. 6441], Hoese & Bray 2006:1592 [ref. 29000]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Spinicapitichthys as described -- (Fricke 1982:58 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:56, 456 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:10, 101 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Synchiropus Gill [T. N.] 1859:129 Masc. Callionymus lateralis Richardson 1844. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Bleeker 1879:80 [ref. 458]. •Valid as Synchiropus Gill 1859 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:228 [ref. 7348], Fricke 1981:18 [ref. 1499], Nakabo 1982:98 [ref. 3139], Fricke 1983:563 [ref. 8349], Houde 1984:637 [ref. 13674], Zaiser & Fricke 1985 [ref. 5267], Fricke in Whitehead et al. 1986:1093 [ref. 13677], Fricke 1986:773 [ref. 5653], Fricke 1993:371 [ref. 22077], Fricke 2001:3550 [ref. 26292], Fricke 2002:51 [ref. 26547] with date as 1860, Lipej & Dulčić 2010:61 [ref. 36649], Ng & Rainboth 2011:67 [ref. 31577], Allen & Erdmann 2012:9 [ref. 31759], Ng 2012:35 [ref. 31795], Gökoğlu et al. 2014:440 [ref. 33365], Tea & Gill 2016:85 [ref. 34800], Robertson et al. 2017:97 [ref. 35676], Fricke et al. 2018:316 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:146 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:265 [ref. 36673], Fricke et al. 2022:1 [ref. 39825]). Current status: Valid as Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Tetracuspidatus de Buen [F.] 1926:85 Masc. As a "grupo" for 2 species of Callionymus. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. •Mention, as unavailable -- (Fricke 2002:10 [ref. 26547]). Callionymidae.

Tonlesapia Motomura [H.] & Mukai [T.] 2006:44 Fem. Tonlesapia tsukawakii Motomura & Mukai 2006. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Tonlesapia Motomura & Mukai 2006 -- (Ng & Rainboth 2011:62 [ref. 31577], Kottelat 2013:386 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Tonlesapia Motomura & Mukai 2006. Callionymidae.

Tricuspidatus de Buen [F.] 1926:86 As a "grupo" for 2 species of Callionymus. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. •Mention, as unavailable -- (Fricke 2002:10 [ref. 26547]). Callionymidae.

Velesionymus Whitley [G. P.] 1934:unpaginated Masc. Callionymus limiceps Ogilby 1908. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Fricke 1982:58 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:56 [ref. 8349]). •Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Velesionymus -- (Fricke 2002:10, 100 [ref. 26547]). •Synonym of Repomucenus Whitley 1931 -- (Nakabo 1982:105 [ref. 3139], Kottelat 2013:385 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Callionymus Linnaeus 1758. Callionymidae.

Vulsus Günther [A.] 1861:151 Masc. Callionymus dactylopus Valenciennes 1837. Type by being a replacement name. •Unneeded replacement for and objective synonym of Dactylopus Gill 1859, not preoccupied by Dactylopus -- (see Fricke 1982:70 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:481 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:46 [ref. 26547]). Current status: Synonym of Dactylopus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

Yerutius Whitley [G. P.] 1931:115 Masc. Callionymus apricus McCulloch 1926. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859, but a valid subgenus Yerutius -- (Fricke 1981:18 [ref. 1499], Fricke 1982:74 [ref. 5432], Fricke 1983:563, 566 [ref. 8349], Fricke 2002:51, 102 [ref. 26547]). •Synonym of Foetorepus Whitley 1931 -- (Nakabo 1982:87 [ref. 3139]). Current status: Synonym of Synchiropus Gill 1859. Callionymidae.

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