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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the family or subfamily Himantolophidae: [ 30 ] records

albinares, Himantolophus Maul [G. E.] 1961:111, Figs. 11-15 [Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal No. 14 (art. 50); ref. 9364] Off Câmara de Lobos, Madeira (on long line). Holotype (unique): MMF 2598. •Valid as Himantolophus albinares Maul 1961 -- (Maul 1973:668 [ref. 7171], Trunov 1981:62 [ref. 8532], Fujii in Uyeno et al. 1983:261 [ref. 14275], Bertelsen in Whitehead et al. 1986:1378 [ref. 13677], Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:39 [ref. 6615], McAllister 1990:233 [ref. 14674], Bertelsen 1990:495 [ref. 15654], Anderson & Leslie 2001:5 [ref. 26165], Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Moore et al. 2003:214 [ref. 27076], Iglésias 2005:191 [ref. 28436], Pietsch 2009:342 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:57 [ref. 31031], Stewart et al. 2015:910 [ref. 34272], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Banón et al. 2019:[2] 607 [ref. 38699], Carneiro et al. 2019:215 [ref. 37250], Kenchington et al. 2020:[5] [ref. 37729], Rajeeshkumar et al. 2022:593 [ref. 39551], Page et al. 2023:165 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus albinares Maul 1961. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Atlantic; western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

altirostris, Rhynchoceratias Regan [C. T.] & Trewavas [E.] 1932:62, Fig. 90 [Dana Report No. 2; ref. 3682] North Atlantic, 13°02'N, 21°35'W, Discovery station 298, depth 900 to 1200 meters. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1930.1.12.1103. •In Himantolophus brevirostris group -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:79 [ref. 6615], Pietsch 2009:350 [ref. 30766]). Himantolophidae. Distribution: North Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

appelii, Aegaeonichthys Clarke [F. E.] 1878:245, Pl. 6 (second from top) [Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute v. 10 (art. 30) (for 1877); ref. 841] Off Westland, New Zealand, about 43°S, 170°E (stranded). Holotype (unique): not preserved. Spelled Aegoeonichthys appellii in plate. •Valid as Himantolophus appelii (Clarke 1878) -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:47 [ref. 6615], Paxton et al. 1989:289 [ref. 12442], Paulin et al. 1989:140 [ref. 24556], Gomon et al. 1994:299 [ref. 22532], Meléndez C. & Kong 1997:12 [ref. 23092], Stewart & Pietsch 1998:6 [ref. 23378], Pequeño 1997:82 [ref. 23536], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Anderson & Leslie 2001:6 [ref. 26165], Paxton et al. 2006:659 [ref. 28995], Pietsch 2008:381 [ref. 30637], Hearne 2009:[1] [ref. 30074], Pietsch 2009:339, 350 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:53 [ref. 31031], Pietsch & Kenaley 2011:490 [ref. 31709], Iwamoto & McCosker 2014:285 [ref. 33298], Stewart et al. 2015:911 [ref. 34272], Prokofiev 2020:404 [551] [ref. 37915], Koerber 2023:35 [ref. 40486]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus appelii (Clarke 1878). Himantolophidae. Distribution: Circumglobal in Southern Hemisphere. Habitat: marine.

azurlucens, Himantolophus Beebe [W.] & Crane [J.] 1947:155, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-2); Figs. 3-4 [Zoologica, Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society v. 31 (pt 4, no. 11); ref. 6539] 52 miles off Cape Mala, Panama, 7°00'N, 79°16'W, depth 500 fathoms. Holotype (unique): CAS-SU 46507 [ex NYZS 28641]. Type catalog: Mead 1958:133 [ref. 20648]. •Valid as Himantolophus azurlucens Beebe & Crane 1947 -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:72 [ref. 6615], Trunov 2001:560 [ref. 25619], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:201 [ref. 28944], Pietsch 2009:348 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:55 [ref. 31031], Kai et al. 2022:286 [ref. 39902]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus azurlucens Beebe & Crane 1947. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Japan; eastern Pacific: Panama. Probably more widespread. Habitat: marine.

borealis, Himantolophus Kharin [V. E.] 1984:663, Fig. 1 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 24 (no. 4); ref. 16247] Western North Pacific, off eastern coast of Honshu, Japan, 40°52.8'N, 142°20.8'E, depth 1210 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 46021. •Valid as Himantolophus borealis Kharin 1984 -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:62 [ref. 6615], Nakabo 2000:476 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:476 [ref. 26001], Pietsch 2009:345 [ref. 30766], Parin et al. 2014:186 [ref. 33547], Rajeeshkumar et al. 2022:593 [ref. 39551]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus borealis Kharin 1984. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Western North Pacific (3 specimens). Habitat: marine.

brevirostris, Rhynchoceratias Regan [C. T.] 1925:566 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 15 (no. 91); ref. 3677] North Atlantic, 8°19'N, 44°35'W, depth about 3000 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMUC P9263. Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:88 [ref. 9588]. Females unknown. •Valid as Himantolophus brevirostris group -- (Stewart & Pietsch 1998:9 [ref. 23378], Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Pietsch 2009:350 [ref. 30766], Stewart et al. 2015:915 [ref. 34272], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Carneiro et al. 2019:215 [ref. 37250]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus brevirostris (Regan 1925). Himantolophidae. Distribution: Circumglobal. Habitat: marine.

compressus, Corynophorus Osório [B.] 1909:90, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-2) [Memorias do Museu Bocage, Lisboa v. 1; ref. 19378] Off Sesimbra [Cezimbra], Portugal, about 38°20'N, 9°15'W. Holotype (unique): MB (destroyed in 1978 fire). •Valid as Himantolophus compressus (Osório 1909) -- (Maul 1973:668 [ref. 7171], Bertelsen in Whitehead et al. 1986:1379 [ref. 13677], Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:39 [ref. 6615], Pietsch 2009:349 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:56 [ref. 31031], Carneiro et al. 2019:216 [ref. 37250]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus compressus (Osório 1909). Himantolophidae. Distribution: Northeastern Atlantic: off Portugal. Habitat: marine.

cornifer, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:64, Figs. 27-28 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Coral Sea, 12°31'S, 148°41'E, depth 1650-0 meters. Holotype: MCZ 58858. Paratypes: ISH 801-1968 (1), 2129/71 (1); LACM 33325-1 (1); MCZ 58176 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus cornifer Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 1999:2029 [ref. 24766], Anderson & Leslie 2001:8 [ref. 26165], Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Pietsch 2009:346 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:55 [ref. 31031], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Page et al. 2023:165 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus cornifer Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Atlantic and Pacific. Habitat: marine.

crinitus, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:43, Fig. 14 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Eastern central Atlantic, 9°10'N, 15°39'W, depth 600-610 meters. Holotype: USNM 229970. Paratypes: BMNH 1986.9.22.1 (1); IOS 7824/69 (1); ISH 720-1968 (1), 1860-1971 (1), 2187-1971 (1), 2477-1971 (1); USNM 229971 (2); ZMUC P922208-09 (1, 1). Non-types (tentatively referred): ISH 2008-1971 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus crinitus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 2009:338 [ref. 30766], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Fermon et al. 2022:302 [ref. 39448] possible). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus crinitus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic: between 10°N and 13°S, and 09°W and 24°W. Habitat: marine.

danae, Himantolophus Regan [C. T.] & Trewavas [E.] 1932:60, Pl. 1 (fig. 2); Figs. 87-88B [Dana Report No. 2; ref. 3682] South China Sea, 15°22'N, 115°20'E, station 3714, depth about 350 meters (1000 meters of wire out). Holotype (unique): ZMUC P9262. Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:87 [ref. 9588]. •Synonym of Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837 -- (Maul 1973:668 [ref. 7171], Bertelsen 1990:494 [ref. 15654]). •Valid as Himantolophus danae Regan & Trewavas 1932 -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:42 [ref. 6615], Pietsch 1999:2029 [ref. 24766], Pietsch 2009:337 [ref. 30766], Ho et al. 2016:278 [ref. 34483]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus danae Regan & Trewavas 1932. Himantolophidae. Distribution: South China Sea and Sumatra. Habitat: marine.

globosus, Corynolophus Tanaka [S.] 1918:529, Pl. 139 (fig. 388) [Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan v. 29; ref. 4331] Sagami Bay, Japan. Holotype (unique): ZUMT 8460 (lost). •Synonym of Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837 -- (Bertelsen 1990:494 [ref. 15654]). •Synonym of Himantolophus sagamius (Tanaka 1918) -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:37 [ref. 6615], Pietsch 2009:336 [ref. 30766]). Current status: Synonym of Himantolophus sagamius (Tanaka 1918). Himantolophidae. Habitat: marine.

groenlandicus, Himantolophus Reinhardt [J. C. H.] 1837:116, Pl. 4 [Det Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskabs naturvidenskabelige og mathematiske afhandlinger v. 7; ref. 3691] Near Godthåb [Godthaab], Greenland [washed ashore]. Holotype (unique): ZMUC 65 (only illicium preserved). Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:87 [ref. 9588]. Appeared as grönlandicus on pp. 116 [34] & 195 [113] and as groenlandicus on p. 136 [54]. On pp. 34, 54 & 113 of separate. •Valid as Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837 -- (Maul 1973:668 [ref. 7171], Fujii in Uyeno et al. 1983:262 [ref. 14275], Amaoka in Masuda et al. 1984:105 [ref. 6441], Bertelsen in Whitehead et al. 1986:1380 [ref. 13677], Pietsch 1986:376 [ref. 5704], Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:37 [ref. 6615], Lea 1988:180 [ref. 21792], Scott & Scott 1988:244 [ref. 25518], Pequeño 1989:43 [ref. 14125], McAllister 1990:233 [ref. 14674], Bertelsen 1990:494 [ref. 15654], Swinney 1995:53 [ref. 22647], Meléndez C. & Kong 1997:12 [ref. 23092], Santos et al. 1997:64 [ref. 23531], Arruda 1997:126 [ref. 24952], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:856 [ref. 23897], Fricke 1999:110 [ref. 24106], Nakabo 2000:476 [ref. 25086], Randall & Lim in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Nakabo 2002:476 [ref. 26001], Anderson & Leslie 2001:8 [ref. 26165], Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Moore et al. 2003:215 [ref. 27076], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:201 [ref. 28944], see Hartel et al. 2008:325 [ref. 29890], Pietsch 2009:334 [ref. 30766], Møller et al. 2010:45 [ref. 31169], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Afonso et al. 2016:38, 166 [ref. 36199], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Carneiro et al. 2019:216 [ref. 37250], Kenchington et al. 2020:[5] [ref. 37729], Bañón & Maño 2021:62 [ref. 38883], Mincarone et al. 2021:24 [ref. 38381], Choi et al. 2022:3 [ref. 39610], Fermon et al. 2022:303 [ref. 39448] with question, Page et al. 2023:165 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Atlantic; ?eastern Indian Ocean; northwestern Pacific: Korea; eastern Pacific: Chile. Habitat: marine.

kalami, Himantolophus Rajeeshkumar [M. P.], Pietsch [T. W.] & Saravanane [N.] 2022:590, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 5178 (no. 6); ref. 39551] Northern Andaman, Andaman Nicobar Islands, FORV Sagar Sampada, station 36708, 13.26°N, 93.26°E, depth 934 meters. Holotype (unique): CMLRE IO/SS/FIS/00712. •Valid as Himantolophus kalami Rajeeshkumar, Pietsch & Saravanane 2022. Current status: Valid as Himantolophus kalami Rajeeshkumar, Pietsch & Saravanane 2022. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Indian Ocean: Andaman Islands. Habitat: marine.

litoceras, Himantolophus Stewart [A. L.] & Pietsch [T. W.] 2010:54, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa No. 2671; ref. 31031] South Cavalli Seamount, east of North Cape, North Island, New Zealand, 34°12.0'-14.0'S, 175°05.0' - 07.0'E, depth 654 meters, bottom trawl. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.042004. •Valid as Himantolophus litoceras Stewart & Pietsch 2010 -- (Stewart et al. 2015:912 [ref. 34272]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus litoceras Stewart & Pietsch 2010. Himantolophidae. Distribution: New Zealand (known only from the holotype). Habitat: marine.

macroceras, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:68, Figs. 29-30 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Equatorial Atlantic, 1°04'N, 18°22'W, depth 2100 meters. Holotype: ISH 2329-1971. Paratypes: BMNH 1986.9.22.3 (1); IOS 8568-5 (1); ISH 722-1968 (1), 1863-1966 (1); MCZ 58177 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus macroceras Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 2009:347 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:55 [ref. 31031], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Mincarone et al. 2021:24 [ref. 38381]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus macroceras Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

macroceratoides, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:70, Figs. 31-32 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Equatorial Atlantic, 4°36'N, 19°40'W, depth 0 to 256 meters. Holotype: ISH 2400/71. Paratypes: ZIN 47914 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus macroceratoides Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 2009:348 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:55 [ref. 31031], Ho et al. 2016:281 [ref. 34483], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus macroceratoides Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic (1 specimen) and Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.

mauli, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:57, Figs. 7, 21-22 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Off Camara de Lobos, Madeira, eastern Atlantic. Holotype: MMF 18291. Paratypes: ARC 860-1638 (1); ISH 682-1979 (1); ROM 26760 (1), 37721 (1); USNM 231672 (1); ZMUC P922195 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus mauli Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Moore et al. 2003:215 [ref. 27076], Arronte & Pietsch 2007:85 [ref. 29212], Pietsch 2009:343 [ref. 30766], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Carneiro et al. 2019:216 [ref. 37250], Kenchington et al. 2020:[12] [ref. 37729], Rajeeshkumar et al. 2022:593 [ref. 39551], Page et al. 2023:165 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus mauli Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: North Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

megalops, Lipactis Beebe [W.] 1929:19 [Zoologica, Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society v. 12 (no. 1); ref. 15884] Western Atlantic, 39°15'N, 72°00'W, depth 1000 fathoms. Holotype (unique): NYZS 6633a (whereabouts unknown). Type catalog: Mead 1958:133 [ref. 20648]. Himantolophidae. Habitat: marine.

melanolophus, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:52, Fig. 18 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Southwest of Cape Verde Islands, 9°30.5'N, 29°35'W, depth 0 to 350 meters. Holotype: ISH 1212-1974. Paratypes: UF 40805 (1), USNM 235918 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus melanolophus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:857 [ref. 23897], Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Shao et al. 2008:244 [ref. 29952], Pietsch 2009:341 [ref. 30766], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Ho & Shao 2019:16 [ref. 37146], Page et al. 2023:165 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus melanolophus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic and Taiwan (Pacific) and off Mozambique. Habitat: marine.

multifurcatus, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:60, Fig. 24-25 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Tropical Atlantic, 4°11'N, 24°37'W, depth 180-200 meters. Holotype: ISH 764-1968. Paratypes: USNM 229975-76 (1, 1). •Valid as Himantolophus multifurcatus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Pietsch 2009:344 [ref. 30766], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597], Rajeeshkumar et al. 2022:593 [ref. 39551]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus multifurcatus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

nigricornis, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:50, Fig. 17 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] San Clemente basin, off southern California, U.S.A., about 33°N, 118°W. Holotype: LACM 42697-1. Paratypes: ZIN 47913 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus nigricornis Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 1999:2029 [ref. 24766], Love et al. 2005:61 [ref. 37547], Mundy 2005:270 [ref. 28379], Pietsch 2009:341 [ref. 30766], Ho et al. 2016:280 [ref. 34483], Burton & Lea 2019:52 [ref. 37205], Love et al. 2021:88 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:165 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus nigricornis Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean: Indonesia; western Pacific; eastern Pacific: central to southern California (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

oncorhynchus, Rhynchoceratias Regan [C. T.] 1925:566 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 15 (no. 91); ref. 3677] North Atlantic. Lectotype: ZMUC P9264. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1925.8.11.46 (1). Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:88 [ref. 9588]. Lectotype selected by Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:79 [ref. 6615]. •In Himantolophus brevirostris group -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:79 [ref. 6615] as onchorhynchus, Pietsch 2009:350 [ref. 30766]). Himantolophidae. Distribution: North Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

paucifilosus, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:45, Fig. 15 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Tropical Atlantic, 10°46'N, 23°54'W, depth 300 meters. Holotype: ISH 393a-1966. Paratypes: BMNH 1986.9.22.2 (1); IOS 6662/26 (1); ISH 393b-1966 (1), 493-1966 (2), 569-1966 (2), 640-1974 (1), 655-1968 (1), 1208-1974 (1), 1748-1966 (1); UF 23790 (now 2); USNM 229969 (1); ZIN 47912 (1); ZMUC P92673 (1), P92674 (1), P922210 (1). •Valid as Himantolophus paucifilosus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Tweddle & Anderson 2008:9 [ref. 29604], Pietsch 2009:338 [ref. 30766], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus paucifilosus Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Tropical Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

pseudalbinares, Himantolophus Bertelsen [E.] & Krefft [G.] 1988:59, Fig. 23 [Steenstrupia v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 6615] Off Cape Francis, southwest of Port Elizabeth, southeast of Cape Town, South Africa, western Indian Ocean, 35°01'S, 24°36.8'E, depth 1280-1300 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 47911 [?49711]. •Synonym of Hymantolophus albinares Maul 1961 -- (Iglésias 2005:191 [ref. 28436]). •Valid as Himantolophus pseudalbinares Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 -- (Stewart & Pietsch 1998:8 [ref. 23378], Anderson & Leslie 2001:9 [ref. 26165], Pietsch 2009:344 [ref. 30766], Stewart & Pietsch 2010:57 [ref. 31031], Stewart et al. 2015:913 [ref. 34272], Rajeeshkumar et al. 2022:591 [ref. 39551]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus pseudalbinares Bertelsen & Krefft 1988. Himantolophidae. Distribution: South Africa (holotype) and southwestern Pacific near New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

ranoides, Himantolophus Barbour [T.] 1942:83, Pls. 13-14 [Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club v. 21; ref. 180] South of Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, depth 100 fathoms. Holotype: MCZ 33928. Paratypes: MCZ 35773 (1). •Synonym of Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837 -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:37 [ref. 6615], Bertelsen 1990:494 [ref. 15654], Pietsch 2009:335 [ref. 30766]). Current status: Synonym of Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837. Himantolophidae. Habitat: marine.

reinhardti, Himantolophus Lütken [C. F.] 1878:321, Pl. 1 [Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk afdeling, Kjøbenhavn (Ser. 5) v. 11 (no. 5); ref. 17568] Sukkertoppen, western Greenland [found dead at surface]. Holotype (unique): ZMUC 66 (only illicium preserved). Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:87 [ref. 9588]. •Synonym of Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837 -- (Maul 1973:668 [ref. 7171], Bertelsen 1990:494 [ref. 15654], Pietsch 2009:335 [ref. 30766]). Current status: Synonym of Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837. Himantolophidae. Habitat: marine.

rostratus, Rhynchoceratias Regan [C. T.] 1925:567 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 15 (no. 91); ref. 3677] Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific, 7°15'N, 78°54'W, depth about 1750 meters (3500 meters wire out). Holotype (unique): ZMUC P9265. Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:88 [ref. 9588]. Females unknown. •Valid in Himantolophus rostratus group -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:77 [ref. 6615], Pietsch 2003:1061 [ref. 27014], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:201 [ref. 28944], Pietsch 2009:349 [ref. 30766], Pietsch 2016:2063 [ref. 34597]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus rostratus (Regan 1925). Himantolophidae. Distribution: Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific [rostratus group in Atlantic and Pacific]. Habitat: marine.

sagamius, Corynolophus Tanaka [S.] 1918:491, Pl. 134 (fig. 377) [Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan v. 27; ref. 14911] Sagami Sea, Japan. Holotype (unique): ZUMT 8201 (lost). Misprinted Himantolophus kainarae by Barbour 1942:82 [ref. 180]. •Synonym of Himantolophus groenlandicus Reinhardt 1837 -- (Bertelsen 1990:494 [ref. 15654]). •Valid as Himantolophus sagamius (Tanaka 1918) -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:39 [ref. 6615], Meléndez C. & Kong 1997:12 [ref. 23092], Pequeño 1997:82 [ref. 23536], Pietsch 1999:2029 [ref. 24766], Klepadlo et al. 2003:99 [ref. 27268], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:61 [ref. 37547], Mundy 2005:270 [ref. 28379], Pietsch 2009:336 [ref. 30766], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Shinohara et al. 2014:243 [ref. 33330], Parin et al. 2014:186 [ref. 33547], Ho et al. 2016:279 [ref. 34483], Burton & Lea 2019:53 [ref. 37205], Love et al. 2021:88 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:165 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus sagamius (Tanaka 1918). Himantolophidae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, western and central Pacific: Java (Indonesia), New Guinea, Japan, Hawaiian Islands; eastern Pacific: California (U.S.A.) south to northern Chile. Habitat: marine.

stewarti, Himantolophus Pietsch [T. W.] & Kenaley [C. P.] 2011:490, Figs. 1-2 [Copeia 2011 (no. 4); ref. 31709] Tasman Sea, southTasman Rise, 47°09'S, 148°44'E, bottom trawl, depth 926-1059 meters. Holotype: CSIRO H.5652-01. Paratypes: BMNH 2008.6.20.1, CSIRO, MNHNC, NMNZ, SAIAB, SAM, UW. •Valid as Himantolophus stewarti Pietsch & Kenaley 2011 -- (Stewart et al. 2015:914 [ref. 34272]). Current status: Valid as Himantolophus stewarti Pietsch & Kenaley 2011. Himantolophidae. Distribution: Southern part of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Habitat: marine.

tumidus, Lipactis Regan [C. T.] 1925:566 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 15 (no. 91); ref. 3677] North Atlantic. Lectotype: ZMUC P9261. Paralectotype: BMNH 1925.8.11.42 (1). Type catalog: Nielsen 1974:88 [ref. 9588]. Lectotype selected by Bertelsen & Krefft 1988 [ref. 6615]. •In Himantolophus brevirostris group -- (Bertelsen & Krefft 1988:79 [ref. 6615], Pietsch 2009:350 [ref. 30766]). Himantolophidae. Distribution: North Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

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