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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

    Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information.

Genera in the family or subfamily Nototheniidae: [ 20 ] records

Aethotaxis DeWitt [H. H.] 1962:828 Fem. Aethotaxis mitopteryx DeWitt 1962. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Subfamily Aethotaxinae named by Miller 2001:445, 457 [ref. 36665]. •Valid as Aethotaxis DeWitt 1962 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Andersen 1984:25 [ref. 13369], DeWitt et al. 1990:283 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:248 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Miller 2001:447 [ref. 36665], Sheiko 2019:49 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Aethotaxis DeWitt 1962. Nototheniidae: Pleuragrammatinae.

Cryothenia Daniels [R. A.] 1981:558 Fem. Cryothenia peninsulae Daniels 1981. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Species misspelled peninsula at head of species description, peninsulae elsewhere. •Valid as Cryothenia Daniels 1981 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Pequeño 1989:72 [ref. 14125], DeWitt et al. 1990:284 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:236 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Cziko & Cheng 2006:752 [ref. 28921], Sheiko 2019:56 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Cryothenia Daniels 1981. Nototheniidae: Trematominae.

Dissostichus Smitt [F. A.] 1898:3 Masc. Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Dissostichus Smitt 1898 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Andersen 1984:23 [ref. 13369], Nakamura in Nakamura et al. 1986:258 [ref. 14235], Oyarzún & Campos 1987 [ref. 12877], Abe & Iwami 1989:79 [ref. 13580], DeWitt et al. 1990:285 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:117 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Mabragaña et al. 2011:10 [ref. 31800], Petrov 2011:813 [ref. 32471], Stewart 2015:1439 [ref. 34196], Arkhipkin et al. 2022:1 [ref. 39150]). Current status: Valid as Dissostichus Smitt 1898. Nototheniidae: Pleuragrammatinae.

Gelidus Whitley [G. P.] 1937:19 Masc. Pleuragramma antarcticum Boulenger 1902. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded replacement for Pleuragramma Boulenger 1902, not preoccupied by Pleurogrammus Gill 1861 in fishes. •Objective synonym of Pleuragramma Boulenger 1902. Current status: Synonym of Pleuragramma Boulenger 1902. Nototheniidae: Pleuragrammatinae.

Gobionotothen Balushkin [A. V.] 1976:128 Fem. Notothenia gibberifrons Lönnberg 1905. Type by original designation. Genus is treated by subsequent authors as feminine. •Synonym of Notothenia Richardson 1844, but a valid subgenus Gobionotothen -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369]). •Valid as Gobionotothen Balushkin 1976 -- (Voskoboinikova & Balushkin 1987 [ref. 6342], DeWitt et al. 1990:289 [ref. 21696], Balushkin 1991:531 [ref. 20020], Miller 1993:149 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Sanchez et al. 2007:164 [ref. 28720], Balushkin 2014:627 [ref. 35437], Miya et al. 2016:381 [ref. 34143], Sheiko 2019:60 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Gobionotothen Balushkin 1976. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Gvozdarus Balushkin [A. V.] 1989:83 Masc. Gvozdarus svetovidovi Balushkin 1989. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Gvozdarus Balushkin 1989 -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:293 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:244 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova & Kellermann 1993:313 [ref. 22084], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555]). Current status: Valid as Gvozdarus Balushkin 1989. Nototheniidae: Pleuragrammatinae.

Indonotothenia Balushkin [A. V.] 1984:14 Fem. Notothenia cyanobrancha Richardson 1844. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Notothenia Richardson 1844, but a valid subgenus Indonotothenia -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:303 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:135 [ref. 21297]). •Valid as Indonotothenia Balushkin 1984 -- (Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555]). Current status: Valid as Indonotothenia Balushkin 1984. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Lepidonotothen Balushkin [A. V.] 1976:130 Fem. Notothenia kempi Norman 1937. Type by original designation. Genus is treated by subsequent authors as feminine. •Synonym of Notothenia Richardson 1844, but a valid subgenus Lepidonotothen -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369]). •Valid as Lepidonotothen Balushkin 1976 -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:294 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:161 [ref. 21297], Schneppenheim et al. 1994 [ref. 22058], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Miya et al. 2016:381 [ref. 34143], Near et al. 2018:276 [ref. 36163]). Current status: Valid as Lepidonotothen Balushkin 1976. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Lindbergia Balushkin [A. V.] 1976:129 Fem. Notothenia mizops Günther 1880. Type by original designation. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Lindbergia Riedel 1959 in Gastropoda, replaced by Lindbergichthys Balushkin 1979. •Synonym of Nototheniops Balushkin 1976 -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Nototheniops Balushkin 1976. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Lindbergichthys Balushkin [A. V.] 1979:930 Masc. Notothenia mizops Günther 1880. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Lindbergia Balushkin 1976, preoccupied by Lindbergia Riedel 1959 in Gastropoda. •Synonym of Lepidonotothen Balushkin 1976, but a valid subgenus Lindbergichthys -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21696]). •Valid as Lindbergichthys Balushkin 1979 -- (Miller 1993:171 [ref. 21297], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555]). •Synonym of Nototheniops Balushkin 1976 -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369], Near et al. 2018:276 [ref. 36163]). Current status: Synonym of Nototheniops Balushkin 1976. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Macrias Gill [T. N.] & Townsend [C. H.] 1901:937 Masc. Macrias amissus Gill & Townsend 1901. Type by monotypy. Type specimen not available, only known specimen was thrown overboard. A photograph of the fish was published in Townsend 1936, Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc. v. 39:29-30. •Synonym of Dissostichus Smitt 1898 -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:286 [ref. 21696]). Current status: Synonym of Dissostichus Smitt 1898. Nototheniidae: Pleuragrammatinae.

Macronotothen Gill [T. N.] 1862:520 Fem. Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Genus treated here as feminine, as is probably correct, Sheiko 2019:64 [ref. 37173]. •Synonym of Notothenia Richardson 1844 -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia Richardson 1844. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Notothenia Richardson [J.] 1844:5 Fem. Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Gill 1862:518 [ref. 1782]. •Valid as Notothenia Richardson 1844 -- (DeWitt 1970:302 [ref. 24632], Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369] with species as corriceps, DeWitt et al. 1990:302 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:138 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Stewart 2015:1440 [ref. 34196], Sheiko 2019:64 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Notothenia Richardson 1844. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Nototheniops Balushkin [A. V.] 1976:132 Masc. Notothenia nybelini Balushkin 1976. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Lepidonotothen Balushkin 1976, but a valid subgenus Nototheniops -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:300 [ref. 21696]). •Valid as Nototheniops Balushkin 1976 -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369], Shandikov 1987 [ref. 6343], Miller 1993:176 [ref. 21297], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555]). Current status: Valid as Nototheniops Balushkin 1976. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Pagothenia Nichols [J. T.] & LaMonte [F. R.] 1936:2 Fem. Pagothenia antarctica Nichols & LaMonte 1936. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Pagothenia Nichols & LaMonte 1936 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Andersen 1984:25 [ref. 13369], DeWitt et al. 1990:307 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:176 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Cziko & Cheng 2006:757 [ref. 28921], Sheiko 2019:67 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Pagothenia Nichols & LaMonte 1936. Nototheniidae: Trematominae.

Paranotothenia Balushkin [A. V.] 1976:124 Fem. Gadus magellanicus Forster 1801. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Paranotothenia Balushkin 1976 -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369], Balushkin 1990 [ref. 20116], DeWitt et al. 1990:310 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:131 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Stewart 2015:1442 [ref. 34196]). Current status: Valid as Paranotothenia Balushkin 1976. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Patagonotothen Balushkin [A. V.] 1976:126 Fem. Notothenia tessellata Richardson 1845. Type by original designation. Genus is treated by subsequent authors as feminine. •Valid as Patagonotothen Balushkin 1976 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369], Nakamura in Nakamura et al. 1986:246 [ref. 14235], Lloris & Rucabado 1991:112 [ref. 22530], Miller 1993:127 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Mabragaña et al. 2011:10 [ref. 31800]). Current status: Valid as Patagonotothen Balushkin 1976. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae.

Pleuragramma Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:187 Neut. Pleuragramma antarcticum Boulenger 1902. Type by monotypy. The genus is neuter, Sheiko 2019:69 [ref. 37173]. •Valid as Pleuragramma Boulenger 1902 -- (Stevens et al. 1984:563 [ref. 13633], Andersen 1984:25 [ref. 13369], DeWitt et al. 1990:313 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:239 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Sheiko 2019:69 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Pleuragramma Boulenger 1902. Nototheniidae: Pleuragrammatinae.

Pseudotrematomus Balushkin [A. V.] 1982:9 Masc. Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger 1902. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Trematomus Boulenger 1902 -- (Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631] based on placement of type species). •Valid as Pseudotrematomus Balushkin 1982 -- (Balushkin & Tarakanov 1987 [ref. 6226], Miller 1993:195 [ref. 21297], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Sheiko 2019:70 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Pseudotrematomus Balushkin 1982. Nototheniidae: Trematominae.

Trematomus Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:177 Masc. Trematomus newnesi Boulenger 1902. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest type designation by Norman 1938; genus not treated by Jordan. •Valid as Trematomus Boulenger 1902 -- (Andersen 1984:24 [ref. 13369], DeWitt et al. 1990:316 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:190 [ref. 21297], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Cziko & Cheng 2006:757 [ref. 28921], Sanchez et al. 2007:155 [ref. 28720], Sheiko 2019:71 [ref. 37173], Frédérich et al. 2022:59 [ref. 39239]). Current status: Valid as Trematomus Boulenger 1902. Nototheniidae: Trematominae.

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