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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Genera in the family or subfamily Odacidae: [ 10 ] records Coregonoides Richardson [J.] 1843:426 Masc. Odax vittatus Richardson & Solander 1843. Appeared as Solander manuscript name and quoted description published in synonymy of Odax; technically a name published in synonymy. Apparently never made available. •In the synonymy of Odax Valenciennes 1840 -- (Gomon & Paxton 1986:31 [ref. 5656]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Odax Valenciennes 1840. Odacidae. Coridodax Günther [A.] 1862:243 Masc. Sparus pullus Forster 1801. Type by monotypy. •Objective synonym of Odax Valenciennes 1840 -- (see Gomon & Paxton 1986:31 [ref. 5656], see also Whitley 1976:47 [ref. 4735]). Current status: Synonym of Odax Valenciennes 1840. Odacidae. Haletta Whitley [G. P.] 1947:146 Fem. Odax semifasciatus Valenciennes 1840. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Neoodax Castelnau 1875 -- (Scott 1976:352 [ref. 3996]). •Valid as Haletta Whitley 1947 -- (Gomon & Paxton 1986:29 [ref. 5656], Gomon et al. 1994:700 [ref. 22532], Bray & Hoese 2006:1420 [ref. 29049], Gomon 2008:660 [ref. 30616], Kuiter 2010:71 [ref. 35285]). Current status: Valid as Haletta Whitley 1947. Odacidae. Heteroscarus Castelnau [F. L.] 1872:245 Masc. Heteroscarus filamentosus Castelnau 1872. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan 1919:363 [ref. 4904]. •Synonym of Odax Valenciennes 1840 -- (Gomon & Paxton 1986 [ref. 5656]). ▐ Valid as Heteroscarus Castelnau 1872 -- (Gomon 2008:661 [ref. 30616], Kuiter 2010:72 [ref. 35285]). Current status: Valid as Heteroscarus Castelnau 1872. Odacidae. Neoodax Castelnau [F. L.] 1875:37 Masc. Neoodax waterhousii Castelnau 1875. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by McCulloch 1929:323 [ref. 2948]; second species included, but text somewhat unclear if provisionally included or not. •Valid as Neoodax Castelnau 1875 -- (Scott 1976:352 [ref. 3996], Richards & Leis 1984:544 [ref. 13668], Gomon & Paxton 1986:27 [ref. 5656], Gomon et al. 1994:701 [ref. 22532], Bray & Hoese 2006:1420 [ref. 29049], Gomon 2008:662 [ref. 30616], Kuiter 2010:74 [ref. 35285]). Current status: Valid as Neoodax Castelnau 1875. Odacidae. Odax Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:299 Masc. Scarus pullus Forster 1801. Type by subsequent designation. Appeared first in Cuvier 1829:266 [ref. 995] as "Les Odax"; based on style of text and contents, the name was apparently not intended as new but as a new use of Odax Commerson in Lacepède 1801 (not available) but in the vernacular. Probably dates to Valenciennes as above; type species and type designation not researched, usually given as above. •Valid as Odax Valenciennes 1840 -- (Ayling & Paxton 1983 [ref. 5258], Richards & Leis 1984:544 [ref. 13668], Gomon & Paxton 1986:31 [ref. 5656], Gomon et al. 1994:702 [ref. 22532], Bray & Hoese 2006:1421 [ref. 29049], Kuiter 2010:68 [ref. 35285], Gomon et al. 2015:1372 [ref. 34207]). Current status: Valid as Odax Valenciennes 1840. Odacidae. Olisthops Richardson [J.] 1850:74 Masc. Olisthops cyanomelas Richardson 1850. Type by monotypy. Olistherops Günther 1862:243 [ref. 1969] is an unjustified emendation. •Synonym of Odax Valenciennes 1840 -- (Gomon & Paxton 1986:31 [ref. 5656]). •Valid as Olisthops Richardson 1850 -- (Gomon 2008:663 [ref. 30616], Kuiter 2010:70 [ref. 35285]). Current status: Valid as Olisthops Richardson 1850. Odacidae. Parodax Scott [J. K.] 1976:367 Masc. Parodax caninis Scott 1976. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Siphonognathus Richardson 1858 -- (Gomon & Paxton 1986:41 [ref. 5656] with type as caninus). •Valid as Parodax Scott 1976 -- (Kuiter 2010:75 [ref. 35285]). Current status: Valid as Parodax Scott 1976. Odacidae. Sheardichthys (subgenus of Neoodax) Whitley [G. P.] 1947:146 Masc. Malacanthus radiatus Quoy & Gaimard 1834. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Neoodax Castelnau 1875 -- (Scott 1976:354 [ref. 3996]). •Synonym of Siphonognathus Richardson 1858 -- (Gomon & Paxton 1986:41 [ref. 5656]). •Valid as Sheardichthys Whitley 1947 -- (Kuiter 2010:76 [ref. 35285]). Current status: Valid as Sheardichthys Whitley 1947. Odacidae. Siphonognathus Richardson [J.] 1858:237 Masc. Siphonognathus argyrophanes Richardson 1858. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Siphonognathus Richardson 1858 -- (Gomon & Paxton 1986:41 [ref. 5656], Gomon et al. 1994:705 [ref. 22532], Bray & Hoese 2006:1422 [ref. 29049], Gomon 2008:664 [ref. 30616], Kuiter 2010:79 [ref. 35285]). Current status: Valid as Siphonognathus Richardson 1858. Odacidae. |