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Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Genera in the family or subfamily Ehiravidae: [ 12 ] records Clupeichthys Bleeker [P.] 1855:274 Masc. Clupeichthys goniognathus Bleeker 1855. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Clupeichthys Bleeker 1855 -- (Grande 1985:246 [ref. 6466], Whitehead 1985:181 [ref. 5141], Kottelat 1989:4 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:24 [ref. 6439], Monroe et al. 1999:1781 [ref. 24728], Stiassny 2002:75 [ref. 25890], Lavoué et al. 2013:3 [ref. 32538], Kottelat 2013:59 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Clupeichthys Bleeker 1855. Ehiravidae. Clupeoides Bleeker [P.] 1851:274 Masc. Clupeoides borneensis Bleeker 1851. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Clupeoides Bleeker 1851 -- (Grande 1985:246 [ref. 6466], Whitehead 1985:174 [ref. 5141], Kottelat 1989:4 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:25 [ref. 6439], Allen 1991:43 [ref. 21090], Lavoué et al. 2013:3 [ref. 32538], Kottelat 2013:59 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Clupeoides Bleeker 1851. Ehiravidae. Clupeonella Kessler [K. F.] 1877:187 Fem. Clupeonella grimmi Kessler 1877. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Clupeonella Kessler 1877 -- (Svetovidov 1973:101 [ref. 7169], Whitehead in Whitehead et al. 1984:274 [ref. 13675], Grande 1985:250 [ref. 6466], Whitehead 1985:51 [ref. 5141], Hoestlandt 1991:44 [ref. 24825], Dorofeeva 1998:29 [ref. 23573], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:37 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:63 [ref. 29996], Parin et al. 2014:58 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:860 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:29 [ref. 35254], Çiçek et al. 2018:2 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:9 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Clupeonella Kessler 1877. Ehiravidae. Corica Hamilton [F.] 1822:253, 383 Fem. Corica soborna Hamilton 1822. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Corica Hamilton 1822 -- (Jayaram 1981:37 [ref. 6497], Grande 1985:246 [ref. 6466], Whitehead 1985:179 [ref. 5141], Kottelat 1989:4 [ref. 13605], Ataur Rahman 1989:252 [ref. 24860], Monroe et al. 1999:1781 [ref. 24728], Stiassny 2002:75 [ref. 25890], Ataur Rahman 2003:276 [ref. 31338], Kottelat 2013:59 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Corica Hamilton 1822. Ehiravidae. Dayella Talwar [P. K.] & Whitehead [P. J. P.] 1971:63 Fem. Spratelloides malabaricus Day 1873. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Dayella Talwar & Whitehead 1971 -- (Jayaram 1981:37 [ref. 6497], Whitehead 1985:173 [ref. 5141], Stiassny 2002:75 [ref. 25890]). Current status: Valid as Dayella Talwar & Whitehead 1971. Ehiravidae. Ehirava Deraniyagala [P. E. P.] 1929:34 Masc. Ehirava fluviatilis Deraniyagala 1929. Type by monotypy. Treated as masculine, Art. 30.2.4. •Valid as Ehirava Deraniyagala 1929 -- (Jayaram 1981:38 [ref. 6497], Grande 1985:246 [ref. 6466], Whitehead 1985:171 [ref. 5141], Stiassny 2002:75 [ref. 25890]). Current status: Valid as Ehirava Deraniyagala 1929. Ehiravidae. Gilchristella Fowler [H. W.] 1935:365 Fem. Spratelloides aestuarius Gilchrist 1913. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Gilchristella Fowler 1935 -- (Poll et al. 1984:44 [ref. 6172], Grande 1985:246 [ref. 6466], Whitehead 1985:167 [ref. 5141], Whitehead & Wongratana 1986:201 [ref. 6284], Poll & Gosse 1995:129 [ref. 24781], Stiassny 2002:75 [ref. 25890], Fricke et al. 2018:54 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Gilchristella Fowler 1935. Ehiravidae. Minyclupeoides Roberts [T. R.] 2008:125 Masc. Minyclupeoides dentibranchialus Roberts 2008. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Minyclupeoides Roberts 2008 -- (Kottelat 2013:62 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Minyclupeoides Roberts 2008. Ehiravidae. Pellonulops Smith [J. L. B.] 1949:98 Masc. Spratelloides madagascariensis Sauvage 1883. Type by original designation (also monotypic). See account of Sauvagella Bertin 1940. •Objective synonym of Sauvagella Bertin 1940 -- (Poll et al. 1984:53 [ref. 6172], Whitehead 1985:169 [ref. 5141]). •Apparently based on a misidentified type species; Smith was describing a specimen of Gilchristella aestuarius (Gilchrist 1913) and not a specimen of madagascarensis -- (Stiassny 2002:68 [ref. 25890]). Current status: Synonym of Gilchristella Fowler 1935. Ehiravidae. Sauvagella Bertin [L.] 1940:300 Fem. Spratelloides madagascariensis Sauvage 1883. Type by monotypy. We regard the genus as available from Bertin 1940 with one species and 3 subspecies; following the definition of monotypy (see Art. 68.3). Also appeared as new in Bertin 1943:22 [ref. 39780]. •Valid as Sauvagella Bertin 1940 -- (Poll et al. 1984:53 [ref. 6172], Whitehead 1985:169 [ref. 5141], Stiassny 2002:67 [ref. 25890], Fricke et al. 2018:56 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Sauvagella Bertin 1940. Ehiravidae. Spratellomorpha Bertin [L.] in Angel, Bertin & GuibĂ© 1946:474 Fem. Sauvagella madagascariensis bianalis Bertin 1940. Type by monotypy. Proposed as a replacement for "Sauvagella Bertin 1943" (not 1940). For purposes of the type species, the subspecies bianalis is raised to the species level; type not S. madagascariensis. •Valid as Spratellomorpha Bertin 1946 -- (Poll et al. 1984:54 [ref. 6172], Grande 1985:247 [ref. 6466], Whitehead 1985:170 [ref. 5141], Stiassny 2002:75 [ref. 25890], Fricke et al. 2018:57 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Spratellomorpha Bertin 1946. Ehiravidae. Sundasalanx Roberts [T. R.] 1981:297 Masc. Sundasalanx praecox Roberts 1981. Type by original designation. •Valid as Sundasalanx Roberts 1981 -- (Roberts 1984:213 [ref. 5318], Kottelat 1989:16 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:27 [ref. 6439], Siebert 1997:13 [ref. 22941] with transfer to Clupeiformes, Britz & Kottelat 1999:327 [ref. 24233], Lavoué et al. 2013:3 [ref. 32538], Kottelat 2013:64 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Sundasalanx Roberts 1981. Ehiravidae. |