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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the family or subfamily Ogcocephalidae: [ 127 ] records

accinctus, Dibranchus Bradbury [M. G.] 1999:295, Figs. 9c, 17 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 51 (no. 5); ref. 23930] Western Indian Ocean, 21°16'S, 38°18'E, Anton Bruun cruise 6, station 399c, depth 1510-1600 meters. Holotype (unique): CAS 82221. •Valid as Dibranchus accinctus Bradbury 1999 -- (Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus accinctus Bradbury 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.

aculeatus, Lophius Mitchill [S. L.] 1818:325 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 2 (no. 5, art. 1); ref. 30214] 32°28'N, 78°47'09"W, about 92.4 kilometers at 107° off Off Charleston Light, South Carolina, USA [Original: Straits of Bahamas, Atlantic, depth 40 fathoms]. Neotype: AMNH 76821. This species is preoccupied by Lophius aculeatus Walbaum 1792, which does not appear to have been used; therefore, Lophius aculeatus Mitchill 1818 can be treated as a nomen protectum. Neotype selected by Ho et al. 2010:[5] [ref. 30891] •In Halieutichthys -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutichthys aculeatus (Mitchill 1818) -- (Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:251 [ref. 14275], Robins & Ray 1986:89 [ref. 23100], Cervigón 1991:194 [ref. 24472], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:836 [ref. 23897], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Moore et al. 2003:214 [ref. 27076], Schwartz et al. 2003:96 [ref. 27315], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Ho et al. 2010:845 [ref. 30891], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:679 [ref. 38945], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Nomen Protectum. Current status: Valid as Halieutichthys aculeatus (Mitchill 1818). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Atlantic coast of southern U.S.A. and throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine.

alberti, Dibranchus Núñez Barron [S.] 1967:43, Figs. 1-5 [Revista de la Universidad del Norte. v. 1 (no. 4); ref. 23537] Off Arica, Chile, 19°08'09"S, 70°20'02"W, depth 200 fathoms. Holotype: Centro Invest. Mar., Esc. Técnicos Pesq. Paratypes: (4) Centro Invest. Mar., Esc. Técnicos Pesq. •Valid as Dibranchus alberti Núñez 1967 -- (Pequeño 1989:43 [ref. 14125]). •Synonym of Dibranchus spinosus (Garman 1899) -- (Bradbury 1999:289 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Dibranchus spinosus (Garman 1899). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

andriashevi, Halieutopsis Bradbury [M. G.] 1988:16, Figs. 2, 3A, 5(A-B) [Fieldiana Zoology (New Series) No. 44; ref. 6428] Central western Indian Ocean, 19°09'S, 63°07.5'E, depth 3800-4000 meters. Holotype (unique): SIO 61-14. •Valid as Halieutopsis andriashevi Bradbury 1988 -- (Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], Ho 2021:8 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis andriashevi Bradbury 1988. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Central western and northeastern Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.

angusta, Malthe Cuvier [G.] 1829:252 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] No locality. No types known. Valenciennes specimens: MNHN A-4767 (1) French Guiana, A-4768 (1) Suriname. Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:145 [ref. 6339] dating to Valenciennes 1837 with syntypes MNHN A.4767 and A.4768 from Suriname. Apparently available from footnote as, "M. angusta, Nob., dont le squelette est daus Rosenthal, pl. Ichthyol., t. XIX, 2." Also appeared as Malthaea angusta Valenciennes 1837:447, 454 [ref. 1006]. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

annulifera, Malthopsis Tanaka [S.] 1908:44 [Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses v. 7 (pt 1); ref. 14424] Misaki, Sagami Sea, Japan. Holotype (unique): ZUMT 1954 [not 1754]. •Valid as Malthopsis annulifera Tanaka 1908 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:278 [ref. 38864], Bradbury 1967:416 [ref. 23209], Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984:104 [ref. 6441], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:283, 382 [ref. 8057], Lindberg et al. 1997:243 [ref. 23547], Lee & Kim 1998:68 [ref. 38858], Nakabo 2000:461 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Youn et al. 2000:257 [ref. 25179], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:461 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:214, 543 [ref. 26218], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:305 [ref. 30133], Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456], Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:2 [ref. 31024], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Motomura et al. 2015:17 [ref. 34709], Kim et al. 2020:75 [ref. 39118], Psomadakis et al. 2020:333 [ref. 37272] as cf. annulifera, Sonoyama et al. 2020:33 [ref. 37637], Ho 2020:869 [ref. 38017], Ho & Last 2021:168 [ref. 38143]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis annulifera Tanaka 1908. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Philippines and Taiwan to Sea of Japan (Korea, Japan); Chesterfield Islands (New Caledonia). Habitat: marine.

apis, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Last [P. R.] 2021:169, Figs. 1-2 [Bulletin of Marine Science v. 97 (no. 1); ref. 38143] Eastern Dunk Island, Queensland, northeastern Australia, 17°58'S, 147°04'E, depth 302 - 308 meters. Holotype: NTM S.11755-032. Paratypes: AMS, CSIRO, NMMB, NTM, QM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Malthopsis apis Ho & Last 2021. Current status: Valid as Malthopsis apis Ho & Last 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southwestern Pacific: off Queensland, northeastern Australia. Habitat: marine.

arca, Coelophrys Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:213, Pls. 24 (fig. 2), 26 (fig. 4), 27 (fig. 4) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Verde Island Passage, 13°33'15"N, 121°E, Philippines, Albatross station 5295, depth 231 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 70276. •Valid as Coelophrys arca Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys arca Smith & Radcliffe 1912. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

arrietty, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2020:861, Figs. 1-3 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 68; ref. 38017] Off Batangas, Balayan Bay, southern Luzon, Philippines, 13°51'29.9"N, 120°50'31.2"E, depth 291 meters. Holotype: USNM 169204. Paratypes: CAS, MNHN, NSMT, USNM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Malthopsis arrietty Ho 2020. Current status: Valid as Malthopsis arrietty Ho 2020. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: the Philippines. Habitat: marine.

asper, Dibranchus Garman [S.] 1899:95 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] 16°33'N, 99°52'30"W, Albatross station 3418A, depth 660 fathoms. Holotype (unique): MCZ 28723. •Synonym of Dibranchus hystrix Garman 1899 -- (Bradbury 1962:2 [ref. 20300] who serves as first reviser, Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1999:280 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Dibranchus hystrix Garman 1899. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

asperata, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.], Roberts [C. D.] & Shao [K.-T.] 2013:189, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa 3626 (no. 1); ref. 32518] 30°15.4'S, 178°24'E, off McCauley Island, Kermadec Ridge, New Zealand, depth 290 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.035177. Paratypes: CSIRO H7368-01 (1); MNHN 2012-0215 (1); NMMB-P10458 (1); NMNZ P.029020 (1), 29096 (1), 35195 (1). •Valid as Malthopsis asperata Ho, Roberts & Shao 2013 -- (Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Duffy & Ahyong 2015:110 [ref. 36167], Ho 2015:900 [ref. 34268], Ho 2020:869 [ref. 38017], Ho & Last 2021:174 [ref. 38143]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis asperata Ho, Roberts & Shao 2013. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southwestern Pacific: off Australia, New Caledonia and Kermadec Ridge, New Zealand and Jarvis Island, Central Pacific. Habitat: marine.

atlanticus, Dibranchus Peters [W. (C. H.)] 1876:738, Pl. [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1875; ref. 3453] Near the coast of western Africa, depth 360 fathoms. Syntypes: MSNG 12313 (1), ZMB 9142-43 (2, 1). Type catalog: Tortonese 1963:314 [ref. 10351]. •Valid as Dibranchus atlanticus Peters 1876 -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:250 [ref. 14275], Scott & Scott 1988:240 [ref. 25518], McAllister 1990:229 [ref. 14674], Bradbury 1990:490 [ref. 15616], Cervigón 1991:195 [ref. 24472], Boschung 1992:79 [ref. 23239], Du Buit & Quéro 1992:174 [ref. 22391], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:835 [ref. 23897], Bradbury 1999:271 [ref. 23930], Pakhorukov 1999:657 [ref. 24883], Ben-Tuvia et al. 2001:1285 [ref. 41445], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Moore et al. 2003:214 [ref. 27076], Schwartz et al. 2003:94 [ref. 27315], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Tweddle & Anderson 2008:9 [ref. 29604], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Bradbury & Pietsch 2016:2058 [ref. 34598], Reiner 2019:125 [ref. 38139], Klautau et al. 2020:9 [ref. 37903], Robertson et al. 2020:159 [ref. 38098], Fermon et al. 2022:302 [ref. 39448], Simian et al. 2022:375 [ref. 40776], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus atlanticus Peters 1876. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Canada south to Brazil, including Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea; eastern Atlantic: Nigeria south to Angola, including São Tomé and Principe. Habitat: marine.

austrafricana, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2013:294, Figs. 3A-C, 4, 5A-E [Zootaxa 3716 (no. 2); ref. 32898] Off Mozambique, 25°23'S, 34°29.3'E, depth 311-314 meters. Holotype: SAIAB 81896. Paratypes:(16) MNHN, SAIAB. Plus non-type specimens, •Valid as Malthopsis austrafricana Ho 2013 -- (Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Ho 2020:869 [ref. 38017], Ho & Anderson 2022:305 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis austrafricana Ho 2013. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) north to Mozambique, east to Madagascar; southwestern Pacific: ?New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

bathyoreos, Halieutopsis Bradbury [M. G.] 1988:18, Figs. 2, 3B, 6 [Fieldiana Zoology (New Series) No. 44; ref. 6428] Central North Pacific [north of Johnston Atoll], 19°14.3'N, 169°07.3'W, depth 1500 meters. Holotype (unique): SIO 84-43. •Valid as Halieutopsis bathyoreos Bradbury 1988 -- (Fricke 1999:110 [ref. 24106], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], Shimazaki et al. 2004:120 [ref. 28511], Mundy 2005:267 [ref. 28379], Fricke et al. 2009:29 [ref. 30213], Ho et al. 2013:198 [ref. 32518], Duffy & Ahyong 2015:110 [ref. 36167], Ho 2015:899 [ref. 34268], Ho 2021:10 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis bathyoreos Bradbury 1988. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: off Madagascar, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, New Calaedonia, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Australia, New Zealand to Japan and the Hawaiian and Kermadec Islands. Habitat: marine.

bispinosus, Halieutichthys Ho [H.-C.], Chakrabarty [P.] & Sparks [J. S.] 2010:853, Figs. 3b -6b [Journal of Fish Biology v. 77 (no. 4); ref. 30891] Off Florida, Gulf of Mexico, 27°24'11"N, 84°07'11"W, no depth information. Holotype: AMNH 246517 [ex AMNH 85715]. Paratypes: AMNH, CAS, FMNH, MCZ. LSUMZ, USNM. Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Halieutichthys bispinosus Ho, Chakrabarty & Sparks 2010 -- (Ho et al. 2010:851 [ref. 30891], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Halieutichthys bispinosus Ho, Chakrabarty & Sparks 2010. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Atlantic coast of southern U.S.A. and throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine.

bradburyae, Coelophrys Endo [H.] & Shinohara [G.] 1999:360, Figs. 2-5 [Ichthyological Research v. 46 (no. 4); ref. 24197] Off Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan, 40°8.91'N, 142°15.42'E to 40°5.18'N, 142°13.49'E, depth 557-595 meters. Holotype (unique): NSMT-P 54045. •Valid as Coelophrys bradburyae Endo & Shinohara 1999 -- (Nakabo 2000:463 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:463 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys bradburyae Endo & Shinohara 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western North Pacific. Habitat: marine.

bradburyae, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2013:290, Figs. 1A-C, 2A-E [Zootaxa 3716 (no. 2); ref. 32898] Tanzania, Cruise 9, station 22, 22°06'51"S, 39°54'E, Western Indian Ocean, depth 100 meters. Holotype: CAS 227226. Paratypes: CAS 39631 (7), NMMB-P17824 (1). •Valid as Malthopsis bradburyae Ho 2013 -- (Ho & Anderson 2022:306 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis bradburyae Ho 2013. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Tanzania. Habitat: marine.

brevicauda, Halieutea Ogilby [J. D.] 1910:138 [On some new fishes from the Queensland coast; ref. 3289] 36 miles south, 12°West from Cape Moreton, Queensland, Australia. Holotype: AMS E.2972. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. For remarks on holotype see Imamura & Hoese 2020:[9] [ref. 37793] as Halieutaea brevicauda. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea brevicauda Ogilby 1910 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Paxton et al. 2006:653 [ref. 28995], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea brevicauda Ogilby 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Australia. Habitat: marine.

brevicaudata, Coelophrys Brauer [A.] 1902:291 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 25 (no. 668); ref. 631] About 50 kilometers west of Leupung, Aceh Besar Regency, Nanggröe Aceh Darussalam/Aceh Territory, Indonesia, eastern Indian Ocean, 5°23'02"N, 94°48'01"E, Valdivia station 207, depth 1024 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMB 17722. •Valid as Coelophrys brevicaudata Brauer 1902 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:279, 379 [ref. 8057], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Nakabo 2000:463 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:463 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Ho & Shao 2008:292 [ref. 30133], Misawa et al. 2020:274 [ref. 38138]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys brevicaudata Brauer 1902. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

brevipes, Coelophrys Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:213, Pls. 25 (fig. 2), 26 (fig. 2), 27 (fig. 2) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Gulf of Boni, 3°32'40"S, 120°31'30"E, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Albatross station 5658, depth 510 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 70277. Paratypes: USNM 169021 (1). •Valid as Coelophrys brevipes Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767] as breviceps, Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys brevipes Smith & Radcliffe 1912. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

bulla, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Last [P. R.] 2021:177, Figs. 6-7 [Bulletin of Marine Science v. 97 (no. 1); ref. 38143] Northwest of Port Hedland, North-West Shelf, Western Australia, 18°12'S, 118°14'E, depth 269 meters. Holotype: CSIRO H 4070-49. Paratypes: AMS, CSIRO, NMMB, NMV, NTM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Malthopsis bulla Ho & Last 2021. Current status: Valid as Malthopsis bulla Ho & Last 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-Western Pacific: North-West Shelf, Arafura and Timor Seas, Australia. Habitat: marine.

caribbaeus, Halieutichthys Garman [S.] 1896:87, Pl. 4 (fig. 2) [Bulletin of the Laboratory of Natural Science University of Iowa v. 4; ref. 14605] Barbados, West Indies to Jamaica, depth 70-150 fathoms or more. Syntypes: ?MCZ 28117-18 (1, 1). •In Halieutichthys -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Synonym of Halieutichthys aculeatus (Mitchill 1818) -- (Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Valid as Halieutichthys caribbaeus Garman 1896 -- (Ho et al. 2010:842 [ref. 30891]). Current status: Valid as Halieutichthys caribbaeus Garman 1896. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

carinata, Solocisquama Bradbury [M. G.] 1999:304, Figs. 18c, 19c, 20a, 21 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 51 (no. 5); ref. 23930] Sala y Gomez Ridge, 25°08.2'S, 99°25'W, depth 750-800 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMMU P-20359. Type catalog: Vasil'eva et al. 2001:72 [ref. 25714]. •Valid as Solocisquama carinata Bradbury 1999 -- (Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Solocisquama carinata Bradbury 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern South Pacific Ocean. Habitat: marine.

cayennensis, Ogcocephalus nasutus var. Puyo [J.] 1936:241, Fig. 46 [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 71 (no. 4); ref. 15298] Cayenne, French Guiana. No types known. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

coccinea, Halieutaea Alcock [A. W.] 1889:382 [8] [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 4 (no. 23); ref. 81] Andaman Sea, 7 miles southeast by south of Ross Island, Port Blair, Andaman Islands [eastern Indian Ocean], Investigator station 13, depth 265 fathoms. Holotype (unique): ZSI F11741. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148]. On p. 8 of separate. Figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 19 (fig. 1) [ref. 20534]. •Mention -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889 -- (Kailola 1971:131 [ref. 39475], Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Lindberg et al. 1997:239 [ref. 23547], Adam et al. 1998:10 [ref. 23610], Fricke 1999:110 [ref. 24106], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Paxton et al. 2006:653 [ref. 28995], Fricke et al. 2009:29 [ref. 30213], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Psomadakis et al. 2020:332 [ref. 37272], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:99 [ref. 41223]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: South Africa, Madagascar and Réunion (Mascarenes) east to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, south to Australia. Habitat: marine.

corniger, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:274, Figs. 26 (A-C) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Gulf coast of Florida, U.S.A., 29°00'N, 85°01'W, Oregon station 729-730, depth 16-20 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 188808. Paratypes: ANSP 103626 (1); CAS 23926-27 (1, 1); FMNH 46744 (1), 64103-04 (2), 64109 (1), 64113 (1), 64116 (2), 64119 (1), 64122 (2), 64124 (6, 1 c&s), 64126 (4), 64129 (3), 66387 (1); MCZ 45070-71 (1, 1); CAS-SU 62124 (1), 62128 (1); UF 24182-83 (1, 1); USNM 37853 (1), 74089 (1), 117001-02 (1, 3), 134087 (1), 152030 (1), 159159 (1), 161375 (1); 188793 (1), 188804 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367] as 23 specimens in 12 localities at FMNH. •Valid as Ogcocephalus corniger Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Dennis & Bright 1988:3 [ref. 39782], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:837 [ref. 23897], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Schwartz et al. 2003:97 [ref. 27315], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Robertson et al. 2020:159 [ref. 38098], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus corniger Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: including Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine.

cracens, Dibranchus Bradbury [M. G.], McCosker [J. E.] & Long [D. J.] 1999:84, Figs. 3c, 5-6 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 25 (no. 3/4) [for 1998]; ref. 23679] Off Cabo San Rosa, Isla Isabella, Galápagos Islands, 1°04.7'S, 91°11.9'W, depth 152-480 meters. Holotype: CAS 86516. Paratypes: CAS 82222 (1), 88034 (1). •Valid as Dibranchus cracens Bradbury, McCosker & Long 1999 -- (Bradbury 1999:284 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:190 [ref. 30957] dated 1998, Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus cracens Bradbury, McCosker & Long 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) endemic. IUCN (2023): Least Concern. Habitat: marine.

cubifrons, Lophius (Malthe) Richardson [J.] 1836:103, Pl. 96 [Fauna Boreali-Americana Part 3; ref. 3731] Labrador Coast, Canada. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1855.9.19.848. As Malthe cubifrons on Pl. 96. •Valid as Ogcocephalus cubifrons (Richardson 1836) -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:258 [ref. 6538], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:839 [ref. 23897], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Schwartz et al. 2003:98 [ref. 27315], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:680 [ref. 38945], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus cubifrons (Richardson 1836). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

darwini, Ogcocephalus Hubbs [C. L.] 1958:161, Pls. 1-5 [Copeia 1958 (no. 3); ref. 12073] Tagus Cove, Isabela Island [Albemarle Island], Galápagos Islands. Holotype: SIO H51-214. Paratypes: LACM 21544 [ex AHF] (1); SIO H50-18 (1), H50-19 (3, now 2), H50-132 (1), H51-51 (1), H53-196 (1), 54-175 (1), 54-199 (1), 55-16 (1), 56-60 (1), 57-20 (1), 58-39 (1); CAS-SU 14977 [ex SIO 57-23] (1), 16901 [ex SIO 57-24] (1), 17112 [ex SIO 7-22] (1); Cal. St. Poly. Coll. [ex SIO 57-111] (1); Cal. St. Fish. Coll. [ex SIO 57-166] (1); UCLA [ex SIO 57-167] (1); no coll. 58-39 (1). •Valid as Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs 1958 -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:278 [ref. 6538], Allen & Robertson 1994:84 [ref. 22193], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:236 [ref. 24023], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:222 [ref. 24555], Bradbury et al. 1999:80 [ref. 23679], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:190 [ref. 30957] dated 1952, Briones-Mendoza et al. 2022:224 [ref. 41488], Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs 1958. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), mainland Ecuador south to northern Peru. IUCN (2023): Least Concern. Habitat: marine.

declivirostris, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:269, Figs. 24 (C-E) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Off Texas, U.S.A., 28°02'N, 96°03'W, depth 40 meters. Holotype: FMNH 64136. Paratypes: ANSP 103628 (1); CAS 23930-31 (2); FMNH 46735-37 (1, 3, 3), 61579 (1), 64120 (2); GCRL 557-560 (2, 2, 1, 1), MCZ 45072 (3), 45073-74 (1, 1); CAS-SU 62119 (3), 62140 (30); UF 203897 [ex UMML 3897] (1); USNM 118606 [noy 118616] (orig. 26, now 25), 131166 (22), 171763 (2), 188761 (1), 188764-65 (1, 1), 188766-67 (1, 1), 188771 (1), 188774 (1) 188776-77 (1, 1), 188784 (2), 188792 (2), 188796 (1), 188799 (1), 188801 (2); plus FMNH (9 lots, 11). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367] as 21 specimens from 14 localities at FMNH. •Valid as Ogcocephalus declivirostris Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:91 [ref. 23100], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:841 [ref. 23897], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:178 [ref. 24550], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Smith et al. 2003:13 [ref. 27621], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:122 [ref. 37485], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus declivirostris Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida (U.S.A.) south to Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), including Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine.

discors, Dibranchus Bradbury [M. G.], McCosker [J. E.] & Long [D. J.] 1999:83, Figs. 3B, 4 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 25 (no. 3/4) [for 1998]; ref. 23679] Isla Fernandina, off Cabo Douglas, Galápagos Islands, 0°17.5'S, 91°38.9'W, depth 340 meters. Holotype: CAS 86502. Paratypes: CAS 86542 (1), CAS-SU 47195 (1), SIO 90-71 (1), USNM 344535 (1). •Valid as Dibranchus discors Bradbury, McCosker & Long 1999 -- (Bradbury 1999:292 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:190 [ref. 30957] dated 1998, Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus discors Bradbury, McCosker & Long 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) endemic. IUCN (2023): Least Concern. Habitat: marine.

dromedaria, Halieutaea Prokofiev [A. M.] 2019:624, Figs. 1, 2a [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 59 (no. 6); ref. 37246] Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12°40'00" - 12°37'97"N, 109°30'05" - 109°30'13"E, depth 96 - 119 meters. Holotype (unique): IOM 3595. •Valid as Halieutaea dromedaria Prokofiev 2019 -- (Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea dromedaria Prokofiev 2019. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Vietnam, South China Sea. Habitat: marine.

drypus, Halicmetus Ho [H.-C.] & Last [P. R.] 2018:188, Figs. 2C, 5 [Zootaxa 4508 (no. 2); ref. 36258] Norfolk Ridge, Tasman Sea, 26°26'S, 167°09'E, depth 750-774 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 6019-01. •Valid as Halicmetus drypus Ho & Last 2018. Current status: Valid as Halicmetus drypus Ho & Last 2018. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Norfolk Ridge, Tasman Sea. Habitat: marine.

echinoderma, Halieutopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2021:15, Figs. 7-8 [Journal of Marine Science and Engineering v. 10 (no. 1) [for 2022]; ref. 38926] Daxi, Yilan, northeastern Taiwan, northwestern Pacific, depth circa 400 meters. Holotype: ASIZP 62587. Paratypes: CSIRO, QM. •Valid as Halieutopsis echinoderma Ho 2021. Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis echinoderma Ho 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: off northeastern Taiwan and in Coral Sea off Queensland, Australia. Habitat: marine.

elater, Malthe Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.] 1882:365 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 4 (no. 237); ref. 2470] Mazatlán Harbor, Sinaloa, western Mexico. Holotype (unique): USNM 28127. •Valid as Zalieutes elater (Jordan & Gilbert 1882) -- (Hiyama in Kumada 1937:62 [ref. 39147], Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Eschmeyer & Herald 1983:112 [ref. 9277], Allen & Robertson 1994:84 [ref. 22193], Bussing & López S. 1994:68 [ref. 23101], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:241 [ref. 24545], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:222 [ref. 24555], Bradbury 2003:11 [ref. 27309], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:59 [ref. 37547], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Kells et al. 2016:114 [ref. 35888], Robertson et al. 2017:70 [ref. 35676], Sánchez-Jiménez et al. 2018:6 [ref. 36248], Walker et al. 2020:4 [ref. 37499] as Zalieutes elator, Love et al. 2021:87 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505], Siccha-Ramirez et al. 2023:423 [ref. 40816]). Current status: Valid as Zalieutes elater (Jordan & Gilbert 1882). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: southern Oregon (U.S.A.) south to northern Peru, including Gulf of California (Mexico), Cocos Island (Costa Rica) and Malpelo Island (Colombia). Habitat: marine.

erinacea, Malthopsis Garman [S.] 1899:103, Pl. 19 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Galápagos Islands, 0°57'30"S, 89°03'30"W, Albatross station 3402A, depth 421 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28712. Paralectotypes: MCZ 28711 (1), 28713-14 (1, 4), 41598 [ex MCZ 28712] (1). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:3 [ref. 20300]. •Valid as Dibranchus erinaceus (Garman 1899) -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Bradbury et al. 1999:81 [ref. 23679], Bradbury 1999:290 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:190 [ref. 30957], Robertson et al. 2017:66 [ref. 35676], Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus erinaceus (Garman 1899). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Costa Rica south to Panama, including Cocos Island (Costa Rica) and Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). Habitat: marine.

erythrinus, Dibranchus Gilbert [C. H.] 1905:697, Fig. 275 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 23 (pt 2) [for 1903]; ref. 1631] Vicinity of Kauai Island, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 3985, depth 430-477 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 51642. •In Dibranchus and may be same as Dibranchus stellulatus Gilbert 1905 -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Solocisquama erythrina (Gilbert 1905) -- (Bradbury 1999:301 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:11 [ref. 27309], Mundy 2005:268 [ref. 28379]). Current status: Valid as Solocisquama erythrina (Gilbert 1905). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.

faujas, Lophius Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1798:318, Pl. 11 (figs. 2-3) [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 1; ref. 2708] Holotype (unique): MNHN A.4542. Appeared in vernacular only, but treated as Latinized by Lindberg et al. 1997:233 [ref. 23547] as fanjan; earliest Latinization as faujas not researched. . Named for the collector Faujas. Named Lophius muricatus by Shaw 1804. Specimen is MNHN A.4542 (H. Ho email 6/12/2008). •In the synonymy of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547]). •Nomen nudum, in the synonymy of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). •In the synonymy of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

fitzsimonsi, Halieutichthys Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1916:58, Fig. [Marine Biological Report South Africa 1914-1918 (pt 3) (art. 5); ref. 5602] Algoa Bay, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 607 [ex PEM]. •In Halieutaea (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea fitzsimonsi (Gilchrist & Thompson 1916) -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Ho et al. 2010:842 [ref. 30891], Prokofiev 2019:629 [ref. 37246], Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735], Fujiwara et al. 2022:19 [ref. 39310], Ho & Anderson 2022:303 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea fitzsimonsi (Gilchrist & Thompson 1916). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) north to Tanzania, east to Madagascar; Kagoshima (southern Japan). Habitat: marine.

formosa, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Koeda [K.] 2019:74, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa 4702 (no. 1); ref. 37151] Off Dong-gang, Pingtung, southwestern Taiwan, northern South China Sea. Holotype: NMMB-P27866. Paratypes: NMMB. •Valid as Malthopsis formosa Ho & Koeda 2019 -- (Ho 2020:869 [ref. 38017]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis formosa Ho & Koeda 2019. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southwestern Taiwan, northern South China Sea. Habitat: marine.

fumosa, Halieutaea Alcock [A. W.] 1894:119 [5] [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 63 (pt 2); ref. 90] Bay of Bengal, 13°51'12"N, 80°28'12"E, Investigator station 162, depth 145-250 fathoms. Syntypes: BMNH 1895.1.3.9 [ex ZSI F13721] (1), USNM 46757 [ex SZI F13726] (1), ZMA 102167 (1), ZSI F13716 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Menon and Rama-Rao 1970:378 [ref. 27516], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148], Nijssen et al. 1982:64 [ref. 19236]. On p. 5 of separate. Figured in Alcock 1895:Pl. 14 (fig. 2) [ref. 20532]. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894 -- (Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:105 [ref. 6441], Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:634 [ref. 27969] in Haliutea, Lindberg et al. 1997:235 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:464 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Youn et al. 2000:256 [ref. 25179], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:464 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:214, 542 [ref. 26218], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S99 [ref. 27377], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Paxton et al. 2006:654 [ref. 28995], Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Larson et al. 2013:55 [ref. 32988], Prokofiev 2019:629 [ref. 37246], Kim et al. 2020:75 [ref. 39118], Psomadakis et al. 2020:332 [ref. 37272], Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:99 [ref. 41223]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Habitat: marine.

galatea, Halieutopsis Bradbury [M. G.] 1988:18, Figs. 2, 3D, 7 [Fieldiana Zoology (New Series) No. 44; ref. 6428] Off Kenya, Indian Ocean, 4°00'S, 41°27'E, depth 1551 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMUC P922207. •Valid as Halieutopsis galatea Bradbury 1988 -- (Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2007:90 [ref. 29011], Ho 2021:18 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis galatea Bradbury 1988. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indian Ocean: off Madagascar, Kenya and Western Australia. Habitat: marine.

gigas, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Shao [K.-T.] 2010:13, Figs. 2B, 3B, D, 4B, C, 5 [Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science (Ser. A) Supplement No. 4; ref. 30803] Tashi fish market [Daxi], Yilan, northeastern Taiwan, depth 210-340 meters. Holotype: ASIZP 63084. Paratypes: many at AMS, ASIZP, BSKU, CAS, CSIRO, FAKU, FUMT, MNHN, NMNSF, NMNZ, NMV, NSMT, NTM, WAM, ZMUT •Valid as Malthopsis gigas Ho & Shao 2010 -- (Ho & Shao 2010:2 [ref. 31024], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Psomadakis et al. 2020:334 [ref. 37272], Ho 2020:869 [ref. 38017], Ho & Last 2021:181 [ref. 38143], Ho & Anderson 2022:306 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis gigas Ho & Shao 2010. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Somalia and Madagascar east to French Polynesia, north to Japan, south to eastern Australia and New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

gnoma, Malthopsis Bradbury [M. G.] 1998:208, Figs. 1-2 [Bulletin of Marine Science v. 63 (no. 1); ref. 24134] Off north coast of Cuba, Atlantis station 2982D [not 3437], 22°44'N, 78°41'W, depth 274-329 meters. Holotype: MCZ 40476. Paratypes: CAS 23939-40 (1, 1), 82224 (1); FMNH 64316 (1), 65948-49 (1, 1); MCZ 38845 (1), 38881 (4), 40473-75 (2, 1, 1), 41601 (1); USNM 108351 (2), 108354 (1), 157994 (1), 207808 (4). •Valid as Malthopsis gnoma Bradbury 1998 -- (Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Ho et al. 2009:400 [ref. 30456], Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:2 [ref. 31024], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis gnoma Bradbury 1998. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

granulosus, Halicmetus Ho [H.-C.] 2022:178, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 5138 (no. 2); ref. 39273] Northern Madagascar, Mozambique Channel, Western Indian Ocean, 12°40.2'S, 48°9.6'E, depth 595 - 605 meters. Holotype (unique): MNHN IC.1986-0015. •Valid as Halicmetus granulosus Ho 2022. Current status: Valid as Halicmetus granulosus Ho 2022. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: off northern Madagascar. Habitat: marine.

guacucuja, Malthea Castelnau [F. L.] (ex Marcgrave) 1855:26 [Animaux nouveaux or rares v. 2; ref. 766] Bahia, Brazil. No types known. Based on Marcgrave 1648:143 [ref. 19651]. •Incertae sedis in Ogcocephalidae -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

hancocki, Halieutea Regan [C. T.] 1908:251, Pl. 31 (fig. 6) [The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Second Series. Zoology v. 12 (pt 3); ref. 3634] Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean, depth over 123 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1908.3.23.282. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908 -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.

hirsuta, Halieutea Smith [J. L. B.] 1965:40, Pl. 11 (fig. B) [Occasional Papers of the Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University No. 4; ref. 9256] KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, western Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 313. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. •Synonym of Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908 -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

hystrix, Dibranchus Garman [S.] 1899:92, Pl. 23 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Northern Ecuador, 2°34'N, 82°29'W, Albatross st. 3375, depth 1201 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28726 [not 28776]. Paralectotypes: MCZ 28727-28 (1, 1). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:2 [ref. 20300]. •Valid as Dibranchus hystrix Garman 1899 -- (Bradbury et al. 1999:86 [ref. 23679], Bradbury 1999:280 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:190 [ref. 30957], Robertson et al. 2017:67 [ref. 35676], Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus hystrix Garman 1899. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: southern tip of Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Ecuador, including Galapagos Islands (Ecuador); one record from South China Sea (needs verification). IUCN (2020): Least Concern. Habitat: marine.

indica, Halieutaea Annandale [N.] & Jenkins [J. T.] 1910:19, Pl. 2 (fig. 4) [Memoirs of the Indian Museum v. 3 (no. 1); ref. 10427] Bay of Bengal, off Orissa coast, India. Syntypes: ZMA 112980 (1), ZSI F2207/1 (1), 4142/1 (1), 4143/1 (1), 4145/1 (1), 2205/1 (1), 2206/1 (1), 3545/1 (1), 4192/1 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Nijssen et al. 1982:64 [ref. 19236]. Based on literature citation and specimens. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Synonym of Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889 -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:239 [ref. 23547]). •Valid as Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Kailola 1971:131 [ref. 39475], Krishnan & Mishra 1993:218 [ref. 24016] as Halieutea, Mishra et al. 1999:84 [ref. 25315], Nakabo 2000:466 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:466 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:299 [ref. 30133], Psomadakis et al. 2015:175 [ref. 34104], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Prokofiev 2019:629 [ref. 37246], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 30 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:333 [ref. 37272], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735], Rajeeshkumar et al. 2020:81 [ref. 38865], Owfi et al. 2021:7 [ref. 38918], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:99 [ref. 41223], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213], Ho & Anderson 2022:303 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southern Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), East Africa, Seychelles and Madagascar east to Philippines and Papua New Guinea, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Habitat: marine.

infranudus, Dibranchus de Beaufort [L. F.] in de Beaufort & Briggs 1962:228, Fig. 52 [Fishes Indo-Australian Archipelago v. 11; ref. 242] Flores Sea, depth 521 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMA 101877. Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:64 [ref. 19236]. •Questionably a synonym of Halieutopsis simula (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) -- (Bradbury 1988:14 [ref. 6428], Bradbury 1999:261 [ref. 23930]). •Synonym of Halieutopsis simula (Smith & Radcliffe 1913) -- (Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:295 [ref. 30133], Ho 2021:50 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutopsis simula (Smith & Radcliffe 1912). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

ingerorum, Halieutopsis Bradbury [M. G.] 1988:17, Figs. 2, 3C, 5(C-D) [Fieldiana Zoology (New Series) No. 44; ref. 6428] Mozambique Channel, 21°18'S, 36°18'E, depth 1510-1600 meters. Holotype (unique): CAS 57249. •Valid as Halieutopsis ingerorum Bradbury 1988 -- (Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:294 [ref. 30133], Ho 2021:20 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis ingerorum Bradbury 1988. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southwestern Indian Ocean: Mozambique Channel, South Africa and Madagascar. Habitat: marine.

intermedius, Halieutichthys Ho [H.-C.], Chakrabarty [P.] & Sparks [J. S.] 2010:854, Figs. 3c-6c [Journal of Fish Biology v. 77 (no. 4); ref. 30891] Off western Florida, USA, Gulf of Mexico, 29°31'N, 87°37/45"W, depth 57 meters. Holotype: AMNH 246516 [ex AMNH 86419]. Paratypes: AMNH, CAS, LSUMZ, UF, USNM. Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Halieutichthys intermedius Ho, Chakrabarty & Sparks 2010 -- (Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Halieutichthys intermedius Ho, Chakrabarty & Sparks 2010. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine.

japonicus, Dibranchus Amaoka [K.] & Toyoshima [M.] 1981:115, Figs. 1-3 [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 28 (no. 2); ref. 8632] Off Iwate Prefecture, Japan, 39°40'N, 142°28.4'E, depth 1180-1230 meters. Holotype: HUMZ 78198. Paratypes: BSKU 19552 (1), 20233 (1), 20383 (1); HUMZ 72663 (1), 72664 (1, c&s and dissected); USNM 135673 (1), 148533 (1). •Valid as Dibranchus japonicus Amaoka & Toyoshima 1981 -- (Amaoka in Amaoka et al. 1983:115, 196 [ref. 8379], Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:105 [ref. 6441], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:281, 380 [ref. 8057], Paxton et al. 1989:284 [ref. 12442], Shinohara et al. 1996:172 [ref. 26605], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:294 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:462 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Nakabo 2002:462 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Paxton et al. 2006:653 [ref. 28995]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus japonicus Amaoka & Toyoshima 1981. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Japan, Australia, and South Africa. Habitat: marine.

jordani, Malthopsis Gilbert [C. H.] 1905:695, Pl. 100 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 23 (pt 2) [for 1903]; ref. 1631] Off southern coast of Molokai Island, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 3853, depth 115-134 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 51625. Paratypes: CAS-SU 8647 (5); USNM 51680 (10), 231819 [ex Iowa Univ. 18927] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:148 [ref. 12291]. Ho & Shao 2008:306 [ref. 30133] regard cf. jordani as occurring only off Japan and Taiwan. •Valid as Malthopsis jordani Gilbert 1905 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:276 [ref. 38864], Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984:104 [ref. 6441], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:285, 382 [ref. 8057], Lindberg et al. 1997:243 [ref. 23547], Nakabo 2000:461 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:461 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Mundy 2005:267 [ref. 28379], Ho & Shao 2008:309 [ref. 30133] as cf. jordani, Ho et al. 2009:394, 400 [ref. 30456], Ho & Shao 2010:10 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:8 [ref. 31024], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Ho & Last 2021:168 [ref. 38143]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis jordani Gilbert 1905. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Central Pacific: Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.

kawaii, Halieutopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2021:23, Figs. 13-15 [Journal of Marine Science and Engineering v. 10 (no. 1) [for 2022]; ref. 38926] Near Dongsha Atoll (Pratas Island), South China Sea, 20°44'42.4"N, 117°39'13.8"E, depth 1,150 - 1,908 meters. Holotype: ASIZP 66383. Paratypes: HUMZ. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Halieutopsis kawaii Ho 2021. Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis kawaii Ho 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: South China Sea southwest of Taiwan and eastern Indian Ocean off Indonesia. Habitat: marine.

kobayashii, Malthopsis Tanaka [S.] 1916:348 [Dobutsugaku Zasshi = Zoological Magazine Tokyo v. 28 (no. 335); ref. 15079] Probably from off Ise, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Holotype (unique): ZUMT 55048. •Synonym of Malthopsis lutea Alcock 1891 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:280 [ref. 38864], Lindberg et al. 1997:244 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:306 [ref. 30133]). •Valid as Malthopsis kobayashii Tanaka 1916 -- (Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 31024], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Ho & Koeda 2019:84 [ref. 37151], Ho 2020:869 [ref. 38017], Ho & Last 2021:168 [ref. 38143], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:101 [ref. 41223]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis kobayashii Tanaka 1916. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-Western Pacific: Madagascar; Japan, Taiwan, Philippines; northern Australia. Habitat: marine.

lappa, Halieutella Goode [G. B.] & Bean [T. H.] 1884:88 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 2; ref. 1843] Atlantic, 39°58'30"N, 70°37'W, Fish Hawk station 1151, depth 125 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 31862. •Postlarval specimen of Halieutichthys -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Ho et al. 2010:842 [ref. 30891]). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

liogaster, Halieutea Regan [C. T.] 1921:419 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 7 (no. 41); ref. 3672] 15-20 miles off Umvoti River, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean, depth 120-130 fathoms. Syntypes: BMNH 1921.3.1.25-27 (3). Correct spelling of genus is Halieutaea. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Synonym of Halieutaea fitzsimonsi (Gilchrist & Thompson 1916) -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133]). •Valid as Halieutaea liogaster Regan 1921 -- (Ho & Anderson 2022:304 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea liogaster Regan 1921. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) north to Mozambique, east to Madagascar. Habitat: marine.

longirostris, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:450, Pl. 365 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] Bahia, Brazil. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-6369 (3). Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:145 [ref. 6339]. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Bradbury 1967:427 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

luteus, Malthopsis Alcock [A. W.] 1891:26, Pl. 8 (figs. 2, 2a) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 8 (no. 43/44); ref. 87] Andaman Sea, 11°31'40"N, 92°46'06"E, Investigator station 115, depth 188-220 fathoms. Lectotype: BMNH 1898.7.13.6 [ex.. ZSI F13024]. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1891.9.2.2 (1); ZSI F13014-16 (3), 13018 (1), 13021 (1) [the last 3 lots are M. mitrigera]. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:165 [ref. 20743], Menon and Rama-Rao 1970:377 [ref. 27516], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148]. Figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 19 (fig. 4) [ref. 20534] as lutea. Some of the syntypes represent Malthopsis mitrigera, including ZSI F13016, F13018, F13021 (M.G. Bradbury, pers. obs.). Lectotype selected by Ho & Shao 2010:3, 8 [ref. 31024]. •Valid as Malthopsis lutea Alcock 1891 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:280 [ref. 38864], Bradbury 1967:416 [ref. 23209] as luteus, Mochizuki in Okamura et al. 1982:193, 360 [ref. 8256], Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984:104 [ref. 6441], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:285, 383 [ref. 8057], Bradbury 1986:373 [ref. 6291] as luteus, Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Lindberg et al. 1997:243 [ref. 23547], Lee & Kim 1998:68 [ref. 38858], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767] as luteus, Nakabo 2000:462 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Youn et al. 2000:257 [ref. 25179], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:462 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:214, 543 [ref. 26218], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S99 [ref. 27377], Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Paxton et al. 2006:654 [ref. 28995], Ho & Shao 2008:306 [ref. 30133], Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456], Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:3 [ref. 31024], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Larson et al. 2013:56 [ref. 32988], Shinohara et al. 2014:243 [ref. 33330], Psomadakis et al. 2020:334 [ref. 37272] as cf. lutea, Ho & Last 2021:168 [ref. 38143], Ho & Last 2021:183 [ref. 38143]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis lutea Alcock 1891. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean: Myanmar and Andaman Sea and Arafura Sea, northern Australia. Habitat: marine.

maoria, Halieutaea Powell [A. W. B.] 1937:81, Fig. 2 [Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand v. 67 (pt 1); ref. 17168] Off White Island, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, depth ?30-40 fathoms. Holotype (unique): AIM Ps.427.1 now MA 435. Misspelled maorias and maoris in Eschmeyer 1998:1013 [ref. 23416]. Trnski personal communication (12/1/2017) on type status. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea maoria Powell 1937 -- (Paulin et al. 1989:136 [ref. 24556]). •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547] as maoriae, Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:300 [ref. 30133]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

margaretae, Halieutopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Shao [K.-T.] 2007:88, Figs. 1-4 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppl. no. 14; ref. 29011] Eastern Taiwan, off Su-ao, western North Pacific, 24°29.00'N, 122°12.80''E, depth 445-1185 meters. Holotype: ASIZP 64424. Paratypes: BPBM 29271 (1), 38952 (2); BSKU 19895 (1, c&s). •Valid as Halieutopsis margaretae Ho & Shao 2007 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:294 [ref. 30133], Ho & Shao 2011:38 [ref. 31432], Ho 2021:28 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis margaretae Ho & Shao 2007. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: off Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Taiwan and Vanuatu. Habitat: marine.

marmoratus, Halicmetus ruber var. Weber [M.] 1913:567 [Die Fische der Siboga-Expedition; ref. 4602] Madura Sea, 7°15'S, 115°15.6'E, Siboga station 12, depth 289 meters. Syntypes: ZMA 101893 (5). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:64 [ref. 19236]. •Incertae sedis in Ogcocephalidae -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). •Valid as Halicmetus marmoratus Weber 1913 -- (Ho & Last 2018:181 [ref. 36258], Prokofiev 2020:838 [ref. 38047]). Current status: Valid as Halicmetus marmoratus Weber 1913. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Madagascar to the eastern coast of Australia. Habitat: marine.

mcgintyi, Oncocephalus Fowler [H. W.] 1952:15, Figs. 9-10 [Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) No. 246; ref. 12771] Off Boynton Beach, southern Florida, U.S.A., depth 80 fathoms. Holotype (unique): ANSP 71967. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621]. Correct spelling of original genus is Ogcocephalus. •Valid as Zalieutes mcgintyi (Fowler 1952) -- (Bradbury 1967:418 [ref. 23209], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:252 [ref. 14275], Robins & Ray 1986:91 [ref. 23100], Boschung 1992:81 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:848 [ref. 23897], Bradbury 2003:11 [ref. 27309], Schwartz et al. 2003:100 [ref. 27315], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Robertson et al. 2020:159 [ref. 38098], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Zalieutes mcgintyi (Fowler 1952). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

mcgroutheri, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Last [P. R.] 2021:187, Figs. 14-16 [Bulletin of Marine Science v. 97 (no. 1); ref. 38143] Raine Island, Queensland, northeastern Australia, 11°35'S, 144°01'E, depth 250 meters. Holotype: AMS I.20917-003. Paratypes: AMS, NMMB, QM. •Valid as Malthopsis mcgroutheri Ho & Last 2021. Current status: Valid as Malthopsis mcgroutheri Ho & Last 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western South Pacific: off Queensland, northeastern Australia. Habitat: marine.

micropus, Dibranchus Alcock [A. W.] 1891:25, Pl. 7 (figs. 2a-b) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 8 (no. 43/44); ref. 87] Bay of Bengal, 15°56'50"N, 81°30'30"E, Investigator station 120, depth 240-276 fathoms. Syntypes: ZSI F13029-30 (2). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743]. Figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 20 (fig. 1) [ref. 20534] as macropus. •Valid as Halieutopsis micropus (Alcock 1891) -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1986:372 [ref. 6291], Adam et al. 1998:10 [ref. 23610]). •Valid as Halieutopsis micropa (Alcock 1891) -- (Bradbury 1988:5 [ref. 6428], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547] but as macropora, Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:463 [ref. 25086], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847] as cf. micropa, Nakabo 2002:463 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309] as micropa, Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S99 [ref. 27377] as micropa, Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Ho & Shao 2007:90 [ref. 29011] as micropa). •Valid as Coelophrys micropus (Alcock 1891) -- (Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:279, 380 [ref. 8057], Ho & Shao 2008:292 [ref. 30133], Psomadakis et al. 2020:331 [ref. 37272]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys micropus (Alcock 1891). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: South Africa east to Philippines, north to southern Japan. Habitat: marine.

mitriger, Malthopsis Gilbert [C. H.] & Cramer [F.] 1897:434, Pl. 48 (figs. 1-2) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 19 (no. 1114); ref. 1635] Off Hawaiian Islands, 21°N, 157°W, depth 295-310 fathoms. Syntypes: CAS-SU 4915 (2), USNM 47700 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:148 [ref. 12291]. The largest specimen in USNM 47700 was illustrated in Gilbert & Cramer 1897 [ref. 1635]. •Valid as Malthopsis mitrigera Gilbert & Cramer 1897 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:274 [ref. 38864], Bradbury 1967:416 [ref. 23209], Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984:104 [ref. 6441], Bradbury 1986:373 [ref. 6291], Lindberg et al. 1997:243 [ref. 23547], Adam et al. 1998:10 [ref. 23610], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:461 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:461 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Mundy 2005:267 [ref. 28379], Ho & Shao 2008:307 [ref. 30133], Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456], Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:2. 8 [ref. 31024], Ho et al. 2013:195 [ref. 32518], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Duffy & Ahyong 2015:110 [ref. 36167], Ho 2015:901 [ref. 34268], Fricke et al. 2018:92 [ref. 35805], Ho & Last 2021:168 [ref. 38143], Ho & Last 2021:192 [ref. 38143], Ho & Anderson 2022:307 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis mitrigera Gilbert & Cramer 1897. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Western Cape, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Comoros and Madagascar east to Hawaiian Islands (U.S.A.), north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and Kermadec Ridge. Habitat: marine.

mollis, Coelophrys Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:212, Pls. 24 (fig. 1), 26 (fig. 5), 27 (fig. 5) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Palawan Passage, 10°57'45"N, 118°38'15"E, Philippines, Albatross station 5348, depth 375 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 70275 (poor condition). •Valid as Coelophrys mollis Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys mollis Smith & Radcliffe 1912. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

muricatus, Lophius Shaw [G.] 1804:382, Pl. 162 [General zoology or systematic natural history; ref. 4015] No locality. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4542. Based on Lophie faujas of Lacepède 1798; see account of faujas. Not treated as valid after 1900. •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:299 [ref. 30133], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

murrayi, Halieutopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2021:30, Figs. 18-19 [Journal of Marine Science and Engineering v. 10 (no. 1) [for 2022]; ref. 38926] Yemen, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, 1,270 meters. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1939.5.24.1912. •Valid as Halieutopsis murrayi Ho 2021. Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis murrayi Ho 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Northwestern Indian Ocean: Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea. Habitat: marine.

nasuta, Malthe Cuvier [G.] 1829:252 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] No locality. Valenciennes specimens: MNHN A-4665 (1) [Martinique], A-4765 (1) [Saint Domingue = Haiti & Dominican Republic?], A-4766 (1) [New York - an error], 5257 to 5258 (1, 1). Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:145 [ref. 6339] dating to Valenciennes 1837 with syntypes A.4765-66 (2) and 5257-58 (2) and A.4665 (1). Available from footnote as, "Malth. nasuta, N., Séb. I, lxxiv, 2." Also appeared in Valenciennes 1837:452 [ref. 1006]. •Valid as Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier 1829) [authorship sometimes as Valenciennes 1837] -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:251 [ref. 6538], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:253 [ref. 14275], Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Cervigón 1991:196 [ref. 24472], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:842 [ref. 23897], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Schmitter-Soto et al. 2000:153 [ref. 27754], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192] dating to 1837, Smith et al. 2003:13 [ref. 27621], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Smith-Vaniz & Jelks 2014:30 [ref. 33341], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:681 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:86 [ref. 40480], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier 1829). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: New York (U.S.A.) south to southeastern Brazil, including northern and eastern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. IUCN (2015): Least Concern. Habitat: marine.

nasutus, Dibranchus Alcock [A. W.] 1891:24, Pl. 7 (fig. 1) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 8 (no. 43/44); ref. 87] Andaman Sea, 11°31'40"N, 92°46'40"E, Investigator station 115, depth 188-220 fathoms. Holotype (unique): ZSI F13028 (1 of 2, poor condition, fragments). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148]. According to Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309], fragments in the bottle represent 2 specimens. Figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 20 (fig. 2) [ref. 20534]. •In Dibranchus with uncertain status -- (Bradbury 1967:415 [ref. 23209]). •Belongs to genus Halieutopsis -- (Bradbury 1999:260 [ref. 23930], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S99 [ref. 27377]). •Incertae sedis in Ogcocephalidae -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). •Valid as Halieutopsis nasuta (Alcock 1891) -- (Ho 2021:33 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis nasuta (Alcock 1891). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: eastern Indian Ocean, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Australia. Habitat: marine.

nigra, Halicmetus Ho [H.-C.], Endo [H.] & Sakamaki [K.] 2008:768, Figs. 1, 4A, 5A [Zoological Studies v. 47 (no. 6); ref. 29970] Central Tosa Bay, off Kochi, Shikoku Island, Japan, depth about 500 meters. Holotype: BSKU 44380. Paratypes: many at AMS, ASIZP, BSKU, NSMT. Type catalog: Ho & Shao 2011:37 [ref. 31432]. The name is apparently an adjective and should be spelled niger when in Halicmetus. •Valid as Halicmetus niger Ho, Endo & Sakamaki 2008 -- (Ho & Shao 2011:37 [ref. 31432], Ho & Last 2018:194 [ref. 36258], Prokofiev 2020:837 [ref. 38047]). Current status: Valid as Halicmetus niger Ho, Endo & Sakamaki 2008. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Japa, Taiwan, and eastern Australia. Habitat: marine.

nigra, Halieutaea Alcock [A. W.] 1891:24 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 8 (no. 43/44); ref. 87] Andaman Sea, 11°31'40"N, 92°46'06"E, Investigator station 115, depth 188-220 fathoms. Holotype (unique): ZSI F13027. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:165 [ref. 20743], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148]. Later figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 19 (fig. 2) [ref. 20534]. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea nigra Alcock 1891 -- (Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea nigra Alcock 1891. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Madagascar; Andaman Sea; South China Sea. Habitat: marine.

notata, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:453 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] Suriname; New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: MNHN A-4764 (3) Suriname, ?A-5242 (?). Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:146 [ref. 6339]. Appeared first as Malthe notata as name only in Cuvier 1829:252 [ref. 995] and Richardson 1836:103 [ref. 3731]. According to Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Malthe angusta Cuvier 1829 is a senior synonym but continued usage of the name Malthaea notata Valenciennes 1837 is recommended. •Valid as Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:255 [ref. 14275], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:682 [ref. 38945], Hoff et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40463], Carvalho-Filho 2023:86 [ref. 40480]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Colombia to São Paulo (Brazil). Habitat: marine.

notata, Malthe Cuvier [G.] 1829:252 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] Not available, name only. See Malthaea notata Valenciennes 1837. •Nomen nudum; in the synonymy of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae.

nudiventer, Dibranchus Lloyd [R. E.] 1909:168 [Memoirs of the Indian Museum v. 2 (no. 3); ref. 2814] Bay of Bengal off Arakan, Myanmar, depth 1100 fathoms. Holotype (unique): ZSI 1127/1 (lost). Figured in Lloyd 1909:Pl. 45 (fig. 2) [ref. 20539]. Holotype lost according to Dr. P. K. Talwar, ZSI, Dec. 1986. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •In Dibranchus with uncertain status -- (Bradbury 1967:415 [ref. 23209]). •In Halieutopsis near vermicularis -- (Bradbury 1999:261 [ref. 23930]). •Incertae sedis in Ogcocephalidae -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). •Valid as Halieutopsis nudiventer (Lloyd 1909) -- (Ho 2021:38 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis nudiventer (Lloyd 1909). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: off Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Melanesia, Australia, Réunion and South Africa. Habitat: marine.

nudivomer, Dibranchichthys Garman [S.] 1899:99 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Colombia (Pacific), 7°06'15"N, 80°34"W, Albatross station 3353, depth 695 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28719. Paralectotypes: MCZ 28718 (5), 41595 [ex MCZ 28719] (1); USNM 57867 (1). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:2-3 [ref. 20300]. •Valid as Dibranchus nudivomer (Garman 1899) -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Castro-Aguirre & Moncayo-López 1976 [ref. 20929], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:241 [ref. 24545], Bradbury 1999:292 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], Robertson et al. 2017:68 [ref. 35676], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus nudivomer (Garman 1899). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: southern Baja California (Mexico) south to Peru. Habitat: marine.

oblonga, Coelophrys Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:214, Pls. 25 (fig. 1), 26 (fig. 3), 27 (fig. 3) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Near Binang Unang Island, Gulf of Tomini, 0°04'00"S, 121°36'00"E, Sulawesi, Albatross station 5607, depth 761 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 144223 (poor condition). •Valid but may belong in Dibranchus -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Coelophrys oblonga Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). •Valid as Halieutopsis oblonga (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) -- (Ho 2021:44 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis oblonga (Smith & Radcliffe 1912). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: off Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Habitat: marine.

obscurus, Dibranchus Brauer [A.] 1906:330 [Die Tiefsee-Fische v. 15; ref. 632] Gulf of Aden, 13°01'N, 47°10'09"E, depth 1840 meters. Types or holotype: ZMB 17721 (1). •In Dibranchus with uncertain status -- (Bradbury 1967:415 [ref. 23209]). •Incertae sedis in Ogcocephalidae -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

ocellata, Malthopsis Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:207, Pls. 18 (fig. 1), 19 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Between Samar and Masbate, 12°03'30"N, 124°03'36"E, Philippines, Albatross station 5393, depth 136 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 70270. Paratypes: whereabouts unknown. •Synonym of Malthopsis annulifera Tanaka 1908 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:278 [ref. 38864], Bradbury 1967:416 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Malthopsis annulifera Tanaka 1908. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

oculata, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Last [P. R.] 2021:193, Figs. 19-22 [Bulletin of Marine Science v. 97 (no. 1); ref. 38143] Southwest of Rowley Shoals, North-West Shelf, Western Australia, 17°32'S, 118°50'E, depth 403 meters. Holotype: CSIRO H 6602-02. Paratypes: AMS, CSIRO, NMMB, NTM, WAM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Malthopsis oculata Ho & Last 2021. Current status: Valid as Malthopsis oculata Ho & Last 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean: off northwestern Australia. Habitat: marine.

odysseus, Halicmetus Prokofiev [A. M.] 2020:829, Figs. 1-2 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 60 (no. 6); ref. 38047] Vietnam, South China Sea, 11°10'N, 110°02'E, depth 680 - 750 meters. Holotype (unique): IOM 3617. •Valid as Halicmetus odysseus Prokofiev 2020 -- (Ho 2022:182 [ref. 39273]). Current status: Valid as Halicmetus odysseus Prokofiev 2020. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: South China Sea. Habitat: marine.

okamurai, Halieutopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2021:48, Figs. 29-30 [Journal of Marine Science and Engineering v. 10 (no. 1) [for 2022]; ref. 38926] Ogasawara Islands, Japan, northwestern Pacific, 30°39.4'N, 140°36.8'E, depth 1,950 meters. Holotype (unique): BSKU 19899. •Valid as Halieutopsis okamurai Ho 2021. Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis okamurai Ho 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Habitat: marine.

pantostictus, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:264, Fig. 23 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Santa Rosa Sound, Pensacola, Florida, U.S.A. Holotype: FMNH 50765. Paratypes: ANSP 71329 (1), 90675 (1); CAS 23932 (1), 23934 (1); GCRL 562-66 (5); MCZ 45079-80 (1, 1); CAS-SU 40559 (10); FMNH 21636 (1), 37728-29 (2), 40298 (1), 46734 (1), 50997 (2), 64111 (1); UF (1); USNM 94443 (1), 117804 (14), 118603-06 (1, 1, 1, 1), 118610-11 (9, 1), 120070-71 (1, 1), 176982 (1), 188755-56 (1, 1), 188758 (1), 188769 (1), 188775 (1), 188783 (1), 188798 (2), 188800 (1), 188803 (2), 188805 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367] as 8 specimens from 6 localities at FMNH. •Valid as Ogcocephalus pantostictus Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:91 [ref. 23100], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:844 [ref. 23897], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:177 [ref. 24550], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus pantostictus Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

parva, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.], Roberts [C. D.] & Shao [K.-T.] 2013:192, Figs. 4-5 [Zootaxa 3626 (no. 1); ref. 32518] 30°45.0'S, 173°57.0'E, Three Kings Ridge, off New Zealand, depth 537-677 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.017180. Paratypes: many at CSIRO, MNHN, NMMB, NMNZ, USNM. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Malthopsis parva Ho, Roberts & Shao 2013 -- (Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Duffy & Ahyong 2015:110 [ref. 36167], Ho 2015:902 [ref. 34268], Ho & Last 2021:200 [ref. 38143]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis parva Ho, Roberts & Shao 2013. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southwestern Pacific: Tasman Sea, seamounts and ridges north of New Zealand to south of New Caledonia. Habitat: marine.

parvus, Ogcocephalus Longley [W. H.] & Hildebrand [S. F.] 1940:283, Fig. 28 [Papers Tortugas Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington v. 32; ref. 2822] Tortugas, Florida, U.S.A., depth 40-60 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 109313. Paratypes: USNM 109314 (12). •Valid as Ogcocephalus parvus Longley & Hildebrand 1940 -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:276 [ref. 6538], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:254 [ref. 14275], Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Boschung 1992:81 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:846 [ref. 23897], Claro et al. 2000:21 [ref. 26458], Schmitter-Soto et al. 2000:153 [ref. 27754], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Schwartz et al. 2003:99 [ref. 27315], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:123 [ref. 37485], Carvalho-Filho 2023:86 [ref. 40480], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus parvus Longley & Hildebrand 1940. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: North Carolina (U.S.A.) south to Recife (Brazil), including Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Habitat: marine.

porrectus, Oncocephalus Garman [S.] 1899:86 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Vicinity of Cocos Island, 5°32'45"N, 86°54'30"W, Albatross station 3368A, depth 66 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28733. Paralectotypes: MCZ 41594 (3). Original genus should have been Ogcocephalus. Lectotype selected by Hubbs 1958:162 [ref. 12073] as "lectoholotype." •Valid as Ogcocephalus porrectus Garman 1899 -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:282 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], Sánchez-Jiménez et al. 2018:6 [ref. 36248]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus porrectus Garman 1899. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine.

provocator, Malthopsis luteus Whitley [G. P.] 1961:67 [Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales v. for 1958-59; ref. 9391] Southeast from Port Stephens, New South Wales, Australia, depth 120-145 fathoms. Holotype (unique): AMS IB.4371. •Synonym of Malthopsis lutea Alcock 1891 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Lindberg et al. 1997:244 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Paxton et al. 2006:654 [ref. 28995]). •Synonym of Malthopsis kobayashii Tanaka 1916 -- (Ho & Shao 2010:2 [ref. 31024]). •Valid as Malthopsis provocator Whitley 1961 -- (Ho & Last 2021:202 [ref. 38143]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis provocator Whitley 1961. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western South Pacific: off Queensland and New South Wales, eastern Australia. Habitat: marine.

pumilus, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:272, Figs. 26 (D-E) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Suriname, 7°5'N, 54°8'W, Oregon station 2018, depth 35 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 188812. Paratypes: ANSP 103632-33 (41); CAS 23919-21 (1, 1, 1); FMNH 64841 (4), 64843-46 (2, 10, 2, 5), 64848 (2), 64891 (33, now 32), 64893 (3), 64899 (2), 65965-70 (1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4); MCZ 45085-87 (3, 3, 8); CAS-SU 62122 (3), 62125 (1); UF 207488 [ex UMML 7488] (14); USNM 108353 (1), 185984 (3), 188759 (2), 190467 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Ogcocephalus pumilus Bradbury 1980 -- (Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:256 [ref. 14275], Cervigón 1991:198 [ref. 24472], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:683 [ref. 38945]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus pumilus Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

radiatus, Lophius Mitchill [S. L.] 1818:326 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 2 (no. 5, art. 1); ref. 30214] Straits of Bahamas, Atlantic. No types known. Included in the synonymy of Ogcocephalus cubifrons but as a nomen dubium by Bradbury 1980:258, with additional comments following the synonymy (Bradbury 1980:259 [ref. 6538]). Species is therefore considered a nomen dubium in the genus Ogcocephalus. •Valid as Ogcocephalus radiatus (Mitchill 1818) -- (Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Robins et al. 1991:82 [ref. 14237], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639]). •Nomen dubium in the genus Ogcocephalus -- (Bradbury 1980:258, 259 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Nomen Dubium. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

reticulatus, Halicmetus Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:208, Pls. 20 (fig. 2), 21 (fig. 2) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Off Sombrero Island, southern Luzon Island, 13°48'45"N, 120°41'51"E, Philippines, Albatross station 5118, depth 159 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 70271. Paratypes: (4). •Valid as Halicmetus reticulatus Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:415 [ref. 23209], Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:104 [ref. 6441], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:287, 384 [ref. 8057], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:460 [ref. 25086], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:460 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Paxton et al. 2006:653 [ref. 28995], Ho et al. 2008:772 [ref. 29970], Ho & Shao 2008:301 [ref. 30133], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242], Ho & Last 2018:193 [ref. 36258], Prokofiev 2020:838 [ref. 38047], Hashimoto et al. 2021:26 [ref. 38811]). Current status: Valid as Halicmetus reticulatus Smith & Radcliffe 1912. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Easterrn Indian Ocean, western Pacific: Philippines and Taiwan north to Kagoshima Prefecture (Japan); Chesterfield Islands (New Caledonia) and northern Western Australia. Habitat: marine.

reticulatus, Halieutichthys Poey [F.] in Gill 1863:91 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 15; ref. 1680] Off Cuba. No types known. Contribution by Poey is unclear from text, but we regard him as the author. Lohius acueatus Walbaum 1792 is suppressed on Art. 23.9.1 by Ho et al. 2010:851 [ref. 30891]. •In Halieutichthys -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutichthys reticulatus Poey 1863 -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutichthys aculeatus (Mitchill 1818) -- (Ho et al. 2010:845 [ref. 30891]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutichthys aculeatus (Mitchill 1818). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

retifera, Halieutaea Gilbert [C. H.] 1905:696, Pl. 101 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 23 (pt 2) [for 1903]; ref. 1631] Off northern coast of Maui Island, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 4076, depth 57-68 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 51597. Paratypes: CAS-SU 8532 (3), USNM 51684 (3). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:148 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Halieutaea retifera Gilbert 1905 -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Lindberg et al. 1997:235 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Mundy 2005:267 [ref. 28379], Randall 2007:133 [ref. 30952], Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea retifera Gilbert 1905. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Hawaiian Islands, Central Pacific. Habitat: marine.

retifera, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.], Prokofiev [A. M.] & Shao [K.-T.] 2009:395, Figs. 1-8 [Zoological Studies v. 48 (no. 3); ref. 30456] Off Somalia, 12°14' - 12°18'N, 53°06' - 53°09'E, depth 375-380 meters. Holotype: ZIN 54262 [ex IOAN 1790]. Paratypes: ASIZP 69358 (2); IORAS [=IOAN] 1790 (7), 1796 (1), 1797 (1); USNM 393310 (2); ZMMSU 21662 (3). •Valid as Malthopsis retifera Ho, Prokofiev & Shao 2009 -- (Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:2 [ref. 31024], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis retifera Ho, Prokofiev & Shao 2009. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Northwestern Indian Ocean: off Somalia. Habitat: marine.

rostellum, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:267, Figs. 24 (A-B) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Atlantic coast of Florida, U.S.A., 29°10'N, 80°19'W, Combat station 336, depth 25 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 188809. Paratypes: ANSP 103634 (1); CAS 23925 (3); FMNH 64100 (1), 64338 (1), 66385 (15, now 13), 66388 (2); MCZ 32940 (1), 45088-93 (8); MUSM [ex FMNH] (2); CAS-SU 62117 (2), 62123 (1); UF 24189-90 (1, 1); USNM 18031 (1), 38026 (1), 72288 (1), 84510 (4), 111848 (1), 117004-05 (2, 1), 131628 (2), 132093 (1), 148317 (2), 148320 (3), 149959 (2), 151919 (1), 151962 (1), 151971 (1), 188790 (1), 188794 (1), 188806-07 (1, 1), 188809-10 (1, 1), 188813 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Ogcocephalus rostellum Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:91 [ref. 23100], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus rostellum Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

rostratus, Lophius Shaw [G.] 1804:383, Pl. 163 [General zoology or systematic natural history; ref. 4015] South American Seas. No types known. Based on several literature sources. Misspelled nostratus by Mitchill 1818:325 [ref. 30214]. •Nomen dubium, perhaps same as Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier 1829) -- (Bradbury 1980:251 [ref. 6538]). •Nomen dubium in the genus Ogcocephalus -- (Bradbury 1980:258, 259 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

ruber, Halicmetus Alcock [A. W.] 1891:27, Pl. 8 (figs. 1, 1a-b) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 8 (no. 43/44); ref. 87] Andaman Sea, 11°31'40"N, 92°46'06"E, Investigator station 115, depth 188-220 fathoms. Syntypes: ZSI F13025-26 (2). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148]. Figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 19 (fig. 5) [ref. 20534]. •Valid as Halicmetus ruber Alcock 1891 -- (Bradbury 1967:415 [ref. 23209], Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:104 [ref. 6441], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Adam et al. 1998:10 [ref. 23610], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:460 [ref. 25086], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:460 [ref. 26001]). •Valid as Halicmetes ruber Alcock 1891 -- (Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:287, 383 [ref. 8057], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S99 [ref. 27377], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Ho et al. 2008:771 [ref. 29970], Ho & Shao 2008:302 [ref. 30133] as cf.ruber, Ho & Last 2018:191 [ref. 36258], Psomadakis et al. 2020:332 [ref. 37272] as cf. ruber, Prokofiev 2020:834 [ref. 38047], Ho 2022:182 [ref. 39273]). Current status: Valid as Halicmetus ruber Alcock 1891. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Habitat: marine.

scaber, Dibranchus Garman [S.] 1899:94, Pl. 24 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Mouth of Gulf of California, 28°59'N, 108°40'W, Albatross station 3431, depth 995 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28724. Paralectotypes: MCZ 28725 (1). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:2 [ref. 20300]; paralectotype regarded by her as a different species. •Valid as Dibranchus scaber Garman 1899 -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209]). •Synonym of Dibranchus hystrix Garman 1899 -- (Bradbury 1999:280 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Dibranchus hystrix Garman 1899. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

senticosa, Halieutaea Goode [G. B.] 1881:467 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 3 (no. 177); ref. 1833] Off eastern coast, U.S.A., Fish Hawk station 879, depth 225 fathoms and Fish Hawk station 895, depth 238 fathoms. Syntypes: USNM 26088 (1) station 879, 26175 (4) station 895. [whereabouts unknown] Bradbury 1990:490 [ref. 15616] referred to 5 syntypes for this species, whereas in Bradbury 1999:271 [ref. 23930] a holotype was listed as USNM 26175; there are 5 syntypes. •Synonym of Dibranchus atlanticus Peters 1876 -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Scott & Scott 1988:241 [ref. 25518], Bradbury 1990:490 [ref. 15616], Bradbury 1999:271 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:3 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Dibranchus atlanticus Peters 1876. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

simulus, Dibranchus Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:211, Pls. 22 (fig. 1), 23 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Near Malavatuan Island, southern Luzon Island, 13°48'30"N, 120°28'40"E, Philippines, Albatross station 5283, depth 280 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 70274. •Valid as Halieutopsis simulus (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Okamura et al. 1987:204 [ref. 6850]). •Valid as Halieutopsis simula (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) -- (Bradbury 1988:14 [ref. 6428], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], Shao et al. 2008:243 [ref. 29952], Ho & Shao 2008:295 [ref. 30133], Ho 2021:50 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis simula (Smith & Radcliffe 1912). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific and southeastern Indian Ocean: off Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and northwestern Australia. Habitat: marine.

sinica, Halieutaea Tchang [T.-L.] & Chang [Y.-W.] 1964:156, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-3) [Acta Zoologica Sinica v. 16 (no. 1); ref. 3500] Swamei, Kwangtung Province, China. Holotype: ASZIB [now NZMC] 50419 {ex 56-7266}. Paratypes: ASZIB [now NZMC] (10). Type catalog: Zhang 1996:503 [ref. 24036], Ye et al. 2015:92 [ref. 33808]. •Incertae sedis in Ogcocephalidae -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Ye et al. 2015:92 [ref. 33808], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

smithii, Halieutichthys Evermann [B. W.] & Marsh [M. C.] 1900:339, Fig. 112 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 20 (pt 1) [for 1900]; ref. 14876] Mayaguez Harbor, Puerto Rico, Fish Hawk station 6063, depth 75 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 49537. •In Halieutichthys -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Synonym of Halieutichthys aculeatus (Mitchill 1818) -- (Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Ho et al. 2010:842 [ref. 30891]). •Possibly a synonym of Halieutichthys caribbaeus Garman 1896 -- (Ho et al. 2010:842 [ref. 30891]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutichthys caribbaeus Garman 1896. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

sparsa, Malthopsis Garman [S.] 1899:101, Pl. 18 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] 7°33'12"N, 79°17'15"W, Albatross station 3386A, depth 242 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28717. Paralectotypes: MCZ 28715-16 (6, 4), 41596-97 (7, 1). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:3 [ref. 20300]. •Valid as Dibranchus sparsus (Garman 1899) -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1999:287 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus sparsus (Garman 1899). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine.

spicata, Halieutea Smith [J. L. B.] 1965:39, Pl. 11 (fig. A) [Occasional Papers of the Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University No. 4; ref. 9256] Isipingo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 322. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. •Valid as Halieutaea spicata Smith 1965 -- (Bradbury 1986:372 [ref. 6291]). •Synonym of Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889 -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:239 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

spinosa, Malthopsis Garman [S.] 1899:104, Pl. 22 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Gulf of Panama, 7°05'30"N, 79°40'W, Albatross station 3392A, depth 1270 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28710. Paralectotypes: MCZ 41599 [ex MCZ 28710] (1). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:4 [ref. 20300]. •Valid as Dibranchus spinosus (Garman 1899) -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Pequeño 1997:82 [ref. 23536] as spinosa, Bradbury 1999:289 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456], Robertson et al. 2017:67 [ref. 35676], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus spinosus (Garman 1899). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of southern Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Peru, including Gulf of California (Mexico). Habitat: marine.

spinulosa, Malthopsis Garman [S.] 1899:106, Pls. 21, 26 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] 7°21'N, 79°35'W, Albatross station 3394A, depth 511 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28709. Paralectotypes: MCZ 41600 [ex MCZ 28709] (20). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:4 [ref. 20300]. •Synonym of Dibranchus spinosa [spinosus] (Garman 1899) -- (Bradbury 1962:4 [ref. 20300] who serves as first reviser, Bradbury 1999:289 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309]). •Mention -- (Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456]). Current status: Synonym of Dibranchus spinosus (Garman 1899). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

spongiosa, Halieutaea Gilbert [C. H.] 1890:124 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 13 (no. 797); ref. 1623] Off western Mexico, Albatross Sta. 2992, 18°17'30"N, 114°43'15"W, depth 460 fathoms. Lectotype: USNM 44284. Paralectotypes: MCZ 28720 (9), CAS-SU 9544 (4), USNM 44392 (24, 1 c&s). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:148 [ref. 12291]. Bradbury's 1967:414 [ref. 23209] "holotype" designated lectotype by Eschmeyer 1998:1596 [ref. 23416]. •Valid as Dibranchus spongiosa (Gilbert 1890) -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1999:281 [ref. 23930], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309], Love et al. 2005:59 [ref. 37547], Fourriére et al. 2016:455 [ref. 34668], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:607 [ref. 34923], Love et al. 2021:87 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus spongiosa (Gilbert 1890). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of southern Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Gulf of Tehuantepec (Oaxaca, Mexico), including Revillagigedo Islands (Mexico). Habitat: marine.

stellatus, Astrocanthus Swainson [W.] 1839:331, Fig. 108 [The natural history and classification v. 2; ref. 4303] No locality. No types known. Based on Lac. i. pl. xi. figs. 2,3 -- which is the vernacular faujas of Lacepède 1798:Pl. 11 (figs. 2-3) [ref. 2708]. Preoccupied by Lophius stellatus Vahl 1797 when both are in Halieutaea. •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (based on placement of faujas by Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547]). •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). 2°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

stellatus, Lophius Vahl [M.] 1797:214, Pl. 3 (figs. 3-4) [Skrivter af Naturhistorie-Selskabet Kiøbenhavn v. 4; ref. 17847] China. No types known. •Valid as Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Herrera 1896:73 [ref. 39336], Kailola 1971:131 [ref. 39475], Kyushin et al. 1982:312 [ref. 19754], Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:105 [ref. 6441], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:281, 381 [ref. 8057], Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Chen et al. 1997:188 [ref. 26476] dated 1798, Cheng & Zhou 1997:498 [ref. 26385] dated 1798, Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Mishra et al. 1999:84 [ref. 25315], Nakabo 2000:465 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Youn et al. 2000:257 [ref. 25179], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:465 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:214, 542 [ref. 26218], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Paxton et al. 2006:654 [ref. 28995], Ho & Shao 2008:300 [ref. 30133], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242], Shinohara et al. 2011:41 [ref. 31715], Ho et al. 2013:196 [ref. 32518], Larson et al. 2013:55 [ref. 32988], Shinohara et al. 2014:243 [ref. 33330], Ho 2015:898 [ref. 34268], Motomura et al. 2017:56 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:90 [ref. 35805], Fricke et al. 2019:73 [ref. 36673], Prokofiev 2019:627 [ref. 37246], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 30 [ref. 38321], Kim et al. 2020:75 [ref. 39118], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735], Sonoyama et al. 2020:33 [ref. 37637]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: India and Bangladesh east to Philippines and New Ireland (Papua New Guinea), north to Sea of Japan (Korea and Japan), south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Habitat: marine.

stellifer, Dibranchus Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:210, Pls. 22 (fig. 2), 23 (fig. 2) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Flores Sea off Sulawesi, Indonesia, 5°36'30"S, 120°49'00"E, Albatross station 5660, depth 692 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 70273. •Valid as Halieutopsis stellifera (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Okamura et al. 1987:201 [ref. 6850], Bradbury 1988:11 [ref. 6428], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:464 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Nakabo 2002:464 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Ho & Shao 2007:90 [ref. 29011], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Ho 2021:54 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis stellifera (Smith & Radcliffe 1912). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Madagascar, Indonesia, Australia, the Philippines, north to southern Japan, south to Solomon Islands, New Caledonia and Vanuatu. Habitat: marine.

stellulatus, Dibranchus Gilbert [C. H.] 1905:698, Fig. 276 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 23 (pt 2) [for 1903]; ref. 1631] Off north coast of Maui Island, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 4080, depth 178-202 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 51595. •In Dibranchus and may be same as Dibranchus erythrinus Gilbert 1905 -- (Bradbury 1967:414 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Dibranchus stellulatus Gilbert 1905 -- (Mochizuki in Okamura et al. 1982:197, 361 [ref. 8256], Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:105 [ref. 6441], Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Nakabo 2000:462 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122]). •Valid as Solocisquama stellulata (Gilbert 1905) -- (Bradbury 1999:298 [ref. 23930], Nakabo 2000:462 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:462 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:11 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Mundy 2005:268 [ref. 28379], Ho & Shao 2008:303 [ref. 30133], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242]). Current status: Valid as Solocisquama stellulata (Gilbert 1905). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: South Africa, Philippines, South China Sea, Kyushu-Palau Ridge, New Caledonia, Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.

taiwanea, Halieutopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2021:57, Figs. 36-37 [Journal of Marine Science and Engineering v. 10 (no. 1) [for 2022]; ref. 38926] Off Yilan, northeastern Taiwan, northwestern Pacific, 24°16'12"N, 122°11'24"E, depth 2,246 - 2,356 meters. Holotype: ASIZP 66325. Paratypes: ASIZP 66275 (1), 66324 (1). Misspelled taiwanus in Table 5, page 23. •Valid as Halieutopsis taiwanea Ho 2021. Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis taiwanea Ho 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: off northeastern Taiwan. Habitat: marine.

tetrabulla, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] & Last [P. R.] 2021:208, Figs. 28-29 [Bulletin of Marine Science v. 97 (no. 1); ref. 38143] Capricorn Channel, east of Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia, 22°52'S, 152°42'E, depth 225 - 282 meters. Holotype: CSIRO H 718-34. Paratypes: AMS, CSIRO, NMMB, NTM, NMV. •Valid as Malthopsis tetrabulla Ho & Last 2021. Current status: Valid as Malthopsis tetrabulla Ho & Last 2021. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western South Pacific: off central Queensland, eastern Australia. Habitat: marine.

tiarella, Malthopsis Jordan [D. S.] 1902:378, Fig. 7 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 24 (no. 1261); ref. 14883] Suruga Bay near Numazu, Japan, depth 70-100 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 49801. •Valid as Malthopsis tiarella Jordan 1902 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:282 [ref. 38864], Bradbury 1967:416 [ref. 23209], Mochizuki in Okamura et al. 1982:193, 361 [ref. 8256], Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984:104 [ref. 6441], Bradbury 1986:373 [ref. 6291], Amaoka in Amaoka et al. 1990:201 [ref. 16024], Lindberg et al. 1997:243 [ref. 23547], Nakabo 2000:462 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:462 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Mundy 2005:267 [ref. 28379], Shao et al. 2008:244 [ref. 29952], Ho & Shao 2008:308 [ref. 30133], Ho et al. 2009:394 [ref. 30456], Ho & Shao 2010:9 [ref. 30803], Ho & Shao 2010:2 [ref. 31024], Ho 2013:289 [ref. 32898], Ho & Koeda 2019:79 [ref. 37151], Ho 2020:869 [ref. 38017]). Current status: Valid as Malthopsis tiarella Jordan 1902. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Taiwan north to Japan. Habitat: marine.

tremendus, Dibranchus Bradbury [M. G.] 1999:275, Figs. 4c, d; 6a; 8; 9a; 11 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 51 (no. 5); ref. 23930] Caribbean Sea, 9°32'N, 76°38'W, Oregon II, station 11239, depth 1463 meters. Holotype: UF 25923. Paratypes: IOAN uncat. (1); MCZ 37822 (3); UF 25924-25 (3, 5), 104889 (1), 221621 (1), 221672 (6), 223274 (3), 229293 (1), 232001 (2), 232665 (1), 232820 (1); USNM 320325-27 (1, 2, 1), 320332 (1); VIMS 03504 (1). •Valid as Dibranchus tremendus Bradbury 1999 -- (Moore et al. 2003:214 [ref. 27076], Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:121 [ref. 37485], Bradbury & Pietsch 2016:2058 [ref. 34598], Fermon et al. 2022:302 [ref. 39448], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus tremendus Bradbury 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Gulf of Mexico south to Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), including Caribbean Sea; eastern Atlantic: Gabon south to Namibia. Habitat: marine.

triangularis, Malthopsis Lloyd [R. E.] 1909:169 [Memoirs of the Indian Museum v. 2 (no. 3); ref. 2814] Andaman Sea, 10°21'N, 92°46'15"E, Investigator station 332, depth 279 fathoms. Syntypes: ZSI F1121/1 (1), F1125/1 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:165 [ref. 20743], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47-48 [ref. 22148]. Figured in Lloyd 1909:Pl. 45 (figs. 1-1a) [ref. 20539]. •Synonym of Malthopsis mitrigera Gilbert & Cramer 1897 -- (Ochiai & Mitani 1956:274 [ref. 38864], Bradbury 1967:416 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2010:8 [ref. 31024]). Current status: Synonym of Malthopsis mitrigera Gilbert & Cramer 1897. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

truncata, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:454 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] America. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4772. Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:146 [ref. 6339], Bauchot & Daget 1996:243 [ref. 22899]. Appeared first as Malthe truncata without distinguishing features in Cuvier 1829:252 [ref. 995] and in Richardson 1836:103 [ref. 3731]. •Valid as Malthe truncata (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Herrera 1896:73 [ref. 39336]). •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

tumifrons, Halieutopsis Garman [S.] 1899:90, Pl. 25 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Galápagos Islands, 0°36'N, 86°46'W, Albatross station 3400A, depth 1322 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28729. Paralectotypes: MCZ 28730 (1). Lectotype selected by Bradbury 1962:2 [ref. 20300]. •Valid as Halieutopsis tumifrons Garman 1899 -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1988:15 [ref. 6428], Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:190 [ref. 30957], Ho 2021:60 [ref. 38926], Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Halieutopsis tumifrons Garman 1899. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) endemic. IUCN (2023): Data Deficient. Habitat: marine.

velutina, Malthopsis Ho [H.-C.] 2020:865, Figs. 4-5 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 68; ref. 38017] Eiao Island, Marquesas Islands, Polynesia, South Pacific, 7°55'59"S, 140°43'1"W, depth 420 - 430 meters. Holotype: MNHN 2008-1227. Paratypes: MNHN. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Malthopsis velutina Ho 2020. Current status: Valid as Malthopsis velutina Ho 2020. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia, South Pacific. Habitat: marine.

velutinus, Dibranchus Bradbury [M. G.] 1999:285, Figs. 10e, 14 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 51 (no. 5); ref. 23930] Peru-Chile Trench, 4°59'S, 81°24.5'W. Holotype (unique): CAS 82223. •Valid as Dibranchus velutinus Bradbury 1999 -- (Bradbury 2003:4 [ref. 27309], Robertson et al. 2017:69 [ref. 35676]). Current status: Valid as Dibranchus velutinus Bradbury 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Nicaragua to Peru. Habitat: marine.

vermicularis, Halieutopsis Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:209, Pls. 20 (fig. 1), 21 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Balayan Bay, Luzon Island, 13°44'24"N, 120°45'30"E, Philippines, Albatross station 5365, depth 214 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 70272. •Valid as Halieutopsis vermicularis Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Okamura et al. 1987:204 [ref. 6850], Bradbury 1988:15 [ref. 6428], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:598 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:8 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutopsis nasuta (Alcock 1891) -- (Ho 2021:37 [ref. 38926]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutopsis nasuta (Alcock 1891). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

vespertilio, Lophius Linnaeus [C.] 1758:236 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] American Ocean. Holotype (unique): Zool. Inst. Uppsala [Mus. Alströmer-Linné] 40. Type catalog: Lönnberg 1896:39 [ref. 23530]. Holotype is dried and mounted. •Valid as Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Bradbury 1967:427 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:247 [ref. 6538], Andreata & Séret 1996:584 [ref. 16204], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:124 [ref. 37485], Nión et al. 2016:41 [ref. 35565], Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Spier et al. 2018:8 [ref. 36103], Ribeiro et al. 2019:6 [ref. 36717], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:684 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:85 [ref. 40480], Hoff et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40463]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: New York (U.S.A.) south to Uruguay. IUCN (2019): Least Concern. Habitat: marine.

vittata, Halieutaea stellata var. Weber [M.] 1913:566 [Die Fische der Siboga-Expedition; ref. 4602] Bali Sea; New Guinea; North of Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, Siboga station 15, 167, and 312; depth 95-274 meters. Syntypes: ZMA 102166 (1), 102172 (5), 112979 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:65 [ref. 19236]. •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

westraliensis, Halicmetus Ho [H.-C.] & Last [P. R.] 2018:185, Figs. 2B, 4 [Zootaxa 4508 (no. 2); ref. 36258] Southwest of Imperieuse Reef, Rowley Shoals, Western Australia, 18°07'S, 118°09'E, depth 400-404 meters. Holotype: CSIRO CA 3647. Paratypes: AMS, CSIRO, NMV, WAM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Halicmetus westraliensis Ho & Last 2018. Current status: Valid as Halicmetus westraliensis Ho & Last 2018. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: West coast of Australia. Habitat: marine.

xenoderma, Halieutaea Prokofiev [A. M.] 2020:331 [Munis Entomology & Zoology v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 37735] Off eastern Australia, 32°30.7' - 32°29.1'S, 155°27.1' - 155°36.2'E, depth 0 - 500 meters. Holotype (unique): IOM 03618. •Valid as Halieutaea xenoderma Prokofiev 2020. Current status: Valid as Halieutaea xenoderma Prokofiev 2020. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southwest Pacific. Habitat: marine.

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