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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the family or subfamily Congiopodidae: [ 17 ] records

alboguttatus, Agriopus Krøyer [H. N.] 1845:224 [Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift (Kjøbenhavn) (n. s.) v. 1; ref. 2689] San Lorenzo, Callao, Peru. Holotype: ZMUC 26. Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:80 [ref. 9588]. •Synonym of Congiopodus peruvianus (Cuvier 1829). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus peruvianus (Cuvier 1829). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

blennioides, Gymnocephalus Suckow [G. A.] 1799:562 [Naturgeschichte der Thiere v. 4, pt. 1; ref. 18858] New combination for Perca blennoides Walbaum 1792; also Suckow added an another "i" to the specific name (incorrect subsequent spelling). Misspelling. Congiopodidae.

blennoides, Perca Walbaum [J. J.] 1792:336 [Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium Part 3; ref. 4572] No locality stated. No types known. Based on Gronovius 1763:86, fish no. 287. •Questionably a synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772) -- (Parenti 2003:502 [ref. 27322] on suggestion of S. Poss). •Nomen dubium -- (Parenti 2003:502 [ref. 27322]). Nomen Dubium. Current status: Uncertain. Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

coriaceus, Congiopodus Paulin [C. D.] & Moreland [J. M.] 1979:604, Figs. 2-3 [New Zealand Journal of Zoology v. 6; ref. 6915] Campbell Island Rise, 52°56.1'S, 169°55.1'E, southern Pacific. Holotype: NMNZ P.7650. Paratypes: AMS I.20544-001 (1); BPBM 22417 (1); BMNH 1978.12.4.47 (1); NMNZ P.7651-54 (4); USNM 218908 (1); WAM P.26435-001 (1). Type catalog: Hardy 1990:10 [ref. 18942], Hutchins & Smith 1991:17 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:18 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Congiopodus coriaceus Paulin & Moreland 1979 -- (Paulin et al. 1989:169 [ref. 24556], Ishida in Amaoka et al. 1990:243 [ref. 16024], Ishii & Imamura 2008:159 [ref. 29610], Stewart & Struthers 2015:1105 [ref. 34274], Zhukov 2020:478 [ref. 38126], Zhukov 2022:265 [ref. 39941]). Current status: Valid as Congiopodus coriaceus Paulin & Moreland 1979. Congiopodidae. Distribution: Southeastern Indian Ocean, southwestern Pacific: Great Australian Bight (Australia); New Zealand region. Habitat: marine.

glaber, Cephalinus Gronow [L. T.] in Gray 1854:159 [Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow; ref. 1911] Indian Ocean. Holotype: BMNH 1853.11.12.99 (skin). Type catalog: Wheeler 1958:239 [ref. 13434]. •Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772) -- (Wheeler 1958:239 [ref. 13434]). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

granulatus, Cephalinus Gronow [L. T.] in Gray 1854:161 [Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow; ref. 1911] South Africa. No types known. •Synonym of Congiopodus spinifer (Smith 1839). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus spinifer (Smith 1839). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

hispidus, Agriopus Jenyns [L.] 1840:38, 163, Pl. 7 (figs. 2, 2a, 2b) [The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle; ref. 2344] Peninsula of Tres Montes, Chiloé Archipelago. Syntypes: (2) UMCZ [Darwin no. 1123] (1). •Synonym of Congiopodus peruvianus (Cuvier 1829). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus peruvianus (Cuvier 1829). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

kieneri, Agriopus Sauvage [H.-E.] 1878:133, Pl. 1 (fig. 12) [Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Série 2) v. 1; ref. 3880] San Lorenzo Island, near Lima; and Peru. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-4054 (2), 0000-6723 (1) San Lorenzo I. Type catalog: Blanc & Hureau 1968:39 [ref. 20738]. •Valid as Congiopodus kieneri (Sauvage 1878) -- (Paulin & Moreland 1979:601 [ref. 6915], Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Zhukov 2022:264 [ref. 39941]). Current status: Valid as Congiopodus kieneri (Sauvage 1878). Congiopodidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Peru. Habitat: marine.

leucopaecilus, Agriopus Richardson [J.] 1846:60, Pl. 37 (figs. 4-5) [Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror v. 2 (2); ref. 3740] South Australian Seas [actrual probably is New Zealand]. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1859.1.17.98 (stuffed, mounted). Spelled leucopoecilus on figure caption. •Valid as Congiopodus leucopaecilus (Richardson 1846) -- (Paulin & Moreland 1979:603 [ref. 6925], Paxton et al. 1989:475 [ref. 12442], Paulin et al. 1989:169 [ref. 24556], Ishida in Amaoka et al. 1990:244 [ref. 16024], Paulin & Roberts 1992:127 [ref. 24625], Hutchins 2001:29 [ref. 25847], Paxton et al. 2006:908 [ref. 28994], Ishii & Imamura 2008:159 [ref. 29610], Gomon 2008:507 [ref. 30616], Stewart & Struthers 2015:1106 [ref. 34274], Zhukov 2022:265 [ref. 39941]). Current status: Valid as Congiopodus leucopaecilus (Richardson 1846). Congiopodidae. Distribution: Southwestern Pacific: New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

melanosoma, Agriopus Bleeker [P.] 1879:6, Pl. 3 [Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde (Amsterdam) v. 18; ref. 17121] Mauritius [in error]. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Lectotype selected by Fricke 1999:168 [ref. 24106] as the specimen illustrated in Pl. 3 in the original description (whereabouts unknown). Specimen probably was from South Africa and not Mauritius. •Synonym of Congiopodus spinifer (Smith 1839) -- (Fricke 1999:168 [ref. 24106]). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus spinifer (Smith 1839). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

multidentatus, Agriopus Castelnau [F. L.] 1861:7 [Mémoire sur les poissons de l'Afrique australe; ref. 767] South Africa. No types known. Current status: Uncertain. Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

percatus, Congiopodus Perry [G.] 1811:unnumbered page, Pl. LV [Ichthyology. In: Arcana, or The Museum of Natural History v. 1; ref. 12255] No locality. No types known. Original not seen. Published Feb. 1811. See Mathews & Iredale 1912 [ref. 41455] for a numbering of the plates and date. •Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772) -- (P. Parenti, pers. comm. 4/9/2003 on S. G. Poss). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

peruvianus, Agriopus Cuvier [G.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829:389 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 4; ref. 998] San Lorenzo Island, near Lima, Peru. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-6521. Type catalog: Blanc & Hureau 1968:39 [ref. 20738]. •Valid as Congiopodus peruvianus (Cuvier 1829) -- (Paulin & Moreland 1979:603 [ref. 6925], Nakamura in Nakamura et al. 1986:182 [ref. 14235], Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Lloris & Rucabado 1991:85 [ref. 22530], López et al. 1996:37 [ref. 23681], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:266 [ref. 24555], Moura & Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:73 [ref. 27192], Ishii & Imamura 2008:159 [ref. 29610], Mabragaña et al. 2011:table S2 [ref. 31800], Nión et al. 2016:45 [ref. 35565], Kim et al. 2021:116 [ref. 39117], Zhukov 2022:264 [ref. 39941]). Current status: Valid as Congiopodus peruvianus (Cuvier 1829). Congiopodidae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific, southwestern Atlantic: southern Peru south to Cape Horn (Chile), then north to Mar del Plata (northern Argentina), including Falkland Islands. Habitat: marine.

spinifer, Agriopus Smith [A.] 1839:no pagination, Pl. 3 [Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa v. 4; ref. 4035] Table Bay, South Africa, southeastern Atlantic. Holotype (unique) (?): BMNH 1843.2.29.21 (stuffed). Other material (paratype?): MNHN 0000-6520 (1). Type catalog: Blanc & Hureau 1968:39-40 [ref. 20738] with 6520 as paratype. •Valid as Congiopodus spinifer (Smith 1839) -- (Paulin & Moreland 1979:603 [ref. 6925], Poss 1986:480 [ref. 6296], Bianchi & Carpenter in Bianchi et al. 1993:151 [ref. 25472], Fricke 1999:168 [ref. 24106], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:148 [ref. 28072], Ishii & Imamura 2008:159 [ref. 29610], Poss 2022:564 [ref. 39726], Zhukov 2022:264 [ref. 39941]). Current status: Valid as Congiopodus spinifer (Smith 1839). Congiopodidae. Distribution: Southeastern Atlantic and western Indian Ocean: Walvis Bay (Nambia) south to Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), then east to Pondoland (South Africa). Habitat: marine.

torvus, Blennius Gronow [L. T.] 1772:47, Pl. 3 [Acta Helvetica, Physico-Mathematico-Anatomico-Botanico-Medica (Basile) v. 7; ref. 12602] Indian Ocean [in error]. •Valid as Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772) -- (Poss 1986:480 [ref. 6296], Bianchi & Carpenter in Bianchi et al. 1993:161 [ref. 25472], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:148 [ref. 28072], Poss 2022:564 [ref. 39726], Zhukov 2022:264 [ref. 39941]). Current status: Valid as Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772). Congiopodidae. Distribution: Southeastern Atlantic, southwestern Indian Ocean: Namibia south to Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), then north to southern Mozambique. Habitat: marine.

unicolor, Agriopus Burton [E.] 1835:116 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1835 (pt. 3) (for 11 Aug.); ref. 17295] Cape Seas, South Africa. Holotype (unique): Originally Army Medical Dept., Chatham. •Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

verrucosus, Agriopus Cuvier [G.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829:387, Pl. 91 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 4; ref. 998] Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Syntypes: RMNH 610 (1); ZMB (not found). Type catalog: Blanc & Hureau 1968:60 [ref. 20738], Paepke & Fricke 1992:276 [ref. 19946]. •Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772). Current status: Synonym of Congiopodus torvus (Gronow 1772). Congiopodidae. Habitat: marine.

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