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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the family or subfamily Callorhinchidae: [ 18 ] records

antarctica, Callorhynchus Swainson [W.] 1839:323, Fig. [The natural history and classification v. 2; ref. 4303] Australia. No types known. Based on Gronov. pl. 4, f. 1,2 [which is Gronovius 1763 [ref. 1910] (Vol. I., p. 125. fig. 8.a.)]. Not same as Callorhynchus antarcticus Lay & Bennett 1831. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Callorhynchus antarcticus Fleming 1822. •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

antarcticus, Callorhynchus Lay [G. T.] & Bennett [E. T.] 1839:75 [The zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage; ref. 2730] Locality unknown. No types known. Minimal description. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Callorhynchus antarcticus Fleming 1822 and Callorhynchus antarcticus Schinz 1822 (earliest not researched). •Possibly a synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). 1°Homonym. Current status: Uncertain as Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

antarcticus, Callorhynchus Schinz [H. R.] 1822:239 [Das Thierreich v. 2; ref. 3926] Unneeded replacement name for and objective synonym of Callorhynchus callorhynchus (Linnaeus 1758) (see Daget 1968:1057 [ref. 26392]). Perhaps preoccupied by Callorhynchus antarcticus Fleming 1822; earliest not researched. •Objective synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Daget 1968:1057 [ref. 26392]) as Callorhynchus callorhynchus. Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

antarcticus, Callorhynchus Fleming [J.] 1822:380 [The philosophy of zoology v. 2; ref. 5063] No locality. No types known. Apparently available and probably taken from Gronow; minimal description. Perhaps preoccupied by Callorhynchus antarcticus Schinz 1822; earliest not researched. •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713] as callorhynchus, Russell & van Oijen 2021:436 [ref. 38177]). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

argenteus, Callorhynchus Philippi [R. A.] 1892:11, Pl. 5 (fig. 1) [Anales del Museo Nacional de Chile. Primera seccion, Zoología No. 3; ref. 22759] Chile. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Genus spelled Callorrhynchus in original. On p. 12 of German edition (Philippi 1893 [ref. 14560]). •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713] as callorhynchus). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

australis, Callorhynchus Owen [R.] 1854 [Descriptive catalogue of the fossil organic remains; ref. 3329] Tasmania, Australia. No types known. Probably based on Chimaera australis Shaw 1804; therefore, Shaw's name would have priority over Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823 (but milii can be continued on prevailing usage). Perhaps best regarded as a forgotten name. •Synonym of Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:98 [ref. 12442], Last & Stevens 1994:466 [ref. 23873], Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713], Paxton et al. 2006:50 [ref. 28994] dated 1852). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823. Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

australis, Chimaera Shaw [G.] 1804:368, Pls. 157 (top), 158, 158+ [General zoology or systematic natural history; ref. 4015] Southern Seas. No types known. Based on Chimaera callorhynchus and other literature sources. Probably same as Callorhynchus australis Owen 1852. If so and if Shaw's name is valid, it would have priority over Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823. Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

callorynchus, Callorynchus Meuschen [F. C.] 1778:19 [ ref. 17682] Original not seen. Not available, published in a rejected work (Opinion 260). Suppressed. Callorhinchidae.

callorynchus, Chimaera Linnaeus [C.] 1758:236 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] "In mari Aethiopico" [erroneous, probably from Argentina]. Spelled callorhynchus in Gmelin 1789:1489 [ref. 18139]; callorhinchus in Lacepède 1798:400 [ref. 2708]. •Valid as Chimaera callorynchus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Didier 1995:74 [ref. 22713] as callorhynchus). •Valid as Callorinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Chiaramonte et al. 2023:208 [ref. 40423]). •Valid as Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Nakamura in Nakamura et al. 1986:58 [ref. 14235], Pequeño 1989:19 [ref. 14125], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:93 [ref. 24555], Cousseau & Perrotta 2000:54 [ref. 25942], López et al. 2000:39 [ref. 27893] as callorhynchus, López et al. 2002:62 [ref. 26808], Gadig & Gomes in Menezes et al. 2003:21 [ref. 27192], Di Dario et al. 2011:546 [ref. 31478], Mabragaña et al. 2011:table S2 [ref. 31800], Weigmann 2016:164 [ref. 34211], Petry et al. 2016:299 [ref. 34966], Nión et al. 2016:19 [ref. 35565], Calle-Morán et al. 2020:248 [ref. 37881], Siccha-Ramirez et al. 2023:39 [ref. 40816]). Current status: Valid as Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific and southwestern Atlantic: Ecuador south to Cape Hoorn (Chile), then north to Patagonia (Argentina). Habitat: marine.

capensis, Callorhynchus Duméril [A. H. A.] 1865:695, Pl. 13 (figs. 5, 5a) [Histoire naturelle des poissons ou ichthyologie générale v. 1; ref. 1150] Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Syntypes: MNHN A-7981 (1), 4294 (1), plus 1 probably lost. Type catalog: Bertin 1939:93 [ref. 20739]. •Valid as Callorhynchus capensis Duméril 1865 -- (Krefft 1990:117 [ref. 19321]). •Valid as Callorhinchus capensis Duméril 1865 -- (Compagno 1986:147 [ref. 5648], Compagno et al. 1991:109 [ref. 21083], Bianchi & Carpenter in Bianchi et al. 1993:100 [ref. 25472], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:90 [ref. 28072], Walovich et al. 2015:163 [ref. 33924], Weigmann 2016:164 [ref. 34211], Didier 2016:1445 [ref. 34546], Almeida & Biscoito 2019:30 [ref. 37302], Ebert et al. 2021:102 [ref. 38234], Kemper & Ebert 2022:634 [ref. 39661], Leeney 2024:92 [ref. 40985]). Current status: Valid as Callorhinchus capensis Duméril 1865. Callorhinchidae. Distribution: Southeastern Atlantic, southwestern Indian Ocean: Namibia south to Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), then north to KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). Habitat: marine.

dasycaudatus, Callorhynchus Colenso [W.] 1879:299, Pl. 17 (fig. 1) [Transactions of the New Zealand Institute v. 11 (art. 18) (for 1878); ref. 18016] Poverty Bay, New Zealand. Holotype (unique): apparently not saved. •Synonym of Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823 -- (Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713]). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823. Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

elephantinus, Callorynchus Bory de Saint-Vincent [J. B. G. M.] 1823:61 (v. 3, CAD-CHI) [Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle; ref. 3853] Chile. No types known. Genus should have been Callorhynchus. •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713] as callorhynchus). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

elephantinus, Callorynchus Gronow [L. T.] in Gray 1854:15 [Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow; ref. 1911] Eastern Pacific near Chile. No types known. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Callorhinchus elephantinus Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823. •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

milii, Callorynchus Bory de Saint-Vincent [J. B. G. M.] 1823:62 (v. 3, CAD-CHI) [Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle; ref. 3853] May be Brunnyi Island, Tasmania, Australia. No types known. Genus should have been Callorhynchus. Figured in v. 17, 1831:Pl. 113 (fig. 1). •Valid as Callorhynchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823 -- (Hardy in Amaoka et al. 1990:88 [ref. 16024]). •Valid as Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:98 [ref. 12442], Paulin et al. 1989:31 [ref. 24556], Kuiter 1993:24 [ref. 23929], Gomon et al. 1994:190 [ref. 22532], Last & Stevens 1994:465 [ref. 23873], Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713], Kuiter 1997:24 [ref. 25488], Didier et al. 1998:25 [ref. 23453], Hutchins 2001:16 [ref. 25847], Didier & Rosenberger 2002:120 [ref. 26936], Paxton et al. 2006:50 [ref. 28994], Gomon 2008:147 [ref. 30616], Kemper et al. 2014:2 [ref. 33599], Kemper et al. 2015:39 [ref. 34214], Weigmann 2016:164 [ref. 34211]). Current status: Valid as Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823. Callorhinchidae. Distribution: Southern Australia and New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

peronii, Callorhynchus Duméril [A. H. A.] 1865:694, Pl. 14 (figs. 4, 4a) [Histoire naturelle des poissons ou ichthyologie générale v. 1; ref. 1150] Australian seas; Valparaíso, Chile. Syntypes: (3 or 5) MNHN 0000-2562 (1) Valparaiso, 0000-2563 (1) Australian seas, 0000-2564 (1) Australian seas, 0000-2583 (1) Patagonia. Type catalog: Bertin 1939:93 [ref. 20739]. Based on literature source and specimens. •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713] as callorhynchus). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

smythii, Callorhynchus Lay [G. T.] & Bennett [E. T.] 1839:75, Pl. 22 (fig. 3) [The zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage; ref. 2730] Off La Concepçion, Chile. Holotype (unique): not preserved. Based on a drawing by Mr. Smyth. •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713]). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

tasmanius, Callorhynchus Richardson [J.] 1840:29 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1840 (pt 8, no. 87); ref. 3733] Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia, southwestern Pacific, ca. 43°09'S, 147°51'E; possibly also Murderer's Bay, New Zealand. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1953.8.10.22. Syntypes: (2) BMNH 1953.8.10.22 (1). Also described in Richardson 1844:174 [ref. 20295]. See Paxton et al. 2006:50 [ref. 28994] for type localities. •Synonym of Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:98 [ref. 12442], Last & Stevens 1994:466 [ref. 23873], Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713], Paxton et al. 2006:50 [ref. 28994]). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus milii Bory de Saint-Vincent 1823. Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

tritoris, Callorhynchus Garman [S.] 1904:271, Pl. 6 (fig. 9) [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 41 (no. 2); ref. 17945] Mejillones [Mexillones], Chile. Holotype (unique): MCZ 89504 (tracking number, specimen lost). Type catalog: Hartel & Dingerkus 1997:xxxvi-xxxvii [ref. 23119]. Described from a skeleton. Apparently an available name; appeared without description but with teeth figured in Plate 6. •Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Didier 1995:14 [ref. 22713] as callorhynchus). Current status: Synonym of Callorhinchus callorynchus (Linnaeus 1758). Callorhinchidae. Habitat: marine.

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