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Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Genera in the family or subfamily Cyprinodontidae: [ 16 ] records

Chriopeoides Fowler [H. W.] 1939:4 Masc. Chriopeoides pengelleyi Fowler 1939. Type by original designation. Misspelled Chriopeiodes by Itzkowitz 1981:473 [ref. 31371]. •Valid as Chriopeoides Fowler 1939 -- (Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394]). •Synonym of Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926 -- (Parenti 1981:520 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:75 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926. Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae.

Cualac Miller [R. R.] 1956:1 Masc. Cualac tessellatus Miller 1956. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cualac Miller 1956 -- (Parenti 1981:529 [ref. 7066], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Lazara 2001:73 [ref. 25711], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Scharpf 2007:30 [ref. 30398], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Esmaeili et al. 2018:10 [ref. 36738]). Current status: Valid as Cualac Miller 1956. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Cubanichthys Hubbs [C. L.] 1926:4 Masc. Fundulus cubensis Eigenmann 1903. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926 -- (Parenti 1981:520 [ref. 7066], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Lazara 2001:75 [ref. 25711], Wiley & Ghedotti 2003:1160 [ref. 27020], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Costa 2015:29 [ref. 34457], Esmaeili et al. 2018:9 [ref. 36738]). Current status: Valid as Cubanichthys Hubbs 1926. Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae.

Cyprinodon Lacepède [B. G. E.] (ex Bosc) 1803:486 Masc. Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède 1803. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Miller 1976 [ref. 7032], Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Echelle & Echelle 1993 [ref. 21022], Lozano-Vilano and Contreras-Balderas 1993 [ref. 21105], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Echelle & Echelle 1998:852 [ref. 23614], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:223 [ref. 24550], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Wiley & Ghedotti 2003:1159 [ref. 27020], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061], Echelle et al. 2005:320 [ref. 28245], Strecker 2005:107 [ref. 28252], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Scharpf 2007:30 [ref. 30398], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Minckley & Marsh 2009:234 [ref. 31114], Martin & Wainwright 2013:231 [ref. 32978], Pietsch & Orr 2015:29 [ref. 34694], Esmaeili et al. 2018:10 [ref. 36738]). Current status: Valid as Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Encrates Gistel [J.] 1848:IX Fem. Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède 1803. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Lebia of "Bon., Räf." [Cuvier], preoccupied by Lebias Cuvier according to Gistel; Lebia is preoccupied by Lebia Latreille 1802 in Coleoptera. •Objective synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Floridichthys Hubbs [C. L.] 1926:16 Masc. Cyprinodon carpio Günther 1866. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type designated as "Cyprinodon mydrus Goode & Bean = Cyprinodon carpio Günther" 1866. •Valid as Floridichthys Hubbs 1926 -- (Parenti 1981:530 [ref. 7066], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Wildekamp 1996:137 [ref. 23649], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:225 [ref. 24550], Lazara 2001:119 [ref. 25711], Wiley & Ghedotti 2003:1160 [ref. 27020], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:550 [ref. 27061], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Valdez-Moreno 2010:668 [ref. 31032], Esmaeili et al. 2018:16 [ref. 36738]). Current status: Valid as Floridichthys Hubbs 1926. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Garmanella Hubbs [C. L.] 1936:218 Fem. Garmanella pulchra Hubbs 1936. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Jordanella Goode & Bean 1879 -- (Parenti 1981:528 [ref. 7066]). •Valid as Garmanella Hubbs 1936 -- (Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Lazara 2001:165 [ref. 25711], Wiley & Ghedotti 2003:1160 [ref. 27020], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:550 [ref. 27061], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531]). Current status: Valid as Garmanella Hubbs 1936. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Jordanella Goode [G. B.] & Bean [T. H.] in Goode 1879:117 Fem. Jordanella floridae Goode & Bean 1879. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Jordanella Goode & Bean 1879 -- (Parenti 1981:528 [ref. 7066], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:222 [ref. 24550], Lazara 2001:173 [ref. 25711], Wiley & Ghedotti 2003:1160 [ref. 27020], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Hoese 2006:745 [ref. 28998], Scharpf 2007:34 [ref. 30398], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Esmaeili et al. 2018:17 [ref. 36738]). Current status: Valid as Jordanella Goode & Bean 1879. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Lebia Oken [L.] (ex Cuvier) 1817:1183 Fem. Lebia ellipsoidea Lesueur 1821. Type by subsequent monotypy. See Gill 1903:966 [ref. 5768]. Type species as determined by Lazara 1995:502 [ref. 22411]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Lebia Latreille 1802 in Coleoptera; replaced by Encrates Gistel 1848. Not the same as Lebias. Placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology (Opinion 2057). •Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Megupsilon Miller [R. R.] & Walters [V.] 1972:2 Neut. Megupsilon aporus Miller & Walters 1972. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Megupsilon MiIler & Walters 1972 -- (Parenti 1981:531 [ref. 7066], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Lazara 2001:205 [ref. 25711], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Scharpf 2007:34 [ref. 30398], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Esmaeili et al. 2018:17 [ref. 36738]). Current status: Valid as Megupsilon Miller & Walters 1972. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Orestias Valenciennes [A.] 1839:118 Fem. Orestias cuvieri Valenciennes 1846. Type by subsequent designation. Appeared as above with sufficient characters to establish the genus but characters were not provided for the included species, and they date to 1846. Appeared in more detail in Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846:221 [ref. 1011]. Type designated by Bleeker 1864:140 [ref. 4859]. •Valid as Orestias Valenciennes 1839 -- (Parenti 1984 [ref. 5359], Costa 1997:12 [ref. 23302], Dyer 2000:85 [ref. 26678], Lazara 2001:233 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:550 [ref. 27061], Lüssen et al. 2004:55 [ref. 29603], Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394], Vila 2006:475 [ref. 28797], Hertwig 2008:166 [ref. 29531], Vila et al. 2012:345 [ref. 31748], Cruz-Jofré et al. 2013:597 [ref. 33015], Cruz-Jofré et al. 2015:747 [ref. 35413], Arratia et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35512], Esmaeili et al. 2018:17 [ref. 36738]). Current status: Valid as Orestias Valenciennes 1839. Cyprinodontidae: Orestiinae.

Prinodon Rafinesque [C. S.] 1815:88 Masc. Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède 1803. Type by being a replacement name. As "Prinodon R. [Rafinesque] Cyprinodon Lac. [Lacepède]." An available replacement name (unneeded) for Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. •Objective synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Protorestias Eigenmann [C. H.] & Allen [W. R.] 1942:353 Masc. Not available, no description and no type species after 1930; name used to refer to a hypothetical ancestor of the genus Orestias, which makes in unavailable (Art. 1.3.5). Listed under genus Orestias Valenciennes (Parenti 1981:524 [ref. 7066]). •In the synonymy of Orestias Valenciennes 1839. Current status: Synonym of Orestias Valenciennes 1839. Cyprinodontidae: Orestiinae.

Pseudorestias Arratia [G.], Vila [I.], Lam [N.], Guerrero [C. J.] & Quezada-Romegialli [C.] 2017:8 Fem. Pseudorestias lirimensis Arratia, Vila, Lam, Guerrero & Quezada-Romegialli 2017. Type by original designation (and monotypic). •Valid as Pseudorestias Arratia, Vila, Lam, Guerrero & Quezada-Romegialli 2017. Current status: Valid as Pseudorestias Arratia, Vila, Lam, Guerrero & Quezada-Romegialli 2017. Cyprinodontidae: Orestiinae.

Trifarcius Poey [F.] 1860:305 Masc. Trifarcius riverendi Poey 1860. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803 -- (Parenti 1981:526 [ref. 7066], Lazara 2001:81 [ref. 25711] Costa in Reis et al. 2003:549 [ref. 27061]). Current status: Synonym of Cyprinodon Lacepède 1803. Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontinae.

Yssolebias Huber [J. H.] 2012:28 Masc. Cyprinodon martae Steindachner 1876. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Yssolebias Huber 2012 -- (Huber 2015:4 [ref. 34041] in tribe Yssolebiini). Current status: Valid as Yssolebias Huber 2012. Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae.

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