Rhexipanchax (subgenus of Procatopus) Huber [J. H.] 1999:73 Masc. Haplochilichthys nimbaensis Daget 1948. Type by original designation. With subtitle: "Description of Rhexipanchax, n. subgen., a new Periguinean taxon with a broken outline of the lower body shape." •Synonym of Apocheilichthys Bleeker 1863, but a valid subgenus Rhexipanchax as described -- (Lazara 2001:36 [ref. 25711]). •Valid as Rhexipanchax Huber 1999 -- (Huber 2005:16 [ref. 28394]). Current status: Valid as Rhexipanchax Huber 1999. Procatopodidae: Procatopodinae.