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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Genera in the family or subfamily Synaphobranchidae: [ 19 ] records Atractodenchelys Robins [C. H.] & Robins [C. R.] 1970:296 Fem. Atractodenchelys phrix Robins & Robins 1970. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Atractodenchelys Robins & Robins 1970 -- (Robins & Robins 1976:250 [ref. 3784], Robins & Robins 1989:240 [ref. 13287], Chen & Mok 1995:927 [ref. 21892], Smith 2003:723 [ref. 26989], Karmovskaya 2003:441 [ref. 27168], Vo & Ho 2020:588 [ref. 37326], Tighe et al. 2024:49 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Valid as Atractodenchelys Robins & Robins 1970. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Conchognathus Collett [R.] 1889:123 Masc. Conchognathus grimaldii Collett 1889. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Simenchelys Gill 1879 -- (Blache et al. 1973:223 [ref. 7185], Robins & Robins 1989:214 [ref. 13287]). Current status: Synonym of Simenchelys Gill 1879. Synaphobranchidae: Simenchelyinae. Diastobranchus Barnard [K. H.] 1923:441 Masc. Diastobranchus capensis Barnard 1923. Type by monotypy. Diactobranchus is a misspelling. •Synonym of Synaphobranchus Johnson 1862 (Robins & Robins 1989:219 [ref. 13287]). •Valid as Diastobranchus Barnard 1923 -- (Castle 1986:188 [ref. 5644], Paxton et al. 1989:107 [ref. 12442], Gon 1990:102 [ref. 21680], Gomon et al. 1994:195 [ref. 22532], Sulak & Shcherbachev 1997:1161 [ref. 22986], Karmovskaya 2003:438 [ref. 27168], Paxton et al. 2006:261 [ref. 28995], Smith 2008:161 [ref. 30621], Svendsen et al. 2011:255 [ref. 31757], Smith & Stewart 2015:241 [ref. 34234]). Current status: Valid as Diastobranchus Barnard 1923. Synaphobranchidae: Synaphobranchinae. Dysomma Alcock [A. W.] 1889:459 Neut. Dysomma bucephalus Alcock 1889. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Dysomma Alcock 1889 -- (Robins & Robins 1976:256 [ref. 3784], Karrer 1982:89 [ref. 5679], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:27 [ref. 6441], Saldanha & Bauchot in Whitehead et al. 1986:587 [ref. 13676], Castle 1986:189 [ref. 5644], Robins & Robins 1989:244 [ref. 13287], Chen & Mok 1995:927 [ref. 21892], Smith 1999:1660 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:722 [ref. 26989], Smith 2003:723 [ref. 26989], Fricke et al. 2009:18 [ref. 30213], Ho et al. 2010:26 [ref. 31218], Zhang et al. 2010:305 [ref. 31511], Ho et al. 2015:87 [ref. 34124], Fricke et al. 2018:1 [ref. 35780], Fricke et al. 2018:41 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:29 [ref. 36273], Ho & Tighe 2018:52 [ref. 36037], Fricke et al. 2019:53 [ref. 36673], Prokofiev 2019:317 [ref. 36804], Vo et al. 2024:11 [ref. 40748], Tighe et al. 2024:49 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Valid as Dysomma Alcock 1889. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Dysommina Ginsburg [I.] 1951:450 Fem. Dysommina rugosa Ginsburg 1951. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Dysommina Ginsburg 1951 -- (Karrer 1982:96 [ref. 5679], Robins & Robins 1989:242 [ref. 13287], Smith 1999:1661 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:723 [ref. 26989], Ho et al. 2015:86, 100 [ref. 34124], Fricke et al. 2018:42 [ref. 35805], Tighe et al. 2018:43 [ref. 36036], Vo et al. 2024:11 [ref. 40748], Tighe et al. 2024:52 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Valid as Dysommina Ginsburg 1951. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Dysommopsis Alcock [A. W.] 1891:137 Fem. Dysommopsis muciparus Alcock 1891. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Dsyommopsis in Zoological Record for 1891. •Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889 -- (Robins & Robins 1976:256 [ref. 3784], Robins & Robins 1989:244 [ref. 13287], Tighe et al. 2024:49 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Gymnosimenchelys Tanaka [S.] 1908:2 Fem. Gymnosimenchelys leptosomus Tanaka 1908. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Simenchelys Gill 1879 -- (Robins & Robins 1989:214 [ref. 13287]). Current status: Synonym of Simenchelys Gill 1879. Synaphobranchidae: Simenchelyinae. Haptenchelys Robins [C. H.] & Martin [D. M.] in Robins & Robins 1976:267 Fem. Haptenchelys texis Robins & Martin 1976. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Haptenchelys Robins & Martin 1976 -- (Anderson et al. 1986:795 [ref. 5164], Robins & Robins 1989:232 [ref. 13287], Sulak & Shcherbachev 1997:1161 [ref. 22986], Smith 2003:722 [ref. 26989]). Current status: Valid as Haptenchelys Robins & Martin 1976. Synaphobranchidae: Synaphobranchinae. Histiobranchus Gill [T. N.] 1883:255 Masc. Histiobranchus infernalis Gill 1883. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Synaphobranchus Johnson 1862 -- (Robins & Robins 1989:219 [ref. 13287]). •Valid as Histiobranchus Gill 1883 -- (Blache et al. 1973:252 [ref. 7185], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:26 [ref. 6441], Saldanha & Bauchot in Whitehead et al. 1986:588 [ref. 13676], Castle 1986:189 [ref. 5644], Paxton et al. 1989:107 [ref. 12442], Gon 1990:103 [ref. 21680], Gomon et al. 1994:196 [ref. 22532], Sulak & Shcherbachev 1997:1161 [ref. 22986], Karmovskaya & Merrett 1998:1017 [ref. 23683], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:121 [ref. 25968], Paxton et al. 2006:262 [ref. 28995], Smith 2008:162 [ref. 30621], Almeida & Biscoito 2012:495 [ref. 32244], Parin et al. 2014:48 [ref. 33547], Smith & Stewart 2015:242 [ref. 34234]). Current status: Valid as Histiobranchus Gill 1883. Synaphobranchidae: Synaphobranchinae. Ilyophis Gilbert [C. H.] 1891:351 Masc. Ilyophis brunneus Gilbert 1891. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ilyophis Gilbert 1891 -- (Blache et al. 1973:253 [ref. 7185] as Iliophis, Robins & Robins 1976:264 [ref. 3784], Karrer 1982:99 [ref. 5679], Machida in Masuda et al. 1984:26 [ref. 6441], Saldanha & Bauchot in Whitehead et al. 1986:589 [ref. 13676], Castle 1986:189 [ref. 5644], Robins & Robins 1989:235 [ref. 13287], Karmovskaya & Parin 1999:316 [ref. 23869], Smith 1999:1660 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:722 [ref. 26989], Paxton et al. 2006:262 [ref. 28995], Smith 2008:162 [ref. 30621], Parin et al. 2014:48 [ref. 33547], Smith & Stewart 2015:244 [ref. 34234], Robertson et al. 2017:33 [ref. 35676], Fricke et al. 2018:42 [ref. 35805], Tashiro & Chen 2022:1 [ref. 39512], Tighe et al. 2024:52 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Valid as Ilyophis Gilbert 1891. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Linkenchelys Smith [D. G.] 1989:78 Fem. Linkenchelys multipora Smith 1989. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Linkenchelys Smith 1989 -- (Smith 2003:723 [ref. 26989], Tighe et al. 2024:53 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Valid as Linkenchelys Smith 1989. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Meadia Böhlke [J. E.] 1951:6 Fem. Dysomma abyssale Kamohara 1938. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Meadia Böhlke 1951 -- (Robins & Robins 1976:251 [ref. 3784], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:27 [ref. 6441], Robins & Robins 1989:239 [ref. 13287], Mok et al. 1991 [ref. 19973], Smith 1999:1661 [ref. 24661], Fricke et al. 2009:18 [ref. 30213], Smith & Stewart 2015:245 [ref. 34234], Vo et al. 2021:181 [ref. 38239], Tighe et al. 2024:53 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Valid as Meadia Böhlke 1951. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Nettodarus Whitley [G. P.] 1951:407 Masc. Nettastoma brevirostre Facciolà 1887. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Todarus Grassi & Calandruccio 1896 [preoccupation not researched, Whitley provides no details]. •Valid as Nettodarus Whitley 1951 -- (Blache et al. 1973:237 [ref. 7185]). •Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889 -- (Robins & Robins 1976:256 [ref. 3784], Saldanha & Bauchot in Whitehead et al. 1986:587 [ref. 13676], Robins & Robins 1989:244 [ref. 13287], Tighe et al. 2024:49 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Nettophichthys Holt [E. W. L.] 1891:122 Masc. Nettophichthys retropinnatus Holt 1891. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Synaphobranchus Johnson 1862 -- (Blache et al. 1973:252 [ref. 7185], Robins & Robins 1989:219 [ref. 13287]). Current status: Synonym of Synaphobranchus Johnson 1862. Synaphobranchidae: Synaphobranchinae. Simenchelys Gill [T. N.] in Goode & Bean 1879:27 Fem. Simenchelys parasiticus Gill 1879. Type by monotypy. Simenchelis is a misspelling. •Valid as Simenchelys Gill 1879 -- (Blache et al. 1973:223 [ref. 7185], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:26 [ref. 6441], Saldanha & Bauchot in Whitehead et al. 1986:590 [ref. 13676], Castle 1986:190 [ref. 5644], Paxton et al. 1989:108 [ref. 12442], Robins & Robins 1989:214 [ref. 13287], Sulak & Shcherbachev 1997:1161 [ref. 22986], Smith 1999:1660 [ref. 24661], Smith 2003:721 [ref. 26989], Paxton et al. 2006:263 [ref. 28995], Smith 2008:163 [ref. 30621], Fricke et al. 2009:18 [ref. 30213], Smith & Stewart 2015:246 [ref. 34234], Fricke et al. 2018:42 [ref. 35805], Brown et al. 2019:154 [ref. 36444]). Current status: Valid as Simenchelys Gill 1879. Synaphobranchidae: Simenchelyinae. Sinomyrus Lin [S.-Y.] 1933:93 Masc. Sinomyrus angustus Lin 1933. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889 -- (Robins & Robins 1976:256 [ref. 3784], Robins & Robins 1989:244 [ref. 13287], Ho et al. 2015:87 [ref. 34124], Tighe et al. 2024:49 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Synaphobranchus Johnson [J. Y.] 1862:169 Masc. Synaphobranchus kaupii Johnson 1862. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Synaphobranchus Johnson 1862 -- (Blache et al. 1973:252 [ref. 7185], Karrer 1982:84 [ref. 5679], Asano in Masuda et al. 1984:26 [ref. 6441], Saldanha & Bauchot in Whitehead et al. 1986:591 [ref. 13676], Castle 1986:190 [ref. 5644], Paxton et al. 1989:108 [ref. 12442], Robins & Robins 1989:219 [ref. 13287], Gomon et al. 1994:196 [ref. 22532], Sulak & Shcherbachev 1997:1161 [ref. 22986], Smith 1999:1660 [ref. 24661], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:121 [ref. 25968], Smith 2003:722 [ref. 26989], Paxton et al. 2006:263 [ref. 28995], Smith 2008:164 [ref. 30621], Fricke et al. 2009:18 [ref. 30213], Almeida et al. 2010:66 [ref. 31350], Zhang et al. 2010:314 [ref. 31511], Parin et al. 2014:48 [ref. 33547], Smith & Stewart 2015:247 [ref. 34234], Bañón et al. 2016:304 [ref. 34397], Fricke et al. 2018:42 [ref. 35805], Ho et al. 2018:68 [ref. 36038], Fricke et al. 2019:53 [ref. 36673]). Current status: Valid as Synaphobranchus Johnson 1862. Synaphobranchidae: Synaphobranchinae. Thermobiotes Geistdoerfer [P.] 1991:93 Neut. Thermobiotes mytilogeiton Geistdoerfer 1991. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Thermobiotes Geistdoerfer 1991 -- (Smith 1999:1660 [ref. 24661]). Current status: Valid as Thermobiotes Geistdoerfer 1991. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. Todarus Grassi [G. B.] & Calandruccio [S.] 1896:349 Masc. Nettastoma brevirostre Facciolà 1887. Type by monotypy. Preoccupeid by Todarus Rafinesque 1840, a cephalopod; replaced by Nettodarus Whitley 1951. •Objective synonym of Nettodarus Whitley 1951 -- (Blache et al. 1973:238 [ref. 7185]). •Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889 -- (Robins & Robins 1976:256 [ref. 3784], Robins & Robins 1989:244 [ref. 13287], Tighe et al. 2024:49 [ref. 41546]). Current status: Synonym of Dysomma Alcock 1889. Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae. |