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Online Version, Updated 4 Sep 2024


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Genera in the family or subfamily Embiotocidae: [ 30 ] records

Abeona Girard [C. F.] 1855:322 Fem. Holconotus trowbridgii Girard 1854. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Micrometrus Gibbons (May) 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:81 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Micrometrus Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Amphigonopterus Hubbs [C. L.] 1918:13 Masc. Abeona aurora Jordan & Gilbert 1880. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Micrometrus Gibbons 1854. Current status: Synonym of Micrometrus Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Amphistichus Agassiz [L.] 1854:367 Masc. Amphistichus argenteus Agassiz 1854. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Amphisticus in early literature. Published May 17, 1854, predating Mytilophagus Gibbons, May 30, 1854. •Valid as Amphistichus Agassiz 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:39 [ref. 12250], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:393 [ref. 24550], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598] as Amphisticus). Current status: Valid as Amphistichus Agassiz 1854. Embiotocidae.

Brachyistius Gill [T. N.] 1862:275 Masc. Brachyistius frenatus Gill 1862. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Micrometrus Gibbons 1854, but a valid subgenus Brachyistius -- (Tarp 1952:87 [ref. 12250]). •Valid as Brachyistius Gill 1862 -- (Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:661 [ref. 25968], Pietsch & Orr 2015:56 [ref. 34694]). Current status: Valid as Brachyistius Gill 1862. Embiotocidae.

Bramopsis Agassiz [A.] 1861:132 Fem. "Bramopsis mento" Agassiz 1861. Not available, manuscript name published in synonymy and apparently never made available through subsequent use. •In the synonymy of Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:31 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Crossochir Hubbs [C. L.] 1933:3 Fem. Crossochir koelzi Hubbs 1933. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Amphistichus Agassiz 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:39 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Amphistichus Agassiz 1854. Embiotocidae.

Cymatogaster Gibbons [W. P.] 1854:2, col. 3 Fem. Cymatogaster aggregatus Gibbons 1854. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Gill 1862:275 [ref. 1666]. Not of Gibbons 1854 (June 21) in "Placer Times" or 1854:123 [ref. 1610]; when name first appeared it did not mention the species for which Gibbons intended the genus, see Micrometrus. •Valid as Cymatogaster Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:72 [ref. 12250], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:393 [ref. 24550], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:661 [ref. 25968], Pietsch & Orr 2015:56 [ref. 34694]). Current status: Valid as Cymatogaster Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Dacentrus Jordan [D. S.] 1878:667 Masc. Dacentrus lucens Jordan 1878. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Hysterocarpus Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:77 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Hysterocarpus Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Damalichthys Girard [C. F.] 1855:321 Masc. Damalichthys vacca Girard 1855. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Rhacochilus Agassiz 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:53 [ref. 12250]). •Valid as Damalichthys Girard 1855 -- (Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Pietsch & Orr 2015:56 [ref. 34694]). •Synonym of Phanerodon Girard 1854 -- (Longo et al. 2018:592 [ref. 36149]). Current status: Synonym of Phanerodon Girard 1854. Embiotocidae.

Ditrema Temminck [C. J.] & Schlegel [H.] 1844:77 Neut. Ditrema temminckii Bleeker 1853. Type by subsequent monotypy. Original description without species; one species added by Bleeker 1853:33 [ref. 340]. •Valid as Ditrema Temminck & Schlegel 1844 -- (Tarp 1952:64 [ref. 12250], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:190 [ref. 6441], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Parin 2003:S16 [ref. 28536], Katafuchi & Nakabo 2007:350 [ref. 29355], Katafuchi et al. 2011:90 [ref. 31141], Parin et al. 2014:377 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Valid as Ditrema Temminck & Schlegel 1844. Embiotocidae.

Embiotoca Agassiz [L.] 1853:386 Fem. Embiotoca jacksoni Agassiz 1853. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest type designation found is by Bleeker 1876:290 [ref. 448]. •Valid as Embiotoca Agassiz 1853 -- (Tarp 1952:58 [ref. 12250], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:393 [ref. 24550], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:661 [ref. 25968], Pietsch & Orr 2015:57 [ref. 34694]). Current status: Valid as Embiotoca Agassiz 1853. Embiotocidae.

Ennichthys Girard [C. F.] 1855:322 Masc. Holconotus megalops Girard 1854. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan & Evermann 1898:1501 [ref. 2444]. Misspelled Eunichthys by Jordan et al. 1930:410 [ref. 6476]. •Synonym of Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:31 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Holconotus Agassiz [L.] 1854:367 Masc. Holconotus rhodoterus Agassiz 1854. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Holconotus Schmidt-Goebel 1846 in Coleoptera, not replaced. •Synonym of Amphistichus Agassiz 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:39 [ref. 12250]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Amphistichus Agassiz 1854. Embiotocidae.

Hyperprosopon Gibbons [W. P.] 1854:2, col. 3 Neut. Hyperprosopon argenteus Gibbons 1854. Type by monotypy. Also appeared in Gibbons 1854:124 [ref. 1610]. Species should be spelled argenteum when in Hyperprosopon. Hyperprosodon is a misspelling. •Valid as Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:30 [ref. 12250], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Pietsch & Orr 2015:57 [ref. 34694]). Current status: Valid as Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Hypocritichthys Gill [T. N.] 1862:275 Masc. Hyperprosopon analis Agassiz 1861. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854, but a valid subgenus Hypocritichthys -- (Tarp 1952:36 [ref. 12250]). •Valid as Hypocritichthys Gill 1862 -- (Longo et al. 2018:593 [ref. 36149]). Current status: Valid as Hypocritichthys Gill 1862. Embiotocidae.

Hypsurus Agassiz [A.] 1861:133 Masc. Embiotoca caryi Agassiz 1853. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Hypsurus Agassiz 1861 -- (Tarp 1952:46 [ref. 12250], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598]). •Synonym of Embiotoca Agassiz 1853 -- (Longo et al. 2018:592 [ref. 36149]). Current status: Synonym of Embiotoca Agassiz 1853. Embiotocidae.

Hysterocarpus Gibbons [W. P.] 1854:2, col. 3 Masc. Hysterocarpus traskii Gibbons 1854. Type by monotypy. Also appeared in Gibbons 1854:124 [ref. 1610]. •Valid as Hysterocarpus Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:77 [ref. 12250], Baltz & Moyle 1981 [ref. 6827], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Scharpf 2009:10 [ref. 30400]). Current status: Valid as Hysterocarpus Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Maenichthys Bleeker [P.] (ex Kaup) 1876:291 Masc. Ditrema temmincki Bleeker 1853. Not available, manuscript name published as synonym of Ditrema, apparently never used as valid name before 1931. •In the synonymy of Ditrema Temminck & Schlegel 1844. Current status: Synonym of Ditrema Temminck & Schlegel 1844. Embiotocidae.

Metrogaster Agassiz [A.] 1861:128, 129, 133 Fem. Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons 1854. Type by monotypy. Name published in synonymy (pp. 128, 129) but as an available name on p. 133 (Note). •Synonym of Cymatogaster Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:72 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Cymatogaster Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Micrometrus Gibbons [W. P.] 1854:1, col. 1 Masc. Cymatogaster minimus Gibbons 1854. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Agassiz 1861:129 [ref. 11]. Also in Gibbons 1854:125 [Oct., ref. 1610]. Same two species included in this genus also put in Cymatogaster Gibbons of 18 May 1854, although he apparently originally intended Cymatogaster for a different species. •Valid as Micrometrus Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:81 [ref. 12250], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598]). Current status: Valid as Micrometrus Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Mytilophagus Gibbons [W. P.] 1854:1, col. 1 Masc. Mytilophagus fasciatus Gibbons 1854. Type by monotypy. Also in Gibbons 1854 (Oct.):125 [ref. 1610]. •Synonym of Amphistichus Agassiz (17 May) 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:39 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Amphistichus Agassiz 1854. Embiotocidae.

Neoditrema Steindachner [F.] in Steindachner & Döderlein 1883:32 Neut. Neoditrema ransonnetii Steindachner 1883. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Neoditrema Steindachner 1883 -- (Tarp 1952:67 [ref. 12250], Nakabo in Masuda et al. 1984:191 [ref. 6441], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Katafuchi & Nakabo 2007:350 [ref. 29355]). Current status: Valid as Neoditrema Steindachner 1883. Embiotocidae.

Pachylabrus Gibbons [W. P.] 1854:p. 1, column 1 Masc. Pachylabrus variegatus Gibbons 1854. Type by monotypy. Appeared in newspaper, published 21 June 1854. Also appeared in Gibbons 1854 (Oct.):126 [ref. 1610]. •Synonym of Rhacochilus Agassiz (17 May) 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:53 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Rhacochilus Agassiz 1854. Embiotocidae.

Phanerodon Girard [C. F.] 1854:153 Masc. Phanerodon furcatus Girard 1854. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Phanerodon Girard 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:49 [ref. 12250], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Pietsch & Orr 2015:57 [ref. 34694]). Current status: Valid as Phanerodon Girard 1854. Embiotocidae.

Rhacochilus Agassiz [L.] 1854:367 Masc. Rhacochilus toxotes Agassiz 1854. Type by monotypy. Spelled Rhacocheilus by Girard 1855:320 [ref. 1820]. •Valid as Rhacochilus Agassiz 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:53 [ref. 12250], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:661 [ref. 25968]). Current status: Valid as Rhacochilus Agassiz 1854. Embiotocidae.

Sargosomus Agassiz [A.] 1861:129 Masc. "Sargosomus fluviatilis" Agassiz 1861. Not available, manuscript name published in synonymy, and apparently never later made available. •In the synonymy of Hysterocarpus Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:77 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Hysterocarpus Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Sema Jordan [D. S.] 1878:399 Neut. Sema signifer Jordan 1878. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Embiotoca Agassiz 1853 -- (Follett in Tarp 1952:74, footnote [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Embiotoca Agassiz 1853. Embiotocidae.

Taeniotoca Agassiz [A.] 1861:133 Fem. Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz 1854. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Embiotoca Agassiz 1853 -- (Tarp 1952:59 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Embiotoca Agassiz 1853. Embiotocidae.

Tocichthys (subgenus of Hyperprosopon) Hubbs [C. L.] 1918:12 Masc. Hyperprosopon agassizii Gill 1862. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854 -- (Tarp 1952:31 [ref. 12250]). Current status: Synonym of Hyperprosopon Gibbons 1854. Embiotocidae.

Zalembius Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] 1896:403 Masc. Cymatogaster rosaceus Jordan & Gilbert 1880. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Zalembius Jordan & Evermann 1896 -- (Tarp 1952:69 [ref. 12250], Bernardi & Bucciarelli 1999:79 [ref. 26598]). Current status: Valid as Zalembius Jordan & Evermann 1896. Embiotocidae.

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