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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Genera in the family or subfamily Leuciscinae: [ 91 ] records

Abramidopsis Siebold [C. T. E. von] 1863:133, 387 Fem. Abramis leuckartii Heckel 1836. Type by monotypy. Thought to be based on a hybrid of Abramis and Rutilus -- (Jordan 1919:328 [ref. 4904]). •Invalid, based on an intergeneric hybrid. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Abramis Cuvier [G.] 1816:194 Fem. Cyprinus brama Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest subsequent designation not located. •Valid as Abramis Cuvier 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200], Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1997:162 [ref. 23566], Bogutskaya 1998:54 [ref. 23589], Luo in Chen et al. 1998:95 [ref. 23878], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Sideleva 2001:52 [ref. 26181], Sideleva 2003:10 [ref. 27815], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:74 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Bartulović et al. 2011:165 [ref. 31635], Parin et al. 2014:63 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:860 [ref. 34062], Zhang et al. 2016:210 [ref. 34477], Esmaeili et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:11 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Abramis Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Acanthalburnus Berg [L. S.] 1916:299 Masc. Alburnus punctulatus Kessler 1877. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Acanthalburnus Berg 1916 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1997:162 [ref. 23566]). •Synonym of Acanthobrama Heckel 1843 -- (Perea et al. 2010:16 [ref. 31802], Küçük et al. 2014:96 [ref. 33414]). Current status: Synonym of Acanthobrama Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Acanthobrama Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1033 Fem. Acanthobrama marmid Heckel 1843. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Bleeker 1863:31 [ref. 4859] and 1863:210 [ref. 397]. The spelling Trachibrama (p. 1033) is a lapsus (see Krupp & Schneider 1989:354 [ref. 13651]). •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200]). •Valid as Acanthobrama Heckel 1843 -- (Yang 1964:132 [ref. 13500], Goren et al. 1973 [ref. 1853], Coad 1984 [ref. 5347], Li 1986 [ref. 6154], Krupp & Schneider 1989:354 [ref. 13651], Bănărescu 1997:19 [ref. 23274], Bogutskaya 1997:162 [ref. 23566], Coad 2010:89 [ref. 36620], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Küçük et al. 2014:96 [ref. 33414], Freyhof & Özulug 2014:1 [ref. 33504], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:860 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:31 [ref. 35254], Çiçek et al. 2018:7 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:11 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Acanthobrama Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Achondrostoma Robalo [J. I.], Almada [V. C.], Levy [A.] & Doadrio [I.] 2007:370 Neut. Leucos arcasii Steindachner 1866. Type by original designation. •Valid as Achondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007 -- (Doadrio & Elvira 2007:296 [ref. 29510], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 156 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 14 [ref. 31802], Turan et al. 2021:3 [ref. 38620], Doadrio et al. 2023:1 [ref. 40184]). Current status: Valid as Achondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Alburnoides Jeitteles [L. H.] 1861:325 Masc. Alburnus maculatus Kessler 1859. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Alburnoides Jeitteles 1861 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bănărescu 1997:19 [ref. 23274], Bogutskaya 1997:163 [ref. 23566], Bogutskaya 1998:56 [ref. 23589], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:77 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151, 158 [ref. 29996], Coad & Bogutskaya 2009:68 [ref. 30264], Bogutskaya & Coad 2009:126 [ref. 30270], Coad 2010:92 [ref. 36620], Coad & Bogutskaya 2012:43 [ref. 32156], Turan et al. 2013:85 [ref. 32523], Turan et al. 2014:101 [ref. 33119], Parin et al. 2014:66 [ref. 33547], Mousavi-Sabet et al. 2015:144 [ref. 33904], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:861 [ref. 34062], Mousavi-Sabet et al. 2015:293 [ref. 34153], Turan et al. 2016:79 [ref. 34162], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2016:157 [ref. 34375], Turan et al. 2017:565 [ref. 35182], Esmaeili et al. 2017:32 [ref. 35254], Barbieri et al. 2017:1075 [ref. 35663], Matveyev et al. 2017:360 [ref. 35690], Çiçek et al. 2018:7 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:12 [ref. 36089], Bektaş et al. 2019:[9] [ref. 36964], Turan et al. 2019:[1] [ref. 37022], Kaya 2020:419 [ref. 37444]). Current status: Valid as Alburnoides Jeitteles 1861. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Alburnus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:236 Masc. Cyprinus alburnus Linnaeus 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. Genus proposed for European species, but no species mentioned; first addition of species not researched. Also appeared in Rafinesque 1820:46 (Dec.) [ref. 3592]. •Valid as Alburnus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1997:163 [ref. 23566], Bogutskaya 1998:56 [ref. 23589], Bogutskaya et al. 2000:62 [ref. 24445], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:78 [ref. 28183], Freyhof & Kottelat 2007:205 [ref. 29339], Freyhof & Kottelat 2007: 213 [ref. 29340], Özuluğ & Freyhof 2007:233 [ref. 29341], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151, 161 [ref. 29996], Özuluğ & Freyhof 2008:307 [ref. 29389], Coad 2009:63 [ref. 30710], Buj et al. 2010:129 [ref. 30888], Coad 2010:95 [ref. 36620], Perea et al. 2010:3, 14 [ref. 31802], Parin et al. 2014:67 [ref. 33547], Mousavi-Sabet et al. 2015:40 [ref. 33691], Elp et al. 2015:181 [ref. 33762], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:862 [ref. 34062], Birecikligil et al. 2016:465 [ref. 34308], Esmaeili et al. 2017:34 [ref. 35254], Birecikligil et al. 2017:129 [ref. 35361], Bogutskaya et al. 2017:81 [ref. 35513], Mohammadian-Kalat et al. 2017:487 [ref. 35603], Mangit & Yerli 2017:1 [ref. 35640], Matveyev et al. 2017:360 [ref. 35690], Çiçek et al. 2018:8 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:14 [ref. 36089], Freyhof et al. 2018:573 [ref. 35814], Freyhof et al. 2018:113 [ref. 35889], Özuluğ et al. 2018:29 [ref. 35953], Freyhof et al. 2019:594 [ref. 36482], Freyhof & Turan 2019:373 [ref. 36535]). Current status: Valid as Alburnus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Anaecypris Collares-Pereira [M. J.] 1983:2 Fem. Phoxinus hispanicus Steindachner 1866. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Anaecypris Collares-Pereira 1983 -- (Bogutskaya & Collares-Pereira 1997:243 [ref. 22763], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:150 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:3, 14 [ref. 31802]). Current status: Valid as Anaecypris Collares-Pereira 1983. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Aspiolucius Berg [L. S.] 1907:326, 327 Masc. Aspius esocinus Kessler 1874. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Aspiolucius Berg 1907 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521]). •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Current status: Valid as Aspiolucius Berg 1907. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Aspiopsis Zugmayer [E.] 1912:682 Fem. Aspiopsis merzbacheri Zugmayer 1912. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816 -- (Luo in Chen et al. 1998:63 [ref. 23878]). Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Aspius Agassiz [L.] 1832:132, 134 Masc. Cyprinus aspius Linnaeus 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. Appears to date to Agassiz 1832 as above with species as (p. 132), "...und Aspius [as a species], Alburnus, bipunctatus, etc. als Genus Aspius Ag..." and (p. 134) "...Aus dem Genus Aspius: eine Art A. gracilis Ag., mit bipunctatus verwandt." Also in Agassiz 1835:38 [ref. 22]. •Valid as Aspius Agassiz 1832 -- (Yang & Hwang 1964:19 [ref. 13497], Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1998:58 [ref. 23589], Luo in Chen et al. 1998:90 [ref. 23878], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:82 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151 [ref. 29996], Coad 2010:99 [ref. 36620], Parin et al. 2014:69 [ref. 33547], Parin et al. 2014:69 [ref. 33547], Zhang et al. 2016:52 [ref. 34477]). •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816 -- (Perea et al. 2010:15 [ref. 31802] based on placement of the type species, Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:874 [ref. 34062]). Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Aturius Dubalen [P. E.] 1878:157 [3] Masc. Aturius dufourii Dubalen 1878. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Ballerus Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1033 Masc. Cyprinus ballerus Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy (also by absolute tautonymy). •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200], Parin et al. 2014:63 [ref. 33547]). •Valid as Ballerus Heckel 1843 -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:75 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151, 179 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4 [ref. 31802], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:865 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:36 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:16 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Ballerus Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Bathystoma Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 168 Neut. Squalius microlepis Heckel 1843. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Jordan 1919:369 [ref. 4904]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Bathystoma Scudder in Putnam 1863 in fishes; apparently not replaced. •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816 -- (Bănărescu 1997:20 [ref. 23274]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Blicca Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1032 Fem. Cyprinus blicca Bloch 1782. Type by monotypy (also by absolute tautonymy). •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:272 [ref. 25144], Parin et al. 2014:63 [ref. 33547]). •Valid as Blicca Heckel 1843 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1998:58 [ref. 23589], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:76 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4 [ref. 31802], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:867 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:17 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Blicca Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Bliccopsis Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1032 Fem. Cyprinus buggenhagii Bloch 1784. Type by monotypy. Based on a hybrid Abramis brama x Rutilus rutilus. •Invalid, based on an intergeneric hybrid -- (Bănărescu 1997:20 [ref. 23274]). Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Brama Bleeker [P.] (ex Klein) 1863:211 Fem. Cyprinus brama Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy, as Abramis brama Cuvier. On p. 25 of separate. Based on Brama Klein (unavailable). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Brama Bloch & Schneider 1801 in fishes. Also in Bleeker 1863 [ref. 12572]. •In the synonymy of and objective synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816. 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Brama Klein [J. T.] 1775:61, 93 Fem. Not available, published in a work that does not conform to the principle of binominal nomenclature. •In the synonymy of Abramis Cuvier 1816. Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Brama Walbaum [J. J.] (ex Klein) 1792:586 Fem. Not available, published in a part of work rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 21 (1938). Based on Klein 1749:61 [ref. 30141]. •In the synonymy of Abramis Cuvier 1816. Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Capoetobrama Berg [L. S.] 1916:316 Fem. Acanthobrama kuschakewitschi Kessler 1872. Type by original designation. •Valid as Capoetobrama Berg 1916 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521]). Current status: Valid as Capoetobrama Berg 1916. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Cenisophius (subgenus of Leucos) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1846:29 Masc. Leucos cenisophius Bonaparte 1845. Type by absolute tautonymy. Bonaparte includes "Leucos cenisophius, Bp. (Rosse, Gall.)" and if that species name is available it is the type; type given as Leucos pauperum by Jordan and by Fowler. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200]). Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Cephalopsis Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 165 Fem. Squalius svallize Heckel & Kner 1857. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan 1919:369 [ref. 4904]. Not preoccupied by Cephalopsis Rafinesque 1815 (name only) in fishes. •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816 -- (Bănărescu 1997:21 [ref. 23274]). •Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Current status: Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Cephalus (subgenus of Gardonus) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1846:30 Masc. Cyprinus cephalus Linnaeus 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. Not preoccupied by Cephaus Plumier in Lacepède 1800 (unavailable), but preoccupied by Cephalus Shaw 1804 in fishes; objectively invalid. •Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Chalcalburnus Berg [L. S.] 1933:709 Masc. Cyprinus chalcoides Güldenstädt 1772. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Alburnus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Bogutskaya 1997:164 [ref. 23566]). •Valid as Chalcalburnus Berg 1933 -- (Economidis 1986 [ref. 5163], Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1998:54 [ref. 23589]). •Synonym of Alburnus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Freyhof & Kottelat 2007:207 [ref. 29339], Freyhof & Kottelat 2007:213 [ref. 29340], Özuluğ & Freyhof 2007:233 [ref. 29341], Özuluğ & Freyhof 2008:307 [ref. 29389], Parin et al. 2014:67 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Synonym of Alburnus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Chondrochilus Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1031, 1077 Masc. Chondrochilus nasicus Heckel 1843. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Berg 1914 [not checked], also by Jordan 1919:211 [ref. 2410]. Spelled Chondrochylus and Chondrochilus by Heckel 1843:1031 and Chondrochilus on p. 1077. •Synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832 -- (Elvira 1987:112 [ref. 6743]). Current status: Synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Chondrorhynchus Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1031 Masc. Condrostoma soetta Bonaparte 1840. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Chondrorhynchus Fischer 1814 in mammals, not replaced. •Synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832 -- (Elvira 1987:112 [ref. 6743]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Chondrostoma Agassiz [L.] 1832:132 Neut. Cyprinus nasus Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy. Probably can date to Agassiz 1832 as above, with type by monotypy. Spelled Chondrostomus by Heckel 1843:1030 [ref. 2067]. Also in Agassiz 1835:38 [ref. 22] with type designated by Bleeker 1863:197 [ref. 397] or 1863:26 [ref. 4859] if dated to 1835. •Valid as Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832 -- (Howes 1981:47 [ref. 14200], Krupp 1985 [ref. 6394], Elvira 1987 [ref. 6743], Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1988:101 [ref. 12754], Nelva 1988 [ref. 12836], Elvira 1991:147 [ref. 20036], Bogutskaya 1997:151 [ref. 23277], Bogutskaya 1998:60 [ref. 23589], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Doadrio & Carmona 2003:29 [ref. 28132], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:83 [ref. 28183], Coelho et al. 2005:201 [ref. 28430], Robalo et al. 2005:20 [ref. 28431], Robalo et al. 2007:370 [ref. 28878], Gante et al. 2007:23 [ref. 29300], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:150, 183 [ref. 29996], Coad 2010:160 [ref. 36620], Gante et al. 2010:965 [ref. 35176], Perea et al. 2010:4, 14 [ref. 31802], Parin et al. 2014:73 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:869 [ref. 34062], Küçük et al. 2017:795 [ref. 35091], Esmaeili et al. 2017:43 [ref. 35254], Eagderi et al. 2017:125 [ref. 35624], Çiçek et al. 2018:10 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:24 [ref. 36089], Güçlü et al. 2018:[1] [ref. 36094], Çiftci et al. 2020:210 [ref. 37725], Küçük et al. 2021:235 [ref. 38611], Turan et al. 2021:3 [ref. 38620], Küçük et al. 2023:3 [ref. 39929]). Current status: Valid as Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Delminichthys Freyhof [J.], Lieckfeldt [D.], Bogutskaya [N. G.], Pitra [C.] & Ludwig [A.] 2006:422 Masc. Leucos adspersus Heckel 1843. Type by original designation. •Valid as Delminichthys Freyhof, Lieckfeldt, Bogutskaya, Pitra & Ludwig 2006 -- (Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:152, 191 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 16 [ref. 31802], Bogutskaya et al. 2012:54 [ref. 32007], Mustafić et al. 2017:256 [ref. 35274]). Current status: Valid as Delminichthys Freyhof, Lieckfeldt, Bogutskaya, Pitra & Ludwig 2006. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Dobula Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:236 Fem. Cyprinus dobula Linnaeus 1758. Type usually stated as understood by tautonymy, genus proposed for European species but species name not given; technical addition of species not researched. Also appeared in Rafinesque 1820:46 (Dec.) [ref. 3592]. •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Egirdira Freyhof [J.] 2022:587 Fem. Pararhodeus niger Kosswig & Geldiay 1952. Type by original designation (and monotypic). •Valid as Egirdira Freyhof 2022. Current status: Valid as Egirdira Freyhof 2022. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Gardonus Bonaparte [C. L.] 1846:29 Masc. Leuciscus decipiens Agassiz 1835. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest subsequent designation not researched; but species name apparently unavailable so needs work. The name Gardonus rutilus was used in Walecki 1863: 331 [ref. 22954] and Anonymous 1863:545, 546 [ref. 26426]. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200] as Gardanus). Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Genghis Howes [G. J.] 1984:289 Masc. Squalius mongolicus Kessler 1876. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816 -- (Luo in Chen et al. 1998:63 [ref. 23878]). •Mention -- (Kottelat 2006:87 [ref. 28831]). Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Habrolepis Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 167 Fem. Squalius ukliva Heckel 1843. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Jordan 1919:369 [ref. 4904]. Fitzinger spelled as Habrolopis on p. 152. •Synonym of Telestes Bonaparte 1840. Current status: Synonym of Telestes Bonaparte 1840. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Heegerius (subgenus of Scardinius) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1845:10 Masc. Leuciscus heegeri Bonaparte 1839 (= Heegerius typus Bonaparte 1845). Type by monotypy. Appeared first as Heegerius Bonaparte 1845:10 [ref. 13472]. Then (according to Fowler MS) it appeared in Atti. Riun. Sci. Ital., v. 6 (1845):398. Later (1846:31, ref. 519) spelled Hegerius by Bonaparte. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200] as Hegerius). •Synonym of Scardinius Bonaparte 1837 -- (authors). Current status: Synonym of Scardinius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Hemiplus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:6 Masc. Hemiplus lacustris Rafinesque 1820. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819 -- (Gilbert 1998:17 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Iberochondrostoma Robalo [J. I.], Almada [V. C.], Levy [A.] & Doadrio [I.] 2007:370 Neut. Leuciscus lemmingii Steindachner 1866. Type by original designation. •Valid as Iberochondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007 -- (Doadrio & Elvira 2007:296 [ref. 29510], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 196 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Turan et al. 2021:3 [ref. 38620]). Current status: Valid as Iberochondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Iberocypris Doadrio [I.] 1980:6 Fem. Iberocypris palaciosi Doadrio 1980. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Iberocypris Doadrio 1980 -- (Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:153, 199 [ref. 29996]). •Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Current status: Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Idus Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1037 Masc. Cyprinus idus Linnaeus 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816 -- (Bănărescu 1997:22 [ref. 23274], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:85 [ref. 28183]). Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Ladigesocypris Karaman [M. S.] 1972:143 Fem. Leucaspius ghigii Gianferrari 1927. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837 -- (Perea et al. 2010:14 [ref. 31802]). •Valid as Ladigesocypris Karaman 1972 -- (Bogutskaya 1996:39 [ref. 22945], Bănărescu 1997:22 [ref. 23274], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:153 [ref. 29996], Barbieri et al. 2015:53 [ref. 35029], Çiçek et al. 2018:11 [ref. 36267]). Current status: Valid as Ladigesocypris Karaman 1972. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leucabramis Smitt [F. A.] 1895:798 Fem. Cyprinus vimba Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). •Objective synonym of Vimba Fitzinger 1873. Current status: Synonym of Vimba Fitzinger 1873. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leucalburnus Berg [L. S.] 1916:292 Masc. Phoxinus satunini Berg 1910. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Leucalburnus Berg 1916 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521]). Current status: Valid as Leucalburnus Berg 1916. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leucaspius Heckel [J. J.] & Kner [R.] 1857:145 Masc. Leucaspius abruptus Heckel & Kner 1857. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Leucaspis by Jordan 1923:141 [ref. 2421]. •Valid as Leucaspius Heckel & Kner 1857 (often dated 1858) -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], see Coad 1981:2062 [ref. 5572], Bogutskaya 1998:62 [ref. 23589], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:80 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:150 [ref. 29996], Liao et al. 2011:31 [ref. 31306], Perea et al. 2010:3, 14 [ref. 31802], Parin et al. 2014:81 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:873 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:50 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:30 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Leucaspius Heckel & Kner 1857. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leuciscus Klein [J. T.] 1775:172 Masc. Not available, published in a work that does not conform to the principle of binominal nomenclature. •In the synonymy of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leuciscus Cuvier [G.] (ex Klein) 1816:194 Masc. Cyprinus leuciscus Linnaeus 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. Appeared first in Klein 1775, unavailable. •Valid as Leuciscus Cuvier 1816 -- (Yang & Hwang 1964:28 [ref. 13497]; see discussion in Howes 1984:284 [ref. 5312], Bogutskaya 1987 [ref. 13521], Wu & Wu 1992:270 [ref. 21205], Bogutskaya 1994:603 [ref. 23569], Bogutskaya & Naseka 1996:17 [ref. 22798], Bogutskaya 1996:26 [ref. 22945], Bogutskaya 1998:63 [ref. 23589], Ketmaier et al. 1998:41 [ref. 23809], Luo in Chen et al. 1998:63 [ref. 23878], Collares-Pereira et al. 1999:466 [ref. 39857], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Mitrofanov 2000:36 [ref. 25139], Sideleva 2001:50 [ref. 26181], Sideleva 2003:8 [ref. 27815], Ketmaier et al. 2004:1061 [ref. 27950], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:84 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 204 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:3, 15 [ref. 31802], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:874 [ref. 34062], McDowall & Stewart 2015:317 [ref. 34241], Zhang et al. 2016:53 [ref. 34477], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:661 [ref. 34853], Esmaeili et al. 2017:50 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:30 [ref. 36089], Sakai et al. 2020:[4] [ref. 37278]). Current status: Valid as Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leuciscus Walbaum [J. J.] (ex Klein) 1792:586 Neut. Not available, published in a part of work rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 21 (1938). Based on Klein 1749:64 [ref. 30141]. •In the synonymy of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leucos Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1038 Masc. Squalius aula Bonaparte 1841. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest subsequent type designation found is by Jordan & Gilbert 1883:244 [ref. 2476] as cisalpinus; that is not available. Not preoccupied by Leucus Kaup 1829 in Aves. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200]). •See Bănărescu 1997:23 [ref. 23274]. •Valid as Leucos Heckel 1843 -- (Bianco & Ketmaier 2014:379 [ref. 33417]). Current status: Valid as Leucos Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Leucosomus Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1042 Masc. Cyprinus crysoleucas Mitchill 1814. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest type designation not researched. Jordan 1919:211 [ref. 2410] says type is chrysoleucus Heckel (not of Mitchill) = Cyprinus corporalis Mitchill. The description is of Notemigonus crysoleucas of current authors. •Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819. Current status: Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Liparus (subgenus of Leuciscus) Schulze [E.] 1892:161 [61] Masc. Cyprinus rutilus Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy. Appeared as Metallites in Schulze 1890, with Liparus substituted in the 1892 edition; apparently as a replacement name. On p. 61 of separate of 1892 edition. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Liparus Olivier 1807 in Coleoptera, Liparus Harris 1841 in Lepidoptera, and Liparus Albers 1850 in Mollusca. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Machaerochilus Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 170 Masc. Chondrostoma phoxinus Heckel 1843. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Jordan 1919:369 [ref. 4904]. •Synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832 or 1835 -- (Elvira 1987:112 [ref. 6743], Bănărescu 1997:23 [ref. 23274]). Current status: Synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Metallites (subgenus of Leuciscus) Schulze [E.] 1890:194 [58] Masc. Cyprinus rutilus Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy. Proofed from separate, on p. 58 of separate; appeared as Liparus in Schulze in the 1892 edition; regarded as a replacement name for Metallites. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Metallites Schoenherr 1824 in Coleoptera. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Microlepis (subgenus of Leuciscus) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1846:30 Fem. Squalius microlepis Heckel 1843. Type by absolute tautonymy. •Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Current status: Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Mirogrex Goren [M.], Fishelson [L.] & Trewavas [E.] 1973:306 Masc. Acanthobrama terraesanctae Steinitz 1952. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). •Synonym of Acanthobrama Heckel 1843 -- (Coad 1984 [ref. 5347], Krupp & Schneider 1989:354 [ref. 13651]). •Valid as Mirogrex Goren, Fishelson & Trewavas 1973 -- (Perea et al. 2010:4 [ref. 31802]). Current status: Valid as Mirogrex Goren, Fishelson & Trewavas 1973. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Nasus Basilewsky [S.] (ex Cuvier) 1855:234 Masc. Cyprinus nasus Linnaeus 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy. On Official List (Opinion 513). •Objective synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832. Current status: Synonym of Chondrostoma Agassiz 1832. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Notemigonus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1819:420 Masc. Notemigonus auratus Rafinesque 1819. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819 -- (Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:280 [ref. 21581], Gilbert 1998:18 [ref. 23395], Minckley & Marsh 2009:183 [ref. 31114], Perea et al. 2010:14 [ref. 31802]). Current status: Valid as Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Orfus Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 163 Masc. Leuciscus virgo Heckel 1852. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Bănărescu 1997:24 [ref. 23274]). Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Orthroleucos (subgenus of Rutilus) Derjavin [A. N.] 1937:71 Masc. Rutilus atropatenus Derjavin 1937. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820, but a valid subgenus Orthroleucos as described -- (Bănărescu 1997:24 [ref. 23274] as Orthroleucus). Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Owsianka Dybowski [B. N.] 1862:283 Fem. Aspius owsianka Czernay 1851. Type by absolute tautonymy. Dybowski's Owsianka czernayi is as unneeded replacement for A. owsianka Czernay. •Synonym of Leucaspius Heckel & Kner 1857 -- (Bănărescu 1997:24 [ref. 23274]). Current status: Synonym of Leucaspius Heckel & Kner 1857. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pachychilon (subgenus of Leuciscus) Steindachner [F.] 1882:71 Neut. Squalius pictus Heckel & Kner 1857. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). •Valid as Pachychilon Steindachner 1882 -- (Bănărescu 1997:24 [ref. 23274], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:152, 209 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 16 [ref. 31802]). Current status: Valid as Pachychilon Steindachner 1882. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Parachondrostoma Robalo [J. I.], Almada [V. C.], Levy [A.] & Doadrio [I.] 2007:371 Neut. Chondrostoma miegii Steindachner 1866. Type by original designation. •Valid as Parachondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007 -- (Doadrio & Elvira 2007:296 [ref. 29510], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:150, 211 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Turan et al. 2021:3 [ref. 38620]). Current status: Valid as Parachondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Paraphoxinellus Kottelat [M.] 1997:75 Masc. Not available. Name first appeared in Kottelat 1997:75 [ref. 22952] (citing Maitland) as Paraphoxinellus minutus Karaman 1924 and appeared later in Wildekamp et al. 1999:29 [ref. 26561] in the combination Paraphoxinellus maeandri (Ladiges 1960). Maitland 1977:120 [ref. 26590] used the combination Phoxinellus minutus. Also might have appeared in Wildekamp & Valkenburg 1994:447-453 (DATZ) [cited in Wildekamp et al. 1999 (ref. 26561)]. Probably an unintentional combination of Paraphoxinus and Phoxinellus. Nomen Nudum. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Paraphoxinus Bleeker [P.] 1863:209 Masc. Phoxinellus alepidotus Heckel 1843. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Also appeared in Bleeker 1863:31 [ref. 4859] and 1863:263 [ref. 403]; earliest publication not determined; see Trewavas 1972:359 [ref. 23001]. •Objective synonym of Phoxinellus Heckel 1843 -- (Bănărescu 1997:24 [ref. 23274], Zupancic & Bogutskaya 2000:68 [ref. 25145], Bogutskaya & Zupancic 2003:369 [ref. 27407]). Current status: Synonym of Phoxinellus Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pararhodeus Berg [L. S.] 1907:160 Masc. Rhodeus syriacus Lortet 1883. Type by monotypy. See also Krupp & Schneider 1989:375 [ref. 13651]. •Valid as Pararhodeus Berg 1907 -- (Wu 1964:206 [ref. 13503], Coad 1981:2062 [ref. 5572]). •Synonym of Pseudophoxinus Bleeker 1860 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:331 [ref. 6186], Bogutskaya 1992:264 [ref. 22066], Bogutskaya & Zupancic 2003:369 [ref. 27407]). Current status: Synonym of Pseudophoxinus Bleeker 1860. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pararutilus (subgenus of Rutilus) Berg [L. S.] 1912:40, 43 Masc. Leuciscus frisii Nordmann 1840. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820, but a valid subgenus Pararutilus -- (Bănărescu 1997:25 [ref. 23274], Bogutskaya & Iliadou 2006:294 [ref. 28494]). Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pelasgus Kottelat [M.] & Freyhof [J.] 2007:103 Masc. Pseudophoxinus laconicus Kottelat & Barbieri 2004. Type by original designation. •Valid as Pelasgus Kottelat & Freyhof 2007 -- (Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:152, 214 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 16 [ref. 31802], Rodríguez et al. 2021:4 [ref. 38588], Tsaparis et al. 2021:[4] [ref. 38151]). Current status: Valid as Pelasgus Kottelat & Freyhof 2007. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pelecus Agassiz [L.] 1835:39 Masc. Cyprinus cultratus Linnaeus 1758. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Pelecus Agassiz 1835 -- (Bogutskaya 1988:104 [ref. 12754], Bogutskaya 1998:66 [ref. 23589], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:97 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:149 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:16 [ref. 31802], Parin et al. 2014:85 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:876 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:33 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Pelecus Agassiz 1835. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Petroleuciscus Bogutskaya [N. G.] 2002:236 Masc. Squalius borysthenicus Kessler 1859. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837 -- (Parin et al. 2014:95 [ref. 33547]). •Valid as Petroleuciscus Bogutskaya 2002 -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:86 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 220 [ref. 29996], Coad & Bogutskaya 2010:37 [ref. 30930], Perea et al. 2010:3, 14 [ref. 31802], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:876 [ref. 34062], Çiçek et al. 2018:11 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:33 [ref. 36089], Turan et al. 2018:[1] [ref. 35758]). Current status: Valid as Petroleuciscus Bogutskaya 2002. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Phoxinellus Heckel [J. J.] 1843:1039 Masc. Phoxinellus alepidotus Heckel 1843. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently designated first by Bleeker 1859 [?= 1860] (see Trewavas 1972:359 [ref. 23001]); type not zeregi as treated by Bleeker 1863:209 [ref. 397], 1863:263 [ref. 403] and 1863:31 [ref. 4859]. Misspelled Rhoxinellus by Heckel 1843:1012. See Bănărescu 1997:25 [ref. 23274]. •Valid as Phoxinellus Heckel 1843 -- (see Howes 1985:69 [ref. 5274], Lelek 1987:216 [ref. 22962], Zupancic & Bogutskaya 2000:68 [ref. 25145], Bogutskaya & Zupancic 2003:369 [ref. 27407], Ketmaier et al. 2004:1061 [ref. 27950], Freyhof et al. 2006:418 [ref. 28484], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151, 222 [ref. 29996], Freyhof & Özuluğ 2010:309 [ref. 30686], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Bogutskaya et al. 2012:54 [ref. 32007], Palandačić et al. 2024:3 [ref. 41796]). Current status: Valid as Phoxinellus Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pigus (subgenus of Gardonus) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1846:29 Masc. Cyprinus pigus Lacepède 1803. Type by absolute tautonymy. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200]). Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Protochondrostoma Robalo [J. I.], Almada [V. C.], Levy [A.] & Doadrio [I.] 2007:371 Neut. Leuciscus genei Bonaparte 1839. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Protochondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007 -- (Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:150 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Turan et al. 2021:3 [ref. 38620]). Current status: Valid as Protochondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pseudochondrostoma Robalo [J. I.], Almada [V. C.], Levy [A.] & Doadrio [I.] 2007:370 Neut. Chondrostoma polylepis Steindachner 1864. Type by original designation. •Valid as Pseudochondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007 -- (Doadrio & Elvira 2007:296 [ref. 29510], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:150, 232 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802]). Current status: Valid as Pseudochondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio 2007. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Pseudophoxinus Bleeker [P.] 1860:431 Masc. Phoxinellus zeregi Heckel 1843. Type by subsequent monotypy. Apparently appeared first in key, without included species. One species included by Bleeker 1860:281, 395 [ref. 380]; type by subsequent monotypy (see Trewavas 1972:359 [ref. 23001]). •Valid as Pseudophoxinus Bleeker 1860 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:331 [ref. 6186], Krupp & Schneider 1989:375 [ref. 13651], but see Coad 1981:2062 [ref. 5572], Bogutskaya 1992:264 [ref. 22066], Bogutskaya 1993:96 [ref. 21229], Poll & Gosse 1995:169 [ref. 24781], Bogutskaya 1996:42 [ref. 22945], Bănărescu 1997:26 [ref. 23274], Zupancic & Bogutskaya 2000:68 [ref. 25145], Bogutskaya & Zupancic 2003:369 [ref. 27407], Hrbek et al. 2004:304 [ref. 27955], Freyhof & Özuluğ 2006:255 [ref. 28846], Küçük 2007:1 [ref. 29115], Freyhof & Özuluğ 2010:309 [ref. 30686], Freyhof & Özuluğ 2010:325 [ref. 30688], Freyhof & Özuluğ 2010:239 [ref. 31039], Perea et al. 2010:3, 14, 15 [ref. 31802], Sasi 2011:238 [ref. 31703], Küçük et al. 2013:29 [ref. 32816], Küçük & Güçlü 2014:57 [ref. 33321], Ekmekçi et al. 2015:117 [ref. 34001], Küçük et al. 2016:283 [ref. 34910], Bariche & Freyhof 2016:203 [ref. 34934], Çiçek et al. 2018:11 [ref. 36267], Saç et al. 2019:105 [ref. 36976]). Current status: Valid as Pseudophoxinus Bleeker 1860. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Rhodopleuriscus Fowler [H. W.] 1944:52 Masc. Leuciscus vandoisulus Valenciennes 1844. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Clinostomus Girard 1856 -- (see Lachner & Deubler 1960:358 [ref. 21967], Gilbert 1998:19 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Current status: Synonym of Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Rubellus Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 162 Masc. Cyprinus rutilus Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Two included species (p. 152); earliest type designation found that of Jordan 1919:369 [ref. 4904]. •Objective synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). Current status: Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Rutilus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:240 Masc. Cyprinus rutilus Linnaeus 1758. Type by original designation (also by absolute tautonymy). Also appeared in Rafinesque 1820:50 (Dec.) [ref. 3592]. •Valid as Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Yang & Hwang 1964:12 [ref. 13497], Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200], Bianco & Taraborelli 1985 [ref. 21914], Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1998:69 [ref. 23589], Luo in Chen et al. 1998:89 [ref. 23878], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Sideleva 2003:8 [ref. 27815], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:86 [ref. 28183], Bogutskaya & Iliadou 2006:294 [ref. 28494], Allen et al. 2006:347 [ref. 29004], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 236 [ref. 29996], Marić & Radujković 2009:139 [ref. 31438], Marić 2010:153 [ref. 31525], Perea et al. 2010:15 [ref. 31802], Milosević et al. 2011:1094 [ref. 31524], Bianco & Ketmaier 2014:379 [ref. 33417], Parin et al. 2014:90 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:879 [ref. 34062], Zhang et al. 2016:55 [ref. 34477], Levin et al. 2017:33 [ref. 35061], Esmaeili et al. 2017:55 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:35 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Rutilus Rafinesque 1820. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Sapa Kazanskii [V. I.] 1928:16 Fem. Cyprinus sapa Pallas 1814. Original not examined; from Berg 1949:768 [ref. 12882]. •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816 -- (Berg 1948:768 [ref. 12882]). Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Sarmarutilus Bianco [P. G.] & Ketmaier [V.] 2014:392 Masc. Leuciscus rubilio Bonaparte 1837. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Sarmarutilus Bianco & Ketmaier 2014. Current status: Valid as Sarmarutilus Bianco & Ketmaier 2014. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Scardiniopsis Jäckel [A. J.] 1864:64 Fem. Scardiniopsis anceps Jäckel 1864. Type by monotypy. Described from a species thought to be a hybrid: Rutilus rutilus x Scardinius erythrophthalmus; therefore not available. •Invalid, based on an intergeneric hybrid. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Scardinius (subgenus of Leuciscus) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1837:puntata 96 Masc. Leuciscus scardafa Bonaparte 1837. Type by original designation. Apparently appeared first in puntata 96, fasc. 19 under Leuciscus scardafa [species misspelled once as scarpata]. •Synonym of Rutilus Rafinesque 1820 -- (Howes 1981:45 [ref. 14200]). •Valid as Scardinius Bonaparte 1837 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1998:71 [ref. 23589], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Ketmaier et al. 2004:1061 [ref. 27950], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:88 [ref. 28183], Bianco & Kottelat 2005:231 [ref. 29332], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 250 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:3 [ref. 31802], Parin et al. 2014:90 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:879 [ref. 34062], McDowall & Stewart 2015:318 [ref. 34241], Karataş et al. 2016:127 [ref. 34987], Esmaeili et al. 2017:56 [ref. 35254], Çiçek et al. 2018:14 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:36 [ref. 36089], Fricke et al. 2018:59 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Scardinius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Spinophoxinellus (subgenus of Phoxinellus) Karaman [M. S.] 1972:120 Masc. Acanthorutilus anatolicus Hankó 1925. Type by monotypy in subgenus. •Synonym of Pseudophoxinus Bleeker 1860 -- (Bănărescu 1997:27 [ref. 23274]). Current status: Synonym of Pseudophoxinus Bleeker 1860. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Spirlinus Fatio [V.] 1882:389 Masc. Cyprinus bipunctatus Bloch 1782. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Spirlingus by Jordan 1920:450 [ref. 4905]. •Synonym of Alburnoides Jeitteles 1861. Current status: Synonym of Alburnoides Jeitteles 1861. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Squalalburnus Berg [L. S.] 1932:482 Masc. Alburnoides oblongus Bulgakov 1923. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Alburnoides Jeitteles 1861 -- (Bănărescu 1997:27 [ref. 23274]). Current status: Synonym of Alburnoides Jeitteles 1861. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Squalioscardinus Kolombatović [G.] 1907:6 Masc. Proposed for a specimen intermediate between Scardinus erythrophthalmus and Squalius illyricus (see p. 5). According to Fowler (MS), name is based on a hybrid between them. No species named by Kolombatović; apparently not available for lack of subsequent addition of species. •Invalid, based on an intergeneric hybrid. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Squalius (subgenus of Leuciscus) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1837:fasc. 19 Masc. Leuciscus squalus Bonaparte 1837. Type by subsequent designation. Occurred in puntata 96, fasc. 19 under Leuciscus squalus and two additional species; also in later fascicles. Type evidently designated first by Jordan 1919:187 [ref. 2410]. •Valid as Squalius Bonaparte 1837 -- (Sanjur et al. 2003:20 [ref. 28742], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:88 [ref. 28183], Doadrio & Carmona 2006:199 [ref. 28975], Doadrio et al. 2007:89 [ref. 29250], Doadrio et al. 2007:247 [ref. 29342], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 257 [ref. 29996], Turan et al. 2009:53 [ref. 30540], Bogutskaya & Zupančič 2010:53 [ref. 30905], Coad 2010:193 [ref. 36620], Perea et al. 2010:3, 14 [ref. 31802], Zupančič et al. 2010:155 [ref. 31002], Özuluğ & Freyhof 2011:107 [ref. 31360], Shinohara et al. 2011:38 [ref. 31715], Parin et al. 2014:94 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:880 [ref. 34062], Khaefi et al. 2016:145 [ref. 34748], Esmaeili et al. 2016:118 [ref. 34985], Turan et al. 2017:1 [ref. 35136], Esmaeili et al. 2017:57 [ref. 35254], Çiçek et al. 2018:14 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:38 [ref. 36089], Buj et al. 2019:[1] [ref. 37174], Perea et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37489], Turan 2022:336 [ref. 39758], Doadrio et al. 2023:1 [ref. 40705], Mendes et al. 2024:1 [ref. 41732]). Current status: Valid as Squalius Bonaparte 1837. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Stilbe DeKay [J. E.] 1842:204 Fem. Cyprinus crysoleucas Mitchill 1814. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819 -- (Gilbert 1998:19 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Stilbius Gill [T. N.] 1865:260 Masc. Cyprinus crysoleucas Mitchill 1814. Type by being a replacement name. Text unclear, but apparently proposed as a replacement for Stilbe DeKay 1842, used in Botany [but not thereby preoccupied in Zoology]; type not C. americanus. •Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819 -- (Gilbert 1998:19 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Notemigonus Rafinesque 1819. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Telestes (subgenus of Leuciscus) Bonaparte [C. L.] 1840:puntata 146 Masc. Leuciscus muticellus Bonaparte 1837. Type by original designation. Apparently appeared first in puntata 146, fasc. 27 under Telestes savigny. •Synonym of Leuciscus Cuvier 1816, but a valid subgenus Telestes as described -- (Bănărescu 1997:28 [ref. 23274]). •Valid as Telestes Bonaparte 1840 -- (Ketmaier et al. 1998:46 [ref. 23809], Ketmaier et al. 2004:1061 [ref. 27950], Freyhof et al. 2006:418 [ref. 28484], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:154, 281 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Marchetto et al. 2010:2 [ref. 31838], Marčić et al. 2011:418 [ref. 31443], Bogutskaya et al. 2012:54 [ref. 32007]). Current status: Valid as Telestes Bonaparte 1840. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Trachybrama Bleeker [P.] 1863:210 Fem. Acanthobrama marmid Heckel 1843. Not available, name published in synonymy of Acanthobrama Heckel; apparently never made available. •In the synonymy of Acanthobrama Heckel 1843. Current status: Synonym of Acanthobrama Heckel 1843. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Tropidophoxinellus Stephanidis [A.] 1974:245 Masc. Rutilus spartiaticus Stephanidis 1971. Type by original designation. •Valid as Tropidophoxinellus Stephanidis 1974 -- (Kottelat 1997:85 [ref. 22952], Bănărescu 1997:28 [ref. 23274], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:150 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:3, 14 [ref. 31802]). Current status: Valid as Tropidophoxinellus Stephanidis 1974. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Turcichondrostoma Turan [D.], Küçük [F.], Güçlü [S. S.] & Aksu [İ.] 2021:4 [1971] Neut. Phoxinellus fahirae Ladiges 1960. Type by original designation. •Valid as Turcichondrostoma Turan, Küçük, Güçlü & Aksu 2021. Current status: Valid as Turcichondrostoma Turan, Küçük, Güçlü & Aksu 2021. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Vimba Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 159 Fem. Cyprinus vimba Linnaeus 1758. Type by absolute tautonymy, two included species, one vimba. •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200], Parin et al. 2014:63 [ref. 33547]). •Valid as Vimba Fitsinger 1873 -- (Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Uiblein & Winkler 1994 [ref. 21823], Bogutskaya 1998:73 [ref. 23589], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151 [ref. 29996], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:89 [ref. 28183], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:881 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:59 [ref. 35254], Çiçek et al. 2018:16 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:40 [ref. 36089]). Current status: Valid as Vimba Fitzinger 1873. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

Zopa Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.] 1873:152, 158 Fem. Cyprinus sapa Pallas 1814. Type by subsequent designation. Two included species "(Abr. Ballerus und Sapa)"; type apparently first designated by Jordan 1919:368 [ref. 4904] as sopa. Howes lists Sapa Kasansky 1928 in the synonymy of Abramis [not investigated]. •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae.

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