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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Genera in the family or subfamily Muraenesocidae: [ 8 ] records Brachyconger Bleeker [P.] 1864:116 Masc. Conger savanna Bancroft 1831. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Cynoponticus Costa 1845 -- (Smith 1989:436 [ref. 13285]). Current status: Synonym of Cynoponticus Costa 1845. Muraenesocidae. Cheiromuroenesox Fowler [H. W.] 1944:60, 187 Masc. Muraenesox coniceps Jordan & Gilbert 1882. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Apparently above is correct original spelling, not Cheiromuraenesox. •Synonym of Cynoponticus Costa 1845 -- (Smith 1989:437 [ref. 13285]). Current status: Synonym of Cynoponticus Costa 1845. Muraenesocidae. Congresox Gill [T. N.] 1890:234 Masc. Conger talabon Cuvier 1829. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Congresox Gill 1890 -- (Castle & Williamson 1975:2 [ref. 7115], Smith 1989:434 [ref. 13285], Ataur Rahman 1989:48 [ref. 24860], Smith 1999:1673 [ref. 24661], Ataur Rahman 2003:63 [ref. 31338], Kottelat 2013:48 [ref. 32989], Golani & Fricke 2018:24 [ref. 36273]). Current status: Valid as Congresox Gill 1890. Muraenesocidae. Cynoponticus Costa [O. G.] 1845:1 Masc. Cynoponticus ferox Costa 1846. Type by subsequent monotypy. On p. 1 of "Genre Cinopontico," with species named on p. 10 of same section; pp. 1-8 published 6 Nov. 1845, pp. 9-12 in 1846. •Valid as Cynoponticus Costa 1845 -- (Blache et al. 1973:235 [ref. 7185], Castle & Williamson 1975:2 [ref. 7115], Bauchot & Saldanha in Whitehead et al. 1986:559 [ref. 13676], Smith 1989:436 [ref. 13285], Smith 1999:1673 [ref. 24661] as Cynopticus, Smith 2003:738 [ref. 26989]). Current status: Valid as Cynoponticus Costa 1845. Muraenesocidae. Muraenesox McClelland [J.] 1843:408 Masc. Muraenesox tricuspidata McClelland 1843. Type by subsequent designation. Muraenosix tricuspidata given as type by Jordan 1919:220 [ref. 2410]. Also in McClelland 1844:210 [ref. 2928]. •Valid as Muraenesox McClelland 1843 -- (Castle & Williamson 1975 [ref. 7115], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:29 [ref. 6441], Bauchot & Saldanha in Whitehead et al. 1986:560 [ref. 13676], Castle 1986:188 [ref. 5644], Paxton et al. 1989:145 [ref. 12442], Smith 1989:436 [ref. 13285], Ataur Rahman 1989:46 [ref. 24860], Smith 1999:1673 [ref. 24661], Ataur Rahman 2003:61 [ref. 31338], Paxton et al. 2006:282 [ref. 28995], Fricke et al. 2009:21 [ref. 30213], Zhang et al. 2010:290 [ref. 31511], Kottelat 2013:48 [ref. 32989], Parin et al. 2014:49 [ref. 33547], Motomura et al. 2017:38 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:48 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:24 [ref. 36273]). Current status: Valid as Muraenesox McClelland 1843. Muraenesocidae. Oxyconger Bleeker [P.] 1864:19 Masc. Conger leptognathus Bleeker 1858. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Bleeker 1864:19 published 21 Sept. 1864, also in Bleeker 1865:116 [ref. 409]. •Valid as Oxyconger Bleeker 1864 -- (Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:29 [ref. 6441], Paxton et al. 1989:145 [ref. 12442], Smith 1989:434 [ref. 13285], Smith 1999:1673 [ref. 24661], Paxton et al. 2006:283 [ref. 28995], Zhang et al. 2010:298 [ref. 31511]). Current status: Valid as Oxyconger Bleeker 1864. Muraenesocidae. Phyllogramma Pellegrin [J.] 1934:46 Fem. Phyllogramma regani Pellegrin 1934. Type by monotypy. The genus is feminine, not neuter; name referes to the special condition of the lateral line (with flower-like elements). •Synonym of Cynoponticus Costa 1845 -- (Blache et al. 1973:235 [ref. 7185], Smith 1989:437 [ref. 13285]). Current status: Synonym of Cynoponticus Costa 1845. Muraenesocidae. Sauromuraenesox Alcock [A. W.] 1889:457 Masc. Sauromuraenesox vorax Alcock 1889. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Sauromuraenesax in Zoological Record for 1889. •Valid as Sauromuraenesox Alcock 1889 -- (Talwar 1977 [ref. 6954], Smith 1999:1673 [ref. 24661] as Sauromurenesox). Current status: Valid as Sauromuraenesox Alcock 1889. Muraenesocidae. |