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Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the family or subfamily Lyconidae: [ 3 ] records

brachycolus, Lyconus Holt [E. W. L.] & Byrne [L. W.] 1906:424 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 18 (no. 108); ref. 21238] Southwest of Ireland, 50°21' to 50°24'N, 11°39' to 11°41'W, depth about 750 fathoms depth over 800 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1907.6.20.15. •Valid as Macruronus brachycolus (Holt & Byrne 1906) -- (Howes 1991:108 [ref. 19075]). •Valid as Lyconus brachycolus Holt & Byrne 1906 -- (Marshall 1973:299 [ref. 7194], Svetovidov 1973:301 [ref. 7169], Svetovidov in Whitehead et al. 1986:679 [ref. 13676], Scott & Scott 1988:273 [ref. 25518], McAllister 1990:120 [ref. 14674], Maurin 1990:539 [ref. 15767], Inada in Cohen et al. 1990:322 [ref. 18936], Trunov 2001:24 [ref. 25195], Lloris et al. 2003:9 [ref. 27698], Lloris et al. 2016:2009 [ref. 34587], Carneiro et al. 2019:148 [ref. 37250], Bañón et al. 2021:6 [ref. 40417]). Current status: Valid as Lyconus brachycolus Holt & Byrne 1906. Lyconidae. Distribution: Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

caninus, Macruronus Maul [G. E.] 1951:45, Fig. 11 [Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal No. 5 (art. 12); ref. 12899] Off Madeira. Holotype: MMF 3155. Paratypes: MMF 3156-57 (2). •Valid as Macruronus caninus Maul 1951 -- (Marshall 1973:299 [ref. 7194] in Macrouridae, Svetovidov 1973:301 [ref. 7169] in Merlucciidae, Howes 1991:108 [ref. 19075] in Macruronidae). •Synonym of Lyconus brachycolus Holt & Byrne 1906 -- (Maurin 1990:539 [ref. 15767], Lloris et al. 2003:9 [ref. 27698], Lloris et al. 2016:2009 [ref. 34587]). Current status: Synonym of Lyconus brachycolus Holt & Byrne 1906. Lyconidae. Habitat: marine.

pinnatus, Lyconus Günther [A.] 1887:158, Pl. 42 (fig. C) [Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger v. 22 (pt 57); ref. 2013] Mid-ocean, South Atlantic. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1876.3.4.74 [or 76]. •Valid as Macruronus pinnatus (Günther 1887) -- (Howes 1991:108 [ref. 19075]). •Valid as Lyconus pinnatus Günther 1887 -- (Cohen 1986:325 [ref. 5646], Inada in Cohen et al. 1990:322 [ref. 18936], Lloris et al. 2003:10 [ref. 27698], Stewart 2015:871 [ref. 34254]). Current status: Valid as Lyconus pinnatus Günther 1887. Lyconidae. Distribution: Cosmopolitan in Southern Hemisphere. Habitat: marine.

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