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Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Genera in the family or subfamily Cetomimidae: [ 19 ] records Ataxolepis Myers [G. S.] & Freihofer [W. C.] 1966:197 Fem. Ataxolepis apus Myers & Freihofer 1966. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ataxolepis Myers & Freihofer 1966 -- (Paxton 1999:2209 [ref. 24788], Paxton & Trnski 2003:1176 [ref. 27021] but may be a synonym of Vitiaziella). •Valid but in the family Cetomimidae -- (Johnson et al. 2009:3 [ref. 30005]). Current status: Valid as Ataxolepis Myers & Freihofer 1966. Cetomimidae. Cetichthys Paxton [J. R.] 1989:152, 161 Masc. Cetomimus indagator Rofen 1959. Type by original designation. •Valid as Cetichthys Paxton 1989 -- (Viera et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078], Parin et al. 2014:200 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Valid as Cetichthys Paxton 1989. Cetomimidae. Cetomimoides Koefoed [E.] 1955:3 Masc. Cetomimoides parri Koefoed 1955. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Cetomimoides Koefoed 1955 -- (Myers & Freihofer 1966:193 [ref. 3088], Paxton 1999:2209 [ref. 24788], Paxton & Trnski 2003:1177 [ref. 27021]). •In the family Cetomimidae -- (Johnson et al. 2009:1 [ref. 30005]). •Synonym of Cetostoma Zugmayer 1914 – (Paxton et al. 2016:2179 [ref. 34605]). Current status: Synonym of Cetostoma Zugmayer 1914. Cetomimidae. Cetomimus Goode [G. B.] & Bean [T. H.] 1895:452 Masc. Cetomimus gillii Goode & Bean 1895. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan & Evermann 1896:549 [ref. 2443]; not by monotypy as second species was provisionally described but definitely referred to genus. •Valid as Cetomimus Goode & Bean 1895 -- (Paxton 1973:214 [ref. 7183], Uyeno in Masuda et al. 1984:115 [ref. 6441], Paxton in Whitehead et al. 1986:524 [ref. 13676], Paxton & Bray 1986:433 [ref. 5703], Paxton 1999:2207 [ref. 24788], Paxton 2003:1173 [ref. 27040], Johnson et al. 2009:3 [ref. 30005], Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078], Kobyliansky et al. 2023:395 [ref. 40269]). Current status: Valid as Cetomimus Goode & Bean 1895. Cetomimidae. Cetostoma Zugmayer [E.] 1914:4 Neut. Cetostoma regani Zugmayer 1914. Type by monotypy. Also in Zugmayer 1940:211 [ref. 4850]. •Valid as Cetostoma Zugmayer 1914 -- (Paxton 1973:214 [ref. 7183], Amaoka in Masuda et al. 1984:115 [ref. 6441], Paxton in Whitehead et al. 1986:525 [ref. 13676], Paxton 1989:170 [ref. 13435], Paxton 1999:2207 [ref. 24788], Paxton 2003:1172 [ref. 27040], Johnson et al. 2009:3 [ref. 30005], Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078], Fricke et al. 2018:110 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Cetostoma Zugmayer 1914. Cetomimidae. Danacetichthys Paxton [J. R.] 1989:151, 168 Masc. Danacetichthys galathenus Paxton 1989. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Danacetichthys Paxton 1989 -- (Paxton 1999:2207 [ref. 24788], Paxton 2003:1172 [ref. 27040], Johnson et al. 2009:3 [ref. 30005], Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078]). Current status: Valid as Danacetichthys Paxton 1989. Cetomimidae. Ditropichthys Parr [A. E.] 1934:21 Masc. Cetomimus storeri Goode & Bean 1895. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ditropichthys Parr 1934 -- (Paxton 1989:156 [ref. 13435], Paxton 1999:2207 [ref. 24788], Paxton 2003:1172 [ref. 27040], Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078], Parin et al. 2014:201 [ref. 33547], Paxton 2015:999 [ref. 34277]). Current status: Valid as Ditropichthys Parr 1934. Cetomimidae. Eutaeniophorus Bertelsen [E.] & Marshall [N. B.] 1958:9 Masc. Taeniophorus festivus Bertelsen & Marshall 1956. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Taeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1956, preoccupied by Taeniophorus Linnavuori 1952 in Hemiptera. Combining the Mirapinnidae and Eutaeniophoridae follows Bertelsen & Marshall 1984:380 [ref. 13657]. See Johnson et al. 2009 [ref. 30005]. •Valid as Eutaeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1958 -- (Paxton 1973:213 [ref. 7183], Bertelsen & Marshall 1984:380 [ref. 13657], Bertelsen in Whitehead et al. 1986:522 [ref. 13676], Bertelsen 1986:406 [ref. 5642], Paxton 1999:2208 [ref. 24788], Paxton 2003:1175 [ref. 27040]). •Valid but in the family Cetomimidae -- (Johnson et al. 2009:3 [ref. 30005]). Current status: Valid as Eutaeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1958. Cetomimidae. Gyrinomimus Parr [A. E.] 1934:21, 29 Masc. Gyrinomimus myersi Parr 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Gyrinomimus Parr 1934 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:384 [ref. 12442], Paxton 1989:175 [ref. 13435], Paxton & Gon 1990:222 [ref. 21692], Paxton 1999:2207 [ref. 24788], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:317 [ref. 25968], Paxton 2003:1173 [ref. 27040], Paxton et al. 2006:755 [ref. 28994], Johnson et al. 2009:3 [ref. 30005], Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078], Mincarone et al. 2014:1561 [ref. 33546], Parin et al. 2014:201 [ref. 33547], Paxton 2015:1000 [ref. 34277]). Current status: Valid as Gyrinomimus Parr 1934. Cetomimidae. Megalomycter Myers [G. S.] & Freihofer [W. C.] 1966:195 Masc. Megalomycter teevani Myers & Freihofer 1966. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Megalomycter Myers & Freihofer 1966 -- (Paxton & Trnski 2003:1177 [ref. 27021]). •In the Family Cetomimidae -- (Johnson et al. 2009:1 [ref. 30005]). Current status: Valid as Megalomycter Myers & Freihofer 1966. Cetomimidae. Mirapinna Bertelsen [E.] & Marshall [N. B.] 1956:4 Fem. Mirapinna esau Bertelsen & Marshall 1956. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Mirapinna Bertelsen & Marshall 1956 -- (Paxton 1973:212 [ref. 7183], Bertelsen & Marshall 1984:380 [ref. 13657], Bertelsen in Whitehead et al. 1986:521 [ref. 13676], Paxton 2003:1174 [ref. 27040]). Current status: Valid as Mirapinna Bertelsen & Marshall 1956. Cetomimidae. Notocetichthys Balushkin [A. V.], Fedorov [V. V.] & Paxton [J. R.] 1989:155 Masc. Notocetichthys trunovi Balushkin, Fedorov & Paxton 1989. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Notocetichthys Balushkin, Fedorov & Paxton 1989 -- (Paxton 1989:166 [ref. 13435], Paxton & Gon 1990:224 [ref. 21692], Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078]). Current status: Valid as Notocetichthys Balushkin, Fedorov & Paxton 1989. Cetomimidae. Parataeniophorus Bertelsen [E.] & Marshall [N. B.] 1956:8 Masc. Parataeniophorus gulosus Bertelsen & Marshall 1956. Not available from Bertelsen & Marshall 1956, two included species but no type designated after 1930 (Art. 13.3); probably can date to treatment in Zoological Record for 1956, p. 73 (see remarks in Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]; Art. 13b). •Valid as Parataeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1956 -- (Paxton 1973:213 [ref. 7183], Bertelsen in Whitehead et al. 1986:523 [ref. 13676], Bertelsen & Marshall 1984:380 [ref. 13657], Bertelsen 1986:406 [ref. 5642], Paxton et al. 1989:385 [ref. 12442], Shiganova 1989 [ref. 14115], Paxton 1999:2208 [ref. 24788], Paxton 2003:1175 [ref. 27040], Paxton & Gates 2006:757 [ref. 29007]). •Valid but in the family Cetomimidae -- (Johnson et al. 2009:3 [ref. 30005]). Current status: Valid as Parataeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1956. Cetomimidae. Pelecinomimus Gilchrist [J. D. F.] 1922:56 [16] Masc. Pelecinomimus picklei Gilchrist 1922. Type by monotypy. On p. 16 of separate. •Synonym of Cetomimus Goode & Bean 1895 -- (Paxton 1989:177 [ref. 13435]). Current status: Synonym of Cetomimus Goode & Bean 1895. Cetomimidae. Procetichthys Paxton [J. R.] 1989:151, 153 Masc. Procetichthys kreffti Paxton 1989. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Mirapinna Bertelsen & Marshall 1956 -- (Johnson et al. 2009:238 [ref. 30005] with Mirapinna as postlarva of Procetichthys, Paxton et al. 2016:2174 [ref. 34605]). •Valid as Procetichthys Paxton 1989 -- (Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078]). Current status: Synonym of Mirapinna Bertelsen & Marshall 1956. Cetomimidae. Psapharocetus (subgenus of Cetomimus) Harry [R. R.] 1952:59 Masc. Cetomimus kerdops Parr 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Cetomimus Goode & Bean 1895 -- (Paxton 1989:177 [ref. 13435]). Current status: Synonym of Cetomimus Goode & Bean 1895. Cetomimidae. Rhamphocetichthys Paxton [J. R.] 1989:151, 178 Masc. Rhamphocetichthys savagei Paxton 1989. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Rhamphocetichthys Paxton 1989 -- (Paxton 1999:2207 [ref. 24788], Paxton et al. 2006:755 [ref. 28994], Vieira et al. 2012:[1] [ref. 32078]). Current status: Valid as Rhamphocetichthys Paxton 1989. Cetomimidae. Taeniophorus Bertelsen [E.] & Marshall [N. B.] 1956:6 Masc. Taeniophorus festivus Bertelsen & Marshall 1956. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Taeniophorus Linnavuori 1952 in Insecta, replaced by Eutaeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1958. •In the synonymy of Eutaeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1958 -- (Paxton 1973:213 [ref. 7183]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Eutaeniophorus Bertelsen & Marshall 1958. Cetomimidae. Vitiaziella Rass [T. S.] 1955:330 Fem. Vitiaziella cubiceps Rass 1955. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •In the family Cetomimidae -- (Johnson et al. 2009:13 [ref. 30005]). •Valid as Vitiaziella Rass 1955 -- (Myers & Freihofer 1966:193 [ref. 3088], Parin et al. 2014:201 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Valid as Vitiaziella Rass 1955. Cetomimidae. |